tyf i' ' ' " "' " "
Dr. John M. Tiitt. member of the
loard of lectureship of First Church
of Christ, Scientist, Boston, last night
gave an authorized lecture on Chris
tian science, entitled "Christian Sci
ence, th Leaven of Spirit."
In introducing th- speaker. Mrs.
Mary K. Tolmla said "When Jesus
said, como unto me all ye that labor
and are heavy laden, and 1 Will give
you rest.1 ho meant that message for
all mankind.
"Christian Science Is repenting that
Invitation today, and multitudes have
accepted the loving call, and are
learning, through Its study and appre
ciation, how to make It practical In
their earthly experiences; and it h:ifl
indeed given them, an we read In
Isaiah, beauty for ashes, the ill of
Joy for mourning. th garment of
praise for the spirit o heaviness.'
"We have one with us this evening
who will present this message of the
blessed Masters. as fully as It can be
tf done In one short lecture
"Friends, it Is mv greatest pleasure
to Introduce Dr. John M Tnlt, C. S. B
of Kansas City, Mo , of the board of
lectureship of the Mother Church, the
First Church of t'hrisl. Scientist, in
SBSJ nOStOD. tf:ls.
v mm Utl til I M l 1 RE,
foSH A summary of Dr. Tutt's lecture fol-
Jk' The world loda: I -; pc rl n Ins
, k'ival ol Interest i" the things ot th
Spirit Publti expression abounds with
jHjl n fcrCUCC io the spiritual needs of hu-
1 inanity. Materialism, even In Its re-
ttf.-L flncmenu fail d to ; itlsfy human
, , i piratlon Everywhere men an turn-
3fifl lng from matter to Spirit, instinctively
SjM confident that, under divine direction,
fonU splrituallzatlon of lire will meet hu-
SfPJ m&n need todaj and will Justify the
BB longing and the hope for a spiritual
JflH tomorrow. This splritualization of
tM thought and life is the peculiar work
H of Christian Science in human con-1
PH Bclousness.
HH I am sure that those of you uho
H have observed Christian Science enter,
-. BB the life of a friend or acquaintance,!
f TM and there can be few, n any, who have
- not b. i ii witness i" sui ii o mlra le, will
QjH testify to a deep, a fundamental
change which has come oxer that ln-
dividual; you will testify, moreover,
i t Hint the change la docldedl; io tb
AV 111, be i.as become well; wherein he
Hfl was a bail citizen he bus become a
- iy betti i ; fo I
, nI spp; abundant for his needs; In-
JBlI stead of gloom, he has come to radl-
, r ato cheer, once dependent and fearful,
H he has become sufficient tor his re-j
H sponsibilities and bold to meet them.
What has happened to that mar,'.' lie
. . being I a em d! i i I - thought and
Bfl hence his life, are becoming spiritual-1
jjflV ized. Me ui beginning to behold the
islon of man untrammcled bj matter
Sfffi ; and is coming into his rightful sense of
jHtJ dominion over all. He continues In
the world, though no longer of it, yel
H tenderly responsive to its needs, and'
fl Just as he himself is being leavened J
H be communicates the ferment to his
B environment to tin betterment of all
T with whom and with which he conns
Iftflft in contact.
JlltS. EDDY'S lsi O VI K"S
SH The purified state of consciousness
H is the kingdom of heaven on earth for
jHH which Jesus prayed and taught all
christians to pray. How much of this
BjHj kingdom of harmony inn one experl-1
HH ence hero and now? .lust the degree
pHHJ of bis leavening, Just the measure of
2SH hls PWtualised thought. Before one
rivlfl can ''bea-en, heaven must come
9jBfl to him on earth. Thai is the Import
ot Mrs Eddy's great discover) Chris-
f ence
NfHHE uplifted heart, the reward of her un-i
:Jp selfish devotion, it came freeing her
from the limitations of a frail body,
opening the wav to a long delayed llf
work, and setting her eager feet upon
the path of nearly a half-century or
loving service. To her the spiritual
leaven came, as through her selfless
ministry It has come to countless oth
ers "A divine Influence, ever present
;in human consciousness, coming now
as was promised aforetime, to preach
deliverance to the captives tor sense
and recovering of sight to the blind
to et at liherly them that are bruised."
