OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 26, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

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Ij 'Committee Warned to Start
. Campaign for Christmas
Health Stamps
Four minute men will be featured
fh the drive to bfi started next week
y thf Utah Public Health aaaocta
ion In den and Utah to s cure funds
to flffht the whit- plague In the w 1 : 1 1 " 1
The Christmas al campaign, whlen
will be held under the direction of the
i-tnh Public Health association, was
H succesf laat seaaon, and H la expected
that the drive this year will be aa far-
.t . meeting of tn executive om
mittae today at the Weber blub It was
decided to open the campaign nxl
Wednesday morning, this campaign ho
. ontinue until after the holidays
The executive committee la com
posed of Mrs. Ralph B. Bristol Frank
ritjK Oeorge D. I nnett, J I ''
redga, Jr., E s. Hinckley, O. J .s"ui
well, and Mrs Douglas Watson.
At the meeting next Tuesday, which
111 be. held at 20G Colonel Hudson
B building, a local secretary will be
named to handle the campaign here.
H Hoolhs With prominent women in
B charga will ba placed In all of the
H The four minute men will be named
H by Gus Wright who haa been named
H- as chairman of that committee. The
H perches will be made in behalf of
H the campaign and will be made in the
H various theatres of the city.
H At the meeting today the lodges of
Hj the city were placed under Mrs. Alice
K Miss Gladys Rich will have charge
B of the clubs of the city, while Mrs.
H John Spar go will have charge of the
H churches. Mrs. Vivian Bcowcrofl will
direct work In the L. D. S. wards,
H while the notary club will have charge
of the business section The schools
w ill be In charge of Superintendent W
H Karl Hopkins
The booths in the various stores will
H bo handled by Mr Peter Ilerdti while
H J. U. Eldrcdge, Jr.. will handle th-
B oo
K STERLING, Colo So 26.
B John Kobler. a well-to-do farmer
H living twelve miles northwest of
H Sterling, turned the second barrel
H of a shotgun upon himself after
1 he had shattered the head of his
H wife with the charge of the first
K barrel' last night about 10 o'clock.
H The bodies almost headless, were
H found at the farm home by neigh -
H bors attracted by the reports of
t tho gun. rjnhapplneae in family
B 'i affairs Is believed to have caused
H j Kobler to commit the act His
I wife, a talented woman, had glv-
H 1 en readings at a Thanksgiving day
S celebration in a rural school house
HJ on the evening of the tragedy.
H i Kobler was about 40 years and his
I wife near the Same .lC She 1
J 'wo children by a former marriage.
Guard May Be Increased io
Full Army Division As Re
sult of Inspection
ANCON C Z.. Nov. 26. Senator
Harding devoted today, the last day
of his short visit at the Pacific termi-
'nns of the Panama Canal, to recrea
tion for ihe most part, although he I
had several more talks with canal sone
I officials.
The president-elect rose early foi a
game Of golf and later took a motor-
' boat ride, 1-ale this afternoon he will
leave bj train for Cristobal, where, on
I Sundae he will go on board his ship
fOl return to the l ulled Slates. Kill
ing for Norfolk. ...
1'ROTEX i ion r I v i
The (piestion of a proper mlUtan
' force for the canal zone hns engaged
Senator Harding's active attention and
he will be particularly interested in
I plans of the wai department to in
crease that force to a full dlviaion
The senator today had luncheon with
Mrlgadler General Kennedy, com
mander of troops In the canal sone,
and had a long talk with that offi-
I cer.
During his motor ride he Inspected
the forts off the Pacific end of the
great waterway.
Senator Harding's address at last
night's banquet, tendered him by Pres
ident Porras. of Panama. Create I I
; most favorable Impression, judging
i from comments heard afterward.
P N M lit LER PS-1 M M
"The cordiality of your greetings
! and the fine splrll of your good wishes
stir me deeply." he said, facing Preal-
I dent Porras.
We are rathet more than frlcndlv
neighbors, We are spiritual partners
In one of the gigantic advances of the
j twentieth century transportation.
' Your freedom and our genius and
! resources combined lo link the oceans.
J and the diy will come when the com
1 merco of the world will stage a sur
J passing pageant here. me cannot SS
I cape the inspiration" and the impell
ing influences of commerce and trade.
