, " - ii ; Her Daughter and His Son J A Ceaf Married Lift Story by TDAH McGLONE GIBSON -- 'j m )nmt Irf m tall ) Mr Jimro '-.rar a-Jrr- M'imf IW. llhr v rhaxl ha l Mat n la tnr.fas.1 and hla41 m MMl rl " snivel irraf (. Miipi n1 M U r rrl rKhr r-aT"t fr..m I 'o b!'I'It (ran I sri leO to hva f " Inat, i-uM An.t do ou j I kkl aurirla.l nm whllr I wit rm arm Rlotll t orvl k. - ! h-r rm- anil sln'-c I haf ben In tha ritau rani I Vni f .in and Nome Hay! thr ur-rl4 U Rolnp: to knnr It. fro Jnat ,' aicilnr ol tee lfirrtt fr.m m. t l.i' I r-:i an In' Irailon Tomorrow Jerftme H)'h!), Call BEDTIME STORIES Q BV HOWARD R. GARIS I"-"- UNCLC WICOILY S PLUM PUDTING If.s HmM "Irrla.p "WllaU yOU KO'rta to do Ud). I'n- Wlfgfly ea r. tool ad at hl pink. min kiln nof in lli lrr liar is of hla watch. "I wit s nc "' lb war. Ii for an rahl.lt rlrl. Hut tli I h i .iint nia to irmaln In no I II dto ll " an I L'ncl" Wig lly atarted to ink- oft Ma tall, allk hut md to put aa lila red. white end blue " iWi, not for thf eerlS." -rl.nl Nnra. raae"tnff' ' Vlu.t 1 h'-t IColi'C 'rt " n aa that If yon did ftT out. you could ixke th extra plum pudding to dreed "Oh I , 'l' it- I'. ' !.'' f ! " poke Vnre Wlgxlh Where la th.- pink H im rudflins ih(U IMrr Pliwr plckc!" ,,"-,OhkCM" Un't at Ilk Oi pck of prickly PPPra that Frlai Plrr phked!" InuKhed Mirac Jane TkO plum puddinr lan't pink either. It i. mor of a purple r-olor. We had IWO for Thankritlvlnit. mi know." . k "Yea. Indeed. I ktK tl.-l " n! I nele - WnjtTlly- .Vnd tt'llJif mlirbt- for Ua had hnlpod to mak one. It ihl Aa Nurao Jane raa getting ready for the Thatik'Kivlntr dlnnT In lh hollow etump buniralrw n f. w dy hefore. Vn el Wlggtly had rome out Intu tlx- kltch "Well you mlchi '' yotu paw at a Hum puddlni aaJil MIm Fi Wumj So I nrlr Wlggll) h i ! iund- on'. t end Inc the d I MN-tloti ! from it irnpf liock that told Juat what to do. Th-n Nurae t hunn arentl'Monn had mrid. nnd ahn baked anolhar. which had kHri :artl eaten at ThainkaglvlnC. Thla lett one plum pilddlriK OVl I "And you mlcht n. laka our plum pudding to Grandpa (Juoaey lander." aald BBBjjjfi Nurae Jane to I '-..If A i f i "Almoat B half of niy pudding la left et " H "Orandpn Oot.aox will Ik- Rind to gal H m pudding " ipoke in-i' U'lnily, "and H I may hae an aiK.-n'un- laklK It to 1 Well, thr bunn uvnlLiimn do! have an adventure, and I'll t" 0i about It. 1 Nurae Jane put tlin etra plum puddlnc 1 In a pull for Uncla W lifglly. who aooti H ataitc-d out over 1h- field and throuah H the vooda it had baan Miowin a little H and the Kround wna white, ao that I'nrle H Wl5tl'a pawa nd llil led. white and blue airirn-d rhaumatlam rrutt-h mada "If thr- bad old Hln-k Huthy Hear, or H the PllSgl Fox -M nlona: now Iht) Br r.ear n aaaaafnti buah to look hark over I the flelda. Anil, all of a audden. a aril H Haw. don naad to raat your tracki d find 1 have yoti I H whal have you In that pall" anarhfl H the fox. I'H.kinu at the one hanclnt: on Hl Uncle Wlgstly'a pa w If H or gravy, I'll take a taate of It heror I nip ou Hcro'glve It to maf" and. moat H linpolito) llo- fOX unbind the pnll 1 That lin t snore, or Tav." anld I n 1 cla Wlcri'- It i r'"" p'l.idinc and "I'lum pudding! Ml i'- better! howled V ed out the pudding and took a big bite. I Then he favi a loud and yawl and. H ilappinK ml paw- In hl Jam. Ik- dant'ed w hat a the matti-r?" nk.d i'nrle Wif 1 H "Mlitter?" naked the I'm, aa he howle-J H louder than ever nnd darned around on H Ida hind lega. lo ou i nil that plum pud '"nIO 'uraa, I do " net H I outfit to know made it myself. IH What'a the matter?' In aaUed. 