OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 15, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 18

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-15/ed-1/seq-18/

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1Mtitkmr. Albert at., sot
r bomo. M M.. hal iu i
iorntt, w F, ai ou ri
rRj). Oasaraa t: hai da . I M
Tend, r Ual due It
i r. n.nolm, C. A., be I Au '
T:r. H II I 6m .811
ThoroffotMt K E. bel dwe.
foyo A Co. Ui )! 14 M
Tartn. I. J. hwi du 81
Turrw. KrunV. Ul itu -frit
ft rhc.'K.t. Mia Kettle, b-l
If. ha Hi" I. .1 4u- ' ,
rhulhrg. l1yde. auto, had do I II I
r,.lr. W A. ltn .1 pro
toertr. hal d(i - !
I Tanner. itta. bul du. ft
Tub a hash I. ., ha J due
Th-r OB. ' . li due 2
. , M L hal 1u ?
T.m J hoi du
Thi.n.n'. R tllen. huJ due &
Thatcher I !!. be! dn .
Tr.omaa, T J. bfal due TI
Tlllett. OMTM fm t' ,lu
Titenson. J Is. bal dus...
Travelrra Oaf, hal dM 1
1 jholii. : . hal due .71
TtllOtMa. T at., bal dua .39
.or L vl Nil due I
Taylor. J D., bal lo
fMMMTi il C, hal du . . .SI
Taylor, iiitun l. bl due i-
Taylor, Ernest, bo I due .
i BRUM I I . auto, hal du. . l.Tl
Tr-lw, Timoil.v. persons!
property, bal due.
Tl.nnias, It. A.. bal due I
Ti-ulln. Julius, l"l due . I
i ' iiiklna. Johtl, ha do 88
TWtaiMkld, u. aut... bal -lu. I il
rhurston. Kugttia, auto, bal
due 8.84
. Theobald. John. auto, bal
II i'i try, M auto, hit) due . 4
9 t.al due
m riiurston. bal
fl due ..... .94
H rht-rnton. Albert,
H due
B Tyler. Oeo. A. auto. due .71
H tan Bottling Works, ueraoaal
H property, but dm
H I tab Tiro Hi du
L'tah Wool a Hide Co.. bal
duo . .
mmW i ggla. I'.. bs due
Hfc Utah Bottling Work.
H 4.10
lertll, Pomlnlco. personal
H property, hal due '
H I Clow, E. J., bal due SO
V&'a .-WB I'Uh mil I'Ailllir I'm bill
H due
Van Sweden, due
'amey. r'rrd. bal Aw
HtJB en Naaa. 8. J., dur
rrhatn, A. parnonnl pro
ps' t'Tty. bal lu- .39
mHr Tham. W. .12
BH due
H . but dur
H rteaa, Sum. iiu-
m Vaughn. Guy, hut due .(9
H ' alburc. A I. ball dtl
'JP I Voejy, y i,..; due
B eneina, Oi-nrfc. I mi! Aw .12
' . V' Varney, Jainea, auta bul du !'
. I ePJei
Winter, Frank f auto, bat
H due
Wadswortn bal due. . .19
H Uhltaker. M, J . due
H bJ in"
H Wacker. W. W..
H Woman, William.
H due
H WMIeon. John, auto, bal due.. .&
1 Wilson, LJIIlun personal
H propert), ba due .19
H Willlitnui.
HP Wlon. due
BU W'aiktM, Q . bal due .71
HB Winters, Helen J., bal due... .39
V) . 39
pnjH Wrlelu. 8 !.. bal due .73
KH Witnon, Lew la, dua ... .32
Hl bal due
HH Ward. C. 8. due
BL Wrlcrht. J Ui bal due. .39
BH Olan bal due... .39
Williams. bal duo
H hul .lu.
h be iju .13
ii ;. WadgU. Nathiin. bal du . 1 1
EvC I i"
sal '""
vvoodbury. Larojr,
B Wynn. Daniel A., bal due. ... ,
H d iai due . ..
H rich. Gors, Imi) due
HBH U slker, larenre K bal due. .20
1Bg4JH Wore, W. D.. bal due .41
HBJ Uilllumeon, (Mora, bal dM.. .99
PH Watklne. J. bal due
HH Wilson, bal ....
