OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-06/ed-1/seq-6/

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Action of Argentina Brings Up
Much Comment at
J I GENEVA. Dec. 6. (Fly the Assoel-
;itri Press) Consideration ( an
amendment to the covenant of the
league of nation which would ellmi-
i "unto article X has been postpi-iu-d l
4 i he assembly of Ihe league u." nulla
J until the nexi meeting This amend
ment, which w.K proposed by C 1
Doherty. a member of the Canadian
' delegation, has been referred io 'i
committee which his been instructed
ti. submit ;i report when the assembly
holds Its next session.
The resolution ot the Argentine
delegation providing that all sovereign;
m.ps. unless they remain outside of
Jtheir own will, shall ! recognised i-"
members of the lo.igue. was the flral
i -item on the agiui.ia f the assembly
.i it was also planned, it possible, to
lake up the report of Rene Vlylanl,
of Prance and N. W. Rowell, of Can-
n aca, on rein ions between the council j
J Jhr.d the league.
RF.GK1 I l Pill SF-EI)
jl After today's session bad m ned,
l p;u.j i-rymun, the president, presented
'I Senor Pueyrredon'a letter to tin
I sembly and said he bad expi i - 'I
I Vcrsonnlly t the bead ( th- Argcn-
I -tine mission his deep regrets at the,
I ute,! it had taken.
I Lord Robert Cecil, delegate f"i the
I -i'nion of South Africa, then took lie
floor, saying
lowed to take the same step when,
I their proposals are not accepted, it'
would he Impossible for the league to
Inake any progress-
m - "The act of no single country," Lord
I Robert added, can diminish our faith
I the success of the league, after 'he
I "great snides that have been made
I toward the, object In view; All that .
I needed courage, candor and con-
sideratlon fu one another.
I "It is declared here thai vlrtuallj
I "every delegate regards Argent inn ac-j
fj Hon as an error in tactics
ij After Lord Robert's address th v
I sembly proceeded io discuss today's
agenda without further reference to
Ith-- withdrawal of Argentina,
ilialm.w Brantlng, of Sweden, asked
I 3 hat Mr. Dohorty's 'amendment ellmi-'
J Dating article t from the covenant of;
I -the' league, and that presented by the
Argentina delegation regarding the ad-,
I mission of all .state- l" sent to mn:-
j mitten without debate for study. A re-
port on them will be submitted i" the
j next session of the assembly A special
1 bom ml It ee would take them under
' consideration. This motion was adopt-;
i ed by the assembly
1 During the discussion Mr. Doherty
j said that while the Canadian dclega-l
tion felt that its amendments wag i n
that might well b df cussed now, a
l the opinion seemed to be I ai wl
amendments should be denll with In j
(j the same manner., the Canadian dele-
t gation would not Insist upon lmmed-
I ! "iate consideration of Its proposition.
I: The report of the committee on re-1
3 la t ions between the eounili and assent-1
I '.bly. presented by A. J. Ralfour, of
II 'Great liritain, provoked . loin d.-ban
t in which Lord Robert C I .iking;
j for the delegation of the Union of,
. " South Africa, came into i orifllct for
I; the first time In a full session of lh
assembly with the British delegation
1 Lord Robert objected to the limits-j
tlon upon the competence of the as-
j sembiv. recommended t the commit-j
3 tee. He said this would prevent the.
jj assembly from considering such ini-
j portant questions as disarmament and;
mandates. The South African delega
j tlon was unable to accept the report,
without modification, he declared.
Lord Robert offered an amendment j
declaring thai either the council ora
the assembly would have the right toT
examine anj question within tlu Juris-'
diction of the league- This waa adopt-!
ed and the report as amended was
then approved by the assembly.
Argentina's amendment 'to the cove
nant of the league of nations, ri
tton of which caused the delegation
of thst country to leave the assembly
on Saturday morning, has hern re
ferred to the assembly for considers'
tion at lta ne.t meeting. Uonorlo
Pueyrredon, head of the- Argentine
mission, told the Associated Press tb-
day that his delegation would leave
I for Paris on Wednesday or Thursday.
