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Z THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER m FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3, 1920. j I I LODGE REFUSES I CABINET PLAGE Senator New of Indiana Also Prefers to Work on Leg islative Subjects WASHINGTON-, Dec 3. (By the AMoriiiiod Press) Elimination of Son tor Lodfe of Massachusetts and Senator New 0 tndlana, -is prospeo tivo officers of President-elect Har dint's cabinet was reported to be a definite development Of the Istt here Thursday of Tliirry N. DauRhcrty of hio. friend and advisor of the presF dent-elect. Jdr. Dauphcrt conferred with u miniiwr of prominent Republicans, In r hiding Senators T.odge and N"' v Thert was no announcement of the subjects or results of the conference, hut close friends of the two senators said 'hit lioth had advised Mr. Daugherty that ihey desire. l no cabinet preferment, belleVlhf that they could perforin let ervlci for President Eiardlns and m their partv i remaining In the senate, PROGB M OS i M'i: r The Massachusetts, senator made public a statement urging that course on Senator New. Friends of Senator Lodge said that they believed that his position regarding Senator New apr plied with equal force to himself. Many matters Of legislation were said to have been discussed by Mr. B Daugherty with hta Republican con- forges. These included Senator mn, of Indiana, who will go to Phlla dephia to confer with Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania, chairman of the ash ate finance committee. The question whether partial revi alon to meet conditions regarded as urgent should be attempted during the coming session of congress prellmln ary to general tariff revision planned after President Harding's inauguration S was among subject said to have been taken up with Mr. Daugherty. meets m jr. knox Regarding cabinet appointments, Republican leaders who talked with Mr. Daugherty said there was no dts position on the part of Mr. Daugherty or any other Republican leader to "frame s slate," of cabinet ellgibles for President Harding. Mr. Daugh H! . erty's conferences were said l" have dealt with Innumerable questions of legislation and party policies with cab tnet discussions a negligible factor. Mr. Daugherty talked briefly with Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, who has been mentioned for secretary of state, and planned a conference with Senator Knox today before leaving for Norfolk to meet Senator Harding. oo I! COLBY LEAVES SATURDAY FOR SOUTH AMERICA WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Secretary Colby of Iho state department will leave Hampton roads for South Ameri ca tomorrow at about the same time that President-elect Harding arrives there from Panama. Mr. Colby will leave Washington at 4 p. m. today on the presidential yacht Mayflower, and Will trnnsfer to the battleship Florida off Old Point Comfort about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning I MINISTER ACCUSED OF MURDER FREED ON BOND WINDSOR, Ont.. Dec. 4. Rev J. O. I.. Spracklin. Methodist minister and Ontario license inspector, was re leased on $20,000 bail furnished by members of his congregation late Thursday, after he had been com mitted to jail by a police magistrate for trial on a charge of "Killing and slaying Beverley Trumble, an Inn keeper." The case will be tried next spring. tNTT-SA&OONlST PLANS BOSTON. Mass.. Dec 3. Wayne B. Vs heeler, counsel for the Anti-Saloon League of American, said last night that the league would not ask for amendments to the Volstead act at the forthcoming session of congress, but would confine itself to a "few needed law enforcement additions which can be Incorporated Into a separate law." LIVESTOCK SHOW ' ! AWARDS GIVEN All Sections of Country Repre sented in Prize List At Chicago I CHICAf, Dec 1. All sections of the count rv were reached In the prize USt "f tin International Livestock Show Thursday. The Wondovcr farm ,of Benardsvllle, x J., won the awards I for senior and grand champion sow Junior boar, and five additional blue ribbons in the Berkenahire swine class. In the Chester White swine