I (lilt? tattbarh-lExamutr OGden. 5 I
TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14, 1920. W ! - - " , 1
Little Tots Write
1 o Be Remembered
On Christmas Day
The undersigned will be glad to provide Christmas happiness
for children as a member f the 1 fellows f
Ogden Enclosed find $ for ( tood Fellows' Fund.
Mail this coupon to Good Fellows, care Ogden Standard-Examiner
I Appealing to Santa Glaus for Christ-'
msa dft of sim- kind, little firls
and boys of igden are writing letten
to their patron saint which would go j
unanswered weer it not that Santa
Claua has aomc assistants In Ogden j
jus year the members of the Good
Follows. In many Instances the chil
dren hae lost one or the other parent,
In some cases both. Some of themj
have crippled fathers, their mothers!
are Invalids or, having fought against
the high cost nf living for months'
ihov have no funds with which to
even buy the smallest trinket n for
Christmas gifts.
mho of these was received today by
the Good fellows, from a five year
old girt whoee father la a cripple
Wh-n thai little tol was I. nt ., babe of
one year, the Good Fellows found her
Get Thai
Extra Pair
of Pafc
It Goes With an AU
Wool Suit for
$30.00 !
Our Suits and Overcoats
are all guaranteed and
they are union made.
Qun!:ty cens dercd you
can't beat these prices.
We're in the swim in
price reductions, for we
want to help you men
Order your Christmas
Suit or Overcoat NOW.
We will deliver your pur
chase on time.
Howard Williams, Mgr.
2309 Washington Ave.
and She whs given a small toy. Bach J
year since thai time Santa Claua has
sent his Christmas presents to her on
the Good Fellow trucks. Now she
needa shoos and clothing, ami so do
her brother und sister who are some-
whai older, and who have gotten away
from the Idea of writing letters to
Su nta Clans
There will ! In the next few daya
,lo7. i of su. h letters to Santa Glaus
Bach year the people oi i igden have
responded to the call of the Good Fel
lows, sponsored by the Ogden Standard-Examiner,
and the anticipation li
that they will send their contributions
Ont more. Gifts of toys, dolls, hooks
ami gamea lhal have been used by chii-
, Ire ii and are now being discarded for
new are acceptable In many Instances,
clothing of all kinds hns found ready I
i iin. ml h for Idldreii and for i In Ir
i mothers, Food aupplles are anxtoualj
1 -nuRht. Resides these there will be
I need of cash w ith which to buy other
I toys, dolls and clothing, especially
ahoea and atockings.
j The Good Fellow fund has been
started. A few dollars have been de
posited with the Standard-Examiner
I for this 'fund. It should be increased
' each day. so that there will be nn op-I
portunity to prepare for the big dis
tribution on Christmas eve and Christ
mas morning when the Boy Scouts
J will help the Good Fellows by taking
I the Santa Clans parcels from end to
, end of the city.
Every (igden man, woman and child
l.s invited to co-operate this year with
the Good Fellows, to send In some
contribution, no matter how small, to
I help this cause. Checks should be
j made to the "Good Fellows" and sent
'"Care Standard -Exam I nor."
curs sra I
Judge Pratt Rules That Mu
nicipality Has Right to
Regulate Traffic
Reasonabh spec, i regulations made
bj the cltj ordinance will be upheld by
the district court, according to a rul
ing made yesterdaj afternoon by
, Judge A. F. IT.itt in the appeal of the
case of city against Sam Gravitt.
Gravitt was arrested by traffic offl
cers seera months :ik upon Ih"
j charge of driving his automobile wltn
o.io license plate. lie pleaded guilty!
in the city court and was fined $o.
Later in appealed the case to 'he i is -
, trlct court, upon the ground that the
citv commission did noi have the pow-
. er to pass laws regarding automobile'
traffic. He contended that this power,
was held only by Ihe slate. The courl
j yesterday sustained the demurrer of,
I the city to appeal and ordered thi
I i case dismissed
Fix Boris for New
i County Officials'
Donds to be furnished Weber coun
ty by the Republican office holders
1 who take the county reins January i i
at 12 o'clock noon, were set yesterdaj
afternoon at ihe regular meeting of.
the board of county commissioners,
j The highest bond to be given by any
county officer Is that of David Evans,
' county treasurer, who is already serv-1
in;-. The bond lor this oillce is
The bonds of the new officers fol-
lows. Count clerll and auditor, 10,
000; counly recorder, $10,000; count?
assessor. $10,000; county sheriff, $10,
1 000 ; county surveyor, $2o00 : county'
i attorney, $5000: Justice of the peace,1
$1000; constable. $1000; members of j
the board of education. $2000 each.
