IgH Mrs. Elizabeth C. Warrjicigh
HH Succumbs to Short Illness
FfH of Pneumonia
LH lirinu, las' i ;c t t 9 &0 o lo
B hadalda whn death tnu r all hut
H I WO of h-r ton
H Iters In lonaitaii.u I., Ma 24.
H !. ah CWHie to I tah llh her paj
H 4 to Weber count) In Oliia
H msde her h'm f. r the t ' ear I
H urrlvlas or the following sons ini)
H daughter JuriM II WtMlrlf h Hlll ,
H X or . William M Cortex
H Wash
fe '"- i
H Another dauihfrr. Jills VA.dhaup I
SVLM Mrs Wsr.llrtgli (TOO member .,f
H funeral rnncrmrui have not
KH been ''.mpleteo
Woman Acts Strange;
Taken to County Jail
H Ieclared to huvr Urn acting M
H Marly r ihe mod depot, where she'
H had i ) far nt daj .4 0
HsH roan, who gave her name Ma Amanda
H to tho county )nil last night b)
H Xherlff Joseph
H Hlarkhurn unrnun la .
H ho mentally derange. I In hrlnfj
H "'d whlla effort
Hl har home In 1 in. igo
Hflr aomo tim he haa hern employ td as
RK The ma: f . ntlnunlly tnlka about'
feHl Angeles and declared that whan the
1 turned or or lo la govern n (ha
111 be pnld o Inrg. lum ..f
X 00
IA "The U. P. Trail," the pic
BgH ture of the wesi when bacjs
of gold were jack-pots, when
ah every man was a sheriff. The
great Western comes to the
ryB Alhambra next Tuesday.
nO clue found
Police Throw Out Net But
Bandits Escape
Although o nat boo Urn opraad 1
hi jfhoul tb entire west br police,
r,,' ffl llir lewelrv atore of Ke'h
K T Ionian wna robbed and on of I
hrry, the whereabouts of these men j
la a m start, the- police admitted
Atkins ear aped In nn uiilomoMI Im- '
mediately following the holdup, md It.
uftT conviction of during robbed u'
v.i. .it th Oftdta High achool. Thai
Kfi- contained monv token to ot a
foot (.all game
Falls Down Elevator
Shaft; Hip Fractured
Edward 1 1 . Raaaglli i" vara of age,
A damn oenur. fr II into an ale
votor ohoft at tha Rtabardoan-Hunl
atorf ihia afternoon and auf fared a
frartur.. of hln lef? hip
lie arag ramarad 10 Die iioapimi.
Mr, Kiium-II, mii emply hi the ator.-.
hail been putting up ordera. lie took
the elevator to the arrond floor, no
glei ung to aloaa thr - al the firat
tlUtfl H fall g digtapga of about t-n
r. .
ii Riisam si. Mil litt Bdaa Mr.
HiCBArdg ut U10 huMpllol.
I PAIU8, N'oa JO. 1'ropoanl by
rjrej't Hrltaln g bagla for tlit:- Anglo
Ullgaian commercial tr.a. which
have been approved the BrKlah
cabinet, were linn lnl t,, 1 onj.l Krni
, aln. )i.. .if the Ruaalan Bolahevlk
trade mlaalon. In London lt night.
ie i il.:,ijt--h to th" Journ.il
Boyle's Great Sale
This sale of medium priced floor coverings t.-.
your opportunity to lelect a good rug at a
fcmall price. The list given below will gr
you an idea of the savings We have many
more in stock at like reductions
Wool and Fibre Rag Rugs
Rugs A II new pii 1 1 1 i n. our
Hodgo beat nr.uJc ruga. choice of aiies and colore.
?3fi grade. fctlS, 00 TA price
now . pZZ.I)U s- v '' fVfBi 1 QQ
extra quallfv, 9x12 fixe,
rllghtlv noiled on Ik. M-10 (ho nr.
t - pad (Mr OA Vfcal J
i . c,t t tMD.ZU 9 01
$33 36 Crex de Luxe graaa , nji; - x 1 L.KJV
,: $22.50 --T '$1.50
i liana nu (j o q a
I rax grass mge. I ro 4J.JU
9x1. .'lao. raduced dOA t"' I nr;. Ancroft
tfl . t4ZU ' ruga. OCrt
PUB Vbak flbn id 27x54 Inchea Z.UU
wihjI iug, good quality, re- Hundred! of rugs to
duced taring fale Aig hongo from, moatly new
Isll J 10 pattama and dealcBf
' : .! in .spring 1921 prhc?.
