San Francisco Club
fas Wonderful Grid
I Aggregation In Togs
Dobson, Ail-American Halfback, One of Stars on Olympic
Club Team; Team Composed of Former College
Stars; Plans for Game With Ogden
Team Are Maturing
I That the Safl Francisco Olympic
Huh h;i one of the fastest Independent
gridiron machines 1ft the United States
is evidenced through their shoring
during the season against the beai beta
..n th. Pacific coasi Plans for the
same with ihe Ogden athletic aaso
. lation team. sr!i. doled for Kran
clscp, nr. maturing and from present
indications they will be completed dur
ing the preat w
Jack Spauldlng Is commissioner of
the coasi team and is also . former
star of the grid art. His men have
won five games and lost two during
the season, one hcing lo-t lo the Uni
versity Of California and the other to
ihe Pacific fleet The Raciflc fleet
aggregation defeated the Olympli i lub
men jTurkey 'Imv at Berkeley, 7-0
In the game against the Unlversit)
of California th club men showed
las? ;ml held th - I". is! acsn g:ii 'on
lo a 20-0 score. The self Fume Cali
fornia aggregation handed the uni
versity of i i. ill team n z to 0 drub
bing ami has defeated the beat he's
on the coast In college class by largi
iui I I KNDS
in M ohr .ml Von Heygendorff the
Ban Francisco club has two of the
bent end on the coast, according to
the Pnn Francisco Chronicle And as
Brick Mulltr. end on the California
team, wins .1 place on the All-Amcrl-emi
team thi yen-, these birds must
be some ends. Both tip the beam
.ver the ITS mark.
'.. Pike an.l Daly arc the tackles. The
former is lull and rangy and has had
more than five years of experience
ralv is a former I " rm sit y of Cali
fornia grldder and is one of the bCsl
tackles on the coastr
j HANG! Oh. beg pardon, I thought
vou won- .i rabbit. The nutting BOSSon
is over, and now the hunting session
M opens. Thereby replenishing tin
ei ... i.u ...... i i ,i , i. ...
II woods with a new stock, rromwaon
I ( some 5555 ost
'vc j S taking E ran '
Ij hasn't helped the hunter's aim Jiy I
jj .en though his nose did shrink.
In the old days When a huntsman'
used to carry hits shots on the hip. the;
nose was sponsor for a goodly amount
j of half-shot bullets straying among
I the oaks and knocking some guy for a
I s.itln-lined booth.
1 Kvery time the moist hunter r;i i l
I his trutty rifle to take aim at a fallen
branch, his squinted optic would grab
off sight of hl pink beak squatting
up ahead on the gun barrel, which
would naturally remind him of his
I hip-pocket or hiccough fluid.
' After a half dozen reminders that;
rosy snoot then actually looked like ai
H deer UAN'G-BANG! and another .
H . fanner's wife rolled up the parlor rug'
H j looking for her late huh's Insurant'
(II i.HT TO T kl JURY.
H I To shift the gum to the other
H I of the Jaw prohibition hasn't
B down the hunting woods broadcloth
1 I box score a handl". Cases of gents
H I that were mistaken for grouse or
W guides, along with the Mmbos who
H swing a gun like a moshlc. are as nu-
H l nitrous today as when citizens used to
! hutton their shoes with a bottle
H H The hunter ought to take a coroner's
H Jury instead of n guide along with
H him on his hunting trip
H Tbe old question. "What do the
farmers do in the winter?" is easU
H ang Wared; they're kept busy during the
H snow scenario picking the shot out of
H t hsr shins and cows, caromed from
H guns of the city nimrods.
H It has got so that the animals of the
woods and fields are wised up to af-
' . Bs rt?
Hainke and Thorndykf are th
guards These two men are towers of
Strength to their aggregation and have
played wonderful hail during the sea
ion HainKe tips the beam at 185
pounds while his team mate will go
better than ISO,
Csllixon holds down the center of
tht- line. He is a former Oregon star
and one of the best pivot men seen In
action on the- i oast. His weight is
given ;is 175.