The bonds must be furnished when
ih. hi w officers take off ice, January 8
Plan to Observe Boy
Scout Anniversary
Plans for the celebrating of the t b -anth
anniversary of the organization
of the Boy Scouts of America will be
; mapped out at a meeting of Scoutmus
t rs planned for this evening In the
I Ninth ward Scoutmasters from all of
I the troops will be in attendance The
programs will be held February 8
Community singing addresses by
prominent men and other stunts will
Hearings Postponed
in District Court
r Vacation periods Will reign In both
dlvlslona of the district court this
iweek. No cases are scheduled for
l hearing In either Judge A. Wi Agee't
or Judge A- E Prett's court A. full
calendar was scheduled for the week
jeslerday, hut upon motl.-n of. counsel
I In the VariOUfl eases, hearings were
" I postponed without date
I Delivers " a Genuine New 1 I
I m Columbia i I
I I : Grafonola I
WOW Then Start Easy Payments Greatest phonograph offer ever made in Ogden. Think rjy
.-t ear of it! The leader of phonographs is off ered by Ogden's 9
' jjjj g"--"-'- ".S?: leading music dealers on these extraordinary terms so jy I
M II 1 I illsam liiiiMaaieSlBI CHRISTMAS. IB I
I jjjjff I THIS S I J
I 1H Columbia Grafonola ! 1
Hj Lji jjjjjj an Hues011 f Christmas gifts is still undecided I
'P n Ur kme I1656 8 the answer and now is the time. W H
I 1 J j It's the gift every member of the family will thorough- H
gp l ly enjoy every day throughout the year and many years B
iff to come, IB B
fl Give Muc'.c This Christmas IPl -IJ
1 lX Columbia representative will call on you this week, E
(H , J :3i m a emonstrat on e Grafonola, the
Q0 only phonograph with the Non-Set Automatic Stop. . jjj H
oros. -Roberts Piano Co. I I
j 2472 Hudson Ave. Phone 181 Ogden W
Mayor Has Picture
of Coast Lynching
A flashlight photograph of the three
bodies of f;nng.sters .recently hang
ed near Santa liota, California, clearly
showing the men hanging from a tree
limb Lef'jre having been cui down,
has been received by Mayor Frank
Trancl. The men wre taken from
the Jail by a mob and hanged after
they had been arrested for attacks up
on young girls and the murder of three
peace officers.
The photograph was aenl t Mayor
Francis by E. S. Bassett, formerly of
' Igden who Is now obtaining a law edu
cation in California. Mr. Baasctt said
he would soon return to igden with
a doctor's degree attached to Ids
The photograph is one which wati
Withheld from publication In Califor
nia newspapers owing to the tilde.oita
aesa of the acene. Mr. Ltjssett noted
on Ihe photograph, "Thla la uel a
ample of California clvlllaatlon."
I ' ir
Plain City Bazaar
Set for Saturday
The bazaar arranged by the Relief
society of Plain Cily Will be given on
Saturday, December 18, not on Thurs
day as Was erroneously announced last
night The plain City committee looks
for a large number of their Ogden
friends to visit the bazaar.
Seek to Have Woman
Held for Murder Freed
Motion to quash Information filed
against Mrs. I-aura Barker, charging
her with murder in the first degree
for the death of her husband, Charles
Lee Barayar from arsenic poisoning,
has been filed In the district court by
V. R. Bkeen and George Halverson.
attorneys fr the woman. The motion
,i, elan s Ih- re was lo evid. nee ad
duced at the preliminary hearing held
in the municipal court showing the de
fendant committed the act charged In
the information.
Mrs. Barker Is still being held in
the county jail. The mutter of ad
mitting her to ball was brought be
fore Judge A. E, Frail In the district
court yesterday, the court taking the
case under advisement In this respect
Sperry Mill to Start
I Operation Tomorrow
The flour mill at the Sperry' Flour
rompariVs plant in i igden w ill start
operation for the first time alnce the
mill WOS completedi tomorrow. Hepre
isentatives from avrlous Sperry plants
throughout the west have arrived here
.to Inspect the plant, and other officials
will nleo attend.
