OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 12, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Soldiers and Sailors Abroad
VViil Entertain Children in
American Style
NEW YORK. Dec 11. Christmas
Srfl fhecr for the peoples of tlio war-torn
cIB nations of Europe, refugees In the
'- Jqffl Near Knat and American soldiers
!'&3ajB9 aboard Is potasj forward through this
-ljfSOT Port in preater volume than ever be-
rittsfl tore. Postorilce officials here eatl-
rfHBH mato thai the volumo of the 1920
aKflHfll Christmas foreign mall will approach
TIW twlco the amount of previous years.
PtJH Thousands of packages have already
IPVfJ been received her' from all parte of
W kM the vountry and postal officials are pre
pared for an unprecedented rush dur-
WtSKs 15 DelnK scnt to Germany and Pol I
SuM and comprises principalis foodstuffs
LSJ ,imj clothing. Ituly and tho Halkan
wBk States will also receive lnr:e shipments
f.TtHJl with smaller amounts going to Trance,
Britain. NoHray, Sweden, Belgium and
'UH tn Latin-American countries.
jklS In addition to the Christmas pack-
i aJm'TI nges going direct oy parcel r'-ai
'TORsI y express, various American relief
' a Organizations are planning to brine
Something of tho wwns yplrlt to
1- ymt many thousands of destitute children
i The Near East Relief has made elab-
orate Christmas plans for the refugee
E youngsters In the Near East and the
J Bed Cross has planned cheer for chll-
t-l4? dren 1,1 th various districts In which
1 I It is operating.
; :. : The volumo of soldier mall this year
jHjjM has materially decreased over recent
years because of tho withdrawal of
vS most of tho American forces from
. CX Europe The se veral thousand "dough-
1i'vl'"2 boys" still on the Rhine will be well
' ;&!nxM remembered as a large shipment of
jKflpal gifts has been uccumulatcd at the
!hBbk Army Transport Service in Hobokon.
'3BH Soldiers serving in tho canal zone,
"Wf ; Hawaii, the Philippines and Alaska
'U will :il.s- i , . i I c r 1 Some of the
:'S vessels bearing gifts for these men
9 ffl sailed during November
(H Men of the navy, wherever stationed
.fi H WIH aiso DC tj1c reelplent of Christmas
glfu from home and the Navy depart
" incnt has made special arrangements
to give each man the maximum op
portunity for a ".Merry Christmas."
Co-operating with the .lunior Bed
Cross, Secretary Ianlels of the Navy
department has ordered a vessel to
take Christmas gifts for thousands ol
Dalmatian children. This action was
taken upon recommendation of Admir
al Andrews, in charge of American
warships stationed . In the Adriatic.
Two thousand pairs of shoes and
hlocklngs. thousands of cans of con
densed milk, hundreds or bars of choc
olate and toys from Bed Cross ware
houses will go to destitute children In'
northern Italy and In JuffO-Slavla j
The Near East Relief has made ar
rangements whereby United states
Bailors and marines stationed In
Turkish waters are to make Christmas,
merrv for thousands of children. Each
of Uncle Sam's fighting men there,
has been asked to "adopt" a child and
provide some kind of a Christmas i
A Christmas tree with elaborate
exercises, will be placed lq the Ne-ir(
East tubercular hospital In Constan-'
Unople In Harpoot, where there are
6,000 Armenian orphans, another tree
Will be provided by the Near East R(-
lief organisation. At Fntum. on the(
Black Sea, where conditions are at
f-orest Service Approves In
telligent Cutting of Ever
green Timber
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. 'Between
four and five million Christmas trees
,wlll be felled this year to brighten
American homes, churches and com
munity tenters, and delight the hearts
of the children. This is the estimate
of the forest service, which says that
the total of trees used in this country
each pul"tlde season equals approxl
mately the combined consumption f
England, Scotland nnd Wales, ami is
about 2r per cent greater than that of
Forest service officials are opposed
to any movement to discourage the
up? of these ticcs for Christmas pur
poses. To the argument that the cut
ting and use of the trees Is a great
musts, they say that the custom Is so
old, oo well grounded, and so vener
ated, tint even if it were economically
somewhat Indefensible, these aspects
will and should continue to outweigh
economic considerations.
