OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 02, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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I His Refusal to Accept Million :
Dollar Estate. Emh?rresses !
Father's Trustee
Tudor, managing trustee of the fl.
250,000 estate which Charles Garlanaj.
.if Busx&rd's Bay. Mass., recently rr-;.
fu?ed to accept a ii bequest from hi
fnthcr declared Wednesday in a
ho ghi
Kind a (-quired his I. !': i 'Kn ri'inj; In-
herltance from associations formed .
in (Jreenwloh Village N,'w York's
"Bohemian quarter." where he passed
four months a few years uv
Mr Tudor, who is president of the ,
Commonwealth Finance corporation .
fl nnd n listant relative of young Gax
land, said thot ihc trustees were,4
-embarrasaod" by his attitude In re
fusing to aeeept the rrop.-r:j Mr.
by charitable organ It a Hons and pro- .
ble desiring to establish hospitals
orphanages who desire to obtain the t
estate or at least the income from It
"The Ifrustees are convinced, how
Hc over." said Mr Tudor, "thai nothing
Bfc ran be done but I continue 'he trus-
Hfr i ship Indefinitely. We hope thai
H fjarland Will change his opinion, but
H -if not. wo win keep the property to
'law to make no other disposal
Mr. Tudor raid that .is far as
H truaiani knew, tht-re was no pre
qasg SB 'he refusal of C taile? Garl l I
'Charles Garland Is exeeptlon
ally bright young man. ' said Mr. Tu-I
flor. He knows what he is doing i
H makl
embarrassing for ihe trustees who
H hava guarded the for fifteen
H years . He refuses to discuss the mat-
H tor with the trustees In any iSJinttSr.
He has Simply told, us thai he Is
H intweatsed In the property. We aefc-
H ed him to put bis views in writing but
H he refused. We hope will change
ML-, his view - but
1 can not dispose of the property a j
H We sec fit. and It can be used ror j
haiity only a; the direction of Mr.
H .Mr. Tudor.- referring to Garland's
H life in Greenwich Village, ss.ld thai
H ,ho understood the young mail h.d ,
H 'been a close friend of John JU-ed. j
newspaper and magazine write, who
H "recently died In Russia. Mr.
H Tudor said he considered md en-
H tlrely competent possei - p -
J -Hilar ideav regarding mon s
1 "Perhaps a tea years from
Garland's views may not be consld- !
H red peculiar." he commented.
H The estate, Mr. Tudor said, had
H greatly increased in value in recent
years with every Indication of contln
H ued growth.
H oo
I, Balfour Says Nation J
Y League Needs Changes
I out In ued From Page One )
report favorably upon admlaalon of
Cost Rica, but unfavorably on Azer
baijan and Llchtensteln. Thli body
will recommend to th ia r::i coi
mlttee that a favorable report be
upon the proposition udvanced by
President Motta. of Bwltaerland,
which would provide that I iti
having sufficient Importance to be
H -come full members of the league!
J vould have a special status.
It has been suggested In this con-'
H nectlon thai they might bo given sea.it
m the assembly for purposee
H aultation hut without tin- rlsht to vott
Albania may find herself in this
H being opposed at- a full member bj the
Italian delegation m h
A. J. Balfoui presented the report Of
the committee on amendments to the
1 tog?nant. explaining that the com-
mlttee had found the, moment Luoppor- J
H tune for changes. The fad that i o
H rhanges were recommended did not
H mean that the committee
H -the covenant &u perfect and tmtnut-
H h-
H WASHINUTi i.V. Dei - The rep-j
H I resentiitho to be chosen ly Preatdent
I Wllaon t; medlau between the Arme-
1 niaps and ihe Turkish Nationalists
will act foi the president of th United
-tntes and not WoodrOW Wilson per '
B sooally. It was said todav at the state
H department. This statement was made
B in rrponse to Inquiries to ihe elr
H act meaning of the
B tlon in his letter to the league of na-,
B rlons that he would ie piad t(J proffei
BBH his "personal mediation."
H state department officers de. larod
BBH ihat the American mediator, who is'
BBBBBI yet to be chosen, would have al of ihr
BBBBI mflupme niid prestige of the
BBBBI states governmeht .behind him in his!