West. O. W . )aJ due
IfB O.. bal due
H wiison. Thaaaaa dm
B Whipple. Delbrrt Mrs. bal .39
H J bal due
H Liinrh, bal due e.lt
Wanner. Den, bal due
fcg H 1 U . Mil-, i. ii i .: il,
BH Lk A , bal
mmW William
nMtfjB 'orlhlnrton. J. II auto, bal
Wmm Weat, Wllfonl. personal pro.
H due
H Wood. K. a, bal due ...... .39
PX Wooley, Honiv . bul due ...
B Whi kins. C A . bal due
H II. bal due
I ' ilob Realty Co . bal due
H Waat, Charles, bal due .20
B Wrlrht, W. A. bnl .f
B QrifllUk Walter, auto 8.4ui
H Griffin Krnneth ).00
PH Gardner. A. D 2.40
pH Iteulah 3.(0
WW rnbn.n 14 10
HH Onrrlsuo-
H I. R. 45.00
MH Glasmaan. Blnini- V 14.40
B Mary (in
H Yuon Kalm Le Co.. bal due 1
flB arrlDicton. G. E. bal due... .69
BER Vnrrlngton. A. C . bal due . .39
HtayHfe Yarrlncton. V. K . bal due. . .39
HHnB .imaKUchl. il. N auto, bal
H dtu
i eni i Prani bi 1 d u
Wm dua
BQB .it i liitou. V H. auto, bal
A.ag Uuhnl
i Teaman. J L bal due U
ltor. Tl.ona II 1 1 N
I Vorney Jnseyb 3 . 40
w hkoo a y
Vaikr V V 2.W
Warr'r f raah
Wlil.ushb) L K 1.41
w b-cn t n :
la'ood. i barlrs 4.90
WUvjb. rrad 4 M
V r er Earl II ' W
WMsoo jir.ne 9.00
Whlttakrr II) rum .. 1.00
Wflios Bma. i 'umpsny 40. Rn
Youn Tre.1 8 .21.40
Jensen W r . ' andy ' o 00
Crourh W A ... t .40
Dryaa. D. O. .. 1100
aV Utaf Ua 00
Boy la. Dnr 9.00
Kaniler Dr RHnhart
Thoma T E 'w
I ) HI riaen John 4.90
Brown. N J 1.10
Al..rd Frank 11 00
Burton. R -1 "0
Chrliiensen. John 4. AO
Anderson. V mrr 7 . 20
fnx C C B.M
Rockefeller J V 63 0"
Briscoe K 8 3.4o
Llnd- Arfro. auio ,.. 37.00
ArO'Pon wniiain . . e.w
Barn.n I f .' 9.00
LKitett. ilra J T 21.00
Walker Feed A Pnduce Co. 2.40
l-arlson Jumo G It. 10
Mole. Mra. J 1.00
I r-wla fon 2s. o
lpson. Mlrhael I' 15 no
I Ions Co-operalhv Met. Insti
tution 85-80
!loftiulst. Frl C 2.l(i
1 North ami Dark 37 f"
Knowlden Auto ' 111
iden M't Co . . lQ.M
lut ri" Murket 117 SO
lls Gordon 57. Ou
Bag! Grocery lit .00
Dapoi Uruir Store 105.00
Wilson. Jobn 21. uo
Pullman t'ompany 74.81
Plain CttJ MercantKo Co. T.ll
I Pullman 'ompnn t55.47
Warren. Clyd bal lu 59
Wrtkhi. lUimnd S bal dM 3
Wrstaway, Edmund L . bal
due .33
I Wilson. B. A bal due .71
jWlntlo. J. 0 bal due 1.17
'Wonder (hsrles. hal dur .89
V tbar Taylor Motor
bnl due 21.50
iWllhe.au Auto Top t o. bal
due 1 . 64
Widdop Thome, bal due... .39
Warner A. C. bal due .98
Wnrrrn C E bal due 20
Wad LaMlai A bal due.. ".'
Western Cmlll AjhTB bul
due 1.4'J
Wooley. H. E.. bal dua .67;
Wayman, Clar-nr'. bal due .39
Wilfunit Glnsmann Co. bal
due 13.78 !