J "Today's decision of the assembly
j finally settles the question for Argen-I
V- tina." he said. "I shall make a f, w
j calls, give several luncheons and leave
L for home the middle i the wet I
It was willing to consent to the post-
POnement Of all Argentina's a mend -
I ments except those regarding the ad-1
I mission of all states and the election!
II of the four members of the council. '
K but the assemblj has seen fit to resort;
I, to a technicality of procedure in a mat-1
ter vital to the life of the league. I
I am sure American public opinion is
I with us in this matter and I huve al-l
I ready received indication of this In a
I cablegram from Chiciigo. '
I, Senor Pueyrredon Intimated the
I withdrawal of Argentina from the -
I sembly might be followed Shortly bj i
I: formal announcement of that court-;
I try's Intention to retire from tl)'-'
I league itself.
I Of Weber County Poultry
I Association
H Poultry Meeting, Monday evening at!
eight o'clock at the office of the
retary, 1648 Wash. Ave. .Matters per
H taining to the show to be held Dec. I
H 13th to 18th. will bo discussed Men
H hers and all interested arc Invited to i
H be present
Fort Hamilton Section of
Brooklyn is Bombarded
With Flying Fragments
NKYV YORK; Deo. 6 Hundreds of
homes in the Fori Hamilton section of
. Brooklyn virtually were under heavy
j artillery bombardment Sunday after
noon resulting from intermittent -i
urns of six-Inch and ten-Inch shells
on n steam lighter which caught fire
while moored to the army reservation
n hal f.
(lathering together their belonKins
,,, , I ii II, -f t bat he na a i a rs.-n.i I a!
Porl La 1-n ette, a small Island near
Port Hamilton, was ablaze, terrified
(Cores fled their homes for Safer .ones,
.iiiwii to firenfcied baste by the series
of detonations which were beard for
irtlles around.
An official statement from Port
Hamilton siid no ltes had been lost
and that only four persons hid been
slightly Injured
sill I.I, si KIM - lOMK
tine of the terrifying incidents of
the barrage the 400 rard flight
of ' ten-Inch ihell dear yver the res-
ervation and into a house In i,-ort
Hamilton parkway. Ttie projectile
lore a huge hole In the roof of the
dwelling, passed through two floors
ind burled itself In lb cellfT. The
house, occupied by th,- family of Aug
ust Galtem. aU of whom escaped in
jury, was shaken with the violence of
an earthquake.
The lighter which wa.- laden With
'."in shells for shipment to Ronton,
was torn from its moorings by the vio
lence ox the ii;st explosion Two men
were on board but they escapea.
A naval lag soon reached the scene
anl in a desperate effort to prevent
the flames spreading to the wharf
the commanding officer deliberately
beaded his ci.ifi for the Mazing light
er anil its exploding cargo, lie Stuck
her nose against the sub of the lighter
and pushed her away 10 B sand bar
In imminent peril of his own craft
being blown from the water
The naval nig had scarcely with
drawn when a heavy explosion oc
curred which tore the lighter apart.
Two of those slightly Injured were
a man and a woman who had a mir
aculous escape from death. Yhev were
motoring past the wharf opposltl Iht
lighter when the first explosion oc- I
purred. j
Fragments of shell peppered their'
nutoniobire but the occupants suffer-'
! only Blight wounds and after re
ceiving medical aid were able to go
The glare from the exploding am- j
munition and the flames from the
burning wharf. Illuminated the harbor!
and attracted thousands to the Brook
lyn a:id Staten island water fronts.
As explosion followed, explosion and
the danger to craft passing the Nar
rows between Kort Hamilton and Port
Wadsworth grew menacing, "blinker
light" signals were flashed from the
fort Ifical ions warning mariners to give
the threatened area a Wide berth.
-l.lll RS I1.W I'WIf.
Soldiers from Kort Hamilton were
' 1 1 1 1 1 1 v , 1 into the residential section
to aloy panic The proximity of the
i arsenal at Kort LaKayctto with
Its Stores of high explosive;! mid In-
flammable material, was a source of
Intense work to fire fighters.
