OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 10, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-10/ed-1/seq-10/

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I Time to Put Stop to Immigra
tion. Representative Knutson
Tells Lawmakers
I WASHINGTON, Dec 10 Charges
I that foreign jrovernments fcre "flnanc-
I inp the movement of radicals from
I overjfi countries m Europe to thel
u United States," were madi today bj ,
ri Representative Knutson, Republican,
Minnesota who opened debate :i the
Johnson bill plnelnc a two-year restric
tion on Immigration.
2 ."Spain Is ;i seething mass of nn-
anchy," Mr-, Knutson declared, ".-mil it ,
government is dumping it on the Unl-
ted Btates. We nave more now than
o know what 10 do with. We ought
to deport them."
He added that If tonnage were avail-)
from ten to fifteen million Europeans I
would migrate to America within n :
year. j
An amendment ti Ihe pending Im
migration bill designed to safeguard
I the existing agreement with Japan re -1
Tardlng Immigration from trat coun
try was approved today by the house
Immigration committee Chairman
Johnson said the amendment would
not in any way let down thoN bars!
against Japanese immigrants.
I Two Report That
H Pistols Were Stolen
1 Theft of two automatic plotOlfl With-
in the last few days lias been report-'
ed at the police station. J. T. RlttCT
! Rlverdale reports that an automatic
H plsto of heavy calibre had been taken
Hl from his home.
G. A George of 258 Twenty-second
Bl 'treet reported that his room was e"n-
H i red and ransacked A pistol and
nther articles were taken Serial mun
j bar of the weapons has been secured
3 and the police are making a search to
j recover the missing weapon's.
Bl no
II Deaths and Funerals
I KKY. Funeral services fur Mrs
Kute furry will be held at the Larkin
i A: Son's chapel Sunday at 2 p. m.,
jj 1 conducted by BlShOp Clarence Morris
of the Fourteenth ward The body
1 may be viewed at the chapel this eve-j
nlng, tomorrow and Sunday forenoon
Mrs Urry wa past guardian neigh -
bor of the Women of Woodcraft of
Ogdcn. She tiled In Los Angeles, Dc-1
comber 6.
RIDDELL. Funeral services fbi
Walter Rlddcll were held yesterday at
i 1 o'clock at the Kirkendill funeral
j chapel. Rev. John w Hyslop offlciat-
; ed. Solos were rendered bj A. H.
Sander. Members of the B- of R. T.
No. 68. attended the services In a lodv
The body was shipped to Winnipeg,
Canada, whero Interment will be made
FTGIKI. Funeral services for Mn
K'ihulo Fugiki were held yesterday al
; -.30 o'clock at ihe KirkendaU funera
chapel- Rev. Rhloroaawa officiated
! There was a large attendance and
many fioral tributes Interment was
ij In the Ogdcn City cemetery .Mrs.,
rllerl Tnc iln- lli 7 n't Tl-ilV-
Bfl he. She la survived by her husband'
Hj and one son.
i MLMFr Jean Rennle Ashment,
twenty-six years old. wife of Walter L
Ashment died this morning at s 56 at
the family residence, 312 Thirt) se -ond
street of o.ulck pneumonia. She
was born In Scotland, Fen. 21, isaii
and was raised there. She became
a member of the L. I. S.ch,urch andl
came to Utah, having been a resident!
here for the past six years She is1
survived by her mother, Mrs W illiam
Rennle, her husband and the following
children. Ruth A, Mina E . and Rlch
J, aid A. The following brothers and sis-'
t-rs .also survive her Mrs. llarman j
Glddja, Mina Rennle Mrs a. Fenes, I
of France. William Rennle, ol St. I
Louis; Mary Rennie. Mabel Rennle I
jii tnd George Rcrtnic Funeral sePvlci
will be held at 1 o'clock .in the First
ward meeting houkc. Thirty-third and
Grant, with Bishop D. U. Ensign of
BH flciatlng. The body may be viewed at I
BH the Larkin funeral chapel Saturday
BBJ afternoon and evening and Sunday at I
BBJ ihe residence from 10 a. m to 12 m.
BH Interment will be in the ogdcn City'
BH cemetery.
