Tomorrow Marks Close of
First Week of Local
i The Christmas Seal campaign,
BBBBBBH brine: staced in iiedi-n under the
a uapices of tne i t. iii
Public Health AjBSO
3a t ton, will dose
first week of ifs drive
hers tomorrow eve-
inc according to lo
iil Secretary George
i). Bennett Booths
n the banks and
tores of the city will
to operated by young
a omen of the city
tnturda) under the
su.. i v ision of Mis Gladys Klch and
j i) Is expected th.M a record sale will
Be recorded,
j V The Salvation Army workers .'i the
IxJnlon Depot reported :i he., sale to
day, while the workers In the busi
ness district also reported i lair sal
Campaigners for the drive will open
Ueir addresses in the local theatres
tomorrow evening under Sm ut P.
"With more than two weeks n -plaining
in the drive, wo expect to
Shatter the records of lust year," said
( Seeret.n v Bennett tod "The eo-op-
juration of the citizens of t!ie : is
asked In the campaign and n thia la
forthcoming, we are s:u lo Rain over
rlust yc;ir. I am well satisfied with the
Beettlts thus far obtained The four
nnnute men will staii rheir cam
tomorrow evening and four minute
U'Oincn will begin next Thursday evei
lilnp. These addressey . ill no doubt
til up considerable interest Tlv
lhone is point; for .1 Jusl 1 uise,
II Salvation Army to
I Provide Christmas joys
- Seeking subscriptions to tin Christ-
inns and winter relief work fun
I the Salvation army, i n na are being
mailed by Envoy Kobert Henderson
to 1 igden business men and the various
societies and organizations of the city.
Mr Henderson said today:
3 "The Christmas kettles will appear
j on the streets Saturday, Dec 11 until
Christmas and all are asked to do
J something to keep the pot boiling 1 r
the poor and needy this winter, and
v also to bring cheer to the kiddies when
i pants Claiis appears at the Salvation I
i army Christmas tree. M ik U possible'
for us to do Just as good work at home
as we did overseas among the boys.
"Last ar thirty-three baskets of j
groceries were given to needy famllli a
:at Christmas nine and on.- hnnl:.l
and forty children received gifts and .
-.undies from the Chrlstmus tree th!s:
being mad, possible b our genero
Jy. and we feel Buro that you will help
us again, and ihat none of the need
j boor shall go without, but hat ' hrlst-
.Trias cheer shall be in c ry home.
Make a child happy by buying a
,glft for our Christmas tree
"Suggestions in giving are as fo!
Potatoee. Sugar.
All Coffee. 1. 1
Bread App!
1 Canned Goods. Toj 1
I " Celery. Flour,
j V Chicken- Fruit.
I ' -Meat. I.,,r.l
1 Money. flutter.
"Call 2960 or send a card, and we
wdl call Christmas wee k in the morn-1
J ings."
YARMOUTH, England Owing to'
j enormous glut of hen inn value of :
,: "Give Me Shirts" j
if ever hear of the man who had all of the jood
S 'kine shirts he wanted? Ain't no such ani- 'J
silk shirts, nlain colors and mannish patterns (v
$6, $7.50, $10'. 1 ft j !
i shirts of corded madras, good to look upon
w'i wear well $3 to $4
shirts of percale in mannish patterns. Prices I
begin at Si 95 .Si
1 1 dress shirts full dress. Chances are -he 11 M
,SI need one this time. $3.50. ,s,
A wo s""ts 0r wnen he takes a hike. Ev
' Iff I cry man-wants one. $5 95.
Wright's ij
$1 Neckwear 2m
p5$j The most important part of this message is ' Hurry."
I w&H e rc se,"n9 men's pure silk, brand new, handsome jSraMj ,
4r How i i end neckwear at Si
HH It's an unusual value made to attract early shopping
season's catch already, exceeding $5,
000,000 the herring fleets have been
i prohibited from working more than
half time for week or more
m a goodSjiSce to trade I '
I Drs $14' j
H Just ArrivedFifty Dresses In A
H I Special Purchase. Sale Tomorrow j
j Just out of New York. Fifty dresses that should have j
2 been sold at twice this price. Doubtless the lot will be
rB sold before the day is over. All-wool serges, velours,
? poiret twill; some embroidery trimmed, many of them
i bead trimmed. Styles that have not been shown in
: Ogden. All sizes for lirst buyers, $14.95. :
