OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-06/ed-1/seq-9/

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IFOR SALE Real Estate
8S7S jst: Hudson Ave. Phono III
yyy ir,iOft Five room brick, lot BO by 1
on Seventeenth street IUs
' I
Hv r.. ni mi WnBfll
IHH Small ojeh payment. K
H on
BjBjBjH $4000 Modern foui room brick south part
H of City, big lot with HSt front nnd
H t.ir.iK'- A nice home for the ninn-
H Terms
BjJjJBjBjM .,:' fodrn five roon: home veil lo-
blH Catcd on the b) nrh. Tormi".
rOC ninth
BCH part or city, win accept J-td
HMIH par n pari payment
,:. I 1 '" 2
FIVE room n n ise bull n roa-
eApH r mi-- ; attractive m r.nv a. IVanl .ui
PBH and cnouKh fruit lor fnmil
H also ehleken run. Easy terms. By -"
8643 k '
-r. BA'IE 6-room brlrk i oww lust
H completed strl.tiv mMlrrn throughout:
H (.-. otl location -m I n Ii. Knuuire
l' ..r.
AjjiVg bun
T 1 i ...I- - : JJfjj
i . . i a'. "i i " 1 "
H and Rturro hiinnilnv. 1-urnnce li.it- For
JH price owl terms see R W Altihan. 1MI
nj HV- nn. I I . ' ' "
ft buncalov
f very dc-lrshle home, close In. 8100C I w M
BHH handle. Balance, 15500 payment 8te"y
i h . i '
. nr . Be. basement, cement' porch ana
- .w.iks. furni-he.1 ..r unfurnl hod
ng j ' J
m H
1 building Onb $2000. "rn"
. ii . LI
jk - i o 1 1
yenri bargain, Price n-
O i 777 '"' "V. '
fjflfl fourth street, lor ale ot h bargain.
.. ,,. ,
IF .. i v. int
KfSpM ..... u i Blackburn. Hudson building.
Phoiv '
v ..!. .-ii i. saonabU , new,
r ern
HH lull l.ns.-ment, full kit. h. n,l; '"' ;
3B wood bordera. up to date electric mures.
In ."on Hi part of city. Phone l .'- J
IB, ,)U V;i: Four ro m mo . r i 1
5l .wi. f,;h. d thro ifhout. newphJiffi
inK. lnl kOxSSh imd !2 -bates of w-tci In
Ogden bench .anal. Loj 'u',,f;'',J T,,k
tv flrat Btrect. Inquire Ogden l.took
I ' ) W or 761 !
BEST buy on Washington ,f '; ' ,
111 fret deep, between TWiti Wth and
. Twenty-sixth ror 2L000. Half cah. J.
H Epperson, 4M Twenty-sixth lrS'
... ' ' . ! '
i , ,Tv nTTTTH hlngtor i i
ed street. No payment for five years
If'Vou buUd w B. wedell. Phons Ubgj
i v (iw m i . i i ! i :
Phone KM-M. John Barl. Monroe
, '
ideRN icven room bl l 1 90 fee
srreened porch: furnace; bench: ear Mm
Phone Owner 88B "
rPABTMl NT house
, My $5250. PrinB3 In !1B$ month
Mrma One four room house only 00.
one four room frnm modern WOO. ij
turns, inauir.- 802 Thirty fifth street.
PI U K room partlj modi rn ho I C. 251
Twenty second -tr.et Apply W sah-
IFhrEE acres and sfii room hou Sme
. L!
FOUR acres lard nd tour room hous'V
T'hoii.-- -1 1 - 'A' L2:
Following proportl. - must be sold, and
wc wnnt bids on one or all. Terms can
he had on part of purchase price,
rik-ht seres excellent i,inu nt rnlr,
Mphth nivl Orant. Six room house, sever
nl chicken houres. quite a nice orchnr.l.
cood new parnKo and coal .iouf.e. Also,
t."s-crnl Improved mid unimproved farms,
stock In several mod menu nmklnn r m
lianici sc'er.nl secured notes drnvinj.- -"-
per cent The above properly must !
0ld Call at He. lei bull. Ilnp lor nny
part or all Will s II any piece of piop
erty at a very cheap price come at
once. i.
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
;ooi piano ff . chem 1 i m Call
after 6 p m. 670 Twenty-fifth street
s II 1
fJlRlS 1 01 'I - ..ndiiloi.
RAND new C ! '
r wo i ' . i ... 1
rVO ' plow in good condition for Kile.
26 16 Monrgi j
1 1 1 1 .. I bun '. '
automobile role 'h-ui Pho
i . ROE sign i'ii clectrli fixings at 261
1 1 fifth streoj '..n 2960
SAVE "i -i I on apph 22-22-W
WINES '.! b i : .' .-. jM btjsheT Culii
. .t il.....
TV, I 1 r.'u- lor . n'. .'.!- n f
ink' machine nr.:; Adams. Phone j;ii.m,
(OOD cleat i ihan ipp had
ut R. Campbell's Rlverdnlc, Phone 54 J J. .
i iFTRi UT ingo: four hol 1 ovon
ri i 194$
OAK dining table, ruga chalra kltchi .
.-.ibinet l-as. . sanitary eot J.-1- Tio'or
.... I 1 " 1 " "
:TER potatoi 81.75 dellvert Seed
Pesrlls. P.zra V. Steed. Phone 11 J. 4
; ij
WHEN ... i i ahoul i tallt sbo
(Sivy's Chunk Meat House Th. very he.-i .
lot mucli lesi than all other markets, I-oln '
Itound and T bone ttenk. 25c pound,
d, ,ts i 1. links bt i f l'.t pound. Plale
briskel ie and lSfcc pound, whole pork
shoulders 25c pound Veal, lamb, inui-.
Urn proportlonatelj lew. vrpA U 1J"
Prop .. i .. 'i . i 1 ' h ' ' 1
MAMMA wants a i 1 '
Ouaranteed singers. Heur them sing. ;
. Lincoln S3
'I'WIi c,.r,.i t.l, vein for sal. cheap If tnlt
. ,.i ... . ii Chjlds avenue 7885
FOR the bcsl values in planor and phono
graphs see .1 M. Pantone JC- Son Twentj
ninth and Hudson. Terms without Inter
osl LH
w i s k .'i.M ii" wool lady's aull algi
T-. 1,1 '...II ' !l t -el 'V'"
RSI ' P' ' Ph '
Christensen Ashton Music Co.. I3S1 Hud
on 1
I Greenings, Hon- Beauties and Ganoa
,i, ),.. .i i r. "
I ,t v.TOl 1 ' b'ee. 'all 157 I
wl ilwaya havt an apple within th.
reach of every family Sttlsfactlon guar-1
.n'.-d Phoru 868
KrMBALL pis er plana Big bargain. Call
:'.K4 Th-iia-tli 2!-L
PULLETS nd market pouH y W eatem
, : ni Fend Co 7?.?. ft
V8SORT1 D goldfish and supplies Bet .
