OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, November 27, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-11-27/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for 7

3BI . FOR SALE Real Estate
H m'RKS No. 1 (crni Isnd. gooi witter
H right, good wrnwil Mock bouses
H Iwirn nnd outhulldlngr. Team
H hrnK. wnirnn unci Implc
H nient. plr i )
H Clone In A real home, nnd
IOI VCRK8 good frni lnd. watT rlcht
HBI five room hrl-k hou. . Iurn
1 and .. .);!., Close in on
1 main road. A good bUJ for
t 0 ''P rood ( rtni
H II A' KKS i,rnl Und with Water right.
V elose In on mini highway,
hoiifw. cellnr. ham. stable.
1 " granary, chicken house. v
MgH place that la worth the nmne
CTI 40 ACRES iarm land, no lmprovmonln.
ttH fenced. 3." ncrrn nihil fa. A
I Term.
if you irani .m acn oi tort) comi ind
ua or enJI ua up. Wo hnve onie
BjgBJIBJH (timn wo run trade for city property.
H 416 Twenty fourth St Phones 880 2'
lODERN icven i n brlcH
B screened porch: fnrnnco: bench; cur lino.
pr! Iperth or the
I., Inquire Helens Hotel "j
i M TMi nt i. .m. r. rut apartment
Only ISIfiO. Hrlnica In 1150 a month, EM
M n, tour room frame modern, IS000. 1 nay
F terms tnauire SO Thlrtj ruth treet.
I ',. r room I x . '. ".
-w. m. '..in , atreel j W
POUR room parti
H -t I Twentj second fftreet- Apply ifes wean-
rij ton ''
B Threw room hounc. WSter and llshta.
rr- Price IU&0. Terma. Phone '1 1
id . W
two iotf. for . 1 chea 1 8806 Grant
7 if i im bricl i " j ' " '
Bulcl i 1 SOTCh 1 ' - -
HL ; rt' m'.l I ii
street; enrage gss. rne: v"'""'
Crl. 8880 1 leal lection In riu yJ'
i . 1 1 Ci Phono; 8j ' IS I
rami h 1 ' : :''
HaaH basement, No 350S Jefferson. J32.0. In
quire lk r I umbj 1 o ' "
QM NER v,.v. , , am n "-rn
houae fnrnlalicd oi unfurnished. mii aon
- Ph n H11 ' 1 ..
pfi r
I Real Eat
Telephone 4JS 5f,2 cclos BWf
Ur T Mr-pt Improved buslneas property buy cm
I Twenl) rwth i tre t, T rm Immi
a proved i 1 M
Im no ' ' i oom lion i
F : j W 2U
ri n i; acrei ; .n.i and toui room hoi I
rii..r 2441 22
KV .in Mi mi ..I.: m v i . .-n i.i
HB9 hardwood floora. full basement, furnnce;
the best buy In town. Phone 1446-
ptolIowlnK propertli i nmal Ix aold, pnd 1
wo want bids on owi or all. l ernis can
be had on prt of purchaN rrlce.
H ElRht ncr.rf excellent land nt Thlrty-
IH elchlh and Qrant Six room hOiJe. sever
HH nl chicken houpea. quite a nice orchard.
H Rood new (ranice and cohl louse. AImC.
H r-vernl Improver) nl r.nlmprov. d f.trms.
H atork In bi vcml pood money Tiinklnjr '"om
H panlea, aavaral aecured noir flrlwlng I
K per cent The nbove prop;rt inut bo
fold Call nt 62 IVrles bulldln? for any
part or all Will Kell nn plccu of prop- ;
H erty ut a very cheap price. Come at
H once,
5251 1
W l- PORTER, Real Batata and i-onn '
tZTC Waxhlrik'ton avunue Pnoriu l.H7f.
FOR RENT Furnished
I RNISHKl ' 1 1 ..nl .-I. 1 mi. i i n
H hath and telephone 767 Twenty rlxth
'T, LARGE front i
H teacher preferred. 2734 Washington.
PflHJ ' ' ' 1 " ' 1 .
ayONE Diet leepins room with ui
H kitchen nd homa prlvllecea Two glrla
preferred. 5C!' Twent) second troet.
, (63
I' KTMi:'T ii Th
4 street and Wash ton ' '40
i ii ii. ii iM hou turdaj oi S
tiVlaB 1 1. rnoon. 1880 Idami ' "4ti
i Mi'.i i ; . . . nlahi i
H Will rent to party buying furniture.
riione i i :
!';. ' '
woiddn'l object to bajby. Orcluird
ir... room n two te ij le
B preferred references, Phone IG44-U or
. ..ii 181 Pwenl . '. . j "
f . -1--1 n furnished fronl i
H two (rentH men. full . t r 6 o lo k. 2' 4
fjn I " ' ' '
i v : I.. ..t. i oom : f - -; 7
MH ( ; rr nt nventie. Ftate rfdfntmlilr. 7483
RN1SHED u ished
bbbB . uiouevn rooms, ttM .eiierson.
ri tOMS vTT i otel Si I Twi m i.fth
FOR RENT Unfurnished
i ....
KD vanca von mn secure choice of three
PHHj beautiful new modern npir'menta In ae
I :j lect dlstrlcl Jend i 1 '
IH erence to Itox 890. care Standard-Exam-
E p.. II IM hou toi rem ISS6 Chlldi '
ii ii.; .... ri.. 2f0! i 7 ; : v
1 1 .1. I..... i i and i h Ii
1 715
BOARD ! i ' 2 '. i TM i. h
; ' .
