OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 26, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-26/ed-1/seq-13/

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SSI FOR SALE Real Estate
p6"a - n of th f: Mul si
H Inquire (!: nu T736
H Pouf room nw- If rn hnng-aiow. nice
H Y.'ti hen cabin' loeted
H in on t-'-ni li one hnlf liln'k off
H !iv(iwn(. Close To car line. A real
H good b Terms.
IH t.'i n innni lyionted close In on
H lnrh. A cl Investment, pays 1"
H icr cent on $000 Term.
H PI ve rooi i modern bungalow, rmr-
H ege, chicken nm. f mitt trees. This
1 ll n p-fvwl h;iy nn'l In A I shape.
H locited close In un Washing-ton v
1 ntie. Terms.
' . sre nlsn ngrms for sevrml new
lrl k. nr to the minute bungalows. Prices
arc right. "707
I .. . ' 'i .v l Tw ntv '. urth gt
I' I :T.' I . T bourn Light i rtmcn:
Onl $.'i2'0 Brings In $150 a month. Kasv
iirm.s me four rtom house nnl MOO.
one tour room frame modern. $300(i IThsv
terms Inquire 30: Thirty fifth street
-. - i
T- I r '..-.r'S I . .
POOH room pan mod n hi
Tw. ntv second street. Apply 1859 "A"-''
luglon I
i . n m BKJ i.im. ' ' " '
Thri e room house, writer unit ligbti
g -r- Price J125'i. Terms. Dhon - Ml
TV. ' . " ' ' '
i !
i . . '
iff "tJ Quick 107 Fheslei Bl
t nm i m . od n, osi n on Twentj sixth
VI ftrcfl nite gas. gsa rang" : vacant.
, M Price JJJ r.ii Rest location n Cltv, Bkeel"
;, Co 1 hi ' I III or MM V ' ;
i i mi; house nil rooms and hath, fv.lt
H basement. No. '-hM Jefferson. $3250. Jn
'- ' 0 1 '
I H OV I i " '' "
m hotiM furnLsh-d or unfurnished, WW sell
at sacrifice. Phon. 2317 M toi :n,ori"'
1 1 I
i ; : rtmi
flPPB Real Batata and l-osns
SSfjfJB ogden. l 'oh
HBSaBBll Rest Improvd business property buy on
LtnBsala Twentv-'IPh street Terms. Immediate I
Hl posso-.-lon Many Othr Kcod properties in
ii l lou 2
HRKE acres nnd rtx room h UB. PhJ
T. i i ind foui room t'"1
1 ' I I '' 72,3
M'v, Btrl darn 1 borne,
H hnrdwood floors, full basement r"?c"
aaaaaaj lno tst buy In town Phone Mil w.
( 1 r 1 1
POIloa Ing propi rtlca muai be sold in I
we want b'.rts on one or all. Term.- run
be hud on port Of purh.ie prlee.
"e- KlKht acres tJCOellent lind nt Thirty J
eighth and Ornnl Six roo.n hOtlSB, si ver
at chicken houses, quite a nieo orchard,
BH good new irr.roKe nn.l cool iiousn. Also.
LH aevanl Improved nnd unimproved farmx. i
H stock In sevem I pood mono) making com
PP7 panlea. aeventl secured nolrs drawing
per cent The, nt.on property in us I be
sold Call at 623 Bcclea btilldlna; for An i
1 pirt or ail. win t-eii any piece i
H at a very cheap price, Conns at I
jH ran waiKER co.
V U POKTHIl. R .i' f.'. Ui'o l.nn.
slBpJ 337C W'achlnjrtoti avenue Pnone lxTC
FOR RENT Fum'shed
PAJ F m BNT toi rent Phlrtj S -.
1 street and Waahlngton iinur. 7?tn
TH'n.rtOn.M lion.-, --.(iirda) or Bundny
nlaSI Mi - moon 2630 Ubim Kvt 7741,
THRESE room housi newl furnished
H W'iH rent to pait bin inc f urnlturf.
'i. in 77ii
i i i i ' i j c. .. i i. . " T. . . .. . i .. i .
H wouldn't object to baby.' SS3I Orchard
sjH onic nie' ileeplns; room Phone .2'", '
29! i d.- ms TfiSS
THRER furnished housekeeping rooms for
7, rent. Phoni 872! K. 7CS3
SLE P1N i oom i ns oi .. gen
i ffl men, cic; waiitnL'tr.n S6B
I i I'MSHl'P ro--. n . . i Kvnili-mcn
Kal preferred; referenees Phone 2C44M or
Ball 4 T-..-ent- . h j 7;,9;
ROOM or suite of roonif tor n-fl I w-ii
pHSaa tlcman. 2566 Orchard. Phone 24HM
S ii !ELT 'in ii hed on in foi one or
IH two gentlemen Cull after o'i toi k
t'.iant. 74 IS
PTKA.M h.-it.-l i , " T ill'
niJrn rjrnnt avenue. Rates reasonable 748
PURNI8HED ui ui,:. : I ! i ,
pBpk W'n "hlnirton "ri
i n M 'i mo lern oa . , ...
Kj rooms! Ki " ti'.'i'-i r .. ;.i . h
i : ; . . t. 70";
FOR RENT Unfurnished
IP oi . . i . r I .. .d.
vonce you may secure choice of three
beautiful new inocleri apartment In ?
lect dlstrtet. Send name, nddres." nml Pef
S rente to Box T3r. fare Standard Rxnm-
5 ROOM hou.o for rerTi Child ' T"
7J 1
ri r f'..,n.' : : 77j7
n.b board nd for children i 1
I 11 77ji
l:' i.Kii ami room h;; : . , t Thirtieth
fconaV or tv,r gentlamsn in private home on
KefSHI bench. References renulrod. pltone S190
BMP! f bottl' i bo i r- u ( v-.n ;;t (
km ;mit . . i . n i rrn
B clothes. 259 Twenty-fifth St, Pnene II7.
Ti'KKi'YS. iniii'v w !' ii, Iraln and
S'lffl Feed CO.. Phono 1243. 2254 Washington
H 7054
H1QFIB8T rne'? paid for soeond nund
Itood.i SloiM ISOfi Wo'hlnjf'on CSC.C
LAlt' IK 'I' hi rn.in v.ntilf-.l i( Iho StSTi.l
o"i Rxamlner otfb IIM
w iTED to Ii ise, -i rooming house, a
m i. ii kle) , St i' ml Hotel J
. i;i ii M ( ii i in . i .. ! i n iiv n i
I !v, lij ' 7726
1 1 1 1' SEKEI I'ING i oi imi tparl
H ' nl at OOCt A. M. BUCpleyi Bt Paul
!Ti jIOHT i 1 'i lug iparti n nt. Address
Boj S3, ore Btajidard-Exainijtai 7tCo
V ri . isili.l' TTTTi V i i Reference
. mi i M Ki'-t. Pa sd Hotel TSiM
WANTED Miscellaneous
UARGE clean rags nrttotod t standord
Eliunlnor off'ce 4S7
.i IANS to Ihe mn " I." wor I t'v nn.l "ri
No iecurlt'. rnti- lowest) payments eas-
H i lest, service rpilrkcst vvA moot private In
rtah What u:nUx do for big bu.-u-
H we do for lh working man or woman.
i un 2:7 Hiulson i:idk- TIP
, . . j , an (OtiiOVtXl estei-.
