OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 07, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-07/ed-1/seq-7/

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Mrs. Hardinn Entertained at
Tea and Shown About
Place by Mrs. Wilson
I WASHINGTON. Poo. 7. For the
Sjfii-st time within tilt memory of the
'riMesI .itlnrh of the White House, a
BLflfl "first lady of tho land, entertained Mon-
ILflBH 1 iy a next first lady of the land.
H Klorcnce KIihk Harding, Wife
flflK9 Jbt ihc president-elect, tin guest
W or Mis Edith Boiling Wilson, wlf
HHl Jlwo the executive
fH The afternoon. Mrs. Wilson met her
H BUMt in the front hall and eseortco
B , ner to tin- blue room where tea was
H Mrs Wilson and Mrs
H chatted while,
BPP,. i jH about the White House through the
.H i'"cn ami red rooms and the Stats I
HfjMMjl jlliunc room, over Which Mrs Harding
BBHHJ Brill he called upon to preside after
KkjBBj Bext March 4 Mis. Harding did not;
BH9BBBm poct the president, who harl retired to
BBBBBjH his .study on the upper floor to reed,
SjMmwFBn Bouse kitchen.
mm Mrs l(:irillrL- nr, r,:,rr-il in 1 r i : i
iStffaWjfl Fr spending an hour with her hostess
3j$fcjJHgB knd had progressed aa far as the front
.J doorway, when Mrs. Wilson .- iddenl:
' fflff Becalllng details or the Whut House
Sakf.sHsfl Household organization, which she had
MjjjBBfll forgotten to Impart. Invited her back
BBHBBHH hiuI they withdrew again to the blue
flBal room, where they talked for another
HEPaKjBfl rwenty minutes.
MEbtB ' L'pon leaving the White House. Mrs.
H9BBJH9 Harding remarked that she had had
HBBBB ''it very pleasant visit, indeed." but,
BBBBV ho t he excused from answer-
HHHBB iity Questions as .to her visit. This
BBJBBJ her first meeting with Mrs. Wll-
W, and her flrsi visit to v.
I BjB 1
'f- -Mrs. Harding had a busy da) in
I'; Washington, she ivenl to the capitol
HEBBfl the morning and was in the gjSHory
BBBBB at the opening session of tho senate.
m She had lunch . the caplto restuti-
Ml Mis 13. B. McLean, and lr. ami Mrs
MM C. E Bawyer a Mrs i irdlng left
1 A the lunch room, she mel Mrs Mar-
BflBrl sh II. wife Of I ho joe preiienl,
J Immediately, as old friends, they em-
BBB Wilson's invitation to have j
BBSftVJ tea al the White House received
BBVHBJ by Mrs. Harding in the forenoon,
BBBJn immediately accepted. Before go-1
BBBJfl IK to the executive mansion, she cull-i
BBJ '' on a number of friends in Wash-1
fpssa oo
: -A l . r LAKH, Dec. 7. Owners of
HBBBB " sheep in Colorado will have to
BBBBJ comply with the regulation of the state
'.-,0 livestock i i .1 i ad dip their I
BBBBJ before driving them over the Utah
BjBHH state line for the winter, according to
BBBB decision made, yesterday by an execu-
BBBB tVe committee of the livestock hoard.)
BBBBJ The committee met to consider the
BBBBJ lvmiest of the acting governor of Colo-
BJBJBBa that the Quarantine against Colo-
BjBBBJ i ado scabies be reduced to permit en-j
lfll try upon in inspection certificate from
Bftl i .-'talcs bureau of ai,.
BJBjBJjHp The decision was made at the con-1
mJKmmjiM sheep still to cross the line might com-
BBBH ply with the regulations of dipping as'
BBBB easily as those who have already driv-'
BPBB cu herds
John VV. Weeks. Will Hays and
Harry Daucjherty Arc Put
Out in Front
WASHINGTON, Ore. 7. (By the
- oclated Press). Speculation about
the possible cabinet selections of ih
incoming aministrai ion was coo: iiimj
'more definite lines Monday b roii3ul
1 tatlons between 1'resldii:! -rlc t Jliv
dlng and leaders of Ills party in and
out of congress.
