OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 24, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-24/ed-1/seq-7/

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IlnicrMi in the ras of RV 'touch.'
l-l-yenr-nld i)cdin boy. charit'-d with
the murder uf hi father, was madSj
manifest this mornlnc When the trial1
of the rase opened in Judge A. W.j
Ajrec s division of tli- district couit
nnd ;i large number of apci tatnrs "J-,
pearcd. many of whom were women.
I J ne session inis morning conummi
few interesting features, for Hi" time
was wholly consumed In the exainina
tlon of the jurors. The examination
flrnppc.l along tediously, but the spec
tators remained In their sent and
DOIIB Of them left before thr- noon
TI. I F l '! FRID Y.
. So juror had been entirely pUKd
U . upon at noon, although many ot ihem
had been examined and found satis
factory to the defense. Examination
of the jurors bv Jiis'nct .Attorney Stu
nrx r iobbs will take place this aft
enoon and U apresrS not llke.lv that
testimony will be taken in th case
until Friday morning when the case
will convene after the Thanksgiving
holiday tomonow
n. Juror, W illiam Douglas, was ex
cused after examination whn he told
the court he had formed .in unquali
fied opinion in the case and he could
not sit In the iury box and act in an
entirelv impurtial manner. i he opin
ion he had formed was not explained
Throughout the proceedings this
morning the 14-year-old Ind sat be
' tween George Halverson and Hal
Fan. counsel for the boy, and itp
peared unperturbed and iiulet while
the jurors were examined. His SysS
frequently moved from Judge Aicee to
ihe Juror who was belnjr iiesi ioncd
but he remained entirely still and cre
ated ih Impression fiom hie expres
sion thai he did not thoroughly under
stand as to what was taking place,
lie irosf quickly to his feet once whn
Judge Agee spol; his name, hut iru
medlatel sat down when Mr. Halvcr
sen placed his hand upon hlfl simuldei
and directed him to remain in his seat.
The name of his dead father was
mentioned several times in connection
with the examination, but the boy
gave no Indication that the word had
any effect upon him. The same situa
tion existed when Ins mother's name
was spoken. The Ind has a peculiar
habit if quickly closing and opening
his eyes and during most of the two
hour session gazed at the Judge s bench
and blinkud.
Immediately following adjournment
Kay was taken to the kitchen of the
county jnil where his dinner was wait
ing He sat down and attacked his
food with relish When asked how
Ihe felt he answered, ".ih, fine."
In the examination most of the
Jurors, in aDswer to questions. ex
plained that they had read newspaper
articles which told of the shooting of
the boys father and some of them
admitted that they had formed an
opinion of the affair, iatei question
ing;, however brought forth the fact
that none of them had formed an
opinion which could not bt entirelv
disregarded in the trial, with the ex
ception of lr. Douglas, who was ex
cused. Mr. Haherson began his examina
tion after the Juiors had been ques-'
tloned and instructed bj fudge Agee
in regard to their duties as jurymen.
' Mr. Haherson made sspeclal efforts to
determine whether the Jurors had
children and then turned On examina
tion over to his associate counsel.
Mr. Farr. explaining that he was not
physically aide to continue the SrOrk
owing ti illness Mi Halverson re
mained In the courtroom, however
r i i. mi n EXAsnxj i
At noon twelve men had bSeJB ex
amined by Judge Agee and were being
questioned by Mr Fan when adjourn-'
ment came. The nun will be exam
ined by Mr. Uobbs during the after
noon session whli ii opens ut 2 o'clock
Tnose connected with the ease thought
it unlikely at noon that the trial would
get under way until l-'iida-. morning,
although it rna be possible- thai "ohm
witnesses may take the stand late this1
a fternoon.
Jurors in the case will not miss to
morrows holiday and their Thanksgiv- ,
Ing dinner b.v reason of serving, y,s
they will be allowed to separate to-1
night .and go to their homes it was
The Jurymen who were under exam-'
(nation nt noon today when the ad
lournment came. were Lawrence
ftltchie. Krigham Robinson, lleber T.
Helm. Charles H Hussey. Albert '
Treseder, Peter J ChrlStenSen, S. V.
frow. E. A. Barnes, William II Wade.
Rimer Taylor. John A. Nelson and
Jed Ballantyne.