' 1 k 7t
i 5 ICRE farm tullv equipped, 200 seres
I Plow land 235 acres hnv nnd pisture
I, m -i W ii W edcll. Hit i nshlmrtpn.
i . n .- nur oiu i-m;e a. Mrot piymcni
in; new range, or wll! buy your tld
". -ii hi H'mo Pumlture Osi 497J
WANTED Situations
V SCED ssJealKd) wishes pOsltton
' 1 .1" "1 1 KTI NO, t.iltln. kr.tilng Hiid nt-f
rig don, ii L' 7 1 Twenty -seventh. 77 1 1
I l'i 'SITK'N as janlti r 01 - ii ' .i n b;
IS fx-world war veteran and merchant iw-
i ce; Best of references. Box O, ears
yBK Standard-Examiner. 7JC3
WANTED Pema'3 Help
BXPER Jc for cand: .md
i bnkcr d. prtment. Kern s. 245 Visbun(
i ton Av. ;;;
, ,
IOIRLi wonted; good wafsi: steady nrork.
I Qre anweU's. 7T4.:
E P MET5cicn heus v ; nted M
" or Hob 1 77 . i
'tilt,, or woman for gen en I housework
v , n i: s v r i.i. - . : ii,. i , i.i " " i
.- i.t;l. rV v i.r l' I 1 ' ncini S.-.n-m
V. I !' - , I ' I ., , - , ' r-'f'll
bousewi.rk Call lfiSO between 5 a. in.
and ;i no 7s7fl
. OU girl for housework So laundn
! Small family. 2500 Tyler. Phono 1434.
QfRI to ire lor -lnlaron fixim 1pm.
until S i m 27S? Madison A TO, 7430
I i FMENCED - wanted it
, f'-in'-b ' ' ft
i:i.'. T. dt girl i. . H..I. ' tTu
WANTH) Cltl for general hmiMwrnk:
miit bo o .( . eok Telephone I?73. Mrs
i. f.Uo
, ' ' ICNCKD aewlng c'-i v-.nt.d x
Capiau'i (Sown Shop good wages, S3SS
WANTED Male Help
KITCHEN ms-i sranted tppl i hos
pltol. 7702
CAPABLE exporlenced j ourtg m-.n St.
' iiocrapher desiring work with corporation
j and eliance for promotion and advance
jment. Writ- fully, giving ag. experience
I and referencea, to SaJCg Department. Box
i i s? i iL-,-ir:i I 'tab 7 "a
RRUABIH experienced farmi-r mum
sn.l profit rh-irlng proposition W It
a ' Hit ' ishlngi in 7'.o
i 1 1: v, -t. , . -. " I r
i School 74K7
i i i i Kuta si ho . rr cir
rclis No betier Sinr; rlghi, 7'''i
BEl.I. bo.i wnrt-d from 7 .1 ci to " p
m Healj Jtoiei fKi:,
HEN nted to sell our boo, while
I tre,; nnd shiubs ire in demand ih
.'kl Addi.-.i CupiiMl "u Nuimi'I'
i o Sub m. 'r. 7
f-UK HtN I Miscellaneous
! iiAKAOES rem ; -y pm. imv ,,one
I44-W. 7600 1
VI I ' 'i M ' f-.r-iy W od.-'i 7,
VI n : - g ' ' ; ioae In Phone "
or 5 W 7321 I
FHR SAl P MicrollPonnc- 1
' v.i i fc Wfl IWWWHUI IUVIIU
.' ' ; I . I : i . i . j.- i i r. ! I n
Cheap Phom 'f." II JT41
EL '. HI' ME VI HOI 31
The home where you) confidencs counts.
Once vou place vour eonfideneo with ue,
you can't help becoming another of our
many aatlafied customers. Buy chunk
of meat that will lost ou for :t or 4 days
at wholesale. Plate md brlckel 10c to
12'Ae lb., some for lex.:; menty chunks of
b of. 150 lb. cholee pot roaate, He 1"'-e.
pone higher: oven rousts. iT'.r m 20c lb.
ver best oi sfen k loin." round n-id
T bone J5c Ib.i celery, lurK" benches, lOc,
r. for 2v 'Jei tin- habit, follow the cro I
lo our mark' t. Pred t Elvy, F'f'P.- 6l
- I 7743
PEN oi" Blue Vndeluslana four iTTnT nnd
cock; Kleinlsb Glent? and American Blm-s.
Must he sold 2?3f fnnroe Ave. 7712
BRASS bed nnd spring;, iron hid. dresser.
chn!r.. heater, hi box, small rug 212''
Madison Ave. Phone 2Ms m. 77.11
' I "( ' 1 -if Phone fj 7720
1 V PK ' Odi ' :U - or v 1 1 1 si I p . U P.
r;o 3, 1 c !en rtnii 77 ;
I ING rtpoles best 1 1 1 ind
mincemeat, 11 SO per bushel delivered
Phcni 75 T72H
1 NEW bugtrles S50 and up to f ',00. New
urrle 17.-, in to 12" Sldiv. Stevens
1 Implement Ooj 7697
W STERN aehei Better made.
I.-? parts. Perfectly safe Sidney Stev
,i 1 1, it i. mm. in i ii ' 7;rif
TT i t: Im-.-i . 7 1 1". p. -i v"
I Without coulters $20 '.li hlle they Ins'.
' Slrtnt Sr.-v. n i Implement Co "1599
' HARTER OAK .-;ir,r. A ) con-ii - n
V'orn '. 716 '
i f . I1 0 ; nlino'1 ro w. . r n afonable. J
I ?070 I -fffr'in 7H
RI MINf'TON lypewrl - goes eon-1
Idltlon', cheap. Appl) Onliaoher TninfeJ
Factory, :'?"f 7S Hud -on a - 7f.n
'RED nnd wh'te hleken -or n.ul. -t ST,
Twentj first Bt, Phone I44jj 7r.2S
HAY, grain, flour and pota toes. )'r:
'and service will nuet your approval st
Oroiit's, 333 Twmtyfourth St '606
Ml 'i lERN ei . n room bi Ii I 90 feel
serei-n'-t por' h- furnace: bem h car I'rr.