Weber Floral furnishes the flower ;
LOS ANGELES. Cal . Dec 10. Im-,
pi rial Potentate Ellis Garretson of the;
Order of the Mystic Shrine today con-;
LrnM-d that the annual convention of
Ihe Shriners will be held at Savannah
Ga.. next ear, instead of Atlantic '
City as previously intended. The con-j
vniiion dale will be changed from i
June to May.
Vmerlcan troops on duty in the
. border districts number ilk,-
1 . i
Through the investigation of Attorney General Palme) of a plb!
in beep meat prices up bj the wholesalers lias broughl rtboul an
accusation against the retail meat dealer by the cattlemen,
which in most cases is justified Even though wc have nic
highest wholesale market here than anywhere else in the LTnited
Stait s "in customers have liad the benefit of much lower pricea
than thost when there is oo1 a SKaggs markel or store
25c Pot Roast, pound 14c
20c Rib Boil, pound 8c
35c Prime Rib Roast, rolled, pound . 25i: j
Whole Young Pork Shoulders, pound 22r V
25c Shoulder Steak, pound 16c j
Some Regular Prices
,4i 1 rn 1 5c loin pork roa ;1 . J
3o. round steak, pound 23c )0Und ... 30c j
10c sirloin steak pound 23c jQc loin pork chops,
I 45c T-bone steak, pound 25c pound 30c !
25c shoulder Bteak, 35c shoulder pork roast,
pound 20c ' pontic! 2Cc I
25c runip coast pound 20c 4,)r s der pork steak, J
... . pound 27c E
30 shoulder mutton chops i, u i 1 C
' i" snoulacr pork bones
pound .... 20c 4 pounds 25c
25p I"'t pound . 17c pv pork liver. 2 pounds 10c
tt 10c legs of young mutton !V' ld8 uf ll,lU- l"ml"1 2Sc
is , n- tOc loin lamb chops,
,- 1 i4 . pound . . . 30c t
a Joe lom iiniiU'ii mops, .-1 1111
U . rc ooc shoulder Jamb chops u
pound . 25c 1 r- I
' pound . 2uc I
M '. miitini sirw, pound 10c 25c lamb stew, pound . 15c j
Some Regular Prices
Eastern breakfasl bacon.
pound 35c J""' kney rice popcorn
Eastern haras, pound . . 35c t li .1 l pops) 4 pounds 30l 3
Easter11 ha,ns Wc soft shelled walnuts,
' P01 ... 38c pound 350
Si reaked sail pork,
pound 25c l,a,,l shelled walnuts,
$3 10-pound pail pure pound ... 25c
li'rl $2.80 4. wHslud Brazil nnfs.
-1 65 5-pound pail purr pound 40c
yard ; $1.45 . . , on
75. 2-pound pail purr- ooc lar aonds, pound 30c g
lard 60c 25c peanuts, 2 pounds 35l 8
CHICAGO, Dec. 10. Nicholas
Viaua, former choir boy, was
hanged in the county jail today,
his 19th birthday. He was the
.second member of the "Gardi
nella gang ' ' of robbers to die 011
the gallows in the county jail
Samuel Gardmella, the leader,
is also imder sentence of death.
j Viana was sentenced for the
murder of a caloonkeeper
Viana. who was known ar, the
"songbird of the jail," because
he sang daily for the prisoners,
gave his last concert last night
when his mother, father, four
sisters and about fifty relatives
called to say goodbye. At his
mother's request he sang
Mother 0' Mine.'
"Wow! Yip! Snort!" -'What's
that noise, Mike?2' "Faith, it's
them 'Three Twins' ballin'
cause they seen a mirror."
I "California Syrup of Figs"
Delicious Laxative for Child's Liver and Bowels
Hurry mother! A tempoonful of tiri" j often nil that it necessary.
"California' XruP of '"'S3 today Chiliiren love tlic "fruitj" tast of
VUXy prevent a sirk rhi..i tomorrow. gMiUUM "California " Sjyup 1 gi
If v.iir cHiM is ron6tipatefI. biliou. which has directions torj babies an4
feverish, fretful, haff cold, colic, or if children printed on the bottle. Say
nf'mch is WUTi tonpue contcd. breath "Califnrnin" r , . i n.i v pet an imi-
U4, rrrocmbcr a good "physic-lax- tntion fig yrui Beware!
