FOfl SALE Real Estate
flK - n
Phone 1101.
H & liOOil i:art!y modern house, larjje lot
am onl) "e Mock from Wash. This
1. -. c can be bought very cheap and rn
I . terms
i..i i "ii '1 I'"'!
DSH .mini. I..r:.. lance lot. and in
1 i of tli"- location In Kden. Thin!
I n I eaijildil home and can l bought i
HHJ h .-a If taken at once. ti..r iedl te
B ; modern I'i bloek-i from
HHJ tin buslm-aa center or city, largo lot and
HHH Immediate possession.
QHI i-rti'OM modern brick on bench in an
HHpJ excellent oomtlon: um lot and other val- '
i . -Mr onHderarlon Till place can he
EfH ji nl !! easy I. rrn:'
T it i our bu -in" m ' i suli you call In
PHI haw many Kood buys in small and large
i :ilKH Real Batata Loans and Insurance, i
B '24 S2 Wash.
I vi ."J
i i ':t i i, .1 t :':5r. . nhirKton
i venue, conyMIn of choice lot In front
with five h)om frame house nnd tr..1'1
o( I an a connecting in rear. (Of feat bj
-7T. feat. Kor unlc cheap to settle nn l I
latf Will consider am reasonable of.
I. W, -.N'N l IT
2427 Hudson Avenue i-'1
mr- ' n"cnly fourth St. Phones 2" 881
.'. BUYS ln-.nd new four room mod
in bungalow: an II ractlve little
i1h -; located In south part of town,
nice lot. Term,
$40oq Seven mom modern; sotcsllCM con
dition; papered with very best of va
i" i throughout; fireplace. good
1 l . li t ler. Term.
rooms, beai of bath flnturi
PBJ ol located eouthwsst part
MB ot.r cloai m "n pavement: pave
HH fnent nil paid real buy. Terms.
H l r". I new five rconi brick buhjgn
hh low; J. i t complctedi mfllt-ln fa-
JH hardwood floors, furnace heat.
pHpl il ! local Ml III best 1'ild-nr-e
on bend T
I 81121
' i "in modi n ".i Thli 1 Ic th mi e" t ;
K8Q pavement, A bargain at $J350. Terms
Phoni Sia or 2855-Vi
OWNKR 1020 I ord touring car fullj
BH pped with extra lire. onl used
h i " months: good cs new. a batKuin-
HaH Call 2l Twentv-fifth street ot Phon-
. i i S1S
. , .. , 1 . i. I ..!,- ." I. n, h
i n! I ni.-nl :nd l -; . north T rmc
1H 1 1 . ' 1 1 1 ' r I . i"i 1 -
I '". I ii l.i I. I. n " J' i 1 ' "
HvJ v. JtjfiOi) can run for five year. O. A.
Kenned Utah National Bid. Phone 313
HaV (Ti.lll g".. IM'l.lll
town: fnmi nil under cultivation ' good
fn ii room house: good limn, frrannry.
BBBJ .1 icken iouje. machine .jh-d R.irng- und
" ' V ' rth of machlncr: r with j l10
jjiAH i I -i. Price "i farm lw lud n( y 111 nn
rl 17000 and JlOO'i will handle or owner will j
tiado equity of s.i.vio for e.tty property
iid give good terms on balance
HHlH I have several other farm liuiguln.
I'i acres of extra good soil. pU-ntv of
HM fruit nnd water, good seven room hous".
Hw One acre and four room house for sale
Hfl on -n.i- terms or owner will .'cchanv"" ,
tm Whnt lisve you to offer?
BJBJFi New foir room house ready for occu-l
; pnney. Owner will oonalder good Irord
BBC ; na first payment.
Oood five room brick hOlISC on toulh
P Qrant.
PPPJ Five roopi frame house. i,mI Invest-1
PPP meat Will pay X per cent on $300n. Own
cr will sell on cajy terms or v. Ill eonsJdl il
I have many other deal? Come In and.
talk over.
.: . ioi Terma 1 ill Tv ! 1 ''
SI.'iH" -lims fh 1 room mod m lirirk. sit- I
TjWKl uateri on bench," J1750 rah. halar.e ,
JVU terms. Thlr. Ip a real bargain.
I;:;T;,ii Sl room house. sltUMt-.i on Wail
and Thirtieth. Thin place must DC
sold at once. Possession at once.
Lvi 1750 Very fine rive room modem home
close to union depot Terms Imnie l
dlate possession.
SI200 .Modem brick hungalow. MtuMcd in
south part of town. New gsruge
and some fruit tree' l'.ar.itn.
240? Hudson Ae l'hone 017
237" 2377 Hudson Ave. Phone 3.
3400 Five room brlrk, lot 60 by IN
feel, on Seventeenth street. tisv
14300 Modern five rrMim on Waahlngtonl
avenue. Small caah payment Baay
terms on halnnce
ypififi Modern four room bri-k. south j'ait
of eltv. big lol with :sl front and
Igm aKC. n ni" a uviiw
cy. Terms.
$5500 Modem five room homo well lo
cnted on the bench. Terms.
$;2yn New llvo room frame In norm
part of city. Will accept good Kord :
car as part payment.
Som choice farms for sale or trade
i in nnd look I It m on I v
FIVi: room modern hiw-' hullt In f"-n
lures attractive In ever wa Peautilul
yard and enough fruit for family juo;
also chicken run Easy terms. Hy Own
I ta B Inkei " rtuc 21
j. i ifi l.rl. k h owner J'i''
mpleted, strictly modern throughout;)
20od location on bench. Kn-iulre 231 . nd
Phom '
j ive room mod.-rn bungalow. Urat cutaa
. imillllon Oood location, flood terma, j
p on, i W
OWNER Five r i n rn brlci
iillBl ..nd mucco bungalow I-urn.o heat H"i
iyPJ prl. and terms see R. W AJtman, 16M
' ; .
l i i: room modi ra bi Ich i eened p
i'.Mtf L'ai-age. basement. comeftl porch n.i
jjjPJ walks, furnlshad or unfurnished Owner
-., Phoni VIU U 2il
FOUR room 1 Btood bi i n :'n"i ouj
BU butldlnga Onl WOOO. Eaay terma. WJJ
J M Tnii t . i ,i ni : treet 1 '' 1
, i VE room modern brl k on Adams ncar
'A Twentl third street J1D00 cash, balanee I
(ottr v.'arr.. A bargain. Price Umu Rob
BaP") ;..t c, Nye. 602 Eccles llldg . 1'honc 8o...
i b you wani bus or m II ai ant lota, I
HifiB m w. i Binckbutn. Iludaon building
Bi - '. KR Four rooin modem frame,
,11 ficwh Unlshed throughout, nev.- plumb
'd$fM mg. lot 60x330 and 32 shares of water In
m Of. en bench canal Located at S-3 TweJ
81 t flrt street. Inquire Ogdcn BOOH
1 801 VV or 761 ,s ' '
1 ,.;-T l.nv on U UNli'.iig'iin 't
KB! , ) jeep between I'wenl) fifth and I
WM t'v.. ntj sixth for $21,000. Half caah, -
K i r.pper-on. 40S Tw.wly-sixth 'feet
, ,,,s ...i North WaahlnBton'a ni i
H rtaved atreet. No payrnent ior Bnmn
, . ,M W I. V edell Phone -222AV
. , ZTTTi loo-ii i-ri. k. Sol
lLAA ned north: furnace, bench. ar line
1 . i nei US. , 21!
vpMITMENT house. Elghl aparlmenti
l J52:.0. Brings 111 150 s month Kasy:
aBM t im- One four room hous-- only aaW.
