Cathoiic Priest Guest of Honor
jlgB at Kniqhts of Columbus
BR Function
! I I . .
pastor at St. Joseph's catholic Church, j
E who leaves In 'the near future to take
(h.nv of n Austin. Nev.,
H was the complimented gu t lasl eve
mmW nine at a smoker, given oy the Knights
1 Columbus ni the University club.
H rooms Kennedy was given a
B purse made up member The pre
H tenia t Ion speech was made by P. J.
H O'CarroJj The honored rupi resporul-
H ed bj saying that the twelve months
he hart been m Ogden were anions,
H the happiest In his life. an. I thanked
' "j i.i hy the parish, at the same tlmi
B paying a tribute to Mohsignor I' M.
J Ctishnahan and the Rev. John Lagan.
J Several other speakers were alsol
B . , .i he meeting closed with scrv-
H Dan K. Sullivan, the retiring grand
IQH night of ihe council, was presented!
irflH with an electric chafing dish, the pre j
(J sen tat Ion speech being made by Thorn-
HflpH (US J. Ma pin nls.
J Father Kennedy w (H be succeeded.
PBpJ hen- bj tin liev. Martin Burke from,
the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt
I Progressive Business
Men's Club is Formed
Organization nf the 1 slcn Progros-
vc r.upineps rliili. the nieml" -rship of
whk li will be confined to business ex
ecutives and professional mi ".
perfet lasi evening at the Weber
Club When about thirty i -lon men
inr: with a delegation from the s...t
Lake Progressive Business club; head-!
ed bj Or Daniel Asidrew, first vice
president of the national organization.
H L. Herringlon, president of the
t'taii Canning company, was chosen
us. president and IjSber F. Piers, secre-,
tary and treasurer,
Directors of th" new !ul are Frank
a mi J
SMJI E, i i n I
i Y J' Ames, i.. l. Halns. antl ei tci V
w hitloi k.
The Progress i .
the distinction of being the first lunch
D eon organization to start in the west.
it was incorporated under the laws
of California in August, lMf. and the
V first charter was Issued t Sail Fran-
Bfl clsco in January. 1920. There are
H now twelve of th'-sc clubs and as rap-
H idly a consistent wl the policy of
B careful membership selection, the
B clubs arc being extended across I he
H continent. J. 13. O'Brien, national
H field representative, who was present
at the meeting, said that in all of
H its polioies of city building, business
. B building and
VhT izatlon is distinctly American.
VBl Hesides Dr. Andrew and .Mr O'Brll n
VVJ those in the vlsltlpg Salt Lake dele-
VVJ gatlon were .Iosim i . Spencer, presi-
VVj dent; Itobert Miller, Vice president;
PPJ "V. T. Fowler, C. B. Smith and J r
J JE. G. Gowans.
Deaths and Funerals
BATCIIKLOIi PHobert Batchelor. !
two-weeks-old, died at 10:30 o'clock
last night at the family residi ni i
3300 igden avenue. The l.;i wis
born November 22. lfio and was the
son of Janus P and Mary Ellen Wadi
Batchelor. The baby is survived bj
his father and mother and the follow
ing brothers and sisters, Ivan. Lester,
Helen, Florence, Levar. Funeral ser
vices will be held Fml. at 2 o'clock
at Ihe family residence, 3300 Og- I
den avenue. Bishpp W. . Rfdgei
will officiate. The body may be viewed
this afternoon and evening and to
morrow until the time of the service,
Interment will bo In the igden City
I U1!Y Funeral Services for Mrs
Kate L'rry, will be held Sunday at 2
o'clock at the lirkln funeral chapel
Bishop Clarence3dorris will officiate.
The body may be viewed this after
noon and evening. Friday and Sat
urday and Sunday, until the time of
the sprvioey InlArm.i ,.iii iw im
the Ogden City cemetery.
i BARKl n ' ices for
, '. Eugem Barker will He held Frida:
m mei
Hfl Read avenue this afternoon and,
Wk Intern e in
WSBm Weber Floral furnishes the flowers
: :-. i i
I r-kf : TOeK
mm? ri'i.MK This is the nm"t rcrent pi.
WW'. tun 1 1 Popi i m dii I ; rj 1
; .
g f ro
NW D j , 1 ' Ph graph i s la ken in th
l " "i- in gardens
Two Men, Woman, io
Face Murder Charges
Two men and ore woma:i. each
Charged with murder in the first de-
j gree will be arraigned o Jitdsje A. B,
Pratt's division of the district court
1 next Monday, according to Jin an
nouncement made today. The woman
i is Mrs. Laura Barker, charged with
tlv murdi i of her husband. James
Barker, who is alleged IQ have died
of arsenic polsonlhg.