Three names which stood in th
j foreground among the many dis usBCd
possible cabinet members wen-
those of John w. Weeks of Massachu
setts, for secretary of tho navv. Will
I H. Hays; of Indiana, the Republican
'national chairman for postmaster gert
eral. and Harry M. Daughetty, of I Ihlo,
tho HardJIng pro-convention manager,
, for attorney general-
Prominence also was given by the
! day'rt conferences to the possible .se
lection of of David Jayne Hill of New
(York, former ambassador to Germany
as secretary of state, although such
leaders as Charles Evans Hughes.
ISllhu Root, Senator Knox, Senator
Lodge, Senator Kail, and others still
portfolio I;, BORIS quarters
I Regarding the other places In tht
new official family, gossip was less
definite and the list of possibilities was
widened rather than narrowed by the
da a developments.
That no formal offers had been
made was emphasized by Mr. Hardlns
himself as the only comment he was
willing to make on reported selections
I or on his discussion of the subject with
R publican leaders.
"No place has been offered to any
one.' the president-elect said. "Bc
i yond that I can only reply to questions
I about the cabinet with sweeping as
surance that I have nothing to say."
Mr Hays, Mr Dougherty and Mr1
Weeks all were present at the confer
ences with Mr. Harding on this ind
I other subjects Throughout the cam
paign, these three were among Mr.i
Harding's closest advisers on questions:
of policy, all having been members of
the Republican campaign committee. !
Another clo? friend of Ihc president-elect,
who took part In the con
ferencCs jree former Senator George1
Sutherland, of I'tnh. Heretofore his
name also had been associated with
cabinet gossip, but the Impression'
gained ground that he would prefer
some other appointment, either In tit
.1...,. . I
"'i'" .ii.iih fvi lit oi io wir supreme
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 An appro
priation of one million dollars to be
I used in cooperation with the states'
in forestry work during the next f Is
j cal year was asked of congress today
by the department of agriculture.
Secretary Meredith also asked for
legislation which would authorize him
to recommend the essential and stand
ard rcquirerntn to protect Umbered
;tn,i cut-over binds from flro in re
foresting denuded lands und where
necessary to aid In the proper meth
ods of cutting and removing timber
for tho best promotion of continuous
Hundreds of tons ol foodstuffs have
been dumped into Havana harbor, due
to congestion at the wharven.
Last Times Today 1
'The Star Rover'
Metro All-Star Production by
Jack London
I The Uncannily Powerful Photo-drama I
Adapted From the Celebrated Novel
II I 1 II i
SIi K ANi: ash 1 c . 7 .
l tans nr :i iree spleen. cam
paign here with the purpose of
tilling the jails with unemployed
men are being circulated through
the Pacific northwest by the In
dustrial Workers of the World, it
nay said by Commissi. im-i- Sunt h
I of the municipal department of
public safely and captain of De
tectives Burns.
A City rock crusher, to be op
erated b prisoners, is to be put In
operation within B, few days, it was
n nnounced.
Corn in sny quantity, at
either Phoenjx Mill, 430 Wash
ington Ave., or Riverciale Mill.
Holley Milling Co.
Girl students at Kaifeng, China, ore
being arrested for walking about the
slreeis with their hair short.
I'fi 4 Hi fl FOR MOTHER Ol
m lunfieseifiyee ? i,
I yMt l 9 E rtrfc Vlbrit;r -H
K 1 worthwhile 1
'l i h 3 H 5 kSfl 1 ) f iWii A Ma Elotrio Auto rFf.llH
mM' ' ' I W".'"' B. Vj fi i Eoftae Hstr : ., 7 J
J mrt; ffl
I 7 Small SumT)own
HQ "Easy Monthly Payment?
i Efficient PuAic
Ql JHar " lti j
Eastern Lad Took Payroll
Money to Visit Wounded
Father in Spokane
NEW YORK. Pec 7.-4 justice I
Franklin Chase Hoyt of the children's
court who writes fiction stories In off-i
hours when he- is not passing judgmei t 1
on tho alleged wrong doings of little
girls and boys, had a start Monday!
.when he recognized In 14-year-old!
psiiol Miehener, the original or. atj
leant, the twin brother ot one of his
own brain children
Young Miehener, arrested Sulurdovj
with S3.G40 in his pockets as he w.i
buying ; railroad ticket to San Fran
cisco, had Just recounted n tale which
Included all sons of thrills from riding
extra fare Pullman I runs :,nd playing I
the gentleman in sumptuous hotels to
holding up 0 Philadelphia policeman.
"Hold on there, sonny," Interjected I
the judge "1 wrote that story myself I
three Rinntha .urn "
Then, after hearing him to the end.)