division, H. A. Derenthal of W'ykoff, Minn . won ; the titles for Junior, senior and gr ind i champion sow and senior and grand champion boar. He won twelve blue ribbons, five red. three white, one pink I and one yellow. J. H. Patrick of llderton. Ont., swept away the prize for champion breeding Lincoln rt?m. J C. Mitchell, of Dahlnda, Sask., captured the special award fpf the best sample of wheat. John W. Lucas. Calgary, has won the i special prize for oats. J. K. Iiummert. Astoria. Ulinoll wort the sweepstakes for n single car of corn with a sample of yellow corh. In the regional ten car class. J .1 BhambaUgh, Miles City, Mont., won In rxnin one, and Fred C. Carr, San Francisco in region six. Black Kuler, grand champion steer of the International Livestock show1 jhas only a few days to live. He was; , sold at auction today by Purdue unl- VSralty to Wilson and company who! paid Jl .76 a pound for the IiIk Angus,! ' He weighed 1.360 pounds on the hoof.l ; which will net Purdue $2,380 for Its experimental farm. Major General Leonard Wood, and aides, and Secretary of Agriculture f r. )lth, Ware among the distinguish - led visitors at the show. Mr. Meredith was enptclally Interested In the gov ernment exhibit In the grain and hay; department oo J Mark Sullivan Says Pressure on Board Fails (Continued From Pago One.) country's Institutions a permanent ( Impetus In the riglit direction. Whether the demands made on the treasury were proper or Improper, I whether the refuRal was wise or un-' wise from the point of view of sound economics, as well as pound morals, does not matter. There will be plenty j of occasions to' discuss that later on for the clamor for treasury aid con tinues, and tbc larger aspects of this kind of thing will be the burden of I our domestic' politics for years to j come. I happen to think that the refusal was sound nnd that no assent could havn been made to the plea of the I farmers and others for treasury aid in i holding th'-lr goods for higher pric i without violation of both economics, ! and morals. This belief was shared by 'many of the very politicians who1 ' made the pleas. Privately thoy said1 frankly that they did not believe In I what their constituents were asklnR. ' but they had to go through the mo i Hons for political reasons. The belief was also shared hy some, farmers. Just after Secretary Hous . ton Issued this formal statement glv ! Inir his reasons for his refusal to do what certain cotton raisers had de manded he should do the following letter was written to him by a cot ton farmer who lives near the little town of Forney, Texas: LETTER FROM FARMER "Mr. Secretary: "I beg Just one minute of your time to express to you my appreciation of your answer to the farmers as per I enclosed clipping. "I am a farmer I have never been anything else nor have I any inter est In anything else. 1 came here from Appomatox and rode the old " horse that General Grant, In the klnd- ness of his heart, gave me with a scooter plough. I opened a furrow, and my wife sowed the seed, with the I I Spring winds whipping her skirts. We made a crop and have been at It I LOWEST PRICES f HOUR jl 1 30 Reduction on SUITS, OVERCOATS, 1 I SHOES and HATS WHAT MORE COULD BE DONE? WE ARE PRESENTING THE BEST MERCHANDISE MADE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES !v Kuppenheimer Suits Kuppenheimer Overcoats and other makes. We back them with our reputation for antl other makes w& integrity. $75.00 Overcoats reduced to $52.50 B &75.00 Suits reduced to $52.50 $65.00 Overcoats reduced to $-15. SO jJ-S $65.00 smts reduced $45.50 ji60.00 Overcoat reduced to $42.00 ' ' 0.00 Suits reduced to $42.00 Overcoats re.l.P -.l to $38.50 ffl J $55.00 Suits reduced, to $38.50 $50.00 Overcoats reduced to $35.00 $50.00 Suits reduced to .835.00 $40.00 Overcoats reduced to 828.00 vj $40.00 Suits reduced to S28.00 v SHOPS HATS i-'-'-B-''-k Knox and Schoble Hats. They are handsomely styled. H Nottleton and Forbush Shoes, Unsurpassed for quality We reard Hat3 as the Jmeans of ood PPean(e j business a service in good appearance. Eg and make f:lt , r,.,iu,-,-d i- $11.00 M $20,00 Nettleton Shoes reduced tc $14.00 g? reduced to $l?