Event to Take Place Simul
taneously With Ogden
Livestock Show
formal openinR of the liupr Sperry
flour mill will tak placs on January
6, 7 and 8. tlio Uitf8 srlrrloM for the
aecond annual Ogrden llws'tock Show,
nooordlos to joint announcement
made last evenlnR by the management
of both the Sperry Flour company and
the livestock show.
Expectation that hundreds of west
ern men Interested In either or both
of the Industries, grain handling and
livestock raising, will attend both
events and that the co-operatl nr-
rangements made will attract much
attention to Ogrden's prominence in
both fields of Industry. Th.- Sperry
plant is neat completion and will be
in operation about the middle of De-
ember The plan is t have visitors,
the entire public being invited, escort
ed through the lug' plant at desig
nated hours on each of the three days.
The visits will disclose not only how
flour is made and packed, but also
all of the methods of handling grain
from th- time it Is received In ram
;it the elevator until it Is made into the
finished products.
Prizes and awards for the Ogden!
Livestock show this year total morel
than $f,200. according to figures pre
sented at the executive committee!
meeting held last evening at the We
bi r club rooms. This does not Include
(he array of cups and other trophies!
which will bs tnven to the exhibitors!
I nor special awards offered by one of
thn cattle nuns osmnizations. The
financial plans of the show were pre
sented to the committee meeting by a
i" clal budget committer composed of
). YV. Whitlock. general manager of
, the show and J. Hrennan, the show
t re usurer.
A nnonnroment that the catalogue
and premium list will soon be pub
lished and that with this issuance there
will be arrival of many entries for the
show was made. Eentertalnmenl fea
tures were brlefl) dtSCUSfted and pub
licity plans given further considera
tion by the executive committee.
General Manager Whitlock in
formed the committee that the Inter
est among livestock men indicated that
the Ogden show would not only have
more livestock entered this year but
B wide diversity and even better qual
ity of stock than or.e year ago, thoucrh
the first show was considered of the
v i rv highest order.
H Unsettled mil Colder
H Is Weaker Forecast
Unsettled and colder tonight,
Va bly snow in the north portion; Sunday
Hj and colder
Hl This was the weather report fore-
Jl cast for Ogden and Vicinity issued to-
M Bay bv 'harles Las, forecaster at the
H Temperatures for Ogden yesterday
H were 45 maximum and tl minimum.
H Precipitation brought by the light
H snowfall ua--. .03S inches.
I We mean pioneer Paint, of
Course, because it stands the
weather best and costs least.
415 23d St.
Miss Irene Harris Attacked in
, Private Hospital At Idaho
MIsh Irene Harris daughter of At
torney N. J. Harris of Ogden. was
the victim of n vicious and hrutal as
Isaull on November 1 " at Iho Peo
ple's hospital at Idaho Kails. Ida., by
I r. David McDonald, according to a
statement made today by Attorney
Harris Dr. McDonald and his wile.
PaulltfS were made defendants in th
ca-H- which was heard last Wednesday
by Judge A D. I'eck and a Jury The
Jury returned a verdict of guilty and
the defendants were sentenced to pay
a fine of $25.
According to Attorney Harris, his
daughter, who Is a graduate of the
I Dee hospital, had served as a nurse
I at the People's hospital last summer
'and was :iKa!n engaged while on a
visit to Idaho Falls this month. The
hospital Is a private Institution oper-
aieu ny it. .naiiow uim wi .m ouie
aid. Nurxe Harris was called In on
a case by Dr Mallow nnd Dr Mc
Donald objected. The two medical
men quarreled and Dr McDonald Is
paid to have thrown Miss Harris out
of the building. She was almost
Strangled and suffered a sprained an
kle Attorney Harris describes the as
sault as vicious and brutal He siys
that It I expected that the case will
be reported to the state medical
hour.) and that I r McDonald may
have his license cancelled
Deaths and funerals
j IHNtjIIA.M. Mrs. Bliao lane Bing
ham, wife of .lames P. Bingham, died
I at 2:50 o'clock yesterday at the family
residence. 1921 Granl avenue, after
'four years Illness of kidney trouble
,She Is the wife of .Limes P. Bingham
and was born in Ogden, August 18.