,-oBi'BK)" "'"'iB'i-iiai ';)i)Rmoo4H 1
1 A nm L, Jfk Customers are buying candy now for Christmas. Assortments flCciri.
A GOOD PLAwEf TO TRADE are better Our homemade, hand rolled, rich chocolates will be
1 'ar' n prime condition if bought now Moderate prices V . f
Tomorrow Morning I
These Items On Sale From 9 To II O'clock Just To j M
j Encourage Early Shopping Afternoons Are Crowded i H
Aeroplanes Puff Cases Corset Covers Crib Blankets
I Airplane that will It) free itl the Ribbon pufll eaael, made of boauti- Womena' muslin corset cover?. "rib blankots of tho Bracon make, fi H
I ;ur for a distance of 100 to 200 feet; Inl quality ribbon in all dainty made of good quality mulin, trim- eize 30x10, in colors blue and pink, f
made ot a verj lighi wood and b1 rfecialb tfi mod with daint) lac and embrold with assorted d I o these arc I
I metal; rubber motor; length priced . 1 J) 1 ory. All sixea Valur to ?i.r.o ain' Special. di I
20 inches Special J 1 Drug Section 11.75. Special J) 1 each . pl I
Third Flooi Phlltlrptl'a WrtSA Second Floor DC nstalrs
Hay Wagons v "UZ Girls' Gowns Bath Towels 1
A h.' agon. i) b mi. I,, -. i) .n 0,1 oniy, all sizei 15c valuee ti rhildren'K outing fiannel bight Large heavy double thread bleached A jH
I briKhi red. h ...i- dn,v.u .,., , ..,,- $ 1 gowns, mad i lna iIpcc flan Turkish bath towels, Sie 13x44.1
1 g uvHnn " moVe'ii MainFloo n.. sizes 2 to , i -r, r usuh. Verj absorbent The kind ttat S
5 thyeirielsy. . . . $1 Flat Purses ZrV00 $1 fV5c.VBluea $1 I
2 'iru Women's and mjsses1 purses, flat Second Floor .Main Floor v
! o., SSS?? US.5U?f Girls' Dresses Bleached Towels
A Ing game to be played by two, three 15V- special p I Gins' gingham dresses, made o? 35c bleached Turkish bath towels. - H
I or four persona made ol hi ivj rt i Glove Section splendid qunllty strictly washable double thread, mude of good ab- I BH
j Th, ,,. . 3,1 Boxed Stationery 5-Xr.iS.s sJfT: $1 iw'V' " $1
rl rr, , , Ui new attractive 1kics. beautiful Second Floor Main Floor i1!
j V target gamfthat ia harml sand Specially p d $1 White Aprons h ailCy 1 OWelS
I amusing; consists ol little sprlnc M,lin Floor odds and vndi ol white aprons,. 65c Turkish towels with fancy bor 9 H
i gun, wood -dart! cartridge bell t -j Kvorth'irn Pan j? la 1,1 ',0l aualitj m U ial, a,8 embroidered, all color;. I
I and wild animal targci J) 1 EiVtrMldl ) reilClls daintilv trimmed; - i are slighth 1 " 1 ' CM 2
a Third Plpoi Bversharp pencils in a variety of smlod but will laundei nicely. Vai- Two for a WM
rp Qolc, ..styles The plain silver (t i Special, tf -fl M Mnoi"
? ltd oeis s. three for iP I Cut GHsS A
X i nbreakahh earali t tea sel con Main Floor - . . ,( , m
H sfsting of 6 tea cups. - saucers. rrs t j i I r-i V 1 '"' SlM U i'"'r P'tcher nii,kos 1 I 9-,
f sugar bowl tei t and. tray, deco 1 able Mats LTepC Bloomers lti thal ' always appreciated, r M
A rated In blue and gold t 1 Fancj strav table mats, various Women's crepe bloomers, made ol Ts one especially a full sizbpol- M
6 U'Cil... n 4 1 11 "I"' f hricht I plain and l.h.rb.nl . r. p,- h,,u ' 1 " h" ' 'i hlxak C 1 t
c Third m traw; two colors in each mat; set quality, all ilzes our usual M "oral decoration if l 1
. Wood Blocks ' . $1 iJSSt $1 GirTs' Hats I
I Solid hardwood blocl ei bosse-l Downstairs " a
i with alphabet, animal drds, ships , , BraSsierPS " ta rted styles these 3