Placed all together, the four or flvo
millions of trees used annually would
make a mighty forest, but forest ser
,vice officers point out that many of
them come from fields which are be
ing cleared for farming purposes or
from forests which need thinning to
protect the more sturdy trees They
jalso argue that trees are for use and
that there Is no other use to which
'they could bo put that would contrib
ute so much to the Joy of mankind as
their use by children on this one great
, holiday.
Of the tbtal of Christmas trees con
sumed In this country. 1,500.000 are
used In New York state and New Eng
land, the forest service says- Black
and red spruce are very commonly
seen In New England Christmas CI le
bratlons and In ew York and Phila
delphia In Illinois and Ohio the local
demand Is supplied partly with nurs
ery grown Norway spruce Pines are
ln great demand for Christmas trees
when fir and spruce are not available
Throughout Maryland, Virginia and In
Washington, L. C . the scrub pine flnd
a way into many homes. while in
southern Wyoming the lodge I ole pine
Is almost the only species available.
c.KI VI VARJ I I V I M ;d.
Hemlock is often used, but only In
the absence of other varieties, red ce
dar, says the forest service, la not de
spised whero better trees can not b
had as In tho treesles states and often
in Tennessee and Pennsylvania. In
California red cedar and Incense cedar
are not uncommon The swamps of
Michigan. Wisconsin and Minnesota
furnish the markets 6f Chicago. St.
Paul, Minneapolis and tho cities of
the plains states, while Maine New
Hampshire, Vermont, the Berkshire
Hills of Massachusetts and the Adiron
ducks and Catskllls in New York are
the sources of supply for New York.
Philadelphia and Boston and even
Baltimore and Washington.
Christmas trees, the forest service
says, vary in size from 5 to 3 3 feet
aud prices run form 25 cents to $35
or $50. Where the 25 cent trees are
available Is not stated.
thi ir worst, the population Is looking
forward to a shipment of one thousand
tons of flour from America to add Joy
to the holiday. The flour left here
November 23 and is expected to arrive
before Christnvis I
Style U
The KIDDIES, too, will enjoy
this Christmas Gift
Surprise and delight the whole family this Christmas
Give the gift that gives what everyone loves the gift of
pure music tho i
Throughout the year and the years to come, Starr-made
melody will brighten the home. It is all artists all in
struments. The Starr Singing Throat of Silver Grain
Spruce makes all records sweeter, purer Hearing is be
lieving You can't know the wonderful charm of music
reproduced until you hear the Starr. Plays all records
better, but is best playing Gennetts You are invited to a
concert at any time.
2381 Hudson Avenue
MARION7, . Dec. 11. Pres-Ident-elect
Warren G. Hardine,
Will II Hays, chairman of the
Republican national committee,
and William J-nnln;s Hryan will
probably speak here next Krlday
All three have been invited to
address the laymen's conference
of the Marlon Presbytery hero
that evening, and Mr. Bryan al
ready has accepted.
The I'nited States uses approximate
ly 4S.C70.000 barrels of oil In a RWnth
iCoy 1 There's a M
7 Electric Vacuum Elaotrjo Radlater r j
j Electric Ranee lno HaatST Y
MsJ Electric PercoJ.itor FOR BROTHER T1
Electric ChafmsIrn FOR THE CHILDREN V"'
- jf' . Electric 8ewlnc Electric Toy n&nie y
X vEffidienc PrJiIic Service'' 99 J
Secretary of Denver Society
Quits After Commonert is
Turned Down
J DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 11. A motion
to elect William J. Bryan an honor-
larj member of the Yonn? Men's Dem-joratb-
club of Denver was lost last
nlprht at a meeting of the organization
I when it failed of a second.
Bryan's suggestion that President
Wilson rcsicn was one of tbe reasons
I assigned for tho club's refusal to elect
iho N' Vraskan by E. V. Duttklee,
' presFdent.
Kucene McAllen, assistant corre
sponding secretary .of tho club, who
i iinm:itel Hi.in for honorary mem
betahlp after the names of President
! Wilson, Jame.w f. Cox nnd Pranklln
I D. Roosevelt hud been presented and
: favorably acted upon, resigned from
Mi, club and walked out of tho meet
ing when his nomination of the Com
j moner failed of a second.
