THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1920. THE OGPEIN STANDAKU-LAAMllNliK ? ' ' 1 ms a Mill ia IIIIIW Mini null I al II I 1 HM- T m --h- OBHEGON WAITS FOR RECOGNITION Will Let His Achievements in Mexico Justify U. S. Approval MEXICO CITY. Deo. 9. Efforts to obtain recognition by the L'ntt d of the Obrcgon regime In Mexico will not be carried on ac actlvol) at the wnro under the ;idmlni.sli ation of Artolfo dc la Hnertn. it is Indicated here. It i flci'l.ii'.-.l In tt- uu lined ;n:il:Hv Mm .idmlnistratlo nduring th net! few months to act an his appeal for recog nition. An Indication that recognition by Ine lnlted Stnles Ik not far a way, It If asserted, in the absence of Alberto t, Paul from the Obregon cabinet. It la understooil the formci- Mexican ' lb, in 1st eft to Franci it thi now dint's choice for tn rventual repre sentative in Washington. The fact that within the prist few day. Japan, Germany and ltrazil have rTOgnl-'i Ab i ii b:.s aroused Oflly mild newapapei comment. Sev iihI jouransl have urged editorially the necessity of recognition by the L'nlted Suit! v iissertlng th.n would mean similar action by n 1 1 the Kuro- Ipean powers. President Obrcgon spent the ui"ct of hi.s first week in official 1 i f - al home recuperating from the strenuous progi'im of the Inauguration. He Is following a rigid program of diet and e."erri?e. General Benjamin Hill, secretary of war, is also III and It Is believed ho win leave soon for Ijos Angeles, Cal., win re In" wil receivt treatment WEST VIRGINIA GOVERNOR WILL STOP STRIKE RIOTS Tm SEW YORK Dei i -WPJ Cornwall of Weal Virginia, Speaking to the members of the Southern so- II eicty. declared order Is xolng to be j 1 1 -'orert in i vi dlstui bed minrng i e glons of ih state "if II takes every IBr man HI and the L'nlted States In the il I I si ribing th .lingo ..jk county, tin governo laid II HlI that there have been '.'forty or flft i; "1 deaths and a numbei of peopli have HH3 been beaten." HHj The sheriff's office, hr added, "be came the headquarters of the United 1 . ai ii. . iVm ker id tl ' : s full of ag I toi R "If John L Lewi9 wants the re- HBi apeet of the people for his union. ' the Ww! governor said, "he has got to cut out HLu the rough stuff" NEW RECORD FOR SAVING LIFE AND VESSELS MAUL Bl WASHINGTON. Dec 9. New ords in saving life and assisting dls H tressed vessels were set by the coast HHH guard during the pasi fiscal year, said H the annual report oi Commandant W. H E. Keynolds, made public today. Resl jH cues aggregated 2417. Vessels ami cargoes valued at $GS,T9,703 wore as HH siated as against 5-0.000,000 in any H preceding year, and 601 raft were jHH seized for law violations. Hj B ' i - i 1 1 I o HHk mcnt as proposed last year by Sec re fftHJ- Daniels- Is i port !N. Y. CENTRAL CLOSES SHOPS: 500 MEN IDLE TOL.ED' . i . Dec. !. ' 'losing of the Campbell shops of the New Yuri;. Central Railroad company on !.. tu ber 16 was announced by George V. Wilson, general shop foreman here. The announcement said thai the closing will be Indefinite and thai more than 500 men, will be out of woi k as the result Let Electricity Do Her Work An Electric Washing Machine 1 knows no blue Mondays. It la- ! J boro without a vacation, it needs no rest; it always is will ing, ready when needed, and does its duly well. The same applies to the Electric : ; jf Vacuum Cleaner, t!"c Toaster, I Grill, Percolator ano other thingG electrical we tell. You can bring great joy to the home If you buy her one of those wonderful labor-saving appll ances. Ogden Electric I Supply Co. 2430 Washington Avenue : - a i M RETIRES j mm rank Rear Admiral Ends Service of 47 Years With Highest of Record WASHINGTON, 1 e . 