$6.75 lllaboua Art Inlaid, r r.n
Ultra qiLallly OJ.UU
Ji . ' old Seal rr p n
inlaid . D.llU
. :.o I'otter'.a StralKht Line t i cr
laUaflg H.Z0
5 I M lL-id'.'Q Ar) qa
Inlalda )0.0U
JI6' I'nlrerpaJ hr
Inlaidg $J.0
I Piintad tr rr
Llnolaom CpZ.JJ
i :m QoM Baal Yard d 1
Oooda Jpl.Dj
Ji feet wide t'ongolcum yard goods. r rx
gpecl.il. ynnl tJZ.DU
Convenient Termt May Be Arranged
awa'eaaa tl C"tata Oaa' M
A a a o Dat
gditr.' sa Nri Oaat s7'
I lliuni smiflai Mr J M rteJ
Boontha will return to tgaen ngt
rr Wrirhi ikovmI to J2i Kccloa
Dldr 7801
lrrUge .kfllr V r r
oao ware laauel etarda' afternoon.
ham. f1tnloa, t'tah. and lary A Ilea
Itentiatt s rat I'olni. I'tah. Herbert
A. Laodex and Kltaaheth Maud Ham-
bly. Ogilen
Daafl forget the Cathr.lir ladlea ba
ujr Thuraday Ioreml-er t. In the
faaaph'a hail. ;t.
Clean large rag wanted at r
ttandard Kxamlner office.
ngden Tpemrtter House for type
wtitera and rpaira 2ii Hudson avo
aue. I'hooe 23f.
Deaths and Funerals
DKAAYKK. hUneral aerv Ices for
((llsbofi II Ensign. The body muy
tic et'i Miin afternoon nnd eeilng
and loniorrov forenoon .it (ha home.
J29J Stepheua avenue. Internent will
I be In tin dtj emeter
HI Go IN BOTH AM The fi-nrral of
Mai V 1 1 ixKinbuthitm wa. held cv
terday at the Seventh ward chapel
lilahop William Arthur rtudK- preald
ed Mlf Klorcn. i .l-.nen. Mr t.te
IS. Dlakeliy anrl Mri Mclha Raad
Jones rang. Speakers included L A.
Itrkin. nihhnp Mile I. Jones aud
i Bishop Iludpe Interment in the
city cemeti i
i L-r Floral furnlaheM the flowers.
CINCINNATI, ohlo. Nov. 30.
The ffvt hundred t-niploey ol i lo
Nfljh ClothlQK .Manufacturing
com pirn. In this city, which 1
opt rnted on the "gold' n rule"
bsiala. toiluv. ut a meeting de-
Idl '1 to voluntarily surrender
ihrlr Jobs for a month, either
January or February, in order
to Kle work to the unemployed
of other clothing factorlaa
They took action after Arthur
.Wish, former minister and privl
ilent of the compiiny. hail natad
that clothing manufac ture, le.s
were closing In all parts of the
country and that thousands are
being thrown out of employment.
The cinploveH also agreed that If
It was neresaiiiv to rrduoc wages
in order to bring down prlcag of
lothtpc and stimulate business,
that thoce earning mora than $.i
a day would be the first to con
sent to a reduction.
PARIS, Nov 3" Hy the Associat
ed Praga) Veg l Trocqucr, minister
of public works, gold today that the
;t'nlte.i S xk is noa the largest coa'
laxporUng country France, Amari-
..in coal rcai'hliiK l'"tanie ilnring o
Ivaoiber, ha declared, greatly exceeded
iTuO.'iOO tons, ami 1,000.000 tona are
lable ir iTii merha monthly, he
.... 1 1 i, kI. iii.i , ..iik'k next and Ger
' illy third.
Mr. Adcr. chief of the French coal
purchasing buraatk. returned to r'aris
.from London yeaterda and Informed
the newspaper correspondents that he
had refused to rene- contracts for de
I livery of Hrltlah cool to France ort the
baalg of the 1920 agreement
M Ader aaid American firms now
'ate offering ou! to France at SIC lo
I'll a ton. free rn board at Atlantic
jsrafiorts. The proposed British con
tra, ts for 1SJ1 with France were bnaed
on price. i'f To shillings a ton for hard
coal. SI shillings for "run of the
jnlne. " and 40 shillings for slack coal.