Wt lnb. i r in, bal ilu .78
Watson Mnlcolui. bal due. .78
Weaver. R. II.. bal due .20
William Oyler. bal due .20
Wndmnn M irle. bal due .39
Worhaui. 11. bal due .78
Wbaaltt I K bal due . 39
Wooley. Arthur bul ilu. 1
WatMin. W. ti . bnl due .71
WaltBd! John bal dtti .69 !
Willlnms. T. H.. bal due .20
Whlnak.T Strrlln. b.il due 39
Wotherspoon. Alexander, bal
due .7S
Waasltr L C. bl dua.... "2
bright. Laottard, b.ii d-ic... ro
j Washington Apis bal due. 8.T3
WehroDd. . bal duo f.j
i Williams. Edwin- bal due
Whlttaker Joseph bal bi'' it
White. Thomas E.. bnl du 10
IWalkan A J., bal due ST
! Whlto W . buj due
iWaldrnm. Jamor. hal dui- 8
Wood- GeorRi' bnl due .20
Voodland. John, bal due. . . .20
i Wyoming 8ugnr o bal dtl4 55.77,
.Wade. Orlando. C. hal dui .39.
Wood. II C, hal dv..v ''J
Whiteside tlror,"'. bal due 06 l"i
Wheat H II bal due .94 '
WrlKht, W G bal due. . 1 .06
Woolo) Arthur, bnl due.. 1.41
; Weston. Clyde, bal due.
I Willis. John G. bal due. 6C
Wheelwright Aloxandi r . P
bal due I 1 1
'Williams Glen C. bal due .3
, WelhRorhor. J N bal due M
i Faun- II . bal due M
Mlnprhsm Mark auto I.ffl
ltlirbrldce Roj .00
Bvtlar. Wlltord i 10
, blackmore, William.. " 00
rhiillaln Joseph ,T 00
, ( all W .1 H"
I 'fan. J. C I. KB
'Mryndale. W. J 4.50
' Laa Crsnlere. Irene B....
Mobbs. J 11 t.40
I Mathews. R. A 6'"
Millet. J 11 :
Ma Ian. Gus 6.00 '
Mason Builder 30.00 '
Nelson. L E auto 0
mllflrtl tl'Sram .loo
New Wash House 4 50
. Porter. i ' . auto 24.00 i
Qulnn. Jobn r; M
Rogers M. J 6.00
;Pt hout. n If D ... .1 mi
. Thenn Frank 3.00
! Vaile) William M
Veuable. C. R 4 .80
1 Vanderhoof. J. E .i
'West. Fannb- I . I :i
Wiseman H 1.40
White. George W j Q
W'ardley. W 1.00
j Wright C. W I. SO
I'uipy. Gu auio. . 7 2"
Mslono. J. J. auto 4.00:
jSmith. Curtis E. auto .... 15.00 i
Berg. Minnie, auto 5.40
i Cain. T. 34.. outo 4.50,
Bay, Fred S.. auto 9.00
Jacobsoti. Ephrnlm. auto . . 11.40
Staik. Robert 1 00
Allred Sam 2.1"
Bird. MerTlll W W.1 0
'Brooker. 8 W 7 . 2o
I Black. Joseph 4 su
Bock way. Tom 14.40
1 Barlow. Simon 9.00
IkaaUtf. J F : in
BroadbenL W. II 1.2"
Batch. John E H.M
Reus. Joseph Paul 14), SO
Brady John 7 M
Byrne. T. 8 ; :
Brown. Homer D 27 m
Bona. E 1.40
Butter. E E 24.90
Urady. Thomas P . is
Brian. I). O . auto
Crittenden. L.R 1 1 :
Col ton. E. P 27.00 i
Clark. F. W 9 Oo i
Child, Lo W.