Jack Pass and liu.s r.urr, charged
with the rrunjdet or Darrcll Wilson.
Ogden taxicab driver, will alsp be ar
laigned. Wilson was shot while in his
tJLXlcah and died of blood poisoning
from the wound several days later.
is.isil Demos antl Oscar J.opez, both
convicted in the district court this,
week before jury, will be sentenced!
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock by
Judge A. W. Agee; ivmos was found,
guilty of obtaining money under false
pretenses and fra'pex was convicted of
second degree burglary.
Gamer Cominerjts on
P. M. Appointment
In event Ihe senate rejects Presl-j
dent Wilson's appoint meit of Rufus A.
Garner as postmaster, for Ogden, Mr.
Garner will formally renew his appli
cation. Advices from Washington indicate'
thai the Republican senate will fall
to confirm all Wii--on appointments to
preclude any possiide embarrassmiint
to Sen.itor Harding when he becomes
Mr. Garnet said todav that inasmuch!
as he la of the same political faith at
the incoming administration, he does
not bilieve that bJ.a a p point ment . wll 1 1
be thrown out. In case he In Included 1
in luc I'laniui ueient ut I'restaeni
Wilson s nominations, he will a cam
file applie.uion for the postmustership
he said
111 V. FAIllS TO
.m am: GOOD l K I
SPOKANE. Jessie married George
F. I.anioii some years ago -and then
divorced him on n charge of nonsup
port Then she remarried him. Wants
divorce again. Same charge plus desertion
Saves Space, Saves Rent
Makes the home seem larger. All of these famous
davenports and davenettes on special sale this month at
20 per cent off. New line of period desgins just in at
S sale prices.
Nebraska Banker Got Cold
Feet When Aviator Took
Tail Spin
OMAHA. Neb.. Dee. 9. C. E. Hoyt,
6R, banker al Whitman. Neb., visited
In Omaha, and whllo whlllnvr awny hi
timf Waiting for hs train saw Pilol
Arthur B. Atkinson "Jailing" around
In the air. The banker Immediately
a a vi an : iiv jurii i ion io mnlve IIIC tla-
tlves in his home town "set tip. and
take notice" and hnrrlt - to the land
ing fl.;d where he eniployid the bird
man to take him and n companlon
home -The price for the trip was to
be $00.
At Grand Island, duo to englnr
trouble, the pilot forced into a
tail spip. T1t- sudden droji causae!
the banker's feet to chill. A bvanoh
line train en route to his hom- bwp
stood on the track nearby and as
th- aviator repaired his engine, his
passengers started home on the CL;.ih
lohs. The above allegations were made In
a SUtt fo;- J5im air taxi bill filed in
district court by Atkinson. It is the
flrsi suit of its kind in the state.
May Remove Part of
BMnstrial School
TTernUval of either the boys' or thf
girls' industrial school from Ogden c
to Urged before the I'tah legisla
ture nevt montli. according to press
dispatch s from Salt ..iko concemidg
the executive sis Ion .f the Utah Fed
i emtion o Women's clubs.
Tl o women were told ihat a bill
providing for the separation of the
schools iibW located In ogden. would
be pueaehted lefore the next legislat
ure. it is said that the practice of hav
ing thi Klrls' and the hoy.- schools In
different parts of the Mai-- i becom
ing general throu?hout the L'nlted
Slates. This practice. It is claimed,
prevents a quaintaiiceajilp between the
Klrls and boys of the school that might
lead to trouble in life after their
release from the school.
Young Man Hurt in
Downtown Accident
plair Peterson. 31 Twenty-first
street was seriously Injured yesterday
laftemdon when he was thrown from n
motorcycle operated bj Patrick Wood
land, after the motorcycle had been
-truc k v an .iutoinol.ll.. at Twentieth
. j street and Washington avenue.
The motorcycle vvas travejmg north
on Washington avenue, when thf aiito
toblle travellhg west, crashed into
the motorcycle, throwing reterson to
tin- pavement. He was Injured aboul
the bead and was unconscious for sev-
ral hours after being removed to his
home: Police w.-re working on the
case today endeavoring to locate the
driver of the automobile. The auto
, mobile did not have number plates at
tached on the rear end of the car It
Is stated.