For two gentlemen In private homo on
HIH i.-n. h References roQulred. Phone SldOI
r T68Z
r.i r r v i-rti. . .ii i t...i k '''
I 1 1 1 : I I I . - T pr' s aid for men .. old
dothi Twaaty-flfth BI Phone ir-
SHjlBJI 7200 1
:', i TI 'KKKl B poultry 1 ' ' ' '
IBWWWI reed Co. Pnons U'tr. 2'o Washington'
. 1251 .
HIGHEST prices paid for second nnd
gooJa. Stowe. 1800 Washington. 666
H LARGE clean i ik wanted it the Stand
HM.. , ard Examiner offlr. 41SM
F. WANTED To Lease
Si ' .-. ..,!.!. : ,. . room-.n' I.
M Bu, M, . . gi Paul ii"'' 08
S I ',1.1. ' ii i i 1 1 - I .. .1 ... ' ii'iir-il- he I
LfLLi 1 ment or houe In fairly (rood condition, by
couple with two small children Answer
1 Kiving inn particulars to C. Btenow, 234r.
l.in. oln i onui 1
j i jfj j i ; ,i M furnli had aparl ment
Phong 6tc 1 1 1
LIGHT liousckeopini apartment. Address
i . .. 82 3b. ndard Ejutmlnei I Ma
PURNISHE1 1 hi use i i aTI p.. fereni
J M I '.-' I '.red Hoi. 1. fOOl
rm i; ..r (lv. riom rni.Mjein hou;. Plum.
WANTED Miscellaneous
LARGE clean r.-.gs waotwd ot Stand. rd
Examiner offer. 437?
. NS to lb., mull 'i' uork- il" .ml 'm
H N'u security, rate lowest, payments ea.n-
HB i icrvlci quick) il and I prlvati In
H . rtu'u What bankn do for big business,
do for the working man oi woman
j i, n di iiuiiuu, lii.ig "P'-1
f3 K'i 1 loan uitnovtiu sauaj
' ".ii. v HerrlcK '
, . . 'I : P f.i rm fnllv i 1 1 1 -1 .1 2r'0 ui i .
TCjH1 4 iilov,- land. 235 seres hay and pasture
'iSaataB land. W, II- wedsll, 8461 .... imiJ-n
ty''1" j
WAN I ED Female Help '
. 1 1 : i to help lake .
'can go home nights. Zfo2 Vn.shington
i .'. j' .' i i r plac
Ali tandar'a Twentj fifth and li.uion
LARG1 oni am la dsairou ol 1 si i
I ices of two neat appearing energetic
young ladles, about SI jenra of af. oj
travel interviewing business men. Call in
Ij.i-rson; do not phone. Mr. BsjlflCld, Reed
lo ' :" g
. : 1 1 Li. ' ,, i ... i Phon'
I : '
I . I I I
I l.i. .1.'p;n tment. K-r.ir. 2i"J Wnell'llR
'..I '. . :
, hrl w ' ted good at it ad)
Ore. ii. II
BXPERIENCED 1 keepei nl
... ' . el Tiii
GIRL or woman for general housework
pi,... 22
, v T . -, - .. ' . r 1 1. . . TT"4
S A I jES LAD V wanti I Economy S"i pi
. sto 5i
v. i iMAN r girl help " - neral
housework. Call 1630 between I a. m. I
and I p m TWO
. ' ; Miii g-lrl foi housework. No launfirj
Small famllv 2500 Tyler Phone 134.
7637 !
i , I I ; 1 . ... , :,n I r.i r. 1 11 r n from I I
mall p. o 8788 M'i.non Vve, 7080 1
i i , i rt i . i i. i !
R ,ru-h ' lafg '
'Till' LI .! I 1 ' I I 0 I
I v '. n t i ' r i iTTTi gei ral I
must 1 good cook Telephone 1973 frj
jVTIUi i' i.i- ' '
CPERIENi BT) .' vine girls wanted si
. lau' i ;r - n Simp, rori wngr. fi.T).1)
WANTED Male Help
BOYH for Standard Examiner route See
I circulation manager, Slandard-Exajnlner. 1
77'. I
Uln nrat appealing young nun ul.out 21
yean of n(.v tO travel ltli ninnagi r A
goe.d rhani.. t.. i' the United States audi
-I pay While burning I'll ny time. l"o
not phone. Wm A. Jtunfleld. P.eed llc.n.d
CAPABLE, experienced young man su
I nographer deeding work with corporation
'nn l chance for promotion and advance-1
I ment Write full) giving age. experience.
and references, to Sales Department, Hox '
. : i igden Utal : n
I RELIABLE expei need farmer; w
I and profit rbnrlng proposition, W, B,
vs. '. II 2408 Vr. .I.lnc'..n 7:Hu
EX PERIENi ED t dloi State Ii dm rl I
i 7487
BEE I 'I 1 ' V ! ,o S. luvil, Lor Aii !
' gelea No I ' ' . rl right 7001?
rr " .... ..I '
m n Bob ' 6888
WANTED Situations
EXP1 RE S'i i i '. ui i 1 i '
Ion u-,V.t. !. Phon.- 86I8-J 77'J'
CROCHETING tatting-, knitting and nel
tint: done al '.-71 Twenty-sc .-nth 771 '
POSITION as Janitor or watchman by
ex -world war vet-ran ami msrchanl po
lice, Pe"t r.f reference? Box U. c.tre !