Tbe babkflcld with Peterson at
Quarter, Dobson at left halfback, m -
Coll um a right halfback and Wells
si fullback, averages better 'ban 15
pounds per man. Dobson was a mem
ber of the first all-American team 1(1
r.nfi and is cm of fhe greatest play
ers on 'he Olympic club.
TV I M I K M I PJjAl I Rfi
Twenty-elghi players are parried on
the club roster during -the entire sen
son. Dobson Is captain of the eleven.
The COnteSl staged at Berk i It Ias1
Week between the Olympic club and
the Pacific fleet drew a crowd of bet-
! ter than 20,000, geeerdlng to word re
ceived here from the coasl.
The ogden A. A players will con
tinue their training for the final game
of the season and it is expec'.ed thai
they will he returned the victors The
'.showing of the A A. stars against
the Wyoming aggregation places them
on a par with in of th.- tennis in this
neck Of the woods
Considerable Interest Is being mani
fested in Ogden over the coming con
test and from pn-sent Indications ihp
ttmie should be a thriller.
N'ew plays and new formations will
I be given the local players during their
! workouts during the next few days.
I Interest Centers in Mai Contest
3e sb ar 'am am . am am
Keen Competition To Be Big Phase
I Considerable Interest has been man
ifested In the coming mai -onu st in
Ogden between Juck Harbertson of
this city and Jim Londos, Greek heavy
weight champion The contest will bo
staged at the Orpheum theatre De
cember 7 and should be one r the
greatest matches ever staged in this
neck of the woods.
Both Londos and Harbertson ar i
work training for the coming tilt. II. n -berlfon
is working out daily the
Pingree gymnasium and IS covering
more than 10 miles per day in the
road limbering up his muscles and
placing bis wind in the best of condi
tion for the contest. He is out to
m hand the veteran Londos a trimming
and has hundreds .t fans back of him
II londos signed to meet the local man
I 1 two weeks ago and has agreed to
I j throw Harbertson. at catch weights,
I J twice In ninety minutes. This feat
IJ necessitate some fasi vii-siiim on tin
1! part of both men .umI while sqm ol
I the fans arc of the opinion thul I nn-
dos will turn th( trick, there -re just
l as many others who can see nothing
but a Harbertson victory.
' ogden in last years has been the
mecca for first class mat contests, and
I of all of the contests staged here, this
J one should ! thq best, At least, that
I is what the spnri fans are chattering
I in all section of t he i it v
I Londos is known from one end of
I the mat world to the other as f res-
I tier of ability, and will no doubt cause
I Harbertson plenty of trouble before
the contest comes to an end. Those
who attended the Vaser-Lond09
'match a u w y(ars ago i"nuBmlier the
class displ yed i the Greek champion.
hlb- local Intereal has been cre
ated Over the coming ma'teh, IntereSl
In all parts of the west is also at
frer pitch. Requests from Wyoming,
Idaho and Nevada for tickets for the
contest nave ulrcadj been received
hert by Promptei Ears Peterson and
from present indications the theatre
should be packed when the two men
clasp hands.
Promoter Peterson started today that
h-- would In in the bes-. men In the
United .Stales to ogden during the
early pari bf the new year to meet
Harbertson on the mat. Ho :, lo stated
thai only the best men available would
be matched with the local star.
Harbertson will tour th east for
. month following the contest with
Londoa and will meet the heyt that
section of th country hns to jffei".
Three flratclaas prelims Will l,c fea
tured at the sno;s here I e-einier 7.
Two maj contests and a unique event
will b- on the program ami from "II
indications t!ip show should he a hum
mer. 1 Tbe referee for the contest will br
chosen tv hours h-fore the contest bj
'seven men of ogden en:l named
fElghi men are candidates for fua;
honor, two being from Idaho, two
from Wyoming and " r rei frorn Utah.
The seal sa'.e for the big match will
open (it th, oiphcum t.'iralr,. Hecein-
ber l.