COETfrHAGErV, Deo. A dis
patch to the Polltlken frohi B,lga. to-'
day (motes Nikolai Lenin e, the Russian I
novle! premier, as declaring Id replj
.. attacks on the aovlci government
because of Its concessions to foreign
capitalists, that In the event of war
.caint the bourgeoisie nil the capital
ni'Merl n con'essions would be
taken In by those Soviets. If the con-ces.-lons
interfered with the develop
ment of soviet Kusala, fcenine la reps
resented as adding, the extraordinary
commission for fighting counter-revolution
would lake action-
Two Investment proposals were un-'
der consideration, according to the dls-1
patch, the first the Kamchatka- .-..n-cesslon,
to he given to Americans, (the'
reported Washington i. Vanderlip
concession evidently is meant), and
ithe second an Investment of several
million acres of forest lands.
! Henderson, uegro life-termei . slipped
out of state prison (lie oilier nigbi. !
Stole $15fii worth of jewelry out of
a house thrpo blocks away, and was
l back in prison with Ms haul In 2F
minutes. He made his mistake In j
i giving the loot to a fellow-convict to
I lake care of.
Zurich. Switzerland, has, a municipal
(vood lot of mo acrc-a. '
PS Company Big fc m
OCAlOYi a :,maS . ; . ;
os Club Is Limited!!! B,,.;.vd :f " ' M
m On This Style WmT WWMf ' 1
! : j The established price is. S135.00 jtl . jlj 't-'P
Price of 6 selections 3-00 H ' ; ' ' : -P 'I
tpP Total $138.00 ' i;i r'P$ I
B e -er no
jfl On This Style 10- j 1
Price of 6 selections 3.00 Y 1
: I
Ip 2524 Washington Ave. S"'" F'""
ROME, I'ec. 9. The president of
the International Institute of Agricul
ture Wednesday Informed Robert Un
derwood Johnson. American ambasa
dor. that lh. general assembly of that
bods hai declded to set up B marble
I tblet bearing an IneorlpjUon setting
forth its ohllpntlons to the late David
Lubln of California, founder of the
Choice Box Chocolates
Given Free
Ridges Orchestra
50c Per Couple
Institute. The president added that it
also had been decided to leave vacant
the .seal occupied in the permanent
oommitiee by Sir. Uubln, which action
would expresn to I ho American people
"the regreta and remembrances which
the Institut retains of Its friend and
The action of the institute was tak
en by unanimous content of its dele
gate from nearly ever) country in
the world.
CHICAGO, lec. 9. George Bdalael,
of the Portland. Ore., club In the Pa?
Clflc coast league, one of the l.cst out
fielders on the coact, has been ob
tained by the Chicago Nationals, Will
iam Veevk. president of the Cubs, an
nounced today.
Bdalsel, who was hlehlv recommend-!
ed bj Wade Kllllfer, manager ot" th.
liOs Angeles club, aud a brother of
William Kllllfer. the Cub's caChe'rj
led the coast outfielders . in fielding
last .season and finished with a bat
ting average of ,820 for 168 ir.imcn,
The Portland club will be given a
sum of money and two plavers foi
The Arctic fox is brown in summer
and w hue in winter.
LONG! REACH, CaL.Dec. 9.--Full co
operation In both the ground exhibits
and the aerial contests at the national
winter air tournament to b. held lo re
I .( iinl. r L' Jti and L'T has been
promised by the l'nlted States air ser-
vlce. It was announced here today by
the Aero Club Of Southern California.
under whose aUSPiceS the air in. et
will he held.
I Lieutenant 11. Halverson. of San
I Francisco, acting under Instructions
from Major Gfeneral Charles T. Meno
her. chief ol the air service, ha con
ferred In Los Angeles with t he aero
ClUb Officials and has promised them,
th said, thai the army would enter
at least l'i of the planes av all
able on the Pacific coast, as well as
additional ground exhibits. I
Howard of Iowa was unanimously Be- J
Ident the American H
lug -. --ion the organisation H
night. U. B. Brudenute, pit.-udent bf JH
the Ohio farmers, was elected Vfte
The regional elections for the oc
lection of thr.e members to the n
tlonal executive board Include:
Western region: W. H. "Walker, mM
California: J. F. Burton, Utah, and
w ;. Jamleson. Colorado.
The new executive hoard was called
into session by Mr. Howard for Kh
first regular meeting held here tflls
Tlie in,"i" hall wns he?un In
1809 bv President Madison.
: v : :: -: : : ::. : v : v : v LM
The Hanhanna Campfire Girlj Bazaar will be held Friday evening-
J Dsccmber 10. at 7 o'clock at Central Park Sunday School, corner of V
Washington and Thirty-first Street. A cordial invitation to come and
bring your friends is exte-ded to
'. ; : ; : v : ; : : : : : : ; : : : : : : : v : :- ; Lw
gift VviKa fffyffVft I m
tlli&EsssssHssHB WM