-0 Sj M $12.00 Hats redi I to Ah. 40 W ;;'.: 16.50 shoes reduced to $11.50 10110 lints reduced to $7.00 (,-r.,-iL.i j 1 . v. , . . -. . $8.00 Hats reduced to $5. .60 m m fl..oo Shoos r-iu I to $10.50 ,,.,,,.,.,, fl, 4.24 H TJ. ,")0 Shoos rMuord to $8.75 $3.50 I You don't have to wait any longer for lower clothing prices. 1 1 I You'll get them here- now I I j ever sine. 'This year we I alwuys Include mv ehlldr.n) havo K'it.hor.d over on.-! thousand .ils of rotton. 1 think 1 know something of this business. I think I know nil the ups and downs nf farming, and 1 want to say to you thl6: I had rather xell my cotton at S cent a I have often done, than to have my government bankrupted by anv Kuch foolish schemes. Thf troubb with the farmers Is mainly extravagance: I can IHri on what some of my neighbors pay for giiaollne. We only need to rut down expenses and to work and to not de pend so much on having it done " I tried to persuado Secretary Hous ton to let me print th- nanip of thin farmer who Is so sound In morale, c . i j i i j i - and sentiment. Secretary Houston did not feel at liberty to do this, but thf neighbors of this former in Forney. T'-xas. ought to have no difficulty In recognizing hlnv and name ono ought to see to it that ho gft.v more than a local slory. 1 aray WAISTS f& I and SMOCKS I C'repo de thine, Georgette, Taffi . Satin and Tricoletl ' ) Ml ' tf - and Sniorks, unusual embroidered ef- fry np m;5!y 1 ---AkmF! I COATS ""X Misses' and women's cloth coals with fur, plush and cloth, large shawl collars; - '4 11 colors and black I $16.95 I - . H " Christmas Goods V . Our complete stock of Christmas merchandise is now on j jrj display, and is marked in keeping with The Leader's policy ! I Who Got Diary Is Query After Seach Is Over it ontlnned Prom rage One.) Borle said "The trunks were then eued' Boyle said he saw no life insurance j receipts which we re taldtO hae ben found in the trunkn. C'alllnK ards" found amon th ( Smith woman's bolonglngx horn th-i jnamt- "Clara Smith Hamon," Hoyl, 'saiil. A railroad pass made to "Clara i Smith Hamon." and marked "account of S. P. fireman," also was found. An alb-ged diary of the Smith wo- man was published today by newpa pers In 'h!cago and other mnldhO 'western cities with the claim that Hj was found in on of the trunks hero, i ,Thr- story, which whs copywriter, as sorted that the diary had been found ' hy a newspaper man. HO W T? ARDMORB, Okla., Dec. 3. No rep-' resfntat i of RUMe H. Brown, 0OUn- ty attorney, was present at the, opi-n-lng in Kansas City, Mo., yesterda) of tWO trunks said by 'he polue of that city to bfl the property of Clara Smith. I wanted here in connection with thf j 1 tal shooting of Jake L.. H.unon, Re publican national committeeman f Oklahpma. Mr. Brown mud this ftp-1 nounccment today nrhan Questioned tte to the name of the person who Kan sas City police said represented Mr. I Brown at the opening of the trunks MVS1 BRIOl 8 MISSION FORT WORTH, Tex.. Dec. 3 Prank i-. Ketch, administrator of the estate of the late Jake L Hamon, is believed to be In the west Teas oil fields today. He registered at a local hotel l.itr yesterday ;md Is reportnl to have left at 10 o'clock last night, I presumabl for Hanger and Breckin ridge where Hamon held large rail road, oil refinery and banking Inn-rests. PITTSBURG GRID CAPTAIN I IS SURPRISED AT BANQUET, PITTSBURG, Pa . Dec. 3. Eighteen! "letter men" of the. 19o University I of Pittsburg football team at the an nual banquet last night elected Tom DaVioSi star halfback. Captain of next! year's eleven. When the banquet was in full blast the eighteen letter men appeared in I the hall, bearing on their Shoulders el h litre i(,utl.ill The mammoth pigskin' was rented upon the danquet table ami Toastmaster Walter Klddlo Introduced the new captain by opening the foot ball Out stepped Tom Qavlee 00 BOIB r-XPI-ODES. I SEVILLE. Spain. Dec. 3. HeaVJ damage wa dune by the explosion of: a bomb today In a business house on Babiola street here. Three soldiers who were passing received serious In juries. i oo shimmy sii ki:ks COME UNDER EYES oi POUl i (By