federal. State and City Join
Forces to Drive Out
Liquor Sellers
B9h1 CHICAGO Nov ?& Chlrajro will
. j be thi mom unhalthv place for
f ,JH rrookn and the riryeal City In tho
wfl I mud States by ChrtBtmns." federal.
;fH nUitf anJ city official" dc!ird last
nliflii ..ft. r thej bad taken pari in a
'ikfEB drlv mrainst liquor dealers which In-
jMH eluded nulta to clou 72 Mloonn and
piiii.ir.i.' Injunction nhuttlns: down
kH elKht su'-h places, and federal lndlct-
rrio.it of 31 persons on eharges of
conKpirn.-y to violate the Volstead -ict
Mr.rney ;enernl Kdward Brnndn-
r free, who Instituted the 72 suits. Raid
fhnt MVaral hundrfd more won con
tamplated and that the state would
. onilnuf- the drive "until there was
not .-. drop of Intoxfcatlng liquor In
JPP'B any of Chicago's 3000 'dry saloons.'
The federal officials joined In the
hortU ' ' th ' I torn (ten- ,
ernl bad filed his siitta when Chfirh-
-4ufl dyne. rnit. d Btatea district nttor-
ney procured temporary Injunctlona
from Federal .indvc- K M Landia
ng . .phi cafes Shortly afterward
the fcdrrnl trrrind Jurv which had I
been Investigating alleged llquoi traf
fic for several wrecks returned Indict-
MftRJ menls against 31 persons.
ion. MQi'on Tim vi s
City offlclala Welcomed the atat
md federal driv i adjunct to the
roundup of criminals started on Sun- ,
day and nl1 It would make It easier'
for thm to kepp crooks out of the
city At the sarif iimc they frue-j
trated in attempt to steal $60 ooo
worth of liquor hcinc transported
through the city on trm k and .ir-
rested two persons in connection with
a tin ft of JT.O 000 worth of wine
Tiif eases of the i saloon and cafe
owners whose places Attorney Gen-I
i 1 eral Brandagee wanted closed will he!
E-k heard Friday by Judge Landia. An.
M. assistant attorney general was assign
ed to direct i Btaff "f attorneys In I
Iff prosecuting the cases i d Mr. Clynej
volunteered the assistance of his of-
'ttraPI Shortly after the liquor drive be-
' ' came known, thi. rit . -nun. il a.l.iptr d 1 I
SU4v A resolution authorizing the mayor to
d&i&fl cull a meetlnp of all state's attorneys ' I
fTOfH aiul mayors of Illinois to plan a State- I
wide campaign against lawbreaklng 1 1
jvlsB and Chief of Police Fitamorrle die- I
iV 'H missed William Tobln. patrolman, for I
,-38 nlleped "whisky running " Pucther j 1
NSjH dismissals will follow, the rhie1' said, i
The theft of J17S.O0O worth of
BtAfiB whisky from local railroad vard
started the Investigation which found
its climnx in today's drive it was
charged that this li.juor l.r. nthl h-re
illicitly from Louovllli w . guarded
RSfiH by policeman and then stolen from
nKjH them by another hand which also in- u
W9 eluded members of ibe police force. 1 1
3lfl The injunctions Issued and the suits I
3a9H filed cover many of Chicago's most j I
"'iS ,1,or'ouprart's' while the indictments
Include men well known hero and in R
pther cities and several members of I
LSD the police force R
Miss Emily Aland became the bride H
opluH of Alvln Payne last Tuesday eve ; P
gc?S nine at the home of her parents. ' I
Mr. and Mrs. A. H Aland on Grunt
avenue Apostle I .avid O. McKay of
flciated at tbe wedding The bride .
was gowned In blue silk and carried j
white bride's roses combined with ;
-vsa white carnations and ferns. Miss
Verla Richardson was thf brldemald I
Phillip Combe as best man Mr. and
Mrs Payne are spending their hon
eymoon in San Francisco and will
mum to Ogden to make their home
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
aid Society "f the First Congri
gatlona (.hurili has been postponed;
uniil December 10
'si Mis Pred Schade will be hostess
to the members of the Beaux Esprit
15 v club at her home, 2570 Fowlei ave
nue, Frldaj afternoon at 2
''m o'clock.
Mrs. A. YV. Walker entertained a
number of friends Wednesday at her
home at an afternoon part
Mrs. P. E. Teete will entertain the I
Missionary- society of the First !
