list Ilk for
h stock judging
Contest to Be Held at Ogden
Livestock Show
January 7
H Itnloji for the Judging cattle by
jCflH students at the Ogden Livestock show
HNH hnviv been forwarded to nil COUntiei
.H ajtrntn In iho State, .iccorrling to V. W
HjH Kohlnson. Weber lul ncont.
H Tin- contort will be held Friday,
H January 7. and will start at 9 o'clock
BH Th-ranre two clause in the n
BPH contest, one ;i non-collegiate contest,!
nKI designed for high school and boy's
SJHw club members
nM The second elnas 1a mi Individual
BHf contest, open to any person In the;
United States not provided for !n class
P X and one who has n-vi
HH ini- rstate or In rnatloni i 1
m or who has not been an Instructor in.
yPB animal husbandry.
B For the first class, prises of $25, 1S
f jBBj and $10 are offered for the three
JiH highest loams. in addition to this
4-Jt' ward the orlng
flHH eat will be awarded IS while second
llH highest will be awarded $"
Pfl in the second contest, t'lvi awards
jftjPJ nrc offered, the first to be $2.". and
!HjH third place $15 and $10, While fourth
oj. tVj and fifth places ivli receive Awards '
T IS Arrangements have been made for
the t nir- of cattle, sheep ind ' ogi b)
jagBjfK hoy and girl club members A special
BMH silver trophy will be awarded to th
5m5B entry having the best record. Under
' FyVsm tn's arrangcment lhe club member
jjfaPJ can enter a lamb, n sow and litter, i
jSJIl fat hog less than six months, a fut hog
sgQgai under one year, a dairy calf or baby
Ma. Tlie rules provide that any high
RH school student or club member under
&9H IS ycare of age, who has never before
HHj competed at interstate or inlcmailonl
BBH stock shows Is eligible for the judging
SBJB contest.
j Bfl The contestants iii b presented
jB)B W ith - 0
H( constitute a perfect scoring.
BM BJ There are n number Of lesser rules
and regulations, written to prevent
A .nv discrimination in favor ol any of
IH mJi -' - 'ho contestants J-'or in t n..
HBT ents or club members will be allowed
BJI to wear any colons, uniform or Insignia
fW which might Identify Lit in a mem-
ber ol some school or organ
jnVI B. W. RobinoOn, Weber county club
, . f b-ad.-r. '. ' 'I i ; ' ) lh- . b.b
HmBJ members of Weber county, together
vwjl with students at a number of tho eoun-
BBpJ ty schools, are confident that they
BHB Will Lake awards In the stock Judging
HBI contest as well us in the exhibits of
BBB cattle , 1-ty reason of the thorough -
BJBJci bred call project which was started
iPBfc last spring, there are scores of regit-
jB-j cred dairy calvo In the county, it Is
BBB said, and some of them are said toi
HBB possess exceptionally fine points.
WASHINGTON - The popularity of
American goods in Norway is de- I
scribed In a report to the Depart- 1
ment of Commerce by Trade Com- ,'
missioner Nels A. Gcngslon. which
says that American automobile? and
trucks are so predominant that I hoy
give a distincr American toach to j
street trafflr in many ol lhe cities, j
Shoes worn by some Chinese women
are only five inches long. '
v : : : -' : : : : -: : :- : :- : : : :- : : : : -; c '- : v
'The Wonderful Chance9
X Vr- . .... . --"""iri t
BBBBBBK valiBJjJBBJjly F&wmE infll
mkL w& )- BBiJaflBBBBBJ
bM. i
wUESt MmWk "flBBmfi'-'V flBBBBBBBBl
BBWBr. rqyp ii-SBJ BJR
'wA'Kmn niBBBMr IwH
: : :: : : v :- -: : -: -: : : : ;
Through Service on
Washington Car Line
Through street car service n north
land south bound Washington avenue
I cars was resumed today, according to
Walter Ellington, traffic manager of
I the Utah Rapid Transit railroad With
the completion of the paving work on
north Washington, the service In the
future will be nin on schedule. .Mr.
Kllkngson said.
Through service was suspended last
June when the work on the new road
beds was sturted north of the Ogden j
, river on Washington avenue'. Trans-'
ferrlng from one car to another was!
j necessary and considerable difficulty
s encountered in handling t n- traf
fic. Cars will not turn back at
TWenty-flfth street as heretofore.
