Newspaper Page Text
F.f"cih Ycar-N0. 294 OGDEN CITY, UTAH SATIJrDAT EVENING, DECEMBER4, 1920. LAST EDITION"pTm. BILL FRAMED TO STOP GAMBLING IN FOODS I I Ogden Police Officer Struck Down By Armed Negro I If TERRIFIC BLOW i ON 119 FELLS D ED.BUTTERFiELD Negro Arrested for Theft of Overcoat Draws Heavy Pistol and Strikes ' DETECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS FOR THIRTY MINUTES .M Neighboring County Officers Take Up Chase for Armed Ilk Fugitive Hf Struck down by an armed negro Wmf who used a heavy revolver for n . il , ,. Lpor Det etlve Ed Butterfii Id i I the cltj police departmenl was un- , scloufl ror half an hour this mornin i HU and is suffering of severely bruised I iiy fi . lure , ll The negro escaped but la being pur- Butterfteld had Just arrested rtbe flMf man about S o'clock at the Union sta- H tion iini was crossini: the Intersection HI of Wall avenue rmd Twenty-fifth B street with his prisoner. In the center BflB of the Intersection the nr?ro drew hi fljB revolver and without warning, smash-1 HH ed (he hcavv eun Into Butterfteld a BH face, Buttertleld fell to e pavement QH and his assailant fled. HH Police started southward In pur- E suit of a freight train upon which the fiH nero was thought to be riding JgH The police traced the negro to Thir- H tioth street where it was thought the HB negro boarded a freiirht train fov Salt BHfl Lake. A report thai the man has been ' DH seen at Roy on Ihe train was received J HH th- police. SjjjH At Farmlncton the train was stop- j ped and a careful search of the train , TjjHH was made with no resu 1 1 . H VEGR4 IRRES ' i:i. 9Y The netrro was arrested on descrip- ion fr m Wlllard Hale 2626 l Iberty . 1 1 avenue, who reported th- theft of a 'tSJ? macklnaw coat from the Ice tlant in I &Lfl thr railroad yards yesterday'. The flH macklnaw Was located in a pawn shop flH o;i lower Twenty-fifth street and it HB was to this place that Detective Hut Vgfl lerflcld and his prisoner were bound imB when the assault took place. HPD The macklnaw coat was valued at f5. jH Butterfield was picked up by by- . . I r.'ii . nd i i.i" "i m the pollc LUto 2l ,01" tnp accident. He was taken to i ! 1 H Nelson attended him. One side of his, H face was severely bruised. H Butterfield was later removed to his i B 00 I GRCWD GREET Movo for Establishment of Irish Truce at Christmas Takes Form jjjjSf NEW YORK. Dec 4 Mrs. Muriel Kj, M Sv Iney, widow ol tht l r 1 1 mayor i li'TB " Cork. w,,o died on a hunger sirlKe buBjSfl In Brixton prison, London, stepped de1 Quietly down the gangplank fron: the R?3f big grey liner Celtic this morning, B3a landing her on her long Journey to gjjinfl testify before the cnmmittoi .f lno KafH investigating condition1-" in Irelind Rfll The little woman, clad in noi.en- Jjgl Ing, was accompanied by Mis Mary HBHI afacSwiney sister of the late iori H mayor, wiio made the Journey with 9R her. They were gTeeted by a recep- j HH lion committee surrounded with 'he KmH trl-color bunting of the Irish "rcpub- i lulslde the pier on Wcsl eet, 1 ' - hundreds of men. women and children H - . wearing mourning bands i-nd carrying -w flags of the "Irish reptfbllc, " were KB massed to greet the two women, but they appeared from ;i different exit 4Saflj than was expected and stepped Into a jH waiting taxlcab and were well started LH before the crowd knew thoy li ad 'iid- ed. Immediately iftort:, w. n- to form a parade to escort Mrs, Mac Swlney to a Klfth avenue hotel, OHRISTM s TBI CE. DUBLIN, Dec. 4. Hesolutlons a, pealing to the Irish republican parlia ment to negotiate a truce with a i' 1 to securing an honorable peace were passed by the Galway county Council, a republican body, yesterday. The resolutions expressed the opinion that the British government should vim- draw the ban on meetln-.c-i Of the Irish republican parliament so thai the lat ler might appoint dolegnles. They de clared he present reign oi shootings HH imi burnings; reprisals and couiiter- 9fe "prisalfl detrimental to the interests both England and Ireland, was ordereo this resolution be sent to Premier Lloyd orgs together with the rcsolu'iunj B, tssed by the Galway urban council ? a ipporting the appeal of Roger N. B1' v Sweetman. n Sinn Pehl men bor of KHj riaf parliament for North Wexford. s'ig- . ;ing a truer It Is laid that the HH belief exists that Mr. SwCetnian vi HJ not. acting solely in his own behalf In! jSfc making his proposal. I ? HE'S CLEANING UP CHICAGO POT COPS TO WORK, THEH PAY 'm mi, IS OEilE WAR PLAN I5 EDU I RD M THIERKT. n E, A. staff Oorrespondent. CHICAGO, Dec. 4 The new fash Ion of putting newspaper men In