Phone twner 184 751 j
i i ' it v rOES in i v. i:,i..-- Call 1 37
llaARGE Columbia grsitonols end records,
I Good baigahi "". II 221 Ogden avenue
7r.fi 7
s'M i.i. '-oi b'esl to, i io good condition
,1'nll ;l .".CI Tmi-H'."'"HIi hfrl 7IC1'
i WE alwa ha' i pph hin I he
teach of everv family. Sr tl'ae?lon guar
isnleed Phon' 22-iW 7 100
KM M I . I U phj , , ,,,.. 1 T" -,:,n ' '!
h rtieth 7307
PULLETS and markel po i "
; rn In A- Peed Co. 73i
I A SSORTKl r 'i i ml ipi ',e- i
thi Wei ten 1 h iln Pet d 783J
'FOR win"" ii.iii..' - nnd vegetables, rail
r. r, i fj ,:. - . P. i erdaji 2.mi
PAINTS guaranteed paints 12 DCi gallon .
, lo l--st iiualii.:- H. .'.0 Stowe s. ISU0 nrh
rtgtoh Ave, 7210
r" .Mieup. n few goo-t ur. 'all. d for
SUltS. To pair of panls with each suit '
b len '! lis
. " I"' INS hiv ?7 5d or ton I 'hone C'2S '
W 6 6 to
' . " '. tiiinll; unto F'tiom 1C7 5073 i
UKCAI I PO 'jr BUIU m In ms.ie, nii;
reduction. Gordon a. TwtriU' - nr n
8: Phone 4 19 1H7
Business Opportunities
ROOMING liov ,. N.i sale toing roo.j ;
business. Pes sons for selling 254 Vi I
i nt fifth strs Tjfis
W '"'.l. et i I.I if br l aulo u-pnir bi innss 1
real barvatn, lxng lease low rent. Box I
y i - Bts ndn rd-R? -imipi-i -ip.
fOI fi money's worth snd more; (hoii
i sands satisfied; our formulae work Price
1 $2 prepaid, Success Co , P O 588. Ogdn.
! Utah, 7ui
'i i.i . purse, lost u dm iday on
I Twenty-fourth stn-et. Reward, Phone ITS
BROWN leather ioekettiook containing
money and Silver tn hon box. Valued as I
.-.ii heirloom Return 2.r7 Twenty-eighth st 1
i Phon- j hi V, i : w ,rd. 773.1
I S KTV . I . i . - k.-.l up .-h"k boo;: on
Bfinihergei ear November 21. belonging
to Utah Surplus Arms Goods store, 313
Twentv fourth street. Ogden. please rS
I turn same and receive ' No questions
risked 7713
BETWEEN Bamberger depot and niv.-r
1 dale, one small blaek pin seal grip eon-
tamlnif lndv's and rhlld's wearlni; ap
I Darel, glases. etc. Notify polu e or phone
4 1 -R 3 , Ogden. Vowb-s. Suitable reward
AUTO lb ens.- p:i:c No :M41? iitiaehed io
toll light Return to Standard Examiner.
RewOrd gM
, HH 'Y' M i m i 11131 ho vi SSmi bl
Identifying and paving for nd. Call 1301 '
for H 77JT,
HEMSTITCH1N' and phot edging don
at Singer Sewing Maeblni- t"o. All work
I iiT..,i , Washington 7 .'us
HEM8T1TCHINO xnd plrot, prompt Ben !
Ice. 2277 Wash Ave. WhlU- Mch Co
1 1 'Ki'.ssMAKiN'J, 1 -ndinK- snd embroider
ling. 1 cniodr ling; work guaranteed. Piione
1 r:ss J, t9i'4
Himsi 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 K . plcot eoi e. imttonv pun.
' In; and pli-nUnf Second floor V II.
' Wright at sors Mn h Layman. tin
I MO. 'I'.IIN stiuim b. -l'-i sloiHgi-, Weber
V I.H Vln'Oi ' ... - ;2i lb. : 7 I" 1
' OOOO free proof storagt Twentj
lourtit street. 742i
mini m t 1 '
i- i passenger touring ear fr sals
Cheap 534 Grant. Auto Salvage Co.
1 ' ' ' j iaaci r perl e. 1 omlltlOO.
- 1 1 1416 ifS
1 . r 1 r... ii 13 IS p." U leat Ing Call
j p i' ' M I
HATNE9 LIOIIT ST3C newly painted
gow1 rondlMon. Bargain. Coll 2ft1
I l$S I'Mlge 5-pas.senger
K'li I ""dge r isdster
IM8 Buloli 7-p'onger
' i?0 ituii k l-pmas anger
11 Pub k Pour rnads'e'
KIT Bah k P-4& touring
in Chevrolet S-nassenger
11 Studebakr
1I4 Hupmblfo 22
117 f'halmers
1911 erland 5-passenger
i9i Cole Eight Chummj roadster
lfcic Saxon I 1
I 1SI P'ord toinlnr
1911 Fori deliver:
1 1?2n Ford Cvupe
I These are sll lata models. Tl.ev have
j been renewe.l meenaril'-allv as T.ell as In
lappeoranee. and the terms Will suit you.'
2j66 Wash. Ave. Phons 325.
II V l,MK"S iirdii Tlx , n.rriger
' wood eonditlon A bargain '""all 1533 after
4 p rn. JWl
FOR1J louring COl P.K m.-del 1 .ill Jt"t
Torkron 7571
iuru- - 1 1 mi ..'!. - r . Mro ;
Hosi. n rlng See C. H. Smllti 27
Twentv r" ft 1 street 7570
1917 FOKl har;.'.In. 2325 Jef'erson.
Information Bureau
ANYTHING V to '. new or old'
ght, .--old or traded Phoi 1
Rramwell Book ami Stationery, 232
Washington avenue. Pnone 160 2"5S
Utah Nation'il Bank, southeast orncr
Twenty-foUrth nni Washington. Phone si 1
'Kd n Carpet ''loaning Works for first,
class .vork. Upholstering end mattress I
making Phone 27.2 J K 'sn ICarapen
Rxperi carpet cleaning, upholstering,
1 .111 1, ...i . ii niii' f j . 1 -r , ciiiiin'i ronovave,, -
I Call E. .T, Uamoton & Co . 3S8I-W, 4234!
i K Vsn Kampen for upholstering, car l
pets e!f.ined. altered and laid. Rem iklnv
of nutttresses. Phone 2752-J,
obn 1 hlnini i weep. I'll 34
Phone 133. 225S 60 Washington Ave 1
McCarlj .v Co, bnuiing rubbish and
the Phone 2018 W 7453'
Tin New Method Dentists 'o special 1
isls In nil branches Of Dentistry. 2469
Washington avenue. 22091
fi'dcn Engraving Service Co. Makers
lot fine on-? in one or 11101 e colors. 416 1
Twent) fourth street Phone 463.
life KtsuR'-rTcE
J ; Coitj ';i i:-iie- Building
Geo. D, Bennett, corporation nnd group
lnr'iisni- .". -! 1 illy. Phone !Jl W. 1314
j Western M.de & Junk Co., 2323 Wash
Ingl m 1 1 ri one RSI
ok',!.-n runk Mouse, 8063 Washington
avenue Phono 210
C, H SSerbe Phone 848 J
l) klmt.i C II. rbc. Phone MS '
Wlllard K:i. real 'state nnd loons.