- i
fairs They hug Hie heels r the bunt
era in order nol to gel danvged by
.any wild shot aimed it a Mackinaw
coal it's n uiiiiiki the staif djoesn'1
The Ladies Are Taking Up Billiards ey Wood Cowan
1 ' - "I 1 NC'i.lP PAbWrr to hit THM V;.
CHICAGO. Nov. 28. The most im
purtan: matter in the WOlfare of "the
QStibnal gnnie. ' is the complete dlTOtC
from it of Ihe gambling element.
Fudge K f Landis. new head of d,r
p.inl7rc lia?"b.tll aid today. Judge
Landls .-.ttrndod I'm Army Navy foot
ball r.snie esterdaj
"1 don t want to be hailed as a die
's lor nor a savior," he said, "what I
am seeking to learn Is the besi tilings
lo be done un(! 1 want the help of ev
erybody with the host interests of t lie
Rme at heart. He, sqld be had no pro
found or d cply Diysterloas scheme
for dealing with problems of the game,
but emnhasfzed Ills determination to
:i:ske the name clean.
The co rpora t inn of basehall players
and the civil authorities to help to
eliminate crookedness. " he said. "If
more stringent laws are needed to pre
vent wroncdoinc in baseball they can
he effected through either state of fod
ei t Vtatutds,
NTOW YORK. Nov. 29.- Johnnj Dun
;lee and Willie lai.kson. liclit weiglit
boxers, meet here tnnisht in a ((teen
round bout to decide which of them
will later attempt to wreal the light
weighl crown from Heun Leonard
Three years ago Jackson scored a
knockout o v i i I mi i-ij . Inn Dundee hy
defeated Jackscn In subsequeni bouts.
ATLANTA. La . " 29,- -J;c!c Brit
ton. welterwelgHi champion of t ho
world, will defend his title here tonight
aRalnsI Jake Abel in a scheduled 10
round bout
SAN" PItANCiaCO. Cobb is
;e;sing I'.il.os stuff lie pushed out
two homers in .n exhibition game at
Sacramento ihe othei day.
get up a set of neat laws during the
hunting Hfaptei- for shooting innocent
bystanders mil of season. There's a
sporting chance in modern hunting
Noii either come home with an arm-
ful of ducks oi handful of wax
Bye baby. bunting,
i Father's gone n hunting.
To shoot the deer as It runs forth.
, But father may corrje home toes
' north'
I low do they connuer? you inquire, i
'h are they victors under fire?
j Von say they niu.rt have lo!s of luek
1 tell you plainly It is pluck.
The team that curls up under fii'
jTo laurel wreaths cannot aspire;
(They're way beyond the aid of luck;
iThey lose hecaus.- they haven't pluck ;
i diio slate, champions of the Bifi
Ten football conference, has a i
football tain. Its no-t -season g.'.me
i.with Oklahoma, if one Is possible, 111
'be worth going miles to Bee:
i Coach Wllce of Ohio bns developed'
soin. wbhderfiil gridiron phenoms.
Harley, tinchconih. Workman and
Ta"yI6r are a rjuartel of them Even
xit'noiit the services Of the ace of them 4
all Harley Wilce brought his t am
through an uridefcnted season.
It Is not taking anything from'
WTlce'S itlory to s:-.y that all season!
long he iine.i u), twelve men against
the opponent's eleven
Besides his regular line ami back
all good men and trUe he had Old
Man Luck on his side.
Iooli ba k on the season and note
the games ohlo pulled out of the fire,
von on a narrow niargln won In the
KANSAS CITY. .Mo. Harry J.
Ilahn automobile dealer of Junction
City. Kan. owed P. A. Sutermelster of
this city ,"K, for accessory pans. Su-
termelSter said. He heard ll.ihn had
an ell painting In Kansas Clt so he
I sued out an attachment on the plc
iture. When the eonsiablc went to the
Vine Arts Institute to remove it. he
ade,l casually how much It was worth.