WAN FED Salesmen
THE Pack I p.. I . n . I n
er Polo., is looking for a real man fori
local work; big mom y tn live wire See
Mi Mormn. Monday. Hotel Reed 77r.u'
s u;s.iii;. i i , :: o.,i p-.. tuie 1
trfes and ihruba arc In defloand. CaSll
wecklv Address Pajiltul City Nursery
PUR REN I IW isceianeou
G GAP IES i . . 1 1 Ivj Apart: enti i 'lion
i i p. w ,
i . i lion i . r M loll : I
NEW br.i k g.-iage i lo.'n- Iri Phone 589
.. v 7321 ,
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
BXl 'PI. I i '' i loi n lu .. ' '.'i Ii or
terms Pho I 4 7711
-i ioi n used No : i . i i i typi
Writer, 176: terms If desired. r690-Mi "
I,M I.- I' lu -u ol' i, II t
new sanitary couch and mattress, kltch .
en renin and stove pipe: Karnac Wilton!
rug. J7S; A-xm'nilee $io. From 2 to 5 n. j
in . 1 14 T". ' I v ": .!. 77.V.
SIX 1 . Ch ' i ' i I
for . ash. 3'i i Twenty-fiftli street. 7760
FULL dross evening; suit, wo(ri three
tlmen. about 'i..- '.' m Ivrttiiln. Adjr as
Box 5, Standard-Examiner 77SP
12 G ! 1 i " St. . ii - pump gun, uearl) n
Cheap i on. 1122 1 7 7:7
PI N ..I It'll- n I. lu l.i. foti !
cock; Flemish Gltints and American Clues.
Mo- I mi.I '.'',M ',.- ... , ,""
I . . r.V ... .'l P' .:,
I. TK ii.. I I . ' ' fi I'll P0 i P
Q i ax j ' i.-u ' '. I' 7718
;ki pmn'; .miu.i,-. . p. r .... ' md
mincemeat, 81.60. i" r bu hel delivered
!; : ,' j
NEW buTgfes 50 nnd up to 8100 New
ourric $75 up to $125. Sidney Stevens j
fmplemenl Co. 7687
W'lVKitN . ,'.' t i w b- i i
1 .. ... par's. P.-i i'"'tl .-if' S!(liio Si'-.
ok Lmplemanl .'. 71 j
'i-:p V i i plow n with roultei " .
without coulters $'i" cash, While th Ii ii
Sidney Stevens Implement i'o :'
CHA.RTBR OAK rangi. A-1 condition.
I 80 Adams 7C6s
CICLLO almost nee ' i raaeonabV
1670 feffi . I
i 1 1 i-, i i, .
Twenty-fir, t Si Phon- I'll .1 7".2'i
I I '' grain, floni and potatoi P
ami service will meet your approval
132 Twenl I 1 7606
POT r 1 iE9 ind vegetabb Call
7" .
m i i i i bis 1 ' '
".l al .'..' Tw-iil v ' .'nib slrel. 7bil
ii ' . -i ill I thin '
reach of evory family. Satisfaction irm.r-'
ntecil I 'hoi
K BA1 l . pli i i lano Big ban " Csll
y.H T'.n i', :"K7
p. LU nd ' ' poultry Wei ern
Grain. FcedCo
v.SS RTI .! goldfl ih snd uppliea. Bs
Hi. in . . I. rn : . n I .i I'ii, ZS3
TOR Winter K.tstocK r.nrl up tables. nil I
i'r, i n p.. Pim . .i .i. 7280
PAINTS guarant.-. .1 palntl $'-' per gallon i
to bert iunllt 34 5. Stowc's, laOO Wash-
ingtim . - 72Hi 1
ER1 iu ip a - rood up. ailed r
stilts Two pair of panto with each suit
S. ot. h Wool) n M'IIk CC95 ',
.' T' 'N .-. ba . $7 BU per ton Phone P26
W 6640
.;..!, i i.mils ;.uto P'lon.. 1 427 5071
L'NCALI.1 i lor mm tjiio. Qoada Pi
reduction. Gordon's, Jll-i Twenty-ft f'n
Bj Phone 4PJ IU7
Business Opportunities
JTOUR ionej "s v ... th and i (hou
I sands satisfied: our formulas work. Price
$2 prepaid. Success Co., P. O. 588, Ogden.
Otah Tin
S&l ILL chanffi purse, lo I Wednesday on
Twenty-fourth street Reword. Phon- 78
I BROWN leather iwcketbook containing
i money and silver lon bon box Valued as
IgJI heirloom I. . turn 2.".7 Twenty eighth St
Phon- ioh?, w. Reward. 773J
I PARTY who picked up check book on
I Bamberger cai November 24. belonging
; to I tab Surplus Army Goods Store. 310
I Twent) fourth street. Ogden. please re
turn same and receive $5. No questions
asked. 771 S
MKT W P.I .' N P.iinlM ;.-1 .l.-pot uul I.
j dale, one amall black pin seal grip con
i talnlng lnd '8 and child's wearing np
Iparel, glasses, ate. Notify Kllcc or phon
144 K-3, Ogden Vowles. BultaUo rowur.l.
a i TO llcensi plats No 84408 sttaphed to
I tall llnht li' turn to Btandard-Bxamlner,
! Reward. 6i?5
BICYCLE Owns ma) ... Minn b
I Id-ntlf lug and paving for ad. Call 1(08 I
for B. A. 7725
loi sale.
cheap Gnuit. Auto Salvage Co.