J 1 S 8 1 . She was the daughter of Joseph
US. and ElUtO Jane I". Harbertson She
'was married to James P. Bingham
I Mar. 12", 190, nnd had been a resident
of ( igden since S'ie was a member
of the Third ward ami wax also 0 Sun
day school teacher She is survived
by her hushand and the following chil
dren: I.cana, Bern ice, lister J. lone.
: Norma nnd lorene; also the following
i brothers and sisters. Mrs Joseph
Phillips. Mrs. Rose Scott. Joseph M.
Harbertson, Mrs. Ollvo Donaldson,
' James Leroy Hnrbertson. Dewey V.
Harbertson, Thelihe ami Parry Har
j bertson. all of Ogden. Funeral ser
vices will be held Sunday at ' o'clock
i in the Third ward nuretlnghousc Blah'
'op B. M Rlchanlson officiating The
body may be viewed this afternoon
after A o'cloc. this evening
land tomorrow until the time of the
Bervice. Interment will be in the City
I cemetery
COOK. Puneral services for Dr.
Percy a Cook will be held Sunday at
2:30 o'clock at vt'ne residence. 553
I Twentieth slreet il J. W Hvslop
will officiate. Thp body may be iewed
this afternoon and evening ami tomoi -'row.
Interment will be In th City
: cemetery.
MYl lis Puneral services for
! Frederick M Myers were held at 2
I o'clock yesterday afternoon In the
iKlrkendall funeral chape!. Ritualistic
I services were conducted by the t'pan-,
'ish war veterans Interment was In
! Hie ( jden it v ei nn ti rv
; . on
Weber Floral furnishes the flowers.
1 . 7705
I: ' v : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
:j: 2336 Washington Ave.
i .
A complete line of
1 Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery f
H. DAY, Prop.
Bmlner.r, nnd Circulation Dept. C6
Advsrtfslno Dept. -128
Editorial and News Dept. 870
Writer Hero. Frank C Wntherby,
war correspondent In France during
I the world war for the New York
Times, was an igden visitor today en
route to the orient. He was accom
panied bj Mr Wetherbv and two chil
dren. I Dr. Wright moved to 3-5 Ecclss
jBldg. 7503
Smoker. Tin University club of
t-'gdon will hold their first smoker of
the season at their club rooms at
;Twenty-slxth Street and Washington
avenue this evening, according, to
Chairman John Culley.
Clean large rags wanted at The
Standard-Examiner "office. s3
Scandinavian Dance and Prosram
Monday, Nov. 20, ut Tenth ward ball.
Admission 50c couple. Extra ladles i
26c; children 15c 774-1
Ogden Typewriter House for type
writers ami repairs, 2-122 Hudson ave
nue Phone 236.
Defendant Proved !
Peacemaker; Freed
! i
How the defendant, charged with
disturbing the peace, by challenging
for a fight, was proved to be a peace-j
maker was revealed by the cit 's own:
'witness in the city court this morn-1
I ing
The defendant, C J Martin, was nl
1 l"ged to have created a disturbance
on Washington avenue between Tweh
ty-fourth ard Twenty-fifth streets on
'the evening of November 11, by Chal-J
: lenging everybody to fight, accord-,
' inir to the complaint. Witnesses for
the it. II. Whorman,' Percy Hadley.j
j and a L. Thomas, told of the disturb-1
1 ance. which was created by Jule Com-'
be who had forfeited his ball of 25
it wis revealed by the witnesses that
the only part that Martin took In the
affair was using his efforts to present
Combe from ftghtln---
At the conclusion of the introduc-'
J tlon of testimony b ihe city, Judge
. Ttoherts said. "'We don't need to go,
any further. The testimony of the
city proves the defendant to be a
peacemaker nnd the court will find
hln; not g;illt and order him dls i
I charged "
! t
I Beg Your Pardon J !