As the blr.zlng lighter and it V ex
ploding' shells broke away from the
wharf and began m drift in the direc
tion of the arsenal the crews of navy
tugs and muni' Ipal fire boats re
doubled their energies. Fear of a
frightful catastrophe should a shell
strike the arsenal and ignite tons of
gasoline stored there, was allayed
w tu i the lighter grounded on the sand
TJhe army wharf about 20" yards
long was destroyed The loss was ssf
tfrn&ted by army wfticers at approxi
mately $100. 00p. The meteorological
station at the wharf also was dc
stroyed Windows in numerous re;,i-
dences i-i the Kort Hamilton section
wen shattered and houses w,-re sbuk
en within a radius of three miles
Murder Case Filed
in District Court
i Information charging Jack 1 'ass and
Gus I'.urr with murder in the first
degree for the alleged shooting of
Dartell Wilson, a taxi ab driver. Oc
tober 31, was filed in the district court
today by I lsti ict Attorney Stuart P.
DobbS. Late for the trial of the case
will probably be set December 2L
I when other cases will come up for
setting of trial dates None of the
; murder c,tse: now pending will be
' heard thjs vear in the district court
To Elect Trustee for
Irrigation District
Election of a trustee for the Weber
comity irrigation district will be held
tomorrow between the hours of I
o'Clck anil 6 o clock Three polling
pluces have been arranged one in each
.rc net Th-- flr.-t precinct, which
embraces territory north of the Ogden
river will receive- votes in the Farr
West amusement hull; the second pre
. mi t embracing territory south of the
river and west of the mountains will
receive votes in the home of Thomas
J.mes Ka nesville. voting in tho
third district will be held In the Eden
amusement ijaii. This precinct cover
Kcb-n and 1 1 untsv Hie,
oo - '.
The (Jernian government lias bought
for cash 22,046,000 pounds of lard at a
cost of 24 cents a pound.
I aNIervcan-maid brEad
ii wMihi a i TTTTwmrwKirrnwmmr
uncle SAM 11
Lehigh Railroad Ordered to
Redistribute Stock Held
by Officers
WASHINGTON, Dsc, C The gov
ernment today won Its anti-trust suit
against the la high Railroad company
and affiliated corporations.
The suprenic court In a decision
rend by Associate Justice Clarke, pus
, tallied charges of monopoly ami viola
tion of the Sherman antitrust law.
The court held that charges ,,f the
violation of the commodities clause in
tin- formation of the Lehigh Soal
Series COm patft) bad been pioveil
Redistribution of stock of the Le
high Railroad company, asked by the
government, was ordered by the court
'upon the government's contention that
common stock ownership by officers
and directors constituted restraint of
; trade prohibited by ths Sherman act.
Justices McReynnlds and Brandels
teiok no p-i-rt in the consideration of
the cas, . Justice McReynolds Was at
tomey general while the case was
i pending.
Business and Circulation Dept . 56
Classified Ads 56
Advertising Dept 423
Editorial and News Dept 870
Watch i'r it Ogdcn's blggi
'event. The Little Red Heart." Watch
fo- its coming, Saturday, uer. 18.
Burroughs posting machine oper-
I ator in bank Address Box '"A" care ;
I Standard, giving experience and ref
i-reni'es. 0 I S
Men to Meet There will be a meet-,
ing of the Men Ol the Episcopal
church this evening in the Guild ii 1 1
at s o'clock. A large attendance i s ,
desired and every young man is In-;
Tor Sale A 10-room house. Terms
or cash. :'4;'.fi Adams. Call Mis Kitz
K raid. Reed bote!. i
7 n ; '
- - $
MinisU-r Sought Members of the
Christian Churcn ,t all parts f the
country are asked for information as
to the whereabouts of the Key. Black
Hawk, an Indian preacher, to notifv
hint that his friend. Rev. Red Kox, !
Is ill and needs him. Information!
should be sent to lr. Fred J. Everts.'
ill Korest avenue, les Molr.es. la.