1; 1 7 Wanhlncton Ave I'hone 408 1 ST 1
Bteamship Vgency 2370 Washington
avenue Phone ll 66 2347 M Sh2. SS?
Qarbage and rubbish hauled, cess polls
nnd toilets ihiited. .Iiihn Chlpp A: Co,
Phoie S:'S :'I4S K wl.on Avenue. 9731)
.stoves repaired moved, cleaned and'
ret up. PI. one Ti5 1 W 7357
Trunk d b:ig rt-oairlno;. mound eor
ner from Slanriard, Gallacher's. 2373 Hud
son -UI
Kxperi window and v.-.-H paper clean-1
Ing American Window Cleaning. Ph. 563 1
Nc-tlre (' i lection within Weber Conn-I
tv irrigation District for purpose "fj
eieeting one Director frcm Precinct No.
3 fcr term of Three fears.
Notice Is hereby given, that, pursuant
to Chanter 6 Session lxv.s of I'tah.
I'M ', ami an order id tie Hoard of PI-
rectors of Weber Count: Irrlcatlon Pis-1
trlet made at tln-ir office in Ogden City.
Weber county; Utah on the r;th day of
November. A. D 192". an election vin be
held wi'hin eaid Irrlcatlon district on
ths 7ti .lav of December! A. D. 1920. for
the PUrPOgS of eo'Mng one director of
sn'd district from Precinct No. I thereof,
and which said dire, tor shgi bold his
. "(. foi the term of three v ears from
.lanuftrv 1 1921.
POT the purpose of the said election
the said dlstrbd has been divided by an
r.ior of the F. .ar.l of Directors thereof,
duly made and entered October 27. 1920.
Into three prerlnois namely. Precinct
No 1 Precinct No. 2, and Precinct No.
3. which preclnc's and the boundaries
tl. roof i-oirevnond to and are respective
ly identical with Division No. l. Division
' ., .'. and Division No 3 of the said
digtl ' SS made, bounded anil described
bl the Board of County Commissioners
of Weber eounty. I'tah. for (he purpose,
of the election to determine the organi
sation of the said district.
Tho said director shall be a land owner
of said Precinct No. 3 of said district
and entitled tO vote therein. :nd shall
be elertod by thi vote of (he land own
ers of the whole district
The ballot to be ued at said eleetlon
shall he In substantially the following
Election December 7. i9jo.
Vote for one director from Precinct
For Director Acre Feet
Name of Vol I r
Thai at said eleoiion each elector hal!
he entitled to cat one vote for each
i, ve fool of water, or fraetlon thereof.
ulloled t" the land owned I. v ruch elector.
If pbovvn by the said order and list of
said lands as prepared by the Board of
Count Commissioners of Weber county,
rijih nml nh.ill sign the ballot and Indl-
,iio along with bis, her or its name the
nui iber of n-re feet allotted to the lands
owned i" the elector easting the said
ballot Kui-U land ovnr mnv Vote for
one dlreetor from Precinct No .'! and
shall Indicate his vote by plaelng a mar
glnal erOSS upon the ballot for the name
voted upon nnd opposite thereto.
A 1 said election all persons shall be
entitled I o vote who are land owners of
agricultural lands to which water has
been allotted within the said irrigation
district, and coriK. rations owning landb ,
Within the said district shall be consld-
sred persons within the meanfnp of this
action Loud owners not residing within
the .11 trli i sluilt he entitled to vote only
m the pTOclncI of such district wherein
their lands or the major portion thereof
are located and each land owner .Minll
br entitled lo t ant one vole for each acre
root Of water, rr fraction thereof, al
lotted to the Isnd owned by such elector
as shown by the said order of the said
,,f Count! Commissioners listing
and plattlne 'aid lands, and t-hnll sign
the ballot and Indicate along with his,
hoi or Its namO tho number of acre feet
allotted to the lan is owned by the elector
..isiir.;,- tho said ballot. Ouardtans, exe
1 iiins and administrators of estates, who
hive been duly appointed as xucli under
the laws of the state, and who, as such
guardian, executor or administrator Is
entitled to the possession of the lands
irlrr to tho r:.-,'r wh:.r- ,-..,.r.
sonts. may on behalf of his ward or the
' eetato which he represent. uv.'n being 1
authorlred by the court, vote at such I
elect on.
The polling places for .ald elet 'mri
'and for rarh of thi. said pre in. ts vv dl ;
be located within the said respective pre-
cintn. as follows
Precinct No. 1 at Amusement Hall
Farr West. Weber counlv. Utah
Precinct .Vo. 2 at residence of Thomai
R. Jone. K'anesvltle. Weber county
1 "tah.
Precinct No. ?. at Amusement Hall
Kden Weber count v. Utith
The following named competent per- 1
vona will ait as judges of 'he said eeo.
Mon fon- the respective precincts named,
and one of the Judge of esob prec.net
will act as f'lerk of the election of saon
respective precinct, to-wit
Precinct No 1 -w v Barker, Of North
tlt'len. Weber counlv. Utah; M D Her
ns Of BfOrriSVlUe, Weber count-. I'tah"
C. E. Palmer, of Plain Cltv Weber
county, flab
Precinct No. 2 .lames C Wlddlson of
Hooper Weber county. I'tah. .to.
Beuap, of Wilson. Weber count.. I'tah
Henry Penman of wr wet.er. Weber
counts Utah
Precinct No. I Lewis Wangsgard. of
Huntsville. Weher county, L'tah; J. M.I
Wllber, of K.len. Weber 1 omits Utah'
navld t'hard of I. Iber: v. Weber countv I
' "lab
The po! for the said election will he
opened at the hour of eight o'clock a. '
in and remsln open until the hour of tlx
o'cloeli p. m. of the said .lav. when they
hball be closed
Pated at Die office of the Board of
! 'Ire tors ,n figrten City. Weber countv.
' tab this 12th dav of November. A. D.
(SEAL) D I :t KAV. President
rniTii HATBALL Secretary
Board of nirectot" Weber "ountv irrl-
r-j 1 lo-i (.,,,. t fVSS
Seen proposals will be received hv the'
indergne't ' 1 n 1 1 1 2 o'clock p. m . Dee
30 1920. for constructing a tlmbe- truss
hlghwa) bridge nr the tfuddj river,
ner St Thomas. In Clirk countv. Ne
v ada.