I (Science and Health, preface.)
Whenever 1 see a life besmirched,
'degraded, besotted with sense gratifi
cation. I try to think of the sweetness
!und cleanness and wholesomeness or
.that life when Christian Science shall
ihae done its work therein, when the
leaven of lovc shall have destroyed
'lust and hale and fear, when the
leaven of Truth shall haw eradicated
the mass of error, when the leaven
I of Sp'rit shall have changed the belief
of materia! consciousness to the spirit
ual understanding of lite n God. when
ihe leaven or Principle shall have
taught lawless human sense that ob -Idience
to divine law Is true liberty
People generally are aware mat
Christian Science h.:s touched the lives
of Individuals and has worked In Buch
person profound changes for the better
in mind, in morals, in body Have
you ever considered the enanges In
'general though! mid lite since Chris
tian Science began its reformatory
mission? Not only have Individuals
been affected directly, bul the trans
forming Influence has extended to the
universal thought, so that those who
have not yet come to known Chris-
iliail S- it-i). e hni' neVi t I he less .on-
I formed to much of its basic teaching.
Surely. though slowly, and ofttlmes l
devious by-paths, thought has come
I into agreement wiih the great spiiitu ti
I facts revealed in Christian Science
Coincidently basic changes have oc
curred in human affairs touching the
academy the pulpit, and the medical
forum to higher, even to more spiritu
al issues. Science, theolog) and med
icine are so woven Into the warp and
woof of human existence that they
constitute Its motif. Indeed, involv
ing as they do salvation, both here
and hereafter, these me the Indispens
able factors in human life today, they
tire the basis of the hope of a lomoi
rOW. Now the human mind Is finite.
Its every sense is, of course, limited.
The human mind onci-pts 01 si i iv
theology and medicine, newer rise
above the limits by which the human
thought Is bounded, for It can of Itself
rise no higher than itself That self
Is material, and hence to the unen-'
lightened thought, science, theology,
and medicine seem material. Physical
science, scholastic theology, and mate
rial medicine have operated In human
consciousness io b-httic cod with fin-
ltte form and nature, and to bind man
with the trammels Of matter.
li INE Mis 1 1 1 HODJ S
Spiritually considered and therefore
rightly viewed, science, theology, and
medicine express modes of divine con
sciousness, activities of the divine
mind, or Ihe infinite principle, God
To be true, to be Christian, religion
must take Into account these divinely
mental modes; human action based on
them is most Christian, most spiritually
scientific, hence nearest right. Christ
Jesus, science, bis theology, his medi
cine, w re spiritual and therefore were
true. Christian Science, without the
limitations of matter, was the Science
of Christ Jesus. (Jhristlan theology
without scholastic dogma was the re
ligion of Christ Jesus, Christian heat?
lng without materiul medlca, was the
medicine of Christ Jesus.
It will be understoorl that Christian
Science does not come to destroy
I Everything Cheaper
I As Follows
Those good Pot Roasts lb 15c
Boiling Meat, pound 10c i
All Pork Sausage, pound 25c and 30c p
Pork Chops, pound 30c and 3jc
Pork Roatts, pound 25c and up
Veal Roasts, pound 25c and up h
4 Fine Smoked Haras, pound 35c J
Everything Reduced in Price in
Our Bakery
TK Two of those large Loaves of Bread 25c
Best Creamery Butter, pound 55c
(Churned fresh every day.)
I Strictly fresh Ranch Eggs 30r
Storage Egg .". ,".V.V." . . . . 70c
Choicest Sliced Paradise Pineapple . .
