IFOR SALE Real Estate
, r ACRE wall Improved, ell under cul
1 1 vat Ion. close to small town, and near
Sail l,ako. bargain at $7000; pood terms
. 15 acres well Imroved on highway,
"ft acres well Improved, close In.
."!.'. ai res li se In. on good terms,
t.ufi :i.tps near Trrmonton, owner will
consider trade.
Manv other bargains in form properties,
l-room frame. pood outbuildings. 3
acres; owner will nnslder city roperty
In exchange.
4-roolh house and 1 acre: owner Will
r trade.
7-rootn house. 1 aorM.
5-room brick. M n. res f ground on
24th St. A real snap $5600.
r.-room 1 rlrjt on Hrftnl; pood lot.
fi-room frame on Wall, close In. easy
price and easy term'.
Two of the hest hulldlnp lots on 24th fl
I have manv other bargains too nu
merous to mention. In and see me
:'.T5 Hudson Ave Phone 369.
"SPKi i v t. "
VERY fine 4 -rem mod am houe. choice
location on bench Owl barn, rhfoken
.OOP. and some frnlf trees This place
is worth $400" Price !".noO: $t7nft cash,
balance $25 a month
frofrkf'. rnwi.r.s
2409 Hudson Ave Phone 917.
Till r . . " T 1 , : - T I . Rl II.P1VO.
2.175-2377 Hudson Ave. Kone 3o9.
s gO MS Bargains von have been waiting
for book over the list, then let u.' show
them to you. j
18760 5 -room brick. modern, on '.rant
Ave, rait cash and easy pay menu
on balance; positively snap
$4760 5-room modern home near I nlon
denot : large lot. brlc'c and cement
garage, a beautiful home; easy
terms. . . i .
134041 ro- pari modern brick, ioi
(1x16$ clo.-i- lo lavement an car
line terms. '
$.'.:0n Uuvn one f I he finest modern
h. mea in thi- city: " room anil lalh
nil on ground floor, full Cement
I ' in en t , Include ll-vdeum and flx
itires la rge lol with modern u
rae; thb i D wonderful ln-me and
i . easily worth thousand dollars
more than C- price '. '.
cash will handle.
Some other good homes, also some gooi
farms that can tc casiiv handled or trad
- !:
-...mi '
i ne lot i.i.m terms, Rluckburn. Phone'
690 ' ' '
Real Kstate. I., an.- and (nuran. e. ,
J4S2 Wash. Phono HOI.
5 -ROOM partly modern house, large lot I
and only one block from Wa'ii. This
place ran be bought Very cheap and on
t;i 'v terms. , .. 1
5-ROOM modm on paved street, ru n
basement, largo rooms large lor nn'T in
one of the best location! in - igden. This i
Is a beautiful home and an 1..- huiighl
V-r, Hi a snap If taken at once. Immediate
possession. . , , i
5-ROOM partly modern C'-i bid k-. from
ih. ,;.nt..r r.f elf lirf lot audi
rCT esslon
Pa , I .M
. oxcellenl location pood lol and other val-
f wM considerations Thi place can .
' J bought cheap .n.i on eaay terma
IT la our business to suit you. call In
H antl give us a chance tr d- so. e alsri
have many gc.d buys In small and large
H farms . -v
B Real Estate I.. ..ins ar.d Insurance
lm' MS! Wash
Tin; k M .mi 'i ;ti !AGE CO
Lfejj OS Twenty fourth St PhOWW 280-281
H 13500 Buys brand new four room mod
H ern bungnlow. nn attractive little.
H place: ioesti-d In i-outh part of tov n.
H nice lot. Terms.
$4000 -Seven room modem; excellent con
: ; . dition; papered with verj beat ol pa
per throughout ; rireplace A good
H revenue getter. Tertn.
Kfll (4350 Five
aH large rooni. Ih it of batta flxlurea,
HlB lot 50x256. located southwest par.
I . of town; doae in on pavement; pave
'flSBM ment all paid A real buy. Terms.
'3W $fi750 Brand new five room brick bungn
WHS low; Just completed built-in (
BH tures. fireplace, cement bisement. I
H hardwood floors furnnce hati V
7wB real home, loented In best residence !
ction of ell , c I 1
Haw KOi'R rcom modern on Thirtieth itre
7-' Phone :n or V 56 W
i v i ivvxn; .
Hnjfli house on bench Five loom.s and batn.
Full basement and sleeping porch. Term
no iire266j lacl i i m .
v . I - .-: M.i: -I- in ' 1
impl. ted strictly modi rn Cliro Khoui
BH good bx-aibm on bench. Enquire 2i '
, P BB6j
Kl VH ru.-m modern bungalow, first class
condition. Oood location Ooml terms, i
I I 'lion. I
i. i w SER . 1 modem
, , '
ss pi ii md tei i
i ; r.-mi av . nue I honi 1 ' ''
W M. W.llll I.. ''
teo'W. J. Blackburn. Hudson building.
Phone r,:.n. w
-, , , - i i: , .. I....-", i" "
all newlv flnlfclicd throughout, new pluint.
B ,ng. lol '60x330 and 32 sharefl of wuUr In
Bra Oadan bench canal Locotc-d nt Oj t..i
PB tflrst street. inquire Ogdcn
- .,, ... ujoi V or 761
-T bus on tin ton 42 feat b
SH il fi-et deep, between Tu-nt fifth and
WBI Twenty abitb for (21.000. Half cash. J
II Eppi rfon, 408 Twcnt i'-h street
; 1 i ino i -vt L
i OTS on North W ashington's newly
- T aaved streel No payment (or rive n
M !f you build: W. B. Widell. Phon I2M
iH ' '' v r r i 'i-;?:t i '
Only $5250 Brings In 8150 a month Easy
terms. One four room house only 8Mft. I
4 One iour room frame modern. 83000 iia
terms. Inquire 3n; thlrtj fifth -,'li7ns
'.s POUR room parilj modi rn ho ise. Kl
Mm Twenty-second street Apply 192! Waah-
1 1 ' '
i e ci nd i i room hou
W , . ,i . sn
ii? W PhMi M4I .'
:.: , ... 1 '
,1 we want bids on one or all. Terms can
J ho had on prt of purchase price,
K- Ibghl acres excellent land at Thirty
JfclfctSsTl ellhtn ond f;rnnt. Six roim house, sever
'iSftfji ehlcltan houses, quite a nice orchordf
:?W Kood new garage and coal .ions. Also.
several Improved and unimproved farms,
j , a viock In s. viral good inoni making com
'iZftB panlSS, several secured notes drawing 8
i . r canl The above property must be
old Call at 823 EcCiCS building foi any
H. :.:?. part or all Will soli an P op
j ,r(v at a very cheap price, Come ut
1HR unci.'.
