Her Daughter and His Son 4 Great Married Life Story by I IDAH McGLONE GIBSON j HER DAUCHTER AND A BATTLE OF WITS. . i . . . jmt quaintanccsblp with Clement .lohnson. HHLH the manoser of the cafe where I had PcflSiB worked, when the nurse returned, r-efore I - '"race hafl .-in opportunltj lo stop her, ... ISctBBI the nurse, not knowlnu me or my mis RSSfill xlon. nnd apparent!) fenrinp n reprimand CjTCR9flH from Grace, hlurtcil out: BfflQjH "I know I have been gone Innp-er than eSSB 'you expected Mr. Halaey, and I'm sorry. HLH lint I hurried eve-cry minute. I got the jffH promise ol the society 'ditms of all tho HH I-npern to print your notice promln nil' H and they nil s cmed eager to ret the pic HjH tutes I Kve them of you your hus mi Lbh "Grace!" I exclaimed in horror, "what HMHI Hid you rend to the newspapers? Do H know I've nf-iit limn- trying lo koop this H out of the paper and protect you and HP "I thought you nnd Mr Halaey would HHj do that." replied Graea." nnrl .1. 9rJHH terminer to have mj notices, i want HRjH eryone to know that 1 hid married tft J' : Kenneth Hals Kennel .i- . " fec' on'li ahout it My position Is quite I H .. BSSUri 1 nj I i hUM whnt ti id you say in youi notices I LrfH pleaded. "Did you sn that Kin is in a '"'MVP hospital?" bdjfJM "Of course I lldn't boob) Von don't quHH sQuppose I wnni the public to know thnt SSikm "iy himlmnJ war. made ill by drinking on Jm1 tils wedding night, yo -i mcrel IjytB tatwj Ken aril I had stolen a march on A "in many frieni man dear, i m hdpi you arc on and married W; quietly last evening tnd ' bellovi I jtSSm lhut we should pruhaQly (?o south for I 1 1 tbc wintei ' mABH l drew a sigh of relief as I said: "Then 'iSenfl mlwlon here Is flnlnhd. 1 .shall taJct TMHaB 'Our explanation of the license hack to TojO Mr Halscy." Qgj7f3fB "You can also take the murrl-iK' eerli kR-jjH icate. If you want to. Ann No. I riu-ss tSSl-J 1 had hetter hnni: rn t. that. By th( v a) ' wlnt ar-- OU SO n . I Oil I'Oll HiHa needn't look so innocent. I've known all VilH ,n-v tna' -vo" l,P'-'d to tnarry Ken T'.tM fOinc day yourm If. Oh. 1 know mi. Ann. jfiwW in spite of the pretense of your inde ffl-sV pendent way, you are Quite as anxious -aBflH to be supporte d nnd tnk-n care of ns I t M um- The difference between us is that I uBBv uncle wigcily and the white MARKS. 9H Y.pyripht I -'-" Al.Vh-r.- . .p;...-r J B n'll ate, HH "Come on. Uncle Wiggll?! Coma cn!" H cried Nurse Jane Fussy V.'uizy to the Mt hunny rabbit gentleman In his hollow PWj, stump bungalow one mornini "Don't R93ff ' you want to help inc?" v jaJ "What is It now. wash morning? Ad jBI do you want me to help put up the line? H asked the bunny gentleman, as hi down the ' ar.isti-r rail. lie WOS Feeling MBH spry and chipper, for Christmas was only H about a week off. j "Oh. no. this isn : wash day.' said Miss k Fuiiy Wuiay, tho muakrat laiy hou.se- - y ' icr "But I 1 you JBH would like to helf trie feed the birds. KfBH There has been quite a anow S i rm and U the ground Is covered with white flakes. jSTgS . so tho birds ennnot pick up any seeds. I always feed the bird? at the back "r JrJH of the hollow stump bungalow f'-r .1 BfiflpSBl snow Ktorm, and l thou-,-iit perhaps you ?'T7I might lik. tr.- b.-ii. l-SSm "Indeed I shall be m st happy to '"3,' kelp!" spoke Uncle VS iccih Then gh Ing : j9B ills pink nose an trn ilnkl- r two mR 90 'l wouldn't be cold and shiver) when si'tpK h1" went c-ut doors, the bunny rali it iren- :-' 2t tli rn. r, took some breail rumb fr. m the jgflaf tablo and began to help Nurao Jane V teed the birds A flock of sparrows and s"arllncs hail V: T mthcred at the back door of the hollow ''i&iaw stump bungalow, chipping, 'he ln(; and jjSSB whistling as they saw th- muskrut lady HH scatter the rum'-s The birds were HH hungry, for on a ..unt of the snow the) RjH had not been able to find any seeds that aawl morning. IflH Uncle Wlgglly crushed som-- "".r I yfr broad in i i- i i m and tossed 1 1 tt out on the, snow As he u i this lie IfHp noticed one bird, different Ir'tn any of v J the others, fly down ff the fence .'