Presbtcrlan church at her home,!
2C31 Qulncy avenue, Friday after
noon. Mrs. C II Stevens and Miss
Mildred Ware will gle musical se- ,
lections during the alternoon Church .
members are invited
Mrs. P Breen will be hostess to
the members of the Su Joseph s Sew
Ing society Friday afternoon In the
St. Joseph's hall.
Members of the Acacia club will !
meet Friday with Mrs. H A. Sodei
berg at her home, 2662 Adams ave
nue Mrs R, B. Porter will give a
. paper on tbe opera. 'Faust,'' with
I selections from the opera on the
(By International News Benrice )
BOSTtJN Baked apples 15 cents
S That's what downtown restaurants
and quick lunch resorts ar0 charging
for them
Choicest hand-picked Baldwins are
selling at retail at Jl 50 B bushel und
from 100 to 125 apple In a bushel.
Fifteen cents for apples that cost
Iho caf fellows from a cent und a
quarter to a cent and a half apiece.
Cut out this slip, unclose with 6c
and mail It to Foley &. Co.. 2S35 Shef
field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You will
receive In roturn a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds and croup,
Foley Kidney Pills for pain In slds
and back; rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments, and Fo-
ley Cathartic Tablets. a wholesome
and thoroughly cleansing cathartic
for consttputlon, biliousness, head
i nches. and sluggish bowels. 8old ev.
rywherti Adv.
It Is reported that l-'ort Riley Kan- I
Is to be made the largest CSV- I
airy station In the Lulled Stales. '
mMw in its second successful week ts !
radical reductions I
Tables Hey wood Art Reeds Willon Rugs Windsor Phonographs Wilton Rugs o. 8784- SliSSmvri. .tee 4-6. 1
7fj1 b P table golden oak dia ROCKERS, CHAIRS, SETTEES All wool and fiber rugs, grass rug-. At special prices. One of the linen Karnak finest Wilton Rugs, sailing fUu woven wire spring top, 36 full H H
metr o( tip l'.iii ' ilkO m s 25 discount and rag rugs reduced one third in machines made All cases are solid until recently ar 8180 to Ti r a Bpiral springs act as support Reg- 1
feet JC 50 value a j aa prli and the in. .tor and reproducer are $200 now reduced to plJU ular $16.00 value 19 00 I
now ' &4U.yU DeauUftll complete line to choose tho highesi -.-radc , , u . im , On sale tpl..UU
Tahi, rnmad a sk ., u 42 from Nothing lB finer for Chrlsl Kashgar Wilton RUgB in 9x12 sizes Il-ral. W .Hons, hu-hest qualh W.I N .ltnmons- fabric spring. j
EAKndJV -aBglfU, l8B8rad, $105"- $87.50 $155 f 'J I
(, , $5?5y vtdue ?( At No. 9490. Heywood Art Reed Rock am VJ ..... v battleship gray, malleable spring j
now'. POy.4U er. frosted brown eolor, upholstered N -,. Seamle8B chenille Rug. No. 27 Windspr (Ml AAA Sedan Worsted Wiltons, djiyji corners. 814.50 $10 88 I
K-2030-XB. Golden oak table, pedes- ' tapestry, full spring 912 size, blue ground. 8200 1 Cft 8140.00, now llU.UU 9x12 size, reduced to 3I44 valu. , , ,. -.,,,,7. i
srt.-rv:?..:'. 537.50 160 . $125co sssr-"r, 6.
