8rf: THE OGDEN 3 1 Al laKD-LA -uvt 11N UK , 11 I
vWFi FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2b, 1920. Sggg ' - .
mm I
P - Buelneae nd Circulation Dept
T" Aivrrlliing Ot0 42
Editorial nd Niwi Dept. 970
I ourtivntli Wnnl Th OaTdfSIl
tepnth warl will hold conference Sun-1
, , .-ommimn.s v.,th priesthoo.l
meeting. 9 a. m ; Sunday school. 10 2
a. m ; Special me-tlnr In the evening
At 7 o'clock. Members of tho atake
HflB presidency and high rouncll are ex
I HI Pr Wright moved to IS! EccleSj
UUe (.anw K
mer Yale gridiron star, and at present
! i f (tern repr yeninM f'.rn New York
! roocern. ttti gdm visitor vester-
day Me ;(lenieri th- I'l grim- :t
Lorln K.irr jinik between h Og.len
. and Wyoming University and
mied that 1h rontest vn one of the
ffH Uesl he had ever witnessed
riean large rax wanted at Tl. 1
Btindard-Bxatnlner office
P In alt Yakc. Wtllard WUeeni
IrHvellnjr :gent fr the Southern Pa-
clfie conferred with Officials Of th-,
HH er hues at Salt like yesterday He
EC returned to Ogden today.
jj r type:
H writers and repair. Htidaon ave-i
H Phone
Mnrriiigr- LtaBOaSaV Staff llcClM
n i we i Imu 'J In tho county clerk's of-
f tics ihN morning to H'.ner .lohnson.
Bi Itrii'ieau. Idaho, and Kertha L. Jones.
.'I of 1
In Mirden Downing -f Tre-
monton. waa an Helen istlor today.
Go to Morgan Alt and lira Harr
I . p. Bagley and Infant mom have gone to
Morgan to spend the week end.
b on -
El Deaths and Funerals
'flRVBr mmrOSB Funeral service for
HHj Mr. Sarah 1' Mrlntosh Were held
EV yesterday al I o'clock in th- First
HH tongregatloni! church Rev. Codfrey
H Matthews officiating There was a
HH large Attendance and man) hcautiful
HUB floral tribute Interment was in the
H Mountain view pemetery Those ait-
Ing aa pall-bea.ers were James Caaatn,
R. T. Hume. George Allen. Ixuis Benr
son. J. 11. Rhine, and W. A. McGulrp.
H Mrs. w. G. Dalrymple sang.
i i irv mm i i n
; i h i - i i i i
! SACRAMENTO. Cal. Thieves here
E have absolutcl no respect for law and
H the coppers They are talking of
B building a big fence nround the police
H station to keep thelve from itesllng
automobile tarts and tools from the
iaiaH i Of
city council learned there was a mort
gage of $2200 on the homo of James
Kennedy, former fire rhlef. killed In
discharge of his duties the. rouncllnien
unanimously voied funds from the city
treasury to pay off the mortgage
Friends' Committee Sends
Woman and Supplies to
Soviet Nation
PHlLAPBftjPHl A. Nov. 2 The
imeiican l-Tlends service rommitt-.
has .announced that it Is beginning H -llcf
work In Russia. U has Just been,
notified that Mis Anna J. Haines, of,
Moorestown. N. J . an experienced
worker ehO ipsnt several years in
Itusaia In relief work under the gov
ernment) of the emperor and Kerrn
1. Will soon arrive ln Reval. She
plans to go to Moscow where she will
.o-operate wifh Arthur .1 Watts, an,
Kngltsh Flend. who has heen working
ID Russia for the p:it olx months.