H " Tour "om frame modern, $590. Baay ,
, .,,? inquire 302 Thirty firth ittaetj I
' , ,:: , fun - modern iwJpJT
I . . .,, in. iccond alrei i. Apply i-'-' ujv
rHREE acroa cpd six room noun vh:i"
y . , 151!
, ,. h icroa lard and four room Si i I'' 'A' . 11'
Pollowlni nrapertlca muat ba aotd. and!
.M,t l..n. on one or ;.l. Terms can
HflB had on part of purehaae priee.
SikM night aerea excellent land al Thlrt i
I h nnd Oram Six room hou.-c. aever
PjH l chicken houses, finite- n nl or.hsr.l. j
riBBm -,iod ncv garage snd '0-l nonse. Mse.
ISjPI i .. , n, Improved and unimproved farms.
kBBi dock i" acvcral good money making i cmi
P ,, ,.f several mi'iiivil note drawing
H cent The above property must Ik
S3PPJ .nld Cr-'ll at (i23 llcrlen luildlng1 lor any
f ut nil Will BftJI nn. pic- e of pinp
WjLf at u very cheap price. Com ut
WANTED Miscenaneous
BHI ,I',c;k i-i.m riijjs "aol-jd at StandHr.t
Exunilner office. 4371
FOR RENT Furnished
ITT m ik X t r .. mi end hat I no li
dr. n. n" .1. .,y I'.' '. r. n.- .- r .pilre-i fall
a . j 24th a , Weal jj 1 "
! i i lixiSlIKD h iiaekei In i n i
block from lit-rarv IB 88 t Hi
M.i:i:i'IN'i; morn f r r.e .1 iv.o gentle
men, finest location I'hone .'i.tT-N-.l
6 1 Ith 8l 1 '
Pl.'RNISHKD rocm 3itltabl foi lichl
( ping - j W QM
l-ROOM furniahad houae in rear: for
-' iOranJ v ' ' '
i- : " m Pi i. il 111. mi . , 2076-R
NICELY furnished 4-rrKnn :i par linen; foi
a'liiiiv 5786 Oranl
FURNISHEP room, itentleman prafarrad
referencea; call no Both BL Ph. K44-M,
-1 9
v p i.i ....... -1 1 1 1 1 mo." . ii senile
men preferred 319 Twenty-aixiii niree;
' i
y UR-R m iM furnished rtouai . i -n
!9th a '' j 1
loDERN ' foi ! oiini cduph
will .are f"i 3 children while mother
a orka Call -'. S 1 j t -i n I ' 11 6
FRONT l.e-ir..orn for 2 genllemen; breek-
fast if daalred. :n:9 Liberty Ave call
mom nft N i 1
:im. i . i . " :-i f.-i i.i gem lem(
..." 24 th St. "211
BIXRi " M ouse parti! furni! lied I i
.juirr ;if!i 2lth St. I ' -
I-TRNISIIEI) ind unfurnished 1 1 am 1
TWi 1 . r ihi 1 ..--i'i' - ' ' " '"'
t nished or l-nfumlshil. Willi bath. '""H
aft i.j , . -i Thirt.eih atrcej
1 ' .r fronl alenplni m alth elo lis
i Bin ford - nui
Til'. . modi i iahed
rooms 2mi VV'aahthgton. Phone 125
- , i i h. .. y 77, iTfl
h i
I'i rtNISHED rron . '
,'oi tv.n gentlemen. 2MT f.r.inl
PI RNIBIIJvi) room llffhl Itou
uee of phone -uid bath. 2328 Madipon.
- i i . i heated apo tmenl Si el Idren
2 I in'. VV.' lb j oi Jil
TWO unsal ioo na f r llghl houaek
ii- c r -i - '
1 1 i furni hc! room, on fentle
i, i... 9traat. Phone 2760-J SOSa
i'i r ii1 -' -1 -it j i". i" 1 '
In, 7980
y r . ; 1 1 . - . . '
i.a ).. Cornet Adama an.; Twenty-third
at re i "96h
J no ; 104 P ni f
. 7964
SLEEPING rooms with heal nnd bath,
I for on.- oi two gentlemen -i 64 Twenty
. ghth -r. -t 909
i ,i K it i steam led lei ... room
re ni ".i'i TVent thin I ' '' i '
g . , -i - . no peopli
224? v li n phoni ' J TOP
k TT i I tci H ital r
Qranl i 1 t, I 1 a ' ' '
FOR RENT Unlurnirthecl
THREE rooi i i icnl
.ii n PI on I 117-B 1
i . l : i r ' ; j f : ' - ' '
n,.ir, )QS v I '' ' H A Vi
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
TWO " f.'n furniture for aad V barg
457 26th SI
Tit .man ;. vi . . i ; ! oi
v l 1 1
v. ii 'ici .i'. T buufej er: na j
priced at the Furniture exchange. 283
I J Ml"
r Nvi . i.-. i -. i- and j
leta 122 Twenty-fifth a tree I liM
WICkI : i. ' 1 ; . t mi
VVi Twcniy-frt aire'-i Pltonc 20S3-R. I
TWO n houae bam :o.-i horsi ftcd,
waRon and trui k r:.4rd-n lool. STilO worth
of crop. i:iji bargain. Don'l call Satur
day. t3S Boventeenlh atreet or p. o. Hox
HO, ('.:. a M 'i
PIVE roi ; r ttteraon ; al to
addle pony, billy goat iv.-o nannica. set
ami j and ' ng horai M81
,- I , III", ' .
aurrles $76 ui) to S12i. Mdne St'en i.i 111 CO.
wi ti :r. ecti ic -! 4 - - t r made
Less pari.. Pcrfectlj safe. Bldne: Bb -
r, ii iplemi ot J o
i ;k y i t ; -..ii. - . 1
without roillteis J2f ra.rb. while thoj laa(
Bldne) Stevona Implement Co. "H t
1 ;i ii i . pi mo fo' ai In i !' r' ' "all ii p. in oTu Twentj filth stifc-ol
OlRL'f bl i i Iltlon 1 1
oj1o S0M
Bl . i . i . nel Inquln 1(20
tw. i f i . h mild Phi me - - it - &
Bi x r. i ' i '
TWO wuv plow in fewd i nd lot
2 etc Moi - I
H.vr.i i i c 1 burnt ' new heav .
automohlle roh. Cheap Phom- U'M.
sa B 76c buahel "t. apple 12-22- W
VVINESAP applea, H buahel 1 ulli S0i
: t f:inon Kcnol I '-.o.h- !"k7 7'.."..