Pudge Hoyt refused to turn the younr-!
Ster over to the authorit.es of Phila
delphia, Wide-eyed, but without apparent!
motion, young Miehener, who said
he had never seen his father declare,!1
he left his mother and his. Philadelphia
home several weeks ago bound for'
Spokane, where his fattier i in a hos-
Jpltal recovering from gunshot wounds i
indict. -d in Idaho To r.iiae transpor
tation money, he said, ha took part of I
the payroll of the Baldwin Locomotlvi
I works in r'hlladelphia
HOSTi Iec 7 A mother's
letter complaining that her young I
son had worn oul tin. pairs of
pants in three -months on chairs
111 the pulillr s. ho. ds v;is .ulSWered
bv Chairman Joseph PI ronmanev.
of the school bouse ommisslon i
today with the Statement that
144.100 had been spent this year J
to keep chairs and desks smooth.
He said this boy s chair had
been specially sandpapered at the
request of his lam'ly who said
the youngstei was hard oh pants.
.ll thincs considered. I he chair
man said, the boy and 0O the
chair must be held responsible.
BRIGHAM CITY Dec 7 Judge. J. '
D. Call has flXM( the terms of court I
for the Hirst judicial district for the!
5 ...r of 1 BSl KB follows:
Boxelder county Monday, January!
10; Monday, March 14; Monday, May
. 8; Monday September 12.
Cache county Friday; February
Friday, April s. Friday August l.:
I Friday, November 11
Rich count) ThuVsday, January 13:
Thursday, May 12; Thursday geptera
' ber 15.
Judge Call will not officiate In any
, of these terms of court, however, as
his t.-rm of office ends with the close
ol the present year, The new judge is
; A A. U', of lx)gan.
T. H. Blackburn und R. a. Mad
sen, of this city, have been appointed
Jury commissioners by Judge Call ami
i will file the list of Jurors in soi vo in
tho district court In this county next
! year with the clerk of the court be
fore Decern ber i .'
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. The world's j
diminishing in-! supply and the lack of
! scientific methods to meet the sltua-f
lion formed the chief topic ai the
opening session today of the rbrty-flrst
annual meeting or American Socit-1
ty of Mechanical Bnglneera The ses-.
Islons will be continued through Fri
day, Engineers ol national proinlrieoci
declared that checking the waste of
fuel was It a I to ih industrial su
premacy of the (Jolted States.
Women con litute appt-oxluateb
I one-fourth ol the Idh people of Ger
' inn n 1
Why Not?
NN bj nbl form the practii e of taking pi 1 1 oi j i in money on pay
day and lay iu u supph of proi orics at a savings, rather thati
H taking yoiu check to the credil grocer each pay das : yon
I Pay cash you aro youi own boas aa to where you buy and whal I
P: tf you run an a iiuil you miisl pay just whal the r
3 ' grocer chooses to charge you Whj nol Change this pay
a '' ""i star,1 righl b; buying yw big bill ai one of our 1
tores where you can save on ce)ch item of groceries and meal I
and hav,. the drayage paid to your home) You will find like
ut mairj others, that your grocer) cosl will be int little more than
haJf wh.it n was the old rcdil aj
I 12 Unusual Wednesday Bargains
I 65c Fresh Churned Creamery Butter, 2 pounds $1 05
1 Tall Cans Borden, Sego or Carnation Milk. 2 for. . . 25c
B 15c Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 10 pounds 89c
i 75c Gafton Cans Sweet Cider 45c
I 75c 9 pound Sack Rolled Oats 58c
I 12 Bars Fairy Soap 90c
B $1.25 (5-tie) Medium Weight Brooms 75c
J 60c Large Cans Ripe Olives 39c j
I 25c Pint Bottles Catsup, 2 for 3D:
9 25c Cans Tall Alaska Pink Salmon, 6 for $1.00 g
65c 9-pound Sacks White or Yellow Corn Meal 40c I
I 25c Cans Early June Peas, 12 for $1.80 1
I Some Regular Prices I
10c mild ercani cheese, 50o l6-oi. (glass pure '
pound 35c ; jam 45c
3 45c V. A cheese, pound 38c 50c ' "' 1 Pre' B t
, . sei ves . 4oc i
I -n" package nippy cheese 15c 7:. large cmi purc AustPa.