Carmen Bagley Winner
In Chow Chow Contest
Miss nrmen BaRle of tlir. f'inpree
school, has heen announced the win
ner of the 'short'" story contest staged
In the sixth grades of the i laden
schools under, the supervision of the
Medical association. Keen competition
rilled in all of the contests and It was
only after lengthy discussion that the
J'idgc awarded Miss Bagley first
Idace. She will , receive $1510 foi her
The stories weer w ritten on "Chow -Chow
"' the health clown who recently
I visited Ogrdeh. The judges of the con
test were Mrs. Florence Xewcomb of
thr. English department of the High
i school. Miss Ida FltsslmmonSi and
Mrs B. B W. Beed
Second prize of $10. 0o was awarded
to Karl Rogers of the tMngree school
Third prize goes to Miss Bnth
Agee of the Lewis s hool The stories
'submitted by the three members will
appear In the Sunday l!sue of the
Standard-Exa miner
Rehearsal for Play
Takes Place on Friday
Because the regular Thursday eve
ning rehearsal falls on Thanksgiving
day. Boo Major, director of 'The
Three TirJOS" production, announced
todav that the Thursday rehearsal
would be held Friday evening Instead
He declares that It is imperative tha'
every member of the cast he ires
rnt nn Friday. The production will
be run through including" the three
?r"r i?Jrs provided by the director
These are Seven Aeo.j of fuddling."
All M ti.rls." a pantomime and
Hvpnutlc Wall z."
Ogdea Man Honored
By Scout Conference
At a conference of executives of:
the Hoy .Scouts of America twelfth
district, held nt Santo Barbara, Cal..
yesterday, W. H. Bhcarmofii, of "g-
den. was named as ;t member of the(
executive com i u it BSC and also chair-,
man of the local committee of scouts.
Mr Shearman was notified of his1
appointment by wire todav
SANTA BAB BAT: A. Cat.. Nov. 24 j
at a conference or executives of the
Boy Scouts of America, twelfth district
held here today, John MacGregOt, of
San Francisco was named chairman of
tile il i mi r it i cxh ut Is e ti.mmi't',. .ind
rep resen t a 1 1 ve of the district on the
national executive council.. thcr
committee members named .it the I "h
fereme were Arthur Letts. Los An
gcp i; Duncan ttsckhmon .San DlSgO,
'al Kmll Guntselalnger, Fresno,!
Rlehard Lyman. Salt Lake City; VV.
1 1 shearman, Ogden, Utah; M B;
BaseRlne, I'rescoti. Ariz;, and C; i '.
Moore, San Francisco.
uo -
Eric Von Slroheim's "Blind
Husbands" at the Lyceum to
day. See all the bio specials
for a dune. Coming tomorrow
Tom Mix in "The Cyclone."
Open every day at 10:45 a. m.
H To Care a Cold I
I One 1
Grove's 1
Laxative H
Bromo 1
Quinlkw I
tablets I
Popular all over the World as a remedy
for Colds, Grip and Influenza and as a
Be sure its Bromo
The genuine bears ttys
this signature . , jC&TtTZrE
I W r Price 30c. B
While They Last
Crown Union Made Overalls
252 25th St.
Look for Electric Sign, B. Cohen
Business and Circulation Oept 56
Advrtllno Deot. 2S
Editorial ind News Dept. 870
Yonnt: People ThS members of th
yOUTlg peoples' nocli'tlcs of the Evan
ireiicnl churches of the iiy will meet
! st the KIrst ConTSS.tlonal church to
moriow mnrnlnR f"r a unite, i Th.MiK '-
i i inir serrlce A tare's sttendancs is
i fleslrel.
Dr WrlR-ht movr,! to 325 Krrles
RMjr. 7503
iTianLrn Iiik Service Thanksgriv
j inK servloea will be held at the First
! Church of ?hrlst BclsntiSt, corner of
Mnnro. avenue and Twentyfourtli
street, tomorrow, nt II a.m. The ub-
i jeet i- "ThanKsglvlng."
Clean larco rag's wanted nt Tl.o
6t&ndarv3-Kamlr,er oft'ee. i''1
I'ublh Scr Ice on Think
day. public services wll ! held In
the Church of the Good Shepherd at
10 o'clock to which all are Invltod,
I according to announcement b the
I rector. John W. llyslop
''CT'len Typewriter House for type
writers and rcp.ius. 24-2 Hudson ave
1 nue Phone 3G
Bond p)rvcii Th bond of j.