Mirlstensen. Peter V 1.3)0
t'hrlstensen Jamaa C 9.00 '
Cutler. H E . . 9.00
has Clna W S.oa
r.gbert a J oo
l.nnoe rharles 21.
i .eld R. W 10.90 j
Field l( W 14.10
1.1 r f,l ' len M .... - I'1
r'Smrl 9 4o
r.ae,. I. J . -9 I
r over F D 2 40 t
: ranna. Ray K. 90.00 j
OalglaV, F H . ' " OO
Rodman Gage B 45 00
Automobiles in Ogden City
Anderson, Fred ,'. I 2100
Ashton, A. II. . 1.441
Aadneoon. Chrb 54.10 j
Bleirher. F. L, ',Va'
i:. , Ch Tie. l -
Hn.wn. Holla K 21-001
. .W l. Ill J ol- '"
H irmn. W II 75 00
Mallaru Mortenson 3.40
( barlow. J. V
Corey, I 8. 21.90
Clafxc. Walter t
Crojrun, Ir. W. M H.44
Copley. If. B l-2
i harnpney. W I so
Cnriatoffaraun, William 18.00
I'hlld. Theodore K
Cheater. Arthur J. 4.20
Combe, Henry 30.10
Christiansen. Chrla 7 :
Cllttgar. attarati ... 4. no
1 3 irk. Mrs Ethel 0 19.00
1 Combe. Henr - ' ' '
Dleu. J. lm 4. SO
Dee. Claas 1.40 I
Dana. E. C 4 So
liatmii, C bur Us It 7.20
l.rls. oil. Dan 2.40
' Uuitn. Wolslov H 4.90
1 Denkers. Joseph 9.10
buMilMin, Cb-rancc Oliver . 36.00
Eeelaa, W. J ao.oo
Frtd nFteln. W. il -0
Flloh, C. B 16.20
Fowler, John E 13.50
Parr, Aosel A; Sons Co 24.00
f Gillespie. V B. 4.80
tJwWI.arn Qoofga W 3 60
j Gullentlne. I J 7.20
' Grten. J. A 27.00
; Green. John 38.00
lOlaamann. wiuium 15.00!
Qraaidln. John E 15.00
Gill. Isabella 20 10 j
llaun. Gordon 5.00
Harris. T. A 3.60
Harrl. N. J 16.20
Holmes, Edgnr 20.10
Ho wall, Raaaa Hons Co, i
Harris. J. D 8.60 !
Jamlaon, II, D 9.00 1
Janus. W. H 10.14
Jay, Homla 7.20
Jost. T. A .16.00
Jensen. Joseph E 3. 60 '
Johnson, George II 6.30 j
Jackson. Clyde W 7 14
Jones, Ben 3.00
Keller. Flcwcllyn 40.00 1
Knight, Wlllluni A s 4o
l-ecuett. .Mrs. J. C 21.60
Lewis. William A I. "..00
EoRan. H. V 4.80
Livingston. It. t 10.90
Muttson. 1. A 12.00
Ifalonei J. J jo. 88
Mlnnoch Glass and IViInt Co. 13.84
Mlddlcton. H. J a. 00
Marriott. Milton 14.10
Moore. J. G 1 4.-10
Norton. W. W. ,.y 16.20
Nilson, Alma 2.40
JKden Bottling Works... . 14.00
I ltien. ooear V ..;.
IVllfr. C. 8 39.0.1
Pi ahaar, a. m 3.60
Phil pott, Wuli-tr 8.10 1
Tallin, Lester L 7. SO '
1'etiraon. Carl It 2.40
Patch, 1
Hi !f.eld. C 16.20 ;
Hlchardaon. W. T 4.x0
Itasumssun, J. It 9.00 I
Bandall, J. A 60.00
Ku , Qoorpa H 7.20
Blpan lie. Hart B 1 10
Ulwalli O. J I6.20
Scown-.-ft, John W 28. SO
phurtUff, Lac A 9.49
Saunders. GcorK 3.60
Stoni-, Buy W h 10 1
H eplu n . Ii '. j 40 1
Btoarart. J. J ;.oo
Hhtuw. Ern-jst 10.80
Bkl .n. W. U 24.00 I
Htlne.i David 1 12.00!
I lintti-. Wllllum 3.o I
Iwannar, Fred j i.soi
.eliuan. John 16.20
towe. H. B 16.90
Swenson, Alra. Carl A 840 1
Btarka, Eiita w 11.44
Btruppack, Knnk 1".... 27 00
Siner. Mrs. A -'.jo
Blaiar, ''has. t- 4 00
Stack. .Mrs. A g.oo
ThomiuH. Mr. If, A, ... ... 33!b0
Traoy, Chaa. V 14.001
Tin. to 1 1 . I Miilel U 7' u I
Taybii- Sarah A '411'
Thomas, William , n 40
Trlbi 4i- Jones : i0
Automobilca Outside of
Ogdcn City.
