Plan Against Offending Na
tions Discussed by Assem
. bly at Geneva
HD OBNEVA, Doc. 10 (By the Am
3mmaBaa soclated Press). Machinery for put
H Hun the blockade into ef
H feit WhBn OOC&alOn shall rail for RUCll
H action, was discussed by the asscml'lv
o( the league of nations at this morn
flH ing's session.
uSI The proposnl machinery, inifndi-n
SHH as n weapon against nn offending stats
Rafl consists of an blockade
eommlttei' nf eigh' members appoint-
H ed by the council, ol lie leagui
feHl Study the subject of application of the
H idockade and report to the MCretary-
H Kcneral of tin- council. whom the
mi league has charged with in., duij
of Infoi minu- l In- niiih'il rn' fai ls
fKmaH appear to show tin covenant h.m been
: -H 'Mi receipt of sin h Information, pc
tW 1 orciing to tin'- proposed the co'ui-
jmWW '" ninst meet lo consider lite Situa-
taLjjH lon and inform ail members of the
KlH league.
H The members the committee
1 report, embodying tin- plan, shall be
HH in duty bound to take na&aures ro
YfH carry out the provlclona In article
( CVI of the covenant comprising i i
M breaking off ot ill dlplomatli reia-
IflBH tlons except as exist lor purely hu-
if raanitarlan purposi Where th cove-
t brea koi i . - i sei , t hi
Hfl cl should fnrthwitli consider, aays
aBLH the report, which n.. - can
. veniontly be charp .1 with the tlutj
mBXm ot carrying out a marine blockade.
H 00
tm 'Better School Week'
mm Subject of Programs
H Supt. K. s. Hinckley of the rt
Industrial school addressed Hie Stud
Hl nts of the ogdrn lilgb m-1i.o1 on 'i;.-t-
ler & ho.. 1 Wei k." m aasi 1
HJB Mr ,1"' 'deli m;Ii.h. 1 1 -1 i - n-.ornint In !i.
HI address Supt. Hinckley outlined
HkH 9 policies which should hi- adopu-, in
. k every week in the year
bHHLI other addresses were ulso made by
Principal A. M, Merrill and membci -9
Of the student body Musical num-
H la rs were furnished by the orchestra
H from the Weber Normal college
H Al Weber Normal college, Eupt, W.
Karl Hopkins of the Ogdeii schools
was the principal speaker. He ad-ij-1BF
dressed the students on the same sub-
nSBC 'cct and explalnr-il 'be need for bi tti 1
iCML: schools throughout the country. Supt.
H Hopkins also spoke on educational
H topics which were brought out 'at the
H meeting last week at Butte
H Musical numbers and other address
Hj Judge to Consider
mm New Trial for Demos
wjHH Motion for n new trial for Basil
!39fl Demos, convicted by Jury in the ilis-
IHI 1 riot court Wednesday on a charge 0
'j:,y obtaining money under fal - -1 .
Vh, argui 1 thii morning
HB W Aill.i.r V 1 ... 1 If
' r.' nei foi the del nd nl Thi 1
'"..k the mattf-r under advisemei
MWfli Uemos was to have heen sentenced
H by Judge Agee this morning.
The ease of Bteve Gray which was
HM scheduled for trial estcr'day In Judge
KB Agee's division was continued without
date upon motion of counsel for the
tLH defendant. Gra? is cliareej with vio
lation of the citygdanci ball ordinan
tWM 00
tM A. new letter-stamping machine wets
em lopi 1 nd can al
., -f impi an hour
Give Her a
Give her a lifelong reminder f your
I hpughtf ulness. Give her ever elean rtfgs.
Give her more hours v' , ''-
liivp her a Hoover an electric rug beat
er, electric rug sweeper and electric va
cuum cleaner combined ;i l it tin r efcpres-
siim of Invino; i niisiibr;ttiin.
