9 Apostle Ballard Discourses on
Work Performed by
the Choir
peclartng that mualr U the founda
S gallon of all true worship and that un-
fl drr Ita lr.arlng Bf1unc mor peo-
Sir hava ben t.rought to repntence
mmlM than oould have resulted from 'rT-5,j
ins ttrmoni Apostle Me'.vln J
lard, chairman of 'h- church nm -i
I4.nmir g..ve hist, pntm to the
H Ogden Tabernai. le ihoJr.?' feeds
ate musical srire '
afternoon, for the excellent
PH they trf rrndrti'ir wi.i
LfW for th purpoM of creating an 'ryraj
V congregation which listejieo I
1 attention 'o the excellent i,rf?T ' " ;
ranged ts Prol Joeih uai j
HH ar.d which rendered In an
mmm He mannai 'be
Several cboruee ami stun i
Irsnaerea oy m- inv ,
tgfji Two election fr,t rcno
Prof 8- K Whllaker on the reat
lirt. .nn ., violin solo wa pl'"'
hvMtm lUn Planar. Tin- "ololati
,.hena uf.l Jed Unllantyne
Following the i.rocr '
on The Mia Ion o( Muelt waa dc
llvered by Apo.tlr Ball .
on. r.f .he fines. InstltuUona In ths
church. Mr said we couWI n ! 'M
pensr with It u:tl K"' l "
one of the fundamental thing. thta
community He decsred that I
feasor Bollar.t)n.- PrOfSSBOr Whllaker
and the members of the choir were
performing u mlaMon i iil In import -am-
to thl of .re.i. hln: the goapel
bj th. it., athood -f ihe hurcn i-nd
In fact AWfrlnl thit ill" work of the
priesthood would often fail if it wore
not for the Inspiration of ih. music
rendered at the services, the music,
ha aatd. often suggr.ting the theme
mmm r
IH In diacnastnif hi" theme tin- -penkcr
sHl told how. In the earlv dan "( lnc 1
ihdr meetlnit" Thai wort anH
maklnR provisions for th'
of the ery baW munli t all h r-
MupIc lit th- church will often do
that which preaching will fall to
ompiiiih. the tpeaker mild. To sul.
utantlate thin Htatemenl Apoath Bal
lar.l related an Incident where two
pereone hud beeh rnstranped from j
en. h other for yeara bul were
finaii raooni lied anw ondt the i
innplrinK influence of mualc ran-j
dared at a aer'lce whi'h the attend
ad He ulo rotated Incident! in hit
mlaalonMry fxperlcncci where Ihe pro
Judiro of man) peopjt bean
ken down b) the tinging of goapel
B The upeukei Ud he could f'lily ap-
pre. mte why King Etaul aoughl the!
H aerv'lcea of young David wha)i ho auf-
fercd under hit fit" of despondency.
When David struck the string of his
Liv. hrp. calling fJrth awool melodlea.
jH He
would revive and the evil jir it would
de ' from Mm
Latter Day Salnt.i would become the
activities. It was the Intention or the
church authorities, he Nid. to give
every posalhle assls unci; to lh mu-l
th iii'.ih replace eaeni divieion
The ni"dnl rame direct from the
war department lo the father In
i onr of th ton who died for his
Former Ogdenite lo
Lecture to Teachers
Professor Howard Drigg. formerly
of i igden. and no of New York Ottj
win addreaa the members of the fac
ally of the Ogden school OB ' Oetirr
English" at the Central Junior, high
chool tomorrow afternoon at 3:30
o'clock, according to Supt V Karl
Trior to addrcaxing tn niemo'Ts oi
tha facnli I'rofesKor Drigg will con
fei uith I. W Shurtl.ff one of Og
r, pi..:o . r. n pioneer life and the
'hitor of Utnh in the early days
Pictures of Ogden and vicinlt will
I be obt.iin.d bv Professor Drigg to be
-.1 in history which he la conipll
int; on the -tate. acrordinK lo SurKTlu
tendent Hopkins He will arrive here
from the east early tomorrow morning
OO r-
i WASHINUTi N. Nov 29. Court ac
I tion to compeJ the troaaiiry depart -menl
i make payments i the rall
j road under th'- guaranty pro Ision of
I Ihe tiansportntton act Is under con
' sideratlon Ihe carriers.