Plans mnv I e examined and forms of
l "ipoos! contract and spe-in-mon se
cdre4 at office or unorKtgned : mav also
be examined at the county clerk's offloe
in l.as Vegas. COSh deposit r,f .-, 00
With the undersigned required for copy
Of plans. hl. ' w'l be refunded on their
return in good eonditlon Bids must be
on proposal rorrr of nip- . Depart
ment sccrpipanled by . orU'lerl Chech In
the amount of ." per cent of M Rtgnt
Is reserved (o reeet arv or a" hid
Stat High was l-:ngineer I
f'arson City. Nevada. "679
Notice Is herebj glVen ihst the an
nunl meeting of sto-kholders of American
I mon Pau l Company will be held at h
principal office of the f.ald companv. at'
No. l'C West Rusliton Avenue (n the Citv
of V.in. IWher Counlv. I'tnh. on Tues
day, the Tib day of December 1120 at
II o'clock a. m. for the election of a
B01 rd of Directors nnd the trunsaetion of
an' other business thot may proper'v
'Ome before such meeting
And notice ts further given thnt nt St. eh
meeting the nIoi I; holders will be called
upon tO consider rnd net upon the ques
tion snd proposition to sanction und au
thorlze th Increase of the maximum
ft 11 1' nint of the Huthorlzed cnpitnl slock of!
the cv,rrorntlon from Fortv Thousand '
T'niirs fi40.ooo.oo). to Eight v Thousand
I'lrdlurs (frO.000.00) or sui h other sum
may he determined upon nt said m.'ting I
said capital stock to be divided into such
number of hr-s and into such classifies '
tlons of stock and to be of such par
value of shares as may bp determined
and Hgreod upon at said mc imr
P. e-idont ;
: Set rwtary.
Co.-iiult County Clerk or the flespec
tive Signers for Further
No. nasi.
i; tale of Vlniira '. T.aUer. De. easo.l
Tit - petition of Alonxv) P. Baker fur let
tera of administration, in the above emit I
bd iiit'ci hns been f-d for heatimr be-1
fo s Don a. W Agee, Judge on Mondaj
the 2th dnv of NoTember, 1920. rtt two!
d) o'clock pg rn., at the county cOuit
I ono in Iho court rcKvm of said .-cj-l
In Cj-den Cit.v, Weber Count;, t tub
Wllpes.. the rbrk of aabj couiL Willi
tin- eii thereof affixed, this 17'h day of
Kovemher, i"20
By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk
Hv-ii.i.i Ilelnap Att'imev for Petitioner
i--"' :.-,.,
No. 332ft.
Estate of Caroline Ceeston. Deceased
The petition of Angelina Shot man for
lot tors of administration to be Issued to
herself. In the above entitled matter, his1
been set for hearing hefore Hon. A E I
prstt judge, on Monday, the 88th da oi
Nov ember, 1?20. nt ten GO) o'clock n. m
at the count? court house, in the court
room of ssld cottit in sden i.'iiv. Webei 1
'ountv- Utah
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the sral thereof affixed, this 17tli dav of 1
November, 1920.
By Agues Smith. Deputy Clerk
I;orI J I'ouglas and D. R. filckens. At-I
tomeys for Petitioner
U'eni) 748)1
In the District t'ourt of the Second Judl I
clal District in and for the County Of I
Webei. State of Utah.
In the matter of th- Estate of Bridget
Harrlgnji. deceased.
Creditors of'the estate of Biidfe-et Har
rignn deceased, will preecnt their clalnus I
together with vouchers, to tho under
signed admlnlr-tnitrlx at the low offle,.. i.f
Che7: and Barker, rooms 400 -401 402 403 I
First Natioinil Hank Building, Ogden.
I Tab, on or before the 2Sth dav of Junu
arj. 1 931
attorneys for Administrati-ix 7 7 4
Estate of .loseph H Myora Pecrned
The petition of James F Burton for
the Issuance 10 himself of letters tests
memory upon the estate of said Joseph 1
H, Myors. deoeaaed. In the above entitled
matter has been act for hearing hefore
Hon A, B. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the
33th day of November. 1120, at ten flO)
o'i lock a. m.. at tho county court houac, '
In the court room of said court. In Og-1
den Ity, Weber County, i'tah.
itness. the clerk of aald court, n I ; h 1
the S'l thereof nflxed. this 17th dav of
November 1920. I
By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk
Arthur Woollcy. Attoniev for Petitioner 1
'Scan 7501
Estate of Han F PettersOfl nnd ragda I
lene AldOUS Petterson. Dccea-6ed
The petition of Virginia Petterson Kan
der and Prances Petterf.011 for appoint
ment ot William N Potterson as adminis
trator of the estate of said decen-e, per
sons. In the above entitled matte-,, has
been set for hearing beforo Hon A W
Agee judge on Monday, the 20th day of
November 1 020 at two 1U1 O'clock p. m..
at the county court houac, In the court
room of said court. In Ogden City. Weber
County. Utah.
Witness the i-Urk of paid couit. with
Iho sool thereof affixed, this 17th dav of
November, 1934
By Agnes Hmlth. Deputv Clerk
w h Reader, lr Attorney for Petition
er. 745S!
8ol) 1
Batata of Henry C. W'li i to Deceased.
The petition of Martin P. Brown pray
ing for the admission of the last will and
testament of Hf-rny C, While, deceased.
to probata, and for letters testamentary
thereon to be issued to him n executor
thereof in the above entitled mutter, hoe
been set fpr hearing before Hon. a. w
Agee. .hide-, on Mo:Mti the 2'uh da.' of
I ovember, 1920. i two 2) o'clock p. m..
ot the county court house, ui the court
room of said court, in Ogdon City, Weber
County, i'tah.
Wltneua. the clerk of said court, with
the soil thereof affixed, this 17th dav of
November, itgo.
WALTLR N. I ARB. v'leiit
By Agp.cs Smith, Deputy Clerk,
llhrris : Jrnson. Atlurnys lor Petition
er 74.ii
Features Salt Lake Mines
Trading and Scores
Good Advance
North Standard was the feature In the
trading on the Salt Lake stock A Min
ing exchange thl morning This BtOCV
traded u total Of 100 ehares and ad- I
vanced from an opening of S'-j io Be at I
the cloc
Tlntie Standard drooped again, selling 1
at $3.40 and Iron King sold 400
shares at !o. Eureks Lily traded t'.on
shares at ",., SetH oi-anged hands at
1 and H4c snd Tr'n. e Con. i.r..uc '
TO. Fureka Mines droiiped aelling LI
7 and 7'3c, with Albion remaining steady j
at lis and 13c
(Quotation furnlahart of 0'ivate wire
of J. A Hoflle A Co . Ercte Bidg.)
Albion . . '. 8 .114 3 I314j
American COS' n2' .01 ,
Alta Tunnel os ,08 I
Rlr Hill 0D ,0C
nulllon "2'- OS
Black Metals .03 ""
Columbus Rexall .V, ,aC
Crown Point oi n4
Colorado Con .03 .'4
Central Eureka .. .. 01 Vi
Cardiff 1.20 i 47",
Paly 1 oo
Fast Crown Tolnt 01 1, .02
Kaat Tin Coal o', "t
Fast Tin f'on. 07 ."