MUM Hinee will take $100,000 WOrth
of supplies, niosily medical. Into Rus- J
sia and she and her assistants Will dl-1
ret I their distribution. The committee
savs the Friends will hae complete j
control of alt supplies sent to Russia
and will allot them to Institutions and
ih, most need of the t lv ilie.n popula
tion They will begin hy distributing
condensed milk, eori liver oil, choco-;
Iste, oar'. shoes, stockings and wool j
en coots. In addition to mcdlral sup-I
Kus'U greatest need today i re-,
ported to be for medical and Sanitary I
uppliee and clothing. Th- people ofj
the agricultural district! are in vv.u.ti
only of the medicines. Hospital In
Russia are said to have had neither;
for live years and when operations ai'
performed the patients xrc strapped Jo!
the operation tables.
bien rjsss is u i 1 1
Owing to the complete breakdown of
tin naiiMM.it sv-Mem in Russia. sh
greatest Buffering was reported to thej
I'rlends to exist In large cities like i
UoscOw and Petrograd, where a hugi
Industrial potilatlon cannot obtain sup
plies. In I hose cities the distress Isl
reported be acute. I'etroprad has1
lost 50 p r ct tit of its population with
in th past four years.
Arthur .i Watts, the English Frieud
moved about In Russia without any re
trlcUon by the soviet government and
it It announced that the American
FYteii'ls will have the same privilege
In October Mr. Watte cabled ' thei
American Frcrtdi' service committee
i" send a representative to establish
a permanent Anglo-American relief;
work. !ls. Hume; was sent .n re
sponse to this call.
Sne is a graduate of Bryn Mawr col-j
lege and for a time was engaged In
social work In ths city. In IMT she
volunteered for relief work In Russia
and wns stationed in Moscow. After
the overthrow of Kerensky. Mies
Halnee flSd With other refugees to Si
beria where nhe worked at Omsk
Iii-r she returned to Anierlcan via
CLEVELAND, O.. Nov 26 Passenger
line steamers on the tJreat I-akes have
had ene f the best seasons In their
histrv nrt orriinir to rv c. Mc In tyre of
the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co
He tiredlcted lower fares neM seaSoo and
a drop in freight ratea HU oompanv
he said, plans to erect an 1800.000 termi
nal at Cleveland
imi i, m iii, ff n rn r-TTir
I 20 Bars White Laundry Scap SI. 00 I
I A high quality white laundry 6oap sold to you at a pre war pr!.- j
Special price Saturday only.
S 10 Pounds White Navy Eeans 65i
I Opportunity knocks but or.ee. Buy your winter's supply of besns 8at
urday. Cut down the high cost of living by serving dehcous, whole
eome dish of beans at your table. Just think, only 6; ;c per pound.
Fresh Churned 10-lb. can Pure East 5 Ibs large Cahfor- fl
Creamery Butter. cm Lard $2.80 "' T", 5
lb 05c Parker's Early June 5 lb6 Jumbo
Nut Butter, lb... . 35c Peas, 2 cans . ...35c Pruncs j J'
Always Fresh 1 case, 24 cane $4.20 arrived frtm
New Iowa Corn, per the famous Santa
CHEESE. Y A c35e 24 c3ns $3.50 Clara Valley
Fancy Wisconsin 3 bottles Bluing .. 25c LEMONS
Cheese, per lb... 37c 12 boxes Sawyer's Large Juicy Lemonc,
A wonderful full Pepper Box per dozen 30c
Cream Cheese Bluing 40c You can make dell
-o clouc lemon pies
CURRANTS Ammonia, bottle, ,0c from thsiS Juicy lem-
1 lb package 6 ,bs- Soda on;
fWnH'"" Currants 30c Crackers 80c FIGS
I New and free from Barrel Ginger 5 ibs. Fancy Black
tifijillm dirt. Snaps 40c Figs $1.25
We are selling hundreds of pounds of nuts. Why? Look in our window
and eee the high quality and the cut price cn them. We make no
charge for delivery.
H Chicago Wholessie Grocery Co.
H Phone 486 2376 Washington Avenue
LwMiaMiiwiii tiiiii" yum'5 'N 'JTAH NEVADA' IDAH0, WY0MING
I Aspirin
Then it is Genuine
Warning1 Unless you sec the name "Buyer" on tablets,
you arc not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions.