TWO plK " - ' x " 1 " 1
Ing machine. 3677 Adama Phono 3267-. M.
GOOD clean Ion th n tppli chn be had
ut i: fampheH'3 Hlverdalc. Phone 54 .11.
; "'-I'i
i i "i ' ut . .i.s rahgi . tour hole.- .
R21 Thlrta fifth a tree I 1 I
T W I ' rood mid. cov toi I
en avenue. . 94 I
OAK dining ( .
cabinet baao. sHnitnn eut. 2ri2t; Taylor
., i ' ' i "'' 1
WINTER potatoea tl 7i delivered. Sued
pi arils Pzra V, Steed. Phone 11 J-4.
V, III N -.oi: i1 i.e'.i I.i V .". i
Blvy'a Chunk Meal House. The very beat
ior much leea than nil other markata. Loin
Round nnd T-bone alaak, 2.'c pound
M. it i luinltR beef 15c pound. Plate
brlaket 10c and l'je pounds Whole pork
ahouMera 2: penmd. Vefl. lamb, mut
ton proportlonatcl) low Fred L. Elvy,
Prop., sij Tumi' foui th 1 1 eel 1 j '
MA.M.viA .m.iii.. ...nn, for Chrlatmai
Quaranteed slngera. Rear them in;.
830 Llncoli
POB the hext valuea in iIhiio2 and phono
grapha tee m Pantone k '"ii. Twentj
ninth nnd lluilaon. Tertni wliliouc Inter
est 7SS.
. i i nlngi i tone B utli i nd 1 It i
dem i 1 PI "i"' j j I 1
(.ii - i ii i . .i i ..(o tabl Call 1574.
71 i.i
WE alwa; hnvi wrlthli
reaeh of evc-t-v f,nntl SctiifactlOD cur-
mteed PI -'- '.v j 1
i i M i ' v i .1 . plnyer piano, p.k bargain Call
Thl" T .1-7
I I 1.1.1 :' .-1I..I in ii kit I mi 1 1 1 1 j , UiM'-rn
. .ii in .'. r. ' 'p. 7836
.-si RT1 ii 1 oM h and auppllea. See
t hi-m Waatern Oral 1 j 1 jjCg 733j
l NCAL1J l in oun. tuiloi umije: Bit
reduetl'jn i7'iMoi.'i. Ill "j Twenty-f r
gj Phone H IUT
VLL i laed knlfi i Ii al rt Phone '
781 .
CMILDR1 S - ai W o it j uaranti fed
384 W .n.. toi I j .7
DRESSMAK1NQ beading embroidering
remodclinjf. Work guaranteed) Phone
1895 I 7S58
1 1 1 . iSTi rCHI :. . fend pii i edging don
at Singer Kcwli.K Machine Co, All work
guni-anteed Wn.dilngion. 73 1 S
HeiiiHiiw innK ii' oi c'i;ce. buttona. pint -Ing
anJ pleating 'iiond Moor W H,
WrlKhl .-ore Mm U Uivimfn U
IfOUNG married e,njpt. n-ant two or tl.iee
houHekeuplng ioomn. fin furtlh I. -ft
ol referenoei Phoni 3177-J. ( BO
i OUR or five room modern hou '
Deeembc-r 17. Write or rail firl Holmeo.
Utah liillposting Co., 121 Twenty third
s v i 'iii ii i :
1919 LEXINGTON Uniting ear. -ame an
I new, floOO lea than a a' one. Eaay
rcrmn. fur can be seen 460 24li atreet,
'j'j 8131
SEVEN iaaaen i Btudcbakei edan. ieis
ft .-t condition Caah or terms". S B
Stock i ui i Lh. ni'-i 8134
i .1 ii .i ', i : ihi i . .tniov ii
I pot llcrhl. Meteor motor, eurtain. Wand
inalnn. tooU. three xtra tins. Itfund
for JI'uO. Now S?00. 0t6 Capital Phone
3116 lpj
1930 Buick. same na now; best buy In
the iit Caah or eaay terms. Cox A.
cari n .n i 1 - . .:'i.. M . '
1918 OverBnd touring ear, at good tlrea
meehanlrnlly perfect. A real bargain If
taken :ii once. Caah or eaay term.'. Boa
CO. . are .Standard-Kx.i miner.
Mi i i) ;i . . rl.i ml I " '''
new tire-, new Kxlde hatter Mum aoll
at onee. ill soei Iflei- for 6360. Phone
I Slili eyeninge. '""'
i .".i. .n n I uip del er aUU), .'..I 111 is
lire;. Biugt aee thif. 3(S1 Porter avenue
s'V , I . nip or h- '.
Aluo l'U DodRe, ir.n Call 13 and 1. 7"0
IVaahlngton avcnui
1 i t ' ( ) ',.n ini.K nn ..l. oi i ,id. Phoiv
Mt - 8060
"ii. v P FOR ( '-ii i roadab i Phoni
. ' I ' BOOT
WW S ii:iT..ti.VL'.l.l. I 1 ' '
t i- i ii.ftirl.,j T..i mf
Ovi r!nnd chummy. M " '
Overland 5 paaaonger, M. S2.
Rulck five paeienper. 1 eyllnder.
Stndelnil;-'! five pa.a-er. -I e Under.
Wlllvr ici.-n pa-i::,-rr. ii e Under.
Overland five pmjcnt;er. M. V).
i'.niei: roadatar. cylinder.
2.",to Grant. Phom- ? y
ilemonnlable truck !dy. Bargain. Phone
' ' "-
-1 ! i . mi '
ger; ood condition Will sell - heap. -Oi .
darni I Tm il 14 '
TTi lAN'S UI'I 1 ' 1 1
THIS WdKe as-sener
1H1K 1 1 .dre roadster
ipm Rulck r-;iaaaepger
i!2o Bilck p-raaeenger
lilt Bui ' P ur rajadatar
1017 P.uleV: O t.'. touring
fhevyoiet 5-paMie-tger
lilt a udebakvr
1814 1 III m ildls r!2
IJ17 i !hM'mi ri
IrtlU Overland il-t xvnenrjer
ti; f le Bight Chummy roadster
1816 Bakou SK
lii Pord toiir'nit
1618 Ford delivery
1320 Potd Coupe
These are nil late model Thcv hgVO
neen renewed mechanically aa " i In
a;iie,.r.n e. and the : rm stll Bull i'OU.
i?iiki:svan .M'TCMonii.t:
25C6 Wash. Ae. Phone o25.
TAN plufeb haif containing coin
puree, etc., between Jacksdn ami Tic-r.
- -" 1 ' ' ' -
fi i with mixed bku h an i
gray halt on hni k. Would advlue mii
holding nd do to release at on.- th--
owner and nvolrl prosc-eutlon. Good i
.t ven 2inr, . i.idlaon avenue. 81 20
WHITE ivool unl I glovi Plndi
turn to 3G78 Washington Phone 3563 W,
BLAi K purse contalnuig $ii between
Wash ngton Markcl and Horrock'a store
Return I 2723 Jefferaon. Reward. $098
Li LAi i Ivet hand bag loal In rl hi
oi between Wright a and Wooiworth'a
i "."i 106 1 M ' - :
BROWN mare, brand 1 on rlghl hln
Phoni 14-J 7 -7 1
Al TO I', en" pi!.- No It',?:. 1 1 ' -o il. .1 ,o
tall llpht. Return to Standard Examiner.