Combine of Farm Implement
Makers and Dealers Charged
in Report
j Washington, dco. 10. Re-open-
inc of the government's anti-trust
! suit a8,liust the Internntional Harvest
er company and the Institution oi
"judicial proceedings" against a mini
, her of associations having to do with
farm implements is recommended by
the federal trade commission' in it
I annual report presented toda in the
senate by Vic c I'residenl Marshall.
The commission says the Increase Of
; "s per cent In f.irm Implements from
I'll to 19 IS. is "In part due to p'rlci
understandings or agreements between
manufacturers and to a more limited
extent the same Is true of dealers."
Judicial proceedings against "the
I associations who have in in active in
restraining trade. " Is propo.-ed. the
commlssiop naming the National lm
I nlement and Vehicle association, the
, Southern Association of Wagon Manu
! faeturers. the Carriage Biullders' Na
tional association, the. -National Fed
j eralion of implement and Vehicle
j Dealers and the Eastern Federation of
Kami Implement Dealers.
With regard to the re-opehing ol
the case against the Internationai
Harvester company, the commission
Bays this should lie done so that a
plan of dissolution be arrived al thai
I will restore competitive conditions in
i Hi" harvesting machine business."
WASHINGX 'X (Tec 1 0 hi i on
j mlttee to select a site for the Rooai - j
, velt Memorial association's monument
In ihe national capital in honor of the
! former president and ()f which Ellhiij
Hoot Is chairman, was expected to b(
gin hero today. Its consideration "i
available plots and its designs.
Nearly two million dollars has been
raised by popular subscription for the
memorials here and at Oyster Bay.
X V., home nt the former president.
Mr. Hoot's 'committee Includes Sen
ior Hiram W Johnson. IVhitelasi
Reld, Raymond RohiQir, Julius Roi-en-wald
and Mfijbv Ueneml Leonard!
TOKl". Doc. 10. Baron Goto, for
mer minister of fnrelirn affairs, ha I
declined fhe appointment of Mayor or
Toklo. which office h- nxs asked tol
1 a san me for the purpose of clearing up
Charges Of Kraft againsi officials nnuj
councilmen, i hi tl , . rnetl
A Little )
'V 1
New Low Prices on I
(lQ Gifts of Furniture (ml I
I This store offers you the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts of furniture p.t
prices marked down to the ncvviice levels. Thioughoui- the entire stock vc Kfl
are giving you the benefit of every reduction in the wholesale price uf furni- j
Tlie followinT reductions prevail in different linec
Dining Tables reduced 25 per cent Wmk
All Wood Rockers reduced 25 per ce.U. &
h Colonial Buffets reduced 25 per cent K g WWm
Chira Cabinets reduced 25 per cent sjgr
I jf ua pMsgjnq mfKaia 0ur convenient credit termr. I j I ' i ,
'SSSifjP Christmas "ft use or 1 P !
C; - , r,kK? , canvenicnt credit tcrrr-. .J VA IMyt &
I ' W which yet. on r.rrngS on any j H
vc fjSmi worthy of you and really dem. K jW
"'i (IT Br) have tlioce 'o when-, you Hjf ) 55 Jt
S'l ' r m,ike ri;:h rjuto, epreadmg B'l I ' i tik
W& ''t YjyB&T the cost over several months' ' ' IM '
V" time if you wish. And why JL ill
Sf HODFADIV shouldn't you buy on credit? OUR GIFT SHOP ! 'I
I JP?5a WJI? EAIU.I With 90 per cent of the bus.- . ,,, , . mMgl
JF . ness in this country done on fl assortment of gifts for ev- iSfcrl
' ' j ' 1" isinia., .-.Ioi.u.m-s credit on money borrowed .rv member of the fimllv ai Il& , lCjTi
Li i Si ihe ones who get the very beat from th b . whv .oiilH ' rN ,ll,,n',Pr n( "" la,ml A WM
S. rj i ? present complete selec JllrISrS - :..,Ur c,,. m,nds. if
K fflr M "ons 0f chrl8tmas merchan- make cKrlstmaa gifts on the 1 : "' truggllhg with the ISl 1 n A
tlia we those who rue do- 5ame basis? You will fmd question "What to give?" just ?u s
1 inu l heir buyin now. If., our system free from any em. ,-on,o In and ,penl a few min- VSff
III g: f CiJSJcr tor -vou lo buv barrassing red tape, and we uiea In our gift shop and you ilfil if! I1
nt now and we will gladly hold will gladly make the most lib- v.-.n i-r.n mit.-s ,f hdpf,,, HE I . Ml
ry your purchases ,md inak- ih- eral terms on any purchase -phi inns - -a II .t nrvv low fiftl ' ' jBLI
ifi ''very any time you say up.to you make during the holi- prices that will take vou IpB ' I ' rm
IrTI ;.a:. Including ( -.rislnia? p. days. back to the good old .lays Hflj j " ' jlj I O
inL -AJ Bras3 Beds, Steel Beds, Springs reduced 25 per cent
Jf ps All separate Dreysers, not in suite3, reduced. . 25 per cent $ i" $k'
S; Cv-J J ') Heating Stoves, reduced 25 per cent. All K-angcs, except Monarch, reduced 20 S li '
v ''', Jf Per rerit Monarch Ranges reduced 15 pei cent.