'for the B lox waa now hoppina: around on on" h c BXaXaBBBxl tlliat L' I v "TliPl -r all I riV n lntead of plum.' rni I bit tHI atonea P and now mj tt. ih are broken! Oh. wow'" H M with that, giving ino pal! and th- I Slnnea In im pi irn puddlnr That H ym funny," aaid the bunn arentlepan Then I "Diamond Dyes" j II Tell You How ! LaxH A Child can Follow Directions j and get Perfect Results H K.ich package of Dinmond Pyea con H lain? dlroctionH no rimplr- that any wo ii can (li.nmonil-d.M- a new. rlch.( jH !t i shabby tar B i.' lit, draperies, coverings, vhetbef silk, linen, cotton or tuixed B Buy "Diamond Ip" no other kind' 'hen pgrfOCl retulU are guqpanteed B r ,irugt;i.t has color card Ad oril.se gaajajj I lie r.ipe.l rurr and looked at the pud Idlna nhlh tlM. Vc v had dropped Sure; it -th the pudding .. full of pram atonea. or pita, aa hard aa rook a. It wea on Jhrealon-4 thai the lud liap had j "Oh. I torpor to take ihe atonea out of i be piuina I put In irv puddlrur'" lautcherl : i nele cltil "Vrll. Ifa a good thine i vi- ajU .Nure .lan'a for Thanka;i inc In j ateud of mine. I'm kIh.I I anvi d mine for the bu.i Viu. ' he weni on. h.- watched th'- fi Ohau co .-.t i ket aiVt over the bi!!a "And I'm gUd Oramlpa Gooaey , Ididn t break hla biak on the plum atonea. ,111 ro bark and get him aome of Nurse "ane'a puddlna; " N'ur.v Mne'a puddlni; wna nil ilRbt. the I pita hlnff been takrn from the pluma 'and (Jrandpa fiooaey liked Ii vei much.' tnd b' the K'-ntleman dink did laugh happened ibe y. - s. m. i.onx- lean had bla adventure, n.r I told ou b- would And If t'ie pintleman graaahop I er doean't forrt to aak th la l- bug to danee the pe pan prinee nt the durk'a ' plrnlc. I'll tel! you next about I'ncle WIr fily and Jnrk Jumper oo , -a L r Little Benny 4.1; Till- I'AUK' VI N'EVS. j Weather led icnrj bldwlng erroxmd'j aa if the) waa. uli e I Spoarta. Kam Oroaa crawled thmo a i big empo pipe laal Frldax afternoon to tro e It wa br.Hrtw and rame out the' rber end all io.-r--.l with black atuff ' )eat In time fur hla father to xee hlin on I Ida a heme friim Ihe offlee. Sam H" InR bono- with lil father h ypeahll In- j vltatlon and (he real beint m later y Siaalel. Mi Menn I ' a Mr l.eroy Shooater and Mr Artie Allxander went lerround to the Little orand last Theraday evenlrt. l-elnic all the farther the went I on arroum of none of than hainc enuff money to hu) a tlcklt, and they admired the plekturea otitalde a wile and then went bai k. Pome by Skinny Martin. War Is H. . Ive swum in the mlte rx e m le wawked on the mlte ianil. But lnta the irrate war ii Rurropa 1 ain't aaw a Oermln band. Bxttr! Teddy Hunt i;itea A Iceman' Id llunla fox terrier. Teddy, bit thai k-em-in on one ankle last Satldduy morn- I Ing. and the Iceman kepp on rpjialnir ' erround th,- arl nnd Bid kepp on -basins the Iceman and lelllni? nun 1 Teddy ony did It In fun. the Iceman not j i stopping to llaaen till he had to on ac- 1 .mint of bains out breth and een' then n..t acting aa f ha hleew.l Intrlaltnic Fai ka About Inrrlatln.r l'-e. 1 pie Le Iu-. ta ran punt, h hlmelf ul moat all hla ntlte In the noar without 1 maWInc It Meed but he objecka to en- ' bOd) elta trying. j' Dr. James L Vance e There are moral vlrtorlea wJllch deaerve to K--t on Ihe Hal of the world a gl Sataet battlea The uperh courage and daum leaa leanlutlon put Into theae moral tion jrtea are not urpasaad by the h.-aers which fice ahot and shall. Indeed Ihere la a jtrun and quiet di termination, a deliberate atampinic out of Indecision .-wid inrlmailon in the flk'ht a ml putl up naralnat temptation to hi--h war w.th all us barbaric Kmp la a atran Ha na a railroad man. and when h came to eh.irch. e.hlch waa only at n nicht arvlce he Invarlnbh aal In the laat cat next to the door But he llatene.i ml '! -n-n'-' look in hu fa.e held me' as I tried to preach. 1 had Riven the uaual Invitation, eak.nc thoa- who desired to ronfeaa the Savior to remain and meet th. S :.