.rid ftMf begin to eat. ' Tho bird was almoal the color of the a olatc that Bab) Bun) I in hool I jHFb fore aaagaa at rirst L ucie i (.-,;. is tuougnt nils i im ''j was a sparrow !H9B "But I never saw a sparrow with two HIB white lines of feathers down each side HHj of Its tail." spoke the bunny uncle. "Hello, there, queer bird"' called the S&a bunny gentleman. "Are you a sparrow, ReTIM and did you get those two white marks HlfeSH on your tall for being good in school" QlH The bird stopped ea'.lnc emm's ami HHt looked at Uncle Wiggily and Nun-" Jnr.e. 1 "I am not a sparrow," answered the jdBfM feathery chap. "1 am what is called a JfiSBB slate - colored Junco, and l don 'I know !3a8l Just Hthy I havo those two line of white J feathers on my tall Only l iiavi alv , had them there two white marks end J so have all my friends In the Junco i)3r J family First let mi thank you for giving and the othi r birdi orumb cobl , M morninK' " went on the Junco. "Then let 1 SjB me ask you If you don I like my two ,, 1 i Uncle Wlgglly?" , "Oh. 1 like them 4ttH said the bunny rabbit gentleman. "By ui ' jtiJB means of them I can easily tell you from KH the other birds. Those white marks on ; ' our tall show vei even In th ilark, I Imagine. As for the crumbs;, you ItEsaB ar0, vcr" welcome to them." JiB The other birds chirped and twittered sH tlu-lr thanks to Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane and keit on eating the Junco, with LtfB tho white marks on his tall, picking UP ' y ' crumbs vitn the snarrows and starling) Vor several daya after that, while the H snow lasted, the bunny gentleman and H hia muakrat i idy It iui el fed thi ' birds and the whlt marked Ju as always on hand to eat the crumbs. JtMgH One evening aboui a week after she jHH had begun to feed the birds, ami when 1&9H the warm sun had melted awav the snow f Sfflfl for the time being. Nurse Jan" said to ! jfS L'ncle Iggil) "Let's go to the pictures tonight' liPpM "All right! I'm willing' " answered the ilJH bunny gentleman, and when It was darl (jB enough they went to the Hollow Tree rjjjuH theatre, where, moving plcturoa were, 'IMjIB hhown. "My. how dark It Is!" said Ntuc Jane. I ijL'IB an slit walked along bidding l'ncle SVIg- vjiMH glly's' paw. "ro you sure you can find 1 ISnaH ' our way home again? It is too cold la I ggtV take out our lightning bug lantern." hgH "Oh, I think I can find my way ba-lc." j djcggfl said the hunny gentleman. "Maybe the PjM moon will come out before we start for gHfl home." sejggH But It did not. and when Uncle Wig- ' jffifBB gilv and (Curse Jane left the picture j HflH show having enjoyed It very much. It l was as black as th Inside of an Ink J VI bottle, to sav nothing of lte cork. HgV ii. I'm afraid"' said Nurse .lane, as inm honest about it: I don't lie to myself 1 know what I Want and go after It. You ina call me selfish If sou wish, Arm but j mother and I have Stared OOS1 rl In tin face too long. Vc hnvo 1011 living Ifp lour principle for the last vears. nnd for mothers sde I felt It my duty to I make a briiiinnt marriage financially. I You. of oourae, can do as you plcasn. (Ann, for you have neither fother or moth I Cr " I Was thero .i .-light intonation of irony put upon tha word "father." or was It my sensitiveness? I didn't know, and .t i answered "No. I have no one who spells "dut ' to me, but even in your position. Grace, I I could not subscribe to your philosoph or llv.- your life. "Oh. you're lying to yourself again." she -fil In tie rc.ost leilth-.- tone sh bud lined ct. Th. gi?ntlc Grace Cameron of childhood was gone- The refinement cite wter which had been here i inheritance had yielded to tV.e training of s calculating mother. The old exterior of gentle ii.i h Qraci still hod. Btn In any situation which niifh-l her ! i n C n tlaahcd nature as hard nnd cold nnd selfish as the moat WOrJUII) oi women ilrin. I .melon's mother was nox r..lnr. 1,.. . alio I,,,. c.