9 TUESDAY EVENING. DECFMBFR 14, 1920 THE OGggji SVANOaRD-LKAMLNLR 1 - . c 1 DISEASE CUTS I DOWN PEA C10P Morgan County Loses Several J Thousand Dollars Due J To Ront Rot Ml- IN In M bMtl, n)n Dr. Rlch- BBBf vancea. killing rwry beet aa It work I BBbB I r Itlebard uyi lt.eems tO l- an ! I. BBBJ the BBBJ The d lses.se L esperUII) thre it nlrur ' red to thr laboratory h rr an at tempt la being mud to determine something more definite of lt ii:ttir in order that control measure may in none w n n Morinn county Alone lM N-veral BBJ the -uin Tin- root rot and of course BBJ the vine Immediate l nrfll and die. BBJ Tills disease. iiK Dr. Richards, In BBBJ Particulars Kid Iwcause of the fu BBJ that It wemt to live for an ludefnll BBJ number of yearn In the auil and each BBJ yar. therefore, that peas nre planted BBJ on (he land the amount of the loos BBBJ from the disease gradually Innrta Bl I 1 ' 1 BBS arda. the dlaenac wemi to he an en BBS new ol" ' P'auil palholoalata SB ind he can mak. no . r definite rcc Bfl ummendutlona aa to It control. He BB ma is to determine tbe method by BB which It l npr nd in crili r In BBS UH uninfect, d .tr. iii. , rtilture of' BB thla disease ho also been made In the Bfl i iiMrutory and is now under Intensive atudy and It l hoped l.y Dr Richard : Hfltf I no I THIEVES PRY JEWELS FROM SACRED VESSELS KBW STORK, Doe,. M. Peoria andl ilUraomlH, icild in ,,. worth from ten thouannd to a hundred thousand dol lar won stolon from golden veaaall In the Catholic ehun u of st Vlnoonl ivrrer here, a was discovered Ifond ij The proctfla valua of Jewels and money stolen could not be leomod UV d y heruuae Of th. SDOSnci from Hie' city Of Father Hoffernan the pastor. Moat of the alu.ihlcs w . r. prl'd from the luna. a esa.-l of Kold OOOd in tho church'eo ceremonials- They! "nsMtuted part of th,. furnishings of ""' 'hui. h. r -,.,. i nB nmonif the. finest ami moot beautiful In the clt. Bfl ft OO H TO not forget you.- tald The B Utile Roil Heart. if Leather Gift I Goods mi' BJ 4 Men's and Boys' HB TravellriQ Sstt M and up 9 o.irf cases v so to vm IB Leather Wallets. . 00 to V0 Purc rc to j4 For Ladies Photo Ainunn - , Pott Card albums 75c to ft Music Roll J15 to $12 f ; Christmas Cards and I 'iL Seals L. . j SV f HONE 360 I BRAMWELL'S BB 2362 Wash ngton Avnue V I -r I , j jr I i ,S,S.WX"WJj t lilt I Ml M III III Ml- l Mrs J J Vision r)ueta that men r of h M - f h c h who l I Hi i .i it D Tr l.iol Oulld will meet W'd that aa man) as palnle t prearnt. ivie n l Ml n i 1 1 1 n l I 1 1 III.- i N4 i n . i it I x h.'km and tkekr ladle are to rn I h qo ItOjfel atotttrr of the Be lli apRitu PAim s.i M. it D-1 n n ere nrnfdtiuented sueata at a 8US With htlaiioua oceena'a. Utcrar) irarnrx and amualnif tricks, were play ed durliiR th.- ottSlna. At a lu'.e hour, l-oxrs and laisket. broucht b the ajueats STen opt lied and In a ehort Mrs. A. It. KOUlCor. Mr. and Mrs LOS: ter IcOVUIe, Mr und Mrx. J. V. Nor ton, Mr and Mrs. Arthur llalveraon. Mr and Mrs. Ij. K Stunrt. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tribe. Mr. and Mm. C. A. Aaplond. Mlaa lh,i Anderson. M rn Ar thwr MKelMp. Mr. and Mm. 1 U Corey. HI t l SPRT1 U Mrs. UaroM Tril.. w.f hosteia to th- Intent. A threo-ctoirjui luncheon was rood by tin bOSU followed by .card '.Mrs. Urn Hall, with iori,,l.itlnn hori I OtO fallliiK to ilrs. Fred Sohade k J Harold Kh inlriK will bt hoHteaa to the club In two weeks. !urcmlr 23 The ( Uaual evenlnic piny will be jrlxeii Sjit- I urday at the OOms of Mrs. I'lcnilnR". i Tv.ettly-alxth hi reel. III. I I HOOK - III U The blue book or rules for the Oirl BeoVla ! v arrl 0 and will be dlavi trlhuted thla ....iik to Olrl Scout captains and lUntcriiin ts hetween 7 and I o'clock at tho home of Mr. DaTld Kccles. Mlaa Ueulah Krown j will l r. m iu at thl? time. Uenlstra tlon hlaiiUs Will also be dlstrl huted. u i ropi li u. i Mrs. Walter Kfeona will le hostess; i to th.