Date Advanced Two Days:
S3. 500.000 to Be Given
iH Out
SL-Wl , i ho nc?
4nj b) Ih Amalgamated Sux.r com
i:inv for beets delivered m Ihc surious
factories during the montti of Vovem
ber, according "- Vice President S. M
Kdgvll, The dnte b.is been changed
from bee. I . The check for Idaho
farmer will be m;i ti.i early Monday
-iii- the Vt ili farmers will i- paid .it
the local offices, ii Is stated.
FW i tli ilgamated ill hovi
.J J ,000.000 dui
H the season for the beet crop which Is
far greater amount than that rental
H - paid out lust year.
D uied 1 1 oih 1 1 fa rmers bj I h
VmaTgaroated sugar compHav, which.
l ih largest crop ever contracted foi
jM-U ... torles In nil sections of t'i- stati
mmL .ml In Idaho are working day and.
night or. the heel crdp, and It I .ex-1
pected 'lint ihe heaylcst part of the!
work will be completed during the!
H early part of January.
in stork 1 1 . soi ii n
The regular meeting; if the HI torl
B . 1 1 Society will be held Saturday after-1
Lt-M noon. December 1J. at th.- parlors
mmm n k p ball, with Mrs. P; H Maisonj
and .Mrs G 1' Zimmerman as hostess- j
JH This will le an open meeting- and.
privileged to bring
L WM guests. Two papers will be given,
II and Florence," by Mrs. A W Agee
A Mi l MXG I 'I'- E xixg
HI Scouts ar- rcquesii'd t. l.iei this cvc-J
Wivt Ing a the homi of 3 David Ecclw
1 3 V it Is neci
a i
HHI meeting will be held for the year. Girl
HHH Scout troops will not be expected to,
HHI meet daring the holidays. Mlsi Beulah j
HHh Mown, who nas chafge of (he meet-;
HB1 nigs, is leaving for California for th-
HHH holidays and owIiir to her absence!
HHH there will be n,j other meetings of any!
iJlSii cnitlMTM AS ARTX
HHH The Primary association of the
Weber stak will entertain the slake
HHH presidency, bishops and counsellors at
HHB a Christmas part; Saturday, Dec, 11.
HJF at !!. So.
amusement hall T!.- affair If to pro
HHB mote a better Interest in social work
H Santa Claus will be present.
H Sleuth Follows Hunch;
jjjfl Two Lodged in Jail
mm m They lool;'-.! strange
vjWy we followed em
in thest
uXra Noble of the police department de
IflHfl scribed the "hunch" which prompted
jLH himself and Detective W. A. Jonc-s
BB to follow two men to Five Points
IK9 The men, the police say. were Fred
UH Davis and Charles Hanley. miners of
1 Butte. The men were supplied wiih
BB a number or alleged worthless
F checks, one of which they attempted
to pass at the Model Hak : s at Fie
i Poll
Whi n the I ff it
their "hunch" had been confirmed
they Immediately placed the men
tinder aires I on a charge of attempt
ing to pass worthless checks.
They will appear before the city
Bb court tomorrow mornlu? at 10 o'clock.
Native American Ballet
BR l HE 13
2:45 7:30 9:15
Matinees, 25c. 30c Nights. 40c. 50c
I 1
, AHWO0D5 presertisjl
The Play thab
started NY on
a Pajarna Jagt j I
I 50c, 75c. $1.00. $1 50. $2 00 I
Scats Now Selling .
A fl v-COODS Presents
v At Met Farce in 3 Acts b.y
I ; George : F?vde3'-J Adapred n
I trVfce American S-ace by
I "Vtlrdrd MacK9iUiiardBoottl I
I V i J
Poiltively ttie original company i
;ecr, At the Eitino? Theater, Nev.
York, for one solid year.
Prices ic to J2.00
More Siktv Predicted
by Weather Bureau
i Fair tonit'ht and possll.iv snow to-j
I morrow 1?; the foreeost of the United
stp.tes feather bureau tor the Ogden
! district which reached the cii this
morning. Colder temperatures ;irc duel
I the report stnt -I
yesterday's maximum temperature
I w is -II degrees with a minimum hist
I niKht of degrees.
I 00
Telephone operators in Egypt are
required to speak IOiikIisIi French, 1
Italian. Greek and Arabic.