MlSP r.7rl
WANTED--' o Rent
I i.i (VQ or three i
T keeping rooms fur couple Nu cblldren.
Phoni 2720- R '
8 frOUR or five room modi m bouse bj
in, Writ, i.r .
W -!. Utah liiiiposting Co., :i Twenty-third
I WANTED To Borrow
WANTED to be are a I
S per cent Interest on first mortgage,
new home worth J'hi(iu AddlOKs P. O.
I tnd -li .''I 8 1 06
WAu'TED To Buy
HOME ..ri icrmi and monthlj pay
menti Call Mi qv j
KIOH :st pi . . i ps i Foi men' oid
clothes. 259 TwrnlN -fifth Street. Phone
t' i reali cows Phon ' -S or i ion
,, i; r r. v.. I 53
i : i rr v boti li nj b rreis " 1 1 SiiT
HIOHE?T prices paid r .second nTnd
, m Stowe. ISO" Washington
i I.. ;r . i. ,. in..- . . i.u ii ih.. stand
u i I i Stamlnei offfoi 3Ko
FORD lru !-, le..' . i ... 1 i 1 1 1 .
U Will sell or trade. First class order. 7.'i7
v h hington Phoni : 581 W B0 a
. ' I : ( ) , p. 1 ) and to mm foi 1 1 . ten tlcmei 1054
r Twt r.l- ilui-.l .- irw t I 1 !
. I ' I : I ', fiirri' li- i
for gentleman. 109 jrd street. il&J
FOR RENT Furnished
. MOUEKN IH..I-. furnl -- I sleeping rre'-rn
i hath adjoining. Steam heat. 1746 Adam .
raions KTt'-i: 'i' '
ii . ,i. ..-I ... ll
'special bath. 24lh St. Phone
27-N'-J '
j:i.i: ". '. vti.v furnlsl d fi i
! room wllli sleeping poii-ii ".'.v -' 1 1 i
: :
; ) i -; i i 'I..M In u ir
heat nntl baih 1' r.l Si
.m iDERN Uti am ted bid rod
i" . 194 ranl
TWi Ri M M houi . splni spai nl
suirs. Phone 4 47 :isl St.. Covey
Tlll'.i:i' f.vu i Iii-i,i I'd iipaitmenl. "nll
at east door. 949 Twenty-second Street.
5 jfnwJfBHBD hi nj ro mi
1 1 n. m rarj ts; WJh St. 10 '
-ui .. im rui nli had .. u e In rear; for
, adult." Granl 811
. , I f i r 1 1 ' I I - r ." 11 1 1 I 't
adults. 1786 Oranl
FURNISHED room gentlemen preferred,
! references call 4?u isih Si. Ph. "JC44-M.
A M n iERN .'vi foi youni coupl
I win bare for 2 children while mother
I .-'I". .i .in' 1 '
FRONT bedroom foi -' gentlemon;
fast If desired. Toy.' Llborty AV. Call
; m'.rnln- J
si.i i:r-i.. . r-.i.m f i or 3 gentlemen
s" j
-':. m . oui i artlj fui nlshed rn
quln 09 24th -v I 8112
I i i fCISHKD "rvi un furnl shed ro
sleeping and housekeeping. -I Wash-
808 .
FI r. S1SH l"i i i room - I I tl mil
able for iwo gentlcnn n. 2M7 Grant,
ONE fui nlshed room or I senile-
i . j . I 038
I . , , . or I ousi ki i
ln ' n 980
PI RNTBHEP rooms, steam can i
baths Corner Adams and Twenty-tbjird
Rl ii (MS Vntc I Iot i i !"' nl ftftl
-in. i.
--i i v. i i eTti rooms, Oatea Hoti I. M46
Ql - . T BTMJ I: I .).: T 1' '
FOR RENT Unfurnished
i l-. itrlh fui til
I ' as
WANTED Misceiianeous
twii " ' " Muat b
In good condition. Write to SIS ESccies
building, giving 'o : t'on. age condltio-i.
ARGE clean ran utd j' Standa rd
P".X:tiTiiner o'"ce 4S75
FUR REN 1 Miscellaneous
i e. L,jii. i Km-nvf inr rein. . ioi"-
: 't.. ' ' '. i ' ' '
i r. i : " "
!;y : , 7891
FOR SALE Wiscollaneoiss
1 1'.n.Mi: n;; . Tl Hack Turg an.i Joha
tban apples. Will deliver. Phone 54-J-l.
i i.. . li l a r ! - '
. "
NEW furniture for salt In u than
month. Call 2T,i Porter Apt. No. 12,
!. rooms .-f furnltur. I
furniture (an rent house. Ui7 Wash.
i i i - i o 1 1 1 ' '
?i:o .ah rail -'Ml a ftp- . p. m '
Ai.M. iSl ' ipesti
I carpet, also small nr.; 2U"J Madi n. I
I.i 'EI.V r r' Seven l i n k fur-
nished on bench, carllne, rurnace. 00 feet,
screened porch. Iarg lot. Phone Owner.
WlNTl R pol io rJi ered
Pcarlis. E:r.- V. Steed. Phone 11J-4.
FL'RNIT! RE for flvi room all kinds:
also iMjttled fnilt. Must be abld. Owner
Itavlnc 27 (Irnnt Phone 273 I R.
CHIQKBM and pi" buttermilk, 2c ror
gallon. Mutual i 'rca rci . ' ' "
i-i vi: ineur.-.ior. p i lun babj chick
stove, horse, wagon and hsrnss five hp.
gasoline engine, 2 inch centrifugal puirp
a P. O. Box 4
'i Wi r. . m . irnl ui ' 1 "
. I h SI
1 . , I !
8111 '
WICKER doii buggies vers reasonably
priced at the Furniture Exchanp;-- ?5.1 1
P ni -'I'1.
IVICK1 R i lb: b igl 1 foi I
West Twenty-first Htreet. Phone 20S3-R.
i i vi: iooiii hou; i:;7 Pi-n. i
saddle (.ony, hilly goat, two nannies, set
: : . .I..' '
i ' 1 100. New
surrlea 170 up to tl2". Sidney Stevens
men! 1
WESTERN electrti wo hers Better madi
Iess parts. Perfectly safe. Sidney St v
' T7l 'IM ! I lows v. lib ill- - 5-1. 1
Without coulters J20 cash, while they last.