- m mbOTO of th- t'topla clnb ! Vednesda afternoon ut her home. 307 Thlrt OOOobc street. ). A. o. CIA It Memoon of the p. A. . ciub win hold their regular meeting .it the horn of ,Mi. J. S. Carer Wednesday af ternooii. The nii-etlnx opens ut 2 o'clock. - LiADU 8' LlTKRAKl I t It Mr- William Dnuflas will antertaln tha in em bo ni -f tha Lvidles' L.lteiary eluii Wodneeday afternoon at her . home TWdratyOVOnth street DOIM s v ,, 1 1 n Willi Mm. Mnrcun Johnson :o boat-e-M, inrmiiiT-i of 1 or. as Young! Ladles' oi le of the Mllm Lutheran ! church, will I ott Wednesday e nlng at the bono of Mrs. Johnson, a m i Thirty-first Btrect. mi dri n b parti . Members of Silver Review No. 1. Women's Benefit Association if th Maccabees Ne on I iik plans for a children's Oir.triiah party to tvr- jflv en on W euneta . 1 ' ml.er :.' in the W. '. W. hall. LIV1 CV.K CLVB Mem bors of Lhp Uva 'ak eiub will meet Wednesday at '1 o'clock at tjloj l.oni.- of Mr? I.... it. . !m,i; Tvit"-! seventh str4- t. U. E, A. Grainmar Day Program Announced Superintendent Ft. A. Fowler of the Wober county schools who la r. i donl of the grammar department of the Utah Kducatlonal SOaoclatlon has' I'm oared the proKi.iiM for his dlvWl D to be presented during the annual se.s dODa at Salt Iwike this month The program, which aril be given on December 30. follows; "Making tho ' lass Period Effective In the Teaching of Civics" 3upt. G-1 N Child Of Salt Iike Cltf schools. j "The American Creed." given by Weber county pupils. Chorus A. L. Powell, director. Teaching citizenship to Counteract Pcllno,uen y" Supt B, S. HlncklO) of the Industrial school. Ofdi n. Addresa Dr. L. D. Coffman. 1 visit ing lecturer ) EEL IN INJECTOR PIPE STOPS FERRY SERVICE PORTSMOUTH. N. II., Dec. 11. The good ship Alice Howard s.v loped an ool MOndO) and f.-ri orvh. .between Klttery. Maine, and this ii a. otoppod until her throat could be folaarod. All tha marines doctors of tho ort w ere called Into consultation I before the trouble that kept h.r ., her pier was diagnosed as dig and traced directly to the Injector. J ic o. " u iuuo.i inc ip-s won I clogged. i-'ir wrre draWU and search of the feed tnnk made with the i-esult that I in largo eel was found colled there. nn L1. And tb Little Red Heatt brought 'htm Joy tb.it day I ORPHEUM Wednesday, Dec 15 A. H. WOODS Presents The World's Funniest Girl in the World's Funniest Farce Positively the original company that uas seen at the Eltinc Bf theater, New York, for one whole season. A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION V Prices 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. $2 00 Seats now J BJ j I I J VBSlF 1 rKUIYl 1 1 VM I WATSON-TANNER- -IS A GIFT WORTH WHILE 1 I Here?s Usefulness and Quality Combined I The joy of Christmas giving is mux! in the n' uul tliniilil given l your gift choosing, and k : in the reputation unl quality of the iiH received. J , H Watson-Tanner merchandise Ims always been of the highest standard; omit gifts from this store . ) ' mean much to those you Will remember M I DRESS SHIRTS ! Lisleandjpc F;-he SILK SHIRTS I H I In all pop- I C-- 8 8 ,:,,1'"s TTi u:i:i: :, n WM . hun can bcM OlM idect from, y.-i - - i ;; ,., found here -"Wtt '; as kj R.I fBal I si.50f$B w' ::: 40c to $1.50 SI8 'LOUNGING 1T ' DRESS GLOVES "ITT ' PAJAMAS I II nnnrC Leather The famous S) Sportsman In Bilk, Flan- aaafl IlUDLO Meyers & Bac- r Mackinawa nel or Line- tyLcv H BBal :n! Men's full cnt' t Goods mo m a k e s. - si Leather in a wide ar- $wr R E robes of genuine WJ.' V We surest They need no 1 ray of pleas- W fl BeconRobin?,! we suogest L n t r o duction L ;K ft , , ing coiors Se -- ' T made with po,k-1 S0sk Trunks anywhere. Here x J f , lect them lrom and cord edged ....' ;mJ 9 Ofl ment as low as IfBffl in handsome de - w ' U, Bags $e.UU N shin, nA ' signs and color , XVjT Suit Cases . V -IH Outing Shoe $Z.UU L ) - blends. On be '7 fO . . "- . V E X V II found here from , -. CoUar Bagi . Nfl (, Vl . to ' fl S6.50 to S2(l Elc $8.00 - $10.00 v v v y b laH j '! or nr r A f TIES " r SUSPENDERS 7TT7r"Z7T 8 ' H cabnc with neal while or or or rn j Hundreds and hundreds t ho..-.- '-om in pes and st , M H colored i ri 1 1 1 . 1 Is 1..' LOV JJL JUL j J ,,, r,M;lSe the most fastidious. pr. Ifi BBVal I Hr WATSON-TANNER ZZ: I I WIC K. IRE . t i iBBfl CLOTHING CLOTHING COMPANY CLOTHING 372 Twenty-fourth Street J SCOUT CRUISER OMAHA LAUNCHED AT TACOMA , TACO.MA. Wash. Oer 14. The 'scout cruiser Omaha, whose 105.000 i horsepower engines are npootod to earrj' her throusjh the ocas .it ;i IS 'Vi ot sieefl .ls launched here to.l i Mlaa Louise Bi White, of Omaha. Meb., chrloU nei tha t ajaaol. Shipyard records show that the 'Ill.lllJ. which ! '-"0 le.