It BEATS . . as it Sweeps as it Cleans
Reserve your Christmas Hoover
now Terms, if ordered now
I 1 -v
Arrest Man Wanted
at North Platte, Neb.
After fleeing to Ogdcn from North
(Plate. Neb.. Floyd Hall, alleged to
have committed a statutory offense at
North PUtte. was arreated yesterday
afternoon by Detective C. B. Noble and
la bclng'held al the city Jail pending
the arrival of officer- from North
' Platte.
Hall was arrested on description
I furnished ly the Nebraska authorities.
Scoville to Speak in
Second Ward Sunday
AUa L. Scoville, formerly of thel
I Weber saUe presidency, will dellvei
I an address at the Saornntent mectingl
j in the Second ward Sunday evening.
I Bishop William B N'cwmnn who !
I makes the announcement, extend an
(Invitation to all members of th' ward
to be present
I It's A Shriek!
$1000 Worth fo Gorgeous Costumes
40 Professional Dancing Girls
4 Rib Cracking Comedians
I ft
3 of Utah's Most Beautiful Soloists
A Dazzling Electric Swing Filled With Smiling Beauties
in Esquimaux Costumes
Scenery painted especially for "Three Twins"
The American Legion's supreme effort in sumptuous
Staged and directed by Bob Major; musical directors,
Marcellus Smith and William H. Manning; director of
ballet dancing, Mrs. O. F. Maxwell; musical and dramatic
assistants to above: Miss Violet Hall, Mrs. Alice Pardoe
West, Miss Doris Tribe and Miss Vera Edson.
Orpheum Theatre
Monday and Tuesday,
Box Office Open Thursday
Salt Lake Sportsmen
Organize Game Club
I Malcolm Ksrr. well Known Salt
ilake sportsman was elected president
'of the recently organized Salt Lake
county Fish and iamo Protective as-
soi lation at a meeting pf 'he members
of the new club ai Salt Lake last
.iilKlii ll- v.a the unanimous choice
for president. John K. Howman was
named vice president. B V Johnson
won out in the race for the secretary
tree lurer position.
Hurry Klnch. Anhirr Iteusher Ar
tihur Hansen. I r. John Sharp, Stephen
i-oe, Jr. Jack Tngey,.and A. H.
Heath wore elected as members of the
bdard of directors. Mora than 500
Wfere in attendance at the meeting. 850
iof this number paying their dues for
the 1921 campaign.
The by-laws and constitution for the
. now organization wen framed from
the by-lawa and constitution used b
t the Weber County Rod and Gun aa
I soclatlon.
I The organi;uiliin expects to Increase
it. membership lo more than 1000 be
i fore the present month it ended More
than i000 men of Bait Lake count)
i"ufc out garni- lieensei during the pa-i
year it stated, ami it Is the hope of
the newly elected officers to m.ik..-
i their organization one Of the largest
j In the state.
Rabbit Hunt Planned
by Ogden Sportsmen
Sportsmen of gden arc making ar
rangements for a Itabblt hunt, accord
ing to an anouneement made here to
day by members 'of the Ogden 'Jun
club. One hundred und twenty-five
men are necessary In order that a
train may be chartered for the trip, it
if, slated. The hunt will be staged
near Kciton. on the Southern Pacific
(Vlllard '! Wilson, traveling agent
' for the Southern Pacific stated today
, that the Southern Pacific would co
I operate In making the preparations for
tin shoot.
I Rabbits are reported, to be thick
near KoltOA and farmers in that vl ic
ii have offered to prepare hot lunches
und sleeping quarters for those that
make the trip
In past years shoots of this nature
haVe been hold and the hunters have
returned to gden with hundreds of
-1 on
Kiwanis Club Holds
Luncheon Meeting
I The fist luncheon of the Kiwanis
.club of ttgden held under the dltoOtlon
01 the locnl member? was held at the
i Weber eluh at noon today with 2j
'business and professional men of the
City present. Short talks were mude
by w. h. Reeder, Jr.. temporary chair
man of the committee, also iy Oeorge
.1 Atkinson, of the national organtsd;
it Ion and District (Jovernor Herbert Hum of Salt Lake.