Ill, in. ,,'.'. ,ii, ir . in .V. d T'.l'
FOR w Intt i i ots toei and g tabh . call
i ' j .. i ..,., i. Jg80
PAIN r on" ' d i tints $2 it gallon .
to bi it quality ?4.50. Btowe'e, HfO Wash
1111,-Vl ".V-
rs . AiA.t U lor suits. Ln .or nwili; big
reduction. Gordou'a. iii-- Twntyfiftrj
St Phono 'J 8167
i ; i . and in fbi ung girls
i, i . i... -n.- :: : all 7 v 1 2
rjOABD and room with private famiiv
A;.-n and wife or two voutis men. Ilox I
Caw Stand, nd T86J
vM'". I.-. .,... ju uipiovQ eaiai I
r. .,- Merries 7ft
. h x no tlonal banl do foi 1 ilg bUsT
neso. wo do foi the man or woman who
works on a salary. Ell Dlx, 227 Hudson
building. 1
FOR RENT Furnished
1 I !.. ,t mnirnt .No ..
" V luncton v " '
o upaalra rooms (or liuht bousakeci
- - g7fta Madlwn, rn.ne i.tr.n w fots
... ..i, iconi hp rtinsnt. Front room.
8888 '. i rtlngton t" 19
LA ROE room foi housekeeping I'hone
jt'.r. iv. 10
t IN B ; lei i inr n n ilso
i .. m, reasonable. GJO Seventh St Phone
it "'s
ONE furnished roona, r'" ,,r two gentl
in. n pa : ird Strei I Phonagji "..t a
i SVi ' r - for n n I 6 dams. Phons
:-.M 8034
TW irn fof light housekeeping. "59
L'-.id S j -
HM.' 1 furnished ro rn : v nt nfi6 24t I.
i K .i 'SEK ECEPING root ; m be
fore nrxn. or call H7 SOth nft.-rnoon.
i"v . ! i i: nl! -men i-r- -
. rr, ! al. v., llOtl ' I S 'nr rooms. 274G
M f )1 l; r..- m it. l..i ,-l',v In, rent
- nal l Ji ' . Ma .. . n A ' e "'"
I. I :;:". -l . ' ( - m Ueferences re
.. i. Nlonroc ''
-Mil ir! . in 2G3S I. in- "In Ave
it r . - - : - l r I " t . t , .
ni 1025 ' i . ISO
' UNlsn l I ; d. rn do: . In
' ' "
lei ro
men Phone IC61-M. 541 Twenty-third.
i i i' mm i ' . i ns i m heated ba
Corner Adams and Twentv third gtreet,
ROOMS . I rot' 1 0 1 Twi nt: : ;'ili
'p. ; 7 mi
4LE1 PINO i noma I 1 h ind I
for onf or two gentlemeti. 4 G 4 T. nly-
1 1 ' : '. . i - el : IQ9
SLEEPING i toms, furnace lie.it. gentle
men preferred, -tSl Adams avenue
GOOD . -i ' ' i i . rot
renl 529 Ti 1 1 j 11 1
31 BPlXt i . i for o i 0 i ipl
vdn , . i :; '.'I"
, ,'1SHED pi ii foi one or ,
two nllcmen 2133 Washington. 7878
i i -. i -1 1 1 :i i , an ' -.-. ,
8040 Orchi 7851
v ri '. hem id rooms 1 ti Hotel 44 .
Urnnt iienue. Kales reasonable 74.'
WAN 1 ED Female Help
vVOMAN foi light housework and in ol
children during day. Widow prr-fcrrcd
ipplj after b p. m 2351! Vnshinpton
i avenue S0C3
: i m A S for housekeei Inf Inquire at I
p. I'n. c"i-'
HALL ." i Km ' In person Hca hi
1. 1
' ' i " I . ' ' .'. ' I . I foi I
e.'t . Permanent position National
'ah'nrnon nwnti't. 7688
I i UWl prlval famll
Madison avenue, or phone 21?? J.
l I ' i i ,i, -
i r.' RIENCBP sewing girls wanted at
Canlnu'a Gown Sho: rood wages. 6385
WANTED -Male Help
W ANTED -S ime rarmi i to feed t ey
cow and s munthn pld calf this winter
TMione 1 fif)7-n I
i;.)iJ man t tak- ma i.a c -ne -,t r,i new
I business In Ocden See stark Thomi
, n Iloom SQ6 Marlon hotel. Hours 10
to 12 2 to 4 nnrl i. i.. k '"'2
mi.i; t-ii'ii:n..h. r v.ante.i at Premier
foal company's T'lant at Superior, Vo
Good saiar. state past record and ex.
Iperlence. Address Premier t'oni Co., 52S
I Kr, r building. Ou-.i. n ' l.h 7801
r IVO 1 to nt i boys want J
I Phone o7,'. 7881
: SKlTl 71 I A UK, S. hOOl LOS An-
, . . . o i Star! rlghl 70 I
WANTED Male and Female
i i : ' . 1 i i
rough's add'n machine. Must be cood
i penman. PI i one .77" J"i',4 Wull avenue.
i i , !R 18 i 1 7. foi postal mi I ervict
, 3126 month. Experience unnecessary.
For free pnrtl6ulars of examination, ni
J, Leonard (formof c?v!l sorvire) rxamln-
,. S't'. I lu'.lnble PldfeV. Wa.-h'liK'on I'.
IC. Sf!"l
VOL" NG married i u i
! housekeeping rof.na O n furnish b - t
rej prcnci ;' t
FOUR "i .... , o ,i modern hoi i at Ii
December 16, Wr'le or rjH Carl Hornca.
Utah Blllpostlhg .'o.. 121 Twentj third.
1 . ' ' i ' l! tr
rcwrtn apartment house. No rhlldien.
nest reference, liox C., euro Btahdrd-
1 ( i r: a f , trrn.i hi d apt irtii '
ii i ; i.. I, , ,. i . 1 1 rn housi PI
H-!.1 M 7.r '7
T fresh I 'hoh ! 16 oi I :.
I: K i' v'
EMPTY bottles al burn Cai
Mn:Hi:ST T- - I'd ' .v men - ..Id
ciothef. 2ai) Twenty -fifth t Plion- 187
THGFIIOST pri.e paT.l fr.r -eond nand
eoods Stowe. mno Wnahlngfon. 8888
LARGE Clean rnpr wanted at lb. lH"r1
erd l.vnmlner offbe 4J1')
WANTFP Situations
1 (U'N'i! man Inm.liai . ith.iM l I a n. her. 01
aeeountlnt. winIias Hpeclal work or rxlra
set of ImxiUs after 6 p. m. an'l Baturdg)
sftemoon, Bon 2". cats Btandard-Exanv I
" 81
rAPAXESE school bo ft'ani itfon
'Mi Si 1 -I j M'l1'.
W( MAN xranjs work I ler
stands maUi nlty nut Mm: 27'J 2DI h St.