Slue now A26.25 no .9481 45.00 00 7C arnal Wiltons, finest gra.de. now VILO.VV N 102 G 0 flresaer, G. oak. J
diut, now v 1. tDjj.lJ (Km . 1 Ami Bundbar Wiltons, famous for thir . 1 - 7
Buffets S35G5 : : $151 $265.00 SaittSVS fflTSc - $33-75 1
x,n l-K,,at H. t - 3,-ti; ,V3V 07 in Seton Worsts WUton. extra $117.45 '''ZJ'
$60.00 ' , - $M4 Heating S.ov.s Reduced ,,, IwlItM1.., g. -Sfc .?S1 SSi
RC 473 Fumed oak buffet Medium ' ' " A" $31 90 25', and S.3xl0 6 sizes- tff.A inches
Bite. Extremely weU made. Mission "1 ... . ..,. T";,!n No. 5017-E Balbeck Wilton, size v 9x12 now 8100. 8.3x10 6 ... WJ No 800. G. O. dresser top 18x36
CQ7C '"' , V, " ' ' ' 9x12.8145 d1 aa 95.00 Estate OaH f71 or . u , u.m . Inches, mirror 20x24 Inches, we
now Jbbj.O ""' zrade ilbiUU Heater fo I l.LO Oakdale Wool Wiltons, values up to made, two large drawers, two small
lit-.184. Buffel.'Ko.u.n 7,k. full - , ,. (Mk " L 7C 140 in 9x12 size. r. CglAA ...vers $42 60 (tOI OO
(1. 1 -"$82.50 EstateRan.co Hugro Vacuum Sweepers $63.75 -e W JoVS
1111 -V K 'n $549 1 $48.63 -A: , r .. . $50 i::;;!--;,;:;-;,:;;--.--
simuar reaucuom value, now . P0D.4U value $JA0 So 14. LX. L. Hot Blast Heater. T lTy 00 187.50 value. Now j0.1j
- . . 18-in Novel Estate Squar. 6 e Model De Luxe. 9iB0 fc7 AA 836.00 value, 9C1 ruKS ' 30O Man others at similar reductions.
China Cabinets top. $moo value. (ni oa .,Ue CPl.UU uow V&VMO
R0785VsM. Fumed oak buffet, uuir now 45JlxU No l2 v l Hoi Blasl Heater. Other Rugs Comforters 1
roK back of top shelf rfj.l or All Novel Estate Ranges with Hugro Carpet Sweeper, &a nr tgi.oo value, tOQ OC ff. . , , vnnA
$56.00 value $4LZ!) reservoirs at same reductions n- 34.UD ntls iJ)Z0.ZD Rag Rugs reduced 83 1-8 per cent $6.00 cotton filled comforts gpod
No RM-247VS Colonial stylo golden m,M pi0,rr n ifi Estate Victor Heater Orass Rugs reduced 33 1-3 per cent size- Reduced 5R4 2S I
$7125 W $400 $43.13 h $425
No. GK-529 American walnut buf " ' Sn V i
fet. Wlllluni and Mar) Perclval ! T. rv T. .p reduced uo,v
style a verj fin. piece foi the t Q A Ds3l7XQ I INfi ll P 1 I Wl S
money. $69.60 value (fcCOiA KULjl5 AK-T t, 1 O Jl-KJ IVIO Blankets !
metPaettesime Z&Z Coogoleum Rugs Wilton Rugs Klear-Fiax Rugs Carpets 8fl per cent woo, , J80 Sanv
- L IfST ;salj No. 681.5 Bundhar wLn. 8X12 m.earflax RUGSReduccd CarpeU on Bale at g;00 . $10.00
Dining Room Chairs g I,62 I05 '"'""value. (tllOCA colors 107-LIght brown S5 . .. No. 470-Part-wool blanket, large
No. 677-2. Golden oak dining room 329 , x 8 05 pIbw ipll-U Colora i09Llght rose. Wiltons. 8,7.00 grade. Jcaa sse. piBk stripe; sample. tfA AA
chair $6 00 value. 0A v, J6Jg 3r, 9 95 Oakdale Wilton Rugs, 9x12 else $60 f rl2 Klear Plaa $45.00 now .... PJ.UV gllJ. jP -W
now 5p4.5U 355 . 0.80 8 05 Six patterns to choo,, from A 45 55 8x10 KL-M, , 34 15 Axmins.er. $7 50 grade, r CA No . 2.U-P art-wool blank et. large
No .48 2. Oak Chair. Sad'dle seal N() 92. Utility Ru mz, t.x't. wrv Knod quality of wool Wilt on 31 00 6x0 Kl-w H,x. 23.75 now 0D.DU size ; pink and h,.e - blank., g
$5.29 $4.50 .,t:.J1,ofCTreof n 53 iEtSZXZ 16 00 era" $4.50 S ;u $8.50 I
d:-v, oa r $3.15 ;."t , $I0 isss . S3 $3.50 n;;::B i