MoTittrouiiTi Ivuy A 5.37
Schmnle Edwin 1612
Uintah airy Farm Co 2 86
Srhmalx. Frank 5 37
Combe W. M 2. 15
Stoddard Charles 286
Williams. George R j 43 j
Gibson, John 4 . 83
Siak.-r John T 5.01
Toier. Charles A 3 " 74; 1
McBiide. Frank 10.75
FernellUB. James W 7.53
Firth. Frank 4.30 '
Frrnellus. Victor C. R 4.30
1 Jur.i'erson, H 9.49
Jeuscn. Lewis if,
MrKinnon. IXinald 1.4.",!
Bsokmnn. H 5.37 I
Bourman Agnes 2.86'
Fowlcs. William J 12.90 '
Belnap J Grant
Swnner. E. II 1 .43
Woodfleld. John A . . . . 12.00 I
Bailey. Alma ... 1 1 00
Ward. James H -
Forrlstal. Clifford 16.12
Clay. C. M 5.73
Shaw. W. E LSI
( ".iT.ipbell. Clyde. B 1 . 43
Fir j. f
Mom. L, R 9.47
Parker. C. G 15 .12
Anderson. D. M 2 . 14 1
Moss. lkn C 2.86
Cook. David 2.15
Peierson H C 7 . li
Paurkai E Qaoic
Olsen. ib
Cook. A It 2 S6j
Spauldlng. Lewis . ...
Nationwide today-men and women arc buying Hoover Suction Sweepers most of them as Christmas liisaBl
pnfts for their ' nearest and dearest " It s a beiutifully practical rjift, to be sure, and yet what HaBaBal
depths of real romance in the soft whirr that saves time and furnishings and guards health day lliisaslaaafl
after day year after year. iiiii
There's a special offer for this week $5 down and .$5 a month
- H J
BlactrK Kudlatnr '.aft 1 bbBBBbBbI
kuto Blfctiifl Chafina aaaaLH
Electric Immersion SPG mURRmM
for mother- A small down , I aLILH
I 'k Lnmp I '.!-. in.- ni ... it, Baa gtBBBBj
A small sum payment will aLaLlLlH
down easv pOR the children Rang ho'd anv anoli ' raaLIH
uuMl t li S y Kleetrle Toaster uom aPP" Tqk (I H
monthly pay- I Percoiatoi an ce until 5 m bbbH
ments 1 Chn3traas. jF, 3 I bbbH
Fov.era. Alfred...' 5.37
Dai too Lawratsoa 1 . 42
BlDSlatOB, John W 4.30
Thompson, istorllnc . 2. If.
Skeen. Lyman 16.12
Olson. Carl G.37
Straater. eorKe c 6.45
Taylor T. P r..37
Brown, Harry 1 8. CO
;robcrg. C. A P.4J
n. ( r iui . 7i".
Rlttcir. Ralph 5.37
Parkat-, E. l... 2.15
Tnlor. Charles 3.22
Imw, Iewla... 86
Slater, iamafl R 6.45
rowan. Clarence S.60
Marriott. H. W., 1 .43
i. Fi I4i Lowe 5.37
LH-lnap. Joi.i-ph H :.7
S taker. George H tilt
Hipwcll, William D 5.37
Mlya. C 7.62
Brown. William 9.86
Meadows. Fred J 11.00
Shield. Ablah W.. 4.83
Penman. Henry 4S0
Gibson. Hcber C. 4.30
Charlton, Thomas E 4. SO
Shaw. Wi H 43
liurch, W 7.16
ranaaa .1 w 16.12
I'onman. Robert 3.22
Peterson. J. U "16
Romrall. n J s.06
Cox. Levi 8.60
Allied. C. E 5.37
Gibson. J. R 4."'