"With the work entirely completed
lour former schedule on Washington
avenue will he resumed," said Traffic
Manager Ellington today. "We will
endeavor to give the public first class
service now that the work is com-'
oo I
Brother of Oden
Man Dies in Salt Lake
Herbert J. Koulger, 71 years of axe. !
of Salt Lake and brother of Wallace
and Frederick Foulger of Ogden, dl-d
at hin home last evening as the resull
of an apopletlc Stroke, according to.
information received here this morn
ing. Mr. Foulger was born in London.
England. lit- was a member of thp
L. I S. church and as carpenter aid
ed In building the Stilt Fake temple
First: It is sold at a mod- II
' erate price. You save when 5 9
H you buy it.
H Second: It has more than the
ordinary leavening strength,
therefore, you use less.
Third: There are no fail-
H 1 u res it always makes the
H sfi sweetest, most palatable of
H 1 1 foods.
I Fourth: It is used by mil-
H I lions of housewives leading I
H h domestic science teachers J '
H II and cooking experts.
Kitchen Today." I 4 cup chopped
Bni Calumet conr&ms full lemon juice.
Ke baking powders cone in Then mix in the
Wteadof 16oz.cans. De$ure rCgU way
Jit a pound when you want it.
Sign Up First Player
for Ogden Ball Club
Tommy Filzpatrirk, coach at the
Dhiverstiy of Utah, and one of the!
best semi pro baseball stars in the
Mate, has signed to play with Ogden
i during the 1921 basebail season, ac
COTding to an announcement uiado to-!
day by Manager Frank Scott of itv 1
)Rden club.
Fltzpatrick has been playing base
ball in I'tah for many years and is ex
pected to be one of the big stars ri
the Ogden club when the season nets
tinder way. Tommy will hold down
the far corner for Oc.den
He managed the I'ocatello club In
the Snake river league last jfar and
played several games during the lal
tcr part of the 1920 season with Ogden.
Fitzpatrlrk is the first player to'
sign with the 1921 Ogden team. Mana j
gor Fiank Scott has his eyes on sev-J
eral other first class men and expects
to land- t hem during the next two
week. s
Implement Firm Sues
on Promissory Note
Suit to recover $126 alleged to L- i
due on a promissory note has bei n
filed in tho district court by the Sid j
ne Slovens Implement Co against
Fphralai Jessop and Sylvia JcBBOP. I
The plaintiff company ailefjes that
the note was executed July 23. 1918.
and no part has been paid
Second suit is also entered ngafnjl
the defendants for another nofe for
$25.86 alleged to be due. Judgment,
interest and attorney fees are asked.
Auto Mechanics Class
Will Begin Thursday
The auto mechanics school, which
has been delayed on account of con- 1
struct Ion work on lhe manual train
ing building at the Ogden high school,
will open for the 1920-21 season Thurs
day e-. enin?, according to Information'
given out today by school officials.
Morf than forty nun are enrolled in!
the class. Class work will be held ev- j
er) Monday and Thursday evening.
George A, Bergstrom la Instructor
In the auto school. Two sections will ,
be made In the class and until the
work on the manual training building
is completed the work will be carried
on in room 109 of the Ogden high j
Missionary to Be '
Given Party Tonighl
Bryan L. Wright, son of Mr. and.
Mi? Joseph B, Wright will be the
guest of honor tonight at ;i home-corn-1
Ing party to be given In hi.s honor in,
the Flrat ward amusement hall. Mr
W right recently relumed from .i four
year mission for the L. D. S. church.;
in Japan
A program has been arranged for Sj
O'clock, and Mr. Wright will outline
his experience In the Orient. Dancing
will br staged at ! o'clock.
Senator Smoot Files
Campaign Expenses;
SALT LAKE. Dec. 7. Senator Heed
Pniool yesterday filed with tbc secrc
tnrv of state, under the corrupt prac
tices act, a .statement showing expenses
for political purposes of $110; (r,r the
entire campaign
I Despite the large crowds attending our Twenty-fir?t Anniversary Sale on its opening days, our stock l
continues to offer exceptional opportunities for saving in buying Wonderful values are provided in all fe
departments of the store. Several are given below. f
Dinnerware p r J
..ff. i 1IMI i,ni)nrt.-.i china . ,n "" 1:1 n' r V ,--JVj , ' iBBBBBBBB I
1 naise bowls and manj dthei piece: r-Cs- F
wvv tt s Exceptional . s3TV- r'
iiiSi 9 S o"''"',l m "'" (1" ! w
WMJUJKJ pnrtmeh! among which rMxixTrnnT a -r t- pL
1 nflii?;;::;,:::,:: dinnerware I
imported ...... .. splend . jalue . Joint &jfJkhJ JjJ 52-plece sel ol ,emi-, r bin. all prfecl piecee l
mu"11:; n, and duribleT cu'r l eye n is another 21at Ann! ' ' ' i, " V 't ' ' , pUtM' !'