In yesterday's account of police
court proceeding.. The Standard-F.-
aminer said J F Walker forfeited $60
on a drunkeness charge it should
have been published J. T. Walker, J.
F. Walker is an Ogden real estate man.
It was not J F Walker whose case,
was called in police court.
Horse Runs Away; !
j Owner Fsnerf $10
C. L Kus.sell of 12 Monitor apart-'
runts. Salt Iake, was found guilt
In the city couit this morning, of leav
ing a horse unhitched in the businc s
district yesterday. He paid a fine ol
officer J. M Hawkins testified that
the horse, which was hitched to a wag
on, dashed down Twenty-fourth street
from Washington avenue, zigzngglng
aeros.s llie toad and finally collided
with the safety zone post at Hudson I
at en ue.
Mrs. chas. Rule, .New Dlgglns, wis.. ;
j writes: "Your medicine is O. K I
think Foley's Honey and Tar Im the
best for coughs. I think your medi
cine Is all you say it is I know 1
would never b without it. yJ may
us,, my name." Foley's Honey add Tar1
acts quickly, checks coughs, colds am' '
croup, cuts the phlegm, opens air pas-'
Sages and -Hays irritation. It Stops;
8leep'dlsturblng coughing at night.'
Children like it. Contains no opiates.!
Sold everywhere. Adv I
wMsr tittt ' Jmj
wmMwSz s ,ifSSS
LOS ANGELAS, Cal.-Whfen Arthur Rani, Jrl, heard that Hard
ing was elected he took his typewriter to his lap, so to speak, and!
rattled forth this portrail f the preeident-to-be CubisticaUy speak-!
ing, Harding In re. das hair of "W's" untl a cipher necktie, while j
his face is deeply lined Scientists are not Losing sleep trying lo de-;
termine wh) ther Paul rates the title of author or artist.
More Than Hundred
Attend Guard Smoker
More than one hundred men attend
ed the smoker given at the armory
last nighl by the members of U bat
ter f of the Utah National guard ac
cording to Captain W. E. Ldndquist.j
i ommandlng officer. The members of
the Ogden unit together with their
frietids attended the smoker.
The smoker last nigh: was the
lirsi of a Serbs to be held during the
winter months, according to Captain
larubpiisi Lioxing and wrestling were
featured at the smoker last night,
while the duties of a member of the
national uurd w ere outlined by 'at
tain iandquist,
The Ogden unit is seeking ten more
men for their organization, and It Is
expected that this number will be en-j
rolled before December 1. Next sum-j
me-r the entire I'tah organization Willi
hold their yearly encampment at
American LAke. Washington.
Three cornmltttes will alternate
during the winter a( staging the smok-,
ers, according to Captain Lthdqulst.!
t,Q .
Marty Tickets Sld
for 'Passers-by'
Students of the Weber Normal col
lege report a heavy sale of tickets
for the production Monday evening of
r.issers-By" by the Varsity pik
ers. The play will be presented at the
Weber Normal college auditorium for
the benefit of the Weber gymnasium
fund. There will be a matinee perfor
mance as well as a performance in the
The Varsity flayers Recently pre
sented The W itching flour ' in Og
den for the gymnasium fund and
their artistic work Is widely known
In Ugden.
Yards and Shops Set
Up Enviable Record
The railroad yards and Shops hove
made an enviable record in their Red
Cros membership work this year,
Chairman J K. Carver said today Mrs
Joseph Taylor was In charge of this
division and met with much loyal sup
port that already 187 dollar member
ships have been received from the
shops and yards with more to follow.
Varsity Players to
Show The Passers-by'
"The Passers-by" will be presented!
at Weber Normal college next Mon
day night by the Vnrslt players. The!
production made a decided hit in Lon
don. I'arls and New York. It teems
with pathos and humor, some parts,
being semltragic. At Salt Lake during!
the present week it made a decided
hit at the Social Hall theatre
We desire to extend our sincere and
heartfelt thynks to our friends and
neighbors, and to tin Modern Wood-
Irnen of America The Master Barbers'
lUnjon, and the Journeyman barbers,
for their many acts of kindness and
assistance shdwn ua at the death of
nushanil and father, also for the many
il'loral offerings.