, SBB I Ii : I IT SIX n ey. l Hin-l
gOOd . nmlitlon l argaln all 2041 J's ,
' "
j 191 K bodgS 5-iasaenger
lis Doge roadster
1S1 Bulck 7-pasaenper
1920 BuTek ".-passenger
1018 Bulck F ur roadster
1917 Bulck P-45 touring
15l Chevrolet r.-paaenger
1I 8 Studebaker
18)141 Hupmoblle 32
, HI7 Chalmer
I9is Overland r.-passenger
in Cble Pinht Chummy roadster
1016 Saxon BJIl
1919 Frrd touring
P- r.t .'..'li i-n
I 1920 Ford l"oupe
1 TIim are all 1st- miKlel They liave
I l.-en renewiil me-hftnlcnlly as well as In
! aDpearan ?e. and the lirmi w ill suit you. I
'.'566 Wash. Ave. Phone 325.
CHAKMKKS lirl.t alx. five pnaaengei"
g.Kd condition. A bargain. Call 1532 after
i p m 121
p.'i7 pop. f. 'mrriiin SSis Jeffsrraon
WM Us, vour oio tnice as nrst p.ivinent
cn an; n-w roXlB-'! or will buy your oJ
ranee o-itrlc-! Home p.;mliiire 'Jo. 478
HEMSTITCHIN i and plcol edging don:
.t singer Bowing Machlnt) Co. All .
. 8838 Washington, 7318
MPMSTlTi'HINO m l o,. oi piomi-l eiv
1 7' Wash a . . Whlti Mi h Co.
p 4SMAI " 1 beading snd bro I i
Inc. remodeling i vork guaranteed. Phone
I - .;. i
rlemsutchlng, plcot 'iko, buttons pioi
!nr ind plentlnr Second Poor W II
Wrlkb' a- S?or Mr H l,--mar 1 1 Ci
'MODERN steam heated storage. Welter
Taylor Motor Co.. 21?" Hudson. "M
...iCiIi iiom proof itorig. .' ' Tiur,i
fourth stre. t . 71?.;
Information Bureau
ANYTHING A to Z new or old
Ixjnht sold or traded; Phone 383.
Brnmwell Book and Stationery. 232
Washington avenue. Phone 3C0. 205
I 'Lab National Bank, southeast corner
T nt-. foil rib nnd Nv'e.ahington Phone 01
Ogden Corp.nt Cleaning Co for first
clns wuil: LTphoIaterlne SUd mattress
making. Phone 27.12-.T. K. Van Kampcn
Pxpert carpet Cleaning, upholstering.
! mattresses made over, feathers renovated.
Call E i HaniPton 8j I 'q . I' .u . I2".t
Ogden chimney sweep. Phone 364.
Phone 138. 2268-60 Washington Ave
McCarP & Co . hatihng rubbish and
ihi - Phono 21 W 745.T
The New Method l.ientMs are peelil-
itn in aii branches of Dentistry. 24t
Washington avenue. 2209
Ogden Fngniv.ng Service. Co. Soakers
of line cut i (n one or more colors 41f.
T v. en tj fourth street Phons '
J. P. Com E cli - Bulldihg.
Geo. D. Bennett, corporation and group I
Insurance a specialty I'hone 124 W. 1314
Western Hide & Junk Co.. 223 Vah
ingion avenue. Phono 8C1.
i 'v.-..-n Junk House. 2059 Washington
avenue Phone 210
C H. Zerbe, Phone f.4.r. J. 5263,
All kin !. C. H. Zerbe. Phone 946 J
Willnrd Kav. real -tate nnd loans
it' sehlngton "hone -tun. 1S74
BTEAM8H IP tickets
Steamship Agency, "370 Washington
avenue. Phone H66-2j47-M 882 VC.u
Carhatco and rubbish hauled, ccsspolls
nnd tollrts cleaned John Chlpp & Co .
Phone 82$. 284S Htiflscn Avenue. 9733
Sto..s ii-piur, .i co..d. cb aii-d and
p Phoni 3564-W 7257
Trunk and hag repairing, around cor
ner Horn Standard. Gullacher's. 273 Hud
son. 2118
Experl window ind wall paper clean
lug American Window Cleaning. Ph. 563
r-'OTic;: to contractors
S al ! proposals will be received bj the
iinr!ersignel until 2 o'clock p. m.. Dec
-0. i?2fi. for constructing n timber truas
highway bridge over the Muddy river,
near St. Thomas, in Clark oountv, Ne
vada. Plans may be examined and forms of
proposal, contract ami specification", se
cured ,i office ol undersigned; mat also'
bs examined at trie couny clerk office
'n La Yi-Kas Cash deposit Of $15.00
wiili the nnder-b-ned required f..r opy
of plana. v.Uri- ..in t. refunded on tb.-ir
i-iurn m good condition, bids must be
on proi-osal form of Hlgbwuv l.epart
nu.it accompanied by certified check In
the nm'.unt of 5 per cent of l,!d. Right
la reserved to reject anv or all bids.
suite Highwao Engineer
rrf.n Cits Nevada. 7r,7
Notice Is hereby given (hat the an
I nutJ meeting of stockholders of American
Union Paint I'onipanv will be held at lh
1 principal office of th.- snid company at
No. m West Putihion Avenue, in the Ct
; of Ogden. Weber County Pfh on Tucs
i day, the 7th day ot December. 1920. at
1 11 o'clock a. n., for the election rir a
Board of Directors and the transaction of
'any other uuaineHs that may proper!)
