OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 07, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-07/ed-1/seq-12/

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San Francisco Authorities Take
Steps Following Crimes by
Ring Fighters
BAN FRAX'ISCO. Dec. 7. The
an Francisco police commissioner
-tvnteht stopped prize fighting In !?.n
Francisco. All permits for condtnting
rTgfcfi or boxing contests were ordered
j suspended.
In a formal resolution the board Of
police commissioners declared
"Owing to the unspeakable crimes
which have been committed b) prle
Jighters and their associates In this
- it y, the board of police commission
ers hereby suspends all prise fighting
The action followed n conference
yesterday of police officials with May
or Junes Rolph. Jr. at which was
detailed outrages committed b gang
sters on young women recently at a
shack rendezvous on Howard street, in
the thickly populated section, where a
, score or more of women are declared
' to have .suffered assaults and indlgni-
Tho decision of the supervisors
t means that San Francisco, for a long
time, known as a haven of boxers, de
spite the California four-round limit
; 1 law, will be a pugilistic desert for an
indefinite lime Under the law. 00
boxing contest In which professionals
appear can be held without tho per
mits which the supervisors declare
they will not issue.
I The San Francisco grand Jury to
night began what was announced as
a detailed Inquiry into the conditions
under which prize fights have been
held here, and related matters
Alleged gangsters, including two
m ins professionals, known all along the
S Pacific coast, who are under arrest.
M charged with what the police commls-
sloners termed " unspeakable crimes,"
fl ic.nnM women and with the slaying
9 of three peac' officers . Santa Hosa
esterday, arc blamed tor the stop-j
9 ping of boxing here, f"i the grand urj
action and for -plans set afool in 1 lak-
land, across the ay, today to require
W all boxers appearing there to present
;J certificates of good character
3 Not for years has San Francisco 1
been so stirred offh tally and private!)
i as by the acts attributed t" this g tng.
) Today when Ihe five men held in re
i appeared In court i" plead, ropes bad
? to be stretched to hold back persons:
j desirous of attending Ihc proceedings!
J and many policemen wen a atlohed
j about the hall of justice foj anj einer-j
':f gency. Xu one was allowed to enter
U the court room until In- gave a valid'
n reason The prisoners were taken be-i
, fore the court manacled and b sld
each marched in officer.
Judge Louis F. Waid opened court
? w ith a brief speech to tin effect Lhal
i speedy trials were required Then 11
developed bul otw of the accused had
I leen able to oiniri .m attorney wiH-
tng to undertake bis defense. This at
i torncy asked 1 continuant 1 of hi
client's case until December .'7. buti
Judge Ward demurred and sel ie-'
i cembcr 1G for the trial ,,f the first of!
1 the men to begin All pleaded no;
1 guilty. Attorneys appointed by thel
j court entered protests at being com-j I
pel led to t,erve
i 00
V Lns ANGELES, Cal.. Dec 7. The
investigation bj tin- Los Angeles coun
H fy grand Jury ol alleged "crooked-
ness" in Pacific Coas; league baseball
games in 1919, was brought to a close
Monday, it was announced 1uji night
j by Fran): W, Stafford deputy district
B attorney.
H ' Two witnesses were heard today
H They were Jesse Bean, clerk in a cigiir
I store, and Mat li Zimmi 1 business
1 man. Their testimony closed an in-
quiry extending oer several weeks
H begun after W. Baker Babe") Bor
ton. former Vernon first basenfcin.
made public allegations Involving
Bf players on several leam.
It was said .1 report on the Inquiry
would probabl) tie filed Wcdoesda)
There was no official statement con
cernlng possible Indictments
HI NEW YORK. Dec. 7 Willie Hoppe
holder of the woiJd s IS balk line
billiards title, defeated Welker Coch
ran of San Francisco, 400 to 37n. in
the second gam- of the final round
of the titular tournament herfc last
. night. Cochran won in ihc forenoon
from the other competitor, .1 . k .