Small can, 20c; medium, 35c; large 45c
Canned Tomatoes, 6 cans for 70c
I Canned Tomatoes, 1 case or 24 caus for S2.25 B
Blue Pine Coffee, 1 pound 60c: 3 pounds ...... .$1.65 I
17 bars White Laundry Soap. $1 00 I
45c bottle Old Yankee Syrup 35c I
1 2 dozen Orington Pure Fruit Jelly or Jam, G ounces . . $125
Fresh shipment of salt and smoked fish
Stock Fish, pound 35t
1 case tall, 48 cans $6 10
12 tall cans $1.55
1 case 96 cans small $6.75
12 small cans 90r
Candies, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Citron, etc.
Artichokes, each 20c, Brussels Sprouts, pound 25c
I Washington Market
Exchange 2800 2472 Washington Avenue
The Electric Vacuum Cleaner is
the arch enemy of dust, or'me
and cbrt It detests sooth and
filth It is the champion of
cleanliness. It does housework
efficiently, economically and de
Worry, bJckaches and distorted
dispositions arc forgotten, v.'hile
labor is reduced to the mini
mum. And co it is with every
electrical appliance you may
choose here from our extensive
! selection as a gift.
2430 Washington
science, thedlog) ;n'' inoilleijne fciut
rather to leaon the It u man concept!
of i hem. Jt comes to purge out the
old lump. In the leavening:, science
la shorn of physical fetters, theology
Is cle:msefl of the rntsconcepls of erred
and dogma, anil m'li Ine Is relieved of(
matter and properly related to Mind .
Thus spiritualiiailon t thoiiRht raises I
the concepts of science theology und
niedliine to a higher basis reveals
them to be In truth modes of divine
Mind, and restores them In humnnj
coneclouaneta to their rightful place, I
from which material theories have
j debused ihem-
Boy and Girl Mix Up With i
Freshly Covered Surface:
No Signs
A Washington avenue merchnnt
yesterday freshened up the front of
Ins store with u roat of white paint.
Aii'l gave thereby at leant two
mothers causo to comment caustically
on the ahsencr of 'Fresh Palni" slcns.
I -A lively youngster of about three
summers lcan-ii against the window
I to look at the goods on display.
Mother was chatting with an acquain
tance nearby
Soon sonny came up and poked a
whitened mitten for her to see At
the same time hp stuck out his tongue
to ay
ooh. Mummie. puhguh.'1
Mother (Jraclous, child. what
have you goj on your face?"
The youngster had acquired a layer
of the paint on his mittens, his coat
and his face he had also laken a
Just then B little girl wearing a
Mack plush coat leaned against the
Ii aoir. Her motno;- was wtiti her.
Oh, lady, that's fresh paint. " cried
' ' t first mother
"Landsakes!' exploded the second
i iitto.
' The little girl's coat was streaked
1 il the mother's wrap bore visible
. vldcnce of contact with the wet sur
face. Tho air became filled with verbal
'Hush!" cautioned a husband of
one, "don't create a scene.''
I don't care &'.' ti ?? " cx
! claimed the one woman
That's right," agreed the other.
Inside the store there was a little
bov Toward the rear of the store sat
the merchant wonder If his ears
were tingling'
Xmas Seals Committee
to Meet in Salt Lake
Ugden members of the executive
committee of the Christmas seal sale
'campaign will meet this morning in
Salt Lake with Ihe final drive The
lueden members Include Mrs. C. R.
Grlswold, Dr. R. S- Joyce and K. 8
Hinckley. The meeting will be held In
the offices of E. O. Howard at the
I Walker Brothers bank.
Several features nre belnjr arranged
I for the clean-up campaign the last
i week of the drive. It la expected that
I by that time the large contributions
'will hac been received at headquar
ters, but In order that every resident
of the cily may have an opportunity
to assist In safe-guarding public
health and a share In lessening dls-
ease and lowering the unnual death
rale, everyone will be given a chance
in do a part In lh.- penny Christmas
seal yale.