-u-l "Von like all other women," continued Grace, a"o ept the Inevitable. You didn't get Ken ncth and 1 did. so you're making a virtue of your defeat. 1 despise that kind Ol lt tue m!elf." For n mon'cnt I was too furlou to reply. When l had coniKsid myself. I said : "I am not defeated Ora. e. Th- time I will coino when Kenneth will find you out. and realize thai lie m v r r.-all Cared for ou. but that his sen.s wen I Infatuated. God Ilt on the day that this realiaatlton comes to him." W ill it come agth your help. Ann?" ifJiHce OmcMn uttered this quostion liwi Iguldly. tanalltlngly affecting an uncon cern she little I. II TISMigh her hp- smiled with pretended self-confidence, hoi eyes smouldered with hale, nnget and f.-.,r I'l l ;ac . t'liini-ron intnllivcl) BOO the Inevitable end? 1 could only won dec. Then I spoke. I shall do nothing to open Kenneth' -eves, hut It will not be lor your sake that I ivm.iln silent, but tOI his " Tomorrnw The Sins of the Father. H BEDTIME STORIES H BY HOWARD R. GARIS she stumbled along, holding l'ncle Wlg- gily s paw. I There Is nothing to be afraid of." i Spoke the bunny gentlemafi 1 Keep close 1 to me anl I'll had yotl noma It Is not far and Ugh! Umnl ' suddenly grunted I Uncle Wlggily. "What's the matlcr?'.' asked Nur.-e Jan. "Well, i seem to have gotten "ff tht 1 iiath in the Clark, ' the hunny gentleman answered "1 bum ed in., pink twinkling : nose against a tree! ' "( i'i dear' cried Nurse Jane. "We're lost In the dark. " And trul.. It did sc. in no No one of the Otl r animals were go ing Undo Wlgglly'S way and In the dark he could not find the path to his l.ollow slump bungalow. But. all of a sudd; n there appeared out of the darkness, in front of Uncle V.'lg gty and Nnr.-e Jane, two White mark.-, side by side, nnd a voice said ''Follow ma and I will lead vou saf.-ly home." '"Who are you?' nuked 'die hunny. "The Junco," was the answer, "t can see In the dark I will flutter on ahead and J "U ran follow the vrhlte marks of pa) tail." i',' jos ' ' cried Nurse Ian- sb and the bunny followed the white fn.ar.'. which they could plainly s.-c In tne dark, anrl soon "they were safely home. The Junco had he), ed them because they gave him crumbs .And If the Juin Ing Jack ill .n t fall down In the apple barrel when he trh-s to skip rope with the rub ber balL I 11 tell you next about L'ncle w Igglly amt the wpod duck; DO - ; litLe Benny 4 Pop was i moaklng ami thinking and I was doing my arlfrntdlck homework and wishing 1 wasenf and 1 sed, Aw. heck", this is a heck of a Ixamplc, I can't do It Never say can't, there is no sutch werd OS cant, do vou know wat the greatest thing in the werld la? sed pop Yi s. sir. a mountain. I stsl. and pop sed. I don't me en grate in the seiits pf big. I mean grate In the sentB of Im portant, and the greatest thing in the v . rl 1 I.' I" r - cv rants Mi em t a in are big. yes, but perseverants can move n .m tains. peraeveronta can do cnythlng Can it make kool as io-nl as m ing I'lctures, iop I sed, and pop sod It can do cnythlng I told juu, perseverants won the war and with pcrscverauts you can do that ixamplc-. AUways perseveer no matter wat oiire doing or how hard It seems, anil you will be a grate man. And he krpp on smoaktng and thinking' and I started to feel perseverlng. and the more perSeveerlng I fcltAhe more the Izampie came out rong tin my perse verants was all wore out. and all of a sudd in I goot a good ideer. saying. Hay, pop? Wats the news? s. d pop. nnd I sed i'jii I have a dime for the movies, pop? Ahslloolly. no. dfdent I till " i were throo with the movies for this we U ! s-d poo. and I sed. Well aw O. pop larit I. pop! Wat do you think no meens. yes? sed pop. and I :el. No r'.r. but will sou please Iop. wont you. pop? and pop sed. Say, look heer are you growing batt) ! I 'mi you know by this time that I allways say i wat I mcen? Yes sir. but gosh. G, pop can I? I Bed, j Arc you WCrklng for a licking? sed pop. j and I nird. No sir. im perscveering, ani ! POP SCd. I) 1 See well I neglected to tCll you that no matter how niiitih vou perse vcer. If somebody ells perseveen still more, Its no use. and in this partic-kttlar cose somebody elts will perseveor still more Me. ning him. Wlch he did . oo JURY FINDS IDAHO OSTEOPATH GUILTY TWIN PAULS, Ida.. 1 -. 