1 The adventurous navigators and dls
I coverer came hither and revealed a
I western continent to the old world, but
I they cam8 bei-ali.se they were inspired
by trnde. Trade has made peoples
eminent throughout all time and this
I fact Is no less true today than In the
i past.
"I need not assure von anew of the
friendship of our lulled States tor
your republic We are deeply interest
ed in ihe development of oiu- good
fortune. More. We want our proven
friendship for you to add to the confi
dence of all America, North. Central,
and South, in our people and our
government. We nave friendly rela
tions, and we wish to prevent them
and make them abiding We want a
spirit of fraternnl Americanism which
benefits the American continent, not
In selfishness, not In rivalry of ihe
old world, but In a mutuality of inter
est and helpfulness to one another."
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 26 Ten or
twelve passengers and the engineer
and baggage man were Injured when a
landslide struck the northbound lim
ited train No 1 of the Spokane. Port
i land and Seattle railroad near Hood,
I ashington, last night. None of the
I ,ri.engers was seriously hurt.
I i You Can Save 1
I I on Your Grocery
H I Basket
y'v O11 reason for high prices ii the big expense attached if
flr to bo many clerkB, bookkeepers, deliveries, etc. Why not m
1 m eliminate these and save money on your grocery basket? m
f m At the Groceteria you wait on yourself, pay cash and Je
take your goods with you, Your purse tells the result
Jij Fancy J p Rice, 4-lb. Pail of 'j
H K lb.. Cottolene m
H I Just A Few Examples
S Crisco, Qr n
i 3 pounds DC m
m Crieco, rt i nn m
9k G pounds iftl.OZ J
Jj Mazola Oil. 39c
I g Mnzola Oil, J
I m Mazola Oil. o Q.A
1 K gallon J.04
I (Carry-AII Bag FREE with each can, any size)
I ir.T."'. ... 16c 18c 21c,,, 63c
I a ( Rose Bath Toilet . $1.10 Brooms
I Soap, bar only J
I I Ih Groceteria
4 181 Twenty-fourth Street
jtv 1 :45, 3 :30, 5, 6 30, 8 and 9 :30 p m.
m i Moore
fc "Stop
1 hiej
Sundav '"The Penalty," the Biggest Super-Special of the Year
to get mm
Ogden Wen on West Uoast
To Be Permitted Leave
For Christmas
"gden and northern Utah men now
preparing fot active Borvicc the
naal training Stiation mar Bap Fran
cisco, as well ;is those iit.irhed to
'ships of the Pacific fleet, will bo grant -jel
leaves of abseiue to COmc home
for the Christmas holidays, About
fifty mon troni this rliv and vicinity
are Included In th, order, Word to
this effect was received today by Re
eruitlng OCfloct J, l . O'Connor, of the
tgden station.
Leaves iil io so distributed that
those who arL obliged io stay on duty
at Christmas will be allowed to come
homo for New Year' day. From ten
u Fifteen aay Absence will be alfowed
Ten reri-iits recently accepted and
hol.i over until after tho holiday were
sent to .ih lak central station this
morning. They arc: P A. Yolllnga,
?546 Jefforson aventie, Ogden; Bp. K.
Mills. Buhl. Idaho; John Morgan.
Philadelphia; James Clark, QOher,
re.; tJeorge Dungan. Koscburg, r .;
W. O. fUlver3on. Franklin, Idaho;
Frank Trace'y, Robstown Tex.; J R.
Tomalls and J. T. Anderson. Jajmea
town. N. D.: A. T- Clardy, Iraine.
Total enlistments In the Western di
vision for the past week umbered 335.
a report sen! here shows. The total
for ihe country as a whole wan 8,988
recruits, being the greatest weok for
enlist niont.s th,- na ba.s oxperlenred.
Tho ivi . Is short -."'''" f j -:' i ".i
a quota of 143.396. Officers expect
Co fill this deficiency within fowrtec
weeks. Tho forthcoming cruise of th.
Atlantic and Pacific fleets to soulhorn
waters Is hob) tho cause for the gfeal
Increase In enlistments.
Large New Hotel Is
Assured for Brigham
(Special Dispatch.)
BHIOKAM. Xov. 26 A modernly
equipped hotel to cost in the nefihpor
j hooil oi 1150.000 will b. - or ted in
Brigham, it was announced lo-r today
following d quiet survey of the city's
prospects and possibillt b-s by men rop
' resenting eastern capital.