-:. Tb , bur. h had emptied, and accompanied by half a doaen officers. I waa deai-cndlnc ( the hureh stepa to the atre-et pavement li o I met m. lallroad frond . oniiix up the steps breathless. He had walked aeven aquarea distant I to the ststlon. debatlnt; with himaelf what o .lii. and at laat had aald: "I might as -i atttle It tonight if I am ever to take the atep." Then ne had run all the wa back through the atreeta to the church. sal he ahould be too late We ient back I p Ood a house and heard a roul mke the old declaration of faith In Christ and desire to follow Him. and then we re- calved hlin Into the church. Six months later I met him in front of the big terminal over whi. h h presided with rare abltlo, and aaid "How are you getting along In .mum Christian lift ' 1 A smile that told of at rocrle and of lc ; tor.too. atole ever hla faro, as he said: ' "I haven't cursed et That waa enough. Me had whlppei his old enerm. lie had routed hla besetting aln He had won a moral victory In a war In which the powera for good and evil contend for the mastery of sn ha mortal soul. That la glorious! The bond doss not . plsx. and BO crowds cheer, but there la Jo) among the angela of h-aen, and the Treat Captain of our Salvation "sees pi the travail of his soul, and Is satisfied." OO iii r n un hi i i w ins pi tun pitixi MKMPlirft T-i i! M iry had a lit tie shorthorn calf. For that matter she still has It. Every place that Mary Elli takes her baby beef she; vv.ns first prize. She Just nnn the fir' llbb-.n at the Nashville cattle show. I ' ' I e ' - Secret of Woman Editor's Success Belief That Nothing Is Commonplace e MU v,,jtK. No. Margsrrf Ai der-son. sols owner and eiecu'ixe r uie marssine ceiled "Th Little Review!M A career unique n the hl- 1 rnthu(.!saai and II ents. . yeare ago It had nir tssn Ford "V llueffe M. Si-, -lair Speak int o; (he adventure, for nd- renture certainly it is. Mum Anderson' ny. Mil iMMIi iM'l. i i ateglead, France and German) in fa t all Kuropean . ..uiurlea. have some ' medium through whl. lt the artist ma dium I'ii'-ri .ir. many m.ucaines. it j true, but none of them but has. Ita formula, on which Its stories are i bnaod nnd its pictures painted- Mag-, ztnea start up and dl they die be-1 causa the people back of them have little or no money, little or no ciur-l nge, little or no following. "Just how I line atjci-eedcJ In I keeping the Llttla Kevlgw" alive is i .- i t. mi n sort of miracle, but l! think 1 hae discovered whal the mlra-l cla Is- 1 have never trrated nn thine! In life as If it were commonplace, nor any trsons as If they were ordinary." When Ml. Anderson started her mag-izine eeid the proofa wpre held! at tiiv printers because there waa no I money he went to several large! houses. Whore goods she desired lOi :.rt a.-, and ivlthoul icn so much' as a single cop) of her magazine to) now. she returned that same evening , with J.'.OO In advertising. She Mad convinced them that "the advent oic- was the value" the ad-' venture of having talked for a few, moments to a woman who would die foi her enthusiasms as the artist uould Bla for his art nil i n l LTVCB. V A i! I i r trnlzs no dlffl-i m a" ' f-r x , r- d.fflc ilty , then :e'.ippi ..a. h some drama.' sorin- victory, In this .".plrlt she approached the' artist of Lngland and France. She' WTOtl and told th. : i what she wanted to do to publish un international communication of thought, imagina nil I'Ower that she wanted to make It possible for the stmgglmg artla:s of America io he heard "for." f as she saye, tii great eat artist in! the world will becomg discouraged h If he cannot even tret his work print- r. e . ADVENTURES OF IHE TWINS ! DY OLIVE ROBERTS 3ART0N e 1 a NICK DISCOVERS SOMETHING. Nick looked around carefull at every hlniT In Scribble Scratch's dining room, n is falrvman still r-at at the table snor ng loudly anil showing no signs of wak ng. It was very atrance. the whole nine and tbe more the little b"V gareil .i v .i-.. vVeaaal'i pa.ld-tra.