unuauaii) si rung .imu . cover dishes two vegetable dishes, creamer and siiRar, BBBfl
hair, closing oyei rhia Ol OQ fcifiQ In fact all large useful plecea. an attractive tfn A7 &
one ... the specials ,-,t i41.0J roi ttl.DJ el tor nix penona Special at ... . $9.97
I 1 . , , j BJ
School Boys Quit
City Court Hurriedly
What are you boy doing here-.'
Don't you belong In achool? If you
do you had better l'-a I
tl J. itolihet . fudge pro.-ti ni id
dressed these words to a group of bo
who rer4 seated In the court room
this morning, .istenins: t,. the proceed
ings. With one accord all of the,
youngsters excepting two departed
hurriedly. The remaining two were
a trifle nmre leisurely In their depart
ure. It Is reported that the court iv a fa
vorite place for truants Sfhce th
weather las become somewhat Severe
for them to roam about the streets.
Man Arrested for
Terrorizing Girls
Fred Iiellcmar, charged with Inde
cent conduct is on before the tj
court tiday. The lalrting witness
against him is Pearl l.vle, 10-year-old
daughter of Mrs, A I try t'. Lyh-.
Dellemar is alleged to have Crlghl
ened Pearl and her 7-year-old sjstsr,
Helen, on September 4.
Thf case Is ociiiK tried Ufore a Jury
conslstlojc f li A. Rhuiei J. -W'ooUs.
K, J. KrulthoscH and Cal Mar
ti ish.
Both ..f the little icrU and tloii
Twelve couples will be entered in
the deciding fox trot contest at th;
Bertbana tomorrow evening. The
contcit, which has been running for
six weeks, has created more inter
est than any similar event In Og
den A crowd that will pack the Ber
thana to capacity, is expected at the
beautiful dance hall Wednesday
night to wath the twelve couples,
who by then- graceful convolutions,
hope to land one of the cash prizes,
which total $160.
The first prize for the couple
dancing the fox trot the be6t In the
opinion of the judges, will receive
$50 caoh. Other cash prizes will
be $35. $10. $5.
The judges have been selected
from among the dancing instructors-,
of Ogden ?nd prominent privatj
Entered in the final contest ar;
these couple:
Clifford Van Dy.:e and Irene
Gwilliam, Leo Carney and Grace
Hancock, W. J Drysdale and Alta
Hancock, Jack Andercon and Mabel
Reeves, Louis Boyle and Katharine
Crldley. Tom Williams and Belva
Code, William Hoggan and Ellen
Wilbur, Harry Cl.rk and Maud
Fau.ker, Francis Steele and Thd
ma Cazier, Charles J. Williams and
Lecna Revor, Glen Halhday and
Ruth Boyle, Frank E Ware and La
vina Carlson
mother testified tin- morning.
Attornc John Sneddon represent
ed the defendant, while the prosecu
tion was conducted u Assistant 'ity
Attorney Kam PbwelLj
Japanese Beet Topper
Si;es for Season's Pay
Seeking to recover $847.20 alleged
to be due for work of cultivating sugar
beets. T. Suzuki has Tiled puii in lb.
district com: agafhat s Saunders.
The plainiift alleges that he entered
an agreement with Saunders, whereby
he was to receive $-1 a ton for culti
vating and lopping ten acres of beet
on Saunders' farm in Roy!
Suzuki complains that he has not
rec- I' ll Iks money iilthnURh he lul
lflled his contract and (he beets have
been sold.
Hens nsetl f,,r hutching fish
in China.
"Hcggie la going to tho country on
"For week-end?"
"Yei; his head's been bothering
) -as 1 4D t j k( i a- k ar 1 1 as o
it ro luive Catarrhal i I n c
3 th -i Just .i little hat ii it h
l ulu .- or h'ftvo head noiseit ko t- I
yovt ririiRglai nd gel I mri' ol V
M Pnnnini (double BtronKth), und iui J
ip ii i.iii i, .it v. i md m u
r tn ; : . granulated Bitgar. Taloj l I
B i ,i -i oonful font iiin i dv. z
I Xlil - - -1 ' of it in in: uulcfc relief X
1 : urn. ill. lint res ing I I m e.