now 5)4.20 i-onsoieun,.. wide yaX gdoj ' itA 325 27x36 Klear Plax 3 95 HUlng. $16 grade Jjjjq
cVoOOlu? lTrl can be cu, anv leng.h Regular ' $105 0 18x36 Klear Pla, 3.15 njv . ! . $3.25 Ali-wool b.anTef.l" J
uow1"' $7.95 v, "n d $2 68 Blgelo Balbeck Wilton Rug. Grass Rues Tapestries, 83.60 grade, d0 Cal 72x80 tan plaid effect, extra qual- l
No. 972-2. '"doiden oak spindle back. Persian design, size 9x12 feel now. Jf Ity. $27.50. reduced JOA AA j
X. '60" $5.20 Tapestry Brussels Rugs St ... $100; -. ' ' $18.00"-" $2"25
No 1071 1A51. Diner. selected No. 148 Tapestry Brussels, sire All other sixes at similar reduc- -30'00 rje Luxe Grass Ruga All remnants at bargalp prices. Brass Beds
Quartered oak full Spanish feather 9x9 feet Tan and blue ground ..ops. ,.x, r:i ,Jxl..- a?a a A , No. 8284 Satin finish. 3 inch posts, I i
eat l&rtm quality. A( Regular price $45.00 AQ p R nn ZU.uU Linoleums new design. $85.00 tCO 7C
$13.00 value piU.4U Bale price JU.UU Rag Rugs J21.00 Rattanla, heavy fibre Ade N,, lOj.J
No. 1210-6. Golden oak. box geat Slx pa,,erTlt(i nine wirH up-siry Rugs 9x12, ! 1 A AA All Linoleums on sale (tr 4A Vo 829- Ucd gn.O0 hCA AA
dinta chair. Leather seat d A tin brussels; 9x12 size good pat- SllghUy damaged Japanese Rag $14.UU $7 Inlaids. now t)J.4U i;Nl,, AbO.UO I1
$12.00 value terns, regular $55.00 value. Dux K -k- . ,i,e 27x54 in. gO 1 C w ?588Vln brass, siseldi.
No. 9Co i. Golden oak d.ning . adjustment OjylACA $6.00 grade JJ.1J Wool and Fibre Rugs $8.60 inlalds, C(( $6760 rrad dCA Ct
room chair, box seat 99.00 jhy OA price $40.50 Newport Rag Rugs, plate cen adThea' v I elgW rugs, now 3b.l)U Nb0V .N $50.60
,k , Natural tap.-trv bruspois, s wire tfi.s, band end border, sue 24x18 0rf2 j gobdilne or designs- M so inlalds. dl AA No. 6672 Saun brass bed, full sice.
iLlZJL? tapestry, size 9x12 ft. $42.25 val- in. $2 50 grade. M C7 C "i 7 CA 4UU n JOA aa V
R , r . ueT reduced tQO iA Q0W LD' duel $l.bU $3.25 printed linoleums, good line Now 3jU.UU
Kockers. Llialrs. bettees ( n ij)jZ.4u Newport Rag Rug. size 30.60 lu. Best grade wool and fibre 9x12 to choose from.
No. 1044. Seamless tap.-stry rug. hxtra quality. $4.00 J?0 7ft size $35.00 grade, (T Oyl A A nr,u sL.OO .
9x12. $Gooo value, tfoo AA grade L.lJ now J)4.ul $8.60 best Quality $9 7 r ' n -,0,e Rrl
Lidng Room now PJ0.UU Brandywine Rag Rugs Very Tyvan Art Rug, Frq. Brussels ef- prints ...... curtains, urapenes. Dea-
No ir,t Seamlesa nine wire handsome rug in blue mottled feet. ftxlJ n siz-.v Practically all ,?2 20 Congpleums, T1 CC , . .
Suites lapeFtrv brussels, 9x12 size pattern, fancy borders 3x60 in wool An unusual vp.lue Reg- u" ... P . . ding an lvlattresses I
Reduced 20S ' $38.00 ' $2.60 ,: $18.00 1 Greatly Reduced I
Make your Christmas selections of Furniture H ' '"V .Tv &yi ..V" , A ,. , ,r w '!
MB MB ggf J l9 jrtj?- rowssrv Uomplcte line of Xmas novelties now m sam-
now. The lines are complete at this time. The HBE H I p: BK pie-Smoking Sets, Sewing Tables, Tabour-
special sale prices will save you money. Goods J-ii '? ol ! v W W . !!
selects now will bo held for Christmas de- k,JW MMrf Cab,net -V"r j
live Ltrx,.- Bjs bbbbIbW aiiiiissssBSBBi lections at sale prices
j w : 1-fBaaaaiaaaaaaaiaSBBiMflBMHHBMLfl BLaH