places of power f'inslancc, President elect Harding Is being tried In the Chi-, ragi. poln il" part mi nt. Chicago has had chiefs of police! who were politicians, professional po-j llcemcn and soldiers. Now a ncws- paper man, Charles C Fttzmorrls, at th- aga of 3C, has the Job of doing, what the others failed to do clean j up crime. "ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY" "If things aren't i ubber-siampcd, and Charlie FlufniorrlS starts to clean up on crime," t;ild a nc-w.spaper man who knew him when he started as a copy boy, 20 years ago, "he'll make! a thorough lob of It." Mayor Thompson says Vtz is not a rubber stamp. In naming him. the mayor conferred "absolute authority" and added: No one Is authorised to speak for me or ask you anything in my name." Pits is going ahead on that basis. He has started to be a "go-getter." First he "got" S few men on the force by transferring 500 to new fields. Eight days after he took office hu! personally went out with a gun, cap lured two bank robbery suspects, and recovered $8,687 In loot, LINES 3' TI). Here are some Other things he did before he was a month old as chief Deposed Deteciis.- Chief J L. Mooney and made Lieutenant Michael Hughes chief. Started to draft new antl-erook laws, chief of which is a law making robbery with a gun pun- ITALY AVOIDS CLASH WITH D'ANNUNZIO ARMY ROM L". Dec. 4. Orders have been sent by the Italian government to General Oavlglla, commander of Ital ian regular forces which have estab lished a Cordon around Plume, to avoid all complications or painful in cldents, Premier Glolllll declared last night TRIESTE, Dec 3? ( I3y the Associ ated Press.) Fishermen's boats on lno Uulf of Quarnero were today the only signs of life In that body of water, about which war is theoretical ly being carried on Last night was silent and this morning's dawn saw no change from the inaction that has reigned there for several months. Only the mackerel fishermen could be Been, Flume was lighted up during the night, the coat near tho city appear ing like a boulevard aiong the expanse of water. Looking from Abbazla. one could see. nothing thut did not per sonify peace. SONGS BY WIRELESS NEW YORK, Dec. -l. Tetrassinl sang to the sailors of Uncle Sam's navy lust night. From her apartment in Manhattan, the famous prlmadonna'H voice went out to the listening ears of bluejackets aboard battleship and de stroyers In port and land stations, far and wide. The soncs went out l wire less, an official test, authorized by 'Secretary Daniels. Ishable'by Imprisonment for life. Started suspending delinquent policemen Instead of using the red tape and whitewash of trial board charges. Punished six policemen who let a wounded bandit escape from a hospital by .suspending them so each loses $K.O pay. Initiated gambling raids that brought JOJ arrests' in one night. Planned motorcycle squad to check clockwork regularity of Saturday night payroll robberies. Draf cd plan lor merit system merit marks for good work and it. merits for every crime com mitted from district captain down to patrolman. LNT1C1U STED IN COPS. "I don't believe In talking much,' he says. "I believe In doing things. 1 m willing to co-operate with anj body who can help the police depart ment. "My policy is: First get the police to work; second, see they are better paid; third, demon strate the need of more police and get them." In 1900 Fltzmorrls, In a newspaper contest for boys, broke the world's record on a trip around the world. He showed such political strategy In Carter Harrison's campaign for ma yor that Harrison made him his Sec retary in 1911. Though a Democrat, he was retained when Thompson be cams mayor in 1915. Chief Fltzmorrls has a wife and three children. His salary Is $8000. Mayor Thompson says he Is "a bird of i chief" suro to be disliked in other cities because "crooks are got llng out of Chicago while the going is good. " PALACE OF ARCHBISHOP HURT BY SPANISH BOMB MA DRID. Dec 4. Bomb explosions are reported In many sections of Spain, considerable damage being done in various cities last evening. At midnight an Infernal machine exploded on the window sill of the palace occupied by (hi archbishop of Seville. It blew a large hole In Hie wall but injured no one, as Arch bishop AJmareS was praying in the palace chapel when the explosion oc curred. 