' come before such meeting
And notice Is further given that at such
. meeting the sto. ktholdera will be called
upon to consider and act upon the ques
tion and proposition to sanction and SU
! thorlie the Increase of the maximum
I amount of Ihe authorized capital atock of
the corpotation from Fort;, Thnnsnnu
Dollars $4O.0l"J.OO), to Eighty Thousand
Hollar.. ." 000 00). or such other sum as
may be determined upon al said meeting.
said capital stock to be divided Into SUCh
. number of shares and Into such classified
' lions of clock, and to be of such par
lvalue of shares OS may he determined
and agreed upon at said meeting,
B. M. FOX,
Soor. tnrj'
In the District Court of Weber County, i
State of Utah,
Evona Investment Company, a corpora - I
tlon. Plaintiff, vs. F. Allan ICcOulrel
and Edith M- Unlre. his wife. Charles E
Fish and Jane Doe Fish, his wife, una j
llalph B. Iloag Company, a corporation i
i isfsndants.
I To bs sold nt sheriff a sale on the 30th
da of .November, P.'20. ut 12 o'clock noon
I OI said day. al the south front door of
th- Wsbei cbunt) court house, in Ogden
CltJ Weber county, Utah, the following?
described property, to wit:
Situuteil in Weber countv. Utah, and
described as follows: A part of Lot 10,
IUo I. I Plal P. of Ogden Clt Suivey.
ln Orden City, Utah: Deglnnlng at the
nor the as I corner pi fsi.i Lot 10, and run
ning LhSnCS tt.'l 44 feet, theme BOUtO K
r.sls. thsncc east 44 feet, then.- north
rods to the place of beginning.
Dated at )',.b n Cil. W-bcr Count).
Utnh, this 6th du of Nov. mber. 1920
Sheriff of WebeV County, Utah
Uy Cuitl6 Alllaou, De;.ul Sheriff.
An ordinance confirming the assessment,
upon th- proix.-riy hereinafter il. iit-.i
upon Ioth aides of Liberty avenue be- '
twees Twenty-Sixth and Twenty sev I
enib streets, Capitol avenue between
Van Burn and Harrison avenuea. and'
Gramerc avenue between Twenty-fifth
and TwenD -sixth sir.-. t. In I'Mint I !.- '
trlet No, 132 In Ogden City. UtSO. for
the purpoae of paylnc the costs and l x
pi nse of paving the roadways of
streets with Portland cement concrete
Pavement and also for grading, con.
structlng curbs, gutters, sidewalks. ul
.its. drainage and Irrigation gyStSins,
and for extending private water and
sewer service connections from the
mains to thu back of th- uib line: also
for constructing combination curbs and
guttera and driveways on both sides of
Capitol street btwecn Van BUTOn end
Harrison avenue., together wllh all oth
er things necessary to do and to fully
complete all of naid work.
lie It ordained bj the Hoard of Commis
sioners of Ogden City. Utah:
Bsctidn 1. Thut the assessment and Lax
list made by th- ell) engineer as corr. I I
ed. approved and completed by the Board
of Commissioners, sitting as a liosrd of
i;,,u.i Iizji l ion ..rid P.ev.-. of lb- piop.it
on p.irt of Lots 1 to 10 Inclusive. BlOCh
iPlat "B": Lots 14 to 39 Inclusive Cupltol
Block Subdivision of BlOCk 3i. Flat "C":
and lla 1 to 1ft Inclusive block 5. Plut
'13". all in Ogden City Surv. , for the
purpose of providing the roadways of Lib--ii.-.
avenue between Twenty-sixth and
Twent) seventh streets. Cupltol street i
tween Yun Hur-n ami Harrison avenues,
and Oiamci-" avenue between Twentj
fifth and Tw-nt. sixth street with Port
land cement concrete pavement, and also
for grading, const ructlrig curbs, gutters,
ildewalks, culverts; drainage and Irrlg i
tlon systems, and for ext-ndlnK prl itl
water and .--wer irvUe connevtlonn from
the mains lo the back of the curb line:
also for constructing combination curbs
and gutters and driveways on both sides
of Capt'ol Mi.. I b-tvn Van Ituren and
Harrison avenues, torother with all other
things necessary to do and to fully ram
pletO all of mild work, Is hereby confirmed
and ail proceedings in connection with
the creation Ol said paving dlstrlcl and
the making of Improvements therein are
hereby ratified, confirmed and approved.
Section 2- This ordinance shall take ef
fect from and after the date of Its publl-
Adopted r.nd passed bj the Hoard of
Commissioners of Ogden City. Utah. No
vember 36. 1920.
City Recorder
State of Utah, County of Weber ss.