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bavcr Tablets of
Aspirin." which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache,
Pain, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago.
Hjuuiy tin hrrxen of 12 tablet mrt but a for rorit LfirgT packages
I Aaplrln 1 tb trad mrk at Ba7r Uannfacturo of MonMetlceeldMter of t :l ;yllecl4
Millinery I
eJlllSP Clearance Sale I
Saturday I
I v' Al hata greatly reduced. Many less than j I
l T L !2 of regular price.
X jg? J A special lot of trimmed hats will be on 1
mv Jti r ' Saturday for
Vy $498
Utrimmed Shape- aild ready-to-wear L
hats, of the finest silk velvet, and hatters
plurh sailor?, go Sr.tuvdr.y for .'f.' .-T j' j,
$98 m? f'::
Last & Thomas
Quarterback Carer of Cornell has
Ian educated too. He Is one of the
few punter Of i lie east who has been
' I able Uj r i (llstauoe tlial i-, wlien the
pnicr tine riehlnd wlilch h hJL8 been
; playing foulil hold nn k tbe onrush
of Hi"-- upponente.
v Staff Coiiecpondent,
NET YORK. Nov. 26. Puuttn.
puntin', who's sot the puntln":
That a the question of the hour on
eastern grldiroaa.
And i he answer Is. "Nobody."
ihe puntln' apparently Kot lost in
lh- shuffle.
There has been a remarkable dearth
of good booting on eastern fields this
year more remarkabk because then-;
were, some really greui kickers lustj
year and Hom of these hold oer.
'hlf among the holdovers and prob-j
ably posseisslnsr the greatest kicking!
ability ln the east, although they haoj
not shown It consistently, nri' Joe
goheerei f Princeton and Carey of
Cornell Both of them are aide-wheel
vri n'l can kick Ions:, twjstlng spiral.
Igettiep distance, direction and every -1
thing eNe that Is needed If they havoi
th chance
''rtrey has been almost a total dls-(
appointment, although It s ver prob
ata not bis fnult. ln the Cornell-'
Dartmouth gaine althoujch he kicked
on- of the prettiest drop kicks seen
this season. aout flv of Careys
pums were blocked, and one of these
b1o id punts resulted in aeven polnta
for lurtmouth.
Tho Cornell Una seemed to be made
I of paper and the best kicker In the
I world couldn't have Kotten away with
'anything with from two to five Dart
mouth huskies airr.ost on him before
he got the ball Into his hands. But
'at that It appeared os though Oaroy
was somewhat slow and decrepit In
his kicking-
vi in EM R l M'.l 1
As for Bcheerer. he occujdes one of
the mofll uniquo positions ln football.
H appears In th- lineup as fullback
j hut therr, is hardly a play on the
Trlnceton repertoire that calls for
Hiss Nita Wbitmore v"i tell '!
world that It pas t" lx n kicker !shi
and her mo sister- wii have been
showing Broadwaj how to kick, ii:i
gone to Europe to kuoh th- old world
kickers up. Miss fitt c;ui ki k oer
her head .ir st. p .. -r the highest
wave that ever e.c.l without the
II rbtest bit or trouil
him to carry the ball Mis frail frame
will not stanrl much pumnv-ltng about
Time to Save
For yonr cereal
eat that
self - sweetened,
ready-to-eat food
Every bit eatable
"There's a Reason
If Joe bcheerer of Princeton coul'ln '
kick he wouldn't be In the Tiger line
up. for be Is beldom calleil upon t"
carrj the ball, The save bint for
kl klni; p:irpos-s cntlrel. ,loe puis
so much Into bis spirals thai i- la
often carried clear off the ground.
and he often has to be taken out
'when the going becomes too rough
But It certainly Isn't because Joe;
has a single daub of yellow in Mis,
makeup, for he has been known 101
stand up under some of Die heaviest
punishment that a football player is,
1 compelled to take
And there arc a lot of coaches who
agree with Bill Roper that n real punt
er like Scheerer, even with a slight
frame, is worth a dozen big huskies
who haven't many other qualifications
besides avoirdupois.