2 tlbgged noflrlls idipuld oi-n. I
I i,i i .i hln ; bet ami en md ll -f
iiiticui -tot dropping Into ihi 2
.. , i coal I
A i.i ii,- und li i.eufcant ! tnke .Mi) f
E one foslnx hearing oi hum h.i. c
f l -:,r . r-1 1- : I DWMVM "f 1:.-i I noi.-i-s A
c hould w lh! ... rlpl 1
-Adv. 9
' Joiti Oup Z-
wxms i Sm
Come in NOW and stirt with 10 cents Next week you put in
20 cents. INCREASE your deposit 10 cents a week for 50
weeks. Next December you will have $127.50
The following- "tables' explain the different clubs
Put in lc, 2c, 5c or 10c the first we?k. INCREASE your de
posit lc, 2c, 5c or 10c each week. In 50 weeks:
lc Club pays $12.75 5c Club pays $ 63.75
2c Club pays $25.50 10c Club pays $127 50
Put in the SAME AMOUNT each week. In 50 weeks:
25c Club pays $12.50 $2.00 Club pays $100
50c Club pays $25.00 $5.00 Club pays $250
$1.00 Club pays $50.00 $10.00 Club pays $500
$20.00 Club pays $1,000
You will NEVER MISS the MONEY you put in this club and you will
have a METHOD and get the good habit of banking your money REGU
LARLY This means certain SUCCESS.
Join the club YOURSELF and have every member of your FAMILY
)oin It will make them SAVERS not SPENDERS. Try it.
Join TODAY Join
We pay 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly.
238! Washington Avenue
rW HIS FRIENDS A Near Sighted Teacher Gave the Kids an Advantage! Bv Blosser
1 i
BILLINGS. Mont By kicking f if-
here recently George O'Dunnell.
on tjn- riillinjis High School
football team, extended bis record
for goals cfter touchdowns without
miss to eighty. 1
Big Meals a Day
Bui Still Thin '
Vhj is u tl..ii bo many pi-ople who
eat throe hearty meals n duy are so I
- JH
simply be- H
caiiM thej require more natural pbo9
their lystem than
i able to Bupplj It Ik
i -til:, remnrkable what Blood-Iron H
'I.. people; it
tin-. md enriches H
Wielr blood, puta the idoom of health
'luir cheeks and, i at of all, it H
of solid H
healths Flesh Kven elderly people ,H
ivho tried Blood-Iron Phosphate H
till-in feel from ten to
i .i ml its benefit Ik r
As --M
binding guarantor of sat- H
there can be H
i . wh nil should not so to ;
n- h' r ll
ii -. it h .--I- 'H
t ou are pleas-il H
: nothlns If you aren't delighted. M
i fJJl
Sloan's Liniment, kept handy, takes H
the fight them H
SLOSHING .mouiuI the wet and
i hen tin- dreaded rheumatic H
ons when Slcwin'H
l.immeni put nn the job! H
Pains, st rains, sprains how ' soon H
il iti ..I1 i.i 1 1 friend penetrates with. 1
out rubbing and helps drive m away!
And how clennly, too no muss, ni
botber, tu siained skin or cloggt-d
poref Mu 1 1. - Umber up. lumbago.
backache are -H
relieved Keep a botti:
handy. Gt I one today ir you've run nut
Sloan's so warmln H
All druggists 85c, 70c, $140. The
largest bottli holds six times as much
Clogged-Up IV
Liver Causes M
Headache H
lr's looltsh to (utter Irom constipation,
sick headache, biliousness, dizziness,
indigestion, ar.d kin ssw
dred ailments aBr
tmi.ctu'.'; CAREER'S
Pills win end pra ittle
all misery 'Q IVER
a r hours. A jfijoifi I CI
Puicly vegc- Mr I IL-aW
table. Act iiOHHfli I
gently oo liver and bowels.
SinaL) Pill S:naU Dose Small Price
OImoW Inatnntly on tongru
or In tvatei hot or cold; do j
not hTo to crush.
who rptrrrR them. I
nadc mr ecoTT qowme
For Elxpectant Mothers j
Osed By Three Generations
i viiii sseskfl S MormnMOOO U tM BAST, i
.en.LO Rkulatoh Co., Pirr S-D. AtiaaffA, fiut. J