Impici enl 1 o '
; ii .. ' r
after C p. m. 57u Twenly-flfth street.
TWi i fn sh mill h Phoni 2 R 5
i r :
, , ... pio v n i .oui ion, foi
i . :' sl
HARD oal oi oka burnoi ni w; hi
auiomolule robe, i.'heap Phone 10S1.
w Xx ; - , ; ..ri
, i SI
i k dining tabh i '
cabinet base, sanitary cot. 2526 Taylor
i enue I lionc j I ' 1
m mm v. w .'in i . i inai ' Chi '
Guaranteed atngora. Hear them fin
i .ii.. oln i I
POR ihi ' ' piano ind phono
irrapiis see 1 If. Pantone A- Hon. Twenty
i ninth and Hudson. Terms wlihout Infer;
v. i Qreenlngs Rom Beauties and Uanoi
d l'h j R 7S6D .
I'' iTATOKS ant vegetal,:-. nil lo74
WE alwa) i nai i Mi appli within th
reach ol aven family, Sttlafactlon guar-,
j .1 I'U.mi. " r v. 7366
KIMB.VE1 i i roi piano Bl ban tin i
r 1 J
i :.i i rs and tns rkal poull 1 1 . W tei n
. i . . 1 1 " " j
. mi KTEU nldfl h snd ipplli s. Set
Hi. ni V.'- ri ill I- ! i '
JNCAt-lSU lor i.u.iii tailor ni.iOe: Dig
reducti-n ikirdou'b. 211 Twenty-fifth
8; Phone m M
icd knlf plei Una Phoni .218-al
: :
CHIED1 S"S sewlni Work busi
I'll M 1. - ' ' i o
'remodeling. Work guaranteed, Phone
I 196 I "
IIKMSTIT' ill'..; Snd Pi ighul ''"n-
i Sinper SewlldJ Machine Co. All work
in mi utvhinii H'.oi .
Ins nd ( l".i tmg Second Moor W H.
V.'rlicr.l '-'or Mo. H I I ' .ion 1 188
00 1 1 i . i . ... i ; i
Sj t '"-' I .! Bid
i.'. r. i i
L-...I. i. M, rri, 7Ti
". ' 1 T i : i i. oi i i i
naaa we do for the man aooutn who
I Works on a salsry Rill it . Kl Hudson
Idlng 7988
I v c iukv our Old rnge nn urn psrrni
on an new raoga. or will buy yow -'d
, rSDi:e oulilchl II ,m.' giirHure "o 4"t
ODKRN ' ! .' ..... i-. v. . i
Taylor Motoi Co., S33 Hudson, 7$1
CHEVRObET Redan upholaterlng, paint
ing, engine and tires fine condition.
. ' ' ' '
Hulek fi B-pasaenger
BUlek 1 ."i-p;issen(rer.
S rlpps-Booth 6-i a'f cng'.".'.
Overland 0, 7-paasener.
Hudson Super SIn. 7-pasen;er.
j Reo. 7-possenger.
fhex-rolct 4-90 Touring.
Chevrolet 4-r-o Rcadster.
Cut prices to bed rock.
M4 j n J; '
MS OVERliAND louring i ar i
tlre.. mechuniciillv perfect A real I ar-
galn If token at once. Cash or easy
160 - ' ' "
A P. A II' ; 'IV.
! 1!20 TJI'ICK, yame as ntw. best I uv In
th. alt) Cash or etts) trms. Box A.
CS 1 1. Sin n '.i r.l- I ri mln. r I . '1
K"iU SALE 1918 Kissel ir 8-cyllndor.
S-pl s-nger. tires, good condition. For
I Immediate ae $in. Hon K. .are Stand -ai
-1 amlner 8168
nv OWNER 1920 Pord touring car full:
equipped Tvlth extra tires; only used
i thn e months, good es nea I bargain.
Call .'M Twenty-fifth street or Phon
1881 !!
1919 Suah touring
r..i7 iod i n Hup. touring
1818 Oakland six tourlnr
1317 Chalmers touring
IPL'II Oakland six touring
1917 Model N Hup. roadster
1117 Maxwell -touring
1H20 Obis truck
into Chevrolet L-ton truck
1319 Narh 2-ton truck
ill In lii-t cny m-chTti;nl condition.
I 2200 Washington Ave Ogden
; m.-,''
S VEN P . i i r Si nd bakei s ds D per
feet condition, fash or urms 6. B.
Stecki i im h 1 1
spot licht. Meleoi motor, curtains, weed
chains tools thre extra t'res. Irmireo
;,,r s Now $S00. 846 Capital. Pl.en"
M iDl ' ' '
new tin-s. new i:xld. battery. Must e!l
nl onco. Will aacrlflci for TW Phon
! :
FORD ton truck for sati or En rji Phon
i-iii;ap i i ip i sn V-l ro Phoni
.). i . :
m , - i "
I Overhauled and Ref!n!'hc. Terms
I Overland chummy, M. 9n
Overland U passenger, M. 11.
Hull k five pnrseng. r. I evllndcr
Studi-hak r flv- pufvor.g-r. 4 cylinder.
Wljiya seven paaaenger, 6 cyilndar.
I Overland five passenger, M. 90.
Huick roadster, i cylinder.
;2.-,lf Grant. Thone S1
i EE8MAN ! ' SKV I ' '
Al'Tf MOllll4KS
i9is Dodge It-passenger
VMS r.-Mlge roadster
i:ns nuii'K -;iassenei
1920 Ilblck r-parienger
191 1 BuKIc Pour roadster
1917 Pnl k P I" tr nrlnz
1919 Chevrolet 5-pas.seieer
191S S'udebaker
1914 Ifupmobila 32
1917 Chalmers
P'lH li.irlar.l e-1 a." merger
IS1H Colo Eight Chummy roadster
lMir. Sax or. Six
191H Ford touring
1915 Ford delivery
1920 Pord Coupe
These are all late models. They hav.s
been renewed mechanically a well as In ,
appearance, and the terms iil suit you. i
2366 Wa.di e. Phone 3113.
W A PJ l ED Female Help
i ; ' . foi house wort
' -. ,.i . II.- ) .. 'Pit
. M '. N I..' lit-'., I I ii '
children during day. Widow preferred.