O'Nl-.ll.l, SAYS.
Says Buck O'Neill: "I'd rather have
good punter on my team than any
'other single thing. Being able to make!
lit hard for the other team to get on
your territory Is what good punting
'does, and It counts as much no carry
ing the ball or more. I have experi
enced great difficulty In getting foot
'bnll players who are nble to put their
whole bodies In a punt. Scheerur cer
tainly docs It, and so does Carey of
mom s Kit h 1 k
Of oourso. punting has a value that
not many people reullzo Just think of
the Jobs the boys could get with mu
sical comedies after they get out of
Says Colonel Savage. "The hardest
thing In th theatrical game Is to find
either chorus girls or chorus men who
ran kick well. Yes. It pays to be a
Italian soldiers who died fljrhtlng on
the mountain front will he burled to
gether "n one of the highest peaks o'
Italy, probably Michalt
Wednesday,Cecember 1
'Take Advantage of
This Opportunity J
See the smartest comedy that New York has seen
in years presented by the same cast as it was at
the Princess Theatre, N. Y., for one solid year. f
The only play unanimously endorsed by the New
York Critic last season. jl
I PRE-WAR LFloor oo I ; H
Lower Floor, 221
I itvi'ui BalconVi 182 Seat3 $1 I
I 21cony, 284 Scats. 75c I j
Seats On Sale Saturday Gallery 50c I
O JP O SL VJ li Mon , lues., Nov. 29. 30.
"L 5:e Worlds Most Famous- -fljlS)
Cftartfcfer Canadians SSL
SEAT 3 NOW ON SALE PRICES $1.00. $1.50, $200, $2 50
I i
Little Cinderella
'Eride 13"
Other Acts
Three Shows Daily
2;45, 7:30, 9 15
Prices Nights, 40c and 50c
Matinees. 25c and 30c
Not a Movie
Showing Our Old Friends
Prices 50c to $2 00
Seats Now On Sale
I A small bottlo of
with homemade supar syrup
makes a full pint of the very
best and quickest acting
ra Backache? M
Those of us who are pat middle
age are prone to eat too mucn meac
i nd ln consequence deposit Ume-aalts ti I
ii the arteries, veins and Joints Wo j
ofv?n suffer from twinges of rtaeuma- J
tlpra or lumbao. sometimes from r
gout, 8'.vo!len bauds or feet. There i
Is no longer the Elihtest need of
this, however, as the new presciiD- it
tlon, "Anuiic." usually gives 1m- r
mediate results as it Is many times
more potent than llthia. Ixl ridding
the impoverished blood c Its poisons
by way of the kldaeys. It ran be ob
tained at almoMt any drug store. Ask ,. j
for Dr Pierce's "An irlc" (anil uric
acid) for kidneys or backache, or L- t
send 10c to Dr Pierce's Laboratory la
Buffalo N Y . for trial package.
j NearSf Always j I
I your next door neighbor! .
B can give you an interest-1 j
iitg fact-story about the I
J efficacy of J j
Scoff s Emulsion I
i j. It is tonic-nourish-1
I ff&L ment unsurpassed
1 uTTT 'n Quaes tnat
I Hi K ve tone I i
I run-down system. I I
IkoII fc Brrac. Dlooro field, N.J K2 Jf
I ieenaeaaesaieaaea0e-sT L
Old Folks' Coughs
ill be relieved promptly by IWi Stopa '
throat tickle; relieves irritation. The remedy
te.trf by more than fifty ycara of ute la ,j
Pi sos 1 1
What is th ."hell of probably th"
ISrMt irf in history Is loetd ;t
'Tuolumne. Cal.