Internutlonal News Service.) COLUMBUS, Ohio Local shim-! !m" shakers are shaking duo to tsar, i They are fearful lest Mrs. Evelyn 1 Scatterday, city danco hall Inspector,' becomes a municipal policewoman. I Who! her she will carry a gun is up to iho city council. A pending ordinance seeks to in -1 erouHp the city police force hy oridlng; forty-five patrolmen and frve police women. Provision is made that one of the policewomen shall bo city dunce j ball Inspector. I Mayor Thomas Ins announced that, I If the ordinance passes. Mrs Scatter-' day will bo transferred to the, police I deportment, with full police power. I CHINA DECLINES OFFER FROM ALLIED DIPLOMATS PEKING, China, Dec. 2. Chiha in clines to consider proposals by the diplomatic corps in Peking for the Joint administration of the affairs of Russians resident in China. In re plying to the diplomats' note, the gov ernment claims the treatment accord ed Russians bus hern entirely correct and will continue to be so. The government slates that aboli tion of Russian courts in the Chinese. Eastern Railway 7.0 ne w. virtually agreed upon by negotiations prior 10 the elimination of the Russian lega tion here. 00 BABE'S BODY FOUND ON FLOOR OF SLEEPING CAR DETROIT. Dec 3. Police here are searching for a woman they believe may be able to throw some lUht upon the finding early Thursday 0( 'In body of a young hahy, wrapped is brown paper and lucked hcm-atli a berth in a! sleeping car of train from New fork. The child apparently was several n eke old County Physician Albert French,: who conducted an autopsy said the, baby had been strangled and, he be lieved, had been deud about a week- 1 . r TRE iSl HI R oil s NEW YoRK. Dea 3. Frederick von Schoonhoven Crosby, treasurer of' the Union Pacific railroad system for! the past twenty-two years, died last1 night bis home here after a brle nines-, lie was born at Troy. N. Y..I Marsh 16, 1X00. He leaves his WldOSA and two children. no- 1 1 JOtS RED t Kons. COBL&NZ, 1 ec. 3 Announcement w.ik made today that every man at tai bed to American forces In Germany bad become a contributor to the fundi ofthi A "i" rli 11 Red Irosa is the Genuine and Only Laxative Bromo I Quinine I tablets The first and original Cold and I Grip tablet, the merit of which I Is recognized by sll civilized I nations. Be careful to avoid Imitations. H Be sure its Bromo )W Q I The genuine bears this signature I ' w 1 VIRGINIAN HOSPITALITY EXTENDED TO HARDINGS OLIi POINT 'MF'pT. Va. IJ.-c. I I. VTrvlnle Will extend a fitting w l- I come to President -Sleet and Mrs Harding on their arrival . tomorrow from 1'anama From the time they land from the steamship Ps Stores, Un til the, leave the nl.l Ioiinion docks I for Wasoinifton. D,f C, after a two days' visjt, Virginia hospitality win bold sway and politics rlll be forgot ten. Hampton Roads cities will honor: the newly elected president Saturday The western part'of the state will extend (u welconjie on Sunday when he visits the Elks' national home .it Bedford City to deliver the annual memorial address before El'p.s from all parts of the country Finding tomorrow at Newport News the president-elect and .Mi Harding will visit the shipyard. Af terward. public reception will be held In the Aakmy of Muslfl and iM Is cxpecsed the president-elect will j maku an address. 00 U. S. AGENTS WILL CHECK WORLD'S FARM PRODUCTS CHICAGO. Dec. 3. Plan of the federal government to obtain better information on world consumption and production of grains, livestock, dairy products and wool were de scribed Thursday at the annual con ntion of the Farmers' National Grain Dealers' association, by K. I ; Montgomery of the department df ag liculfure. The plan being worked out by the department, Mr. Montgomery Bald was to establish exprLs in various centers of the world. They would be associated with foreign consul Let rtj declared that consumption of some commodities had been 80 reduced in Europe as to cause a grreat surplus, a- condition, he added, that 1 was reflected in this country. SIDESHOW MEN ADVOCATE ABOLITION OF FREAKS CHICAGO. Dec. 3 ResoluHon de- I ! daring for clean amusements elimi nation of freaks and sideshows, mon slrosities and advocating a program I of an educational character, were adopted last night at a meeting of outdoor showmen of the United States and Canada, at which the In ternational American Association of Fairs and Expositions was organized by amalgamating the two associa tions. D. V. Moore. Sioux Cit Iowa v. 1 elected treasurer. 