SAN Kit ANi 'ISO '. fid It H."'l
ed bv the liattl. ship N . Mexico, fluir-
hlp'of the Padllc flaot and the New
York. fl.iB.shlp the l.utllcahlp force.
to divudoni of the rjcel Weighed wi
chor here todm) lo gb through UIC
movements of no tint f"- n: cji
attacking the California coaat.
slcal portion of the church crvloei
and cholia would hi- encouraged to
continue In their divine mission.
Music, the Speaker H.i!d. 1m an
ehtlal of our religion and worihip
and It would bc impogslldc to rgach
ihe halghl nhout it
Tlx- aCTVli aas conducted by Kl
dar Oeorgi 8 Barker of th.- North
v bar take high coUncIL lna
Hon arag .(: i by Rider B. A. linmo
of the North ... i- t iki and bene-
i.. l-i.i.... Of... I ,I..I.,AI1 ..
(llCllon o r.l.i.'i """ ji.mvn "
the Wobor ftJiko high council.
Pol low lug the program:
Brca ' the W-avo. 'lirltinn" "al
lar Utephena, Jed Bejlantyne and
Th.- Pubrican," Mildaed Wnre.
Li id Kindt; Light." choir.
iol n 10I0 M la Mnrj Fiiher.
.in Th) Pence." Mildred Ware
and choir.
i ;,! I i ur R fni-f ." choir.
.. i... .! i Come," Mildred Ware
wiih violin obligaio bj mi Mars
i:.iriii mui Heaven."
VViiliam E. Newman Succeeds
Bishop Browning: Names
The bishopric of the Second ward
Iwaa reorganlaed at the regular fee
. rament held In the ward I chapel
' nlrht ITesldent l-ewls W Miurtllff
I i-residen' John Watson and several
i members of the high council were
Mehop George K. Browning
hoaorabl) released from the office he
1 haa held alnco the death of Biahop
Kohert McQuarrle about four eara
ago. Bishop Browning was selected
' an wonil counsellor to President L..
IV shurtliff of the Weber stake In
the affemon.
WMIlani I". Newman, who has been
' acting na second counaellor to Blsh
DB Browning, was selected a bishop
of the Second ward by unanimous .,ie
of the members of the ward who antra
preaent al the meeting. He named aa
hta counHollors. K .1 Jones, who wja
1 ftnt counaellor to Biahop Browning,
'and Thoma H. Jenaen. a teacher in
ihe u-ir.l Sunday school.
During the aarvfeac addtesses were
'delivered l tl.e -.take president and
h.- members of the new bishopries
Under the suiervlsion of Biahop
Browning and his onnaellors a num-
i. r of Important ohangei have been
made in the ward chapel whb h m
oluded thorough renovntlofi and in
atalllnc of new pewa, making the hap-
e one of the most beautiful In the
City. The ward activities have also
made good prograaa under the retlr
Inc 1'lshoprlc
Railroad Man Goes
to Arizona Position
Poberi lienr.v POporaon, ajMlata.nl
engineer for the Southern Pacific rail
road at Spnrks. Nev. ha been train
ferred to the Tucson division of th-
rOJirOM wnere nr will serv- in n iin
I liar capaclt .
lie i. th.- son of i u and M -. -i H
lEpperaon f Ogdnn. He loti Bnturdny
to aaaume duties at hl.- new headuuar
' r a i TUCaon, I hi
Physical Hint Stops
This Chap's Singing
1 Jack William. arrested BatUTde.1
night on u charge of drunken neen,
: failed to appear before the city court
this morning Hi i. ail. amounting to
..". was declared forfeited. Williams
H i. ii ajrreatt d. had a singing Jag."
tb police say. He b alleged to have
, disturbed his cell mates hy his vocal
efforts until one of them stopped hjl
.singing by a physical hint.
M Qff
Temperature Drops
Down Below Freezing
Fair vvoalher. but Continued cold, is
the foi-. ..-' for the Ogdeii district t..
nlcht. according to the roporl from the
IrMed States vventher bureau, To
morrow is also due to be clear, imi
Warmer, the report added.