Tho structure Is to bo built on the
sito of the present Booth,, hotel, which
will be rased
'Ph.. nr.il' lw-wr.1 will lmf nr, Ufiu th in
'four stories ami will have :i spacious
lobby, largo dlnhig room, banquet
rooms, dance floor, mezzanine floor,
roof garden and guest rooms with lat-,
est equipment
It Is the Intention of the owners to
(iTLako tho now hotol tho center of ac
ItlvitJ for BrlghHm aHd Box Elder1
county. It w:is said.
Preliminary work will start Lntmedl
latcly. oo
Truck Driver Pardoned
By City Commission
M. Smith, truck driver for G. A.'
Uowe compan;., seniimod to throo
days In the city Jail for speeding was
pardoned by the city commission ,. this
I P. K Smith, the bjy' father, ap-1
peared personally before the commis
sion to plead for the boy. Since the
. younK man ha-1 already spent a portion
I 'of his sentence! n the jail, the citvj
commission agreed that he had been'
sufficiently punished and voted unani-
I mOUaly for the pardon.
i VOUOS Smith losth is job over the
f i Incident but his father said that the!
I.owp firm would re employ him, but I
not as a truck driver. . .
I Wants Divorce From
Alleged Nagging Mate
I charging cruelty ansl Inhuman
treatment, Freida Brueatle has filed
I suit for divorce In thi- district court
talnst Conrul Brueatle Mrs. Brues
'tle complains that since May 10, 1917, j
I her husband ha'i assumed an Indeffer-
net Httitude toward her and has con
tinually scolded and nagged. H also
has refused to allow her to visit her
children which are in Suit Lake, she
1 1 complains.
I Mrs. Bruestle asks that the matrl
! monlal ties be severed and thot cer
owned by her husband
I be- awarded tier.
Th.- couple sVere married In Ogden,
April i. 1916, Mrs-Bruestle's maiden
! nanu- was i 'i tlii i Oruene.
'. RIEST, Nov 26 -(Bj :he Asso
ciated press). Two important military
supporters of Gabrlele d'Annunzio at
Kiume have deserted inm General
Ceocheilnl, comroajidcr-ln-chlef of
1 d' Annunzlo's troops, has quit the soldier-
I m : ,,rrl lug iix Tin-si ml..-.
compan led hy Colone1 Sanl, the chief
Of staff.
Utah Senator's Bill Would
Shut Out Products of
Foreign Fiocks
SALT LAKH CITY, ,ov 20. With
a view tp a t Ceguardlng the interests
I of Jhr American WOOlg row :md re
lOwlng what he termed to be a ciit
Ical situation In tho wool growing sit -nation.
Senator !.. i Snioot announc
ed that he would introduce a bill im
mediately the senate convenes to place
an embargo on foreign woll. dHe said
thai it would bo his intention to hae
j the proposed embargo made effoct
i ive for one year
To Open Streets in
I South East Ogden
Regarding the petition of residents
'In tho vicinity of Thirty-second street
and Madison that proper roads had
not been opened up to that district
City Engineer v'J. m. Tracy, reported
to the city commission this morning
that steps to relieve the situation will
be taken early as possible in the
Only lanes exist, wln re there should
I bo roads, as the streets have been dedi
cated to the city. It was said. A route
starting :' Harrison and Thirty-sixth
street win be opened as follows:
North to Thirty-fifth street on Har
Irlsonj then,,, went to Carroll street,
north to Thltry-fourth, west to Jack
- n, north to Thirty-third, west to
Qulncy, north to Thirty-second and
then west to Orchard street.
Smash Window and
Steal Case of Watches
Special DispaU h I
BRIGHAM, Nov. 26 One watch
and the case which had contained a
I dozen inexpensive watches, have been
recovered following tho theft from the
Oompton Art Gallery on Malnstre et.
A large plate glass window In tho
art gallery was shattorod early Wed-
Inesday. It Is believed the culprits were
frightened away after smashing the
window, their loot being confined to
the wad lies Nothing else was report-
I Bd missing.
KANSAS '"'TV. Mo. Nov. 26
Wholesale prices on fresh pork re
corded a sharp drop today One
packing company quoted pork
loins at 25 cents a pound, a de
cline of 5 cents from the price
earlier in the week.
Sparo ribs sold at 19 cents a
pounds, a 3 cent drop.