R. Downing for $ 1000 was approved
by the city commission this morning.
Mr DOW log has been granted a II
. ense to cvonduct brixlng matches
in i Sjpden snd the bond was required
by the city as evidence of good faith.
rrro Illustrated lecture Wednesday
evening si I p. m. at Reorganised
Church of Jesns Christ, . D. 8., 1601
Washington avenue, by 1 R. Rurton,
NsUTOSj UL 7i)j)
Kat your turkey dinner nt ihe
Poriola cfe. 37"t 24th Sirert.
! Births
Chaiie8 K. ami Yelma Oibbs Thorn
ton, boy, Nov. J I .
Samuel and Pora Oordon, boy, No
vember S.
Jav 'leorgc nuij Iva Valentine Burr,
girl. 'Nov. IS
Charles K and Mabel Gardner An
gen. girl. Nov. VS.
IClevious and 1. title Peterson Ilium,
girl Nov. 21
Jeorge and Gladys Walklns- Ander
son girl. Nov. is.
v liford an. I Uella .Mitchell Chrlsten--
n girl. Nov. D.
Horace K. inl Annie Thomas Raw-
son, girt, Nov. 7
Ro il and Mary Slttedttlg Uayden,
bo. Nov. t.
Thomas A. and Mary K. Newton
Siokes. hoy. ct. 1
Bryan V- nnd Bernice Smith Landes,
boy, Nov. 9.
Larin J. -nJ Mary Reii Taylor, girl.
Nov. .
William I., and Louise Rrotherlon
Swan, lioy, Nov.
Harold A. and L lnnie Mederaft Ol
sen. boy, Nov . 11.
Joseph A. and Sabra Allgood
Wrigiit, girl. Nov. 13
George f". and Henrietta Meyer.
Grill, girl. Nov .V
I'rederlck and Myra L. Shreeve Kro
erer. girl, Nov .14. .
William S and Lura Chambei
Wright, hoy. Nov. 1 0
John and Josephine Sallca Scardlno,
girl. Nov. 13.
Curtlti and Hslsa 1-agill lioff. girl,
Nov. 2.
Jack B. and Kuby E. Rockefeller
West, girl Nov 13
, Royal B. and Tliilma Stone Gud
ImundBOn, bo.v, Nov II
Nathan Russell and Dorothy Woods,
Tanner, girl. Met. 27.
ChuZQ and Saku Ohl Sato, girl. I
William P and Helen Walker Bar
ton, girl. Nov. 10.
Charles K and BflUU Cash Vanch-1
olack. girl, Nov S
Robert A. and I.Ida Burch Peart,
boy Nov. 0
Benjamin F. and Ruth Gillev
ICharleawortb girl, Nov. 13.
Charles I and Eva Maw Bacon,,
t vv in girls. i. t 'i
Lester E. and PTorsncS Williams'
Wilcox, girl. Nov 12
William H and M(ta Mattson Cow
lishaw, girl. ct 31.
Samuel N and Zlna 'Griffin Jordan,
'girl. Oct 2S
8. Robert nn Pauline Storer Cun
ningham. Klrl. Nov . 2.
Glyds 1 1 and Hazel m Wilson Eng
land, girl, Nov 8.
j Hruno and Caroline Gillotll Perrl. ;
,girl. Nov. 9
Arthur and Elsie Slav pier Wheel
wright, boy. Nov. 1 0 .
Chuichi and Ulu .Nakmo Kawa-'
gUChl, Kirl Nov. 1 .
Halcomb H. and Gwendolyn Terry
I Scott, boy. Nov. 7.
Kay and Dassie Florence Buck Glt-j
! !en, boy, Nov. 8.
Ralph M and Violet Annerseanl
Miller, girl. Nov ,i
Charles anil Elva Rhers BUllngS, I
girl. Nov. 10.
John J and Edna Mas Miller Keller.
I girl. Nov. 2.
William K. and Violet Rouse If 1111-1
Ban. glri. Nov 1 1.
Asael and LaVin Petty I'arr, girl.
Nov. 1 3
Charles and l.ela Herring McClure I
I girl. Nov. 13.
Joseph W. and Florence Treseder
Empey. bov, Oct. 20.