I I. C T. Moyee. City Recorder of Ogden
, City. Utah, hereby certify that the uhove
und foregoing it ;i full, true and correct
loopy gf an ordinance entitled An ordl
nance confirming the aaessment upon the I
props rts i:c;cinHfter described upn both
sides of Liberty avenue beivV.-en Twenty
sixth and Twenty-seventh streets. Capi
tol street between Van P.ur.-n ami Harri
son. kYonues, and Grainercy avenue be
tween Twenty fifth end Twenty sixth
streets In Paving District No. 132 In Og
den City. Utah, for the purpose of paying
the coiitln and expenses of paving the road
ways of said streets with Portland ce
ment concrete pavement, and also for
grading . oust ru. ting curbs gutters, .i.ie
.walks., culverts, drainage an-1 irrigation
systems, and lor extending private water
I mid sewer sorvlc- connections from the
fnalns to the back Of the curb line: also
lor . onntructlng combination curbs and
gutters and drlvewavs on both sides of
CaptRol street between Van Bnrefl and
Harrison avenues, together llb all oil,, i
things necessary to do an.l to fully com
plete all of sabl work ' adopted and
passed i Ihe Poard of Commissioners of
said Ogden Oil)" on ihe 2blb day Of No
' r, l'i2o, aa appears of record in my ,
... rltness whereof. 1 have hereunto set
mv band an.l affixed the ..upon!, seal
i igden Cit this 2blh day of November.
(Seal) City Recorder.
Published November 27. 1920.
Ogden Standard-Examtndi
Pnvlns! DlatrlCt No. 132. 7748
I ITT LI ! V.LL.E m.M.ni; I !(
361 Twenty fourth St.. Ogden. Utah
There are aellnguent on the following)
d ribed stock on account of assessment
b-vled on (be Mb day of October. 1-iL'u.
the several amount let opposite the
r.umes of the respective stockholders as.
No. Num.- Snaifi mt
S Ralph S Loib.u 3000 JC0.U" :
13pcter Mattson . ., 3000 60.00
Ijd-J, W Yolkei. A lCi'O 30.00.
21 Chas. H Husaey, 1500 30. j.-
22 Ed H Miller 100 2.00 ;
23 Paul M Lee 40 80
Z Oscur P. Randall 150u ::
SO Antone Jensen 2000 40.00
81 Antone J.-n.-'en 100 8.00
:;. H U. Olmsteud loo 2.00
J3 Mrs. C J. Tribe r0 l.Ou
H Qeorge W. Owjlllam 250 o (JO
36 William D. Tribe tt) l.ftO
3? Arthur G Huusnan 3ooo ijn.t "
40 George T. l.indyulst .. 6O0 10.00
41 Chas. J. Tribe 1!00 80.00
12 William D Tribe 1500 30 00
43 Iouac Far. 1C00 )0 ,
46 Fred W. lUlllson ... 100 8.00
il Oscar P. Rundull 100 8.00
56 J. W, F. Yolkei 100 2.00
67 John A. Hutcbins 100 8.00
58 T. A Devlns 100 :'.')"
6? P A. Mattson. 100 8.00
81 Bertha l Corlow lOu 2.00
6f K Campbell 25'J 6.0ft
CM Leo J. S alkur 1000 20.00
70 baac Farr 500 10 00
77 R. I . Itoh.TlB 1500 33.00
S4A. B Corey 50o 10 0i
87 Taylor McCain . . .' 200 4.00
SFrcl M. Tout 200 4.00
91 C. H. GosLng 1000 20.00
92 Han-op i Aadncson .2000 40 00
93 .1. A. Summers .. 1000 S 00
94 Jc-iin A. ilutchens 1600 30.00
95 H F. Irwin BOO 10.00
J6p. it. Roherls 800 4.00
97 Antone Jensen 200 4.00
98 1 F Farr 200 4.0ft
99 1". A Muttcon 200 4 00
101 Arthur Hausman 1500 30 00
and In accordance with the law and order
of the board of directors made on ihe sth
day of October 1920. so many shares of
each parcel of such stock as may be nec-
ass . win b- sold at ;J6i Twenty-fourth
sir i. Ogden. Utah, on the 12lh dn of
December I -" at 2 o'clock p m lo pay
the delinquent assessment together with
the cosi of advertising and expense of
77C.I S-rr-(ir and Tie, gu re r.
Consult County Clerk or the Respec
tive Slgncs for Further
No. 333 1 .
Est:, ie of Almira C. Baker, Deceased
Tha petition of Along) F. liak.i for i t
tcrs of administration, in the above I ntlt
l.-d mntter, has been set for healing be
fo e Hon. A, W Agec. Judgw. on Monday,
th. 29th dn- of November. 1920. it two
(21 o'clock p. m, at the countv CQUll
bouse, in the court room of sal.l courtt
in OfJen City, Weber County, Utah
Wllncss. the clerk of said court, with
I the se.il thereof affixed, this 17th -lay of
November 1920.
By Ague?. Smith Deputy Clerk,
jliyrum A. Ilelnap. Atiorr.-.- for I'ctitlone
( S al ) 7 . ". . i
Estate of Caroline P.eeston, Deceived
The petition of Angelina Sherman for
letter! of administration to be Issued to
herself. In the above entitled matter. bs
been set for heurliiK before Hon A P
Pralt. Judge, on Monday the linth day of:
November. 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m..
at the county court house In the court i
l room of said court, In Ogden Cily. Weber,
County, Utah
lines a. the clerk of said nurt. with
th- seal thereof affixed, this 17lh day of
November, P'20.
By Agnes Smith Deputy Clerk
Royal J. Douglas and D R Dickens, At-1
torneys for Petitioner
i - . .. ' 7P-7
ih yJ I luu,
Estal. of Joseph H Mii. Deceased
Th- petition of James F. Burton, for
thl UsuanCfl tO himself of letters teats-
mentar upon 11 state of said Joseph
If Myers, deceased. In the above entitled
matter has been .set for hearing before
Hon. A. E. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the
89th day of November. PJ20, at ten (10)
o'clock a. m., at the county court house.