Reward. ccis
WAN I ED Female HcTp
I HOUSEKEEPER. Phone 234. S071
GIRL .i woman i"t roneral housework
, Phone 2376 or call at 2i0S Tyler aem:.
WOMAN for Hqiu houaeworM I I care of
. ehlldnn during dnv. Widow preferrnj
Apply after 6 p. m. 2356 Washington
avenue 80j :
HALI rlrl Applj I i person Heal) ho
Lei i
BXPEltll NCEP aewlng glrla wanted al
Capiat Sinn. ro-..i agea. 8888
WANTED Male Help
RAILWA1 traffli inspccto no cs
i nee: train for Ihla profession through
Spare time home sludv. easy terms. Jill)
j to S2UO monihl'. ;md vi n.i. -s triiai-anteed.
or money baetc Outdoora; local or trav
leiint: under big men who reitard nhihiy.
., Ire.- liiHikli-t. I'. 132 SL'tnd Business
i lalnbi i lUub Bufj 7284
t i .1 ' atenographci wanl d -t Prci ei
Coal conipanj'n plan I at Superior. Wyo.
Good Ktiluri. State past lecord and ex-'p-rlenee.
Adilres Premier Cosl Co.. 5V
p. , i. i bijUdlri Ogdeti 1 I tl '
BEE v V f v uto - ... i T7
g-e, No ' I i r .i I 1 I' I "fii'li
WANTED Male and Female
I l PBRl I.N' 'fl 1 l.ooi.l.. ej.e: liUI
rouph'a addln-' machine. Muat be good
pi nman. Phone 370 2361 Wall avenue.
CLERKS cvci 17 foi postal mall servici
1 8120 month Experlaqee unnecessary.
Por free parllenlara of exatnlnatlon. write
.1 Ivonnrd ifonn-T civil service) examin
er) 196 ISqultabli Bldg., Washington, D.
. ''
WANTED Salesmen
SALESMEN wanted to acll oui ilne. wl i
'ltc nnd shrubs are In demnnd Cash
j weekly. Address Capital City Nursery
' .. . 3 - .1 O :
WANTED Situations
i if v. : mai di bi position aa hunt
' 'eur with private family or doctor, fall
. - ; 8122
i . v . h" hou .eworl; by day or hour
i 'hone 3 08-J t-"7"
I'OUNG rapnneai - hool boj wish
1 atlon. Phone 1205. 2."i Twenty-fourth.
l M - -. . I i t- .-.i U wit h t on I r ill k I . '
enl flrsj atreel '"'.f
VOUNO man familiar with ill branch)
' accounting, wlahea special work or extrn
.--.t of books after r p. m. and Saturday
1 iiflornoon. 13o:c 20, care Standard-Mxam-
Incr. SOI '
IAPA? ESE 9 hool bov wants situation
-.i Phoni li 8026
WOMAN wants work by the da: Under
i etandr niatern'ty nursing. 275 20th St.
EXP 'i ' ' i 1 " ' lypia ' an i position "r
wort; Ht hom Nearness and aecuracj
guaranteedi Will call for work. Phone
: 3210-Jf. s'02
- i , i : 1 1 m '! :i ' (.-ni ,. iThea position in
home; preferably where there are two
adults. Phone Reed Hotel, lioom 21?.
COMPETENT atenoi aphei d
potHrv jiosltlon or piece work. Phone
97 j .""'
t i v i ' .. i i - ins and n no ntlng of
! I' W '-.
Mo v i i ' . ie it. on i n.. .! . eatav
fjp A- HerrlrW TM
wha t national banks i
nesi wp do for the man oi woman who
works on a .-alary. Ell Dlx. T'27 Hudson
building '
IODERN .xteiilu li'-nle.l MOrnTe. U'elw-r
i ior Motor fo., 2?,".; iii'.i it
HUH HhIM I Miscellaneous
EXCELLENT parage for reni Cloai In
paved street-. 286 28th Street. 818M
. 1 1 1 1 i vacuum cleun'-r. a 'i .
1226 3
WANTED To Borrow
WANTED i" borrow 14000 three years al
.7 per cent Interest on firt mOTtXSge;
new home worlh 9000. Address P 0.
Box 907. and will I .ill Sid;
A ITOMr ..n term? and monthl) 10'-
menti Call Mr. i joa an 1 a I ; hotel 8107
Illi'rHKST price; p.ild Ioi i.i. n'; old
clothes. 259 'Pvent fifth ftreet. Phone
TWO ir. ihftoov Phoni - R-3 oi Boi
i: F D No 8052
EMPTV holtl. s in , h it i. I . ' L'.'H
H1OII10ST prices pa!d for second nund
tood.i. Stov.-e. jvr.n Washington 6166
l.Ab'lf e. nn mpo wanted at the Stnnrt
nrd r.Tiiniliier office 4 .HO
UOAUH and r.e. in for ni'
W l-li i-f.-r-n. . . :;i, : ,i
V1L taao your old i-ne na first payment
I on any new range, or will buv our old
ranae Oil tr left t H'jmo Furniture C'o. 4471
r ' iKl : i. '. l.. i foi i tout Inc L.-.l
Will sell or trnde. First cln.F oidei 7.'.7
! ihlnpton 1'hone 8j8J 806B
Information Bureau
I Dramweli Rook and Stationery. Cifi3
Washington avenue. P. one aso. 20J
Utnh National Rank, aontheast cornnr
, Twent-. fourth and Washington, Phone 61
Ciirpct elrnnlnjr and color restoring.
.Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 2435.
, 7915
'rrih n Carper!! Cleaning Co for first:
class work. lpholsterins) and mattraaa
1 nicUinR Phone :,7.'i:'-.f. K. 'a.i Kmnpen. .
Pxpeti carpi l clr.-ntiifr. npholstrrlnc. :
inn 1 1 :i s ...! made ii or. fenltcr! n novated.
Cal I .1. Hampton fo . 2.'iC-W 2?A
OKden chin.nev weep. Phone 361.
Phone i?.3. 3258-60 Washington Ave.
1 ic(rl' & fo. h-uilini; ruhhish nnd
, . i 'hom ."i- W 7i'..: '
The New Method Dcntlsti ore .special
Mst.- in ni! branohes of Dentistry. 2tfi?
Washington avenue. 22oa
Garden Engraving Service Co. Makers.
of fine cuts In one or more colors. 41C
Twenty-fourth street. Phone 463.
J P Corn, Phoii. 2151 42: Kcclea Hide
1 Oeo. D. Dennett i-..riorntion and group
insurance a special ty. Phone 121 W. loll
West, ni Hide Jfc Junk Co.. 2323 Wash
intrton Hvenue. Phone 'i".l
C. H .erne Phono 946-J 5260
! First rlas limine I'honc 7nc. S0SO
I All kinds. C. II. Zorbc Phone 94S J.