, Several new members were added to
tin- list Chairman Reeder announced
I that the meeting had decided to elect
the temporary officers of the club next
l"rida .it noon The permanent offi
cers will be elected after the receipt
1 or i he charter.
Lawyers to Lunch
at Club Tomorrow
Members of the Weber County Bar
.association, numbering 51 persons,
will assemble at the Weber club to
I morrow noon lor an informal luncheon
called by S- T. Horn, the president,
Ifor the purpose of brlnglnp about i.los
ter fraternal relations between the
! members of the profession. The com
mittee making arrangements for tho
iliincheon and program Is made up of
Arthur Wooib v, v. n. Skeen, George
Holverson. and Charles li. Hollings-
I worth, who Is secretary of the usso-
l elation
Included In new territory aoOUired
I by Russia are mor limn 1 0,0110,1100 j
acres of forests.
4 A Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar j
I Chest Makes An Ideal Gift
Select One Now At
These splendid genuine Tennessee Fed Cedur Chests make the finest and
most acceptable of Christmas Sifts. Our line is very complete at this time and
we urge you to make an early selection. The very low prices at which we are
offering- these chests will be apprecaited when you see them.
N" 12X17 ill! II' .i(e. dOA ... ftrtrt OA
125 51 . CpZU Rt luced to . tLL. OU
JNo 6539 39x18 inch, coppet N.. 6796 1 beet, :i" tQC
trimmed, 132.50. Reduced to pZ.O Reduced to lj0 0
No 236 Copper trimmed chest. An j So 6778 Chest, 958.50 AC OA
830 sradt oo JpLH Reduced to pnD.OU
21 Styles To Choose From
In I
Civil War and World War Cause Same Phenomea in
Government Financing
mill' OM3 fr -a- m
or J I I I I I I I I I I I
MUMS , 1
120b ; o7 1
lOOO I ,
600 -M-
400 -..LC.
zoo 5
1S6O 12 3 4 i&65 6 7 3 9 670 ' 7 3
OP I f I I I
SOC0 r
12500 0- V
ioooo V-
, 7300 M
5000 H--r-
2SO0 fc-
196 7 Q 9 m0 i
I 1
Hlatdry repeating itself in go
icrnmein financing. The effect oi
t the sre;H World War on T. S. gov
prument pxpcrdlturcs and receipts
ifl t he same i;- ilie effect of the civil
Statistician Soger W. Babson has !
worked out the above graphs which
donionsrratp the healthy condition of
I preient government receipts and ex-j
DenditUrea hs compared .with .the
Civil War rifilod. The ordinary re
(cipc: and dlHbursemenlK of tin-
treasury iiavf been deed its a basis. I
! disbursement! Including interest on
'the public debt.
Theie was the lame sharp, sud- j
i den InciPiisH lu gu i rninrnt cxpi nses ;
I due to lnteuslve prosecution of the
war boih in 1861-65. aa in 1917-1919
()nce the peak was reached and the
war ended, the return to ex-
Ipdnditure was effected in a year
i in both instances. Government ex
Wars have to be paid for over a I
slight, but permanently higher level
after the Civil War If history re
ipeats luclf In (bis respect, govern-
iment expenses will never go down
to the point they occupied prior to
the World War.