Peterson. Ellas 13.07
Mowr. J F 1200
Thompson, George S. ....... 16.12
Hales. W. H 1.10
Hunsaker. Weldon 2.86
Gibson. William 5.37
Williamson. David 12. 00
Jones. John 4.10
Patterson. E. A 9f,7
Johnson. H. W 30
Anderson. Andrus 2.13
Parkar, Joaapo 2 . 1 r
IlurmlUkiham. A. T 21.50
Davis. T. R. 9
King. J.-imes H I.U
Yamadn, S 1.43
Urn. Joseph R 1 -30
Garrison. EL P 2.86
Muir. J A. 1.4J
Mulr, Roy --8G
Peterson.' William 2.86
Hartley. Drlgham 6.45
Wallace. V. W 4.30
File. J. J Jg
Jacobson John 6 5
Fisher. John 1
"hlld. t'hauncey fi
Kirkman. Ray 8.04
Tood. Lawrence - 86
Holbrook. I C 13.44
Mlya. S. E
Thilds. M. D H.
Owen. S. P
Moss. John W 12 90
Rosa. J. G V3
Doane r. H 4S
Mitchell. Joseph E.
Mitchell George C 12.00
Dyb.e J H 2. 86
Hinders. William S 5.3
Todd. George
Dens- Charka P 1i
Sharp. Ray ... 7
inwards. William J
Davla. Julia A. IH
Fowers, Alfred 4.30
Frew. William 9-07
M H tell. Fred E 0-7
Kofs. T. Earl Ifj
Mo.h. J J 2.15
Page. J. J 3
Fisher. E. W 3.22
Dabl. Walter
Reld. CM 5 01
Thlld. P-n L 2.86
ait.-r.nn Ra 41
Flint. J t 5.37
U MM Robert 11 2 . 86
;Bennett. George R 17.92'
S Imp -.on Frank R 8.15 !
Jones, R. N 17.92
.Patterson. A. E 6.48
Jiilinson. Joseph 4.30
Erlckson. H. E 9 .4H i
Peckstcad. Georpe L 17.92 1
jSteiner. Amy C 5.37
i Thompson. George S Hi 12
Sdalton. Arthur 4.83:
Garner. Pearl H 9.67 1
Ml. n. John H 1.4J
Carlson. Alex t.4i
Jones. J. M 6.01 ;
lAittrell. Irene 12.54
Pack:, J 14 .18
Birt, Clarence 7 16
i lampball. Raleigh 2.15
Jordan J. L 3 1 76
Butler. J. E 2.86!
Brown. A D 1.30 ,
Chrtstenscn, W. E 1.43:
Lurt. J. E 1-30,
Daley. Rosa S f.-9 1
BHaadar. T 4.S0
Walker. R. L M3J
Drake. Ira M 1.4?
Drown M. M 1-43
Mav. F. II 8 60
lie. Ira R
Nlclson. Golden 1-79
Bingham. Mark
Spackman. Parley J
Thompson. D J.. bal due... 1.08
Dawson. Ralph, bal duo.... 1.17
DeGroot William, bal due... 1.0a
Williams, Henry T.. bal due .47,
Manning. E. J- Jr.. bal duo .31 j
i TOKIO. N'v. 81. (Correspond
1 mm . . 1 - Ht-solutlons wrU oming" 11
cancellation of the gentleman's agree
ment between Japan and tbo L'nited
StaUs. provided t hot some aort of n
substttutt; could be uKrei-d upon free
fiom discrimination, wero adopted at
a Joint meeting loduy of the Jupunese
p.ic Socieiy aod Ula Anurlcan Peaco
S. T! 1:1 acli-Jil v.08 lh- result of
threa meetings of the two aocletles.
It was asserted In the resolution
that, in the opinion of the two aocle
tles. Japan had kept th- gentleman's
Agreein. nt both In spirit und in letter
Tin- resolution di :urcl aUo that the
two aoolaUaa would welcome the adop
tion of any measures by internal legis
lation in the Cnlted States or by con
vention that would promote the stand
ard of living and social condition of.
Japanese In the Cnlted States so as to!
prepare them for nsMlmllatlon as citi
zens of the American' commonwealth
Confidence was expressed that any
conditions that might arise batWeeO
the two countries would in the end ba
settled on a satisfactory basis of hu-'
inanity, reason and Justice.
