I it IMchaidsrlfunl 1 04- lchaKl&nujvt 1 1 i l ry The- crooefy People-" jffl IVgT The- cockepy People- ANNIVERSARY SALE I I i l 5 .-" i- .JiL Twenty-one years ago we opened our doors to the public and during the entire period our one aim has been to serve he public in the $ jBET --iQ&'m t """"ll hest manner consistent wi'.h good business methods. Our business stands pre-eminent in Ogden today as an example of such mcrchan- 3$ I $ -"V " j jf'- dising. In celebration of th s anniversary I r, M SATURDAY MORNING AT I I I 1 Pl:Sa 10 O'CLOCK 1 I bnAifcM iiiii J wili iAMammtm Cpen our (joo offering to the buying public merchandise which we believe is the best value shown in the city. jMf ' j I I CUT GLASS, CHINA, SILVERWARE, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, , ij I I DINNER WARE-PILED UP, BUILT UP, STACKED UP, MARKED A?' oSfe W I j I DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICES W4B-- 1 I If Our stock includes most wonderful displays of ivory, silverware, cut glass, painted baskets, jardincres, art vases, tJ-. j ,:f " , j i manicure sets, dishes, dinnerware, in fact our store abounds in purchases for this great event. r--X-. k. , SELJMSSE. -'t- ' 1 ! ' i I j BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS ffe'' ' JSKi II J I f: AS SHOWN ON SOME OF frT i I j '- OUR TABLES J 1 I j TA9t'.roTT" "tatl .;o. : :-.,o. ?, ' '!', TK&i67;' : g S Large vases, jardinieres, chocolate pots, Candle sticks, cake plates, salad plntcs, This table abounds with wonderful values This popular price t-ible for those who On this table we have gathered many odd ! oomports, cake sets, berry sets, celery sots, comb trays, mugs, syrups, marmalades, m ha"1 Pai:lt!!a , bons, comports wish to make a remembrance gift affords pieces in cups and saucers, plates, mayo- Tj IH a . , , ' ' ipoon trays, marmaiades and dozens of an opportunity to purchase values not naise. vases, bark:!;, sa,s and. peppers, fwl wonderful values--- f " CfeO RO . prcsenu c f offered since the war gt S iT ngar shakers, values up i I XL?760 orqso.UU .....OU S,t; "M0!';r,:,$1.5O $1.00 Your cb0,c?. . . 50c I I ; A fiii! ash! flf liB finii'iii siio. Iiic'' tp! $1 Fnii! i iv Hj ;l Jl vrttl I II 1 it VI Ulllllvl WW di "rfUSL i k i f vll H f I I H Thir; !7l7:0FI 1 e 26-piece white set for six persons, 22-piece set, ail perfect ware, J -"j . . hr' ;3 fj jjs 32-piece white set, enough for 35-piece beautiful Bluebird dinner jb ftH j some pieces have imperfect:,-s beautiful fairy rose decoration J3 .& JL kJ? -$LJ Qr Jkv Bix peraons some pieces slightly set for six people, has ffold line? Z a but no cracks, special for com with double gold lines. Regs.- ' on ail pieces, one of the prettiest leB & plete set lar $12.50 value for f . imperfect, $5.50 value, special decorations on the market. Special lB S r1. j entqi fe, I 42-piece perfect vh:te set consisting of six cups, six saucers, six frr, Q xjJte- i s ,,1 S I Cj t?i Oj dinner plates, six aoup plaics, six sauce dishes, covered P23 QQ 4 3 g A 3 1 c I afex stf sugar bowl, cream pitcher, oval vegetable dish, round JS b JV I r " ' vegetable dish, meat platter; $8.55 value, special for. . . m ! I In addition to the few above mentioned specials ve have over 25 open stock dinner patterns including American, English, French; Ba- I yf varian and Nippon chinas., All sets especially priced for this occasion. I HI I This 21st Anniversary Sale affords a shop- I'I Ml J$T) )mr cMm: see the i B H p pirag opportunity which you can not afford to jj Cj - wealth of wonderful articles that delight the I , B H ; I miss-the chance to buy at lowest prices the (M jljl FMjP ! f 'jtfi earts s a will make I B H I very finest articles for Christmas gifts. r, ,Sa them happy. B I Toyland in the Bargain Basement offers values which will make early shopping a necessity on your part. Our lay-away plan "a small 1 j deposit will hold the goods for you"--wi!l aid those who perhaps are not prepared to pay the full price. 1 1000 DOLLS AT BELOW THE COST OF OTHER DEALERS MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED $ LIMITED QUANTITIES TO EACH CUSTOMER ON THESE SPECIALS I I I DOLLS DOLLS Tea Sets DOLLS DOLLS " 1 I 24-inch imported jointed -doll, spnng Imported jointed baby dolls, natural baby 200 Lancl (leCorated children's china B ' 1 I strung, no elastics to wear out, sewed wig, expression, has wig, the kind that pleases tea sets 1G pieces tr -o S. ra ?e bc y do ' 14 inclies' sleeping Assorted real bfcque china aa tS sleeping eyes with eyelashes, dress, slip- the kiddies, $1.25 f C regular "$3.75 values 1 eyes, has wig, rff aw dol- regular 25c and S5c 1 S 'I p e r s, stockings jfttj q gi value for OVC for . J i looks jke a reg QL J values, for A. 3 C 1 $7 50 value cut JS.J only VV. baby. $5 value, for JPJ.. I J to r Limit, one to a customer. .Limit, three to a customer. I Trains, Drums, Guns, Hill Climbers, Blocks, Tools, Games, Moving Picture Machines, Blackboards, Tables, Chairs, Autos, Velocipedes 1 ! Meccano, Chemcraft, Tree Ornaments, Doll Cabs, Dishes, Trumpets, Kiddie Kars, Trunks, Harmonicas and the largest, newest, cleanest' I lowest-priced line of TOYS in Ogden, Shop early and shop wisely. 3 ! j Jm NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED DURING THIS SALE I I RggBliS 21st Anniversary Saie RlSIS ! I