Eureka Lily Of1, .""
Fureka Lily 0SW. ,o; :
Fureka Bullion 07'i
Fmms Silver S21 OS
Fmolre Mines ot .05
Gold Chain 02 .07
Cmnd Central .SO
Howell 01 .094 I
Iron Rlossoin 11
Iron Klic 17't .11
Judge Mining 3 O'i 4 .00
Kennebec 11 ,16 .
Keystone fit .TS
Leonora 034j "4
Thl Tlntie 071 .Ot-V
Mav Dav 01 .01
Miller Hill 04
Moscow OSS lfl
Miehlgan-Utah ost .03 i
North Standard . . 'i4S 044
New Qulncv t4 Ofi
Opohongo "nS 0""i
Plutus 2fi 29
Frlnee Con 2" .31
Provo OVi .05
Rl.-o ArrenMne 01 .04
p.ico Wellington 'S ift
S-lla 01 ta 02
Sll. King Coal LUg 1S5
Sll. Kieo ,;on . . . t 05! 1.13
Sioux Con 02s4
South Hecla 70- .77
South Standard 18i4j 2"
Silver Shield .39
Tar Baby OP-j .02
Tlntie Central .03
T'ntic Standard 3.02s i
Utah Ceins ."1 02
Pncle Snm 0OS 03
Victor Con 01
t'nion Chief 03Va
West Toledo H H1!
Walker 2. 35 2.75
Woodlawn . 1 1 .12
Yankee n,t
SSuma 07 nSi
Daiv West 4 oo 4. no I
Empire Connor 1 00
Furekn Lily 4500 at .SV
Iron Kingienlf' at tc
Lhi Tlntie 300 -nt 8c
New Qulncv 200 at &c.
Eureka Mine 500 at c.
Prince Con. &oo at 30c.
Rico Argentine 2000 nt 4c. 2"' at V
Sells 3000 :tt 2', 1000 at 2c.
Silver Shield 200 nt 39c.
North Stnndard lOOit at :.Sc H"0 at b :
3000 4S
Tlntie Standard 200 at J3 8G
I'tah Con. 1000 at lVic
Woodlawn 161 it iic.
Albion "00 at 11 Sc 110 at 12c.
Mav Dav 1000 nt 1 14 1
l-'ureka Mines 1000 at 7c
Prince Con S00 at 30c.
North Standard 20 0090 at 6ci 1000 at
Bid Ask
AmaL Sugar KmJUmj KUl'
Amal. Sugar pfd 100 ) o 1.60
Cn Wagon . -. - 04 ,00
Cenitnt Securities 12.. 00 130.00
I'tah-Maho Sugar 7.46
Lion Cal Bonds 65.00
West Cache Sugar 100 00 101 00
Wyoming Surnr 10 on
Ord en-Portland Cement JS'SS
ogden rucking 6.00
People '8 Sucar n 0
Klrt National Hank 388 0"
Security State Bank 140 00
(Last Sale)
Allla-Chahnsrs so
American Beet Sugar 63M
Ainerlcon Can -S;?7
American Car A- Foundry 123S
American Hide A- Leather pfd 47'
American International Corp 434
Amen.-., n licomotlve S4
American Smelling & Refg 4 ,
American Sugar
i rlcan Sumatra Tobacco . '2
American T. ft T OJU
American Woolen "01-
Anaconda copper . 10
Atchison . . .
AH. C-ulf A W Indies 12'
Baldwin Locomotive . ... . 941-..
Baltimore & Ohio . -
Bethlehem Sloe! "B" f'4S
Canadian Pacific 1T
Central leather 38
Chandlei Motors T8
i hesapeake a tino .. 66j
Chicago, Mil A St. Paul :lt4
i hi .-ago. R. I. & Pac 31 ?a
Chlno Copper 204
Colorado Fuel Iron 29Vt
I'orn PrcKlucts 73
Crucible Steel S9S
Cuba Cane Sugar 23"a
Erie 1 "''-
i.eneral Electric I"1
Oeneral Motors I1"
Ooodrlch Co. .. 41.
Great Northern pfd 80
i, n.it Northern Ore Clfs. ex dlv . . 30
Illinois Central 89
Inspiration Copper 34
Int. Mcr 7darlne pfd 3
Kennecott t'opper 16H
Louisville A Nashville 10IB
Maxwell Motors Ifi
Mexican Petroleum 157S
Miami Cupper 17 S
Middle States Oil 12S
Mldvals Steel 33V
Missouri Pacific 22
New York Centrnl T6J4
N. V. N. BT. tt Hartford 21
Norfolk & Western Hit
Northern Pacific 8M
Oklahoma Prixl. A Ref 8j
Pan American Petroleum 7t".',j
Pennsylvania 40S
Teoplea Oaa 35V4
Pittsburg A West Va 32S
Ruy Consolidated Copper 11
Reading s7-4
Rep Iron tV Steel C6H
Royal Dutch N. Y. . 674
Shell Trans A- Trad 43
SincUlr Con Oil . 24 ,
Southern Pacific 112
Southern Railway 2dS
Btondord i J of ft. J. pfd. ex dlv...l0T,
Btudebaker corporation 43
Tennessee Copper SB
Texas Co. .. 47-.
Texas & Pacific H
Tobacco Products 53
Tian'contlnental Oil 8
Onion Pacific . . 121 "i
U. S. Food IToducts 32-
V. S Retail Storen
U- 8. Jn'l. Alcohol 71
United States Rubber 66
VnlteU States Sterl 82
l'tah Copper . -'C
Westlnghouse icioctrlc 42t I
WlUys Overland 8
American Zinc, Lead and Sm 7SB
Butte and Superior , ...UiB
Cala. petroleum 1XS
Montana Power o'Jtb
Shatluck Arlnona 5S
Pure Oil 3t"-
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Copper weak,
electrolytic spot and nearby and first
quarter It 'i II',
Iron nominally unchanged.
Tin esv. spot J35.00 u Cj.rjO: futures
J3t 60C37.OO.
Lead dull, unchanged.
Zinc en-y. Eaxt St. Louis spot .j 73tJ
o . aac
Antimony 5.87c.
The Ogden Auto Directory
Jost-Worthmjjton, auto repairing Phone 115. 2300 Washington I
Avenue 7208
White Trucks. A. E. Wilfong, Phone 776. 6885
Franklin Agency and Service. All makes repaired. 2466 Grant !r 9
avenue 6503
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstein Trucks. White-Robinson. P
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 P
Ogden Auto Radiator Co , 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 I
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington 3773 I
Wall Street Has Another Day
of Quick Declines in
NEW YORK. Nov. 2 Pavorite Issues
recorded variable pains at the openlnc
of indny s stock market, the movement
denoting Mirther short covering. Within j
the first half hour, however, a nharp
reversal set In. speelal weakness helm; '
shown by shippings and oils. AlUintlc- I
fJulf and Xloxlean Petroletim lost three
points each. Royal Dutch 2, Baldwin Lo
OOmotlTe 1 and Canadian Poclfli t. I Bl
f'iiul larre fractions Initial pains In !