Apply after 6 p. m. 2336 Washington
a i nu :
l SXPERl ENCE1 1 sewing girl a wanted si
Onplr.ir. Cown .chop: -Q'l "nr. 8888
WANTED Male Help
M , a: stenograph) i n ant d ' Pn
Coal company's plant at Superior, Wv'o
Good salary. State pnst record and ex
perience. Address Premier fool Co.
B rl. -, buibllmr. Oe.)"i i'tnh. 79'. 1
1 v Auto - Doi n
So bel I . i Stsrl nchi . 7008
WANTED Saiesrncn
SALES ' inted to sou oui I io, whlli
t'foi and shrubs arc In dtmnnd. rah
weekly Address Capital City Nur.-iy
Co.. Sal
WANTED Situations
rOTJNO lapapese school boy wants po
sition In good famlh . Y S:ikuraila. j
i I
VBLE 1 . ' mts daj work
r.iwl references. Cnll after ... Phon
SS48. i
.i-m; i i . i i .
ation. Phone 1293. 239 Twenty fourth. '
1 APAX1 -'
241 ni l ' 0 '"
WOMAN wants work b) ii i Under
stands maternity nursing. 278 89th St.
i ; ?; i ' i i . 1 1 ' I wants
work at home Neatness ar.i accuracy
guaranteed. Will call for work Pnone ;
' -'
i i ' , I ', 3 h n o. 1 i . no n ting of
fenthei.. Dion.. W
OXB bai man
foratOp and brush of tall cut off. Call
ffo ' i
sm.v'.i. 1 in .: Ki I " 'i'".. ii'
Reward. Phone 2619-w. 437 lSth street.
IVER-JOHNSON bl cli li il n ir..iu n
brary Tuesday at 5:80 p. m Return lo
.1 I i... ri. Liberal r. ..
l . 1 , i 1 relvel bctv tn T em
fifth and. Twenty-sixth on Nan Buren,
containing check nnd currenc- Return
to Mr. B, B5. Morgnn. 2547 ';in Dureri.
R rard
HRO' 1 nded H on ngtii hip
nj 14 H 1 1 . 1 1 " . 7171
I.UTO license plal no 84499 attached to
all Hiht Uelurn to Standard Ivtunlner,
Reward. S95
Latest Harding
5em Entry
I WSK h:4tfA
'X; ; . - t .
WASHINGTON. u., Karger,
Wathingtpn newspaper man, is the
laleet io be mentioned as a pos'sl
billty for ih. job of President-elect
Harding's secretary.
-a 1
Information Boreas
Brsmwell Book and Stationery. 236!
V;ihiiurion avenue. Phone . -
t'tnh National Bank, onthTist cornT
Twi ity-fourUi and Washington. Phon II
'irpet cleaning nnd color reftlorlnc. ;
Satisfaction fruanintecd. Phone 2425.
; Ojcden Carpenl Oeanlna Co. for first!
. ciauM work Upholstering nnd mattreasl
' makfalC. Thone 2752 J. K. Vnn Kimpcn.
Kxpert c irpi l ibuiunq. upholrtr rini; 1
mattresses ninde over, feathers renovated
Call R 3 Hampton Co.. 8586- it,
' Ocdcn chimney sweep. Phone 3C4.
rhon 133. 225? co Waaliingtbn Ave I
! BfcCartjr 4: t'o . hauling rubhlsh nnn
I . Phoi 1 1 W 7iv.
The New Method Dentist nre special ,
Mats in all branches of Dentistry. 24fi! .
NVaahlngtpn svenuo, 22091
Oirden BngrgTlhg Service. Co Maker
Of fine cuts In one 01 more colors. 416
fourth treel 1 hom 188.
J P. Corry. Phone 2451. 429 Eccles Bldjr. I
Geo. D. Bennett, corporation snd irronp
Inauranoe a po-init.' . Phore 124 W 1514
Western Midr a.- junk Co.. 2.123 W.-h
I Injrlon avenue Phon" fil
1 ' I .'. . PI...Q : 1 5260!
l'irsl class tunipg, Phone 73fi. 8080!
. All kinds. C. II. Zcrbe. Phone 915 J
Wiriird Kay. real ostate eml lo.ms
' - T t '. ishlngton Ave. Phone 4fiJ. 1S74!
Spsamahlp Agency, 2s: Washington
svenue l'hon H6'i-2t47M SS2 C.'3 ". '
Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesapolls!
'nnd toilets cleaned John Chlttp Co
Phone 828 2348'Rudson Avenue :z
I stoves icpBlrM. moved, cleaned an-1
; rcl up. Phone ':r-' I W 7357
Trunk nnd bni; repairing:, around cor
I nor from Standard. Gallaeher's. 2373 Hud
0 8118
Bxperl wlndov- -ind wall paper clean-
inc. American Window Cleaning. Ph. 563
There ar. delinquent upon the follow- .
Ini- dc' iii .d Ntnck on account of assess
ment levied on September 1st. 1920. the
several amount set - ppoalte the name .
of the respective stockholders, as follows:!
rvrllf. No.
Name. No. Shares. Amount I
Adams, Mvrum 3940 9U 47.5nl
Adams. Hyrum ..4139 3 40 00 1
Adams, Myrum I14S 4 2.50 1
Aiam. Hyfum ..4351 5 25.00'
Adams. Bllaa .... 8687 4 20. CO
t'on.-. Frari Is 4021 2o luO.Ofi
Bona. Francis . .. 1023 i' 2.5i
Rone. I'rancU 4345 l- 2.50
Brown, ll. i 451S 23m H7.5n
Flnc-ham. Edvln M. S2 2 10. On
Child. Leo W 4074 2 10. On'
CrrbrldRe W II. ..3193 6 25. On'
CrrbrldKc I.. . Q. .4179 ;: 15.00
Clark, w. c 3&si 24 12.50
Clark, W, C 2924 r, 30.no
Corbrldga, Calvin ..3S45 3 15.00
Dibble. Geo. E. ...3713 13 r.5,00
nibble, Geo. K. ... 4351 a 15. 00
Dibble. Geo. B. . ..4420 2 10. 00
Davis County 3124 4 20.00
Davis Onunty 3172 1' 10.00
Davis County 3202 7 35.00
Davis Countv 3217 G .10.00
Davis Countv 3243 1 6.00
Kb her. Morton L; . .1374 4 4 22.50
Fisher. Geneva K...3273 85 75.00
r-b mlnir. Victoria . . 3'ix; I ."..On
Fleming. Victoria.. '4081 15.00
'T'-Kii. William ...4339 4 20. On
Howes. Edwin 1394 2 10.00
II. ir.lv. Neplil . . 2962 17 5.00
Hardy, Arnold 310J I 10. nn
Hardy. Arnold . ...402s .' in "n
Ihmmoii. Amasa ..3i7S I 20 00
li'iison. J. K. 4130 24 12.50
ll lines Creek Irri
gation Co 4030 IS 50.00
Lowe, .laa. S 4403 40.00
Lowe. Jaa. S 4541 1". ".