'Bombs wore thrown at th house of a land owner In the village of Plnos Puente, near Granada, and the building was severely damaged Two flour mills in this city were shattered by explosions last evening, the outrage being attributed to strik ing bakers. Reports from Verona state a gen eral strike has begun there. oo (GENERALLY FAIR WEATHER IS PROMISED FOR WEEK WASHINGTON. Doc 4. Weather predictions for the week beginning ' Monday are: Upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri Valleys. Rocky mountain and pla teau regions; Generally fair und nor mal temperature Pacific '' Generally fair lr. southern California and unsettled anu rains elsewhere In this district. t HARDING FACES COUNSEL FROM MANY SQURCES Mark Sullivan Says All Sorts . of Advice Will Be Offered Him FOREIGN POLICY AND HOME POLICY, TOPICS I1 Senator Urged to Name Lead-1 ing Members of Cabinet at Once BY MARK MM I n National Political orrespondciit for the Now York Hv&iing Post end ;, di ii Standard i buimluer. WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 4. j Senator Harding arrives in America to Iduy. By an interesting coincidence Which has, however, no more than a whimsical significance, he arrives ex-1 actlv two years after the day when President Wilson went out on his un-j pi .-" i. nted trip. Many of the questions which Presi dent Wilson went to Paris to sett:.-' arc today almost as unsettled :i they, were thvn, and those questions whl h have been the burden of tho hist two! ear or domestic and international) politics will again be the principal questions that Mr. Harding Will I I up with the advisers he hod sum-, nioned to confer with him next week. During these two past year.-! forces of nature and the laws of economli u have made come little ptfogresa toward; healing, but the statement and the politicians have boon less successful. PI Bl U i s t URIOHg. The public curiosity Is chi.Mly Intent I On whom Senator HanlicK has chosen! 10 come to see him and talk with bun. ana Is focused on filidln out wnal the president-elect says to his callers.! Hut, no less Importance attaches lo what the callers ray to Mr. Harding. And this I nter Is for the prcxent, j much eaaler to find out or surmise j1 with reiLSonablo accuracy. Within thej past two or three weeks 1 have talked with most of the men whom Huniiii.' has invited lo Counsel with him audi it i comparatively easy to predict I what counsel they will give him. This counsel will bo varied in sub ject and on many points coiitrudlc llory. The more eager one might BO Uhc; more oxellaMi of his visitors w.ll lurgS Mr- Harding to put his mind n :siantly and exclusively on What they icfer to as business conditions. Several of the Republican senators and other leaders believe that the SUt-jl fefing ot the business men from recent I events In the financial and economic field is not onl) a matter of immediate I concern, but tends to run on into an economic condition which may affect llartje numbers and all classes of the community, and may reverse the polit ical conditions that gefrt Harding and the Republican party so large a ma jority last month. These leaders will plead with Harding that the most Im mediate dut is to take such measures as are possible for quick relief, and, in addition to make announcement of( policy and of appointments of a char-j iacter to create confidence for the fu-i lure. I RGE N MIM. MI Specifically, some of these leaders will advise Mr. Harding to announce the names of his secretary of State and his secretary of the treasury earl) ;as possible without waiting to name the rest of his cabinet, so tluit the public generally, and business men more especially muy get from tho an nouncements some assurance as for-ee-;n pulli and Iinaneial policy to the "Upon Which they can base tneir lu- Iture actions. Further than this, these leaders will jsuggest to Senator Hsjralng that ho should call together Immediately the 'members of the finance committee of j the new senate, and have them go to! ; work at once upon such subjects OS the tariff, the refunding of the public I debt, taxation, and tho extending of treasury or banking relief to farmers land other classes who aro now suffer ing from the fail in prices Without going Into man details, tho advocates of immediate announce mshts of policy and of appointments in the field of government finance nnd j taxation have in mind acts which can be accepted by the public as definitely Outlined in the policies that .are to lost for ' a long time to come. This brings us directly to the ques tion of foreign policy. On this sub ject Senator Harding's advisers fall (into two groups. One group says thai ;tbr recent election was an overwhelm ing verdict of public opinion antagon istic to any league of nations whatevt r. The senators und leaders who take this view are not the largest in number, but I are decidedly the more aggressive in i spirit. GERM