( Sinned i
MBS. MYRt N PI Ll.cn
VANCOUVRR, U. C . Nov. 27. Os-!
car Haughman, star right handt-r of
the Vancouver Beavers during the :
past year, will pitch for the Tulsa I
club of Western league this sea
son, it was learned here today. I
Governor-elect Mabey
in Ogden on Way East
Gov ernor-elect Charles R, Mabey,
I accompanied by Harold Fabian and
! w iiiiam Bailoy secretary of the state
board of equalization, passed through
Ogden yesterday en route to Harris
burg, Ps . where Mr Mabey will at
tend the a nnual conference of gov
ernors. Mr Mabey will first go to Chicago,
where be will attend for one day the
National Livestock convention, nnd
Will take up matter of importance
j to Utah stock raisers. He will then
go to rlarrisburg.
At the conclusion of the governors
'conference he will go to New York
for a day or two. In New York Mr
Mabey expects to gain some Informa
tion concerning that oltys budget sys
tem. It Is said that New York City
paid S0,000 for a city budget sys
tem that saved the municipality $-0.-000,000
and Mr. Mapcy wishes to
study this plan.
Returning, Mr. Mabey will visit
Washington and then go to Spring
field. Ill . where he will study the cab
inet form of government placed In
effect In that state by Governor Low
den A visit will then be 'paid to
nmnha and then straight back to
I tah It is expected the trip will
occupy about two weks.
in Washington Mr. Mabey will be
tend the annual conference of gov
ernor and chaltman of the Republi
can state central committee.
CINCINNATI Ohio, Nov, 26. Spon
sored by a group of business men
I prominently identified with th whole
sale woolen and trimming Industry,
arid leading retull dealers, there has
'" en organized ihe Merchant Tailors'
j National Service bureau.
Chris E. Krlger, president of the
. Merchant Tailors' Designers' assocla
Ition, which is affiliated with the new
organization, explained that the object
, of th bureau Is to conduct a country
i wide advertising campaign with the
J purpose In mind of presenting to the
general public the true facta regard
Ing the merchant tailoring industry'
! Members of the following organisa
I tions have thus far Joined forces with
I the Merchant Tailors' Designers' as
sociation and the bureau National
Vool n arid Trimming association;
National association of Merchant Tai
lors of America. Pacific Coast Mer
chant Tailors' a"soc lation, and several
smaller units.
BOCHE8TER, N V.. Nov 27. A
government-owned concrete barge
bound from Buffalo to New York.
sunk In the barge canal four miles
'west of Rochester harbor today with
26,000 bushels of wheal, alued at
138.000. It Is said half of the cargo
lean be salvaged.
MADRID, Nov. 26. Reports were
I current tonight that the governor and
mayor of Madrid are about to be dis
missed from office in connection with
jthe bread situation.
j MAI'KII), Nov. 1; The delegates
of all the La tin-American nations to
the international postal congress und
t'.ie delegates of the Lulled States Bill,-
a luncheon today in honor of the Duke
Of Columbia, postmaster general of
Spain, and the Spanish delegation.
HUNTINGTON, W Va. There's a
j cosmetic war on at the high school
I here, boys on one side and girls on
the other. The parent-teachers' asso-l
Clatlon decided to simplify the garb of
ihlgh school girls and eliminate cos-'
luetics from their dressing tables. The!
boys hHve been ridb uling those who i
iolate the rules. Now the glrlx charge
the boys are using brilllantlne to give t
till ir hair 8 glossy appearance.