BOSTON, Mass. Nov. JO. The full
banch Of the supreme court Monday
-a in j.idgment on the final stage of
I the litigation In which several fac
tions of the Christian Science church
are involved in an attempt to deter
I mine whore control of the organization
I and Its several auxiliary activities
The litigation was simplified aome
j what by the withdrawal of .Mrs. Eral
I lie B. Hulln of Brooklyn who had
claimed a voire In the proceedings In
her capacity ag & firat member of the
church, the governing bud thai pre
. gajad the hoard of directors. Milei
M I'awaou. oJ New lork, her coun
sel. ald she believed that all her
rights were fully protected In the petl
tlon of Attorney General Allen of
Massachusetts, which asserts that un
I der the manual of the church, the dl
I rector are the governing body and
have the power to remove Riambari Of
I the hoard of trustees.
GKNFVA. Nov 3 0 - The terms of
i the treaty Nikolai l-nlne, the Kusalan
' soviet premier, haa concluded with
Mustaphu Kemal I'aaha, leader of ihe
Turkish nationalists, striking at allied
Influence, ha-s lHen received by the
Journal ile lieneve from Ita Constant!
! nople correspondent. The treaty as
aures tho Integrity and restoration of
Turkish authority to all pre-war terrl-
tic ami . - r. luiku . ou'iol of
i the new states of Syria and Arabia,
j Moecow la afforded Racilltlea prop
I aganda throughout Turkey.
Buasaa and Turkey agTee to Join
; forces for the liberation of Mohaium
edan countries from foreign control.
Ruealg, promises financial and com
i mercul aid to Turkey.
Ruaala agreeg to send Immediately
t.o armj orpn or more if needed, to
, aid the nationalist.
Russia and Tnrker agree that ho
1 fMttles against the alllea m-isf rnn
iln ue
Thousand of French people nnnoi
I afford to huy mats or eges because
if thg soaring rf the cost of living.
White and Yellow Question
Withdrawn at League
Session in Geneva
1 tion will not rnakt any proposal for
' racial equality at thla evasion of the a - .
aemhlv of the league of natlora. 1! was
' announced by Viscount Ishll at thii
aid Viscount Ishll. until an oppor-
tua moment ahati present Itself." j
The Japanese delegation, he added.
also had derided to withdraw- Its pro-,
'tet against annual meeting of the
assembly, although It requires five
' months time for a delegation front Ja
I pan to mu. thr ...in . nrat n,i re
'turn. He recommended that meetings
; once In two enrs with special meet-!
mga In emergen-) hut said be
i not press the point
i.t t i - OMJaXTTl i in POM -rti
Japanaat dalagata made tbesa
I declarations in pakll - ' the -pi.r'.
'f thr committee on rule- which u i -
'ad in the full aaaentbl) at the opan
Ing of the session by I legate 1
j of Italy The ommlttee based Its
i statement on the principle I I the as- j
si mhl is the sovereign arm of the!
league, hilt Intermittent, and that 'he'
executive COUncll I" the perruumiit
power. lib the sec retariat as the son
iiniioas medium for the execution of
the de. Laloaa of both th aae mblj ,
1 1. , , ,uin, II
.s'ome romplex uueatlona regarding!
the relations between the aaaembl)
and the council vvci- reag ved bj Hie
t ntnnlttag for furttier consldei iilon
HI LD It II l l l IK
Man) delegnte t.i the moating ol
he laaambl) of thv league of natloi
regard the coining week ms ihe niosi i
I critical period In the history' of the
I organization cue.-'.iui:s who ., nave
been settled in committees bj a major-1
jlty vole, after atabborn lontesta in!
some cusea. must n decided in thai
assembly by ,i unanimous .ote. The
onl) exception is In Ihe'caaf of tho'
lactlon Of now members vml amend-1
I ment.