ETchaefer of San Francisco.
Wily O. Lempie, l years old. arrived
here late yesterdav from St. Albans,
' rmont. having ridden on horcb;1ek
the entite distance, estimated al 8900
miles Silas l.emple started June 30
l A Gift He Would
J Appreciate
and you'll appreciate Beeihe.
him wear them, ton.
they'll put the finish to his
' -m "make-up", and give him a com
fortable, satisfactory service.
gloves of distinctiveness here,
in a variety of styles.
Sj just slip your , hand into a
S air and call it "his gift
9 Custom Tailored Clothes
sjH Next Door to Orpheum Theater
Ogden A. A. Gridder Named to
Handle Coaching Reins at
Logan School
Robert Burns Grookston, star full-'
I back of the 10 2U Ogden A. A grid
machine has been named to coach ath
leti.s at the u. Y. C. at iffxn. suc
ceeding A. J. KnapP, who has been
al the northern instltdtion Oookston.
I however, will hot take over his coach
Ling duties until the fall of l'.'-l-.
Crooftston played football for th
Utah Agricultural college jn 1909
I 1310. 191 and 1!UL'. He played at the
! left halfback position for one season
and fullback for three years In 1912
I he was unanimous holce of critics
for the all-conference fullback posi
! lion.
He won thirteen letters In athletics
; while at the Aggie lair, and is regard
, ed as one of the greatest stars ever
developed at the northern school. In
' basketball, he is a star forward, while
I ho plays a flash game at third base on
' the baseball dliamond. In track, he
w as a weight man.
in 191? in ihe Utah Aggie-Utah con
test, staged at Salt Lake. Crookston's
I right arm pulled the Aggies from a ;
probable 7 -a defeat Into a 7-7 t: in
' the Inst few minutes of play Those
; who remember this great contest, in
i which L,on Romiuy of I gden, Ott
Roniney, and oiher stair., were stars,
remember Crookston's feat.
Jn the last few minutes of play Iv
heaved a forty-five aid prs to ' Ked"
I Mohr, Mohr Bpearlng the ball and
I croasine the goal line Cxookstpn .then I
kicked goal, tying the score.
Earh in the second period, i ii
Romney, Crimson end, scooped . fbv-
ward pass and worked his way
through the Aggie line for their only'
score. Ooal was kicked
Prior to this score, the Crimson goal.
line had not been crossed during that;
B( .isun.
Crookston's passing was the talk of
the conference In 1912. In the Ogden
games during the past year, he also,
showed class at this art. In a Rocky'
Mountain conference game he has a'
record of a sixt -seven-yard forward
pass i ompleted.
.in the corttest--staged hero against I
ih; University of Wyoming, crook-'
ston was expected ip heave Several
forward passes for the locals, bul ah
Injury received early In the tirst q.uar
tei hindered his chances.
Cropkston attended tne Unlycrslt)
of Illinois coaching school in r.i7 aqd
Is expected to develop the goods v lien
the 192 Beaeoii starts.
a . .
'wner el. as. Bbbctts, of the Brook
lyn Dodgerk, does not anticipate ait
trouble getting the members of his
1920 team to sign for - 1931 season
iRbbette says the entire crew think the,
rtobins will repeal next season, and
they will be glad to bo with a winner.
He did not state whelhei there would
i be n salary adjustment.