In the court room of said court In Og
den Clt. W. b-r County, Utah
Witness, the clerk of said court with
Ibe S4M1 thereof uflx-il. this 17th day of
November. 1920 .
WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. ;
By me-. .-n.ith. Deput) Clerk
Arthur Woollt-y Attorne) for petition.-,
Eatale of lfarv F. P-tl. r.-on. nnd Magda
b ii- Aldoua Fetteraon. Dec a I.
I The petition of S'lrj,'inla Petterson San
ider and Frances Pelterson for Sppolnt
j ment of William N. Pettcron as admlnla-
tratoi of (he estate of said deceased per
I son, in the above entitled mn'ter. hn.i
been set for hearing before Hon. A. W
i Vge, . jm'i;.- .,n v. , n -).-. lb.- ; 11, ,,
November, 1920, at two (2) o'clock p.' ut..
at the couni .ouit bona". In II ui
room of said court, in Ogden Cit. . tx r
County, t tab.
I Wltneaa, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof afftxed, this 17th da ol
November 1320
w lter n. parr, cierk.
Bj Agnea Smith. DepUt I'l.-rk
W. H Rccder. Jr.. Attorney for Petition
or. 749S
Estat- oi Esther H. Rennls Deceased.
Cri'dltoi-s Will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at 429 Ec
cles building. Oftvlen. Utah on or before
the 27th da of January, 1021.
Executor of the Estate of F th. i II Ren
nle. Deceased
T. J Matlimis Attoilu for Excculor
77f. n
Estate of Henry 0. White. Deceased.
The petition of M.-irtm P. Prown. pray
Ing for the ailmisslon ot the lust Will and
testament of Hnrj C. White, dcea.'d.
to probate and lor I" tiers t' .-lam. ntary
I thereon to be Issued lo him as exoculor
thereof. In the above entitled matter, has
i . , r. sel for hearing before Hon. A. W
Age.-, judge, on Monday, the 89th da; ol
November. 1920, at two (2) o'clock p. in,
al ihe county court house, in the court
room of said court. In Ogden City. Wsbei
County, Utah. '
Witness; the clerk of said com' -,.iih
line MSl thereof affixed, this 17th dav of
November, 1920.
ALTER N. PARR, - lerk.
liy Agnes Smith. Deput) Clerk.
Hmris & Jcnson, Attorney for Petition
er 13J
CSi i
LeOUVAIN, Relgium. Nov. 8. )Cor-i
rekpondence of the Associated Press).)
Personal libraries of German sa-1
VantB ure being purchased to restock
the shelves of the Louvaln l!br:iry loot
ed by the Germans In the war. The
German professors, are hard hit by
heavy taxation and the high cost of
living and many rare and valuable;
volumes have ihui come Into he mar-j
M Louis Stainier, director of the 11-1
bran restoration committee, told, .t
correspondent of the London Dally1
News here that Louvaln was grate?
fill for the consignment of hool;s
from American wellwisheni, although, i
aa he put it. tin- American collection
being ah essentially modern one. had
more of a "universal J than a uui
verslty'" character.
No bulldfng? yet exists In Louvaln
adequate to receive the new library
icnd the books thus far obtained, lo
cludlng 3.i.ooo volume's from Eng
land, are scattered wherever tempor
ary accommodation can be found im-them
The Ogden Auto Directory f
Jost- w crthington, auto repairing. Phone 115 2300 Washington 1
Avenue 7208
White Trucks A. E. Wilfong, Phone 776. 6885
i'rankhn Agency and Service All makes rcpairecl 2466 Grant V"
avenue 650:';
Bnscoe Touring Cars, Granirn-Bcrnstein Trucks. White-Robinson
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 373S
Ogden Auto Radiator Co.. 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3772
PRiU L. Korea, net. 10. :orre-J
spondence.) That the over-bearing
attitude Of some Japanese toward-".
Koreans has Injured the feeling, p'f
Korr-uns and thnt the rancor harbored
by Koreans has caused the Japanese
to entertain (11-feeling against the
Koreans was one of the stntcmenis of.
Pretriler Hara of j-umn in an Inter-!
view with the Tokio correspondent of
the Seoul Nlppp.
Mr. ILira expressed conflil'Mi.e
however, thnt iho bitter fe.-iinr be
twt i n the two peoples would disappear
In time Kore.uiM. he thouffht. Bhptild
underaian.l that the Jingoistic Spirit
shown by certain Japanese towardsj
them eomc-s not from any bal motives.
but Is only an aftermath of the oln
feudal system existing In Japan until
sixty yours nro. Koreans should not'
think that such people nr.- repr sent -
tivo of all the Japanese. There are
many good lapanese, who are soger;
lo fc-iini ih. ir aXftiction and confidence
and live with them In peace and har
mony. .Mr. Hara continued: 'The success
ful administration of Korea and the
reconciliation of Japanese and Kore
ans are inseparable. Onu cannot be
attained unices the other Is also ac
complished. It follows that the rc
gponslblllty for good government In
Korea rests wholly upon the shoulders
of both peoples."
The prime minister said he could
never endorse the opinion advanced In
some circles lu Japan that Japan's at
titude towards Korea should bo one of
i cprcsston.