Reading, Northern Pacific, t'nlteil States
Si eel. Bethlehem Steel And American I
Sugar were forfeited. ExchangS r.n Lon
don -ind other f-irelcn i enters was heavy, j
Mexican Petroleum and Crucible Steel
Buffered extreme losses of five points i
in the enriv reaction, United Fruit fell:
2 and Royal Duten. Pan-A nierlean and
Houston Oil 2 to 2S- Baldwin lost 2
points. Virginia-Carolina chemical 3. in
cernutlonal Paper .V ; and Vanadium and
Lackawanna Steels IS Rai,' followed
the general trend for 8 time. hut
strengthened when buying of Atchison.
Norfolk & Western. Southern i'a-lf. .
New York Central and Ro-k Island ft
footed gains of 1 tO Sfl points. Amen
ean Woolen was firxt among ths pc- I
laities lo revive and rtttshurc & Wet
Virginia enhanced Wed.ie.sda 's suhstan
llal rain on dividend rumora. "all iponey
opened and renewed into next week at j
elx per i.ent.
Secondary or low priced Issues, were 1
moderately benefited by the strength of
Investment rails, but coppers, tho ,
cheaper oils and tobacco specialties fell
bock. Steels also cased again on an- I
nount ement that one of the largest pro
ducers had cut prices.
CHICAGO Nov 26 In a Reneral rush
to sell, wheat tumbled to below' 1.60 a
bushel, the first time since the world
war. The Immediate bearish factors
were ths strained banking situation in
N..rtli Dakota, n break In the cotton
market and it new downturn In foreign
SXi ''iinge British buying of wheat took
I plaee on the downward swing of prices,
but rallies failed to lost and the market
fell as low a; $1 47 a bushel for March
delivery ripening quotations, which va
ried from 3S to 8. lower, with Pecem
ber 31. &::s t" 1 "' and March 31.47 to
i.r.i. were followed by only nioderate and
brief recOTerles from initial bottom flg-
Corn weakened with wheat After
opening "i to l ,.- lower. Including May
nt 70S to 704c tht marki-t rcactecl a
little, but then sOggsd again
I oats worn depressed bv the action of
other cereals, starting V' to He down.
j Mnv 17V, to 4SS' and continuing weak.
An advance In hog values, i.-ounterbal-
'sneed to some extent in the provision
market the bearish effect of sraln de
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Prime mercan
tlle paper unchanged
Exchange Irfegulai
Demand $".4t(, rubles J3.4S
Francs: Demand 6.10c cables 6.12c.
Relglan francs: Demand 6 47c; cables
C.ullders: Demand SO.EOc: cables 30.60c.
Lire. Demand 3.6uc: cables 1.67c.
Marks Demand 1.45c; cables 1 46a.
Greece. Demand 8.80c.
New York exchange un Montreal 12 3-16
per cent discount.
Time loans e;isv. 70 dnys. 10 days and
si xmonths 7Tj7li per cent
Call money steady; high 6 per cent. low
.. i ST cent, ruling rate r, per rent: Clos
ing bid 6 per cent, offered at 7 per cent;
last loan 6 per cent.
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Raw sugar was
unlet today at i.TSc far Cubss cost and
freight, equal to 0.76c for centrifugal
Refined sugar steady at 8.7603.09c for
fine granulated.
Suear futures were very quiet during
the forenoon
May, the only position traded In. ad-
vnnced 1H points on covering.
sngnr future - closed steady; sales 00
tons: December 5 25c; January .". r. 7 .
March " ".7c; May .'. 40e. July 5 jOc
CHICAGO Nov . 16. Wheat NO I bard
SI. 82$ 1. 03 S. No. 2 northern $1 .58.
Corn No. 2 mixed 69 S1': No. 2 yellow
Oats No. 2 white 483H9'4c; No. 3 white
884 -ff 47c
Rve No 2 $142
Bsrley 80983c
Timothy iu .n, 7 .
Clover seed $13.00'ft2O 00
Pork nominal
Lard 819 35.
Ribs 312. 501715 00
NEW YORK. Nov. 26 Liberty bunds
closed :
3S 92.20: first 4s S6. 60; second 4s
rth 20- fust 4'4 ffi '"' k'" v,i 1:
thldr 4Ss S8.H0, fourth 4'.i 86 50; Vic
lory r.4s fio.oo, victory (4a 86 02
NEW YtiRK. Nov 26 Bar silver, do
mestic, unchanged; foreign :;
Mexican dollars 57"c.
HONdLUIiU, Nov. 26. Governor
.Charles J. McCarthy of Hawaii has
'announced that he will submit his
resignation to tho White Hou.v Marc h
4, to tako effect June 30. Despite
pressure from leading men in tho ter
ritory on both nicies of politics, the
governor has refused lo re-considcr
his declnlon, his belief being that
President-elect Harding should have
the privilege of appointing a gover-
! not of Hawaii of the same political
faith as himself Governor McCarth)
Is a Democrat.
A special eommltteo of the chambi i
of commerce has offered th- governor
the position of representative ol t lio
chamber at Washington and the gov
ernor has admitted ho will accept the
proposal If ratified by the whole cham
ber. For a successor to Governor McCar
thy, the most prominent name men
tioned is that of the territory's del
egate to congress, Jonah K ICalanla
nuole, known as ' Prinoj Kuhio, Dd
a member of the la.it royal family of
Hawaii. The delegate Ivip M-rved is
years as delegate to congress and on
November 2. w.ut re-elected fur an
other two-year term. Ho ha said
ho would accept the governorship if
such an offer carried the undivided
support tif the territory.