W IMirMM'n . Opposed to them is a group who Iwlll tell Senator Harding, with all Hi" I emphasis they can command, that nothing that he can do and nothing the Republican party can do and I nothing the country can do can stabil ize business permanently until our re lations With Hi" rest of the. world aro I first made stable- Specifically, these leaden claims that in the economic lend of tho world, as it stands today there is one Indeterminate factor, which las long as it remains Indeterminate, will prevent everything else from becom ing stabilised That factor is the I amount of the Indemnity which Ger many is required to pay. Senator Harding will bo told that 'the amount of the German lndemnit must be made a fixed sum. so thai Germanj- will know bow much she has to pay and can order her pconopllcj (i onl Lnucd on I'agc Two.) RENEWED BUSINESS ACTIVITY LOOMS AS CREDIT STRAIN FADES'1 BY JOHN W. HILL, financial Editor, Iron Trade Review Recovery in business waits on three developments. The arc:i nonpar money, the completion of commodity price readjustment j mil the restoration ol buyers' confidence Last week ushered in the first of these requirements For tli. first time in months cpinniercial paper rates ace slightly lower. This means that the dreaded autumn credit strain is beginning to disap pear ahead oi schedule. RIOT FOLLOWS REFEREE VERDICT OVER WRESTLERS CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Pa'.rons of a wrestling match between William Dcmetral, '.he "Crsek demon," and Jack Linjw, billed as the "Russian lien," staged a riot which police rc serves were called to quell at the Kay rr..-.rkt theater, when Referee Johnny Myers gave I draw decision at midnight, stepping the match. Dcmetrrl had won cne fall nd Li ncw hzd a r.eao hold An Dcmetral when the referee made his an nouncement. Scenery, box curtains, footlights and other equipment wc.-. tarn down cni smarhed by the audience, which c'amored against the halting of a "finish match" by a draw deci cion. Members of a burlesque chorus who had remained to watch the wrcsthrg barricaded themselves in their dressing rooms ARGENTINA HAS RETIRED FROM NATION LEAGUE Canadian Member Moves for Elimination of Article 10 From Covenant GENEVA, Dee, 4. Honorlo Pueyr-j redon. the Argentina minister, toflay handed r.iui Hymens, president of the league of nations assembly, ;l ! tcr ..- nouncin that the Argentina delegation had ceased Its participation In the league. uol LD H ST VltTlCLB H). An amendment to the covenant of th lentrue of nations, eliminating ar ticle ten, the most mooted section of tho puit. was Introduced In the as sembly of the I ' hJ' Charles j. Doherty Canadian minister of jus tice. The aniundinent will probably be referred to the league council. George Nlcoll Barnes, of Great Brit ain, was prepared today Co ask tm- council ol 111,' I. aiiiie - .. cc;U!it for it.H failure to uko Its tood offices In an endeavor to keep the lcusalan Uolshe vlkl ind tho Poles from fighting lost summer. .Methods to be pursued regarding amendments to the covenunt of the league Will probably come before the assembly for a final ruling next Mon day. Francisco Garcia Calderon, the Per uvian minister to France arrived yes terday to replace Dr. ilarlano H or nejo as Peruvian delegate to the as seinBly of the league. FR m I l SCPIiAINS. PARIS, Dee. 1 Franco does not question tho constitutionality of the adherence of Argentina to. tho league of nations, nor the competence of Ar gentina's delegates to the assombly of the league at tlonev.i to represent their country. It was staled at the foreign office today, This statement was prompted by re ports published In Argentina that Prance was questioning the legality of the Argenttnan membership In the league, the point being raised that her adherence could noi be considered legal until approvd by the national congress. The report was con nected In Argentina with dis patches from Goneva indicating that the deductions had been made there from utterances of Porelgn Minister Pueyr redon that lArgontlna favored the admission of Germany Into the league. The French foreign office -x-pr led disbelief that the French del egates at Geneva were taking an atti tude reflecting any such view. nn ARMENIAN NATION DECLARES ITSELF SOVIET REPUBLIC LONDON, Dec. 4 Russian sov iet troops captured lirtvan. tho Armenian capital on Thursday, and Ai ne nla has declared Itself h soviet republic it is asserted in ,i wireless dispatch received from MOSOOW today. The troops of thrt old Armenian government hove placed themselves at the dlspdsal of the soviet administra tion, tin- dispatch declares. J