B Prommeni Ptiysictasis" Report
Br on Wonderful Remedy
fb . to Strengtlien EyesigM
X; 3tl 1 Lioetors Blckstetn. Lewis, Smith, Lenahan, Sceery. Connor and Many Others Aejrea
ntilH Bon Pto BtrenQthens Eyesight 50 Per Cent In One
'plHl Week's Time In Many Instances,
I New York At lat the cood news can !
he publlshrd which will hrlng- Joy and
happiness to ihose who unffrr from poor
eyesight, weak, watery. Inflamed, painful.'
Itching, aching eyes. There i- reel hop
for thoite who ate ruinlnc their eyes by ,
. J .rearing mlsfil glassci -n.i thou sat
fBB .'l filassr-M and MunV: thrv 'ii l.r-fr.M-
ee well i
;':' ...a and sec better without them Doc
IHH tors throughout the rountry are rapidly
taking up this lion Opto method of eve '
jyl strength building and thee cnthuyiusticHJ-
'rol ,v 'ndot? ita principles ntid wonderful f- .
Hera we publ. h 'or the hrneflt ,
'L '-inW "f thS puHle Ttrrls from doctors' re
H poits which must convince an ronsonal.le
HsH person that Hop opto method is one of
H the Krrat'.-?t modi. l discoveries of mod-
IfflH ern times.
HOH Doctor T.ewls reports' "Just one fv
raH Saln tahlet of Ron Opto, whl h can be
H piirehjuand at an drug ctor, dissolved In
H ..nc foitrth glass of water and ns.-d freelj
ki sn eyewiah two to tlmci dall;
' .ir.'-n the vi I01 r vea : te cor
H gestion and InflAinmatlon If you wear.
HH classes. If you are a victim of at hlng. in
HH flamed tired or watery n there is hope'
lor you if jou follow the Bon Opto moth
"ilalMV C Doetor Ian.ihun repotf "1 have thor-
h9 eiiighly tried the Bon Opto method In ca ,
H ..larrhal conjunctivitis, blepharitis, pan -
nus. cxophthalmi"- goitre -iii "vi ral othei
MWMm inflommatory rondltions of the eye. In
H every case it has givon eminently satls:
H i.i. tors losultu. and I feel Justified In tec
mot ding n the pttblii and profea
i J' s.on us a prepaintlon ol inr-ilt wilh a wid.
H fw-M of usefulness."
H Doctor Sceery aays: "l have tried Bon.
H Opto mrthod In a numher of .-' find I
ran truthfully state that ii la ths ven
H heat treatment for the eyes 1 have ever
! used. It wcuks more quickly than any
1 lung I have ever prescribed. The formu
p Is an excellent one, and 1 am sun thut
H when the public realises what ' wonderful
H remedy It Is. itnd how essential eye-bath
H ill- la, Bon opto win be universal! used.
H Ho. tor Smith reporta i have
H a number of serious opht halmlc diseases
H with lion Opto mrthiMl und it gives me
LH! great plessurs to lopott 1ltln1nte recovery
HH In both acute and iluonl. casea Mr. B,
SftfV i-amc to my office sutferlng With an in-
gH le. icd eye. The teirlousness of the on.li
MmWl "on wa,t Q.IltS apparent and on operation
feW for enucleation tth.- removal of .i tumor)
mAwMw seemed Imperative. Befoi resorting to
StSH the operative treatment I decided 10 trj
H, lion-Op'o In iwni-. 'I..
ret ion has lessened, Inflammatorj symp
Wm toniH begun to subside and in seven
H I. the eve was cuied and retained its nor
bsbsH sJfi vision. The dail me r BonOpto
HVA i- v. ill allav superorlial n. uinlKiH. nontu.1
. 'iing of sllckj 01 tand In the blur
red vision, vertigo, dlzslness and exce.e
ive aecrctJoha of the lids or i-nr duels "
Doctor ludktns reportse, -Hon Dpio fi -i
remarkable remed) 101 the cure and pr- 1
vcnlion of all ortilnui.v sys disorders. lis1
marvelous -rsn in developing and
sti englhening the eyesight will soon mas
eyeglasses 'old-fashioned.' "
Doctor I'oimor reports: "Bon Opto meth
od has rendered a service little :horl of
miraculous. 1 found " eyes remarkabb
strengthened, so mtich so l have laid
naldo my glasses without discomfort Se
rral of no colleagues have also used ti
and we are ncrced Its rermMi :, re a ton
tailing. In a few class ihe eyes Of n ne
ligmatlc case wefe so Improved that
glasses have been discarded by th. j.j
I lienl.'-
Doctor Blckstetn reports. "The remark
able refflts 1 base obtained fiom ihe use 1
of Bon Opto In my practice and upon my
self Cause me 10 feel that In justice
Other 1 ye sufferer- I should acquaint lb.
public with the leaiiy morvclous action!
of this splendid eye medicine. Case No
J. W;, aged 41; expert accountant, com
plained of sore, irritated es es. The I ills
felt gritty and heavy, especially at morn
ing and nlghl. His eyes were fitted with '
glasses, but no relief was obtained. I pre
scribed Bon Opto. After one week's treat '
merit he tells me he cannot recall when
his eyes troubled him leaa."'