1 negotiations. It has been mad. Clear
H by the president, however, thift moral
BBBBBB tnnunncc- Is the only kind which the
BBBBBB T nlted StatoH can une In the situation.!
1 oo
IZanc Grey's famous story,
'The U. P. Trail. ' comes to
the Alhambra next Tuesday
for a five-day run. It is the
most thrilling western ever
To Relieve Catarrh.
Catarrhal Deafness
! and Head Noises
Persons aufterinif from cntatrhal deaf
H t.r.-r or vrho SI'S growing hard o( bM,i
j inc nd have head nolea will bo nnl to'
j' know that this dlrttrKsIng ( mention fun I
B usually bo succcasfully treated nt liome
1 by an internal medicine, tleu in many I
insiooccs has effected complete relief
after other ircalmentx base iaii'd. 8uf-l
' .'orrr? who rould acarccly heat have bean
ih.'lr hearinK retored to snob an nxtent
H that the tick of o watch w.- plainly
H bl Seven or eight lnche-s away from
H cither ear. Therefore. you know of i
tomoono who m troubled wiui head noisei
or Catarrhal deafness, cut out thlx for
iiiuIh nnd hand il to them and you may'
liave been tho moans of .saving some poor I
sufferer perhnp from total dcalm n, The
I prescription ixan be prepared ul home and
la made as. (ollowie.
Secure from your druggist 1 oz. Par-
mint (double .sin nirtb.) Take Him bo
jl nnd add to It ' pint of hot water and
V little granulated BUgsr; jtlr until difl
solved Take one tablespoobfu our tlmoa
h Parraint used in this not only
H to reduce by tonic action tho, Influmina
! lion and swelling In the fcualuchian
1 Tubes and thus to equallzo Uie air pros
B. Aiirts on the drum, but to correct any
H ni'DM of secretions In the middle ear.
H and the results It gives are nearly al
H cjvilok and effective.
H Kvery' person who ha.' eatanh in any
form, "or distressing rumhllng, hissing
j xounds in their ears, should live 'Ms
1 cipe a trial . Advertisement.
H j
Round Out Your Christmas Joy
A Real Present for the Whole Iffy W$ A Music That Is Eniycd b3'
Family VJ V Young and Old
A Columbia Grafonola with Columbia Records will help you to round out you;- J.
Christmas joy, and add that festive noli to your Christmas cheer. We epprec;ale
t your calling in and hearing these instruments whether you buy or not.
Were Everybody Gets a Square Deal
2451 Hudson Ave. i Phone 45 J
is She Going to Tell?
' .
r .-s- ' ' -
e la
b VBb"
MRS. 8 -'V'1
Charlotte 3 J
A protograph taken at palm beach
N. E. A. Staff Correspondent. 'l
NEW YORK. The two most la I
mous streets in the world Fifthav i
and Broadway r-ach waif breathlCM 1
ly today to seo if Mi-h. Charlotte I
King Palmer is going to tell .
Broadway is interested for il
knows well this lor.nei stage beauty, i
who married tho exclusive million .
aire, James r Parrlah, Jr., kin of i j
the Var.derbilts, and who has just '
been robbed of $7ti7,Ouil worth i
Jewels in the most spectacular bur
glary Manhattan has yet had staged
Fifth av is interested fot it. also,
jftoni behind lace curtains, of course,
knows well this "Broadway ite" who
came to live within the shadow of
the (arnepie mansion a few years
iago, and w ho was divorced Just re-1
!cently from the young hlucblood who
wooed her with dlaoiondi, pearls and j
Sonjotli ing, porhaps. thai she won't .
even lell to save 1767,600 worth of
precious seniR
Just this: which are the
"aannng restaurants sne nas
been visiting, and who are the -men
she has danced with there?
What possible inoiive has Mrs. j
Palmer for not revealing these de
tails of her ''gay life " !