A11 Rugs, Linoleums. Carpets and Floor Coverings, fall cleanup lines, reduced Js ' 9
20 to 3r) per cerit' l j '
: I RIWI l': '
j I
BERKELEXj Cal. 'Alice,- n plain -r.nvl nnrr, owned 1 i
Miss Margaret Williams, has saved 1000 children's lives in die laal
few years. Every :!." days two gallons t' blood are taken from tin
horse and tuarje iiiti diphtheria seriim al a laboratory here, Th
horse is carefully fo and watched at all times
Promise- of lower furniture prices
made i the National ''oum il
uf Furniture Buafuclo-tiODi Thura
lny in i stAteihvhl iii.i at the
cloe of a mc-fllnK hchl here.
EL PASO. Tex., Dec. 10 - Alir v car
ol inuai -iiM Gi-ni-nil Luis Terraza
will go biick to Mexico tn Bpeifd ihe
remainder of his life, he said today, i
when in El I'.in with twentj three;
members of his family on their way to'
Chihuahua Git) from Lob Apgales,
Coming, "Three Twins," byi
American Legion Opera Co.1
40 dancing girls better than
-Piff Paff Pouf."
! TIith rn-p at the present time be-
itwcen two and throe hundred women j
jin dlexleo enpasred in bull flg-hllng-, j
illif-r as slayers of the wounded bulls
or as mounted attendants in the rlnp.
land Dick- are Immcns' -ly popular with!
.he peonle. Their earnings vary, but
on fete ilay?, when hundreds of thous-I
lands of people attend a iuii fipiu. n
w. una it ma , be paid RS much as J3.000 j
for entering the ring.
! :
GENVRALtA. WaaTi., Dec. 1 v
declare all druc addlots iiSH
at the insane hospitals, in ihe state BV9
will be introduced into the next state IKI
ihe Lewis county rep?" Ltfl
sentaMvcs. This move wa, decided n
He i medics issochv
which advocated th proposed en-
Make this an I
Electrical Xmas M
By Buying Eleclncal Gifts
They show good judgment of the buyer. Those who
receive them will be pleased.
They Are Usefu!
"Ogder.'s Quality Electric Store" ,T V
2452 Washington Ave. Phonc 581
Save the Babies H
INFANT MORTALITY Is something frightful V.re oan hfl-rlbr renlizc that
ei ail the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two pe- cent mM
or nearly onc-quartei. die before they reach one year; thirt v -seven &C
,n cent., or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before
they are fifteen ! 2JS
We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria-would av
manv of these predoua lives. Neither do we hesitate to sav that mnnv k
of these '.T.fantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcoti" preoa rat Z
Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children'a complaints 0001
more or less opium or morphine. They are, in considerable auant Mm .
deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard circulation and 25
to congestions, sickness, death. There can be no danger in the usft nf H I
toria i? it bears the signature of Chaa. H. Fletcher Me of
?. : contains no opiates or narcotics or' any k:n i "Jr 1 B
Milne Caxiorln always benrs the Hlsrnat nre or H
I fSOTSUftWiiMiMIBaBMKBssjpjjjjjjjnjj . V

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