And so the startling reports cbntinu
to conn- in. If you wear glasses, if .0u
trc bothered with poor vision, make up
your mind to glvo Bon-Opto method a
trial. Yon will be Surprised and pleased
with the quick results It gives I . !n
vers old people find preat comfort in the
; use of Bon Opto. It 1e absolutely harm
i less, even to the most sensitive eyes. The
foi-mulu is plainly printed on cverv pack
.age, and sour own physician will tell sou'
- it la perfectly .af nnd ploasanl 10 use Its
continued apr.lh aimo will sticngthen th.
J eyesight and prevent many serious eve
rljnnSSrfl which are liable to weaken the
vision and niov finally icsull In blindness
j Do not permit anything, no mattei how
ipiportunt. to cause ou to neglect our
eyes TjK.- cue of llicm m.s before it In
j too late. Mans hopelessly blind might
have been ased it the) had cared roi
their ej es In t line
NOTE. A citv physician to whom the
above article was submitted said: - Bon
Opto is a remarkable, harmless remedy
Its constituent ingredients are sveii known
to eminent on specialists and Widely pre
I acribad by them. The manufacturers guar
I nntee It to strengthen Hie eyesight 60 per
cent in onn week's Hine In many Instances
or refund the money. This speaks for lie
efficacy. It la one of tho very less prepa
1 rations I fc.-l should l pi on liana lor
;c(,sihi ii-, in . 1 in. . I ',.' 1 family." H 1
: sold umb i p inone) refund guarantee bj
,.-,li good druggists Inpludins A. K. Mc
. ini..r , Adv lisement.
Navy and Commercial Goods I
" A Iff 'W" Army and Navy surplus salvage and war materials at j
yS&t "rv m eaaal extremely low prices. Everything for the farmer, teamster. I
IP'1 ' ' Wk laborer, contractors and campers Sale to continue daily until
'Sk Bff4r jfj JaeaWsssstafi afliai ifai SUpplieS are exnfinsteii I
)Jm4mmW-l Sale Will Continue Until the Entire Stocks Are Exhausted
iFSEa! Ntc thGSe Pnces-less than anginal cost to the government. Come in and get your share of the values purchased with your
SB?S RemcmbchArrriand3 the beat. Tht la what you get from us the best. t
SmmmWf BBll.aHM'IIPia.l3 Vl A RBIfl psraaa OLIVE DRAB KHAKI f
W TV Quality the best and none superior Each and ever- blanket carries our guarantee. and weight; average size
P- anW (iVVVw UNITED STATES GOVT. WAR DEPT BED BLANKETS U. S. Government Class B 58x72 inches, average I
AWBAj pfuffomm (reclaimed Blankets These blankets have been thoroughly inspected by he U. S weight 3 . pounds Regu-
llRaf BBh Government Inspectors and accepted by them as to their cord, tion and quality frQm $lj tQ 1
! mHmfflWrt 9 ' ' beat the.mfif IsVcclVrTa Thty are made as only the government tomorro cach .
5 vSlivKVku klSSSlJJi 'Iffi . - J7 lee' U"C,f, ,Sa-. himEClf hf knows how to make them woven for t . j mm r mm B f
fflWIi mWmMmmmW ' ' . - any home m the land. Fresh as from warn, th. and to wear, and wear and wear. j $0mU0 I
I VVvVm'H m'WMWiimL e. .N. your own laundry. They are the se-y Many of the blankets we w.!l rc'l tomor 8
ft 4 M ly W W a'S, V?'' LN blankets that gave warmth to your sons be handed down to the grand is't.sJ D B W
'1 " fflMW Rh1nebr0therS ,rm CamP Gr3nt l h"d '' purchaseii 2
jjr&L BSar' h f LIBERTY BONDS MAIL ORDERS and get your share of these I
V will be accepted at Send all mail orders to values Enclose money oxder
Just Received Two More Car their face value m -SSS sh '.c (
trade for mercharj- m&m Bank Bldg , Salt large stock in reserve to fi
I LoaCiS Of Army and Navy GOOdS dise only. This will L.lke 0lty Please mention in mailorderi We have a full j
I not ?.pply to mer- youv order "0?den Adver equipped mail order depar.-
i UNITED STATES ARMY TENTS chants who are re- tiaement.' ment to give immediate serv
lot no -16x16 fe, ram'ldlcal .quad tent . ceiving their dis- All mail orders v.ill receive ice lOBeportag toi-
I Made oi 12 ounct arms duck, in khaki or white All in d yi p AA c prompt attention cei rvn . wi i
pet eci condition Each i40.UU counts foi quantity Send in yQUr order today shipped by express.
