WEDNESDAY EVEMM. DECEMBER 1. 192C. THE OCDEN 51 A.NDARD-bAAMlNEK 7 I HO VALUATION PLACFD ON 0. P. HH Road Runninci Into Oqden As- scsscd at Rate of S94.0O0 a Mile Turn at 'he taiaiioo of fKIH a I road has rrmt been ifxMd In 1 1 f etod lh union terminals here owned br 1b Oldrn lovon Railvw H i r- "ii nor doae It in H tftjlcji 'his reef I alned at $J4 4W 7.14o. tnciMd.oc film etock ami H franchise I-asi )ear (he I'nion Pn- rlflr paid on a!ua tlnn nr IC441 il H IH ated by the Southern 1'iulflc umpan v H I" next highest in point of alue per H mile, arrurdlng to the pinion of th' H r'af'- t"jnl of i quallut ion the figures Hfl runln iKi.fcftl pet mile for main line H and JlC.;i for branch lino, the lone H mileage of th- now at moat abandoned A road aroiind the nonii nd of the lake H fWlb valuation' ,1 BflV alue of the ntral Pacific this fMf The OngOfl BBdrl L&M Itallroad cotnpany'a main line this year la a doe third to th Central Pacific's, br ing al the rate of J88.320. Thla com pares with f 403 a year ago. The Oregon h'hoit I. me branch line assess men' thin year la at the rote of 133 724 a mile, aa compared with S0,7tl a year ago The total assessed alua tton of that railroad In the niate. aa fixed by the board of equalization, la $12.93.93 thla year, compared with VALUE DECLINES In point of xlue per mile, the rtah Railway company's line ranks next the main line thla year, being wlued nt 161.3:" h mll .mil tli bram-h Hue which la of equally heavy construc tion, at $62,436 l-t eur the figures) for main And branch linen fftn $63. 076 nnd $62,3X7. respect lvl The valuation of tins railroad. including frumhl-e and rolling rtork. this, enr pluced at t,2KJ)JB, compared with $2.f27.tv4o u year ago Aasess ment of ih- rolling slock, parti) ov ned . h the I tah rails. h nnd partl by. the m T Salt lake Route in responsible for the ! reduct ion. The lener t. Klo t',ntnd i- m.-'inj line Is valued al 151.144 a mile thin I WARNING! Band of burglars, highwaymen, pick-pockets and dia mond smugglers headed this way. Beautiful eighteen-year-old girl said to be leader of the most des perate gang of criminals who ever operated in this territory. She is said to be of the most daring of all female crooks. She evaded the police in Chicago in a clevor manner. In her efforts to escape she hails a passing police car, jumps in, and eludes her pursuers, tho officers in the car not knowing they were aiding a criminal to escape. All persons in Ogden are warn I to puard their pocketbooks, hide their valuables and keep their eyes open while the gang is in the citv. It is reported that they will arrive today and may be seen at the Alhambra Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday in "Black Birds' Realart's new thrilling crook picture. It starts right off with the first reel wuh ail the excitement ycu might crave. Don't miss it! I It begins tomorrow! ear, while values placed on the1 branch lines vary from $lui79 for thai'h t'oitonwood brant m to $48,812 per mile for the ningham extension, with $33.h27 for the Dinghaiu branch proper. Last ear (hia company was valued m J'.o ,7o7 por mile for Ha main line, and the three branch llnea men '.. n I r..n J.12I J ' os2 i::t; : The various other branch line of the company are valued at figures Infer mediate: between those given here NEXT ON ROLLS. The railroad haa the blgbetd aggie eate valuation of any In the state, on account of Its extensive mileage, pay ing taxes thU year on $24.973. ,r26, as compared tfttfj $24,160,788 n yenr ago. In point of aKjererate value, ihe Salt : ,ik Ko'ite m iiex , on t ht assessntcat rolls anionic the railroads f I'tah. liuy ing tax ihls year on $ 18.8S3.54 1 . as compated with $IS.128,o31 a year ago The main hn- mileage this year ll valued at 54.?. 417. and branch line at 131 2i, on the avoragc mile, while a ve.r seo the figures were $41,842 and $29,729 The Wefern F'aclflc's value per mile !s $47.83(1. find Its total assessed valu ation IMK.880. rorup.ired with $44, 783 per mile and $5.445.G30 a year ago. J This company's Granta-Tooele branch was valued the same in both vcars. at $16,024 a mile and $248. 7X) in all. ELECTRIC ROADS. Of the lntercounty electric railroads.! the I'tah Llghi A Traction companv 1 has Ho- iarre-' a-ce.-tsed Mtluatlon per nil, ezcaatlliii In tin respect aojnt of the blj; steam lines The board of, rjqtlillutlod values It at $49,093 per! mile of line, though this was a reduc lion from $49,445 a year aro. The to- ;tal valuation of the company is given as $4.57i,59t, compared with $4,619. 210 a year a:o. Of 'he mierurban. the liamberger toetrlc has b fr the highest valua itlon per mile. $42,492. compared with t '$to 124 year ago. The total fipur- are $1,067,554. compated with $1,476. 186 a year ago. The Salt Lakt I'tah ' lis valued at $30,349 a mile for Its main! ;llne, and $24,339 a mile for its branch.! ihe figures comparint vvjth 119.9-73 and $23,664 a yenr ago. The total as- isesaed valuation Is $2,225,470 this year and $2,194.42.'. The I'tah Idaho I en tral is valued l $23,841 a mile anrl, pavs taxes on $2 510,070, ihe figures coinparlnc wilh $21,179 a mile In 1919. nnd n totnl rgluatlon of ISJ0S,91I oo- ' Hoston ha-s 20 cemcterlen. all but J ..r -, hlch miciir be ca lied old WHaSa ' I ' I I BtJtJ BalMasWMasasl WUittr&JB JClu.T . ttTU mmr tai.