Andrew G and Mary Van LeeuWen
, Hewitt, boy, Nov 9.
Special Thanksgiving day
program at the Cozy tomor
row. Open at 12 o'clock.
Charlie Chaplin in "A Day's
Pleasure"; "A Son of the
North," Latest News and "The
Lost City." Admission 10c
and 15c.
Mr?. Frank Jameson of Salt Fake. I
Is spending the week as the guest of I
Mr- h n whit ton of " 9 Twelfth
Mr and Mrs J. M. Ranford of Wellr,
Nev.. will be the-house guests of Mr
end Mrs Bamuel Bsnford during the
Thanksgiving holidays
Members of the Daughters of the,
King of the church of Good Shepherd
C:iv- n il.inclng part.v last evening hi
the Guild hall About thirty cOUpIOsj
were present
Hi )F1P -S .T ESTS
Mr and Mrs . Joseph Chappie Of
Imlay, Nm , will be the guests of M rs j
A. L. Glasmann during the Thanks-j
giving holidays
Mrs. E X. Weekly will be hostess to
.the members ol the I topia club on
VVsdncsday, Pec. I. at her home, LTi
Adams avenue.
The Hlntorlcal society will give a
kenslngton and card partv at iIp
f Knights of Pythias hall from 2 30 to
G o'clock Friday Thore will he music
nnd refreshments. The society's meet
ing will take place at the hall Sat
urday. ELK'S 1 N IN. P KTV
The seend of the formal danclrfg
parties giver, by 'gden ledge No. 719,
B P, . Klks is to be given this eve
ning at the Flk's club on Grant 'ave-
: nue.
PRLM K v )N II It I- Nl 1
Membet- of the I'rlniarv department
of the First ward held a conference
In the First ward last Sunday morning-
The following program was
giv en :
Prelude l..olahel Garner
Prayer Wavne Stevens
Boug, "Autumn" . ..Primary children
Memory gems By the classes
PlanO, "Ldttls Kittens Waltz"
Hugh Stevens
Recltailon Mary Hinckley
Song. "Pretty Rosebud" Alice Brown
Story Inex Taylor
Chorus Boys
Song, "I Thank Thee Lord"
Primary classes
Prayer Vernett Garnur
Members of the Fourteenth ward
choir will give a benefit dance Thurs
la; evening In the ward hall Mem
bers of the ward and their frl ndl 1EI
I invited to come.
Banquet Tonight to
j Close Scout School
Ml nibers of the tCOUt leadrs'
School, WhiCb lOHed at W l her Normal
college last night, together with other
guests will be entertained at the Wo
ber club this eventng at a banquet, ac
cording to Scout Fxecuttve G-. A.
I' l 'i Taylor will be the toastmaster
Addresses will be made by Scout
Executive (i. A. Goates, Mayor Frank
frauds. Superintendent w . Karl Hop
kins of 'he Ogden nchools; Scoutmas
ter C. W Wimmer. and E. 8. Hinck
ley. Musical numbers will be special
features if the banquet F.ijchty-fiv
men will be In attendance.
Deaths and Funerals
FFI.I l',lt Finiernl services for Mv-
ron Fuller were held ;(t 1 3u o'clock
yesterdav afternoon :(t ihe Methodls:
burch. Rev. Hugh Neville officiated.
"My Task." was sunn by Mi- Joseph-I
ine Shorten, A. II Sander ang. "in;i
Sweetly Solemn Thought." and ""DSSU
tiful l.le of Somewhere." Members of
the Modern WOOdmsn were In attend-:
ance, as were members of the Bar-
hers' union. Intermer.i was In the Og
den 'itv cemetery with the ,iolern
Woodmen giving their ritualistic ser
I ICC at the grave.
Mi lNTOsU The bod of Mr- S-.'i
Bllxabsth Mcintosh, who died in ios
Angeles Nov. 2 will arrive in Ogilnt
thJl afternoon Mrs Mcintosh is sur
vived by one son. A. V Mcintosh and .
two daughu-is. Airs. K. A Cook and
Mis i i Ha.vnold of Los Angeles.!
The body will be taken in charge by
Ihe Kirkenda II Fndcrtaklng rompan;
l-'uneral services will be held Thurs-j
iliv at 1 o clock in ihe First Congre ,
national church. Rev Godfrey Mat
thews will officiate. The body lUy
be viewed at the chapel this evening
and tomorrow until the time of the
services. Interment will be In the
Mountain view cemetery.