Wars have to be aid for over a
I long period. The interest on iho
debt alon suffices to raise the pub
lic expenditure, to say nothing of
I taking care of ihe wounded and
J crippled. But it is reasonable to
I forecast a period when normal re
i oelpts will exceed expenditure and
when expenses of running the govern
nicm will approach measurabh to
the pre war leel The task ot maK
ing history repeat Is up to the ap- j
proprlations committees of the hort 1
session of congress just begun
A Little
v I
MARION. Ohio, Dec. 10. Presl-deni-eifct
Harding began his confer
ences hope in the plan for an asso
ciation of nations by a long talk today
with Charles Bvana Hughes, the lte
i publican presidential nominee four
. years airo. In which the whole nuo
tion of American relations with lOurope
! was .surveyed In detail. ,
I One-armed veterunn nre employed In
I a London carriage factory.
pw hum
NEW YORK. Dec. lo. Repre
BfentStlves ot the federal district
attorney here have started a na
t'6nwide search for Henry Kord.
j troit automobile manufacturer,
who Is wanted as a government
witness in the trial of ir. Bdward
a Rumely, chatsed with conceal
ing the alleged German ownership
nf the Xew York Evening Mml
during part of the war.
uu 1
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.- Co-opera-
! Hon between the stale department
and the senate foreign relations com
mittee to obtain reeoKni'.ion of the
United States In distribution of Qer cables ceded to the allies and ns-
ioclated powers uhdei 'he treat of
i V"crsellles was arranged for toda at a
' conference between the committee uno
Acting Secretary Davis.
Air. Davis. In a two hours'i confer
ence with the committee behind closed
doors, outlined the whole ?-ituutlon re
gard ing negotiations for partition of
the German cables In ill parts nf the
unci. I und Senator Lmlj;.-, of .MnsM.i
chuSetta comnilttee chairman, stated
ihat the Committee had given "Its un
qualified npprojral t" Hie stand being
taken by Mr. Davis In the cables con-
Do you realize that a saving of 5 per
cent per month on your Groceries and
Meats saves you 60 per cent a year?
It pays you to buy for cash.
NOW IS the (line In hn Jain- lithe CHSC
S4-ounoe intiie Wilson's Pure FVull and Sugar Jam . hih
The above Is rcgularl -i i-i for $i.(( regular price
I no pounds Hiiar $l(.;t.i
ion ban suift's White simp .:$.
120 itiirs Swift's Pride Soap. ' $. ih
Delivers rders of (3.00. Sugar uoi dellverod alone except al
issege f ocnte foi drayage
t.'.i bottle Wilson's fure iSc can ilaapberry jam S0C
Jam .i"ie u cun an t amp's Soups .-
Ktii- imiiic Housewives Pri u Earl June Peas It. 00
serves ... igc x Standard i . ma (. . . si. no
IBC can orange Marmalade :.0c hiie- Mstnhes J."n
ii Is rumored ibal th government i- goinn t" stop the -Mile of Mali
Syrup ro the making of home hreu. mi hnd better laj in roiu -up
plj noM tin.- it available.
i case HouseUold Mall Syrup $M..m
I CIS' Ml-ln-Olie Mull Svrnp $l:!.n.
Canned Meats
e are making ni a rcrj special i ffcr on canned meats These an
the famous Dettcln Bmnd and every can. is sold under guarantee, inonej
back ir mu are imt vntl-fU'd.
:; cans Dell els Roasl Mm . cans Dellcla Sandwich
1 1 mi $i.ou 8pread 95o
I cans Dellcld Roasl Becl II oo " cSni1?cl,cJ- (",,," Bocfa. '
tlaah h.ic
I i ail- Deh. I.i n,l I n 106 Ig CnS Maml.eruei S I 5(1
..hi- Dcllda Corned Becl 1 OR IS can- Dellcla Vienna San-
;t cans Delicts Lunch tage I1.6S
rongne 91.08 12 cany Delled Meat 6ri
Se-pound pail Pure Lard t.'.i Kegnlai SOc Round Steak)
U-pouml pall Pure l.;nl SI. .Ml pound ZftC
Regular S5 shoulder Veal Regular ,g6o ssirioin steak.
Itoast-., pound 'e 1 m u nd 8c- i
Regular -"i Shoulder Mi ni.. Regular 0c Loin Pork t hops
pound 'jDi pound
Breakfast Bacon .. S6c Hams
2448 WnslUiigton and Pwcnty-foiu"th Street.
PllONK -2:h;. IMiONK ::
Girl.s! Save Your Hair;
Make U Abundant!