"It's allied at a quarter of a mil
Ilea," the custodian informed him
' It's La Helle I'eronnicre,' said to be
an original Da Vlncl. The terrified
constable returned empty handed and
ed vised Sutermelster to attach some
thing that wasn't worth more than
la hundred thousand
BXCRAMENTO Nick Altrock was
Inserted as a pinch pitcher In the ex
Ihibltion game here and called In all
the Tielders while he attempted tb
' si i I ke out the side.
final momi ids of the fourth quarter-
A from touchdown beat r'hl
cagO; Wisconsin had ihe game won
till tin last few minutes; 'Michigan
gave them a scare; Illinois had them
o id o almost nil the moment the time-kc-jifr
pin his whistle to his lips for
the final blast.
Perhaps il isn't quit,, fair to call
Ohio's twelfth man Old Man Luck.
Rather, it was Old Man Stlcktoll
IhlO never gave up Ohio wasn't
i ten because she never acknowl
edged dereat, There w;ts always that
chance to win and the state team nevei
faltered when put to the (cat.
.If the score was against Ihem and
toil minutes h ft to play, i diio's eleven
went ahead and scored the winning
touchdown, sometimes In just nine
minutes and Q half
Ohio ijeyer gave lip. That's the
kind of spirit one likes to see on a
football team. That's the kind of spir
it that has won undying fame for
it Is refreshing to see such a clear
cut exhibition of the ncver-say-d le
spirit toming westward from New
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Nov 28. Star.
islauB Zbyszko, Polish wrestler1, lost a
handicap match tonighl. He was to
throw William DemetraJ and Allan
Eustace one time each in two hours.
Demetra was thrown in 41 minute,
and 50 seconds Ehistaco lasted one
hour and IS minutes and 10 seconds
with neither man obtaining a fall.
SAN DIEQO. It lis estimated that
700 horses will be, assembled at Tia
'juana for the winter race meet when
(the curtain gOCS up. Jockeys arc
'swarming westward.
NOHMAL. okla. Coach Benipe
OWen of the Oklahoma Sooner is
'planning to ask ihe state legislature
' for an appropriation of (340,000 with
which to build a new athletic field I
NEW YORK, Nov 28. Tale's 1021 !
baseball learn will Irain at a southern
Catnp next spring it was said tonight.
I'l'h'' innoaiioii i- m 1 in- with the drci
islon of Yale alumni and under -ggadu-1
atefl "to adopt a more aggressive at-1
jtitude in future towards the depart
I ment of athleiics "
. oo
CHICAGO, Nov. 2D Judge K M
Lamlis, new bend of organized base
i ball, has accepted an Invitation to at
tend the opening game of the 1921 sea-;
son of tbe New York Gianis, it Was an-,
nounced tou He will be the guest'
of honor oT the w York chapter of;
j'4hc P.aseball Writers of America at1
Mho unveiling of a memorial tablet iu
honor of Charier. Eddie Ornnt. r,f ih"
(111 ntfl, who was killed in the battle ot
the Argdnne
Hon i yAXT MUCH.
NEW XORK. The Yankees ate
scouting for southpaws with control.
.northpaws with the same, acrobatic
catchers and outfielders who can run
hk. deer, hit the ball and catch fly
ATLANTA. Ai Bridwell, ex-Giant
shortstop, will manage the Spartan
burg Club in the Carolina Association
noxl season, Al managed the Houston
'' b n ' I i
Ogden and Weber Basketball
Players Report for
1921 Team
Basket i.aii practice will Ret under-
way with pepper nl Ihe Ogdn Mbfn H
school an.l Weber Normal College dur- fpj
lnK the present week. The moleskin IH
,.,.,, paced In the lockers until ja
1921 and Hie Indoor sport has taken , .
the limelight In the sport world. Hj
At Weber Normal College Coach
Mnlcolm WatSOn has had a squad of
seventy men out for practice during
the past week. In Lindsay. Newman. BB
Parry and Hickman, the Weber men-
tor has four men of exceptipnaj abll- ffH
ity These men are all veterans and
ihould be t-ble t" uphold the tionors . I
nf the Mhool The otber candidates . -
for 'lie team Include many excellent
men. Twelve men are candidates for IH
ih pivot josltlon, which alone tendn
to show the interest In the sport.