8. Real Ad- i mlral ii T. Mayo, wartime commanfl- el Of the l'nlted States fleet, goes on tin- retired list of the navy today. after more than 4 7 years of service. He lias the distinction of having serv- ed continuously In ; fiac command longer than any other rent admlrnl on the list. Prior to and during the war with; ! Germany, Admiral Mayo hud charge I of tin training 6f nearly half mll ' lion men and his command Im luded 'he protection of of the American' soldiers sent to Prance. Nearly 30 vearn of Admiral Mayos loriK service have been spent at sea, I his record showing 17 years of shore. duly. Since hl relief as commander i ' ln-ehef of 'he fleet, he has been a! member "f the general board anri now! i senior member of (he Haitian court of Inquiry. He will continue on ac-l I tfvi servici until the court has been! discharged, II was said, at ihe navy I department and probably will remain, i a member of Ihe general board oo MUSIC INDUSTRY WORKERS TO OPEN CO-OP MANUFACTORY CHICAGO. Doc. 9. A cO-bpeiS , i ntivn piuno, organ and lalKIng i machine fat t i la to he opened bore Dei ember 2fi, aecordine to fin I announoemenl today by w i'ii soii, prealdenl of ihe new com pany. T!iliteen members of the Piano I and ii-uii Workers' union, who I say the; were locked out at a lo cal manufacturing company's plant i wo months' ngo because "t labor difierenei s ir.- the organ izers of the company. Ar cording jiu President Cllson 15000 lias been Subscribed as the initial working 1 capital. If KEEP BRIDE Guardian Sought Custody of Aged Man; Says Woman Kidnaped Him TOPESkA, Kan . Dec 9, The suit by which (he guardian of Jackson Bamett, aged milllehatrs Indian sought oustott) of his ward and his Separation from his bride wan dis missed by the Kansas supreme court Wednesday The netion was dismiss ed after t ail I O'Hornelt, of Hen rietta. Okl.: . Ihe gilardli.,1. had paid the costs in the ease amounting to $1 ?0n. An agreemenj was reached several months ago by fi'Hornett nnd Mrs Darnell by which Mrs. Barnett agreed to go back to Oklahoma with hex husband and the guardian agreed not to Interfere with thel ma rled life. Mrs Barnett. then known as Mr Anna Pauri Lows, and Barheti wi re married at Coffeyvllle, Kan., on I'eb ruarj :i. itto, and remained there for two Weeks. The guardian claim ed that the woman hnd kidnaped his ward and was holding him a prisoner. oo Weber Lodge No. 6 Free & Accepted Masons Installation of officers. Thursday. ember 9 8 p. m. Refreshments will be served after the i ercmonv. By order of the W. M. r E, xicm w.s. Secretarv . r- j HHAH H Starting Today, 1 45, 3:30, 5.00. 