Willnrd Kay, real .--state and leans.
2474 V.'ashinRton Ave "hone 403 1874
i Steamship Awin-y. 2370 Wnshinpton
I avenue. Phone 1166 84J M-88X 693
I Oarbacv. arifi rubbish hnoled. cesrpolls
and loileta cleaned. John Chlpp & Co..
Phon. 821 8848 HtidaOB Avenue. " !733
Stoves repaired, moved, cleaned and
pet up. Phom- 8K4jW 7337
Trunk and ban repalrlnsL around cor
nn li om Mundard. Gallnelier a. JJ.J llu.l
son. . 21 is
Expert MrlndoW and wall paper clean
Inir. American V.'lndow Cleaning. Ph. 5C3
In the Cltj I'.'urt of i i. -den City. 7oun
ty of Weber. Sintne of I 'tab.
MltUd P.nrrell. plaintiff, vs. John Tar
vl. known as J. W Jarls. de
fendant. The ki;i" of t'tnh to the said defendant
You are hereby summoned to appear
within ten days after service of this
BUmomne upon you If served wllhln the
eourit hi which thi action I.-i brought,
otherwise, within twenty days after this
service, and defend the above entitled
action; ami In base of your failure so to
do. the plaintiff in this a. lion will tinpb
to the court for the relief demanded In
the complaint Of which a copy Is hereto
attached and herewith served upon you
and will take judjrment for the sum of
J42, principal, and Interest from the 15th
day of February. 1020. at the lepal rate
and for costs of this proceedlnc
w. R SKEEN, Plaintiff s Attorney
P. O. Address 402 Eccles Bldr:.. Ogdeii,
Dated Ocden City. Weber county,
Utah, this 12th day of August, 1020. '
Stnte of Utah, County of Weber, Kanes
vllle I have In my possession the follow ms
descrlled estray animal, which If not
(clnlmed and taken away will bo sold to
the hlchent cai-h bidder nt my place in
I KaneavlllOi on Saturday, the llth duv of
December. 1920. ut the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m.
I One brlndle steer, part Jersey and part
Durham. About 3 years old. Both rears
snid estray was tnken uu by me In
L-aid place about seven weeks nco
fSlKned) C. A 8WENSON.
K i.. v " I i ..ii
Consult County Clerk or tne neapec
tlve Signers for Further
NOTICE NO. 3335.
Estate nd Guardianship ol Carl Osder
stronrt. FTIotse federstrom and Clr.dys Ce
fj erst rem, Minors
The petition of Carrie J. federstrom
for the appointment of herself as guar
dian of the persons and rotates of saM
minors In the above entitled matter, has
been set for hearing on m lai the 20ih
day of December, 1920, at J o'clock p. BL.
at the county court house. In the court
room of raid court, in Opden City, Weber
county, Utah.
Witness the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 8th dav of
December. 1920.
(SEAL) WAITER N". PA fin. Clerk
By A.QKES SMITH, Deputv Clerk.
Atlomeys for Petitioner. M.lfi
In the District Court of the Second
Judicial District In and for the fountv
of Weber. Slate c-f Utah.
In the matter of the estate of Ollls
frank. Deceased.
I redltors will present claims toRelher
wllh vouchers to the unders-lcned ad
mlnlstrator at 402 Bccles Building. Cr
den. Utah, or or before Ihe 1st tlav of
Februarv. 1921
W. R. BKEBM, Attorney.
Dam of first publication Nnv. 84, 1920. I
Mate Of lasl publfcatlon, QtC. 2.'. 1920.
In the District Court of the Second Judl-i
clal Dlatrlct, In and for Wobor County,
Slate ol I l:,li
In Ihe Mattel of the F.ftntc of William
Jenkins, Deceased.
Creditors will present claims with I
vouchers to the undersigned al the Office I
of f. u. Holllnifsworth, Suite &is David
Krrles bulldinK OKden. L'tah. on or be
fore. January Is, 1921.
Dated. November i" 19M.
Ailniinlftrator v Ith the Will Annexed or
the Estate of AVllllam JenklnF, De
cease. C. R HollingSWOrth, Attorney for Admin
Iblr.itor. 7305
in the District Court of the Second
Sales At Salt Lake Cover I
Extended Field But Lack
I Trading In mining slocks on '.he Sal'
Tike St.vMc A- Minlner exchange covered
a wide field but lacked volume this
Tlnile Stnnd.-ir.l traded ai 88 .71198. 734
with lichl sales. Silver ICIntr fon was
the heaviest trader anione the expennlve
stocks, 1000 shnrei. ehanitinc hands at
81.00. Silver Kng foal, brought 81.70.
Eureka Bullion fell oft a little this
inornlnfi. trading nt 10 nnd 10'tc. Eurekji
I Mines was slroncer selling at "'i and
:7'ae Albion traded at 12 and 12'jC.
i Quotations furmthed over ociva-.e wlrs
I of J. A Hogle A Co . Eccles Bldp )
Fill! V-':
Alta Con . .00 $
, Albion 11 ,11
American fon -ii -
i Mra Tunnel 0.1
Beaver Copper .01
BIk Hill oni .o'3i
j Bla Cottonwood - .. .08 W
j. union V4 .v.,
fohimbns Rexnll 81 i 88
frown Toint '2 . OR
Colorado fon 04
fentral Eusrka . Hl'i 02.j
I'rnnon Con 07 .10
Daly West . 4 15 4 .50
East frown Point .ni'j
East Tin foal 0t ,01'i
Real Tin. fon "7 "'
Eureka Mires . 0 .If'.i
Eureka Lllv nnf-i .07
Eureka Bullion 11 1 ' 'c
Emms Silver Os ."3
Bmnirc Mines
fold fhain oi. --i .10
Howell Ill Bi
Iron Blos-som 81 ."-'-i
Iron Klr 18 20
Judge MinlnR .... 3.75
Kenneheo ip. M '
Keystone .81 .76
Leonora 'i .03i
Lehl Tinth oS'i .01
viv Tav 02 .02'i
Mamlnoui 85
Mr scow 10
MIohlBon-rtah on. N
North Standard 05 0V4
New Qulncy "3 04
1 - liniiRfi 00 II"1 '
Nalldrlver 20 40 !
Pti'tua . .. .?7a .8Q I
rrince "on 29 29
Prnvo 04i .05'i
P.llonii 01
Rico Argentine 02'.. oil-
RICO Wellington 07 OOVj
Sells 01 ; 0".
Sll. Kine foa! 170 I.CS
Sll Klnc rn t.00 1
Sioux fon .02 .01
Souh Hecla 80 .70
South Standard ' .81
Silver Shield 29 .10V-
Tar Rn'.v 1 01
Tlntlc Central .. Oivfe .02
TtnMc Standard 3. 70 3.78
Utah Cons 02
fnde Bam OIL. .02
I'nlon fhlef 0
Wn-t Toledo ............ 02 04
Wnlker . 2.10 3 00
Woodlawn 04 .10
7.uma OS .00
Daly 1 00 2 50
Empire Copper 30
Ooenino Sales.