In announcing that lii had never
.thrown a ball game ill his life, and
stating that he had employed an ;u-1
tofnc) iii defend him al the trial of I
the Wiiite Sox players charged with
having taken a bride to loss a game of'
'two in the big series , 1919, Jn--
Jackson has given th Chicago author-'
ltles o tlmeli warning Steps have1
already bc-h tiiken to charge -Mr '
Uackson with pi rjurv n he attempts o
'deny his coniession made before the
icook counts Kr.n'i! Jury. Owner Com
llskoy of the W hite Sox. says Jackson I
lis making h lot of trouple foj him
self Rowing Coach Guy Nickalls, Of
Yale, announced last week he would
rotui'n to Kftgland utter Thanksgiving,
then he staged a big shake-up of the
Jftfle crew which has been getting
I some excellent outdoor work during
i the tall. During Nickalls absence, Joe'
ICorpett, former English professional!
sculler will continue the work .is long
as possible, than tat. the crew jnto the
gym. Nickalls expects to return to
Yale soon after January 1st.
if the champion Ohio state L'njsj
vi isi'v 1 j.-i , ,;, 1 1 le.iin .:ays anv post i
season games it will not be With the
consent of. Coach John Wilce. The)
Buckeye mentor h;is alw.iys oppos. ,1 i
l'ost season contests as vigorously as
Ihe has professional football, although
I he has adv ised Ohio State athletic offi
clala he Will abide entirely bj then
decision In the matter. Just now,
some Ohio States boosters are making
an effort to get the Buckeyes to meet
Notre Damje In a posl season game at'
Ohio Field at Columbus. There is I
'some chance of the contest being ar
I ranged s Ohlb state authorities be
;llve the name would draw d record I
crowd and the revenue from it could
, he directed to the fund now being'
raised for tho new Buckeye stadium. I
,11 is thought Coach Wtlpe mlgh! be'
I persuaded to sanction tho contest Cor
the wkp of the stadium fund. Notre
I .i 111. h ,s ii ii'. I I h i. i II dv i I n .-,1 11,,
I would meet tho Buckeye champions-
i Athletic officials of Cornell L'niver
ity rushed to the defense of the coach
ing, methods of Gilmour Doble quicklj
afifi the ignominious defeat oi' the
Ithacans iy the Pennsylvania team
on Thanksgiving DaJ. Cornell failed
I to show even usual strength after the'
'first quarter of play, and during thai
period the Quakers bad little trouble
to diagnose tile tricks made famous
I 'obte. Cornell alumni are urged!
I to withhold judgment on the western!
mentor until he has had a fair oppoT
unity to show the woilh of his coach
ing methods
Tommy Murphy, Grand Circuit drlv -i
r. be able to return to th sulkv
I regularly next season, if he guards ht".
! health properly ilunng the coming
Winter season. Murphy was injured In
la sidii at Cleveland last summer, bjkj
then soon after was forced to undergo1
an operation for appendicitis during'
tho Syracuse meeting Physicians In
formed Murphy he would have to be
more particular about his health in
oi.b r 'O keep hj.. vit.ilm ll, to , ,,,,,,
!otherwl.se it would not be h'ng until he
Would have to (rivo up acttv. work.
.Murphy i now building up his stable
for 1 1 I .
CHICAGO, Dec 7.- Billiard enthu
siasts following the national billiard
tournament here today were told that
; Edouard Horeman's. Belgian billiard
champion, will he in Chicago SatUrdoj
and part of next week as a spectatoi
f the Mnais Horemans will p
, Pierre Maupomc lu his first sxhibl
i tlon match.
i Ktlhnger and Halfback Haines, of the
Penn Stat ele en, arc si i bs - i ball I
I pift rs 'n" ' " ' "'eran puard
Of ihe floor sport,
Little Men With Big Punches By Wood Cowan
V Cl)C0O, ABbOMb "THE vNOR-Lb '
VJfcibWED 4F PAJT HE WTyssasss n
-lST, N0Tfik A PLENTM $t$t.-fTj &
" -I Bred Fulton w a ZhL
,Vk " OP THb'M ALL CKW rW W J f
v MOv HE CCgLb ' 1
Pfl NOU,oP ! ! S V
There has been a lot of talk among
tight fans, from one end of Ihe world
around lo the other, ever Since it is
I noun tb.it Jaek l'. in.s. iv . ne,y.