Yesterday's maximum was 39 de-
jrreea with a minimum last night of 21
1 uai i hi i. ii . 9 mi i in .is i ai riTT'iniiTTr n m iw si wnarwe t Ju u . rumsxEmn
j Dead Tired J Fresh and Cheerful j
That's the way someone j That's the way you will j
f in your home feels every j look and feel after doing j
j ironing day, after stand- ! this same ironing easily j
H j ins: and pushing heavy in 4 minutes on a SIM" j
t irons for weary hours or j PLEX ironer; better fin-
jjH j maybe a whole day. j ish on your linen, too. j
See this wonderful iKpfPJ EXlftONER demonstrated this J
labor taver the Jilmg week at our store.
Ogden's Quality Electrical Store
K Phone 5S1 Ojrden, Utah
0aaewMiasaaaioaasaH4eausuaa inn ana iniaaamn s em i ana i ewaamoaoaaaaaasaaaaeaaja
1 1
IBn' Inese Ibices Make for Quick Selling fij j
bl HaSlV C lllfcS i i
r1' QtA amol k
J0 - -.mile)., v. . . QfF5j '
V lrBaiB wEfij ' ' ' '
VObs. C C 1 P5r0 i
IC BP9rr Ct'-t C79 f K4it I
I nSHP'l 'de, A ''mLj& I 1
9 P-sy'i inlaid, too.i vJ4.lD iBShBhD , I 1
I &f'J&'k ' $5.40 ' $2.35
l'-M: " $i :-- $1.65 c.iS8ar.,
Ccnveifient Terms Mav I!e Arranjted 'p 1
Nine Boy Scouts to j
Receive Merit Badges
Nino 1111 nil.ers of tlie i)Rd-n Boy
Scout organlaatlOIl vvill l awarded
ii.iii badges 't the mxt aeaalon of
the pourl of Honor, which will be bald!
at th. Cltj hall, according to Scoutf
Executive ;. A. Qoatea. Tin- date will,
'he announced later.
The COUri of honor is composed of,
IkiImikii l";- d; T n (.corpc Ben- i
net. Becrelan C A Bdyfli nun Sulli
van and J. R. Word.
The following Scouts will receive tlie
Ibadgea: Rohorl Schnatter, Kiw i
iilpplnott, Parle) Noraeth, O, Warren
Ooddard, iinn Elder. Tnllmade Boyd,
1 (ax Boyd and George a Bergitrom.!
The lodges "arc itwiirdcd by the n.i
tlonnl roniicil. ini onlini: to S. oui Ex
ecutive 5. A. Goates.
John McCune. troop 1C. will he
awarded iii t.. i and life badge. He
Is the first scout In Ogden to win
I this h.. 1. or huvlnp uttalned Kood
:rfink in camping. markamanahlp,
pioneering cooking, uthletlcn and Oafe
ty first movements.
Name Po'Sing Places
I for Board Election
I Considerable Interest i being m.mi-1
jfeatcd regarding the election of school
board members from districts No. 21
1 uid A of the county school dislm t.
P. Ft Jones and J. D. Hooper bave
Ibcen named r.didate for the dis-,
J trict No -'. wlihli includes Roy. Hoop-'
I or. Kune, ill.'. Taylor and Vet
I Weber.
The candidal' from district No. 2
are A. W. Mim 1 ' and Joseph Skeen.
jThi district ln u.eH fTarr West. Slat-:
'ervllle West Worren. Warren and
iPltiln Cltv
In moat Instances, the school house
.of ihe respective towns in the district -
will be the polling oia. es it is reported.
In the city Dr F.dward I. Rich,
president of the city board of educa
tion la candidate for re-election front
the Fourth ward, the only ward to,
: elect board members this year. Inter-1
'est In the city has been stimulated by
the report that n "dark horse" will,
I enter to oppose Dr. Klch.
Both elections will take place Wed-,
nesday Polling place in the city will
he at th Madison school.
