OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 01, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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assssH eaaaaaaaaaaaal
HB Lvjt Itemi of Irterwt From Utah and Ocm 3tMs
; 2000 m
More Than Five Million Acres
Worth Well Over
The shore ll..al'b rl ( tU!
8JH mTS.I 4wXi'lr !m
B Juan. Cf-M'f-r fluff. Carbon ami
.nty r-a a hir lead, when
the valuation of farm land ai.d b lid
J I -d al X. 101. 994, or an InrrMM
laoo If l Bf flS.OBt.igg, more thagd
h i top, "Vn ne sujrar beet, wlll ) ;
pppPS The Mlli t , i :t In'iri
LeasH Cmhe county. ?9.:o 1 9 1, uj prr
BfSSSSB cent: Box Rider. $?8.;i.4. 12. gl
BJBJBI per rent; Sanpete county, f 16.OS.2H4.
E. . Wheeler Charged With
Embezzlement From Rail
road Company
I HAIT 1AKK. w. I Charged
friih lh .llrl r-m rilr m-itt of
Ijike railroad and the 4mrrlran Kk-
o'cloek cs!erdn afternoon t" "Qec
,1a) inr-nf f...r th" I'nlted St,im l. Jlrl
i .k a u r l? ti it i
SALT l,AKi:. Dec 1. IBnr hU
T r to - Chv -nn trr t U- ll
i .v n . A i-o f i polled m 1 enci n '1 when
Th i tit wan riot Injured and t U
aviator escaped any .inrt In rnakliur
the landing Supplies wore furwanl
cd to Saratoga from Cheyenne.
passed thl place and continued to
Saratoga It was httc first trip over
the route It Is reported.
t . 7 per cent. Davis county. $14.
It It. IIS. IS 6 r r cent. Duchesne
county, li. ::. 74:. imo not given; Ban
Juan. $3.'7.oiC. 443 percent; Hea'r
lt.70V.79S. 100. .1 per cent; Pluto. $1
C7S.sr4, I3J 4 pir ntii Carbon coun
ty. l.Sfd.MS, .:, 4 per . eni; Daggett
county. $12S.40Q. 1910 not given!
nana lufj- 'j n ....-. -
H mm The . Gift Appropriate I
H H -a Victor Record J1
I ' tn Wat cou be more appreciated Christmas mornirjj m
mmm I Bfl lhan nc 01 t e new Holid:l' Victor Records0 Har- m
iB seWM moili2"1cT with the occasion, they addv to the real lj
BasH Clflllfi Yuletlclc spirit, and help to maintain it throughout B
rH Mn'l t u riontUi t0 follow
'C "' 0 r.. '.(.Mtbor Nui J
! : , ' . I
Make Your Selections Early A
IS Sl.900.1100
Fiscal Year Comes to Close
Witn Reports 6n Finances
.I,T LAKE. Ie- -With a baJ-
' wft7SrfSnHddmJoilr S I
" u.i n the etate dletrlrt nohowl
JmuT and f f. r dletrftutloo an. rvc
chol fllatrlrta early next eer.'
tv i to tbte amount woe 117 4..
t ' y in the state schools lnd grant
The stal' v-hool lands Inters' 9 11
mnts and rental tMr cne o ta In larce
numbers t-come due with the loo f J
. ;."ceni month
- t bm.I.4v Ianlel Larson, stat j
ir''iurar. yeeterrldv T his ithows that
tl r !'' tS t all fund iluririK the i
month rotated SI. 041 (OO.li. Of this'
(hi- nt. iti- k neral' f iinl nn1 g 2 7.S fc. 34
to th Htat district school fund. th
. it finit lenefttlnr henvilv were tha
u school fund, by f 2S.C31 73;
Mm ii.iini. r. mc fund of lb.- l nh.Ti.tty
ot t tnt. b ::..3C ks, that of th" I tah
Airrw ultorml collcare. by $14,489.79, anQ
that of the branch Agricultural col
lege. by $622. 4B Kerclpts to the
hi. I i; in.. f.ti,l w.T. $t:'13 10. tn
the state bounty futAl 1943. OS. to the
Mat- trust fund 11022.39.' from in
'.I.- hold In rruat for the heir win.