Immediately after a . "Damlerine"
massage your hair takes on new life.
luster and wondrous beauty, app'-arine
twice as heavy and plentiful, because
each hair seems to fluff and thicken.
Don't let your hair stay lifeless, color
less, plain or scraggly. You. too. want
lots of long, strong, beautiful hair.
A 3a cent bottle of delthlful Dan
derine freshens your scalp, check s
dandruff and falling hair. This stlmti
latlng "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, .M
dull, fading hair lhat youthful bright
ness and baundant thickness. All WtiU
"Pape's Cold Compound"
Breaks any Cold
in Few Hours
1 nsto nt relief! 1 'on t si ip
Qull blowing and snnffllng! A dosa of
1 pc ompound' taker ffl
two hours until three dose arc taken
usually breaks up any cold.
The very first dOSaj opens cloggrrl
nostrils an. 1 passages c. 1 th.- mMM
head; stops nose running: relieves the H
headache, dullness, fev erlshness. H
"Pape's Cold Compound" acts quick.
sin.', and costs only fen cents at driiK H
stores. It acts without assistance, ff
tastes nice, contains no quinine ln
sist upon Pape's! Advertisement. H
Stiff Joints I
Sore Muscles J
Smoothed Out By Hamlin's
Wizard OH
Sorenes? and ifTnes resulting
from unaccustomed use of muscles
or too much exercise, such as ten
nis, baseball, golf, hand-ball, etc.,
give way quickly to the soothing .
effect of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It M
penetrates fast, drives out the sore- H
ness, and limbers up stiff, aching
joints and muscles.
He' y. v. 1 Oil a gool .t-pn.!- H
ble preparation 10 bava In 'he madlclna fftftftftftftg
cheat for Drat aid anil vbtn the doctor aWB
may be far away. It la nn Sbsolattly aB
reliable antlaeptlc application for cuta. fBH
burns, bite and atlnca. Sprain and fffH
brulaea heal rapidly under ita aoottalnK- BH
penetntlne qaalttiea. Keep It un hand. IffH
Generoua alze bottle JSc. BBP
If you are troubled with ronalipatlon H
r al It beadacba try Hin.lln a Wliard B
Liver Wnrp- Jut pleaaaat lltila plaU
puu t arugguis tor 30c.
"Tho kidneys play a most import
unt part in causing premature old
age and death the more injurlouf
'ho poisons passing through the kid
nes the sooner comes decay ' so m
says a distinguished physician, who
further advises all people who are
fast thirty to preserve the vitality L I
of the kidneys nnd free the blood
from poisonous elements, such as M
uric acid to drink plenty of pure
water sweat some every day and
take "An uric' (antl-urlc acid) before PXf
This "Anurlc" Is put up in tablet PaVaV
form, and can be obtained at almos yB
any dru store For that backache. LyAyJ
lumbaso. rheumatism, ' rusty'' Joint. pH
swollen eet or hands, duo to uri-
acid lu the blood. "Anurlc" quickb
dissolves the uric acid It was dls-
covered by Dr. Pierce of Buffalo
N. Y. Send him 10c for trial pkg.
School Children I
should be plump,
rosy-cheeked and
bubbling over with
vim and vitality.
Scoffs Emulsion I
is unsurpassed for J M
purity and goodness, j
It should be a !
great help to v)
our boy or girl. 4jlv I
scot: S: !.. "11 m. V 1 .1 3
Thi 0 ID 5 1 m
to new craemlar form. Art on
tenrua, or with nchi or water,
hot or cold, preferably trot
Price, 25-50-75'
also" i7i Tablet-form
For Elxpectant Mothers 1
Oseo By Three 6enerations j
Vaitr mm aooLI ' S MC TereMOOO tec. ymt BAST, IMM
aaorULO RiacuMOt CO , OerT 3-D. Armur ts, j
Sanavnt anOw bbSB . . i