Alta Con. r.000 at c
Columbus Rcxall 150O at 33c; 500 at
1 Cardiff 800 at si 20
I Bmplrs Mines 1000 at 44c.
Iron Blossrm 800 at 22r
Ma Dav l'.OO at 2c
New Qulncy 5000 at 4c-
Rurekfl Wlnea 1000 at 7'ic iuoo st 74c.
Eur.-ka Bullion 500 at 10Uc: .1000 at
North Standard 1000 at r.'ic
Provo 2000 at 5c
Sells Sr.oo at l4c
Silver Klnc foal. 50 at SI. 70
v.-ll.. IT o fr.r. IClllrt :.l il 00
Sll . 1 Shield I'lliiO fit 2''.
Closlna Salca.
Alta fon 1000 at C,
Al'dnn 1000 at 12e: 500 at 12'i
Aba Tunnel H000 at 5c.
Eureka Mlv 1000 at 5c
Bullion iooo at vf. Rexall 70n at 32c. 1"00 at
31 Vie.
East Tlntlc Con 300 nt Sc.
Iron Blossom 200 at, 22c.
New Quincv 7000 at 4c.
Eureka Bullion 2000 ai 10-jc; moo at
Sells 1000 nt 2c
Silver Shield 200 At 29c.
Tlntlc Standard ioo al 81 70. 60 at
Bid Ask
Amal. SuKar 8 J 12 50
Amal Suu-nr pfd 9? 00
fon Wanton 101.00
Omen I Securities 120.00 122 00
T tah-IdahO Sut;ar 6. CO
Lion Coal Bonda 85.00
Weal Cache Sugar 100.00 101.00
Wvomlne Sugar 10.00
rxeden-Portland Cement 96 00
rr,ien PncklnK .. 25.00
People s Sujzar 5 50
First National Bank 12t r.O
Security State Bank 146.00
flllf AOO Dec. R Wheat No 1 hard
Jl 79H: No. 2 hard 81.75.
Corn No yellow 85088c
Oats No. 2 white 60'iff.Mc; No ". white
49fr 50c.
Ryo No. 2 ll.BTfj
Barley 72fi95o.
Timothy seed 85. 60O6.75.
Clover seed 815.00W22.O"
Pork nominal.
Unrd $15 00.
RIDS 812.5014.00.
NEW YORK. Dec 8. Tin firm; spot
ond nearbv 35. 50036 7S; futures 536.75
c17 00
Zinc firm. East St. Louis delivery -t-it
0.25i 6 80
Dther metals unchanged
LONDON, Dec. 8. Bar sliver 4 3d per
Money 41, per cent.
T'lv, ount rates: Short bills i, U per . enl
three month bills ON per cent.
Tm.1I. , I I . ti .. -- ' 1 1 ;i v. I'V !n
and for Weber county
In the matter Of the estate of Louisa
Mur-prave. Deceased.
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undarslfnedi admlnls"
trator "t Ue estate of i.outsn Blua-
l r.t. , ile tased, at the offli e of Rovul
j. Douv'Ihh. 2;i David Eccles Buildinsf.
Opdrn fltv. l'tah, on or before the 1st
dnv of Eebrnnry. 11120.
W. C. CARVBR, Administrator
Attorney for Administrator.
Date of first publication Nov. 24. 1920.
Dale of last publication. Dec 22. 192o.
Estate of Curtis E. Smith, sometimes
known uk Kiri.y e. Smith. Deceased.
Tne petition of Mary E Smith for Ihe
Issuance to herself of Letters of Admin
istration in the above entitled matter
hni been M't for hearing before J m A
W Aree. Judge, on Monday the h da
of Decembei l0, at two 2) o clock p
m., at tho county court houae. In the
court room of said court. In Ogder. city.
Weber county, Utah,
Witness the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affl'd. this Rth day of
December 1980.
Uv AGNES SMITH, Deputy Clerk
Attorney for Petltlonei 8135
Eatate of Elisabeth C Wardlelgh, De
ceased. The petition of Porter A. WurdlelRh for
il , i Fiii'.n.-e t" l.lm.elf of Letters of Ad
ministration of the eatate -.i said deceoe
ed in the above entitled matter, has been
.( for hearing before lion a b Pratt,
judge, on Monday, tho 2'Jth day of De
cember. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock a. in
at the countv court house. In the court
r if said court. In Ogden City. Web.-r
countv, Utah.
Witness tho clerk of said court, with
the sal thereof affixed, this Itn day of
Decani bar, 1920.
r. 'ONES SMITH, Deputy Clerk.
Alu m. for T '.. tltloner. 8137
The Ogden Auto Directory
Master Electric Primers start your car instantly. Guaranteed by
Barlow Bros., 2466 Grant avenue. 8044 f
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstein Trucks. White-Robinson W
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3730 P
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 9 1
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3773 1
Confusion Marks Dealings in
New York Stock
NEW TORE. Dee s The nneertem
treii'l nf prleea nt Die nut'et of tnrln'n
M-toek mSrkel leSSleil pointed to eon ,
I (inusnce of th" reeeni lri-ernlnr move '
ment, Willi e-Overiunii preferred, yester
day ? weaken' feature rslllM fraction. I
whib Texas Pacific Coal and on can
relied n part nf it substantial sain.
American .nrleulluril-C'heml'--nl ro."e
I lS hut thin wns offesi lv a rlcclipe of
tin- K.uv.e .xirnt n Int. rurlmu Aprlcul
i tural.
I AmT'cati Woolen rone l point nml Nor
folk A Western i 1 I. iut Mexican Petrol
ii. i's Initial aclvnnre of 1 point Was 11
pr,o t immcllafely replaced b n '1 polnl
I reactlen. Steeli cmi stulpments srisre
I" -illTnt niaiTU .it ullglit r.'ce.a.ona. Eor
I'ii xchanfte nc represoBten by ihe Lon-
I ilon rnle was firmer.
Increasing confusion marked the netiv
.! .illll'.l fl Ihe liKirnlllK lu'l.' erpeelnll
coalers, movinc forward wniie ohbl mot
or. nteein ami various specialties became
more reactionary, .'ofiw t- western ei
tended its sjain I 12 nnd the several
Hca'lInK ifkih-s inf 1 to aimllnr pilti
bl ne made by Pittftburg. A- West 'lrKl
nln. Cheaaiieuki: A Ohio nnd lhlch Vol
iee us well as Southern Pacific nnl l'n
Ion Pacific Texas ,1- priflr Conl nnd
OH inei -.eii 1 1 setbach 2 i points, but
Will) M.('c erl'"id tu-efern c ext tided it.i
tally to S. Fond products, on xvhlrh dl(
derd aetton la expected later In the lii.
fill five point a nnd lnlern.Ttlonel A-r'eiil
turul added to it e,irl reveianl. Ilenv'
i ie came more Kcnen,l 0t noon. Cull
mon ' opined at 7 pev cent, nnd time
ratea alsO Mere unchanged. I
ShorU raided the oils at midday, of '
fritln lo.ei of to 7 oointa in th.t
Kroiin Strnmhorc C arhvirelor broke Z I I
points on ih" in per eent eut In the cllvl
Hend nnd MacnOtOi Vanndlurn
Ste. I United Stiit-s Steel. Com Prod,
nets rnd California Packing made dc
ellnes of 2 to 4 point.