BKOVYN I um-ra! ir i es for John
William Brown were held at 2 o'cloi k
it the Larklns' Funeral chapel. Bishop
LSiwrence w. Bherner officiated. The
following musical elections vverc giv
en ' ( h, My f-'alher." "Savior. Lead
Me Always," "1 Hear You Calling." bj
Frank Hickenlpoper and Mrs. William
sh.iw The maakars weer Thomas
Psrker, Jr Lawrence Malan and F. A
Larkfn Sb of the fellow workers of
the Gas ccjnipanv- acted as pall bearers
Interim n' w is in ihe i igden City
osmeterj Mr Brown was the victim
of the electric light wire accident last
Saturday night.
Unity Lodge No. 18
Free & Accepted Masons
There will be no meeting tonight.
Secretary 7700
Pantages Thanksgiving Matinee
One of the brightest vaudeville bil's ever sent over th? Pantagcs circuit will be offered to Orphtum tneatcr pd- II
trons by Manager J F. Go;-- for the holiday week and beginning tomorrov with special Thanksgiving matinee.
Little Cinderella, a reminiscent musical comedy ferturlng Eva LaRue wi'.h Ina Mitchell and Truman Stanley and
a bevy of beautiful girls Will headline the bill opening toniorrow The costuming is very chic and attractive and j
the play is replete with tuneful melodies and is designid altogether for entertaining purposes.
Herbert E Denton A. Co offer a big laughing success. "Poughkeepsie," a playlet with the funniest of comedy sit
uations that will bring plenty chuckles to aid the Thanksgiving digestion. I
Then there is Murry Livingston as "The Dreamer," a protean classic, m which he tel's you all about the Dream
er, during which he introducer, remarkable character types.
Harry and Kitty Coleman will be seen in a pleasing number, including a ventriloquist novelty, brightened by th 1
iinging of Mies Coleman.
Mora Jane and company present "Class Dancing" in their own original way. Miss Jane and her partner are past j
masters in the terpsichorean art and their offering of rythm and motion is very entcrtaim g
Another episode of "Bride 13" will furnish more thrills which, with the Orphcum concert orchestra will top off j
the bill. Night prices will prevail at the Thanksgiving matinee II
m ii r in l u. mn ii'.m. ojmm -iniMCTWWna'
SELLS AT $10.75
Suwar reached its LOWCSI ) :
in i igden today In nil of the re
tall .tlores. In .-onte uf the stoic,
It was retailing for $10.75 per
hundred while In others a flat rate
of $ii.0t) per hundred was asked
in mall lots i -1 2 cents a pound
was asked
Since the beet harvest started
in September, suaar n.iv dropped
from $25 oo tr the present p.rlce.
in California and other west
ern stales sugar Is selling as low
as $9 per hundred pound
Thanksgiving Treat
Cheers Prisoners
Roast pork will form the piece ile
resistance of the Thanksgiving din
inor for prisoners in the county J.nl
tomorrow, with "(rimmin's" consist
ing of masher) potatoes, celery, dross
Ing, pios and jetty Particular atten
lion will be given lo the meal by the
Jail cooks and it will be served in a
lalyle which will bring the prisoners
I to know, in case they have forgot
ton, f hit t the day of Ihe "best niep.l"
lof the vear has arrlVed
The bis dinner will be prepared
by Jail trusties, with Hay .lough, 14-jrear-old
boy. held lor the shooiiiiK
of his father, as chief assistant.
Mrs. Cornela James
Given Divorce Decree
Decree of divorce has been grant
ed in the district court by Judge
A -E. Pratt to Cornela ,T;u.e. from
George M. James on grounds of cruel-
ty and inhuman treatment. Mrs.'
Janus testified that her husband has
a nagging and quarrelsome disposi
tion and that his treatment has seri
ouslv impaired her health.
The court awarded Mrs. James
custody of the four children and $25
a month allmonv for their support
The couple was married in Sail Lake
November 1, 1905.
Claims Allowed by !
City Commission
Claims of the various city depart
ments amounting to more lhan $1000
were allowed by the city commis
sion ,lhls morning as follows:
Public affairs ;iud finance.. 119.89
l'ublic safety 701 BS
Parks and public properly. 160.10
Streets and public improve
ments 2.976 rr.