-k on the FUmn toe more sure he h.m tbai tomething was wrong and that Wasp tnew more about It than anybody elae Suddenly he beg.iu to sniff. What was Im 'BE ' '4jtrsWn?k Ml ' tm Then he took a anlff at the fa.ryman'a cup of coffee and that ameMed funny, too inai airaiiKc "-rueu i w.ss uae a ween yet there waan t a algti of a weed, nor flower even, anywhere Urine fall and null- cool, the doora and windows were abut, so the smell couldn't be coming In from Hie ..iitsi.l. Next Nl-k discovered that he cloaer he came to the tSbU the gtronger the amell became lie sniffed and .miffed, and the more he sniffed the more sure he bavamt that it wss something on the I Uncle Sam? M. D. 4 i Babies cannot talk. but they have a sign language. By crlng and b) movements they can explain a great m-inv things A normal, health) child gams regularly In weight, has a warm, moist skla. breathe, eats heart h, sleeps peacefully has one or two regular bowel moementa tail und cries onl when he la hungry. uncomfortable, ill or indulging in a fit of temper Tbe poature when sleeping la quiet, limbs relaxed, aleep peaceful, no tossing aeeuL The facial expreas..re la i aim and i peaceful If lab la suffi-rlni; pain, the features will contruet from time to time I and the fiat will be deanched tighll). The breathing l regular. ea and julet However, during the first weeks' of life breathing ma be Irregular In perfectly normal l-al'ics This ahould en-' i Ra no alarm unless associated with other abnormal conditions, such aa hot skin ' and flushed face Bgb) )iould oreathe throjgh the n and keep the mouth closed Mouth breathing or habitual holding the mouth OPSJR usually Indicates enlarged tonsils 1 or adenoids, or some other obstruction I to UM breathing Which needs the atten- Hon of a physician. The akin of the healthy baby Is warm, slightly moist and a healthv pink color. The akin ahould be aoft and smooth to. &4 'mi erfcct Skin I W aTO 5"n ot Funl nd Pbeauiv- lif soli, dit-J II. Unguished appearance itJJ a i venders bring out your n e natural beauty to its lull- Jj H e. In use ovrr 70 sag jj ILi- gsflKE I'nr every difflcalt tiicrr i- some approach, gome rlctory.'' d." And they respond at once with lanuscrlpls. And t his s tin. Miss Aii.li i Mnii. ou iik. andsomo and unafraid. Is also rnpa le cf the daring necessary to print I fairynoan a tabic that had such nn edit odor. Me liftc-d the orange No. that wasn't It. nor the toast, nor the egg. Then he tried ihe. pitcher "On." said h ptmlng It down suddenly. "That cream smellM awfully fnnnN " Thn he took n sniff rt th. falryman's cup of coffee (half gone! and that smelled funny, too'; Because, as Nick reaaoned, II had the I lueer cream In It! All this time the falrvman slept on. Hig glaaer off 1 pieieiv. unu nia situ collar was oegninmg to crinkle o.i But nothing laothered j him He smiled peacefully aa though dreaming about a circus or eofnofhlng ! The mantel clock pointed to a quarter of ten taww. hut the little schoolmaster wasn't bothering any more about Meadow (rove school than i am about wl at I'm going to ha. f"i .Ilnii.-r next Sun. la.. Onh I hope It'a a good one. (Copyright. 1)20. N. E. A ) the touch and the underlying muscles firm Flabby muscles usuallv Indicate something wrong with the feeding Q. My Utile boy of three vear has two or more small lumps on each side I of his back, seemingly on the glands II.