Carpentier, eoneerning Georges'
hancas of sneaking over a K. O. The
Idea ofSUCh a small man being able
to do the trick on as clevei and strung
., fightei as Dcrnpsey has been poo
pOoed, by the admirers of the b'.i -weight
W elsh!, let it be known, has not al-1
Mitchell and Britton Stage
Ten Round Draw at
MILWAUKEE, Dec. fi PInkey
Mitchell in id ja. k Britton, welter
weight tltlehoider, i. a h iv. In ;i ten
round no-deelsion conMst tonight, a
rording to several sporting writers
Some thought Britton had a shade.
'lie I rill ' .' k'ilVi M.tehell the better Ol
I he ten rounds.
Britton weighed 144 and Mil)ih:i
lin The tltlehoider had the bettei
of the first and second rounds, and
In the latter nearly upset the I.mhI
bpxer vith a glancing blow to the left
Hide of his face, unbalancing him. Tim
blow apparently did no damage
Mitchell nppeared to hold his own In
the balance of the contest, one writ
er giving him frorn the third to the
ninth rounds. Inclusive. Another crit
ic -.iid there w..s a .i enough difference
tO .-all it an thing but a draw. Prlt
ton played mostly for the bodv and
Mitchell directed his blows to the
MCW VOXiK, Dee. 7 I-'ormallon i
of a natioiia) assdclatjon to bare con
trol o: i,ui; e throughout the United1
States will be considered ai a meet-1
Ing to he held in New York this
month, ii was learned today.
The proposal is sponsored by the1
army, navy and civilian board of box-1
ing control, through ihe chairman of;
lis general committee, Gutzon Borg-I
lium, the sculptor.
Favorable replies have been receiv
ed, Mr. Borgliuni i!l. from tli gov-'
ernors "f Massachusetts, New Jcrsev. i
Colorado, Florida. Illinois. Maryland
and w Isconsin,
BALTIMORE, Md, Dec 7. The!
Maryland Jockej club, which operates'
Ihe Pamlico race track, announces Its
willingness tojdevate Its surplus earn-!
ings oer whatever return upon its!
investment the state racing Commis-1
sion sees fit to fix. for the develop- '
Dienl of horse breeding and for im
provements and comfort of the pat-1
ions of raring
Ways come out on lop in the heavy
weight division
Old Fltzsiramons won the title when
he weighed but 160 pounds, lie was
one of the hardest hitters the gam.,
has ever produced.
Joe Chovnikl. a 162-pounder, hit
Jeffries the hardest crack he ever
remembered getting.
Corbeit at 180 won ihe title from
Sullivan who out-weighed him 25
. -
I'llTSBi nG. hi, Dec. 7.--jll..n
t'.rel'i. IMtsbiirgh, and J f i" ,m Ki-
yonne, N. J., will meet here In a ten
rouhd boxing bout ::l Motoj SqUan
garden next Saturday night,
1 1 OLIiUO. ' . I fee. i Tuminj Gib
jbons, of St. Paul, out-pointed Chuck
Wiggins; of Indianapolis. in eight
rounds of thcii l- round ioui tonight
according to the opinion of men at the
ringside. The other four rounds were
"en Wiggins was rut about Loth
eyes and as bleeding profusely at the
'end Gibbons forced the fighting
throughout. The men arc llght-henvy-s
SEATTLE, Wash . Dec. 1. Refuaal
b Superior Judge J. Tronald yester
day to grant Northwesl Athletic club
an Injunction restlaining the Seattle
boxing commission from Interference
.with the club's program, is expected to
cause cancellation of the fight card
scheduled b ihe American legion tor,
tonight Phe boxing commission last
week suspended boxing for an indefin
ite period because of dis if i eem.'nt be
tween promo ten and the - "1111111831011
on the granting of permits.
SACRAMENTO. Califv, Dec 7. .