Tin California Latnd Bill (adopiad in
the al action November 2) Wits de-'
scribed In the resolutions :ia "too
harsh and sweeping in Its terms to
accord with the high principles we
have Just mentioned. Yet, we believe
that wa can firmly rely on the sense
of Justice and humanity of both the
citizens of that statu and of the United
States to right any wroAg sU-s that
may be taken." the resolution added.
"Wo would urge our fellow coun
tryman to be patient and aelf-poa-BaaMd
und Jree (rum excitement over
any unfavorable conditions In Cali
fornia We would call attention to tho
dlplonvatlc negotiations now going on
bet' n Japan un.l the Cnlted States
ind I., tha Importance of ex ri ising the
UUaoal ooDfldance in the ability of the
two 1 ..ui.t rl. k tu ..ui ..'i. ,in fpla-j
.ble solutloi' or l-.c-litg prot.iems."
-2av r - 5$Er
NEW YORK. Here is what "nothing" in other unnls. v"a- I
Mtum, mtrc emptincatg wjjll do R s M Mitchell if a ship ertfea
ech' : 1 Wm
which lifti 25 tona, taking hold of any gmooth surface He is ahown H
here operatitio; a set of two of the "leeches eopable of lifting 50
tons. One pull of the lever he in holding given leech" it grip. H
.Mitchell says 40 of then! will lift a snnk' u ihip H
The Japanese Peace Society and the
American J'.-aee Boclety were estab
lished fur the purpose of promoting j
friendship nrul psnos between Japan,
and the United States.
WTR1 lis. in IfONErTR I ru
Ci:.N'EVA. Iee. 1J. Wireless tele
phone mcaaagea from Bnglattd were
heard plainly in Geneva Sunday when
William .'.larconl gave 1 dcmnn.ir.i
Hon. The newspaper correspondents
attending the assembly of the league
. r 1 ,.,.). n - wero Jn. it e.i to the drni- rtBBBBl
onatratlon d unoorstood ciulto clear- tBiBBfl
ly mes ages by Lord Hurnham IbBibb
and I.i.i. I Riddel! from Chelmsford. LBBibI
. eunty Cssux. England. 600 milas H
T LEDO. 'Make no difference
whether you wear silk or cotton stock- IbbBbV
Ings." says Judge Vojng, "If copa find raBaV
material in your home, IbBbI
the law will Jump on vour neck." ilBBfl
Well-Known Orerjonian De-claj-es
Tanlac Has Given
Him a New Lease on Life.
'For the firat time In thirty years
I am now able to eat whatever I want
without suffering afterwards," said F".
C. Rogers, a well-known mining engi
neer living at 1 7 5 East N itietet nth
Bti Kortb, Portland, Ora
I now know what It Is to enjoy
health, for Tanlac has built mo up un
til I have gained fifteen pounds and
today I am feeling better than I have
In years. In 1890 my itoanaob went
hack on mo und In ailt.- ,,1 . erthlng.
I wet.t down hill until I wa a nerv
ous und physical wreck. Everything
I .t - soured on my stomach n"l I
would hove nwful spelui of Indigestion.
"Eor days at a time I couldn't re-
'taln n thing I ute, and I had a burn-
iii.. in;il of rire In my throat I efl
I.. These apella were so hod
nomctiiiii'i I could neither He down
I nor sit up with any comfort.
i .ill over my body. I H
'suffered from nausea and gas and J
bloated up so tight I could hardly
breathe If VSfl broke down und
II seemed to be playing out altogetlo i
N ithlng In I). j) of medicine did ,l WM
i 11 ii r 1 1 i hold of Tanlai
and now I can hardly remember the LH
day when I felt belter. I eat like a VH
heur nn.l teir have a sign of Indl- H
igestlon afterwards. The pains and gas H
i rJU ued and my breathing Wi
.la free and regular. My nerves arc H
ma strong us Iron and I sleep as sound 8fl
as I ever did in my life. I um as sound H
las a dollar, never mlw a day from m H
i work and I feel that I have n new H
laaaa on life." aH
Tanlac is old in Ogdcn l A. R. Ill -i
Intyre Lrug Co. two busy stores. Adv.
alBSK bHbI JmuXm

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