This lem cost the government ? i 4 . ' purchases. m I
I LOT NO 29x9 I - Tenl . lvj white duck Etldgi j . " j
I 1 ' 1 ' s ; wal1- Correcl size for small t JA CA i nnn II S ARMY WOOL O. D. SHIRTS
I toni. t oi camping part) Each k)Ll,0J 1,UUU . o. r 1
1 LOT NO. 39x15 navj White tent fly or tarpaulin Can be used SB 1 REGULATION ISSUE WOOL O. O. SHIRTS Double elbow, double
I ny for 9.9 tent or lor wagon or canas cover. 1 A r JJilC LOrTimfirClal pockel breast lined An- size. All renovated by 1 5 gov rfo QP
I Bach vpH.4J ..rumen', and , ct condition. Vour choice, each tp.Ud
6 LOT NO 51 S nn. Pup 'len'.-v Just the thine for children 'o DpnartmPllt Oi- BRAND NEW O D SHIRTS Any lite 8
Armv Gun' Holster, 85c fers -.he following U. S. ARMY WOOL O. D. BREECHES
navy cots Luge carge field ,fi . merchandise at ?2Z "s" .r-'oc
r $4.50 WATER BAGS fctj.W ridicuously OW JS-U Mr S
I TRESS A L 25 lbs nilCUWUU, di o priCeS! New.allwool saddle bags SO.JJ ,M
Kb g0od as ae CICA heavy leather fTi qc r mess OC -j yH
i price U34.5IJ horse halters 3i.i)j reclaimed o d ' 2 45
VAS buckets. R1Qt md b n,. : l&eTel aENUINEARMY ' C dQ
-Vbags-,, iS - $48 J D Qtsaridlc I XMZ"0" fall 9
r-- $1.75 ' $175 n specials
BARRACKS UTILITY BAGS- , ,.11 wuol r.i,h. m B BREECHES. QCp !
LhiJo of denim and white duck. mm Pei nalr C B W -n H iT"V ITf I 7 I Palr
65c !: i8c 4 Saturday ONLYI ?,..,60c
- hirl ind drawei cotton rib six pair for $1 m LUiUI SJIU J V-T x i - m n 6 Fain for $3.25
winter s qp. Ul leather gloves. 1 pair to " B 1 5 swords and $ CA
r'-:- i It STS! $1.35 a westgra.q $3.75 1 ;
I Lot of nnest grade leather mil B PAV B SS? t-'-n iww ,
' '$1.65- $1.65 sr10 t,"TQU,u" $2-25 1 ' ' ' $5 85
I S arniv reclaimed rr B ONE PAY ONLi Z Each tpj.VO
lumpcra ' 0DC Canvai QCp g c tr 5 Genuine army 0 D overcoats,
i s army redi I co fin VJL fij U s infantry DRESS SHOES. SS 45 i 'aimed, first claas 11 Ot
tlOC B - gradi officers' pu tee coi M one day only , condition. Each J)11.0J J
i S arm 0 1 or dovan and cow Cq or e " w . . , . . 0 Moleskin macklnaw, blanket
$1.25 hid. Each ... 5)5.55 I all of our best grade :sc sox. one day $275 1 5ST sheepskin col- ' 1 n 7C ;
Government, r-v . big Western born iddle; full 79 Qft mmmmmmmMmma9aaHwm breeches, new .... pD.OD l
rig ed complete Bach, special vl.JU Moleskin macklnaw. blankel
$42.50 ..: $19.75 . aviator suits
ZSlXJSZSZJtiZ 2 $19.50 - b""'- $5.35 1
ctlxH sbcIcheI" tent $4.85 SJ r $1.95 d - - . $8.75 j
coats $Z4.j teed 60 per cent v i J0 OC khaki colored jersey swtA. t. Z.4j
KHAKI COLORED n QP P mil 962d Worth twice a. much. Extra p.d.l
raincoats Vl.VO Slickers of aU kindt io qr u s ARMy russet shoes- $595
VESTS- Av,ator regulation 14.b l JERSEY GLOVES Best grade.