17. Aftei one hour of deliberation, jury in tin district court Wednesday afternoon re turned a verdict declaring ir. v- H. Sawyer, osteopath, guilty of perform-1 ing n major .surgical examination with out being provided with a state license prescribed In such cases. I The action is regarded as a test stiltj t . , r MODERN BRIDE ADDS WEDDING GOWN I TO WARDROBE AFTER "DAY OF DAYS" For reception wear, plain panel replaces long square train of wedding gown I By ( OKA MOORE. New York's Pashlon Viitliorlty. N B W TORK, Dec 17. No longer ' docs the bride preserve her wedding' gown all done up in tissue paper with dead rose leaves. Sentiment ap ' peai'S to have given way to sense. The most, popular iveddlng gown is tho one that is obviously designed so that it can lie worn as n reception Crock ADVENTURES F THE TWINS ESV OLIVE ROBERTS EARTON I ' : 1 WASP WEASEL GETS PUNISHED I '-Whore did Wasp Weasel go? ' asked Nick, as he and Nancy rushed breath lessly Into Mrs. Woodchuck's bedroom where she had been getting all the beds ready for the family's winter llci ,' Mrs. Woodchucic didn't Say a word hut nodded toward .i hump under on. of the blankets. f course if she had said two words or ten. Nancy and Nick would not land was brought by the stele law en forcement department to determine the right of osteopaths to perforin surglc.il operations or prescribe medi cinal remedies. The trial occasioned considerable In; teres! .nnong laymen as well ad among physicians and osteopaths of the state. Several osteopaths wire called here Irom other Idaho towns a.s witnesses. Penalty for the offense Dr, Sawyer is . declared lo have committed provides a fne of from $lt0 to $1000 and one year's Imprisonment in tho county fall All proceedings looking to appeal of the case to I he supreme court have been prepared attorneys' for Dr. Sawyer. Sentence is to be Imposed to morrow. oo after It has served its primary purpose on the "day of flays." . v A well-known designer turned out this gown for one of New Y'nrk's most popular Christinas brides. When the, wedding la over, the veil of tulle with its edging of real lace will be cue fully rempvefl and packed away. But tin- gown Itself will he taken along in one of the trousseau trunks to bo worn as a -charming reception gown. it s .in original model. A narrow i she wasn't going to Interfere, because I I Wasp was a general nuisance and sho didn't like him :it all. e had always worried the life out of Wobbly, her own j deai boy. and Wnii. her husband, hud i just said the other day that Hut there' : That s not the story. Suddi-nh Nancy grabbed two corners! of the blanket-, between which Wasp v.asj j crouching, and at UfO faun' time Nick I grabbed the other two. Tlu n tluy pulled1 Such -i Ll.mVct to '.si no as the r.v,;..l ij.j have udnerstood. for that scamp Wasp Weasel had swallowed their charm and then run away! That is why they were aft'-r him J Suddenly nn idci occurred to Nick and I lo whispered it to his sister. I Nainy laughed softly and ondded. "Let's do it right away." she whispered and tiptoed quietly to the lop of the bed At the same lime Nick took his place at the foot. Mrs. Woodchuck wondered what It was all about but suld nothing If aiiylhlne was nlut to ''a'iin lo Wnsn The house In which America is supposed lo have reo-iveil ii name In 1607 Stjl stands in St. Die, K nmee. I the covers clear off the bed, never let - , 1 ting go their hold. "Givi us our charm. Wasp." said Nick severely, "or we'll shake you up." Wasp La lire still and never let on he heard. I Thnt settled it: Such a blanket tOSsillS as the rascal l"t. he'll never forget. I'm ' sure, nor the iosr-on either. And tho charm Jumped right out of I I his mouth with the Jolting. Nam s grabbed II and tucked It awav safely, and the twins departed (Copyright. l'.'