The ballot boxes of New York Cltv
on election day received 150 tona of
Curious About '
Wlentho Laxene
I Mnt.Uxn. t.1 Wn on the market U
;an U -oncntr.Ud compound oi
hoattna. ooU)inB, cur.tlv xlrcT to t
mixed al bum th Sr.roUtrd uror .yrup
full riot or It raT b Ukn in doe. or
irn aruv. In Uit raw" UU by thot -bo
.lo net irk iwtat iyrvip.
The eTT ftrt How brin vroadrful enaf
In hxa4 or rheit cold of children or aduiu.
I Errr owt: tc!d it urntd to ploaj or
mow b by Th Blackburn Products Co..
Drtofl. Ohio.
II b eronomy to mV a full pint. Much
chewier thai biylna redy-md COUh or cold
: rrmedle- be. Idas, you ..r.not buy a mor-
I effocilv. m-.' rinr BWrwhara, One botU- win
laat a inivi. for rr,t fn-alif. and it cbck
I or aboH a Ud ecld if lacn promptly, and
lor tousli. ot throat. hcvr'nM. whooplna
roviab hronchmi. etc.. there l nothing u
rertor F-rrrr well tockeJ dnirflt ivtppllei
MetSo-len. Don't takt fubtltute-for
.our uVf P.itimlr th.t OflO harre' '
ij uod lat year. That pmre it -irtiel Ad.
M.V'ROOM. County Cork. Nov
89. iiiv th.- Associated Preao:)
ITfleen auxiliary police cadetx ,
were killed and one cadet mor
tal!) wounded as the result of an 1
ambush by between To and 100
men near Klljrqichaol, eouthweal
of here. Ia1 evening Another of
the radeta is mlaalng.
NKW YollK. Nov" 29. - Increases
,( 20 per cent in rates and 10 per Cefll
In Malaricx of employes effe.llve He
ember I. was announced here today.
bj the Postal Telegraph and Cable I
The increases are announced "as
e pL JMu S
MW l-'s choking to dexth thou
'..nds of chickens a dy. You
J nio:om (acc swol'ei .
1 unning at cve and none, comb pale.
bl.l 'O' .t' n h-ilT r.-ar- 1.
U 1 Jar When II ltrki rour flori
Stop II Quick With
Roup Remedy
Tutt put it in the drinking water
rlr tlmiliellH Alv) um
It for prevention.
Gonkey's Poultry Tonic
kecpa heaa healthy and wela win
ter egus. p 15 a Regulator. Laying
ToniL. Nloulling Powder and Chick
Conditioner of Die highest type. N
cavenne pepper na nlW.
Conkey P worth ,S0c
to any poultry Tan. Sent for 5c stamra.
TheG. E.ConkayCo-.Clavaland.O.
Sold by Tho.-. Kurr tz Son. :'2T" Wash
ington Avenue.
Keeps the little
folks Comfortable
and H&ppy
IXMi't neglect the dtle orie't
chaled skin or the patches e. rash
nrcciema. (or 1 inldirn ai e bu'ind tu
scraich, ard thrs- minor troublei
may icnilt in stubborn sore. Res
inol Ointment is widely recoui
mendrd by doctors and muses
1. use it sootbesarKl heals, and
1 annol I. r ; n tSe i
.'. - . t he '.' .
v njcg1 R'." a ti a1 rntmaBt.
neceaaan to meet Increased operating
1 vp.-T se. to properly . ire for our -m-
ployea and give better service t.j th-
I'nder the. IhcrCaaea the rate will
be on a level with thflfc 1 -harg.-d by
other telegraph and caBJe companlee
ip the Unltad tSatiMt the. announce
meni said
The Increaae bring the poatal com
puny'.w rates to the Bglht level In affeel
iiefor.- the vir - were returned tb pri
vate ownerahlp when Clarence H. Ma. -kay.
president of the company, was In
onlrovers'. with Postmaster General
flurleson In regard t.. Mr I'.nii" .m
twenty per cent increase order.
Mr. Mackay argued for an early re
turn of the wire- and promlacd the
plitdic that when this was done, t lir
ratex of i he postal COmpanj would be
Mr. Mackay made good his promise
and reduced the rales Ivvenlv ' r cent.