The police think Mrs. Palmer ,
doesn't want to acknowledge be
fore Fiflli-!i, which hasn't done her
much homage socially, that she ever
mingles with the Broadway crowd
They insist that acknowledgement
cannot injure a person socially as all
Fifth-av rotnes over, of an evening,
to Broadway
On tho other hand those that
know readily admit this, but they i
say thai, while tho gay white way
is the on.- place in New York where '
the two halves of the social world
moot, no one admits it while on
Fifthav. They point out thai the
distance between Fifth av and Broad
way, as the &Sih st car crawls, is
r.nlv two city blocks, but as tin feo
cial ReKlstr-r knows, no one is hardy
enough to cover n except traveling
finony mously." And apparently Mr..
Palmer is going to protect her "in
cognita." "I don't know why the police keep
on questioning me about my com
panions," she sighed. "1 certainly
don't know who these men were who
robbed me and held me captive all
light in my bathroom. Why. when
hey accosted me In the IimII of my
tome as 1 returned from dancing, I
-an from them and leaped all the
tray down the stairs, fracturing the
lones in both ray feet.
"Dp ou ihlnk I would run from
nen 1 know or Irom the aorl of men
ho could ltae passed for dotectlves,
is these creatures assured me at
rirst they were?"
The police theory is that the Job
nas done by confederates of ' lounge
lizards" New York's new adaptation
rf "gentlemen burglars." They be
lieve that certain bangers-oil in big
Broadway darning palaces noticed
Mrs. Palmer, always loaded down
with magnificent Jewels, were intro
duced to her and perhaps even
danced with her. and got to know
her quite well. They want to find
"in the name of every acquaintance
of this sort she has made in the past
few months so they can trace his
antet edeiiii.
But Mrs. Palmer, bruised and still
(lightened from her experience, says.
"You know I didn't often go over
on Broadway This was rather an
exceptional experience for me. I
really know only exclusive people
So 1'am sure telling the details of
my private life cannot possibly help
the police to solve the mystery "
Tho police, on the other hand
say they arc blocked until Mrs. Pal
mer tells.
The IIopl Indiana of the southwest
:irc sun worshippers
in the husks of grains and the peels
and skin6 of fruits and vegetables,
luit mortem methods of cookery throws nil
these things eWay hene'- the nlttnning
Increase In anaemia Iron starvation 01
tho blooil. with It" never ending trxnd oi
symptom of neivous irrltahlllt . goner!
weaicoess, latitcue. disturbed di-Mion
h. ;i.ln t'i f. (lalliK if nu.H the lift. k. et .
j Either go buck to nature or Lake or
ganic iron Nuxalcd Iron to help enrich
your blood and revitalise our worn out
I exhausted nervea.
Over I.imii.i fn in people nniiuullv arc using
in. At nil druggists?
Indictments Say 124 Barrels
of Whisky VVe''e Taken
From Bond illegally
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. Federal
i grand lury indlbtments agVlnBl ten
perponn in an alleged llq.UOr selling
: 'nspirucy. reinov,! Wcdiosd iv fmni
the secret file, revealed charges that
Mis Glad K. warburton, former aot-
i Ing federal prohibition director; had
I conspired to violate ihe prohibition
law. and that John 1. Costello, sec-
' rotary to United suites Senator Phelan.
hud toll Harry Marquard, reotaurttnt
i.ui en to set nBlde from the profits of
his ltUor sales 10 per cent "for tho,
! Democratic election fund."
During Mrs. WarburtOn's tenure ofi
nine da, nocordlng to the indictments
DM barrels of whisky were Illegally
withdrawn front bonded warehouses.
She wns accused of feloniously ap
proving a permit for the withdrawal of
i twenty of thee barrels.
Costello was charged with having;
promised Murquard proti ctlon from,
federal raids, having told him to gil
ahead and sell liquor, and with b i
i advised him to stop selling temporarily
bocaure a raid was Imminent.
Harry Brolaskl, another of those In
dicted, informed Marquard thut he
, had arranged protection" for him,
the indictment stated. Urolaakl s-ild
Marquard was to pay him for the pro
, tectlon, according to the indictment
land told ICarouard that Costello anu
I Ijoron Handley (then federal prohibl
I tion director for California) "would be
in to see him about matters."
The others indicted were Douglas
Newton, Jules Gamage, John d. Do-
' marla. Sol. Ixvis. Dan B, Anglum.
William M D.-an. John P. Sullivan.