j 20c package pimento lian' jaiu 60c I
chCCSe lC - ;(),. cem p'urc Australian
J in, packages macaroni, Jam . 35c j
5 spaghetti Or vcnni- idli, ;I"' small ran Australian V
M ; for 25c jam 25c
I 15c package Skinner's 20c small glass jelly. , . 15c j
macaroni . . . 10c - squares lione) 20c b
j , - , ,, ouarl tzrs honev . 79c
I loc bulb macaroni, 8 s
fANlW NUS 4 "' liCg SDapSl ' 39c I
CANDY a U IS (- pa , famiJj
mixed candy, pound 45c sodas 40c r
50c assorted stick candy, -i n 5 -rd.i .... 85c g
pound 45c ! S5c package Rg Ifewtons f
40c mixed candy, pound 35c '- Eo 35c fij
40c 1-2-pound bar sweet 25c pad ige gral . - !
I chocolate .... 35c - , 5'' I
- package Lemon cream I
I 30. package dat s ... 25c biscui) ,, 3-c S
I 15c package Eigs ... 10c 25c packagi v. null: afi -
0 4iic soft shell walnuts. 2 for 35c I
- ixiund 35c 25c package salted wafi rs,
1 30c hard shell walnuts. ' 35c
S pound 25c I Package oyster crackers.
I 45c washed Braril nuts , pa; k 35c
Pound 40c era, 3 for . . 25c
3oe almonds, pound. . 30c (ckav'- animal .-ra.-k-
I peanuts 2 pounds 35c 1 era, ' for . . .... 25c
At Our Markets
Some Regular Prices w
!i aoc nun pork roast., , , I
j pound ... 30c -"" r-h u,nl - 10c E
' 50c '"in pork chop, rpund si ak, pound 23:
pound 20c .
I 35 shoulder pork roasl sirloin steak, pound 23c
pound . ........ 25c 45c T-bone steak; poiuid 25( f
Pc shonldcr pork st-ak, ,
r pound 27c 25c pot roast, pound . 17c s
DOORN, Holland. Dec C. Tho bur
gtoielateir of Doom has 8et an ex-j
.iniple for tho village ha inj; as
lilt If as poulble to ilo with the for
mer German cnaperor, William. Un
like Amerongcn. whore both the Inn-'
tfomeister aiui town tecretary were'
iiiite proud to b Riiests at William'
table, the village authorities here have
taken tho attitude that it would bel
hotter for all concerned If they did
:int i-ui the lloiie of Dcorn
The sani can also be s.inl now of
the burKonieister of Wlerengen audi
the formei Crown Prlnre Frederick.
Th former burgomelster there. J.
Pe'retooom, wan an intimate friend of
l-'redrrick. but hlH successor, Herr
Sloi. is saiil to consider the crown1
prince's presence there as SO nil h a
of n nuisance.
oillo J in rOR DU -
SPRING J I'l l ' O.. D. c. 7
Ur Charles C. lleckart, 57. president
Bmerltus of WUtenburg college, died
jo bis bom.- in this clij this morning.
lie liad been 111 for several months
"I had a severe attack of kldne)
trouble anl for three weeks could not
get otit of doors and scarcely out of
bed." writes C K. Pircwer. 'ill:ip,
Springs. Ala. "Could not bend over
at all without the most excruciatihi
pains I pnrchKSed a bollle of Kolc
Kiliie- Pills Was relieved after firsi
few doses and continued their use un
til completely cured. 1 consider FoIe
Kidney Pills th best kidney remod
In the world. No recurrence of m
trouble." Sold everywhere. Adver
tisement. . - .
I Free
1 Christian Science Lecture
The public is cordially mvated to attend a free lecture
;.. on Christian Science by Dr Joim M Tutt, C. S B., mem
ber of tbe Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, the ' j
H First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass , Thurs
I day evening, December 9, at 8 o'clock, Woodmen hall,
c 2320 Washington avenue, under a':"jices of First Church
"I of Christ, Scientist, Ogden, Utah.
"4 x
i.'rtj , ; ! i ... , , .; r - ' - .
When I
"Gc(s-Ir, I
Comes I
Corns Go I
Painless, Sure, Quick is this 2-Drcp fl
2 Seconds Wonder. fl
' There Isn't room on the same toe foe
enrn .Tiirt two or three drops of (iets lt."