K'i'i:Hiri Ki I-,..- .mi? a. . .! a ...
work at home. Neatness and accuracy
guaranteed will call for work Phone
sM8J 6MI
i-'.Vpr.niT:vi t.i k7 wi-hcr- position Tn
home; pj .ftrubh' where there are l-
ndulls Phone Reed Hotel, Pooni 21 S.
7180 1
I OMPETEN1 i u nomapt,. i del U m
ivonirv' position or pie. .- vork. '"ioik1
7JTi j
.i r M ' - " -, i i i..-. -a i -1 p.. ;
VddreBt 869 Twenty fourth Mrcr. 7'
CLEANING d Ins "nd renovating of
feathi r phone .'t W 7 i
UL VCK 1 i hand bag iosl In W i ..
..r between Wright's and Wooltvoi th's ;
i:--.-.-.i.i PI onj 1069 M av;
I'AIK iK'.-,e irlHKHfs In ease, Inm near Lewis,
..-h. I '.. ward I'll, m I'd" 8038
BROWN mare .u.in.i r.n right hip,
Phone 44 t 8,
LADY'S gold wrist Watch on gold band,
lost between Hiownini app rt m-nts and,
t);den theater. ltituin Prownint; Apait
tnents. No Reword 7975
BETWEEN Bamberger depot and Rivet
dale, one small black pin ,. .1 xrip con- i
talnlnp? Iad's and chlld' '.enrln(r ap
pair I. glasses, ote. Notlf.v police or phone,
U-R'3, Ogdan, Vowlea Suitable reward,
75 88
M TO HcoribC plote No 24 4 D3 attached to I
tall llht Return to Standurd-Examlner.
He ward tfa?5
Al.l. sired knife I I- atlru . I ' ,. ,,,, JJJU
, E2!
i HILDREN'R sewlnn Work gunr.int..,l
im.'tun ; ',:
I I : I ; S M M-CIN'.". l.-a,:iiiK . nibi-...'..lerln,'.
remodeling. ork cuftrantttd. Phono I
IV)S J 7868
)u" ilSTIT 'HIS'. ; i nd pi' 1 1 . dtinc n. .le
al Sinj,'' t K Maehlm- C All v..rk
I ;" ...',.. 7 J I S
HeinMiiLJi.ini fd'.ot c'lt,, outioio nini.
Inp '.nd pleatlnr Si cond floor W. H.I
Wright c Sots, Mm, H. Loman. lltil
FOR SALE--Miitos
-.1 ... i ... i i ...p I b) -dl new
tin Must see this 3M Porter a venue
, ' r . 1 ' v 1 ,,, ., ; lor ' .I-' V
VI?o iniu Podge 4 Call 12 .md 1. 7(0
v. . Mnj n enui 1 11 ,:'
FORD i . cheap fr noh 256 nt
nd ' I ' '
VOH'O ton tru k for sale or trade. Phon-
1 5. 8060
CHE P FOR CASH A '. roadatei Phone
i . Ki i . mi p. :, i mdll "n. and
i household rood as good aa new. House
for r. n. i'l-.n. .'i:--tt M""ls
Overhauled and Refinlshed Terms
Overland chummy. M 31
Orertand 5 passenger. M. 3.
Hu'.ek five passenger, i eydlndei
Studebiik.-r five p-arenu-ei 4 e Under.
, WIIIvk -even passenger, ti evllnd.i
Overland five passenger. TVT, !0.
Rulck roadster, 4 cynndeif.
2510 Grant Pbon 8881
M 7977
PRACTICALLY new Ford roadster with
(demountable truck body. Bargain. Phone
ri-.t. r r3t8
CHI IVROl i IT bah) grond 1 11
gl , : good ...ndltlon Will .-ell Cheap.
Phont 8144 v
FIVE p -i.c-r touring car fo
cheap 2SPi f.runt Auto Solvago Co.
i 91 s i ..vice 5-passengar
i y i v i vf roadster
191 P'tlrk 7-,iassenKer
lB0 Bujcli Erpassangei
1' Bufck Four roadster
1817 Pulck D-48 tourlna
i 1!10 Chcrolet G-passe'-.Ker
ms srtudebaker
nt4 Hupmoblle 68
117 Chalmers
1816 Overland B-rovomsr
1918 C-le Elgh: Cl.uinmy roadster
l'.lfi Sax-... Six
1818 Ford touring
1HS Ford delivery
if;n Ford Oouro
These are all into mr.de s. The'- ar e
been renewed raecnanlcally a well a? in
appearance, and the terms "Alii suit you.
25GC Wash Ave Phone 32j.
1?17 i'. )l ; L ' n'. . ' r, . Jt-lf.-rson.
WANTED Salesmen
-ii - it- . i ,,, nil-
trees and shrubs are in densnd. fash
I weekly. Address Capital City Nurry
Co.. Salem. Or
i. i. tat yoat ou inse .a ,irt pAyrpnt
rn .n. new rnrce or will huy your "ld
ranee O'ltrleht Home Knmltiirs Oo 47i
FORI 1 1 ii I- I,- i , - - to. r-i. i
I Will sell or tmde. P'rst clasa order 757
I Washington. Phone '.".-i v "a.:,
WANTED Miscellaneous
LARGE i li-.m rugs waDtvd ( Standard
Exambiefi o'ce 4579
rUR REN I Miscellaneous
.i I :. i wac im i .. i . 1 26 a .i i
I j
FOR RENT Unfurnished"
i i; i a ri ' t.n a i. i,.-, I i ., iii , i- p-nt u -
i mi 90 W hlngton Ayi 8018
' R003 : rm i , of. 3.ISC, ChCh. A. .
l H .1 ' I ' ' - ii le - d ini.i .-. W.
Taylor Motor Co. y.iPi Hudson. 7481
Information Bureau
HraiTHv.ll Rook and Stationery. l''S2
Wnshlncton avenue. P'"ono 360. 204
I'tah National Pnk. pouth'nst eorn?r
Twentv fourth nnd Wn.shlnpton I'hone SI
Carpst cleaning and color restoring.
Sutlsiactlon Bfuarantccd. Pi. one 2433.
7'i :.
'. ten Carpcnl Cleaning Co. for firmt
e!ari vo, U I Ipholsti r inc uvl mnttrcPH
making I 'hone I. K. Van Kampen
Exicrt enrpei -I. a nine unholsterinK.
mattregMS mode ovi r feathers renovated
Call B. r. Hampton ft Co.. 3686 . 4234
Ogden chimney sweep PlMne 364.