I inneiea prices ana tevensn irane icUvliy mopped up banlRnglrespurces. Deflation is releasing these fund Gradually they will accumulate anil become available sj an accelerator for j business, DECLINES l UE1 ki n. Price declines contlnu" unchecked Dun's commercial agency reports that last week only seven commodities 'id- vanced out of 3oo. against declines foi ; 103. Hides, hogs, low grades of wool, icoffee, tea aiid rubber, are among the commodities that have touched Pre war levels. The majority of prices are from 7' to 100 per cent above J 3 1 3 Business failures lost week were less I than the previous week- TAX 1X81 M LM1 N I in December K tbe Install - men! or federal taxes tor the year falls due. It will amount to C5&0. O'l'i.ii'.e. Ku.anis.- houses su:ferlng losses from foiling prices will find it hard to meet their share of the pay ment. An effort will be made to rush some form of relief tor these taxpayers through congress . hen It meets next we ik. I HOP sliitiN K VGE. and corn have dropped about 1.50 a bushel and cotton about 30 i ents s pound since early summer. The total value of four crops wheat, corn, cotton and oats at current 'prices 1 J 5.300.OO0.O0O. This Is , 1 500.000.HOu b sj than the ran. crops would hac brought at 1919 prices. Flour ut $8.50 a barrel ts u pre-war I level Br. ::1 is dropping as a. result, j Fgga are the one exception to the Icenersl freil.l ,,l" l..n.l nrlr-. i EXlORTS. ijow crop prices have xttructed for eign buying. ' tobi rs tot) i of exports va.s $7.",J. a gain of Jl-17.000.- Ouo over September- This Increase was partly due to larger shipments abroad of farm products High ex ports show that the world must buy American goodn. DAKOT BANKS. The sharp decline in crop prlco3 has re.snl!o, iii the failure of more than on., dozen small banks In North Da kota and one or two In Illinois and i Iklahoma. It Is significant that none of the Insolvent banks was a mem! cr oi the federal reserve system. The situation Is not serious. Al 'id D). l LQPMEN tS. Purchase c-f control of the General Motors Corporation by to,- powerful Morgan and DuPont Interests has been announced.' The sujport of this com pany, in the prsw :it depression. by these Interests reflects their faith In the business outlook In general and the Automoblli t; .'! iii particular l ORD I s. Henry Ford will pay jt.'oj,ooo in I.,. i uses to his employes this month. He says that his workmrt lorce has been reduced by 6000 men. The Dodge Bros, plant is r pen after brief close-down. Manufacturers ex pect the January shows to stimulate some buying. STEEL PRH ES. Some Independent steel .companies have cut their prices to t'' lower lev els maintained by the United States Steel Corporation- This should niakC for temporary stabilisation In the great basic Industry. The ke n competition for the small amount i busini SSB -no w available may mean further reductions later, however. RET UL TR M'l Holld.' trade at .some centers ia meeting expectations, in gereral, however, dullness prevails, price re ductions are b,-. (iinini: more general, although retailers had hoped to take advantage of Christmas buying to avoid losses. Dry goods Jobbers are said to .be convinced that complete liquidation of high-priced stocks this year Is essential Shoo prices have been reduced. MAIL ORDERS GROW. He ids of largo mail order housos de clare their ales of recent weeks show that necessity and low prices bring business. They advise merchants that the quicker "they turn looso their goods for what they can get tin lets, their losses will be." REDOUBLED EFFORT MADE TO CAPTURE MISS SMITH ARDMORE, Okia . Dec. 'I The probable appointment of a' special prosecutor to proceed after January 1 ag iIikI lam Smith, inos bcinK wide ly sought in connection with the fatal Shooting here two weeks ago of Jake L. Iiamon, was forecast today by Charles A. Coakley, law partner of J. H. Mathers, county uttorney-eleco, of Ardmore, who said that their firm had been employed lo defend Miss Smith. He said Mr. Mathers would recommend that Russell Prown, pres ent county attorney, bo permitted lo continue In charge of the case for the state. Prosecutor Brown announced that there were no developments in tho search for Miss Smith, as far as his office was conc.MiK-,1 and that ho was leaving for his farm near Ardmoro for a day's hunting trip. In the meantime, the authorities of a dozen cities of Oklahoma and Tex as, were redoubling their efforts to arrest MIsb Smith, for whom there Is a warrant (barging assault with In tent to kill. The warrant was lestied before the deuth of Hamuli, who was Republican national