Dunklec. who was presiding', said to
day In an informal diseuiision of the
Bryan nomination after tho meeting
"me moors of the club were frank to
.iy th it Krynn's fillure actively to
.sunport the national ticket at the re
cent election, his suggestion that Pres
ident WK.von r-s,-n ,in. hi.s u'enernl
attitude toward the party recently
were sufficient In their opinion to bar
him from honorary membership In the
The club is tho largest Democratic
organization In Colorado.
PHOENIX, Ariz.. Dec. 11 Inspec
tion of the great Terrazas estate in tho
state of Chihuahua, Mexico, has been I
. made by T. F. Doyle, of Phoenix,
mr mber of b cattle company, who said '
ho had been ii.sked to look ovor the '
property by representatives of New
York capitalists who had an option to
purchase. A, report on tho develop
ment of water. Poyle said, will be
maile by a L.os Angeh a firm
Tho Terrazas ranch, lonK the do
main f General Luis Terrazas and his
family, comprises &. 700 000 acres apd
Is the largest stock ranch In the world.
Doyle said. Ho added that tho pur
chase price named Is S12.S25.000.
Before tho revolution's tides swept
over the Chihuahua, tho ranch was I
well kept. Hoyle nald It contained
20 haciendas, each a district head-j
quarters with a population of 1000
or more.
Then the ranch was at lta best,
according to Doyle. It supported 400,- ,
000 head of cattle. 250.000 horses, but
he said there were comparatively few
there now. H? added that whereas
the Htato of Chihuahua onco held 5.
000.000 cattle., there were now not
more than 1000 with tho exception of
the stock on tho Palomas ranch near
the border and the Corrullltos and
Santo Domingo ranches.
"Tho condition of poor Mexicans In
the towns and at tho haciendas Is
pitiful. ' ho continued "They ore ill
clad, half starved and uncared for
Governor Enrique. -HZ Chihuahua Is
offering all possible encouragement to
American Investors."
The Terrazas ranch Doylo described
as comprising more of tho country be
tween Juarez, on tho American border,
and Chihuahua City, and south of the
Chihuahua capital Doylo said It wan
tho plan of tho American capitalist".
If they exercised their option, to con
struct irrigation works, subdivide the,
most fertile land and invito settle
ment. Tho rest of the ranch would
bo ro-stocked. ho said.
WOULD M M in as
AMKS, Iowa A plan to work hens
overtime has been announced b th'
Iowa Stato College of Agriculture.
Klivctrlc lights in poultry houses arc
to be turned on early In tho morning
so tho chickens will think It la day
light and get up and get busy, and
kept burning late In tbe afternoon so
they will be ashamed to go to roost
early. The additional number of egg
produced It Is cstlmutcd will nwm
than pay for the electric light.
1 nMBHMT j
Commencing Tomorrow raj
I H -Vacaciiy Entire Mclntyre Assortment at Very Decisive Reductions. Rare U i j
for Gift Buyers Moment. B I
I "A Rather than wait until after the holidays we I
'-; -wk prefer that our patrons be given this saving B H
K i ! Fm. 1 opportunity before Christmas when the values S g3
"'X are most appreciated. We feature the follow- g HI
ing veiy special prices beginning tomorrow: H H
Savings During This o-; Isn't It Worth H
$ I Sale Average ' o While?
I ' ' i i . I. i 1(1 BUI H
!' i J1 Ql 9-lHch siz'. reduced tf r rn mirror, i". inches rf i n AA H
to. viJl.jt tpO.v) ii i.it, iiU.UU H
$: I'yralm nory pufi o a , ,: ' : l:" l,v,,r", 1 l,r h h- 9" $8.00 Pvralin Ivory hand mirror H
box reduced to ... . g)U4 " ' ' " QQ 12 inches long, re- 00
H ?n.r, l'yralin i -r. t.i ,...r.,., hl'iry 'hair brush. 8- duCed t0 $0.00
H and hold' i i I0 (q qq ' 1 .. hair jQ A A H
H I 1175 Pyralin Ivory footed pic- $10 Pyralln ivory set nailiUo' J2 00 Pyralln ivory bud vase $4
I tun iv.',. r- CI 17 - 1:1 fifV7 inches hivh. ri 1 AA
B j:t l-vniKn Ivory 7-lnch buffer ! J"-5 Pyralln ivory shaving 1 rA
'e .. ' 1 $2.00 ' 1 ' 1 r " ' $2.00 B i
H I $2.50 Pyralln Ivory p.-rluiue U ' .. , V" Pr:.lin ivory set ol three W t
I tlo and holder. 1 rn - J J hor-v lraj' P' - C0 00 R
I rodu'..j." . 3)l.o ('; r"u""" $2X0 !,"!li"r ' B fci I
H B 50 p'ralln lvory Porfunio hot $10 Pyralln ivorj- tra . iz. 10' $10.00 Pyralin ivory lone-handled B ggj
j ! ,. and holder. AO 7 ' fin mirror, 15-h CJ U .