Commissioner Charles a. Bliss an-J
nounc d tonight that he Will confer,
with Chief 01 police Hugh Sydenham!
tomorrow with a view tu prohibiting
the holding of boxing contests in Bac
ramento. Pliss said his action was
promoted by 'recent outrages commu
ted bj i)i ize fighters and their aaso-
iates against women In San Kran
cisco. ST. LOUIS, DC. d Eddie Shannon
of Portland. Ore., was ghen the news
paper decision over Jack Lawler, ofi
Omaha, in an eight-iounrl iout to
night They are lightweights,
LASALLE, Ills., Dec 6. George
Chip of New Castle, Pa., and Bddli
McOoorty .r OahkoBh, Wis, fought a
ten-round draw tonight 1 referee gi
ing the decision. In the preliminaries.'
Tom Carney of Spring Valley, tils
knocked out George Toler Of El Pas..
Texas, in the first round. If was Car
ney's seventh straight knockout.
Q'Dowd, of St Paul, beat Con Rawlins
of Philadelphia, in an eight-round bout
PORTLAND. Ore.. leo 7. Walter
H McCredle manage 1 of ihe Porflaud
baseball learn today announced that
negotiations are under way for Ihe
purchase of George Maisel, Portland
outfielder, by the New York Giants.
Maisel himself is conducting the nego
ti.iii.n;. McCredie said
. . I
26-ROUNDS-26 T
Wasatch Athletic Club, 8:30 O'clock
Ogden 6 rounds Sacramento
" Ogden San Francisco
Ogden Brooklyn
Ogden Ogden
Prices $1 and $1.50; two rows reserved ringside seats, $2
Every Seat Is a Ringside Seat in the Wasatch Arena
J. R. DOWNING, Club Owner
And don't forget Dempsey was out
weighed 4 5 pounds In his fight with
Could little Joe Wolcoti. The Giant
Killer," lick the heavyweights of to-
, day? Ton bet he could, outside of
Dempsey, and .foe at his best weighed
143 He flattened about all of them
; in his time, big ones and little ones.
Carpentier will be outweighed, but
I keep the past in mind, when he steps'
'into the ring with Dempsey.
CHICAGO. lcc 7. Play In ihe fl-(
I nais of the tournament for thej
I world's three-cushion billiard cham-i
Iplonship began today with Robert
Canncfax, of N'cw York, defending his
title against John Layton. of 8t l,ouis,
Angle Kelcklielfer. of Chicago, and
Clarence Jackson, of Kansas City, the
three high men in the preliminary'
matches. Cannefax has been here aj
j week practicing.
Harbertson and Londos Con
clude Training: Petre to
Referee Contest
Jack Harbertson and Jim Ijondos,
Greek heavyweight, completed their
training yesterday afternoon for their
match this evening at the Orpheum
theatre. The mafoh will be a handi
cap affair, Txindos agreeing to throw
Harbertson twice In ninety minutes.
Police Gazette rules will be used.
Both men will meet at eatch weights
It is staled that Londos will tip the,
beam at 195 pounds, while Harbert
son Is expected to weigh better than
If Londos fails to pin the shoulders
jf Harbertson twice he loses the con
test, while mi the other hand. If Har
bertson secures one fall over Londos
he wins the match.
Ben Petre. Green River, Wyo.,
sportsman, was named referee of the
contest at a meeting of a c ommlttoe of
seven men yesterday afternoon, Light
men were candidates foi the position
in 1 ase Petre is unable to make tho
trip from Green River. Sam Ciapham,
British light-heavyweight champion,
will be the third man in the ring.
Petre has officiated in several con
tests in Ogden, and his work has al
Ways been of the A-l order.
Rough taetics and 'stalling'' will be
barred at the contest tonight, the ref
eree having the power to see that both
men wrestle clean, without stalling.
Various holds allowed and barred will
be announced from the ringside prior
10 the match. In" order I hat the spectat
ors will know what is allowed and
what is against the rules under Police
Gazelle ruling
Three preliminaries are also listed
on the card. The first 'prelim-' will
Start promptly at S-JO o clock, accord
ing to Promotor Ezra Peterson.