I ;:" 2H " CUDes- Meat Forks v Q's brassiere S oof ,,rn, KwS'Tfi SeCvaS ''!i";k r,1 2
fn a bright colored 1A Cold meat fork In a 25-year sliver material, trimmed with splendid f22B ' . .i each $1 A
ft 1,ox P1 , ri 1UC Plated-ware, a useful gift ol ti lace and embroidery,-sires 34 to 46 '' n ?-' ' ' ' M" 3
! . Plilrd -Flooi ood quality V,1P:, f0 s:.30 - uownstaire
i Unbreakable Dolls Downstair, special 3)1 Women s aists ij
1 Unbreakable doll, 16 Inches tall Rociphllfl VflSPS Second Floor Women'a white wata in assorted f
c painted eyes and - lias such a . ,-, . , .1 . , Tnrcpt GiwIqI ftnd BtyleB: " are '
2 lifelike featur. ou ah xpect it :x " ' "'.1 v ..,d, of LOrSet Special made in ? I styles. I
B to Bpeak; stuffed body, dressed fand polished mahogany, glass di Weight's Special corset, mode of Specal. each J)1 f
compl. tr with "tockln- tt 1 llucd- 1 alr V trong material, low and medium Downstairs a
I cap ipl Downstairs bust, long hip. good fitting all HanflkprphlPf S
Third Floor Wafpr TiiifihWja iz Usual r values. i nanuKcrcnieis 1 ff
I n A r Welter lumoiers Special.. pl Lace edge Swiss handkerchiefs for I
i l)Oll VTO-CartS A beautiful parklins crystal (able scrim, 1 Floor women, daint design, embroidered
I substantial collapsibh steel frame tumbler, a tall medium heavy glass, n-4.,i in one corner A useful glfl j 1 !
0 and wheels, leatherette hood and tteavj bottom?. Set of rfi LenterpieCeS Special, 8 tor 01 i
A body, large enough fo 1 "ix P1 Qenterpieces In the white only; Main Floor
f) 1: luii doii tb 1 Downstairs thc. are the round ones; I Glass Pakpr
Third Flooi ilvprvarp neatly made our ?1.50-values r h , ,
c a . ol!erdre Special i P1 ne.v oven glass, R
otenCll betS Pearl handled sterling silver mount- Downstairs mad,- mm .-.n m us, tu 1 kitch- X
Brownio stencil set. color the funnv ed. silver plated, sugar shell and T I m 1 ?" uten!"'il:: We niake special tho BB
6 little fellows in. a varietj ol colors butl 1 knife An attractive and HUCK 1 OWelS loaf pap, 11x5x4 qi
f A Bet of s;-ncils and a set of useful gift. The set of two fl Huck towels, size 18x36, In the inches. - ... pl a
r Brownie rubber itampc h 1 pieces J1 plain whitt also wl red Pownstairs r
rbi .... ... vjl Downstairs border These are ihe heavj Hair BOWS t ' W'
5 T,,i",-,M,r o Salad Bowls ;'N 5c VftJuea SDecial R1 Ready made hair bows, a pretty and I
j Men's Silk Sox . d m ""V. , , "" ( "gujpn the Wi4 "
9 Men s silk socks, Holeproof, m.-,::-. .hape. decorated with rose buds, on . dark colors. -Special, dl fi
1 lame as J1.26 values, with 1 ., shaded back ground of rose. 1 Jardinieres " ' t ' ' HI X Kj
y sUgbtmendinl Two pair pl blue, lavender. Two for . . 1 M V large 9-inch Jardiniere In varioi T MaI" Floor j
f Men's Shop Downstairs 1 Bhapes, plain and shaded colors thai Lace V esting
A Men's Silk SOX npsprf Platps are brlch' Bnd attractive a fine Vestet lengths ol White and cream x
B Men's sUk sox, Holeproof make , 7 f V , n looking gift $1.35 regular t 1 hi yard wide, net and lace ruffles i
! regular $L25 values IV of fret quality semt- .special . . $ 1 and tucks, tor dresses, blouses and I
A snecnl nalr Si Porcelain, decorated in the plain Downstairs suits Special, t 1
3 bPeciai, pair . . hut pleasing gilt band. (I 1 , . each 5hl I
I M , ;Vn Sr v set of six1 $1 Cut Glass Nappies ; , , , , , V M
iVien S HanaKerCnieiS ik.wnsun,- cul glass handled nappie, a most sofin i