Waterworks -1 7. 1 7
FF.lt.NK. Switzerland. Nov ?t Tin
i International S laiist conare;- t. i.e
held In Berne has been pestpone( until
after January 1 In the meantime a pre- j
i llmlnary conference bstweeo Gernan Hnl
SwlM flolsgatcs win take piuec
) I ltl-1. I) N 1
The (Vodrpen of the World will ive
a ftec dunce to their members and
friends, Thnnksglv Ing nlsht Rvcry'
member attend and bring a frb-nd.
Come On and Laugh Out Loud
Makes the Sick Well and the
Well Weller
Not a Movie
' 1 j " 1 ' Ti! I I "V "v-"'i
Showing Our Old Fnends
Prices 50c to $2 .00
Seats Now On Sale
Tho Famous Comedians
In the Gorgeous Extravaganza
Prices $1. $1.50, $2, S2 .50
Seats on Sale Thursday
1 1 i i vil l .l I . t I . I I n
KANSAS CITY; .M.. Nov z: flans
ftnr a new national ajfvecment between
the major ml minor IsajEUCS will be
pecfect d at a .loint meetlnK f their
oonun ittoes to be held in New l'oflc
December in. President Rickey, f the
American afsociatlon was advlssd today.
Haadj tin boie of 12 tablets coat bvrb a fow cents Larger packages.
Aiplrln la th irndu mark of Bxyrr Manufacturs of Monoacrttcart('atrr of Rallcrllcaclil
Any breaking out or skin irritation H
on face, neck or body Is overcome
quickest by applying: Mentho-Sulphur. H
iijs a noted skin specialist. Because H
of its germ destroying psopertlss, H
nothing has ever boon found to take H
ibe place of this sulphur preparation H
that instantly brines ease from the H
itching, burning and irritation.
Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema right H
up. leaving the skin dsn and smooth. J
It seldom i to relieve the torment H
or disfigurement A little jar of Men. H
tho-Sulphur may be obtnined at an
IruK store. It Is used like cold cream, H
There Is only one medicine that real. H
If sSittda "lit pre-eminent as merU H
cine for curable ailments of the Uid- H
ne.v8. liver and bladder. H
Dr. Kilmer's B warn p-R oot stands the H
nighsst for the reason that it has H
n to be jut the remedy needed J
in thousand! upon thousands of dte
tressing casea Swamp-Root make H
friends quickly because ttfl mild and
immediate effect is Soon realized in
most cases. It is a gentle, healing
vegetable compound. H
Start treatment at once. Sold at
all drug stores in bottles of two sizes.
medium and large. H
However, If you wish first to test 1
hii i-rrjt preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binphamion. .
V.. for n sam)le bottle. When wrltln
be sure and mention this paper. Adv.
many chronic weaknesses and de
rangemcnL'!. this is the proven
remedy. This Prescription of
' Dr. Pierce's is a woman's tern
perance tonic for the frail, the
delicate and those who are ner
vous. dizzv, nnd who have back
ache and dragging feelings. Try
n NOW (ablets or liquid. Send
10 cents for trial package to L)r.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Stiff Joans H
Sore (VSusc.es
Smoothed Out By Hamlin's
Wizard Oil
Soreness and stiffness resulting:
from unaccustomed use of muscles
or too much exercise, such as ten
nis. baseball, golf, hand-ball, etc.,
give way quicJuv to the soothing
efTrct of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It
penetrates fast, drives out the sore
ness. and limbers up stiff, aching
joints and muscles
Hamlln'a Wtuvrd Oil la a rood depend
abla prpratlon (o have In tha madtclna H
chaat for tint aid and whan tha doctor H
may ha far iwtr. It la an abaolutl- H
reliable antiseptic application for cut. H
burnt. blti and llnp Spralna and
brulae heal rapidly under lta eoothlnr. H
panetratlnt" Quallllea. Keep It on band. H
Generoua alia botda He. f
If you are troubled with conetlpat Ion
or (irk headache try Hamlin a Wlsard 1
l.tver Whrpa. Juat pleuint llllla pink
pllia C SxuaSltta for 10c
j I No "cure" but helps to re- j
w ducc paroxysms of coughing.
w V apo Rub j
Oirr ! 7 KUllhin Jan UieJ YeaH,
i LttlJw (

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