-, I THREE TWINSr I COMING I What Is It? A rip-roaring, side-splitting musical comedy re plete with elaborate settings and gorgeous cos tumes. When? H Monday c.nd Tuesday Evenings H December 13 and 14 Last year the American Legion broke all pre i cedents with "Piff Paff Poof." Hi 'THREE TWINS" will mangle the reputation of last year. Staged and directed by Bob Major; musical di rectors, Marcellus Smith and Wm. H. Manning. Tickets for either night can be obtained at the W optical parlors of Ensign Herrick, 352 24th St. HAITI REBELS MURDERHATIVES Extreme Cruelty Practiced on Captured Marines and Gendarmes PORT At' PRINCE, Haiti. Dec. I. ' ( By the Associated Fresa). The na-j nl iiurt of Inquiry investigating the, lu-tiona of the I'nlteil Stutea ma-' rlnes CODOlll4c4l lU lir-arlou in Hatft Toesr1u with th- xu ruination ofj Lieutenant Colonel Hooker, of thu i c ruliirmerte, vh tevtiflel to the be-1 lief that 7000 peaceful Haitians had leen killed ly h.mdlta In the List tit I ea.n a Me declared that from March 1919, to October 191 large farming nnd settlement :rras M rro compete wiped out by bandits. Colonel Hooker fsvp ;i startllnc; olea of the methods of the outlaws, citing nearly a dozen ene to show how ma-1 nnes and arendarmts i aptured by ban tltt were mutilated, lie said that In evrry Instance the' were deoa pit ;it el nnd the ltal organs rcmovod and scat tered .ilnnc the trails. Two marines were burned to death after torture. Colonel Hooker artto-rt d Ha testified that a lieutenant hod been killed, the heart and llvoi distributed and e.nten, and the brain removed to gbwc bulletn for the han- Mis' guns The records. he said,' -bowed thnt thlrt -two gendarmes of-; Meters were killed. lorra Williams, serceant of nry mines accused of killing .arnitrr Jran last vear. entered eniphatlcal denial "f arullt. He declared Jean's house' was midway between the bandits ami! k'-ndarrnes during n lattlf at Mals.i l' . nnd said that, hearing that Jean was' uMmte wjth the marauders, he sum-' ld him He testified that Jo4U) ap- .ired with a towel around his neck; a blanket about hl stomach, nrlng. ho had heen wounded. AV11I- mfl n'erted Jean was In his office' while he Wllllamsi was patrolling I earned upon his return Jean wasi I ad. Admiral Henry T. Mays, president I the court, announced th. hearing rbuld. be resumad In Washington. oo Postmaster's Daughter Is Granted Divorce BAL.T LAKE. Pec. L Mra. Marl- lie Rrownlna- Howard, daughter of iv.- rnaater George Browning of Og ' 'M. was granted an Interlocutory tfe :r of divorce from John C. Howard, prealdent of the rtah n riefinlng company, by Judge J. Ixuls Brown In the Third district . ourt Friday. The, plnlnttff charged cruelty. Mrx How ard was restored her maiden name' and arrangements for a division f property wore allowed by stipulation! Of the husband. Mrr Howard -harged that her hus-' hand had qauaed her Kreat mental ' ss and anguish on account of repeated accusations of her aib'ged I alaaaaaaaaaaaaf f gfj aaBB on 1 kkaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMSaBaaaaaaa I "-ji'kkkkkHH I( dd. flaror to pudding to i taucr, o let create it I'lace of II E'ii!-! Iff ijlj InSaaaaa Wooderful in lemonade and ponrh. H J fr "B'tf' 5" ' Jiofje H Tvt"' fljvotr rrd alii-antr nl ) white mu"-3t. lack of affection. She alleged that the d f ndaiit u-rd har.h and intem perate language In addressing her on manv occasions and that aa a result of such treatment she was compelled to seek treatment In it hospital. She claimed that for them to live longer to gether would cause great unhapplness and that they were unxulted to each other temperamentally and otherwise. CONVENTIO NWILL STUDY SYSTEM OF STATE PARKS PES M"INF,S. Dec. 1. A na tional conference on parks was called today l' lternor Harding. .-""pcrat -lng with the secretary of the Interior Jto meet In Mes Moines January 10. ll and 12. The need for state parks will be the chief subject to be discussed and thei conference la the first national gath-i 'erlng ever summoned to plan how nn- tlon-wlde Kystein of recreational areas lean be established While more than 3.000 Invitations to the conference are being distributed' lOovernor Harding wants It made clear th it the attendance Is not limited to' (persons specifically invited, for every-J i . i ntcrested In tho conaer. atlon moveihant will be welcome. The invl-, taction list Includes governors of stat . I mayors 'of cities park: officials, and (lr. ionseratlon organizations. CASHIER'S DEFALCATIONS MAY EXCEED $300,000 H H I'red W. French, whose alleged defal- H atioiia with the City Trust & Savlnga bank here have boon tstimated In the neighborhood of $300,000. pleaded guilty In superior court Tuesday to a J rloment of t'ooo He waived examination and was ordered placid In jail by Judge K I. Hun ham. AudUors checking up French's accoun shortaga might ex- reed French haa been con- H nected with the bank sixteen years J ' ' I i Vtxjst-v1 i " 'j 1"-" ll LAST TIMES TODAY elaine hammerstein ie.'THEDAuGvrrERPA'Ys' aseltnick picture LASi TIMES TODAY j