6 30, 8 00, 9:30 P. M. j 'l' ' ln her last ;mci srreatc3t pic" 'EVERYBODY'S --S SWEETKEflRT" OUV9 TMOMA? i'n"EvrOPvlf SWBl'THEARTi SCLZNICK PICTUBt - ; i, :, , . ;: Snules Laughter Tears PATHE NEWS COMEDY Ogden Theatre Sunday, Rex Beach's Greatest Novel, "The North Winds Malice" t J CHAMPION BELLOWERS "Human Megaphones" Sing rrom Skyscraper Roof to Decide Who Has the Loudest Voice I E f P-1 I H1 -SI CkCE) l 1 1 K i ; i teorge Offerihari (left) and Roy LaPearl right human megaphoues, have jugt settled u bet of $1000 as to which lias the loudest voice. LaPearl copped the coin. Judges, stationed three j blocks away, listened while the singers bellowed, accompanied by Paul Dicse'i saxophanc, hum tin- tup bf the .Masonic temple, 'hi cago's oddest skyscrfiper, Their voices rose above the roarof iraf tic 385 feel below, al the noon hour. "I'll tell the world I love you," they sang. And liiey sure did "tell the work." LaPearl lias sung from liallo;us and airplanes and Offerman has spent 15 years singing in competition with blaring lrass bands al Atlantic i itj MINI Its v CUT. KXOXV1LLK, Tenn.. Jiec. 9. The Tennessee Copper company and Dlck j town Sulphur. Copper and Iron com- pan. both having larse copper mine operations at Copper hill, announced today trace reductions or ten per cent. i ' P itgnimi wi j ii i mii mm BJB The scientific blending: of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persons who sutler from Ncrvouscss Sleeplessness Depression Loss of Appetite Brain Fag Digestive Troubles Slow Recovery lrom Influenza and Kindred Ailments Are you run downV Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of itl beneficial ingredients. i . Sola Manuladunra ,na"V?, '1 0rgi;ml BRfACEA DRUG COMPANY all substitutes. Ku.Clty,M- JAPAN LOSES IN RACE FOR NAVAL LEADERSHIP LONDON, Dec. 9. Vlee Admiral Baron Sad&kichl Koito, chief of the Japanese naval board of education, ln- tervlewed i the correspondent of the London Time In Tokio. xaid Japan was unable, because of financial and technical reasons, to equal the naval achievements of the leading maritime powers. The statement, the correspondent says, was ln reply to a inn thai critics in America and elsewhere saw iin ambition of Jaoun to equal. If : not excel, the naval forces of her most likely future rival. ! Baron Kan I -larcl Jupan can nol build more than the eight capital shlp authorised by the la,st regular diet. bu1 It was lnt . 1 that this should I equal, vessel fo. vessel, those of othet powers and hence the construction ; nf the largest types. The baron said he hoped arma- , ments everywhere would be reduced. CINCINNATI POLICE HALT BILL HAYWOOD'S MEETING CINCINNATI, Dec. 9. Acting on orders of Mayor John Gahin. Cincin nati police pi evenl.-d a meeting that was to have lieen I'ddresscd here last night b William U. Haywood Chi cago, chief of the , W. V. A large number of persons went to the hall ; but were told by il police thai the meeting mi off Friends of Hay- 'wood said lie left the cltv last lllv'lll fflfflfflHfflHHBHBaBnHHHHHBfflnffltaaf K" Last & Thomas Presents I t A Joyful Message to the LADIES. I ; We are Giving a Great Reduction on Cousin's Shoes to I i I Meet the Public Demand for Lower Priced Footwear. I Our aim is to make December the largest shoe month I m in the history of the department, and are making such great reductions that you cannot afford to pass them up. B Just think Ladies, to Footwear SI2.95-SI4.95 Ppa j ; H Every Pair of Cousin's , KT rrzzzz fl 1 en INew Complete jT I Pumps in the House. This . , , W s. A Lines or Cousin s Dress 1 JffVV -"eludes the new Casamo shoes coverej or j-J ( Pump. Your choice leather Louis heels, in j. J J t