For open and closed taxi's phone
18; Mob. Karl and Charley, opposite j
Bamberger station. ,r.7 2ltb St. 7 ! 7 s
. . Furnished room, with or without
board. In private family desired by!
younc business man.' References giv-1
en. Address Box --A, care Stan Ud
Kxumlner. t'NOT
Clean large raRs wanted at The
i Siand.-u J-Ehnunlner office.
sslgnco Dlschslged An order dls-i
1 charging A, T. Langlols as assignee
for I be U'llfong-i Jiasniann A utomoVlle
company was Issued in the district
court today by Judge A. B. Pratt. The i
order was Issued upon petition of Mr.1
I-anglols. The order appointed A. P.
Bipclow as trustee for-the benefit
of the remaining creditors of the
Bit; pHi t nutty Ogden's big oppor
tunu, 'ine Little Red Heart. 1 on'l I
coiSfl ihi.- ."s.durday, December 18. i
For Health f'rofessor Howard 11
1 Lindsay, prominent a an authority
on English, and one of tho instruc-
tors at Harvard university, waa an)
ogden visitor yestcrda) eh route to I
i Los Angeles, where he will tpend thi
! winter. Professor Lindsay has been
! in 111 health for many months and I
j acting on the advice ot his physician!
ix making the trip to the coast.
Ogden Typewriter House for typo- ,
, writers and repairs. 2 4 ' Hudjon I
!aenue. l'hone -36.
Pound Not ;uilt Archie ii"gcot
, V'nt Weber, . arrested about two
weeks ago on a charge of drunken
ness, and who pleaded not guilty be
fori the rlty court at the time of his
arrest, was released this morning fol
lowlng his trial In the city court. He
,s COUhd not gUllty and bis bail,
i amounting to $,0, was ordered re- L
' turned to him.
Deaths and Funerals
WHEAT Thi funeral of (Sebrge D.
Wheat we held In the Llevenih ward
mc- ting house yesterday under the
i direction of Bishop N. A. Tanner.
Counselor John Nicholas conducted
the services. Walter Stephens and Mrs.
jRernlce Tyret! sang Speakers includ
ed James Hourlas, John Hooper,
Bishop Tanner and Counselor Nichol
as Intel ment was in the city ceme-'
I tery. Clerks of the commissary acted
as pallbearers f; 1C. Watklns dedl-i
cua the gra s.
I CARBINE Funeral services f,.i
I,ucy E. Curbing will be held in the,
i Fourth ward chapel tomorrow all
noon. Bishop II. B, Lund will direct,
1 the services. The body mav be viewed
I at the LlndQUlst chapel this afternoon
and tomorrow until 11.30 o'clock
ROSS Mrs Sarah Boss, mother of I
Charley oss ol Ogden. well known!
i by main here, died yesterday morning
at 7 o'clock at the home of her daugh
ter in Salt Lake. Mrs Ross had bn q
111 only a few days before her death.
FuneraJ services will be held Tuesdav
at 2 p. m. in the Richards ward, Salt'
HlDIiEIGH Funeral services for
Elizabeth C Wardlelgh were conduct
ed in the .Methodiv, church yester
day afternoon by im Hugh Ne
' vllle. Six grandsons acted as paJl-
liearers. Lincoln Circle, j. A. K., the
Bebekkas and Pythian sisters attend
ed In a body. LOdgS rituals were also
, Conducted Interment was in the bitj
VOYOM A K H - - Funeral services
, for ZangH Voyosevlch will be held In
I Sail Like tomorrow under the aus
! pices of ihe Serbian society. The
body will leave Ogden at Io o'clock
tomorrow morning. Interment will be
in tin- .Mount OUvo cemeterj in s;.,ii
I Lake 'v' VoyosSVich was born April
u'0, tss. mi Montenegro ami come to
the United States In l:H0. ufl has re
sided in Ogden for throo years. He
Is survived by hw widow and two
Wetter Floral furnishes the flowers
VtSlMM DraMttU niuP2l8 nre1248 Blo ,.cK4IH Dr. lr,
J-cni. Jccnr. 3)rcot( IS ceott J . cat ,t,i-ni,
Skirt 8WS ' Skirl 'UU
Senu a cvoti
These charming: models outline the Mid-Winter Mode
as expressed in the Straight-Line Frock, the Laced
Bodice, the Long-Waisted Blouse, the Open Tunic, and
the Draped Skirt.