I and J. L. Ramanar. The charges i
against them were Illegal withdrawal
of (IcAfOr from bonded warehouses ann
purchase and sale of liquor without j
keeping the records prescribed by the
federul prohibition law.
Lloyd George Government
Suffers Defeat When House
of Lords Votes
LQNDQN, Dec. 2. The government
suffered a defeat in the house of lords1
Wednesday night When an amendment
to the Irish home rule bill submitted
bj Barpn Oranmors and Browne, pro
viding for the establishment of a sen
ate for southern Ireland, was carried
against the government by a vote of;
il'O to 30 it was explained that thi
object of the amendment was to safe
guard the minority southern unionists.
Dord Birkenhead, lord high chancel-,
lor for the government opposed the)
amendment on the ground that such a
Senate must bo preponderant!) nnmi-j
native, and there was no hope of forc
ing such a second chamber or south-;
crn Ireland He emphasized the gov
ernments idea that the question of a
senate should be left to a central coun
cil. Dord Shan don moved an amendment
providing for a Joint session of thej
southern and nortehrn senate- as i
substlute for the Irish council Lord!
Birkenhead thought u preferable to
discuss the subject at a later stage Earl
Mlddleton urged that nothing was!
'more likely to lead to some settlement I
than J,"rj Bhandon's proposal rhls
amendment was adopted. tS to :t
In a later discussion Lord Lnrki-n-
head referring to the Lord Shandon
I amendment, said that the council va-
jan essential part of the government's
'scheme. This now was swept away by
Lord Bhandon's lamentable nnd reck
less amendment. He doubted whether
the bill would survive such a severe!
An amendment bestowing a second j
ohamber on the Ulster parliament was
l will not be responsible for debts
made by my wife, Bsals Johnson. i
tSlgncd) L. R. JOHNSON-
7873 ,
Today's child is tomorrow's
world-maker. Mooseheart pic
tures, Moose hall, Friday night
8 p. m. Admission free.
i 1 . .
Sure !
! i 6 Bell-ans
Which Grafonola Will You 1
iSr-l Give for I
.Ht, Christmas? " D
t 1 -n'V" ' . P"
-?5 t . jp VI L The Only Non Set I
Automatic Stop
ii Jyvv Nothing to move or set
J'j ' "'' BLj 1 ' f'v,-? or measure. Ask the near- 1
fyws&SL pi t'A'&rtfcjfo cracfcarfsfigga est Columbia dealer for a
Any Grafonola here MM
will be delivered in V- jf a f m
time for Christmas
Is the question of the Christmas & 'f ' '0
gift still unsettled in your home? yyjr ' W
A Columbia Grafonola is un- jC'J (i n j :A f
doubtediy the answer. It means K& kJpj k.'i M
more fun and musical mernmmt in f3 . x V' Tf jftjfT' I
every season all through the year, pB o ' ; 'j;-' ' ji - l
and for many years to come, than fefl 0' c L J jH
anything else your money can buy. W Zi, j . I ' I
Right in your neighborhood j ' grff J3U fV'
there's a Columbia dealer ready to $120 L , nfi'
serve you. Call and see for your- ith racks vt M$ J
self the beautiful cabinets of his )v v2 s ;j!fiL
Columbia Grafonolas. I urn the Vrx ' d' iUk v 'ftS0S&
button which regulates the tone (K'.
leaves and hear how complete and c-
accurate is the control they give you 8flttTS?v i.a
over tone volume. Enjoy the un- JSli jgSMI
ar ing fidelity of the Grafonola' s 'iatilSevK SfS!
music Then your question will pF
mil III -arrange to put one in 1
H tUS your home for i
H Christmas B
C 9 What is Christmas without music - w
WPmBi and what music is more perfect and , ,
iBfI appropriate than the reproduction of W
SHI li j tho word's masterpieces on ihe Co- & (& ")
laBllI j lumbia Grafonola'1 vrtf
IUl z:::: I We have a11 tne Columbian models
. 1 I different sizes and designs, at differ-
J -" cr I ent prices and besides you may T W
If compare them with other phono- O m
IV graphs, before making- your choice.
I A small deposit will hold your Grafo- JM
J nola until Christmas we will deliver I j
J it when you say. Come in today and bL
see our line, P"0
; J

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