Ho set forth the following as the
guiding principles for the future:
"First To refrain from oeslring to
achieve success In a hurr.v, nut to car-1
ry on the work wlih prudence and
st'-udlncsx Second to endeavor to
promote the welfare of the Korean
people In general in conformity with,
the pollc of Administration already
mapped out for Korea and help them
to SoU-awakening. Third to aspire
to a complete understanding
between the two peoples, so that tb-v
will equally share all the advantages
resulting from their bo-pperatlou In
economic, political and educational
i work. The Koreans should endeavor
(n see as much a;; possible the bright
'aide of fhings. exercising more of
WARSAW. Nov. 27. The Polish H
government Is making a determined H
effort lo stamp out the wandering H
Idlers now numerous in eastern Po- H
of war H
rise to a class of refugees little re J
moved from the professional tramp. H
Driven from their homed and tht-lr leg J
Itlmate occupations .by the war. these H
refugees wapderlpe over pH
th. country, fleeing front one danger
to .mother, until today it Ih flBtU tor !
i hem tL. up any real work serl- IgtgigiH
Sometimes it is hard to tell the con- H
firmed Idler from the deserving refu- fJ
gee. The Bdllsh government is trying H
to get them all back to the district H
from which thev originally came. In J
i the meantime, in administering such H
r. hef ns Ms disposal, it In-
thai for assistance H
Ullng to work.
Many refugees who would be B
popularly classed in America as "ho- H
, boes" are accompanied In their wan- H
derlngs children usually their own
those -i me relative- In most H
leases these children are temporarily
I placed In an orphanage or similar In- J
it bast until It appears that
th.- refugee relative is ready to settbi
down and make a home somewhere.
The child refugee is the greates'i H
relief problem In Poland,
ordin'g to reports gathered by thi
American Red Cross, for It is theft H
.children, devitalised and weakened bi H
the wandering life of the past years, H
that must goon lake their place as th
women of the new country.
In. U ib. it there are more H
than 500,000 orphans in Poland. H
SOUTH BEND. Ind The thief who H
js.000 worth of bonds from Mar,- H
tin Payne's room was considerate H
t return them by parcel post. H
when be found they were of no value H
to H
their reason and Intelligence, and the J
Japanese should treat Koreans with H
. and kindness. Hy so doing they
v. Ill help to attain the great object of H
the union of Japan and Korea." H
! Where Are the Suffragets? I
D -5Ei- :rr" T" - -
N. K. A. Staff tVkirreabundont,
WASBINGTl N. No'. 27. It wan ar
gued In the last day of the hard
suffrage campaign that legislatures
ouplu to ratify in order lo release ,
the army of women striving for the ;
vole for other lines of e-ndcavor.
The organizers for the National U n
mans party, who vvre paid salaries,
worked hard In order to vvoi k them
selves out of jobs.
If u bunch of carpenters had bcen
building a feme an.l s-iw no other
Jobs In sight, they might have ei. nl
two days on li when It could be done
In one. But not these iritis' In their
lobbying before legislatures, and OS-1
pc hilly In Tennessee, for final vic
tory, they forgot their ealurles would
stop when the vote WOS laken.
u i KENT IDLE lom
However, these brilliant young wo
men weren't Idle long. Not one of
thom needed to search the help-want-
, .1 columns for something to do. They
were, sought by employers or hUS-
Betty Gram, l'orlland. i rc.. who had
dropped her musical education four
years ago to answer the call of Alice
Paul for suffrage pickets not afraid
of prison, sailed a few weeks ago
for i;erin.in to coniplcte her mns.. :il
studli s.
Doris Stevensj Omaha, who quit 1 1 r
musical studies lo be- com.- a suffra
gist militant, has become an authoress-
and has already published her
first book. Jailed for Freedom."
Luc I Iran ham, beautiful society
Kin of Baltimore; left the- stirring days
of picketing :md prison sentences and
now teaches Buropean history at Col-:
ombbt I'niversity
The suffrage victory added to the
supply of teachers when Mary Du
brow, Passaic, N. J., took a Job In an
Industrial school In her home town.
Hazel Hunklns. Hillings, Mont., has
bailed for Lnglatid to make a study
Upper Left, Lucy Branham; t"p
per hIkIh. Bcttj Gram; Center, Doris (
st.x,,,. xwer Left. Hazel Hunklns;
Lower Center, Clan Louise How. ,
Lowei i : i u i t . Marj Dnrbow, i
of the c-opr ratlVS, movement and
will soon return with her information
to be given SlO groups of farmers and
Other Kirl workers in the suffraglsl
B6Vi mi afti r they helped to prove
woman's place lan'l In the home all
the time, decided to prove woman s BJjBJg
freedom to choose.
Lis I'.ibl rhe.nl, Kinsas City, for 8H
Instance, married John Hrll'ane BH
and with him edits a maga- BH
ilni . Clara Louise Rows, Syracuse, BH
X V.. 1 1 ... w Mrs. Dm:. ild McOraw. BjH
Miss Rebecca ilourwlch. Of New York
City, bi the wife of Fordlnana de Hey- BBa
her short storj wtlter. and the moth-
. r ..! a small feminist daughter Vlv- BJJBJJ
lan Pb tce has taken up phllanthro
work. s. verai of the organisers of the vo Bpa
man's parly, huvo remained with It to
help with the organisation of its iu- pH
tlonnl convention, February 13. Thcst
... Anita PolllUer, Charleston, S. C.J
Catherine Flanagan, Hartford. Conn.;
8 i White, Lebanon. Tenn.; and EIU- PH
abeth Kalb, Houston, Texas.

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