Other New Phases of the Mode will be found in
Ann'ounce Awards of
Local Chicken Show
Awards arranged for Boys and oiris
club members of Weber county for the
Weber County Poultry association
show, to le held at the Armory Build
ing in Qgden December 13 to is. nave
been announced hy K W. Robinson,
county Club agent of the Weber County
Farm Bureau.
The premiums which association
members are offering to poultry finan
ciers under 18 years of age are as tol
flows: For gest exhibit by n Boys' and
Girls' club member. A irio of cholci
While Leghorn chickens. (Awarded
by W. J. Young, i
For best exhibit by hoy or girl nn-l
der 18 years of age A settins: of!
choice Khode Island white egsrs.
i Awarded 4y Mr. (Mark.)
l"Yr youngest exhibitor Either a
White Leghorn cockerel or a Rhode
aland Red cockerel. (Awarded bv,
V. O. jv!hcs.)
For bets exhibit by Boy Scout under
18 yehra of nge A setting of Rhode!
Island Red egg.c (Awarded by W. L. j
B ram we 11 I
For second best exhibit by Boy
Scout tinder IS yenrs of uge. A setllnr;!
of Ithode Ishmd Ked eggs. (Award-1
ed by J. F. Shafer. )
Note: The winners will pet the eggs!
at hatching time in the spring.
Mr. Robinson s i id
" I desire very much to have every
roultry club member exhibit a pen of
'The Star Rover' I
Metro All-Star Production ty I
Jack London
The Uncannily Powerful Photo-drama
j Adapted From the Celebrated Novel J
Chickens at this show. Other club
members who have poultry are also
urged to exhibit. Every chjb mem
ber (boy or girl) may compete for the
first three prizes and if also a Roy1
Scout, lie may compete for the two
latter prizes.
"Your poultry' docs hot have to boj
pUrb-bred, as the pens will be judged:
from the standpoint of utility and!
thrifty condition. You will not have
to compete with anyone but the boys 11
and girls under IS years of age Here ' I
Is a chance for you to get started In 11
the poultry business with choice pure IH
bredi YOn'mlss lt. Jf you have sonws
poultry and want to enter the show,
fill In and return the enclosed card.
send yon further instruo
lions. f
.vpen i or displnv) will consist o i
5 birds."
Better for colds I
than camphorated oil I
SpnCl for rTP? years anc ears dctrs nave prescribed camphorated oil foi
children's colds, and certainly it is great stuff but mussy; hard to
20 treatment administer.
tin w 0 Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly has all the soothing and healing qualities
of camphorated oil. and better yet. it is antiseptic, keeps fresh, and is
.no handv lo apply.
t yyX ''''' ; London's Catarrhal Jellj today and keep ii always on band.
2 o.'c'v tc h Whenthe youngster comes irl with wel feet, or all -hilI.-. I or begins to show
1 ictxftc Vixc& signs of nose cold applj a little Kondon - Catarrhal Jelly at once, and again at
-ccc c -yo bed time The child will breathe better, sleep better and will usually shake
pt . 5. off the "M m a few hours H
ffjvot ft Kondon 's Catarrhal -Telly has been clearing heads, and breaking up ookls.
for young folks and old for thirty years', and is a valued household remedy in WSk
0 ti thousands oi American horn -Kondon's
Catarrhal Jelly U guaranteed 710! ota'y by us,
bui by 30 years serxice to miliiom of Americans. 'Aon- H
on's doesn't do wonders for your cold, sneezing, cough, m
, chronic catarrh, nose-bleed headache, sore nose, etc. tie' 11 ' IP
tay our money back , On ealc aV all drug stores. B
Avoid substitutes make sure this Vtl
signature is on the package you buy. J i VviZJlVT M

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