I "
The up. trail . I
I K- v- e - -1 ..VU'.M"
r w
W 11 HodklhSOQ, formerly of Dg-
i n, at present one of the great
i astern picture producers, hat just
completed arrancemi nis for the re
lease of the greatest photoplay to
be released 'bis year, "The i , iv
Trail," consisting M ' n thou- B
j sand feet of the west in early days K
-a mammoth production with an
I all-star cast Manager Skinner nc
gotlated with the New York off
with the claim that cden. Utah gifl
is lb3 logical cits to present the in-
Itlal showing nnd he was nol onl
successful in making his srgument
j stand, but was awarded the most
i unusual privilege of being granted
a two weeks' advance ol Lhe date
set for Its release in the key cities,
and Ogden will be the 1 irst city In A
the United States to present the J
production, and this was not all. The 4
Alhambra has arranged to exhibit 4
I the picture for the reduc ed pricey of
lu cents and 30 cents, wlulr some
pe.ats will be advertised at Tn cent- 4
nnd 7". cents; the entire main floor
win be rated at :', cents for adults
and in cents for children. Everj
j man. woman and child In the sur-
rounding country will uant to se
tliis most 'wonderful showing if ad
ventures and thtills interwoven
with the sweetest love story ever
told, c oming, five days, December M
7, 8, 9. 10. 11. Vj
LONDON. Nov. 21. -The erection of pH
barriers eight feet high. which will faV
i exclude th public from Downing iasW
wtr.et and adjacent Charles street, was BHJ
I begun last night. Hfl
Both streets lead from Whitehall to flH
'a group of government departmental
! offices, and also the official residences
'of Premier Lloyd-George and Andrea
I Honar Law. the government leader in
! the house of commons.
AKRON, O, John Krusica fares llf. WM
imprisonment because he was drunk.
John used to live In a rooming house IH
here six drinks of moonshine made
John forget ho no longer lived at the lasfl
same house. He was caught wander-
ing through the h ills, if convicted of
burglarizing an inhabited dwelling.
he'll draw life. The prosecutor rec-
aMRICAN-majd brEad I
I I NO RIM CUTS Another industry which promises much for Ogden is the plant for the manufacture of punctureproof inner tires tor automobiles. The f$
I NO FLAT TIRES factor) was induced to locate here due to our superior railroad facilities, and w ithout delay purchased a factory site with trackage in the 9
j railroad district near the Sperry Mills. It has already completed a brick building thereon, withe a large basement particularly adapted for
j NO ROAD storing big quantities of raw rubber. The machinery, which is very complicated, was expressly manufactured for the Ogden plant at Erie,
I DELAYS Pennsylvania, and although a rush order was given last May, it has just commenced to arrive and is being rapidly installed.
1 The company is the exclusive manufacturer for Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming and other states, of the celebrated Aero Cushion inner
1 tire, under a scientific process (protected by U. S. Patent), containing forty per cent air and sixty per cent pure para rubber. The Aero
I INSTEAD Cushion inner tires are made to fit into any size of an outer casing. They are in one piece, contain myriad air cells, resembling a sponge, 9 I
and are resilient as air. They float in water. They are guaranteed o be puncture and blowoutproof, and at the same time increase the mile- M
j . age of casings seventy-five per cent and more. They will last the life of an automobile. When the casing is worn out the Aero Cushion m'
j nnilDi C is transferrec t0 the new casing ready for renewed use. They are not an experiment, but a proven success by three years of satisfactory
I U U U D L L service. Many are in use in Ogden and Salt Lake City.
I In California, where they originated, the demand has grown by leaps and bounds. The factory at San Jose is unable to supply the '
I till C4PC demand. Additional factories are now building at Saginaw, Michigan, and Wingham, Ontario.
J mlLLnUL The Ogden company has been organized and is managed by local men who who are pushing to completion the factory at the earliest
I possible time Already hundreds of orders are waiting the output of the local plant. I
J AND W E. Spencer has been secured as local manager, and is busy installing the machinery and getting the factory ready for operation B
H I "Watch Us Grow" I k
9 Factory: Twenty-ninth Street and Union Avenue (Near Sperry Mills) By C. M. HOOVER President
p ; Downstown Office: 2300 Washington Avenue By FRED J. VICKS, Secretary-Treasurer
m . . K:
' BSSn mmr- " - ' ' - - . - Kt '