Marriott. M S. . .42':i 2l l2.5n
Marriott. M. S. .. .4230 2' 12.50
Marriott. M. X. 4240 10 50.00
Page. Joseph H. . . 2.-.J2 2-100 14.00
Pace. Jo.-eph H. . .34S2 2-10 1.00
Roberts, Mary E....12W 10 r.n.nn
Roberts, Marv B . I70 1 20 ('0
Roberta, Marv D.. 22!ir. c 30.00
Robert.s. Mary i: 402C 1 35.00
Roberts, Mary E 4080 2 10. on
Robert!". Marv E . . .4170 3 15.00
Russell. James A. .4113 S tn.nn
Summers, ti. W. ...4D96 2 10. un
Stoker, Jesae 1913 6 30.00
Thurgood, Wm. o. r.66" 15 75 on
Thurgood. Wm. G...3667 u 45.00
Watt, John G bins 10. Mi
Wait. John G 4372 3' 17 On
Ward. Maud Clif
ford 3303 2 10.00
Ward. Maud Clif
ford 409! 24 12.60
And In accordance with lav und order
of thu Board of Directors, made on the
lnt day of September. 1920. so manv
Shares of each parcel of such stock as
! may be necessary, will be sold at the
houth door of the Wcbor county court
house In UKden. I'tah, on the elchteenth
I day of December, ly'u. at 12 o'clix;k uoon
1 of raid day to pay delinquent assessment
' thereon, together with the cost of adver
1 Using and expanse of rale.
ROBSRT C NYE, Secretary
Coicult County Clerk or me Respec
tlve Signers for Furthe.
I In the District Court of the Second Judl
1 clul District. In and for the Countv of
Weber, state of rtah
I In the matter of the Estate of Bridget
Hirrlgan. deceased.
1 Creditor of the estate of Bridget Hnr
jngan, deceased, will present their claims
llogelber with vouchers, to tho under
IgQed admlnlHtratrtx t the law offices of
IChes. and Barker, rooms 400 401-402 103
I I rat National Pnnk IlnlldinK. Ouili-n,
Utah, on or before tho 2Sth day of Janu
ary. 1921.
Attorneys for Adminlstratrls 7746
HELENA. Mont.. lire. 10. A group
of Helena men who I. t : pi began
t0 work an abandoned silver claim in
the L'nlonvllle district, recently struck
what 1 declared to b(s some of the
richest allver-Iead oro ever seen in
Ibis sectlo 4 of the state. The values
also embrace gU and tin-re is iaii
10 be indication of high grade cup
per ore.
CINCINNATI, O. No need to rhaso
thi big im und blade cigar, says H.
E. Barnet, Of tlu chamber of com
mercfl berg who made an investlga
jtlbn. Th.- btaTJf cigar went with its
I little plajrtnRfe, whisky, and now men
I smoke njontjy light cignrs.
DAI-LAS, T. . -When Annie Jones
hrr. ii.ild l.i i In. n d 1,111 all In nlcklCH.
her landlord called thu coim. Tbty
foimd Annie had burglarised (in auto
matic piano- She's in the donjon-Ueep.
New Quincy Heaviest Seller on
Salt Lake Stock Exchange
The trailing In mining s'.wks on the
Salt I--ike Stoek & Mlnlne exehanae was I
feainrelen thl mornlnr. thruirh the vol- j
ume of fftles wa ssatlsfai'iir !
Tin tic Standard old 100 shares at
I). 70, falling of fBc from yesterday's
nttotatlohs. Silver Klaa Coal, tr.uieri at 1
l 7.".. while Btirek.i Bullion trailed at
ioi. and lie.
Ni.w i.iulni ' w.ii n h.-;i trn'ier. fell
ing 11.700 Shares at IVe. Albion re
mulneil BtronjE, Ir.tdlnK at 12 wC
(Ouotatlon3 fiirnlshecl over pnva-.e wire
of J A Hogle t. Co., Ecr.l- Bldp.)
Rll A'"
Alta Con J OO'-j S .01
AIMno . . . .- M .13
Amerlenn Con 01 3i 02
Altn Tunnel 00 07'
Beaver copjier ooi .01
Blx Hill 0;'.-
RU' Cottonwood 0V4
Bnlllo n 08 M
Black Metalu . . .02 .05
C.dumbus K.-xall .11 .2
Crown Point 03 .Of
Colorado Con "3 .07
Cenlml Fureka 01 5 .0;
Cerdlff 1.1' l-io
Dragon con 07 .03
Daly West 25 o 1
l-'oal (own Point ' ."2 1
T'njit 'rn. Coal .01
Cast Tin. Con 7 .
Fureka Mines os
Eureka uiv " .07
Fureka Bullion .11
Pmms Silver .. . 024 0
Brholre rines 03tf M
Cold Chain 0
Crand Central 80 .
Howell os -n'4
Iron Blossom 20 .C2Vs
Iron Klnp I ! . -"
.f.idc.- Mlnlnjr 3.'
Kennel.ee 11 .H
Keyslonc Tj
I.r 1 .n r: . 03' . 034
t.ehl Tintlc 07
Mav Pav 01, 024
Miller Hill -
rammoth' ... .33 ....
Moscow , W
Mlcblgan-l'tah Ol'j -02
Hprth Standard 05 .054
New Quincy 04
Ooohonao oo
Waildrlver 20 .40
Plulus 20 .j1
Prlnee Con M -SO 4
Provo 05 ......
Paloma 51
Mro Are-ntlnc 02',-i .o.t-
Bir-.i WelUncton os .o-i
Sella 02 -024
Rll. Klrc Coul 1.724 1 . . 4
Sll Klnsj Con 1-00 1 .024
Sioux Con 024 o1
South Heels 60 H
Sauth Bnard i4 -22
Silver Shield 314 M
Tar Baby 01 .01
T Intlo Central 014 02
TIntle Standard 3.67 4 3.70
Utah Cons on .014
Dnole s-'im ftot .01
ITnli n Chief nl4 6
West Toledo 02 .0a
Walker 2.124 3 "n
"'dlawn 08 .10
Yankee .. .. of
Zutha 07 os
Poly .-, . 2.00 2. 25
Fm:rre Copper 30
Onehlno Sales.