: l :
Plume 133. 225S-60 Waslilngton Ave
l Cart) ' 0, lidding rubbish and
ashen Phone 8018 w 7i.si
The New Method Dentists r.re special
lata In nil hinnchea of DentlMry ?4f.9
shlnrton avenue C209
Oe.den Engraving SJarvlee, Co Maker
of fino cuts In on" or more coloia. 416
Twenty fourth nti.-et Phono 463
j. P. Corry, Phone UM, :ri Bcelea Bldg
' o 1 1 Bennett, corporation and group
Insurance i specialty phone 124 w imi
Western Ride 4 Junh Ca( 333J Wagb
iPKton avenue, Phone 661,
Ogden Junk nous. 2039 Washington
avenue. Phone 210
C, H. -l.e Phone 94a J. .1269
All kinds 0, H Zcit. Phonr J4.'. .1
Wlltord Ky. real mtalo nnd loans
2I74 Wanhlngton e. Phone 40'. 1S74
Steamship Agency. 2-I70 Washmrton
avenue. Phone 1166-3347-S1-883. 6936
Jaibaf. and rubbish hauled, ceaspolls
nnd toilet? cleaned John Chlpp & -o .
Phone 821 3348 Hudson Avenui 9783
Stoves repaired, moved, cleaned nnd
. . I up PI, or,- ' -.-,4 U
Trunk nnd Ikag repairing, around cor
nor from Standard. Qallacner'S, 2373 Hud
aon 8118
Expert window and wall paper clean
Ing. American Window Cleaning, Ph. 503
State KnKlncoi "h Office. Salt lnke City
Utah, November 18, 192t'
Notice Id heieby given that Joseph
Byron Singleton of Plain Oily. Utah, Iibr
made application In accordnnro v.-lh the
inqultemcnta oi the ( umpilcd 1-jiv.m of
I Muh 1917 ns runended by the S.-.sMon
Iaws of I'tnh, 1919, to appropriate Three
(8) Bet . Ft. ol Water from First Salt ieel;
in Weber county. Said water wljl bi ol
verted b means of n pump at point
N. 47 dep l.S mln. W 210 ft. from the
southeast corner of Section SI, Township
7 North. Range 2 West, Sail Lake Hase
nnd Meridian, rind conveyed 1000 ft, in a
ditch and there need aS a .supplemontal
suppl! from June 1.7 lo Beptcmbei 6
Inclusive of each Muir to Irrlfrute 30 SI pSS
of land iii the NW. ' SB, U Ol Sec 31.
sid townMhip und range Tins applioa
lion is designated in Hie state Engineer's
office an No. 8439.
All ptotetts nun mat the granting of said
application, slating the reaaonn therefor,
inuat be made by affidavit in duplicate,
accompanied with :i ire of 32..it', and filed
In this otfice within thirty t30 il.v, after
the completion of the publication oi thla
State Engineer
Date of flr.4t pulillcullon. November 22,
1920. Date of completion of publication,
December 2'j. 1920.
In the District Com i oi Weber County.
State of Utgh,
Roy N. Ilaamtissen. Plaintiff, f- lane
I oc Dickman, whose Christian name Is
to plaintiff unknown nnd the unknown I
heirs of Otto Dlrknmn and Edward C i
Itlckmun. pef.-ndiint.s
To be sold al sheriff's s,ile ,n tlie "ith
I day of December. 1920. at 1.' o'cIcck noon
of said da , jl thn nouth front rlnor of
the Weher county court house. In Ogden
Cltv. "eber Count. I'tah. the following I
described property, to. wit-
Situated In Weber County. Utah, and j
dcvilbed na follown. to-dt
Th north ton 'If) feet of Lot 12. and
'all oi Lots 13 and tl In Plock 0. Orchard
Urove addition to Ot-d.-n City Utah,
L.itc. at Ogden City, Weher County,
T'tnh. this 22nd dnv of November. 192
Sheriff of Weber I'ountv. Utah
By Curtis Alllron. DepUt: Sheriff.
a' I
86 Tv.enl fourth St., Ocden Utah
j There are delinquent on the following
dejieribe-i stock, on account of aaseKsment
, levied Oil the Mh day Of October. 1920.1
I the reveral amounts sat opposite thai
nanus of the n..sp.-. v- stockholders as
II U rt,
, No. Name Shares Ami
; s Ralph 6 CorHrW-.- 8000 860.00,
I 13 Peter Mattsqn 310,1 60.00 1
j jf .1. w. F Voflrcr i3oo 80.00 1
1 21 iha.s. H Huasey 150) 30.00 I
22 Bd H. Miller 100 2.00
23 Paul M. Lee 0 .so'
27 Oscar P Randall 1500 30.00 i
30 Antone '.-nren 2000 40.00
81 An tone J r.sen 100 2.00
32 h. M Olmstaad 100 2.00
33 Mra. C J. Tribe 60 1.00
34 George W. Owllltam ... 250 6.00
36 William P. Tribe 50 l.fiOj
39 Arthur O. Houvcinan . . 3O0'i 60.00'
io Oeorga T Lindnuist . . . 10.00
, 41 Chns. J. Tllb. 1500 M M
52 William P. Tribe .1500 nri.ftn
43 Isaac Farr 1600 3a.00"i
46 Kr. d W Ralllson 1"" 2 "rt
j i .,,.,., p. u.indall ion 8.001
56 .1. W. F. Volker 10u 2.00
57 .lolin A. Hutchlns 100 2.00
I ns T. A. LVvlne 100 2.ao
, 69 P a Mattaon 100 2.00
1 n; Pert ho L Cbflew .... P0 2 oo
i 6S-ic. Campbell 250 5 oo
I 69 Leo .1. Walker 1000 80.00!
I 70 Isaac Karr 500 10.00
j 77 IL D. Roberta 1500 80.00 1
S4 A. H Corey 5nn 10.00
! ;7--Tulor M. Cain 200 ,4.00,
88 Fred M Tout 2eo 1.00 1
I- C H Ooslln- 1001) 20.00
92 H.-irrop i Aa.lneson. .8000 40.00
92 J a. Bummeri 1000 20.00
I 84 John A- Hutchcna . I5f,0 30 00 1
I or ) F. invln 500 10.00 1
I 9C--P. D Roberta 200 4.00 1
97--.ntonc Jensen 200 41.00 1
OS ). F Farr . . 200 4.00
99 P. A. Matt son 8.00
1 101 Arthur Hausman ISOO 30.00,
and In accordance with the law .nd order
i of the lKard Of dlreetora made on th Sth
day of October 1920, so many Shares of
Oactf parcel of iiueh .itork as may bo nec
eaw ry will bo told at 3Ci Twenty-fourth
Intieet. Ogden! Utah, on the 12th day of!
I.i.eiiih.i 192J, at 2 o'clock p. m. to pa v
I the delinquent agaeasntcnt toother with
thi coat oi advertising und expense of
sal' .
7788 s, , rotary a nd rres "'r' -
1 To Whom It Slav t'r.ncerr. .
' Under authority of Section 278 of the
I Compiled li" i Utah, r.o7. and aM n-
Ir.-.-le l l.v s :'i..n lur..'. of li.. RevlM-l,
I Ordinances of Ogden City, i'tah, 19U.