NEW YORK. Dec 7 With thirteen
teams in the running and P.roeeo and
Coburn. who lapped tho field yester
day afternoon still retaining their
lead, the annual six-das bicycle race j
at Madison Square garden ended Its
thirty-second hour at eight o'clock'
this morning. At that time the con
test was as follows
Nine teams tied at 507 miles z laps;
Broceo and Coburn. S!7 miles, four
laps, de Baetes and Persyn, ojl miles,
three laps; Sute rand Suter, "07 miles,
one lap; Grimm and Vandivele o97
miles one lap. The record for thirtv-j
two hour was made by Lawson and!
Root in 101", with 706 miles, one lap.
Bfllll TREAT I
Wasatch Club's First Card to
Be Fought on Thursday
Ogden boxing fans will get their mm
in t treat of the year in tho weekly
fistic line Thursday night when the
jdoors of the Wasatch Athletic club
.v. ig op ii iu the Eagles' building and
they will be presented with a star
.opening card featuring one six-round
and five four-round tilts between
I some of tho best boys In the west-
J R, Downing, club owner has
(spared no efforts in landing the best
I talent in the field for the all-star card.
A special program. Including enter
t lining ft B I u res has also been arranged
tor the club i hrlstc ning, H
U Youn who will mix In the head r Wm
line battle with Young Papke of -
ramento yesterday announced himself fl
I in shape Papke la working in a Salt
jlake gymnasium and has notified Mr.
Downing th.'it he will step in the ring
j in such condition that he w ill have
no excuse to offer should he be beaten. '
slasliing battle is expected when
Jimmy Join,', "i Ogden faces Claire
jBromco of San Francisco In the double !
h adlim i rohns, while -working t
oul with n sparring partner .viturdajr
j whipped over a heavy left swing to his f KEs
opponent's head and bruised his hand.
lb- Is lav oring (lie bruised mem-
ber and declared yesterday that it will
! be completely healed so that he may M jfU
enter the ring Thursday in the best 1 rH
of form. IfH
Kor ihe fans who llko the heavy 1
give-and-take stuff the four-round go
between "Mysterious' Jimmy Brown
of Ogden and Battling Jack Daley of
Brooklyn, should prove Interesting.
Both boss have the reputation of nev
er giving ground, and each carries a
'slei p potion Ii ell her hand. M
laddie Burns and Jfoung PrisCO are J-'
Ithc next millers who will tangle. Their
true names they prefer to keep secret
In the SQuared circle H
Another four-round battle and a A
four-round comedy curtain raiser will B
complete the program. jBfl
OMAHA Neb., Dec. 6. Earl Cad- Vfl
dock, of Anita. Iowa, won from Char- wB
Pel rs, of i '.nil i lion. x.-i... ui two f '
traighl falls here tonighl The first
fall came the end of fifty minute, aH
with a half body scissors and bar arm ilmSl
hold, and the second fall in twentv-r.ix alffl
minutes with a head scissors hold. Slffl
Caddock was on top nearlv all the llvl
time. Peters expending his efforts in fAWJ
keeping his shoulders from the mat. Bafl
nset Sresoriul PHo-o,..t:VoESTAJ
Classic Wrestline I
"" .
v Orpheum Theatre i 1
Jf JIM LOiildliS GrM Ch.n,,. I
9BV s 1
.JHr Preliminaries Start Promptly
Jack Harbertson MBVtt
This will no doubt be the -isBi9
greatest wrestling match ever jfrt
staged in Utah, and is attract- A
ing attention in all of the sur
rounding states. Ogden is HSPPS
proud of having such a match ;.vJm ir4r '4m
as this staged here, and any- k m
one who misses this event will M
miss the season's treat. n7
Seats on sale at Orpheum H
theatre, Hemenway & Moser's H H I
and the Rialto pool hall. Seats
going fast: make your ar- Vfffijjl
rangements early. WhIH "wKftt

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