1 so the corn curls up. shrivels and peoM
i(t In your ringers so easily that on are
'''"JBBlHsslBeMHilfcTiV wt-
Don't Be a Corn Cnpplo-Uo "GcU-lt' $ W
Blmpl) satonlahed, ixcause yo can) feel M
It. H
Vou actually wonder whethei m can i
trui thai went along for months
. r.u . oul, I
have had u id qui rell I IL
doub Pro Vour f,
choei II Qi la u" ,f
i- 1 get th nulne. There
Is nothing else flkt- "Gets-Tt." Sold by 1 fl
1 1 icrists every v ii' . ...s Put trifle. I
j .Mfd. by T. Lawrence & Co.. Chlcaco. '
j Dandruff Surely rJI
Destroys the Hair ! 'M
Gltls IT you want plenty of thick,
I boautifUl, glosay, silky bair. do by all
dandruff, for it wJll H
Btore may be just the remedy needed
1 1 doesn't dp niucli eood to try to H
brush or wash ii out The only sure
v. .-. to get rla r.r dandruff is to dis
olve II ben you destroy M entirely H
.. thi ouni es of or- , H
lii' r; !.;.. 1 , apply it at nisht fl
When retiri'i'; lire enouRh to moisten
scalp and rub it in gently with thu
Bj morning, most H nol all, of your fl
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will complete!)
dissolve tnd eutirelj destroy everj sin- Jfl
gle BlgO and trace of it. I fl
i I hat 'II itchint;
and d ;ing ol the Bcalp will stop, and
your hair will look and feel a hundred ,H
times better. You can net Mould ar
, von at any drug store It is Lnexpen-
and rour ounces is all you will fl
need no matter hovt much dandruff fl
ou have Thia simple remedy never H
fails. Advertisement. fl
"Rape's Diapepsin" at once I , 3
ends Indigestion, Gases, a
Sourness, Acidity
You don't want a slow remedy when H
ii or an uncertain H
.in - or a harmful one your stomach H
valuable; you mustn't Injure It M
with drastic drugs. H
When your meals don't fit and you H
i feel uncomfortable, when you belch H
gases acids and raise sour, undigested
gestion pain, hearburn and headache, H
i . l.i blet. of
Pape's Diapepsin and the stomach dis- H
Millions of people know the magic H
j Of Rape's Diapepsin as an antacid. H
I Thejr know that Indigestion and elisor- H
dered stomac h are so needless. The I
incut, and they cost so little, too. Adv.
30 Years OM
-Was Sick H
Now Feels Young Alter
Taking Eatonic for
Sour Stomach
"I iiRd sour stomach ever since I
had tbe grip and it bothered me badlj, n
Ilrwe taken Elatonio only a week and
t am much better. Am SO years old," H
says Mrfl, John ffiU, H
EatoDic quickly relieves sour stom- fl
acb, indigestion, heartburn, bloatiog fl
and distress after rannti because it fl
takes up and carries oul the excess jfl
i acidity and gases which cause most fl
stomach ailments. If yon have "tried fl
everything" and still" suffer, do not fl
j Kive up hope. Eatonic haa brought fl
relief to (ens of thousands like you. LLLfl
' A big pox costs but a trirle with your H
t druggist's guarantee. H
There Is one simple, safe and sure way 1 H
. ; that never rmls to Ret i Id of blackheads I
to dissolve them.
To do this two ounces of calonlte. ! H
powder from any drug store sprinkle a ' H
little on n hot wet sponge rub over the
blai kheads briskly wash tho parts und H
you will be surprised how the blackheads
hive disappeared. Bic blackheads, little
blaekhcnd.c. no matter where they are, H
dissolve and disappear, leaving tie- H
pails without any mark whatever. Black- H
bead are simply a mixture of dust and H
und Secretions uom tho body that H
form in the pores of the skin pinchlmr H
Mid 5.uee7.lnK only cause Irritation, make M
large pores, and do no' Ret them out after H
lie become hard. The calonlte powder pppH
the water sioiplj dlSSOlVS the black- H
o they wash right out. leaving fH
l he I'.jis fre. i lean and in lh.-ll nat- SJSSSSSSSSSSJ
condition Anybody troubled with H
iinslirhl should icrlaln H
try this simple method Advertise- SSSSSSSSSSSSJ
Cuticura Soap !
The Safety Razor j
Shaving Soap
1 CatKOrSipK&Tc wiiht-utraaft. rrcTT-whrro it
, i ii 1 1 f

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