fine GRADE THICK SET Web arm-, belt! op welt solea Pair . - vPl.DD pair
CORDUROY PANTS tf Q QP Each ZC U S A R M N LAST SHOES- Or six pairs f. r S 1.15-
Extra special. Pair. bS.J PART WOOL SLIP-OVER llation contract "Joe of dreJS u conslstinn of serges worsteds, stripes
SWEATER 1i ir 71 rf ci,d colors some all wool and others slightly mixed, sold for-
men s MACKINAWS Genuine at . . , , J)1.4j qualit) P J an 0 frm o t0 m per pair, Your choise as long & A Qr I
d D cloth Heavy tfin 7: officers- dress dn AC fficer suede coats, 4f0 4 7c i.yJ.T p4.jJ
weight. Allwool pij. shoes P,.- alitj I Ad best in the land . J)4.J as they last
Utah Surplus Army, Navy and Commercial Goods Store Jn gEL arriving
, - Berthana Hail Building 319 Twenty-fourth Street Ogden, Utah U will pay you to keep in touch
Mam Headquarters Walker b . with us for an v item you may need
Bank Buiidmg. Salt Lake c.ty Store 0pen Untll 8 p M Tomorrow Branch No - '
1 iSMaBmBaBBBBBWBMBaisWBl Mill Hllllfllillll II III II I ill II ill ESaBMaMaMalaaaMaaWMnaasMaaaliaWgslWsaiMaasts .
Italian Goes to Sleep
on Train; Loses Roll
Tellins a talo of robbery In almost
unlnielliplble Knglish. an Italian em- '
plose of t lie Utah Construction com
pany came to the police Ptatlon yefi
terday. ru' 10 his difficulty in spi ak
iug Knglish thf man could do little
10 inform tin- officers of his plighl ;
He finally made them acquainted
With hf fact thai he had been
robbed of three checks, one for $100.
one for $8;'. ;tnd one for $90. Twenty
I (wo dollars in rash ssas also laken
I from him. The officers surmised,
from 'he man's lalk and actions lhal
ihe had fallen asleep on the train and
I had been "rolled for his wallet."
Big teeth, blond hearts,
tight pants see the musical
success of the season. "Three
Twins," successor to "Piff
iPaff Pouf.'?
General Election Cost
County Over $9000
Total expense i Weber county for
r-a frying on the recent general clectlpn
has amounted to I9213JJI, to date, ab
cordlnB to an announcement made to-
Choice Box Chocolates
Given Free
Ridges Orchestra
50c Per Couple
Two Forfeit $50 for !
Dry Law Violations
Ike Fllndcrson. 30 years old. a
salesman, who was arrested yesterday j
afternoon at the corner of Twenty,
fourth streal n.i Wall avenue on a
charge of having li.Vior In blS posses
sion failed to appear for trial this
mowing at th. city courl tfls ball,
amounting to $50, was declared for
feited i . .
R. K White, IS ycartj old. f 19" ,
Wall avenue, who was arrested t
li:26 o'clock at Hie Minerva cafe lasi
m'iii . also roi felted $50.
wiiit was arrested on e charge of
having Intoxicating liio'- In iiis possession.
day In tho office of the counts clerk
lit "is believed that this is practlcal
i l- I tic entire total with th possible
. ki . ptlon of a few minor Mils which
I hai- not lien turned In.
This amcit Is shown to he higher
than When sotlng machines were used
in i9ifi when the total ezpenae was
j 7 OQQ lii IMS Ihe total exp n
1 for election ai. $7800.
Major's Family Reach
Ogden to Make Home
Mis. Chase Dostcr. and daughter,
arrived in "gden today from Denver,
to join Major Doster Major liostei
xvas recently named to comminl th
i (Rdfn high school cadets. He hfti
hfpn In I igden about six weeks.
Remove Temporary I
Sidewalli and Fence I
Chris b'lygare, commissioner of
! streets, this mj-nint announced thac
! the temporary sldowalk nnd fence
.ii-onn.l Ii.. ncss i i'.ijJ, Junior hipl IJtM
school has bo n rev by city em
; ployes iini! all gutters .l."'.-t the nesv jH
I structure cleaned
jgapnaue j . v 1.1 -JU F -1 ' eUSBriSawr tSm9t!KLTLB&Bi v'-iii''