X. black, brown, camel, seal I m POT and beaver colors. This y j 1 'klwiSr1 pair inc,udes Cousin,s black Evening Slippers a r ' j ri l walking shoe; $18, $19 and $20 sellers. Every Pair of Cousin s black (i ,; High or iYiilitary Heel Ox lOQC IOUr Choice M fords. Your choice $1.7J Same in Brown Kid : $ J 95 per This includes Silver Evening dM A QC I I Pump. Your choice 7 J L JL Pa,r I Short Lines in Cousin's High ; I ct -tit j l v ai- sf 4 There are all sizes Shoes, in black and tan. YourflMl QC J choice tyl.L70 and widths M I Don't Overlook jggj ThOITI3S Dont Overlook 1 LhlS Retailers of Women's Fine This I Opportunity Cm c, shoes. Opportunity M 1 Style Shoes or Quality a. jgseat 1 lyWiM M n 1 1 1 1 waaTOtEMtacaMsmBfgMtatMtMMMBW" ITALIAN SH i SEIZE WHIP ;Crew of 'Sub' Chaser Attacks i Leaders. Desert Fleet for D'Annunzio LONDON, lec. K. officers of the Italian submarine chaser 69-PN were treacherously jittncked. bound and ;igged by Ihelr crew and then placed in a boat which look them Into the! hitrbor of Flume. a Mil;m dispatch to tho Iinilon Times describing the desertion of the vessel from the block lading fleet along the Dalmatian coast. (When the boat landed, It was met byi ISaptalii Oabrlel d'Annunzio, who Savei I the men a cordial reception and made Ian address In which he denounced as In traltoi Admiral Mllo, In command if .Kalian naval forces In tho Adriatic. i tmbers of the d'Annunalo legion ; utiles were asked to kneel before the ' di'uerters. because their notion had saved the honor of the Italian navy, ' lit is said, the poet -soldier setting an miple by kneeling. Most of tho furniture used in Paraguay is made locally by small manufacturers. DON T MISS THIS CHANCE THE LITTLE RED HEART. " ! ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, i DECEMBER 18 8147 HOOVER PLEADS FOB TIN WAIFS "Take an Invisible Guest in Home at Christmas" Basis of His Plan MINNEAPOLIS, rec. 1. Herbert Hoover, former federal food admin istrator, told an audience here last night thai should America abandon Its charlt and relief work In eastern and central Europe before 3.500,000 Children have been tided over ihe wave of famine and the next harvest fathered, ascendency of Bolshevism In both enemy and friendly countries would result. "Take an Invisible guest into your home ;t Christmas time." was his ap- poal. "vte niusi have ;... uon nOu for tivs.-- little waits, under-nourished or planed children 110.000,000 for medical supplies and the balance for jfood and clothing." Ml Hoover said 8.60Qi0O0 children : had been served directly jfter the armistice, but as conditions become C0RETHR0AT JS Gsrgle with warm selt water then apply over throat XICKS VaroRub Ocf 17 Million Jirs t'iec Yearly FEW PRESENTS give as great and so lasting a pleasure as Books, and yet costing so little If you are looking for inexpensive but attractive Christmas presents GIVE BOOKS SPARGO'S BOOK STORE I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Resting on Past Honors By Blosser. j, StE-. CW ) f AAVlS" MO Wtmr.c- I P Tj MX A vCQO' Vou cx6vTr I BN a,ov; g0 ; 1 I " ' XmkhaGo S Vouft AVAriwrruirMoN (vv-w- j TobT ,4SUM.tD-VoU H 3 oVZ YouR. GloGA UV JUST VMURF" ouT 4aj" Puv AWc ,or 4 T e l WAmEmTaDE .4nn WoGOtST H ' PtesT ASS ' i ' I lVUt USY t STUDIED mvS "cTo&V! r iWrTx S wllr-WWc SoiajG H ' V py V' 1 A?NTU .r r'' ' n jMMllMSJSfcM S