Coach Stubby Peterson Of the Og
lea JIlfTh school expects to have a
successful r.e.aflon with his hoopsters PH
with Knudaen, nil-state renter last
rear, in the pivot position the Timers
vxill have a man of first rate abilitv Bj
ITe is spei-dy, a wonde-fnl floor pla' -tT
and"' 'em With either hand.
Thomas. Qkeen and T. Doxey ar
the other men who lo"m as stars nl iH
this .. rt All have had experience and iH
ShoUld form a gobt combination iH
around Knudson. Th; Initial call at iH
the High school for Andidates was
LAWRENCE, Kaa -CMnch hugs.
ancient enemy of the atansas farmer, iH
are getting ready to ifh on t1 e war
path according to Slat Kntotnologlsr
S J Hunter Many or i fields In
thi southt rn pari f : ! stab ire li
frsted. he and iin'es h wirter J
Is cold enough to kill the Mig off M
(Hoy will undoubtedly play hob with
the crop? !-ri iea8on
I'llic.M'.i'1 The mystery of why. W"H
:i chop sue'-' may he"
solved. Alderman Max Adamowski,
chairman of the council committee on fl
jthe high cost of living, hns submitted WM
i questionnaire to Chinese reataurant iH
proprietors of 9 question?, including:
hat are the ingredients of chop
SUpy? What do they cost? Where
on earth do they come from?
i ,ti LIUS. f
CHICAGO ion, fragments nf sev.
oral 20, $" and $1 bills were sent t
Hu- treasury department for redampt
tion i Isaac Hirsh. with an affidn
that his dog 1 Julius" had made a meal
off the money. Ilirsh was held for
the federal grand jury When errec
sern e men testified( he didn t even
have a dog.
oo iaV
DALLAS. Tex "You watch yo' H
self, now." Lawyer S. M. f'.rubb. col
ored, cautioned his witness in court
here In mattahs of this natur' yo
kajn't he too keerful. You'll git
looked fo' perjury " They call GrObb WM
"Old Abe" In-re because he has freed 3
so many of his countrymen (from
i riimmy i jH
si! I M v i m BRING MM.
CHICAOl In ci , of hi?
81st birthday Charles Code sued ir-. 'I
Josephine Lewellyn Code for divorce. i V
Slli Is J5, and of unerring aim, he
I aimed, in throwing dishes, cut glass
rases and cutlery at his head
miITH BEND. Ind.. Nov. 28. H
Ccorge C.lppe, famous Notre Dame BB
football player, la seriously ill of pneu- 9
nii)n;a in a South Lend hospital
You IVimst Replace the Wear !
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:- ! : :- t : - :
Did you over stop to consider what I
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Your heart Is constantly pumping
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body Thli1 i bint; rapidly consumed'
after being turned into energy and
;sirongih that keeps your system per
forming its various functions,
i W hat are you doing to replace this
drain upon your system'' L'very day j
tnere is a certain amount cf wear and
1 1 ear that must be replaced, if you are)
to enjoy good health. Your blood must J
1). kepi pure Hnd igorous. fop upon its
condition depep B every organ . , ,u!jr 5
Many people have found S. S. S a L '
great aid in keeping their system in I
yood coodition Being suet, a i,ne blood
tonic umi Bystem-bulldex 3 s s jH
strengthens and enriches the blood B
supply, and gives new vigor and vita'- rr'
"'Ii. whole boily. 0
S. 8. S. is sold by all druggists. WM
.nto for free literature and full in I fi
formation t9 Chief Medicah, Adviser 11
831 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, ca ' H
Advertisement. ml
. . By Ahern
". '
; - in T.-- - - - - - - M