Alia Con. 1500 at lo
U.,well 1000 a B.
Iron Kim,' 100 at lS4c.
Leonora 1000 ar
Mlchlsan-Utah ooo at 14c
ISUreka Mines 5500 at 740: 2000 at
7 'i".
Emma Silver 1000 nt ;ir
Buraka Bnlliop -;ooo at 104c.
PlUtUS 700 at 30e
Prince Con. fi00 nt 20-e.
S'-lls 7000 at 2c.
Silver Klnp Coal. :oo at $1 75.
Silver shield 1500 at 33c. 500 at 224c;
1000 at 32c.
North Standard 8000 at Fiti
Tlntb Standard 800 at $3.70.
Zuma 1000 at 8c.
Closing Sales.
AlblOn 500 at 124c.
I.ohl Tintlc 3000 at 7:y;c.
Mav Pay vi an at.?e
New Qulnev 11.700 nt r.
Bureka Mtnea icoo at ..e; 2000 at S4e.
Buraka Bullion 1000 at lie,
piutu r.no at sue.
EUco Argentine 1000 at 3c.
Bid Ak
AmaL Sugar $ $ 12.00
Amal Sugar $ 5 12 60
Amal Sugar ifd .?' ?!!
, Con. Wa-on 104 00
C.-m-rt S-rurlti. 120.00 12-' 00
: Utah-Idsha Sui?ar B.j
Lion Coal Bonds 85 00
West Cache Sugar .. .. 100.00 101.00
Wvomlng Sugar . 10. 00
Orden-Portland Cement 15.00
o-den Packing 2S.00
People's Sugar .. 5.50
First National Bank 320.00
I Security Stato Bank 146.00
NI'.W YORK, Dec 10. Liberty bonds
iju, 190.30
I First 4s 8 01
Second Hs S5.20
Plrat -4 rb.26
Set .il 4s 86.44
Third i4s 810
Fourth 4 4s
Vletorv 3a 5c 34
Victory 4i8 ?5. Jo
LONDON) Dec. 10. Standard copper
77 17 Sd; ektrolvtlc 89 10s; tin 2.M
5s; lad 25 15S: zinc 30 5ji.
MOSCOW. Idaho. Dec. 10. Co-eds
at tin- University of Idaho hero are
substantially better students I ha n th
I university's male undergraduates, ac
cording to statistics for the 1919-2n
ri.iii-i.-i.it. ir unnounceil from the
Office of J. G Khtt-idge, dean of the
university faculty. The grades Of all
women averug.-'d approximately 10 per
cent hotter than those of men stud
ents. Members of the senior class led the
lower 1 lass groups In the matter of
grades achieved, with I he freshmen
last. Students in colleges and Oclenca
i made tho highest average among the
peveral collcgea of the university, their
gradea running well above those of un
dergraduates in technical courses
Students belonging to Greek letter
organisations outranked by a narrow
margin those not affiliated with fra
ternities or sororities.
sl l m vi s BARN W W .
111:1, 1. NA. Mont, Dec It). Reports
to Un office of th,4J chancellor here.
I Dr. E. C. Elliott, show that 188 stu
dents at Montana state university al
M 1 5 ioula, .1 large percent age of iho 11
1 rollmeni. are earning their Way
through school, in additiun figures
complied show i'68 pay their expenses
by worklriK at odd Jobs. Newspaper
reporters, stenographers, clerks, mu
sicians and many others appear on the
1 KIGflT 1 i:M PKOSPI ore.
SPOKANE Wash., Dec. 10. With
four letter men back ruui several high"
1 1 . prospi ctS among tho freshmen
of Oonzaga university here, Coach Dor
i i- hope to build UP strong basket
ball organisation for the Coining sen
son. Practice -" already begun The
letti-r men back for this year are Kear
1 ne , Murr.i BUSCh ana Henolkcn.
lll-K I. Dl s IT-
RGGINAi Sask., Iec. 10. Scotch
whisky, as sold under the provisions
of the Saskatchewan Tomperanpa act,
1920, will cost the consumer two
dollaru for an eljrht-ounca bottle.
Wholesale prices b i- ulso lieen
agreed upon and It is estimated drng
glata will sell on a margin of SO per
cent profit.
The Ogden Auto Directory
Master Electric Primers start your car instantly. Guaranteed by j
Barlow Bros., 2466 Grant avenue. 8044
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bcrnstein Trucks. White-Robinson,
2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 I
Ogcieu Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3773 I
Practically All Divisions of
Market Decline Under
NTir- YORK. Per. 10 The short In
terrnt In Ihs stOCl matki't continued to
prcH llM nianlai;i at ths ipnlnK ol
tolay's session, being Aided by ovor
niRht fiviopnicntB of a tcarih charac
ter ltalN fr arln th intr rf
Ihs In 1 1 In 1 telling at further deellnei
raneln from large fractions to ll point
In the Pariflrs. jrrani:-r. and eoalsrs
Food, chemical ann ell sharse soon ror
feltSd i to 2 points wllli i i i . i . . mo
tors ond equipments. United States
S'f"l m:ili 'inly a vllirlit drclln although
forecasts ol the Novem'oer tonnagn re
port isbum! today Indicated n havy re
lurtlnn of unfilled order.
Additlonnl ravsrsals c-f the hfiorning re
sulted In new low records for Raldwln
Locomotive, ivirn lYtdiits and American
Acrlriiilural '"henilcal .ind fclSO "ii'ltii' of
the specialties in textile, leather and
iincla.'.if!iil divisions An Irreaular re
covery led by Meivin I'etroieum. Texas
& Parlflr (VkiI nn.l C-iirlbli. Slei-I f.iil-l
to hold, prl-es sojin fnlllnK bRK. Heavi
ness t.erame more pronounced, In the
Hhlpplnir motor, food and railway shares.
Ainonp the lat'er T'nlon Taciflr-, i .inadi.ui
Pacific, Chicago "' Voriliwestern pre
ferred. Bl Ionls iv S;in Francisco and
Vew Haven c-ased I to almost 2 points.