I to tlio reclamation trust fund
l7" 7.
Th. tfltt. treaaurcr's report shows
that rnrnya actually dlnbura.-d totaleil
J ' 1.2 ' 73. .r a little leas than 1 for
tr z received In the montli While
rh1 umfiiMtii are not In s,venil caaen
i the same as the total of warrants Is
ued by 'b s'.it.- auditor. Joseph Itlrlc,
during 4bo month, a. already printed,
th.. totals arc approTlmatel the same
The balance on hand at the bcKln
ttlnie of the month., as shown by Mr
Iaraon's report, was $l,3C8.o'4$.68.
and that nt the end of the month had
Krownj to the fluun plven. $1,901,-
s IN r;K
The ..in. .tints of cash In the banks
; to The cnili: of the respect i e funds
are shown by Mr. larson'a report to
1 i fnlVP
t Oeneral. IS40.908.14; district school.
$I9flft-fa;79: hifth school. $3 . 7 S 7. 1 ;
r. of l'. maintenance, $53.964.5t: V.
A. C- maintenance. S9. 846.26; II A.
C. maintenance. I732S L'H fish und
(tame. J37.293.71: bounty, $4 ll 1 3.". .
fedeml vocational educMlon, $ 11. 79;.
U ltd building, ;6&5.84; coU.ni ii..n.
$4 7.'.; forest reserve. $55,010.92; trust.
114.12; rccftunatlon trust. $22,412.
POdempUbn 1 bonds due 19241, $1766.
10; i..lempt!on ibouda of i;.i7i.
?4i97.01; aiUpOriie account, $M.96; mo
tor vehicle registration. $78,801.51;
lef.ae $1038 S7. land reglatrntion as
surance. $42-1C. at.tte land f,'iantH.
$291. 062. CK. lialnncn on band Novem
ber 10. 1920. 1, 901. 187. .3
00 1
Girl fatally Burned
When House Takes Fire
CAIMfv Ida. Pec. 1. -..May Jarvls. I
14-ytar-ofl daughter of ftert Jnrvl.s of I
IMoumington. was fatally Injur, d laat
nljrhr In n flic which destroyed her
father s home.
The Rirl'a brothers had been In the
nyo'n, and upon returning home,
hung their wet clothes on clmlrs near
the stovt. The clothinK cauRht fire
liter and the burns were communi
cated to the house
The ffre had Rained considerable
headway beforo it was discovered. The
family fled from the house, and It
was uot for Miinie minutes that Ma's
al.-eni. w..s 1. nt.. I The fafh.-r. upi.n
illncyverlnit that his daughter wa.s still
In the house, forcr'd bis way through 1
the flann'M and smoko to nn upst.iirs
room occupied by the girl. He gath-1
red his daujrhter Into his arms and
l-aped from the second Mnry window
to tho pround. The Rirl was so se
erely burned t hut she, lived hut a
short time.
SALT LAK Bi Dec. 1. With the
frer-ing pf seven conscientious object -from
the war prison uWl'ort Doug
I. is yesterday, in accordance with or- j
.I rs from the war department, the
pion wns cleared of prisoners of this
j...rt. Each of the freed prisoners was
given a suit of clothes and $10 cash.
In addition to transportation to their
At one time there were 17'. consci
entious 'objectors at Fort Dnugla.
The m n freed yesterday. whose
homes are in the east, are- Roy Demp-'
scv. Chris J. Cergotx. Krancls Stln. r.
Crank I. Mlnnlch. Alfre.i K M.rrl
mgiatar, William P. Doty and Frank
; Mozer.
Uil 3ifr I
W of Life
f 1 There's one thing sure about ttT
H 1 1 Chooovates they arc never ncglcotcJ i
V i I I 1 ' I True, htg sifter's new so btaire may divert
1 W her attentaon tor a moment, but young nui- ,
L t iance will he found nght on the job And ' ' ' ,,1.