committeeman from Oklahoma, and an cxt'.nslve oil (operator. i CAPPER PLANS I TO ELIiTE I BUGKETSHOPS I Prohibitive Tax to Be Imposed on Trading In Futures, H's Scheme BLACK BOARD AND WHEAT PIT WOULD GO Framer Says Farmers and Consumers Lose Under Pres ent System of Gambling WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Senatnr Capper of Kansas, today made pifb lie his proposed bill to step gambling ' in foodstuffs and cotton. I A tax of ten per rnt designed to be prohibitive, on 'future" trading In ' grain and cotton, except by actual ! owners or a limited class of traders under federal licrnn-. g d-p basic feature nf the Capper bill, which is ! to !e Introduced In the senate next : week by the author and In the house ssj by Representative Tincher, Republi can, of Kansas The ten per cent tux would apply to options and the meas ure would affect grain products as ' well as taw grrn. WOULD STOP GAMBLING. I "The Vl will stop gambling In wheats en-n. eotton and other farm gH product." -aid Senator Copper. "It i will eliminate the wheat pit and the OUt Of busl- -H the thousands of wir houses and buc::t shops by making !t impossible for namblers and specu latdrs to deal on boards of trade. Phi bill undertaki to preserve ) the legitimate 'hedge' but cuts out all gambling and manipulations-." Formers, dealers snd manufacturer-; . buying or selling grain or cotton for Lual d livery would not he restrict ed by the proposed bill. Senator Cap- HEAVY I lM's PROPOSED. I Penalties of fifty per cent of tlie innposed federal tax. a fine of $10,00o nnd one year's Imprisonment for vlo latlon of the bill s provisions are In corpora ted In the Cupper bill. Seller of grain, grain products and 'cotton who at the time of Kile would be owners of tho "act'iat physical ' property," and ti-aders regularly en gaging In growing, dealing in or man ufacturtng and reglstecd with the in ternal revenue bureau would he ex I empt from the ten per cent tax. Such ii iwevcr, would be limited in their dealings to three times their ac tual transactions during ha jrreccding 'year, ard would be required to report all dealings to the Internal revenue I bureau. FARMERS LOSE MILI ONS. In a statement outlining hie bill. Senator Capper declared that only ' about one per cent of "future" trad- ing In grain and cotton was bona fide. I Million.', of dollars were lost by farm ' c Ts, as well as speculators n tho nt bear raid on the grim it i H thai consumers as well as producers re the victims. MBLIXG INSriTI : 10 "The Chicago liourd of Tnide as , now conducted." said Senator Capper, "is the world s greatest gambling in Stltutlon. More wheat was sob! in Chicago in the month of October than this year. This year's corn corp was I sold fourteen times In Chicago before i bushel of com had reached the mar- There is not the slightest doubt that the gigantic raid made by the i idi on tin Hoard of Trade was tho ' chief cause of the recent disastrous slump in the price of farm products. BecauSt a lot of market gamblers j dally Quotations, the farmer who hi been forced to his hogs and cat tie at a loss while moat still sells at j war prices, is again made the goat. I The farmer already has lost more than i billion dollars by the bear raid I Brokers n;ul commission houses have eleaiie,! up ovr forty millions in mar- 'I ulns and commissions alone. The lambs who play the market have lost more than one hundred million dol lars In the last 90 days in speculating in cotton and wheat. El IPS RECOGNIZED "I find all grain and cotton dealers. i millers and spinners recognize the evils of the present system anil are anxious to stop gambling In food prod ' nets. They will heartily support this 'measure to place the business on ; illegitimate basis. I am also assured of the support of the farm organizations. The commission houses, brokers. I I bucket shops and market speculators I generally will fight it." H oo YANKS IN SAN DOMINGO EXPEL RADICAL WRITER I HAVANA. Cuba.. Dec. 4. Horatio Blanco Fombona. a Venezuelan writer, who was Wrestsed in S-an Domingo last night by American military au thorities, landed at Santiago, Cuba, yesterday, having, it is said, been ex celled from the Dominion republic. A dispatch to the newspaper El Mundo declares ho was deported from San Domingo by the Americans bscat -of alleged newspaper activities tend ing to Incite the native population to mutiny against American authorities. Fombona. who in addition to being n newspaperman, has valued consid erable fame as a .poet, began a hunger strike while in prison in San Domingo I protesting against his detention and I the class of food provided.