-1 has always been strong and healthy and J I would like to know- the cause of this trouble, and If It Is llkeh to develop I Into anything of a more aerloui nature He sometimes complains of feeling tired, and some davs la .lull ,md stuold. He drinks a great deal of milk, hu' cares little for other fo.l Whnt Is the tveat thing to do for him A. With regard to the enlargt-d glaada , of the neck, you will find that theae will probat I disappear If your I Mid is taught j to ohaarve certain rules of hygiene: nameh. taking plentv of exercise (i the open air and sunshine, sleeping with the windows open and partaking of suffi cient quantity oT nutritious forwl. - In addition b drinklnc milk, a child of thla apr should eal grer-n tables. , once eser da . I'rop, r N t-iing. means j something more than iunntlty. because many articles of diet contain what are i known ns arcesaory food factors of un- known chemical composition which havn a marked Influence on the well-being of j the race I would advlae you to have vour child s teeth eaamlnMl herame frequently en larged glandn of the neck are due to ma- : terial absorbed from decayed teeth and Inflamed rums. oo CAT AND RAT "LIFE" TOO MUCH SAN IRANCI8CO. (a!. Mrs. Olga Ihjnlop Im1 a c-i and rat life, so to speak, with Willum. her husband, she told the court hero. Onco h ihrew a live cat on her shoulders and il scratched ber, she said. Another time ho put a dead rat In her bed. It frightened her. she held. She- dl orced two hu&bandn before William for cruelty, hut she said Dill "did beat all. ' The Judce w ished her bot her luck nt-xi time and pave her a de- . I er OO SWISS FORTRESS TO BE SANATORIUM GENEVA, Switzerand To prove Its faith in tbe League of Nations. Swit zerland plans to dismactle its most powerful fortress St. Maurice, nnd renverl il lo a sanatorium for con BBlBpt.lv C soldlrra. . on the back covet "sole owner ami editor" and on the front cover tht 1 line: "MaklnR no compromise with th public taste." The Roman emprrors lent money on land oo Four million persons mp,ko returns under the federal Income t:tv e . . . - e LITTLE GIFTS TO MAKE FOR XMAS e , TO HOLD NCEOLEWORK. S'MPLC TO MAKE. SOVEL PILLOW. A n..M ' -.'low that will aajrecj ' a ' 1st sHk and appllqeed to the satin. FOR THC WAITING DCjn glf' if alntcd In a simple design with colors. It wU make an attnwtlTS writing desk acreasory. APRON SET OF CRETONNE V r i .rnstlng of at. apron and duat cap la a practical present The apron Is ipsde ith a Ml. reaembllnc the bodice of a dress The skirt Is full sr-rt a large "ea at the hack A preti. pl f. r t'ie duat cap is the one that ties In front' a ftnalNhow. lar flowered cre- LUNCHEON SET A luncheon or tea set consisting of a tamlecloth and alx napkins .-uld te a aultahle gift for the, friend who en'er talns. The tahlecloth mny be anv site j the nat-klm- nre edg.-d with a tiny idcot CROCHETED RAO RUO. The rags for this work must he tern rather fine. I'ae a strong- and coarse rt rhet hook and herln a chain ctlt. h If an oval rug la deslre.t. crochet round f JUST FOLKS Br Ligar A Oacan 1 1 TMANKS0IVINO. For strength which has sustained us through the day Pear Lord, our thanks wo give! I F-t crr? smile that, lights life s friendly wa Arid inaU,-H It gr. d to live. Once more, with grateful hearts grid rev erent prayer. I Our gratitude ire offer for Thy care. I For fruit of field and vine and orchard tree. Th- sunshine and the rain. I The tempests weathered on the land and seu. i apt cur thanks anln Almlght) iJ'-l fr.iin wh.m ai hlsslngs come. ll.ar now our prayers, though long our lips were dumb. Fur fre. -.him -ind our country, eean of hate. I Our . hll.'ren at their play. tur homes where peace and love and loy await. Accept our thanks today. i'h. God, In all we do. ard ct ma dare. Make us. we pray, more worthy of Thy 1 1 e Sister Mary - If baiteae are folded in when a garment la put through the wringer there Is i H nereasit foa icnding Thursday over lea H JerW ear can h .