T alter all you can hardly blame him th.it . jffhyA ;
wMt 8 yi 'u'U appreciate, once you've learned how ,' ' y'mK I
vSmc, Swzrr's have pbvod an important, part ' 'fljfflrffi
H,, Tta moons last allTitc long. Luscit -uscrcamy '' '"
AuV s!lM centers tinet nuts and fruits generous ty' fjB)
' V ul coatings of mellow chocolate, light and darL '
BUed, crigp-coated g)oag caiv .miu. ii
dics,kcptfrc?hinind". idllll 'H
'tghttins-adorcndain- ia. ' A TF" ' '"tiTX V" 3Ef"5 tfA
fk f B r E fcaJ
hon.c. motoring or any a yk R' Lfc !
other use. Ask your Dealer Smr If .JLamflp BLm if J&w I
ffr gg, SALT LAKE i
idieJa Qjoq choice oPbariicular folk
Idaho Youth Shot
While Qui Hunting
HLAi'K F OT, Idaho Dec. 1. While
huntii-1 1 . yesterday, William Tirehd.
1 .", jnTari pf '.pe. was sh'.t aTid altuNist
Instantly killed by P.a F.ichelbergee.
a companion, about the same ape.
The Shooting occurred Just outslrlc
the city.
Elchalhergar fcaya hla gun was acci
dentally ills, h.iri;. .1 when he Stumbled
one side of Trend's face was torn off
and his death occurred within a short
time. Coroner reek win hold -an In-,
fpiest tomorrow.
BOISK. Ida. Dec. 1. Any treaty I
that will grani t. forelKii born Japa-
nrse in IJah the riKht of citizenship.,
or In InproaalOsj the number of an
mcc which cannot b. assimilated int..
the rxlstlnp form of civilization here,
and therefore cannot become prood
citizens, will be opposed by Coventor
D. W. Davis of Idaho.
The action of Governor Davis was
taken in response to an, appeal recelv--ed
from i nited Btatea senator Jamoaj
"D. Phelan of California, who polnt
out that a treaty is In the making
which will grant American citizenship
to Japanese now In this country, and:
who holds that the Japanese situa
tion In ("he I'liltcd States has reached!
a critical stage.
The step taken by Oovenior Davij j
Is said to forecast a prediction thr.t
has been made that Is. tjip Japanese
question Is likely to become a moot'-rl
one before the sixteenth Idaho legis
lature when It Convenes in regular
biennial session in Boise In January. I
Many members of the legislature SJ.-I
ready haxe been approached on the
SALT I.AKK. Dec. 1 Joslah Bar
nett. cashier for the McCornlck
Co.. bankers, for a period of nearly
forty years, nn.l a pioneer banker of
the Intermountaln west, died at the
St. Mary's hospital Mns: night, follow-,
!ng a short Illness, t
i Mr. Barnett was stricken at the Alia
club yesterday afternoon. He was tak
en to the hospital, where his death
; occurred.
Mr. Barnett was 76 years old. a na-
tlve of England He came to this
country In 1$C0.
EftOlBB, Ida.. Dec. 1 Despite the
j bad weather ahead the t;um 1-edge
mine In the Murray district will con
! tlnue Its develoimient work during the
entire winter, aci ordinic to Charles l
Taylor, mine manager The develop
ment at present .s confined tu flic
, cxploratftn of the old workings of the
I Granite Allie and a Koo-foot drift has
i been finished. Rich R.dd ore la said
: to have been found at the head of
i this drift
-! NT 1 IN- M I t M
TWIN FAL1. Idaho. Dec. 1. J
1 p Wledemon, i barged with killing
, lrlmc Keisev . his son-lii-lsw. Novcjri
I ber 7, was adjudged Insane here yea-
terdajr, and was committed to the
state asylum at Blackfeot.
I Several physicians wttre called as
I wltneaae for the deferife. Weidemsn
I after the bootlnc. gave hlihself up.
S boo ArruUtned. he denied his guilt.
(.it u ji im.im. n M
MOSCOW, da.. Doc. i -A grajjn
ludKltiK icani. composed of three unl-;
veralty agrlpultural students, win be;
sent to the Idaho State Seed Grow
ers' association meeting to be held In!