Mall order Issues displayed renewed
weakness. Soars-Roebuck. Isln 3;
points. Call money ope-icd and renew
ed Into nsxl week at seven per cunt.
United Siatcs Steel fell only a fracion
. n publication ''( ths unfavorable ton-
ni re statement, rallied eaally ami th-n
reai ted Prsssairs against rails, cspeelaly
Investment shares, b-came more effe?
IVS howevir Great Northern. Northern
Pai Iflc N S fork Central. Oesaneake
& Ohio and Junior issues snoTvinc losses
of 2 to U2 points.
(Last Sale)
Allla-Chalmers . 10
American Beet Suear R2
American Can 24 l
American Car A- Foundry Us
Amir Hide - Leather pfd. ex dlv .
Agierlcan international Corp ...40
American Locomotive . ' s
Ainer'c.-m Smeltlnc A Reffr 3ht
American Sucar f"1. :
American Sumatra Tobacco
American T T Jf
American Woolen
Anaconda Copper .. sJajl
Atchison "I' '
l r:,iif W. indies If'-
Paid-in Loe.emotlve
I'.il'lniore K- ohlo '''
Botwiehem Bteel "B" i
Capadl-vn rMclfc 111
Cr-ntral T -.ther MJ
Chandler Mo'ors M
Chealeake & Ohio K'
Ch learn. Mil. H- Bt Paul 3"
Chicago. R. ft tk Pac 27
Cblno Conwer
Colorado Fuel A iron
Corn FYoducts GS1
CruclMs Steel MM
fiba Cane Busjar tie
Krle . "
Cererfll FT ISCtrlC
Cenernl Motors
noodrlc hCo 51,,
Cre? Vortbern pW '' 2
Cren' Northern Ore Ctfs 2C
Illinois Cen'ral
Inspiration Conner J
Int. Mer Marine nfd ',J'
International Pa'er JJH
Kennecott Conner
Louisville A Nashville 100
Maxwell Motors IHB
Mexican Petroleum ,r7
Miami Conner '.:
ViMIe S'ates OH ex dlv l"-s
Mldvale Steel
Missouri Pacific Is
Vew York Central ' ; s
' v Y. N. IT. fi- Hartford g
Norfolk A Western gj2
I Northern Pacific
I Oklahoma Prrxl A Ref JJJ
Pan American Petroleum 7J
I Pennsylvania J1' -
People's Gas "
Plttsburr A West Va HJJ
Ray Consolidated Copper IIH
Readlnc :
Rep. Iron S'eel
Kdyal rnitch. N. T f;j7
IShll Trans. A Trad 40J
Sinclair on
I Southern PftelflO
I Southern Railway ,H
Btandard Oil of N -t pfd 10
BtQdebaker Corporation Ji
Tennessee CopPST
Texas CO. ex dl
Texas & Pa-lflc 1JJJ
Tobacco Proilucts . . olh
Trnnscontlnental OH 8
1-nln Pacific I17V
t' s Fowl Produi ta , jo"
IT! S Retail Stores ' i
IT, S. Ind. Alcohol ;';
Tnlted States Ruhher
United StAtes Steel jOfc
Westlnpbousc F.Wctrlc
Willys Overland .. .
! American '.Inc. Lead nnd Sm ... '-'s
P.utte A Sunerlor BJJj
n'ala. Petr.iieiim -' a
Montana Power "-v
Ture Oil 1
Open Hleli LOW Close
rec $1 .".:. $1 " Jl 1 " .
March l. 1 CL1 1.66 l.S7
Mov T4 .70 .U -7114
Oats . ...
' Tlei 17! 'T . 'T
Mav ilVi i H
I' Pork i , '
Jan. 23. .10 U.-O 8S.40 22. ,0
Jan, " 1 1 . i 'i ii.:.". ll.W i .67
Mav 14, 11 14.50 la.sO 13:30
Llan'1'"" 12.10 11.30 U.6 II.95
, MUi IS. 61 12.06 12.37 12 4
CHICAOO. Oec. 10 Wheat No. 2 red
' $1 95 No 2 dark northern $1.05.
' Corn No. 2 mixed 70c. No. 2 yellow
I Oats No. 2 white 49c; No. 3 white
. ,sij 4Stt
Rye No. 2 $1.60.
Barley 68064e,
Timothy seed I6.60O6.7S
i lover .- ed tlo.iiof' 2 nn
Purl- nominal.
Lard jm .oo.
Ribs jll ,:0f 13. &0.
CHICAGOi Dc. 10. Butter unsettled:
' i re imery 33t 46c.
L'sks lower; receipts 1579 cases: firsts
71074c; ordinary firsts 62046c; nt mark,
, ses Included 57lc; rcfrlRerator firsts
Ecej "7c
Poultry alive unchansed
LONI'iiN. T'ee. JO. Bar silver .TVI
per ounce.
.Money unchanged.
Discount rates Short and three month
bills 0 U-lQf)6t ler cent.
MINNKAPOI-19. Minn , Dec 10 Flour
upchanRel to 10c lower. In carload lots,
family patents qudted at $9.109.40 a
barrel In 9 pound cotton sacks.
Hran $26.0028.00.
NKW YORK Dec 10 Tin easy; spot
and nearby $35 00; futures $3fi."536.00
Antimony $5.6036.75.
Other metals unvhaiiKcd.
General Weakness of Market m
Reported in Ogden by L
Grocers f
General weakness of I he market, with
a slight decllni In the prices of coffee,
'-rials nnd canned koo1s, together with 1
lowered prices of local fruits and veg6r H
tables arc reported by URilen ciocers H
Pricey have taken a downward trend H
in the k-n r;. business it is reptirted. H
rxcepiini; f.r cerlain fancv ro-erles H
such rrs orances. grapefruit, bananas, and pH
other Imported crops.
irane.-s which were t elnn offerel at H
$3.50 wholesale now cost $7 00 per case. H
Because of the h icli wholesale price, tin
fruit Is Li lag "I'i ri-d at retail prices
nearly double prices of lajit season. A H
I drop in the price of all citrus fruits us
anticipated It Is reported.
Coffee has fallen approximately five
cents a pound and further declines nr.- H
nions are cheup as are potatoes and
other root cronr. A marked decline I"
notlccaide In the price of navy beans.