CH1CAOO, nee k Rains in Arrn'lna
and news from Indianapolis abon' i lanr
to finance exrnrts pave conl.lera le
-trenqth to the wheat mirket fo.i:iv. but
a reaetlon noon t.-ok nlaee Selllnc In
which houses with eastern conn' I
were eonnnleuoua proved Boon tO be nirr-
than n oountar-balance for the bullish
factors which had developed overnight.
Bears contended that urgent forelurn bay-
Inir of wheat in the United S'ates WSJ
nearlnpr an end and wa likely to be fol
lowed by re-selllnar. Initial '.uointloni.
which ranged from U to ? hlpber I"
. ein'.er 1.7m to 1.72 and Marc'i 1 I'M
to 1.70. were succeeded 'v breaks n,
well below yesterday's finish
In corn as well as In when' there irii
pervi'o'ent eastern se'Ilntr. After onenln
unehanccd to r higher. Including slay
at TO", to 77';e. the market underwent
a ceneral ac
noia .i-r i-mpm.vl eMe'lv l v the ac
tion of other rraln starting Sc off to,
I., higher. May to iic and then'
tendinir downward
provision"! showed firmness In line with I
the Ikit market
I.a'er the ','hea' martlet rallied wine
largely to removal oc hedges en i 000,000
bushels of Canadian wheal taken by '
PrHish royal commission. Peebles. Italy
was said to have bought 2j(i 000 bushel
of Durum. The market closed unsettled,
it to ll4e net lower, with December J1.C9
and March $1 r,i', to ) fi7.
The clowe In corn was nervous at Sic
net decline to c advance, with May
rr.u. to 7fiic
CHICAGO. Dec. g. (United Slates Pn
reau of Market ) t'attle fiecelnta 10.
oon. beef steers stea.iv to stronger; some
vearllnira blsrher: bulk native steers $9 -2."i'TilJ
oO butcher and eunner i-nk tren
erolly Steady; bulk COWS anil belfer-i $S -
. .7 r..i .anners mostly 1 75'?r4 00. de
sirable bolognfl bulls fairly active, bulk
and medium weight vealers $10 00'i?10 50
heavies mostlv $6.00?f7.50; stockers and
feeders .stronir.
Hogs RecelpLs 25.000. market atronc to
10e hlpher than yesterday's average; top
tin nr, bulk P 7nf?1.?!;, nips steady to
l.-.e lower bulk desirable ? to 130 pouno:
I piirn around $9 25.
Sheen Hectlpts 16 000, fat lambs 15 to
25c lower, choice fed western lambs
$11.00; bulk natives $I0.00' 10 75. fat
sheet) firm: choice fed western ewes
J-, nn bulk natives $4 004 75. feeder
steady. j
KXNSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. R. (United
SI itsd Bureau of Markets ) Cattle He
celDtS 7500; beef steers, butcher stock
and ..inner" Steady; O0S I'Kid Christmas,
vearllnK steers $1'. 'o; other sales $r, r.o
010.76: few heifers M.16; bulk cow s $5 no
71", 00; stockers and feeders steady to
strong veal calves averacinir $1 lower
early ton $1- 50; bulk late $11 00 down,
other calves stedv to unevenK lower.
Hcurfi Receipts 11,000; market active,
isleady to IOC higher mostly 10c hfeher I
top 110.00; bUlH Of sales S9.ti5ff9.90;
liaeklnK sows 15 to 25c higher; plfrs
steadv; tood and choice fat pigs $9.60??
I, If
heep Rei elj.ts 4 .00 sb. np .'.'. to ,.nr
lower natlva ewea $4.25: ea,rlini; $ '-'.":
feeding lambS 50 to 75c lower; fed went-
srns $10 to feeding iambs around 25c
lower: top $V50.
OMAHA. Neb. Dec. I. (United Stales
Bureau of MarkeLs ) Hoes ReeelntB
S0u: market opened 10c t.-wer. loninc
Steadv; hllk medium and bc butcher
$r. SOQ0.75; top $9 R0; bulk strong
welnhls ami pucklnu grades 9 ' ''
Cottle Receipt 4300. few early sales
lateers steadv; she-atoek stronger cloaine
dull to weak vsall BOO t" $1 00 lower,
J stockers and feeders steadv to
Sheep Receipts 4500. lambs weak tO
1 85C lower l(i 05 Ltd on best lambs: bulb
lambs i.76li.T6! yearling sheen an''
feeders steady; ton vearllnK $7 50: ewes )
l t on feertins i.tnl9 $9 00; reeding ewes
NEW YORK DOC Prllhe nui. an-,
! til" paper unchanged
Exchange steadv
Sterling: Demand caoioa
sVanos: Demand .' lie; cables 9ic 1
Belgian francs: Demand c.i7e; cables
I.. 19.-.
i CnlldiTF : Demand Ho. 45c . aides u :,.,c. ,
I Eire- Demand 3 52c, cables ?. .r.4.-.
IVfarV Demand 1 34e. cables I :.
r.reece: Demand 7 ."'
New York exchange cm Montreal 13
per cent discount.
Time loans unchanged
CH1CAOO, Dec. S ButtOS easy; cream
erv tfc
i'".gn lower; receipts cases: firsts ,
- ordinary firsts 70f7 75c, at mark.
. nses Included. fi9'i 75c; standards not
auoted; refrigerator fists B69ITc.
Poultry alive lower fowls 10i24c:
springs ?4c, turkes 35e.
NEW Ti'RK. Dec. s Liberty bonds
I. .sdl
8 Us 00.40; first Is S5 90: second 4s 85 -40
"first 4'is Rb.lO second 4's IE 18;
third Dts 10; fourth 4"Js 8.r 74. Vic-
lory 3is 95.50; Victory 4'is 95.46.
MIKNBAP1 'LIS. rMlnn.. Dec. s Elour j
10 to 56c lower, In carload lots, family
. tents ouoted at 9 409.50 a Ixarrel In
PS pound cotton sacks. J
bran f2 w
(East Sale) f
Allls-Cbalmera -"0-, pl
American Meet Sugar H
American can . . . .