I Men's white cotton handker- r -a t ., ;nir FIqihiI U80ful l,ish for "nin- 11 1 ; odlin llDDOnS
0 chi. : Twelve for . ip 1 VfUMiijg a miuici in, et( , de ml Salin ribbons, 5 and 6 inches wide 1
A Men's Shop K 0,ltin" flannel in light and dink and pressed floral pattern . J 1 bpsr quality silk, white, blue, pink' I "l jHftj
1 ,f . c; .fA. fi-M-- good weighl toi night dresses, quilt Downstairs nder and rose. Camisole' tf 1 I
Jieil S OOll COIiar coverings. Fn y i i d ITan11rAitfliiA-fc length. 1 yards. Eacb J 1 I ' AA
A Men's soft collars m the newesl Iot P 1 DUA ildllliKv-i L ilicla M llIi , ( 2
I styles and weaves 10 values -j Main i-'ioor handkerchiefs, 1 1 Inch hem, I p i
a Thret toi J) ry 4. 10 box, embroidered in white (ji x opimb 9
ft Men's Shop LeSl LallCO Special, box tj) 1 ''"Dim 27 inches v. loV, good weight. 2
I I,)n', p-.i. I'.est calico in light and dark, good Main Floor brlghl smooth finish, white only'
.ueil H Udritlh fast colorings Six yards 1 Hiipcf Tau pIc 15c value Three yards ai f
i Men's double grip garters rine lisle for J 1 uucai xumcis fr -
I web. 65c values. 1 M.nn Floor B5c Turkish guest towels, with col- Silk Section Bi-
j ' , ,op W Scalloped Towels SSJS?. $1 , Ponfeee Silk I
! MaHpir HmliPQ ' 1 2:. hems..-, hed also scallop i Ma.n Floor Anotht shipment here tomorrow ol 0
Maaeira UOllieS J embroidered huck towels fi Babv Towels at good $2 genuine Japanese pon !
t Round do ,,. - and o,;,K hand cm ,. ..n1nr !K I ua,V lu,yua 5' 1 " it for the makln of a
I brbldered. Specially ji ' ' M,(n FlnnP ' ' Babv Turkish towels in plain many dainty gifts, New ship- i I
3 priced 2)1 1,1 n rioor white, also pink and blue edge men! v.,rd . . $1 I
Art Section RoiTiperS Regular 45c values i Silk Section '
Handkerchief Boxes children's rompers and creepers, 1,1 ree ,nr Nklin ploor Men's Wool Sox
i Silk covered handkerchief boxes made of strictly washable mate RlnKii TMrifho Men's cashmere sox of a verv ftn I
I assorted colors, hand Mint, d (M rials, light and dark colors. t 1 KlUCOirO L-lOinS , ,,,uforccd h,"g ' J I
c designs. Specially priced p 1 Values to $2.50 Special pi 20c wash cloths, bluebird pattern, toes All sisesthe usual 50c a I
Art Section Second Floor et Special, six d 1 kinds 3 pairs for . JK1 i
Toilet Waters Scarfs and Caps Main Floor io ns, p . . I
I Toilet waters an perfumes, beau Children's angora scarfs and stock- PiIIaw Tnhi. ven S Handkerchiefs i .
I tlfully boxed, assorted tf 1 ing cap,s. made of all wool yarna. rillOW 1 UOlllg Men's'fint Imported cambric hand
0 odors )1 ,lark coort Bplendid for school 65c pillow tubing, good quality a kerchiefs With satin border -n "
Drug Section wear. Values up to $2.50. d1 2 yards for P 1 ahie, Sj,.-, ; , ,),,,.,. ' X
Ivory Articles , Wr ' !'" .. , $1
1 Dainty pieces of ivory, bottles. Plnwnw OIIBCMlUfB lf) t 1
I files cutieh knives, 1 KtnfWMMM -m or 104 Sheeting, bleached e: Men S Linen
5 comhc ,i, J)l A clown on ,-, swing thai doe? aii ira quality, Pequot or Mohawk. rf i rjovkJj , . f
I,,,,, g'eo'tion kind8 ,jf ru".v tricks and a rapid Special ... ij) 1 naiiaKercnieiS
I y lire cannon w ith soldiers; two ri i M.,in Floor Men'l all linen handkerchiefs t I
Jewelry ,-r: Interestini toya pl Mam Floor Special valut 3) 1 I
I Including brooches. i beads, 'earrings, Third Floor Pillrnw racae Men Shop 2
' iinferie clasps, etc r i Aiitmnnhilps V".
c sp.-c,. ii- priced. fji AUMJniOUlICa ., pillow cases in the besl mi f.