Ultra-violet Fays, are now being
used to test the last in? quality of
dye colors.
or U. S. GROWS I
More Goods Sent Out and Less f
Brought in for Year, It
Report Shows I
WASHINGTON. Nov 26. Exerts dnr- H
Ing Octohfr Increased by nearh- S1S0.- H
ooo.Orto. while imports decreased upnroxi- H
muteb tl.ooo.ooo. foreign trade fl-.rur
mods public todity the detiartmem of 1 H
comm. -r. n show. Exports were valued ri I fBBBBBBBBBBJ
1762 I II 0 ig Linsl 1005 0 1 Sep- J 'f
temt i r. vvhlle imports were valued I 88bssbsssb1
The excess of export over imivrts in H
Oe'nber amounting to $ OO.OoO 000 Is the H
largest la any one month t the preaOnt
POT the ten months ending with Octn-
her eximrts were $6.32.000,000 compared H
ath '6, in the same Mrlod LH
last year, and Imports were 14.720 000. 600, H
or 31.62Mkio,O0(i more than during tht H
Bams perol List year Thus the trnd fH
balance in favor of the United Ktmei
for the first ten months of this v-ar ll H
32.112.000,000 comuared with a balance r iiiH
for the same period the vear before 11 bH
100.000.000. iiH
Imports of gold during October were H
the largcrt in thre years, amounting ti 5 H
$117.0o0,o00 as compared with S39 000.0OO IfBBBBBBBBBJ
in September aad 5. 000. 000 In October H
last year. Por the ten months period
gold Imports amounted lo 3.1 16 000,000 H
Ogalnst 861.000.000 In the same period ol
1919. Gold exports In October were 326.- H
DO0.000 against 844.000.000 In October las' 0'
year and for the ten month ended with Ly Ll
October exports of gold amounted to :", H
2'5,000.OO0 against 327o. 000,000 for the .- iiH
same period lost .ear t
I rule in silver remains relatlirel! l
small, the statement said. Imports for 'd H
th ten months ended with October were IC
t7c.ooo.ooo against $7.t.ooo.0o0 last year 1 . iiH
an-1 exports were "io4.oi111.ouo as rompat t
ed with J1SO.000.000 for the corTOSDondlng 1S f
perlr1 last year The figures for Oc- '!'
Lobar were not given ' I
Cattle Receipts 201: choice heavy H
steer-' ll 008)8 00; p.r-xi steers V MtJ
S 00; fnlr teer.; 86.006. 60 , cholci.
ffedor nteers J6 00ff7 00; choloc cows 10
nnd heifers 0006 7... fair to good cows lr
an. I nelfers 34 . 00'rr ." 00 ; cutters $3. 50-0" -4.00.
runners 52 50ff3.00; choice feeder , I
Cows $4 0006.00; fat bulls $4 0064.50. 1
bologna trulls S3. 00O4.00; veal calve-; f
S9 O0el 10 00 j
Hons Receipts 12&- choice fat hog. "
17S t" 860 lbs. S8 1009.16; bulk of soles I
05O8 90; feeder hogs $S 009 00. II
Sheep Receipts 531: choice lambs d
S'.'.OOigiO.OO; wethers $5 OO'ffi 00. fa j. j
cues l 00?5.00: feeder lnmhs On Q . H
9. GO. . m
A R R I V A LS. f
M Whltworth, Bancroft, Ida. I tat 1
I I 1. Red ford, Bancroft, Ids I est 1
A Antlerson. Collam. Ida., 1 car sheep H
Thomas Brothers. Arco, Ida., 1 car ) H
Llndsey Land ft Livestock compan .
I Connor. Ida.. 1 car hogg. PgH
Callon and Selsted, Mackay. Ids.. 2 H
cars Ppppj
H. Lenz. Ash ton. Ida.. 1 car cattle I- H
Milton ft Ttdwell. Green River, l'tah. 1- H
car iv H
M J Sorenson Brlgham Cltv. 2 cas ,
CHICAGO, Nov 26 fl'nlted States "
Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts H
19.000. lest corn fed steers and cannlne 0 H
cows steady other classes slow to un- 10 B
evenly lower: one load prime yearllnr it
steers fed with show stoc'it SIS. 00; bulk
native -nteers $9 EO016.36; butcher cows gH
mostly jt 7'eV7 00 canners largely $3.sr'
03.76; calves slow to 50c lower: few L.
vealers above f 13 o, stockers and feed
crs H
Hogs Receipts 33.000. fully 25c higher H
than Wednesday's average; big packer" :i H
btivlng sparingly, but fev hogs left In y H
first hand.i; fop Jio 5 bulk S9 SOf 10 . If. . 11
pigs 15 to 25c higher: bulk desirable Inn ,0 L
10 130 pound pigs 'i.7"IO 00 t
Sheep Receipts 8000: market strong ' H
I 26c higher; choice native lambs to cltv M
butchers ?n 60 bulk natives sio.oo'k
! 11 oo; fat sheep firm bulk fat noth r
,.wr. t( 0004.60; feeders steady h ffl
KANSAS CITY, Mo. Nov 26 (Pnlte.'
States Bnresu of Markets. I Cattle Re - H
celpts 3800; beef steers 86 to 50c hlnlir. d
iuallty common: early rales $6. 2579. On. ... H
bulls and canners stead v. bulk cann-e PBBBBBBBBJ
S3. 60(93. 78; fat she-stock 26c lower M
calves fully steady, no trading in stock- 8H
ers and feeders, undertone weak. r B
Hogs Receipts COOO; opened steady " ,1 H
U.r higher Closing weak: top 310.00: bulk v H
of sales 89.6009.90; torl nnd choice fat 8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ
Sheep Receipts looo, sheep and lambs "OjiBBBBBBJ
steady, feeding lambs $10.75. H
omaiia Neb Nov. 26 (United States H
Bureau of Markets ) -Hogs Receipts
i 9000 . market mostly steady in snots b jo :
shads lower, bulk, medium and light k. H
butchers $9.60139 75; top $9 10; bulk o 1 H
strong weight and pocking grades $9.3 ,i
'attic Receipts :.0"0; beef and buteher fJBBBBBBBJ
cattle slow, steady to weak; fed steers , H
$io 73 cows 3S.O0: stockers and feeders H
Sheep Receipts 35,006; fat lambs nnd B8BBBBBBBJ
! sheep jirmit: fed lasnhs $10.85: ewes $1 - h iSB
50: yearling wethers 36. 00, fnding Iambi 38BBBBBBBJ
CHICAGO. Nov. 2.
Open High Low Close
Dec l 63- 1.67)4 11.62' $1 32'.. L
Marc) l L51U 147 1 II '
Dec. .634 .65 .630 .64?
Mav .70S 71 S
tats H
Mav .474 4S .47S 48 n BBaBasSsl
Jan. 25. 35 25.35 36.15 25.30
Jan. ll 55 ll 65 14.05
Mnv 14 25 11.25 14.22 14.22 V
Jan. 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.25
CHICAGO, Nov 86. Butter lower; r 1
creamery 38063c. 1
Eggs higher; receipts 1530 cases; firsts L ppH
7071c; ordinary flr-n- 59003c; at mark pH
eases Included, 60u69c: standards 72(r
73c: refrigerator firts 53'u54.
Poultry alive unchanged. TaaBBBJJ
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Nov. 26 Flour pppi
unchanged to 20c lower; in oar load loLs.
family patent uuoted at $8 C09 00 a 9JH
barrel In 9S pound cotton sacks. r pH
Bran $32 .00 fj 33.00.
LONDON. Nov. 26 Standard copper
78 6s 3d; electrolytic 90, tin sput k 3H
221 7s Cvl, hud 88; zlno 32 L H
LONDON. Nov. 26 Bar silver 4Sd I pH
Money and discount unchanged 9JIIH
35 r88B

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