American Car Foundry 125'. HBHI
American Hide A Leather pfd 44 1 '
American International COTP ..- 40'j li
American LoCOmOtlVS 4R' IS
imerlcAn Smeitins Lefe 441, f
American Qugor jl?4
American Sumatra Toi aoi 71 , H
American T. A T. - BBBBJ
American Woolen 71'. r
Anaconda Coptier H
Vtchl-on !'. L affl
Atl. Oulf & W Indies 110'j H
Kaldwin Loccmotlve .... . 94 fBBBBBBBBBBBBB
lialtlmore A Ohio Mi H
Bethlehem Steel "B" Sift L H
'anadlnn Eaelfie 11IH H
Leather 3 L H
i''i...i.M M.,'.. . 7H BBBBBn
CheFiipeak t Ohlo r'"'' H
Chicago, M.i h St Paul 30't H
Chicago. K 1 & Pac it's H
Chlno Conner I1: H
Colorado Duel a iron 8B j, fH
t'orn Prerflucts M"4 L jH
Crucible ste. 1 ... tj f H
Cuba Cane Sugar H
Erie H
nensroJ Electric . dh A rights i"ij
Ceneral Motors 15 '
rioodrlch ( v, 41 I H
Creat NVrfhrrn nfd "'- 1
-:i' Northern Ore ctf, 29'.
1 1: . c . Central 7T, L'
rntprn,tloii Copper H
Int Mer. Marine pfd 51. PH
In-rra' '"i"l Paner 477, SBBBH
KennerM '"ir WH
Louisville ' Nashville IOO'- I BSbbb
Maxwell Mnfers a&4
.vexu-m I'etroieum ies
' (
111 S'l II 1"- ffl
Rteel ffl
"NMOi'-i Pacific 197
.Central f
N V . N M A- Hartf. rd 1M&
N..rf..lU- A W'-'ern 1"" V
Northern Tal'lc
O'-Uihcma Pr-1 T.ef
Pan Amrl in Petroleum T4 H
PennsvUania H
Pttxnle'S '-'as , 40l; . L H
THi'.i.Mrtr X- Va ai"1. .
PV Consolidated Copper H's t H
Headlne ' BBBBBBBBBBfl
ttep. Iron ft- S'l ""'
Roval Dutch. N Y 0
?'.ell Tiar.ii A 'frad M
Sinclair Con. Oil w'j M
Soutbern l?aefr 100", . H
J- ..then PillVSV ;
Rtandard on of n j nfd 104U 1
s udet a!-r Corporation 4
Tennessee Copt er "'- H
Tf.T ft Pacific
TV.i.eoo Prodtie; ! SBBH
Transcontinental fill 9 H
I'nlon Paelfle o'
IT s T.,, .1 Vrrxlucts 01; BBBJ
c s Rota H
f S ' .1 ... f,7'i Tfl
Enlted Rtatei
1eled Rtate WW TH
Westlnehouse Flectrle VV IggVgTgffl
vflltva Overland Sj fBJSBJS
r.ierrcnn T'ln. Iead and Sro 7 ffaa
p. -.,s rnd Runerli '0li
onann PoM-er . . , B
baltuek Arizona 54K BBBSBJ
ir- nil 33
I Cattle Receipts 391: choice heavy. fH
eers 17 r.c 50 -' iteers Ss 00 ?
r vi r- f 00 Iff! 50 choice fee.1r fBBSBJ
H . 00 '"'' and heir- .
: ,.r. - Lo good cows end IfBJ
heifers $4 00? titers ' 'O il 1. 11 Al
canmrs 12 00 '.be feeder cows 1 fBBBH
14 00 '34 I f,n : bologna !
hpiK J3 1 C calves OlrlO 00. H
T'. ... Receipt' " 1 choice fat hogs
hulk of sales $9.45 H
99 0( M
holes lambs Sbbj
1$ nn ,, 10 00 withers 5 00706.00. fat sbbbbbbh
t 004?S feeder lambs $8.00? sbbbbbbb
. 1 0 V
Arrivals. BBBSBJ
,'ln Brother Blackfoot, Ma 4 cars JJ
bucks. H
Idaho Pa-klng Co.. Poctello Ida. - sH
cars ca'tie H
fallen A- Felsted, Blackfoot. Ida . 1 car sassB
B t Fon Or-al Wyo.. 5 cars cattle.
Ocdcn Packing company. South Omahs.
hogs. M
Drelge A Dowen. MalJfd. Ida 1 car BBBBBBBJ
B. r Cblpman. Malad. Ida 1 t-nr bbbbbb
ui , , aasl
it w jevakt Buhl! Ida.. 1 car .-anie
F Bowen Hyrum. 1 car cattle.
sturl Tremonton, - cars sheep 'j
C. rlffith Pro.-.. Smithfleld. 2 cars cattle
Three-X Cattle Co Grace, Ida., cars
D W Cook Cornish. 1 ear sheep.
Op.-n High Low Close
Dec?11'" $1,714 $1.72 $1 II' H 1.67S 1.70 1 62i 1
De?" 7IJ4 74T, 71 74Ji
Mas .7SU .75', ICH H
nr?-at'- 47 -4s., ,474 y H
Mav 5l5 V
IanTk"" 24 00 S4.Q0 -" CO 1
lH,nnn' n so 14.85 I4f K.M M
Ma) 14.11 14.85 14 .50 14 bo 9
1 .i'n ' ' W 12-40 18
m". 12 o 12. $6. is io mm
NKW YORK, Dec. V Itaw sugar weak- BBBSsa
g 1-18C lower on unles of 7700 tags of
Peruvian af) al si I l-6 1 L f squal w H
B.ISt for centrifugal, a new low record bbbbb
for the year. LTbTH
Refined oulet nrlces unchanged at BBBJ
S 75 to 9.00c for fine granulated
Thr a-as ver.V little trading in hugar asa
futures earl. ITlces at midday were nn- IBBBBBj
NKW YORK. Dec, v Bar stiver do-
meanC unchanged bJJJJB
B(44c fpfpfpffl
Mexican dollars
LONTX)N, Pec. s Standard oPJJ
es'i ii sd slectrolytlc Btll tin Stsa
lead CM sine CIS We mm
M08COW, Idaho, Dec. . Started
In 1906. with n sinRlo $100 payment mm
tho scholarship loan fund originated .H
und fostored by the Idaho state fed
of Women clubs, has crown
, ho 050', accordlni i announce.
menl here recently by Ur J H. For- mm
uey pasi federation president, who is bbbbh
temporarily handUos the fund The
scholarship loan fr the uiiivrraity of mm
Idaho st tie was first sucgestiied by mM
Mrs B 3 Kwi clv. of Twin Kails and
it la declared lO he due to her efforts sH
that Is has grown so rapidly mm
The loan whs founded to aid upper JSBH
, lassmen who would not otherwise be
able to complete their courses, but sssssj
underclassmen are at times allowed to ,
. .. i..o f ihia iiiiinirt unit .
avail ibbiii. 1 " a " .,- a
Students may borrow up to Jlou ana
are not required to pay bach this sbh
amount until thej are graduated and
hac establish fd themseWee In some rH
occupation Payment la t-htn made, ir j
desired In snmii monthly amounts.
I'uiiiig the war the loan fund was
Kivcn impetus by the founding pf
BChoiarahipJ in memory of Americans
who killed in ITani c This idea mt
has continued in popularity, and to- I
day a majority of Idaho towns hae fsssj
at least one such memorial Twin FalU
leads southern. Maho with six nnd In
northern Idaho, St Karles Is first with
hbSEssmhE HB tmu LLH