! The unlerirned treasurer of ogden
Citv. Ctah, hereby rives notice that a
special tax for the purpose of paying th.
costs of building cement paving, grading
curbs and gutters, sidewalks, culverts,
drainage and indent bn systems, private
water and geWer coiinectlons. drlvcwnys.
etc, in Oden City, Utah, has been lev
led and confirmed by an ordlnam c of tho
Rr.ard "t Pommlsslonara of Osden City,
IMah adopted r-.id raised November 2i?th,
1920. and published Nov. 27H.. 1920.
I Said Spe- Iil Tax Is levied upon all
property abutting on the foil. .wins strcety,
P..th sides .f PH.. rt aenue bet ween
I Twenty-sixth and Twenty-aeventh
Streets CaTpltO Street between Van Puren
land Harrison avenues, and tJramercy
avenue between Twenty-fifth ami Twen
I ty-slxth atrecta. and more particularly
i described a follows, to-wlts Part ofj
I ..cm I to in Inclusive. Rlcck 3. Plat "R" :
Lots 14 to 39 inclusive. Capitol Plock sub-J
division of Block 30. Plat f' and Lota
I fo io Inclusive Plo. U 3 Plat "B." all
In Ogden City survey, to a denth of 30
feat i.a. k from the street line, In Paving
Dl trlct No 132.
; Said tag is payable in 10 Installments.
The First installment beccmes delln- I
Iquent on the 16th 'by of January, 1821.
Tiie Second Installment becomes delln-
Iriuent on t'ne 27th day r.f November. 1922.
I The Third ir.s'allment be. om-s dein
iuent on the 27lh rla1.' of November. 1828
The Fourth Installment becomes delln'
, ijuent. on the 27lh day of November. 1924.
The Fifth Instrument becomes delln
! r;uen on the 27th (lav of November, 1926 !
The Sixth installment becomes delln
quent On the 27th i'hv of November. 192i"..
The Seventh Installment becomes delin
quent on (lie 27th duy of November. 1027.
The Eighth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 27th day of November. 192S.
I The Ninth Installment becomes delin
quent on the 27th day of November. 1129
I The Tenth Installment be.-oui. - d-lln-Ifiuent
on the 27th day of November. 1930.
K.aeb of said Installment except the
flral draws interest at the rate of ."Ix
per cent per annum from the 27th day
of November, 'P20 until delinquent, and
If said tag or nnv Installment thereof
, shall remain unpaid after the delinquency
' of the avine, Interest theredn thereafter
Will be at the rate of elglit per cent per
I annum until such assessments are full -
All special taxea are payable at the
office of the City Treasurer In the CMt
1 lull, at i gdi n iMty. 1 Muh.
C. T K ION'S, rity Trea-surer
PuhllsOuid In The ogdoii Standard - Lx -smlncr.
First publication Pec 2nd, 1920.
: jlsI pui. i, Hon i ac 6th 1 880
Consult County Clerk or the Respeo
tive SlQiiers for Further
I In the District '"ourt of the Second Judi
cial District Slate of Utah. Within and
for Weher County.
In the Mutter of the Kslat of Caroline
Deeston, Decouaed
t'redltor.s will present claims with
hers to the undersigned, ndmlnistra-
trlx of the ostutu of Caroline Beeston.
deceased, at the office of Royal J. Doug-1
las. 629 David LVces building. Ogden '
City, TJtah, on or before tho 1st day of'
February. 1180
Date of first publication Nu ' inher 29.
Date oi last publication December 27.
1920. 7842
I Royal .7. Douglas. Attorney for Adminls
I LISBON. Dec d Agitaliou for an.l
i against amnesty for nionnrrhists and
other political prisoner! has aroused
sharp discussion throughout PortURnl
i The nioveim-nt in favor of granting
amnesty was brought more emphatic
ally to iho public notice tbe other day
by the announcement of Senator Ja
clnto Nunes that he would withdraw
frotvl hlfl seat in parliament until am
nest) was granted to political prison
ers. Many of these have been im
prisoned for nearly two yeaTfl
Senator Nunes has been elected a
member of the senate ever since th4
proclamation of Iho republic In Portu
gal nnd his republicanism ta con&s ;
cied unimpeachable,
The Seculo reports that the politi
cal c.lle in France and Spain are pre
paring to present to tho Portuguese
legations In those countries state
ments promising that they will neve
again promote or participate in politi
cal Insurrectionary movements in For
tugal and that they consider such ac
tions harmful to Iho national Interest
Higher Prices Registered at
Opening of Trading in
Salt Lake
The prices In the majority of nuninei
str.ekn advanced this mi.rnlnR cn the I
Salt I.tke Stock A- :finlr.-.; cehanire.
Tlntlo .Standard opened ;.t 88 Tn and
Trdd a.- high a $3.7". at the close Sliver
Kins v,.ii showed considerable activity. I
xelllnff 2300 shares at and H.f8t4. 1
Walker traded 2ao Mbsireh at 12 MV while
Cardiff brought 81.90 for ::on sliares.
Eureka P'11'..n traded 14 1 ' i Iiiivh at
IVlceS ranlnij frr.ui 11 to 17c North'
Standard a.i :r..nK. selllna .it m& Co-1
i nnbus Rcxall sold tooo shares at He.
(Quotations furolihetl over orlva-.e wire!
of J. A. Hoale f- Co . Eei-I-. Blda )
Bid As
Aim Con 8 ft2
Albion 12 .18 I
American Con '"'j "'-'
Abo. Tunnel 01 08
Beaver Copper . . oi
Rlr; Pill OSfj .88
Blr Cotton woo.1 Ccil "3'j
Pullion OSVi 08
Bla.-k Metals oi .n4
foiutnbiis it.xnll 31 ,84
inwn Point n" "7
"ol'.rudo Con 03 "tl
Central Eureka 01 '-j .'2Vj
Cardiff 1.15 1 22'a
P-(re.n Eon .11
D.ilv West 4.00 4 80
East Cron Point 01 U .'"l a; i
Tast Tin. iVn' ."l1!
East Tin Con 07t .10
Eureka Mlnci n"' .07t
Eureka Mlv n7', .0?H
Eureka Bullion 12' .18
'-mm.-. Stt'-er 0H 0?.
Emnire Milter 03
Gold Cb-ln 08 .08
Crard "-enti nl 80 I
Howell 07 .23t
Iron BlOSSOril 80 -23
Iron Kins la ,81
.indue Mining 3.oo 3.o
Kenmbec 12 71
Kevi'nne -70 .7S
Leonora 88U 03i
Lehl Tlntic 09 .10
Mv Pax 02 .024
Mill, r ITII1 J... 03
Mammoth .. 8s
Moscow 13
Mlchlgan-Utab J
North Standard 054 nfl
: Qulncv 03-N .04'
nriohoniro 00'i 00i
v" lilib-lver .8
Phitns 27Si 29
Prince Con 2X .29
iv-vo 014 .05
Rico Arr.entitie n? t
Ri. .. W.-Plngton 05 .10
Bells oi'i
Sll. Kln Co.il 17" t .(
Sll Klc Cm 1.00 1.5
Sioux Con 024
Sr.uih Hecla t5 .0
SflUUl Standard ISMl 81
Silver Shield 2 .2S
Tar Rabv 01 2
Tinti.- Central 01 -i .02
Tlntl.- Standard 3.72'-a 3.75
lta' rns 00 02
Uncle Sam oo .02
Victor Con -01 03'i
Union Chief 03i .....
w.-t Toledo 02 04
Walker 2. SO 2.75
Wood l.i wn I?