It Is figured that it would take three
kits l.i fore a soldier can be consid
ered 100 per cent efficient.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Gdt
at the Cause and Remove I
Dr Edwards' Olive Tabled, th sub
stitute for calomel, act jjentJv on thej
bowels and lpoaUvdy,do the work
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Oliva
Tablets. The pleasant, ftturaroated
tablets are taken for bad breath by
all who know them,
Dr. Ldvrards' Olive Tablets act f?er
tJv but firmly on the bowels and liver,
fctimulating thero to natural action,
clearing the blood and gently punfving
the entire system. They do that whicn
daraerous calomel does without ny
of the bad alter effects.
, All the benelits ol nasty, sickening
irnpirH' cathartics are derived 'rom
L)r. Edwards' Olive Tablets v.ithou.1
gnpingpain or any disagreeable fferta-
Dr. r. M. Edwards discovered the?
formula after seventeen years of nra
tice among patients afflicted with
bowc' ind liver complainr. with Lhai
attendant bad breath.
Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil: yrsj
will know them by their olive oolnr.
Take one or two every pjcht for a ak
I itnd nolo thi effect. iSc and 2lc
4 ?
Copyright 1920 Hart Schaffnei i: MzrxT
Christmas gifts from this store stand for
more than the thing itself; they speak for I
your taste and quality ideas. you don't have M
to "hope it will be right"; you can be sure.
-astonishing suit values I
we've taken our finest
Hart Schaffner & Marx I
suits, worth $60, to $75 M
and repriced them to H
sell for
$4go .
since we bought our fall and winter stocks
prices went down. we're reducing these prices
to meet the new market quotations. in most fl
cases we've gone the market one better we're
taking a loss; you're making some money.
the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
U. S. Grants More Time for
Paying Obligation Incurred
in War
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Under an!
srreenlent wltb the British kotm-
jnicnt the rlobt of $12:.UM0.0m0 iluc this
I country for silver purchased during
tho war will bo paid by 194, actord-j
lng to details of the plan made public,
today by Secretary Houston.
During the war tho treasury ar-
I ranged to sell tho British government
bullion obtained from melting silver
dollurs at the rate of $1 un ounco in
I conformity with the 1-Mttman act to,
relieve the sllxer shortage in India.'
jf the $ l-2,ui;,33 owed the Ilnit...
States for purchuses of silver J 17,633
I has ieen paid with interest.
' The remaining $K2.ooft.ooi.i, the sec-l
retary said. Is to be paid In eoual an-1
mini Installments with accrued Inter
est at five per cent from April 15,
I 1 '.' i 9
I i ntil payment iq full of the prin
cipal with Interest, the secretary all
ed. the L'.rltLsh government will per
mit the treasury to make tenders to
purchase Rupoo credits offered bv tl
Indian government on the same terms
with British nations This ho ex
plained, will afford an opportunity fo
Americana tb obtain Rupee credits at
the same cost as those credits an
offered British subjects.
l i K i lls ki i LE TED
BLACK KOOT. Ida.. Dec. . At the
annual meeting of tho Knlghtn of
Pytntas last evening the following of-"!
flcers were chosen for the ensuing
year: Chancellor: Charles S. Pelkey; ,
vicl chancellor. AV. C Allen, prelate.
Don (.Jever; W. M.. K. 10. Massie; M
V and K of R. and S.. Charles Simon,
master of exchequer, W.,JF. Berrynian;
master at arms Andrew Berkley. In
ner guard. Dr. A. II McFarland; outer
guard, uscar Holbcrg.
Dance and Card
Saturday, December 11, 9 p
n. Members and friends all
25c Each
t J)
J. S. Carver & Sons I
2362 Washington Avenue
Free demonstration of Blue 1 MsswfiCi
Pine Coffee and Tea will be imml p9
given at Ogden grocers up to llftBAdRfl Wf-)mtm
r'Tz I-rnsU3 . ' 'SJsidB