Q0 . g, , ,,,,, ItttO parrel post, you crank it Jut brand at cost. Two for . . J) 1 rFMlfni
C'llr I1 1 re"' nU'- madc of metal; run-; M Mn Floor MflllW fl
M1K LamiSOleS with ia-spring: ettameWd In Fanrv Hlirk Tovp1 pdfclf , JJ-V
I Women'! crape.de chint and wash bright Colors . . pl 1 hulk i u eiS ri J
f satin camisoles trimmed with dain Third Floor boo aoallqped and embroidered, also r y7sfs I r jBj
5 tv laee and ribbon. tht 8 Olaki Poinl Nfc hemstitched huck towels, in colors. jTTaJ
splendid Christmas glfl M rdiiii ocia very beautiful Two 1 ( "
f 5150 values. Special 3)1 F; "D (1h paint outfit, conuins 12 for J) 1 -gJ
SPcond j i olors. 4 crayons. 2 water pans and Main Floor F j l V
J Scalloped Towels SSffiJ g KiS' "w" UDd $1 Baby Bibs AifflMfflji I
I Fancy Turkish towels with colored Third Floor 25c baby bibs In pink or blue4 t i rW k !
I borders, also scalloped and embi Trumnpk Turkish. Five for lANA i aH
f ered. up to $1.85 values M I TUinpeiS Main Floor & Jf
i Bat h bl Trumpet, nickel plated, double note fiirk' Knit Kkirt 4inX''W&. !
Ilaln Ploor irumpM. decorated with bright cord Ulrlh Jnil OKlriS WMgcgOaVlltlwiff
f cj 11 j T .i and laaael the delight of f 1 Children's knit petticoats, made of V2a
nCailOped OlDS ibellUlt toi P1 fine rib. pari wool, some an ma '
1 65 bab: bibs, scalloped and em Thud Floor Gertrude style, usual $10 Children's Wrinl 2
f broidercd with Mother Goose pat- p1I77l0 l9ns alues. Special J I c . UU
Z terns Two t -i 1 UZZie IVIdpS Second Floor Sweaters $1
I for J)l Puzzle maps of the United States, a TnfntJ, HnP m ,, ,
! Cl:- a substantial ood puzzle cut on the llixailia nuiSC e will sell I,.zens nf th... i I
Sleeping UarmentS BUte lines, teaches the child the Infants' cashmere hose, brown. morrow Daint v littl n I
La Tosca sleeping garments, natur- geography of the 1 hlack and White, sixes 4 to 6, silk sli Dover ' ' a11 Woo). X W
I al color: medium weight. ...h-h t i country P1 heel and toe. 65c values. 1 weaiers for the qH. H
2 to 10. $1.50 valuea. Special J) 1 Third Floor Two pairs $ OKI Ol UO 8 years Thest. hav
Main Floor Hrnms Main Floor jugt arrived and were bouffhr ! 2
fcarge Wash Cloths v madenTwiS, metai r,m Infants' Silk Hose ; ? low price. i facttw J
25c wash cloths, extra fancy, all and hoops, decorated with Indians Infants' pure silk hose, color are !? 0 ,!'"'' 111 ,nr' lot Worth Je -
I colors, beautiful assortment. t and buffalo, tho 9-inch tf 1 white p,nk pal, blue, size- i k "'.in y-. Lots of nrettv , i I sjaOlBjAdfl
special. 5 for ... .... J 1 size J 1 to 6. specially priced . . 1 Slipover styles Al ' Ts'
Main Floor Third Floor Haln Floor VV)t,i ' fjj jjg ' ,,le i bibbbbb
-ww hum to -mm-'-m- -H-"-aw- ,-. ianusaa' aaa"-aaas" .aaaa, af- j bii - .aa 'at'a-'-if,, f