00 COLLINS PLEADS GUILTY : TO MAIL TRAIN ROBBERY j I 1 DEB MOINES, la., Dec 3. Keith Collins, one of the alleged mall bandits I who robbed a registered mail cftr at ! Council BlUffS, pleaded ftullty in the I I nited States district court today 1 OO Every child is entitled to j at least a High School Educa i ,tion. so think the Loyal Order! of Moose. Illustrated Lecture j tonight 8 p. m.f Moose Hall, 1 24 16 Washington Avenue. j i Admission Free. i "They WORK J while you sleep" ! I S 1jJ. . .,.uy odious or conbtlpdttsa, with your head dull, your stomach sour, gassy, upset. Take one or two Casenrets tonlcht sure for your , liver and bowels and wako up clear and fit. Children love Caocarets too. No n no inconvenience. 1", 25, I ,1n cents. -Adv Catarrh Quickly Ended by a Pleasant Germ-Killing Antiseptic little Hyoi ir.f I hard rubber nnd can easily be carried in l pocket or purse. It will Inst a lifetime. Into this inhaler pom' a few drops of mSg j Hyomel. This is absorbed by the nntisoptle pnuz- P within end now you are ready " I It In over lb i, where it will speed! I) begin Its work of Jl I killing catarrh pTnis. Hyomel i mnrle of Vustrallnn em ilyptui combined with aJj in d i i li i nnt 'j., hi 'i'i inte 1 end catarrh, bron J l BM v j JH iont bacl It cleena out a stuffed I H 1 1 III I'l 111 !'llM!'"V i hH Bold by (Julley Drug Co., and druggists ' ... ii. MI-OMA I Ends indigestion m It relieves stomach misery, sonr stom J oh. belching ani ell stomach diseeei ejar or mom tack Large box of tablets st all druggi "i a.l 'ovms. That Sore Throat Needs Begy's Ifetarine 9 When your throat Is fore, it's a sure sign vou need Bevy's Mustarine. , Thai is. If you want to get rid of it in aHa the quickest possible time, Ll It's really marvelous hov; this real yel low mustard Improvement on the old fashioned mustard plaster will end sora throat tonsllitis, chert colds, pleurisy and bronchitis. It s no exaggeration to say that It often 1 r conquers them over night, and it's just as i spcedv a remedy for neuralgia, lumbago MM sldf neck, aching feel, sore muscles and swollen joint. Run it on freely. It cannol blister, but It surely will case the pains of rheumatism and gout, and you won't have to wait till KjU to-morrow for relief. You'll get it to-day rjB often in an hour. Eil 10 or 6n cent., buys a yellow box full oi Hecy's Muslarine and one small box will do the work 50 blistering mustard plasters, i.. itioiuiyrc orug Co. can suppu you. Adv. W LOOKING YOUNG I It's Easy -If You Know Dr. ' I Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel foung to do thifl you must watch youi liver and bowels there's no need ol , having a sallow connexion dark rinci under your eyes - pimples - a bilious look in your face - dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per centof all uicknesa comes from in. active bOWels ar:d lr, :r gjp Dr. Edwards a well-knovn physician - AW in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com- i I pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to hn patients for years. Dr Edwards' Olive ablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in tneir action K r 1 C!tectlvf- Tl1 bring about II at exuberance of spirit, that natural buovancy which should be enjoyed bv tafXS1 b toni1g up the ,lvcr and dear ing the system of impurities. cawarus' uiivo Tablets ar known by th. i. Qliva v;olor. 15c and Sue. Ad ertiaemsnt. TAKE COURAGE! I I Every mother should I J take courage from D the knowledge that j Scott's Emulsion I I helps make weak I children strong and ! 1 H I promotes healthful I growth. A spoonful thrice daily is I a great help to y most children. Jfi Jm Ikimdids I (Tablets or Granules) I Ei INDIGESTION I QUICK RELIEF! I Price. 2550 MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION, ..1