If the assembly proves cupitble of
tgreeinj srlthaut dissenting vou- on,
I the difficult probUnia to be pi eaa
it during the next few days, j
1 v I I, In tlu eatlmati f gome of I he
nn men l.ei h.D , j,., , ., ,
I dangerous point.
i 't EriON hi Bl OOK Ml S -The
rouncll of the league was en
gaged during Us . t.tire session with
the question of mandates, und could
'i"' i" oe ed t., : h.' i I. i,,n ,.( ,, 3,, -.
ef.xi.i- to Sir Kcginall Tower as hlgl
, tiinil'.sioner at Danzig
it seems prohsthlg thai definite go
lutjnn of the nues.. n relative to the
nomli I 'ockade will roi be reach
ed in thts session o the aaaantbly, .
resolution passed bj the ub-cnmmlt-
on ,,. s -. , .., , ,
an international commlaalon On
, blockades be appointed by the COUUCll
nd this body shall report to the BJ
Bam bly the maaaurea It arouid put into'
cff. t againgt an tniimtv nation
1 '" ' I' ' d debute oil the- fail I .
th Uncll to Intervene for pre-i
vantlon of the war between I'lland md
Oi let Russia haN been put over t.. Frl
day'a session.
The report of the committee on !
amendment to the rovena.it wag e-
. pci ted to contain recommendation!
; oommlaalon tie appointed to
a hi. h all amendments proposed should
bi referred for stud) .mil reported
'Pen at I ne isxembl- which it
; now la considered will certaJnlj
held during the summer or early' fall
c. , , ommitt. .. , .. h. ,v . yiif
ficioni latitude to consider any prop
osltlOng emanating from the inited
S itei S.me ,.f the delegates have
; considered the advisability of giving
, the committee the exprss authority to
nter Into negotiations with Washing
ton at a favorable moment
Delegates de i.e..,,. f Spain, and .
, Aguero of uba, have agreed to with- "
I draw for the time being their prop- t
loeltlon. for the Inclusion of Spanish1
among the official latiKuages of thei
'"l, 'I h. . ... indicated thev
, would not press their suggestion for a
.discussion of the subject at the pres
ent geaalon of the aanambly
oo ,
WASHINGTON, Nov 30. Objec
tions by the government to the plans
,of the packera for disposing of their j
; stockyard properties w ere filed today
In the District of Columbia supreme
Icourf. The government's objections,
dealt with the Swift. Cudahy, Armour i
,and Morris plans distinctly ns well gl
the proposal for forming a holding
;eompanv to effect the divorcement of
the properties.
LITTLF. BOCK. Ark.. Nov. 30. Dr. I
, G K. Woodvard wag shot and fatallv
wounded at his ,e here early today
j hy A L R deputy I'nlted
i Stales marshal a ho w .is attempting
to arrest Tr Woodvard on a warrant,
i charging violation of the Harrison!
ntl-nareotle law-. n,. die later
Beeder said Dr Woodvard attempt-I
ed to lraw a revolver when the tolg
him they had a warrant for his ar-
is onus
Recommends Oa.ly Use of Magnesia to
Overcome Trouble. Caused by Far
ment na Food and Acd
I ndlgcetion
is and wind In the stonisrh sccoin
pidel hy that full, bloated feeling after
eating art almost 'crtuln evidence of the
presence of cxcrjalvr hvdrochlorlc a. Id In
the stomach cresting to cs Had "srld In-1
Aclrl atomacha are dsngerous because
too much acid irritates the delicate lining
'Of the stomach, often leading to gaatrltla
aeeouinsnled by serious alomarh ulcer"
Food ferments and BOUr creating the dls
tr. sing gas which distends the stomsch
i and hampers ihe normal function of tho
rits Internal organ often affe. ting the
t It la the worst of folly to neglect such
' s ssrinus condition or to treat with ordl
, naiv digestive slds which have no neu
' Lrallslng affect on the atomach acids. In
stead get from anv druggist a few ounce
j or Biaurated Magnesia and take a tea
spoonful la a 'tuartei glnss of wutr rlgh'
sfter eating This will drive the gwa
I wind and bloat right out of the bod..
sweeten the stomach, neutralise tho fi
cess acid and prevent Its formation and
there la no sourness or pain Blsurated
I Magnesia (In powder or tsbUt form nev
Cf In liquid or milk) Is harmleaa to the
i stomach. nep..isu to take and the heat
form of magnesia for atomach purposes.