Yankee n?.,
Zuma 08 ,.08V
Palv . 1.00 2.50
Opening Sales.
Ptareka Wly 2000 n 7i
Rav State 7000 at ic
Cardiff 800 at $1 20c.
I.ar-t Tlntl.- 'oal B000 al 1'.
MIIV I 'h ..III' HI "l .IUVM v
N'fw Qulncv 3500 at 4c.
Eureka Mine loon at fic piioo at 7c.
Kurekn Pulli- n 7.00 at 17c 500 at CjC
loan at I5e: l"0O at 1 4 '-.. . 5000 at 14c.
Balls 7000 at l4o.
Silver Klncr Coal. 1800 al 1 70.
Tlntic standard 100 at 8 70. Miller 10
das:100 at $3.67t,: loo at .:.
Walker 200 nt $2.50.
Clostno Sales.
Columbus Rezall lOOt) at 84t
Michigan-Utah 4nnr al 8!4
New Qulncv T.OuO at 4c
Emma Silver 1000 at SUC.
Eureka Pulllcn 100 at I3c: 3000 at
12V noon at 13c
Plutus ".00 at 2c 500 al 2Si,c.
Sells 2000 at me.
Silver Klni Coal 1000 nt 81.70; 1"" at
H :-'-'
SUVOT Shield 1000 al 26Vj.c.
North Standard 1000 at 5C.
Tintlc Standard 300 at $3.75
Cattle Receipts 1085: choice heavy
steers $7 5008 50j i;ood Hteers 6.4MfJ ,
7 i,i, Mir -.leers ' 50. cboli lee. ler
ateers $C. 007. 00; choice cowa and heif
ers $5.0035 75' fair to fPOd COWS and
heifers $4OOi 5 00 cutters $3. 50 4 00;
oanners it.008.00: choice feeder cows
$4 eoTi4.r.o fat bulls 88-7594.00: bologna
bulls ?3 Of i 4 no, eal calves 89.08J10 00.
Hogs Receipts 707. choice iBt h..Bs
17". to 2C0 lbs $10 20: bulk of walca $ 70
r;i'io 80; feeder hoes 88.0008.00.
SheP Receipts '.'?0. choice lambs
-. 10 OO, wether- $5 OOUTfi 00: fat
er.es S4 o0't5 00; feeder lambs ?S 00"rj
0 00.
r. W. Cook, corniah. flab. 1 car or
Owen & Mo-son. Rlrle. Ida.. 1 car of
5wen Mason, St Anthony. Ma , I
ear of hoes .
Roy Coburn. St Anthony, Ida.. I car of
'l" L Keller. Evanston. W yn 1 car "f
Jl ' j Sorenson. Evanston, Wyo . l car
of cjiltlo
A.-ton Llnd, Carter. Wvo.. 2 cars of
Osllon H- Feist ed Carter Wye, 5 cars
ViKen Packing i ompany. South Omaha.
N'et. . " cars of ho:.s
Q, p WhltlOCk, .South Omaha. Nab.. 3
car of hogf. ,
Andrew Plnpham, Dubois, ma , t car
'j1p. Jacob Arco. Ma . 2 cars of cattle.
A. J- H. Oulld. Altemont. Wyo.. 4 car?
TrLVsJichli Rexburg. Ida . 0 cars of cat-
Uc Corn la. Bancroft. Ida , 1 car of cat-
UE. R. Peltrlch, Rexburg. Ida., 5 car
PsItrleJl, Arco. Ida., f. cars of cat
C11ICAOO Pec, C fl'nlted Stutea Bu
reau of Markets ) Caltli Receipts I -000;
fut clasnos. native stock and n -Srs
2(0 hlRher: bMlk native steers $s 00 ,
13 00' cows and heifers mostly 8.1.00a
7 60 canncrs atronir to 25c higher; ivilk ,
$3 65'3'4 00: bulls 25c hlnher: bul'i bo-
lortnar- $4 85 5 40; veal calves lov- to
lower bulk lipht and handy weights $in -50471P00:
weatorn range cattle .itrong lo
h Ho- Reeelpts 88,000; market active io
, 1 Sc Uwsn top $10 30. bulk MO
io 86 rm'' IB ,0 2r'C lower, bulk desira
ble $6 to 130 pound pIsh around 18.76.
Sheeiv-ReeeiPta 34,000: fat lambs 50 to
75c lower than Krlduv . -boi.-e ft 'd we'.'ern
1-iml-i JH " bulk natives $ll.00iffll 50;
fn" sheen 25c lower: bulk native ewea
2583 1 feeders about stea.U
I ' 1 l ' 1 ec I. -
Open High Low Close
at" $1.73 11.70 $173 $1.79
March PCS 1 7CK- 1.0S l,T6
Drn" .78 .77 .73 .-
MaV m ''
Pcca,9" ' cM -H '
M,,v itU 53; .52U 634
Jan. " 21 00 24.33 24 00 24.25
JU 14 . S2 16.07 14 68 1 9.
Max 14.80 14 70 14.40 1 1 . 62
Jan. It.'O 12.75 12.70 12.80
Ma 13 05 13.05 13.00 13 00
CHIQAQO pec. 6 Butter lower,
creamery 3548c.
Bkks higher; receipts ioi9 case-,, firsts
7; ; -.- ordinary flr.-ts 68870c; at mark,
cave:, Included. o7i73c: standards 7!ii Sn. .
refrigerator flrets 6tifi 67c.
Poultrv alive higher; fowls I v;i J7. ,
sprlnss 86c; turkeys 35c.
The Ogden Auto Directory
Master Electric Primers start your car instantly Guaranteed by F
Barlow Bros., 2466 Grant avenue 8044
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstin Trucks. White-Robinson.
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 j
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Waihington. 3773
Soirthern Pacific and Oil
Shares Fall Under Heavy
rY YORK. Dec. Oil s-liaroa again
dominated th-- conntrucllve Hide of the
atock market on the resumption of trad
ing t. clay Mexican Petroleum, the fea
ture of last Saturday a rallv. niade an
Initial rain of ' points, which men va
Increased to 3. Iloimton Oil rose 2i
nnd Pan-American Petroleum a larK"
fraction, bill t'aclfl. OH and Roynl rmtch
oaged slightly Ainone rails an.l Indus
trials early miotailonx were confusing,
Bt. Pawl prefsrred sdvanclng P4 with
flrrnneB in Ynnn.lluni nnd I a'k.i wanra
Steels, smlls Beuthefn Pacific. Cruelhls
Steel nnd the principle shlnnlnc were
lower bv fraetionn to 1 i iolnt.