reduced 1 pl.UU reduced to . . OU.D special U.U a : 1
H B $5.50 Pyralln Ivory hair brush. $5 Pyralin ivory tray. . '.x $12.00 Pyralin 1 ory military B gM
nB B reduced K' reduci I 333 8 00 B !
' W itw i iiiwr 1 j wurT-r-.Tri iiim,i w 7-n,c,r:"T r- . mvsfi. '
From Mclniyre's . i i
j The woild's greatest pel fumes are represented in our
unsurpassed disp'ay. Included arc: ' ! sT B I
In Charming Array for Christmas Pver5 f AA I
I . Giving. Coty's l.rv vlrW I
COTY'S DE L'JXE PERFUME SET Houbioaufs ' ;- ,
I E '''' h ' ' r . ' -.Hi.'', bei ititullj en- Woodworth'- " ..f--:-,,'3 wf 3
I satin 1, 3j5.00 Pimcro .,f .
LA TREFLE PERFUME SET Hudr.ufs V"v;. 1 i f-.'
W H i'ovvdT, rerfumi and Soap. &r Cf Rooer & "v,-
B s.n 3U.IU Gaiict-s :r .: I
I . ";m T""" V ,: " " $10.00 VIOLET SEC TOILET WATER SET
fl I., satin boi 5).5U R1 (0
I'., inn.. 1 (fin VIOLET SEC TOILET SET
W cjj Sachet Ct)lU " x:" Perfume. Face Pon ler and (jJ A A U K-4
DJER KISS PERFUME SET 1 tOl Set complete ip't.UU f,
H fl Including nUKe, Sachet, Snap, Perfume, Face VIOLET SEC TOILET SET r I1
H fl I'ii -.v,i. t. Tin!' W.'.i'i an! Talcum QOC "ater, Soap and 'la!' inn f O
j I i mi 1 r me :mij Sn;.p. r Vegetal, Face Powder and Talcum. tfo rn gpfl
jjj Set complete v.Dv Sel tpUawv
H MsTi rTTirrTi i n miiiiini" " 1 1 ! ohbiq:!eisHBbHs m
B 'n:"8tmas Dreamland of
I 11 A K0DAK I I
mm The Gift of Gifts I I BLJUMB&g
I fl PS ! I 14 1 atC lntere6t on Christmas Q M gsfSA tM
! I'V'' ;; ! I - y mor and sustains that In- I I BBflf 1 JB & H
Bj I ' t through all the day to I lssf Ffl
I B ' "' 1 MAN lmC 'S hcrC fr yUr i Multitudes of AfU.
choosing. SHOP EARLY. Them
IB H P Dressed or un-
I I Christmas Enlargements -si WJm I
Order Now to Insure Prompt Delivery JlTaiaiMost C I
Hj fl Everyone Is Interested in pictures especially pictures j""1 h nr A Vf flfl
HJj fl of the POOP1 -ind events that make up their own lives. arge, new se- j m II Vl 5 31
Ky B An enlargement of "someone's" favorite picture is a gift lection is here. r a m f l V M
H M sure to meet with welcome acceptance. Mclntyre way- '0 I j y
Hu la enlarc;ement . . . . 25c enlai cement 75c I B tH45 I IS I
H fl G'xS't. or 8x10 or PA 11x11 J 1 l"t (
H fl Txll ciilargcmcni . 5UC i-nlarfin. ni JM ro
r j t; enlargemi nt - . . . $2 $25 LLP l:!
I 9 1
j STORE NO. 1 I McIntWe ?Si STORE NO. 2 f jrj (
"-'P' J 24th and Washington Ave. SL I 20th and Washington Ave. k-1

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