Nam pa January lo to 18, to compete
In a grain judGrinK contest with teams
from Washington State college. Ore-
Ron Agricultural college and probably
two Or three hltermoOnt&ln achools.
Twenl v-f lv I men ar- (jpdng OUl for
the Idaho tr im Professor M W. Hul
hert will be in el ai-ge.
. no
iii mi i; i i.XEii 9150.
TWIN FALLS. Idaho, Dec. r. Two
leer carcasses, taken from Damon
Savage, who yesterday was found guil
ty of Violating game laws and fined
160, will be (so Id at auction duritic,
the coming week, according to J R
Fitzsimmons. who :n rested Suaire.
The arrest of SaygCS t rnnn it. .1 a
t w entv-f ive mile hase through !
Mlllaii basin.
r6 DEB ATI I'll Ml! Ii w
POCATELLO Id.iho. Doe. I.- The
question Cor debate m tho Southci
Idaho conference league has been,
chosen and constats oi the merits of
the IMumb railroad plan. Kicks COl-
ee has been admitted lo the league,
which now Includes five rolleRe. the
Idaho Technical Institute, the College
ot Idaho at Caldxyell. Ooding collegt
i Gomlim;. Albion Normal at Albion.
nd the Rlckg Normal . olicpe of Rex
burg. Each college will be represented
.in afftrmatin ami o negative team of
three men eil.-h. end I he debates will
.. held the second i ri.iay iii Pabrtaan
00 r
T v IN I AI.I-S. 1. 1. .ho. D- 1 - M
iestd Saturday at Huhi upon nuspl
ion. Fred Whlttaker admitted that hi
was deserter from the army. lie
was taken to Salt Lake yesterday and
wgs turned over u military authorities
IJKRM.IM i Mi'i i;m,ii,
I M lt.lt VTIOX TO Ml K o
l.iternntlon-il N'iws Service.)
MEXICO CITY, Mexico. Nov. !. i
to be cncouraKlnK em fH
Igrution to Mexico, but In a very quiet H
Greal numbers of German tin H
rntgranta are entering Mexico to en- H
a German is being formed H
Chiapas. I that Ger- H
to build up great colonies H
in Mexico similar those established H
Mooseheart is the only city
in the World for. of and by
Children. See it in Pictures
hnday Night Moose Hall
8 p. m. Admission Free.
&ftyyU dstorA' z i irr If arte! j
New York
HERE WE ARE. PETE! Wednesday night
Camped once more in the plumb centre of our
Id stemping grounds rubbing elbows with the H
oaring racket and running flush into more electric
displays, blaing posters and smashing r.igns that
sound the joys of Camel Cigarettes than you'd
cvet believe could be jammed into one town I
When I hit Broadway this p. m. I'd said the
Reynolds folks had transplanted "Camel City"
right up here!
t oems like all New Yorkers have adopted '
Ccmels as their own personal brand! And. Pete. JliL
since this is the original speed town it's only v.hot wFP
you expect when you see 'em carry a package of
Camels in each coat pocket. If their right hand jSnS
is busy, they dig out their left hand deck they r, A
just won't lose time getting a Camel lighted! " L I '
That's the gait around here, old thorobred ! J
And. Peter, the New Yorker has his own A-l pet
ronson why he's so keen for Camels. For instance,
Doc Marshall will bet his car on Camels quality
against any cigarette in the world! Bill James
i says to me " SJiorty, there never was mild, mellow
body like Camels." And, as for Dan Boggs he
. agarr spills it that Camels are the only cigarette free
jP; a from any unpleasant cigarctty aftertaste or ciga-
ffZfjf retty odor! And, he knows! Frank Frazer will m
djjsV tell you it's Camels wonderful Turkish and Do-
1 mestic blend! And all of them are right!
9 And, Pete, old proof-of-the-pudding you tell
'em that Missouri hasn't anything on little old
' New York when it comes to that "show mt" stuff,
Trj jQ cigarettes or anything else !

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