IB : '.aed hv thousands of people wh.-
I sgday their meals wlih no more fesr of
1 lrtdlgetlon. Advertisement
r. ' I
All 20c Package Crack- Ve 1 V- ? 40c G,a" Jar L
crs and Cookies jr y JJjj ?J Apricats 21 2 can j
16c 25c I
Buy Where Prices Are Lowest I
Judge our ability lo save you money by investigating the values to be had in (
stock. Merchandise here is alway sold to you at the LOWEST PRICES and V
by salespeople trained to give you SATISFACTORY SERV1C E
Volume of Business 5 Big Economizei
These Prices Will Get It 27c
Sprlnc Garden oo or LalalH
ISC - fr Zoc
' ! mil i" Sugar 1 ...... 1 gataBaaal
IDC 9C fl
1fi --f"r el
. or 1
A P. Xaptha Soap. or
10 ban OJC
;V-Z Do i . I
At Cost But at Mighty
Small Margin I
No G Tin Strawbarrj ft i rrv 16 mine. . , H
L-pint Jar Poach and rn ' 00 !
rin Maple Karp no 1 J H l -pound Tin Blue Pine pi
Syrup JLC coffee . i)4C
A sCaACsal,, 1 W Soap hi
pet 14c la-i-oo $i
181 Twenty-fourth Street H
SAI.T L.AKE CUT, Nov 30.
A man giving the name of H.
Lleckaln, 27 years old. said to be
long to a prominent family of
Louisville, Kv . wag arrested here
today, while attempting o rob a
store A full set of burglar s tools
was found Is his possession.
Ueckaln said that ;i hurglar at
tempted to roh his father's safe
In Ijoulsvllle and that the thought
came to him to try and emulate
him Baokaltl said he come here
five months ago fr:m San Fran-
iv. o. With a w,r an'1 a ' hlld
ho lived In a house here tented
at $80 a month.
KKNVKR. Colo. Nov. 30.
Articles of Incorporation for the
' '. nver tt Klo firande Western f
Kailroad company were filed with
the secretary of state today. The
company will have a capital stock
Of $50,000,000. It will take over
rehabilitate and operate the Pen- j
ver & Rio Grande railroad sys
tem oo
CHICAGO. Nov. 30 The twenty-1
fi. thousand employes of the Stand -i
ard Oil company, (Indiana), may he
come shareholders In the company
w ith thv alfl of the company after
thC firat of the year, according to mi
announcement by AV. 11. Stewart, j
chairman of the hoard of directors.
The company operates In Indiana.
Illlnola, Iowa. Michigan. Montana. ,
Minnesota. North Dakota. South I i
l...ta Missouri Kansas. Wyoming, Ok-,
lahuma and Wisconsin Kmployea In,
all these states will be concerned.
Two hundred representatives of the
2 i.uOO employes heard the plan out-'
lined at the close of the second an-1
nual caucus between employes and'
The company purposes to permit an!
employe to buy shares during the tied '
jfivc years in accordance with the;
amount of his salary. Mr Stewart said j
that a man drawing $7000 a year
would be permitted to buy $in0u
worth Of stock. Of that amount the
eofapany win pay half or M4 th- !
employe the remainder
Iceland will have a world's fair next.
J.jna for the edification of the Eskimos
Tho scientific blending of reliable vegetable remedied!
of benefit to persons who suftcr from
Nervonsr ss Sleeplessness
Depression Loss of Appetite
BrolnFafi Digestive Troubles
Slow Recovery from Influenza and Kindred Ailments
Are you run down? Ar? you irritable? Aro yen ov l
try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its benellcinl latH
BriaMaU told i foal Sole wanuuetut,, 1
16-oz. bottles . M BRIACEA DRUG COMPANY
PHOJs'l RATH I X I ; i l .l. I
LINCOLN. Nov. 30. Tho Nebraska
Telephone otnpany today was author
ised bj the state 1 ilia coiiunisslon
to make a 1" pe oanl surcharge In - i
crease on all local exchuiiKe raft
The increase is rtfcctlv December lj
and will continue for seven mouth".
The commiasloil also extended for six!
months, the pi. sent scale, whlh has
heen in effe. t for a year and a half.'
sfAROO, N. D., Nov 30. Closing
today of the Farmers' und Merchants i H
bank of Cogs we I, N. D-, was an
nopncea in maaTe received by Tar- H
i:o bank. The cIoaintT. which was H
saild to he only temporary, was caused
by depleted reserves. This Is the scv-
k I
O lit. I '-i ( 'jlvin coiiiuiric s
' ' iMasaSsBsit