The market , flooded with apples of
j the first ffrade. irrocers say. Choice ap- jH
j'ples can Be pur based at prices ranrinL
' from $1 Oi) to $1.60 per bushel, with H
I higher prices for the choicest of the ap-
Cattle Receipts 254. choice heavy 1
steers 67.6008.60; Kood steers $6 009
HO; fair ste.-r $'. od jO 50. cholco feeiler
steers $0 0097. 00; choice cows and helf
ers $5.005.75; fair to Rood cows and
heifers $4 finS 00: cutters $3 30'54 00;
.-mnrM .' 00 choice feeder rows
$4.00fr4 50. fat hulls $3 7594 00: bolosua
bulls $3.00T4 00 veal calves $9.0iilO 00.
Hota Receipts none CholOC fat hog. H
260 lbs. no 90; bulk of sales $9.4$
T9 .50. feeder hoRS $S. 009 00.
Efhesp Receipts 69; choice lami-e
t. 00010 '"V we hers J." 0006 0O; fat j
ewes 64. 0037 3 V: feeder lambs $ n..
Jensen Brother Rexburg. Ida., 1 load H
Andrew Rlnham. Grace. Ida., 3 load
Frank P.lnphnm. Soda Springs. Ida.. 1
load rattle
W. B. Swanslrum. Ashton. Ida.. 1 loarl
CHICAGO. Dec. 10 Bears had tbe ad-
vantage in the. wheat market today ow
ipk to r. port-; r.f unfavorable economic
and financial conditions. Weakness of H
securities nnd silver and susar counted H
especially as depn-ssinK 'actors. lTedlc- B
tli.ns were als . current .; a 50 per cent H
Increase in wheal Ir Kansas within the H
next fortnight. Open ice prices, which B
, ranuetl from 1 to lower, with l'e- H
cember 11.63 to 165 and March 61-63.
I WOTS followed by a decldi.-d additional 1
Corn was sold heavily by the principal
ebmmlaalon houses After opening to
IHc lower Including May ar 74,4 to 73c.
the market continued sharply downfrr ade.
Oats declined with other cereals, start
Ing H to ?lc off Mav 51H to 61o
' and lufferlng a further drop.
Iower Quotations on hops pulled down
I provisions.
Considerable attention v.-as given to a
statement from the fc leral reserve bank
Of Chicago indicating that lLiuldation
! of loanH on the part of country banks
was Imperative. The wheat market eloa
,. ha to ;',. n- lower, with l'e-
oember $1.604 lo i 61 and March 61-674
I to
Country offerings of corn to arrive
w-ere larger, from Nebraska tn particular.
I The close was weak. 3i to 4V4C net H
lower, with May 71 to 71 He.
CHICAGO Dec. 1" iTnlled States Bu
if Markets.) Cattle Receipts 6.
, 000; titecrs and she-stock slow; earl
sales around steady with low time yes
terdmy; demand Indifferent; quality plain.
very few steers here pood enough to sell
above $12 00. bulk common and medium
natives $3 . o07 11 .00; few choice heavy
kosher cows around S9.50: bulk butcher
. ows nnd heifer 15.0007.50; canners dull
mostly $3.503.75; bulls and calvos pen
i erallv steadv. bolosna bulls larc-lv $4 7".
1?5.50: choice veal calves $10 IS'.rlO.SO;
I stockers and feeders slow.
Tlops Receipts 32.000: market gener
,aljv io lo 15c lower than yesterdays av- 6B
rape; ranpe narrowest of season, top
I $9.66; bulk $ 40?. i;o pips steady to
stronp; bulk desirable 90 to 130 pound B
pies $9 0099.35. B
Sheep Receipts 7000; best kllllnp
I grades slr..ng to 65C hlphcr, top lamtis
$11.75 bulk i Oil 60 ewes largal B
! $4 1506.00; medium prades and reading
I classes steady. B
OMAHA, Neb . Dec. 10 U nited States
Bureau of Markets. I Hops Receipts 0.
S00; few early sales 10ff'J5c lower; mar
kei mostly 16 to 35c lower; top. early
$9 90; practical top late 19.05: bulk me
.i , , r,.i hi-hi I.u t, li.rv. ?' 409.00: btilU BBBBBl
stronp weiRlil and packing grades $9.15'i-
Catth- Receipts 1I7O0; beef steers slow.
steady: best steers Included; forty head
averaging 124 iounds at $9.76; In-be-tween
prades she-stock dull, weak t
lower; all other classes steady. tM
SYiev Receipt" KiOO, klllinp c)aSev
uneven, 2606OC higher; top lambs $10.90:
feeders steady.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. Dec. 10. ( Halted
Siatis Bureau of Markets.! ("battle Re- B
celots 2100; beef steers, butcher stoc'.
and anners mostrv steady to stronp; oc
caslpnal sales higher; steers $7.GO1t9.10:
heavy cows $7.0O; poi canners tM
$4.00; calves weak: best vealers $10.50 tm
choice heavy Texas calvsi $s.oo: practl- B
cally no feeder trado.
Hogs Receipts 6600; market 5 to 2oc 6H
lowrr than MHl.iil.iys arragc. top B
$9 75' bulk of sales $9 40 "f9 05; good and B
choice fat pigs 69.S606.SO.
SIh-cp Receipts 150, nominally steady:
no tradlng
NKW YoRK. Dec, 10. Prime mcracn
tile paper unchanged.
Kxcbange steady. 0
S- rllng: Demand $3 434; cables $S.-
46Vi- BBI
Krancs: Demand 5 R7c; cables fi.Sc. sbbbbj
Belgian francs: Demand 0.17c; cables UM
'Guilders Demand 30, 43c: cables 30.53c.
Lire unchanged. ... H
Marks. Demand 1 34c cables 1.3oC.
Greece: Demand 0.95c ,
New York exchange on Montreal 13 3-10 um
per cent discount.
Time loans firm, unchanped
'KV YORK, Dee io Raw sugar
opened weak and prices declined to new 6H
i, w records for the year. Karly sales
of Culan were made at 5.27c for cen
lrlfui:al and Inter Porto Rleaa was quot
ed at 5 Olc with the tone easy-. B
Refined wii on'-hanged at S tffJ OOi'
for fine granulated.
Supar futures -,,re weak early In sym
paths wlih tb- decline in raws. At noon
prices wire 254)36 points lower under
Belling by trade Interests and commit
slon houses.
fHICAOO. Dec. 10 Potatoes slightly
tronger: recelnts 54 care; northern whlt
. 1 md Idaho M
russets 1 75 osVt.
NKW TiKK Dee. 10 Iar silver, do
Jnet!r unchanged; foreign 594c.
Mexican dollars 46c.