First grade bacon declined 3
cents, selling t 48 to 46 cents and
lard was 22 cents a pound, half
a cent down.
The top price paid for hogs at
the stockyards today at $10 the
lowest since early in 1917
Ancient astronom leal instruments,
seized in 1'ekin by the Germans in
1901, have been returned to China.
Famous Comedians
The world's most famous character
comedians, MclNTYRE AND HEATH,
coming to the Orpheum theatre, Mon
day and Tuesday, November 29 and 30,
m the big musical extravaganza,
"Hello, Alexander." Seats now on sale
'SBSS-'-eBBB()-BBi-eBB-(l-eSBB-'lBB(-4 TT MlJL.J S XI -i l-SBBBKr-eBBB-"-eSBS-' -SSS' )-BSB-
f All Day Tomorrow j I
j The old-fashioned dollar bargains that filled the store (
! today, are all offered again tomorrow. ! A 6
j Of course there will be unusual crowds, since there are H
j unusual offerings. Especially will the afternoon be a ! H
1 busy time, so we advise morning shopping wherever I H
possible. ! I
I The advertisements are all posted in the various sections, J
j so that if you have forgotten the many items you may 9
j refresh your memory by reading the ad. in the store.
1 Toyland Is Open J
Bring: the children to Toyland. Let them see this great floor I
I devoted to the showing of the world's newest toys. And if you
5 will take our advise you will buy your toys early, as prices are
positively as low now as they will be the last day before Christ-
mas, and the assortments are, of course, so very much better.
Select now and we will lay away for you any toys you desire. J
I See the list of opening specials that are offered to induce
I f HI
' mmm iiii l
NEW YORK -Here wq meet, Caee ti face, bo t spraak the mosl beautiful back in thf AorM ivr 8!
haps you have followed the trackless t-rails of Jndi.T, been the frieud "f queena and ventured in the
I Boreal wilds. Perhaps oh, well whatever you've Been! f you haven't seen Delysia's bach 1 left
"you ain't seen nothin' yet!" Kjtty Gordon (right) used to have the world's best hark. But the ar-
jtists here and in Franee and England now hand the honor f the French girl, who has eonie to New LiaiHS
York with "Afgar"- tin- colorful spectacle imported from London She formerly plawd also in Paris ' j
The French n-garii hor as tho "successor t (inl D'-sls."
Four in County, one in I
City, Seek School Job
Kour candldntpfi are aeekinR election
to the Weber county bonr'i of i-dnra-rlon
Voters will make their lodlon
December 1 In two districts. The can-
lidutes from the MCOnd district arc
John D Hoopei 't' Hoopi r, and Tbottl
as H. Jones of KanesvUle. In thu
fourth district the- candidates are A.
W Marriott and W. Skeen.
fusirlct No 2 comprises Hooper,
Kanesville. Taylor. Roy and W.st We
ber The fourth district includes Plain
City. Warren, WVst Warren, Kair
W est and Slatcrvlll.-.
In the city Dr. Edward I- Klch of
the Fourth city ward Is the only person
who had announced his candidacv for
election on the city hoard of education.
Dr Rich, who Is president of the
board, will seek re-election. Although
only one candidate haa come forward
the election will be held as usual, ac
cordinK to Supt. W. Karl Hopkins.
Time for flluiK 1 .1 ml idacii.-.s hae
The most northerly air service In
the world Is betwei-n Torjus, Sweden,
and Buorvajaure, Finland,
ne ton of wheat straw will pro
duce the equivalent of 40 pounde of
The Effects of Opiates.
THAT INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its various
preparation?, all of whjcb. are narcotic, is well known. Even in the
Fmallest doees, if continued, thce opiates cause change in tho func
tions and growth of the ells which are likely to become permanent, causing
imbecilitr, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life.
Nervous diseases euch aa intractable nervous dyepepeia and laok of staying I
powers are a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet
in their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never
receive opiates in the smallest doses for more thun a day at a time, aad
only thon if unavoidable.
The administration of Anodynes. Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and
other narcotics to children bv any but a physician cannot bo too stronglr
decried, and he druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill
need the attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a crime to
dose them willfully ith narcotics.
Castoria contains no narcotics if it bers the mtf
signaturo of Chas. H. Fleteher. Jf 2 "
Genuine Castoria alrruj brar the signature o f i&ScJr j-CC&jQ -v. aH

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