Lighting systems for night work,
wi n te ted last night.
Work "M I he mill was started March
6. 1 910. and has Just been completed
The mill will have nn output of 250
barrels of flour dally-
Christmas Bazaar at
Congregational Church
Christmas present to suit all tastes
and purses will be shown at the
Christmas Bazaar in the First Congre
gational church on Friday of this
week. Stalls carrying dainty and use
ful articles will be presided over by
Mrs. Godfrey Matthews, Miss Grace
Matthews afisa Uu Cloudmsn Mlsa
Emma 1 Baker. Misses Mary Farm-!
ley lle. n Hunter and Billlan New
ton. Refreshments will be served by
Mrs. William Lundy, Mrs. Fred Sv
Maker, and Miss ! ranees Parker.
The Grab Bag, and Fish Fool will
he guarded by .Miss Sberma Hender
shot, and Miss Lorene Shields has
promised to tell most amazing fortunes
for a very small fee,
The Candy Boolh will be in the
charge of Helen Johnson nnd Helen
A variety program featuring music
und "The Family Album" Is to be
produced by the Misses Ruth and Rosa
I MostelUr
From '2 p. m. to the witching hour
"there will be aoraethln' doln' all the
over to the Congregational church."
: OO
I, the undersigned, will not be re
sponsible for dchtn contracted by airy
other than myself.
Not Now, but soon, you'll know
The Little Ked Heart.
'Convicted Men Taken
to State Penitentiary
Fred Waaley, sentenced to serve
from one to twenty years In the state
penitentiary for the theft of an auto
mobile, and Basil Demos, sentenced
rvo one to ten ears .-.afr' 1 te
tlon of having obtained money under
false pretenses, were taken to the stale
prison yesterday afternoon to begll)
their terms by Deputy Sheriff Dick'
Wash y was convicted in the district
court last week of having stolen an!
automobile belonging to w. h. Draney.j
of Ogden. Demog was convicted of
having sold astore and stock of mer
chandise to Cftarlea S. Wheelwright,
representing the stock free from di bt.
It developed after Demos bad dlsap-i
peared that $700 was still due en the!
goods Demos was arrested in East
S-": Louis, Mo., after a chave of several!
Files Suit on Two
Promissory Notes
Suit to recover $4738-93 alleged to
be due on two promissory notes has
been filed In the district court b F E.
NlchOla against W. I. Sturovant Trie
complaint alleges that the notes were
executed October 1, 1915 and no part
has been paid. Judgment for the
principal. Interest and attorney fees
are asked
'Swat the Fly Now,' H
Urges City Official I
"Swatting the fly" at this time of the
jr maj appear to be a matter of
but little consequence to the average BH
citizen, but the killing of one pair of B;!??
the winged pests before Christmas LVlcil
will eliminate 2,000 offspring of that Bale "
jpair of flies next summer, according eBif
to information received by J. Ray BbbT$G
Ward, commissioner of public sjifetv. 33? ll
The request that ogden take part In SHLjJ
the early winter fly hunt has come 9n
from the Merchant's association on Httfl
polluthm and sewerage in Mew York H2an
Commissioner Ward has asked that Krai
Ogden residents aid in the fight Hn
against the f 1 and hunt them in out- bHI
of-the-way places where thev a- hi- B
hernaling for the winter months. Elec- BB&?
trie light globular shades on front
porches are mentioned as a p: .
where these files might b0 found al
this time H
The Information which has reached fci
commissioner Ward Urges: "Kill the B&ff?S'
dangerous house fly between Thanks
JTlVlng an,l Christmas. The houe t
that Is seen between these holidays
should be l ined at once, as It has At
njJnor hibernation for the winter gfl
It Will emerge from Its winter ,
wrn1" Pr , to4Krot t u Easter day and
wi begin tosraise its summer progenv
-the worst enemy to humanity Ti
may be found In all warm " p daces in
the home, especially m the kUche
and dining room, languid -n,i
and can easily ba disposed Jf kK. '
wives or children d 0t by house'
day-The Little Red
I ARMORY AUDITORIUM, Dec :::: Wt--Admlssion Oil Exhibition.
J I j jffl
n . :