Rheumatic Pains
Quickly Cased By Penetrating
Hamlin's Wizard Oil
A safe and effective preparation
1 to relieve the pafns of Rnctimali.m,
Sciatica. Lame Back and Lumbago
is Hamlin'l Wizard Oil It pene
trates quickly, drives out the iore
nes,, ami limbers up the stiff ach
ing joints and muscles.
Wizard1 Oil is a good dependable
preparation to have in the medi
cine chest for first aid when the
doctor may be far away You will
find almost daily uses for it in cases
of sudden mishaps or accidents
I such a sprains, bruises, cuts, burns,
bites and stings Ju9t as reliable,
too, for earache, toothache and
I croup Always keep it in the house.
ileneroua alia bOM'4 Str
If you ara troubled with conedpn lion
I or alck heaf ha try Hamlin a Wizard
lavtr Whipa Jaat P eaaant IIUI pink
ntlta at drgclata for 10c.
Htf Great Ships
IwTT bring the rich I
Xjs- cod-liver oil I
used exclusively in I
Scott's Emulsion
I across seas from I
Norway, to assure I
the utmost in quality I
and efTicacy.
I Every crop of Scott'u I
EJnulmlon i trtsd up
ouwnjs atajBsaasBafgaal
Indigestion Made Life Miser
able; Gains 10 Pounds and
Eats Anything Now
Lit so vr-'ll in H
do situ. 1 bgan taking Teniae, und H
although I hav taken only four bot- H
ii. i h ten povnalSV" H
James M." 3C r3a Howe Street. H
I h.id nIoiii.m h tmu- H
Iiik the IkI few years m condition H
tlte was vers poor and I could not
thing a-fthout suffering after- H
M fi would sour and f' t H
menl right after eating, gaa would H
all the tii.o ' I had xticli ter
ribte dtSOj speels I -would have to grab
hold of something lo ken from fall- H
ina ' suffe d.-sl from H
cold-, and wae auhjsct to aevere
cOUghtliiR apella ware espei-iaiiv 1
get around and da mj work. Mj H
Inerves were badly npaet I could get H
' hut little sleep o'l m 4lw -mornings H
It wax nil 1 could do to'get out of bed H
1 1 lost inueh welal.t and beoann
Ibavtll) run-down and weak felt oo tired H
worn ill Hit- time I fast had i
to work.
I heard mueh .Lout T:nu . th.it H
I uut and it w. nt right. after my H
I - Kor the lino- in ura I H
eat any-
,.11! r h. -conie dlssy. the rheumatism 1
around and do my work as good OS H
' My nerves are In good condition, I
'sleep well and always feel refrealtsd H
. 1 1 1 getting Up Th. roiiKhlng spells H
huye stoppod and I just feel rood JH
N in tigden by A. R- H
"They WORK H
while you sleep" -t
You are constlpntcd. bilious. and j
i what you need is one or two Cascatets
.tonlg'.it sure for your liver and bowels. mmWM
Then you Will wake up w on. let 'InK j WJM
w hnt i.eCJiiiii' of your dlSSJneSB, Bi k LwM
hi idache, b;oi cold, or upsel sJP) kwrn
stomach. No griping no inconvenl- j
ence Children love Cascarels too. 10. L9M
Peasant way to I
break up colds
EVERYONE in the family can H
rely on Dr. Ring's New Dis-
covery. the standard remedy wM
for the last fifty years, to break WWm
up coughs, grippe and stubborn
colds. No harmful drugs. At LLM
your druggists, 6oc and $1.20. LLM
1 Dr.Kings I
Sallow Skin Not Pretty H
Constipation destroys the complexion, LLm
making it yellow and ugly. Keep the
bowels at work c leaning out the system
daily by uing Dr. King's Pills. They LL
do the work thoroughly and gently.
Buy a bottle today, 25 cents.
FX Prompt! Won't G ripe M
a t
Coughs Grow Better
arpnaincly auoo. throat inflammation disap W9M
pears, irritation ia relieved and throat tick- MUM
lin ttopa, when yen uae rellablr. time teatrj mmm
Put one in vour mouth at bedtime
k -aH m mmm .Xdr V t - iSFJ kSnssW nUflBHLLLoWn BGmS rmmm HEVBAasalBBBH blnsm 9Kh