SBS T J MSSSBSSM , g more normal the burden on America 1 less. H The plan for an "Invisible Riieat" H calls for an empty chair at each ta- . M , ble, symbolic of one or more chiM i 1 1 5 1 ii apiece bj the tamfc V v ho play host H no I n UK BNDBSD KIDNEY TROUBLE "I had a severe attack cf kidney H trouble and for three weeks could not li ' out of doors and scarcely out of b 1 1 E ewer, lllafs fM Springs, Ala. "Could not bend over H .ill without the most excruciating i p.j i clu i-e.i i 'initio or Foley , i Kidney Pills. Was relieved after first few doses and continued their use un nl oompletel) cured. I consider l-'oley ViH he besl kldne remedy gsfl .in the world. No recurrence nf my trouble." Sold everywhere. Adver- : ; v v : : : -: -: : -: : -: : : : . I OPEN NOSTRILS! END t A COLD OR CATARRH J How To Get Relief When Head t l! :- and Nose Are Stuffed Up. ! I v v v : fount fifty :--"oiir cold in head or ca , tuiTh disappears. Vour clogped nostrils will open, the nit passives of your head H more gnutfllni, hawking. nun on dlr ; herKe. dryness or headache, no strug- Oct a small lioiti. ol Bly'a Cream Balm LLU I from yen i druggist and apply a Utile of I this fragrant sntlseptli cream In our nostnif. it penetrates through every nir ' passage of the head, soothing and hcul Mng the swollen or tntlsmed mucous mem ; hrane, giving j on in.tant relief. Read j colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't Stay stuffed up and miserable. Relief Is H I ' I A BEAR OIL j Sf for HAIR I ' IK AN INDIAN'S SECRET , 'UJl, On c! it, i.''ri'. iBSIVSItBU of il HHf Kttilk Inr ihr tilr U crnuio -r RJ ail Tlltrs r nisr utlT In-ixJUou Hf Del In nr albtl half orMr tloo. Ko.iho liu iQccttdtd in Ban . UM oT bildKfU. f Mi nB hilr r i dindrufl whn Tf-r oltr hllr lotion or lrn- ( ru'ot ho nonl tttlll. IW Ouinatu Aau- J lnr rwult In !- (-onlderl Doplc. Votj 1 OYor i kild lni!ll ! Waj t!.oro or rfipiin n!i If -o.i rn to" t.tlrt If o n h abttlnrd not cmwth or M hoT rooaiurrn di.lrurT or lav or d f4llinc htlr Iteroucli Knialko. ity mjy iti nr a,- box of KOTALKO t lay buiv dru( itani or iod 10 allTfl or lurcw. for ttUOClKBE vttb l-RoiT HUT of KotIi O jB J. H. Briltaio, Inc., Staliss F. Nets York, N. Y. Be Slender I Want lo brcoma tUadcr. aglla, baalthjr T St ibo pleturaa: the abadowa ara to gUa you i dra of a xe tiJor reduction of jrj v. . " L L'. al I oil oeed. Saf. Jtvk f. ai. - no aalla or calomal. ' no Ifcyrold no I aa of lima. 1 Jji u .uniin Laouiaa aoo w BKK follow ibe aim AvA .!c. atj J'rac- tW ST WD - V tiooa aa aid to raduca 10 to-W jT Jm pounds (whatever y cm aa4 nJ to) uadcr monay-rafuad fuar Nit anfe. Ornate alL Beona . X.aV l;gt'". ounfr. atu'-tia, V add yin-.t yourlifel Aikfor KOCIN tabul ( pr. nounced ktn) at aey drucatora. Or wn trior KREE b) 'C BURS to Kuraln Campany, NP-08, Sta MtSS Ywrk Ladies Let Guticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Younjj Soap '.Mntzaant Tali-ma. f tarrwbara fcr-orop'o I i.. -i- Cgi:.uiUiiLlt;la Jul 1 aiki da 3, Matt CHICHESTER S PILLS' I ?K t.itdlaat Aak yaar Uraa;xlfr iX j jf BaH bl ebaa-lar'a UlaaaanaT Br.odV LSf&t ''ln- n -l i 1 Uold oi.U . Vv I -til r",,a. nld wiih Ulna Ritbca. Tn SNt VVf t ail olker Ro at Jaar V 1 fn i''n- Am ' r iri.cify a-Trm' I Jf I1AMSI IIR l IMLI.8. fcr SS VV B -!. K-.I. jim. Aij-ReiuaJa r SC . ' 1Y DRUGGISTS EVtRYrrHEU j j