-aTWittv folded ant wn.ng ifiM-h drier Ihl with eras effort in H s wnnge, isan wringing lo hand Pot ihe button m.ide ,-s , ral theeatneases if iin'eaa the tint tons sr H naally ! a rye thc wlM not be broken 1 MENU FOR TOMORROW. Breajifaan firapefnui gfiesl iom meal H romsu i H with Kreneh dressing cilied pruo' , H MV OWN RECIPES H ramalaM fold in a H towel and shake gently Thla dries tht H Of its equivalent ruins any sax I.. 4 H CREAM OF OYSTER SOUP. pint H Waji batter, itlr in ftour Add th first Of milk alowl as In white taunt. 1 dd second cup of milk and oysters- Pt,r frequently nnd rtng alowiv to th boiling 1 point. l.et bubble up on re. Serve at H WHITF. FRUIT AKE jM rup twitter H sH i p milk B cupa flour H (whlteal H te-vons hik nc powder H IS rupa i hopt-.-i figs H datea jpa blanched rind rhopp--d slmonls H ' pound citron, cut fine H teaspoon salt H 1 teaspoon vanilla t'ream hutter and sugar. Mix fruit with up flour. Mix and sift flour, ssll H 'sod I'-.i Ing powder Add to first mivt H stiff and dri dd fruit and vanilla. Itak H young man'g start In life often fin- M Mahes hit I VIKNNA, Nov. 1. (CorreeponiU H ence). Th- slate opera and the stats H i nt. -.i.ii the crown and now suhx entloned by the rea public, show a deficit of about 26. H crowns for the year, as & re- H suit prices are to bo increased heavl- H the best seats H . c seven while now thrv nia eighty crowns as against nOO now. Qui H i corrcspoQding H ly. and now sell at lghtiou crowns. OO BBBBBBBBBJ BIRTHS in i MM LONDON. Nov. io. fCorreeftoed- 1 ence "f iho Aaaoclated PreeaJ Tho H numbei of births recorded In Knglund H ..f is..', per liino f the popula Hon. nays the annual medical report of the ministry of health. In 190n. n record year, there ware 948. 271 births, or morn than 250.000 greater than vcar. In Portugal the ability lo rend and write is one oi the i cqulremen' s H 4'TS. mmilln ihiiiiiimiiiiiiiin Too Mfeak to Do Anything The ordinary every-day life of most women is a ceaseless treadmill ki of work. How much harder ihv taks become when some derange- H M ment peculiar to her sex makes every movement painful, and keeps A B3 the nervous system all unstrung until life seems hardly worth living. B m v' Every women in this condition should profit by the experience of $ these two women whose letters follow. Read ihe Experience of These Two Women ni a Reading Ra. ''1 1. odors mi in flam- Gainesville, Tex. M For three years in. i . i- ri tin- 'Av aii'l b;:-k I Mi llV i'1 tiiiSi.l'l atr'HiV fa li month I . which were bo sharp that thov pulled with pairu m d j side, I found only M fv to my knees, and 1 could no! walk temporary relief in doctor's medicine rv( I had an operation and still I failed, and or anything else i ' my hus- W S i . i i i I Littered I had four band and J mi of w lii ore and none helped me. My Lydia I P .' Vegetable Com- P rnother-in-lar advised me to take Lydia pound. I mentioned it tot a neighbor 1 E. Pinkliani , .Me Compound I and she told me she had taken it with Sa Bj (vas then in 1 d, and afl r the t:- gi od n it. 3 9 bottle I could be mt of bed, then I L was then ii i d part of I ,and p! took Vegetable Compound Tablets and my doctor said I would have to be oper- if Lydia 1 P Blood Medicine and atedon,but we decided to ti 4. also used tbe Sanative Wash, still table Compound, and I also used I lia M v to F i Wash. I am a L. UPj do my own housework. Myfriendssayi dressmaker and am now able to B1 1 My! but you vhat do you a ft tia ii'.- Who Is your doctor?' And there besides, Tou nrewel me to use I vj i- i t.ly one an wer, 'Lydia E. Pink- letter as a t stimoi ial as 1 am aj i "3 FJ ham's medicines which I gladly recom- giad to speak la v i ;. i "' Mm w m Stsin, 560 Do glas Mrs. "W.MSrapHSJWoa Harvey St, M . j ' i ' i. Gainesville. 1 n 9 Ailing W omen Should Not Experiment But Insist Upon E j Btaaaal