Thi market became h.-avy within the
flrn hour, shrirtx putting '.ut fresh lines
as the buying nowsr diminished, snu'h-
eri Pacific fell 1 r Inf to Its lowest
prfCC for the current movement and fihon'
IS points under Its recent hlph level
r-hIii of 41- nolntd ati'l I'ri'cihle reacted
Sharply after t ary recovery Shlr
Plnirs xtened their rSS0S. AMantlc-nnlf
fallln? three rr.lnt. a-d ehemlnl. food
nnd leather shares hrks 1 ,r C nolnts. '
American ericil'iire-i,"ieniicai display
In-; esT.er-lol weaknci Mali order lsue
also saceetl. Senr Roenick deellnlnsj 3
points and Mnntgomsry Ward and com-
pnnv I '-j f'.HI mom ..cened with free
offerings al seven nsr cent
Lehigh Vallsy made a temporary n '
vance of S i-.lnts rn the decision of 'l.-.
sui remfl court ordrrlni? the fennratlon
of t'.ei comianv 's coal prnnertles. u t !
lielawa're. Ijrkuwannn A Western fell l'
nolnt. Changes elsewhere were mninl'.
toward lower levels American Acrlcul
tura I-Chemical exten.tinir It loss on per
sistent offerings to 10 points.
CHICAGO i t Indications that In-,
dirt would be a '.n-avv importer of wheat
had i decided effect t. day nn the wheat
itv rk.-t her.-. It had been trcnerallv as
timed urevl, ub' that wiiea hle,nintM
from India would continue deMr!'- Unfa-I
vorable renorts a" to f.rf3 supplies In
some di;treti Ndlce r.f rain In Aus
tralia Ukelj to delas harvesting counted
also as a bullish influence Opening I
rrleey. which ranged frcm 1 tn Ce
higher, nllh P. cem er 81 7n to 1.724 and
Afarch 81 f.R to 1 fit',, were followed by
material further calns.
Buying on the part of elevator Inter
ests eave strenrtli to corn After ooer.
Inp Ur off to c higher Including Ma"
ni 7c,i, t., 71.Tr". 'be market advanced
all around
tii,s were firmer with other sraln.
-'ariini-' l4 ro 'i niK". 1 ) .-
c led contlnulne to harden.
Provision reflected the upturn In cere-Is
Im nor tan I covering by shorts kept the
wheat market on the upgrade through
out the 'icsion. notwithstanding nHser
tiops that export Interests were refulnt.'
tr. follow tin advance, rioxlne ountatlons
ni-rr strnnc. 8 to -'.r net hlirher with
Peeemtver $1.79 to 1.79li and March $1.71
to 1 .7.". 4
A cood slsed decrease of the visible
SUDTllv total of corn led subseouen'lv t"
further rains, and ih-re was some Kuro
nean bnving of May delivery The clos
as srronjf 2i to 4 He net higher, with
May n7-. to 70c
KANSAS CITY. Mo Pec. 8. (United
states Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Re
ceipts ?noa- market opened fullv staadv,
cio.ed active to in.- higher; top $10 ir.
bulk 88. 784910 10: plei IS to ?c bi.-hrr.
beat $10.00; rood and choice $9.73(510.00.
taltle Rer elntK 18.000; I erf steers
strone to 15c higher: hsl earl' $10. 00:
otlers mostly 87.00498 .00: fat COWS and
heifers 2r to .-.a.- hUftier: hulk 8G 1
8.86: bulls :i"d canners :".c higher, bulk
cannera $3 . "RTf 4 00 . stoclrerfi s"d feed
ers 2. to ROc bishee- vealers 27 to oOc
higher: best 813.00O18 88; other calves
,'.n to 7".c blsber
Sheen Receipts '.'000- y''een stead to
rr.r lower fed withers $f..75: yearlings
Is 60: fnt lamhs .IO to 7'e lower: top
$11 CO.
N'K'NY YORK. Pec 1" Prime mercantile
naner 7s, fitt per cent
f-"x.lian:e casv
Rterllng: Demand $ 45'3. cables $.i -48VI
svancs: Demand r 84o; .ahies s.pfie,
t'elclan francs Ijemand C 2."c: cables
r-.iilldfr-. I'emand r.o 40c cables 10 .,.
Mrs: Demand 3 r4c cables ? 5"c
Mark?: Demand 1. 81e; cables 1 12.
tJreace- Demand i1 2jC
Time lr,ann stendv ; fO d:.vs. 90 days and
six months 714TI7'.' ner cent
Call money Meadv. hleh 7 per cent.
OH 7 per cent; rullntr rate 7 per cent:
doping bid h per cent, offered at 7 per
cent: Igsl loan 7 per cent.
C11ICAOO, Pec i",. wheat 'o. l red
? 072 08: No 8 red $3.07; No. 1 hard
l R6U881 No 2 bard $1 S7...rf? I $i,
Corn No. 2 mixed 78Ci Nc 9 yellow SO
" Aa No 2 white Bf8JlKo; Na 8 white
Rve No. 2 $1 .60.
Barle) 7489870.
TlllU'thV seed $.'. 80(1 6
"lover seed 818.00988 oo
Pork nominal
Pard $15.M.
Rils $12 COirtM.00.
OMAHA Neb.. Pec H t I'nlted Stales
Murean of Markets ) llors S00O; market
.'. t 0c lower hulk medium and Hsbt
butchers $9.70fil0 00; top $10.10. bulk
sfroni: weights and packing grades $9 CO
Afl 7.",
Cattle. Receipts 9000: hef steers and
htltCh er cattle steady to 25c hither Ion
fed steers $13.26. I nlk fed steer" 7 r.O U
SO bulk cows and heifers $j OOfcC 00:
other class er uenerailv steady.
gheep Receipts 11.000; market slow;
killing classes SOtiVBc lower; ton lambs
811 00; bulk lambs 810,80910.76; ton
earlinKs $s GO; too ewe- $4 7R feeders
. top feedlnsr lambs $9 10
NVW TORJC. r00 fi foimer ouiet;
electrolytic sr-of pnrl neart.v S'14 00c
first iiuartn 8 7.r.til4.?5c.
Iron weak . No I northern S 's niiJl 00
No ? northern 0041.00 No. 2 FOUth
er" $S& 0041 88 oo.
Tin weak; :-not and nearby $34 00; Al
lures $35 00
antimony E.T8IJ8E 8tHc.
Lead easy: spot 5 00e.
Zinc firmer. Kast St Louis delivery
spot C.15C 30c
NPIW YORK DeC 6 Raw surar steadv
at 4i.c for Cuban cost and frelcht equal
to R.76c for centrlfucal.
Refined was steadv with a moderate In
nulry for iiriiimi shipment, surftf at un
changed prices with fine ftrannlatisl at
8.75 to 0. OOc.
Futures were easier earlv and prices
Showed de-llnes of 10 nolnts a mlddav
under scattered liquidation and selling
by commission houses.