-t olid l n i hes In leiiKth. is the longest vessel ever built on PuRet Sound. She Is of a new type of construction, and aa she IS desjlffncd primarily for speed, it Is helleved she will .hiumu; il. l.ist-l Ipa afloat. POUT propellors. two on earh side, have been hullt on the cruiser. Her hollers will ccnemt. ki'.OOq horwepow t and her displacement will be 17,100 tons. The armament will con of twehe fi-inch. hlghpowr rapid I fire rlrlao, two 3-inch anti-aircraft iifiins, to 3-iounders. two machine lltuns and two twin torpedo lubes. Tha Omaha launched i;n- mm, Inatead of stern first as usual. Tha I keel was laid In 1918 and she will be I ready for Service late" next car. The Omnho, which Is one of three scout :-rulsen under construction here, will cost approximately S3.&00.000 when : fullljr equipped. It has been calculated that the wave J power on th Japanese coast repre sents about fi.OnuiOMO horsepower. TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL ' DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES Il ou have Catarrhal Ieafness or are hard of hearing or havo head noises go to your druggist and get l ounce of Parniint (double ffrength), aud add to il 4 pint 0f hot water and little granulated ugar. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. Thl will often bring quick relief from the dlstrcsjlnK head nolue. Clogged nostrils should open, breath lng become easy and tbe mucus atop dropping into the throat It Is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a t rial -Advertise-; . ii" at, COMMERCIAL CLUB TO PROIECT GAME ASIITON. Ida., Dec. 1'4 liooom jmendatlons for the prooervatlon of 'game, compiled by the Ashton Com jmerclal club to aid the game depart ment of the slate, .tr.- spocted to le presented before the titeleglslalurc The rccommendallonn are: "Th,at Meadow orOOk, Stevens creek, land th- iiu Bprlnca from tha spring In the outlet be closed to fishermen I permanently. Thee are the natural spawning grounds of millions of trout. and the club boUevos they should be closed for the reason that fishermen wadinK In the streams kill an inestlm I able number of young Hp.iJtn. and also I drive out the mother fish to less dc Islrable grounds. MOTHER'S FfiBEND For Expectant Mothers Used By Three Generations rrt r SOOUCT o HOTseiMOOO t th S1t HO klllMUO RlSULATCI Co . Dtri. 3-D. ATUiaT . I "That the state legislature grant un Impropriation to the- gam. ibpartmenl for use in aiding the fin hatcheries i of the iute to give the maximum amount of service. Special attention ahould ba gtfen to the Ashton hatch er , as with proper facilities, it ojan turn oul millions of the tiet spawn for ufe in the streams of the itate. I "As considerable agitation ha been started lately for the protection ofl l ir, the Ashton Commercial club c ptt la M il" If .!- atrlctl opposed to any I protection of these animals. Hears multiply so rapidly thai with park protection they soon become a nul-1 sance. It Is stated bears destroy an immense amount of young range stock ' In I he screening of Irrigation ditches the club does not recommend that tlo ba ecreened. Heretofore no screen has boon found effective and they havo al- jways pro VOB lmpracnble. "The club favors th passage of B (rigid alien anti-gun law " oo ii Ifl i IUBTO n U i I'ARIS. Ucc. 14 boubt relative to the future of tha league of nations has i.e. . pre. d I'nlted States Son (tor Aledlll McCormlck. sa"s a Oer..i (dispatch to the Kcbo de Pans. Sena-j 'or McCormlck. the dispatch asserts. "Ion that the league will be smother! fl Die eloquent a of ps memlrsl H and that a great deal too much tlmV B la useless verbiage." BBBJ .Married and uumanied women id Columbia are distinguished by than way in which they wear flowers irr BBBs Scores Are Prepared for tbe Coming Storms H weather h:ts no worries for HAmJ 'the Ogden families who havo their BtBss! doom and windows equipped with-' Monarafa Metal Weather strips. BBJ Christmas cbeor will also be in- H- BH creased by the Installation of "AS- H QJS FOLATES," the new non-con'luctor" of heat and colds. These two new' H homo comforts pay an annua cash Ji - I BBJ ('all Hugh Holdaway, telephone BH H16-W. and arrange for the first HmmJ insinllnienu HB BBa .... Bj ASSM BbsbI