NFY YORK. L'tc 0 Liberty bonds
closed .
ji-n 0.34: first 4 fit; 04: socond 4
86 10; first 4s SC. 10; second 44s 85 0:
ildrri iiks sR 10; fourth I'is r, r,s: Vic
tori MiS 88 ,".4; Vic too !" 8fi -2. '
(Last sale i i
Aills-fhalmers . , 30
I American Peel Sugar 534 SH
.American ('an 26tj
j American Car A Foundry 126 4
I American Hide 8) Leather pfd - 4 -H
: American International Corp. 4"',
American Locomotive 84i
'American SmelMnp ft Refg. . 46
.American Sucar !3tj 8BJ
Amerl. an Sumatra Tobacco 744
I American T & T 984
American Woolen 734
I Anaconda Copper 39
; Atchison 83 4 fBBJ
! tl Gulf - W Indies 110
! n.-iltlmore k Ohio H BBBB
, Rethleheni Steel "R 8f. BBBfl
Canadian Pacific 1164
I central Leather 394 H
Chandler Motors 73s. H
'Chesapeake K. h .. 62 H
Chicas;... .Mil .v St Paul
. "hlcago. P.. I. ft Pae 24 fl
I Chlno Copper 14 PBBH
Colorado Fuel ft Iron 30 H
Prorliicts 724 H
Crucible Steel 924
Cuba Cane Sugar 24 tB
i Erie 134.
188K H
i.-nr-v., I Moti n .......... la
loodrlch 1 1 ' t
Great Northern pfd. 784
Great Northern Ore Clfs , PBH
Illinois Central .. 87
Insidratlon Copper 3'.'4
Int Mer. Marine pfdf 88
International Paner 4'J- PBBJ
iKsanecott Conner ex iiv i$t
liulnvllle A Nashville 101
' T.xwell Motors -4"
I M-xican Petroleum 172, PBH
.Miami i ..,( ieyj j
Middle States OH 134
Missouri Paclfh 204 SH
New Yi rk Central 73 fBBB
N Y. N H. A Hartford 14 PBJ
Norfolk & Western 94 PH
Northern Pacific 834 PBBJ
1 iH.ihoma Prisl - Ref 34
Pan American Petroleum 81 T PBBl
Ivnnsyivaniti 40'
I !'! .le 3 Cut 35'..
Plttsb'-.re and West Va SO'', fBH
Rav Consolidated Copper 114
Reading 874 1 ,
Rep. Iron (c Steel . . 67 H
Royal Dutch, N Y (54 BBBJ
Shell Trans. Trad MVs
Sinclair On Oil 254 fH
Southern Pacific . 108
Southern Pallwav fH
Standard dl of N J , pfd 104 -H
Studel-aker Corporation 461 PBBH
Tennessee Copper 4 S
Texas Co 50
.is i Pacific P4 ".PJ
Tobacco ITorlucts 54 lH
Transcontinental Oil .. 94 fH
Inlon Pacific 114
If. S. Food Products sH
P B Rettall Stores ... .. .. .
P. S. Ind APohol 67
1 nn.-. 1 Sts es Rubbt ffl
United States Steel ... v- PJ
Wesiinghouse Klectric 4'.".. nHPH
Willys Overland 74
merican Zinc Lead and Sm
I Ptitte and Superior 11R
Cnis Petroleum 884 H
.Nfontana Power 534 BKBR
I Shattucic Arizona -'.4 H
Pure OH 34
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn . Dec. 6 Flour
unchanged to 20c higher; In carload hds ' SH
famiiv 1 stents quoted at $9 4009.55 a B8Ba
barrel in 98 pound cotton sacks SBBBJ
Bran $28.00.
LONPl'X. 1".' .'. I.;.r -!I.t 47d i.eg LH
ounce JM
Monev 4" per cent. HJ
"4 i""r
cent; three month bills 64 Per cent. SJ
BAR c. 1 L V E R
NEW TORK, Dec 8.- Bar -liver do- &g1
mesti.-. 98Vfcc; foreign 880. PAf
Mexican H
00 BHBSl
NEW rOJCK. Dec. 6. Balked In
her efforts ! reach her home In 8HBS
Tomsk. Siberia, after traveling ' more fH
than half way around the world with H
a colony of )vusslarr children in PH8J
charge of the American Rd Cross. H
Bvdolklo Corelklna, sight years old. 8S
left New York for San Pranolgeo yes
t erd iv on her way to China 8hc will
ired for in ths 1 )rlsn1 bv the Am- i
srloan Red Crr, until conditions Im- 1
prove and permit her return
The little K'lrl passed through New
York last September on her way to P
France after being brought here with
several hundred other Russian ohii- -H
dren who wsr.. war refugees at Vladl
Ivostok, Upon her arrival In France
an effort was made to provide her
with a passage homs through Burn-
pean Russia, but the plan w-as flven
up as unsafe and impracticable
ooo Pl
WASHINGTON Pec f.. The open-
lng Run in the long Imminent battle
lo reduce representation of the south- H
ern states In the bouse of reprcscnta- J
tlves was fired last night by Rcpre- PH
sentntive Tlnkham. Republican, of
I Massachusetts, who announced that P
he had prepared a resolution for iii- IjH
troductlon directing tho house census
committee to make an inquiry into 1
the extent Of disfranchisement of nc- H
ri,..s hi the Moutti and to recommend
cutting down iho representation of 1
those sLitcs accordingly. H
Mi Tlnkhain'S statement declared ij
that elcen southern states Alabama
Arkansas. Florida. Louisiana, Missis- i
ippl, North and South Carolina, Ten
nessee, Texas. Georgia and Virginia SH
cast only about five per cent of the
total vote for president In the last H
election, ulthough holding 25 per cent
of the membership of tho house.
Tl LSV. klii Deo. 6. An unlden-
ttfied negro charged with an attack
today up a white woman, 67 years old.
was taken from the Hughes county Jail
I at Holdcnvlllo last night by a mob
Oi al flfl m'-n and hanged to a
teh phons pofl The negro's body was
I hen riddled with bullets.
The aged woman was attacked near
her home two miles from Holdcn
IviUs lids afternoon, th negro press
ing a pistol .igalnBt her side when he SBBH
accosted her-
Two deputy sheriffs came up with BH
the negro about s mile from her home PBBfl
The I., er,, ..p.-ncl fin-, breaking the
windshield of the officers? car. They Pbbj
returned the fire and thS fugitive wns
wounded throe times before he wa PBBI
Tho woman Identified the prisoner BBBB
Int the county Jail. A mob formed PBBJ
! hastily and before the negro could be
! removed to u place of safety, forced PBBJ
ths jailor to hand over tho keys and 8H
took possession of the negro. Neither PjJBH
denying or admitting his guilt, the ne
gro was hanged to u telephone post BjBjH
ion a moln business street.
Dl BL1N, Dec. C. Auxiliary polios PH
raid. . I the Dublin city hall today and
arrested six members of tho corpora-
EBknsSnEifHnHniBWEicSSHBKffS Ml 'jA

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