-'O. N. K. A.) MONTANA MAN BACKED FOR CABINET POSITION WASHINGTON, Doc. 18. Strongly backed bi prominent Republicans from the west who arc now ut Wash ington, Governor-elect Joseph M. Dix on is being urijeil ns the man best ; fitted for appointment to Senator Hurdtng's cabinet as secretary of inte rior. It is reported that within n few days senatorial and congressional en dorst ment of Dixon will be laid before i tin- president-elect. Doupl has been expressed by Dixon's i friends as to whether or not he would consider an appointment of this na ture. In view of his recent election us , governor. 00 One of thp most distinguished phy sicians in South America is Dr truest inn I'erez. of Chile, the daughl I i ol D washerwoman. skirt of ivory satin with a scalloped edge, forms the foundation. I vet this is a surplice tunic that Is lifted at the back, forming side draperies. A lace-trlmmed panel that continues into a long, square train is made re movable so that for reception wear, the plain panel may be suhstlttiteii and the beautiful wedding gown be comes 0 frock entirely suitable for any occasion calling for a sumptuous evening dress 4 Dr. James I Vance 4 ; Why was man given the ability he has'.' Ho possesses a genius for hln task. His fingers seem to naVS bSSS made for Just that kind Of work. His brain seems 10 throw off thought for Just such activity. UN mental reactions are swift and ac curate. He seems to have been built io do the thing he Is doing Why" Wu-s It a. i ld nlnl or intentional ' Is the man thus equipped f .r In- work ii order that he may use ' ni cent of his ability, and let Che other 50 pi r cent go to waste? You would not erect a hundred horse power engino to run a Un-horscpowcr machine. The plan W not for all men lo do th same amount t work but for each man to do his best. If Qod M'i ' n hundred per cent man to do only a fifty per cent Job. why did lie not make him a liftv per cent man"? Why build a ten-talent personality to fill a one-talent personality's place? Vet much of modern industry Is i-on- docted on tins basis. The best way to help a weak man Is not to make yourself half s man. TWO horsed are hitched to the same WOJfon One is a powerful beast, the other Is Spavined. The strong horse will best help his mate, not by reducing his haul to a capacity of a .spavined horse, but by pulling all the luad ho can. It Is so in life Don't be afraid you will work yourself out of a job. Thcr Is too much to be done. The skilled man who declines to use his powers will find that they atrophy. There Is a WOTS4 penalty for Inefficiency than a reduced wage. Wh must do our best with what we have and make the most of what we are. Instead of whining over circumstances, complaining of hard lu k clamoring for z chance, just "do with your might whatsoever your hands find to do." . oo JUST FOLKS By Kdgwr A. OssWl e THE BOASTFUL OORE 1 do not mind the man who brags about his kith and kin. Although 1 think his family -was good I to lake him in; I do not mind the braggart who pro claims his youngster's worth For boastful parents I have found the finest folks on earth; But oh protect me from the man who swells his chest to tell ; How some on. Ne has faijed where he'd havo really done It well. I can abide the man who. boasts a little of his skill. Though sihnce on that lolnt I think would grace him better still; With patience I will hear the man who speaks with honest pride if what he gives lo charity. If truth, ' is on his side; I But I confers I try to shun the man. whoe'er he be. Who claims that no one else on carta knows quite as much as he. It is a natural trait to brag, all do ll more or less. " Though what nrc and what wo do, is proved by our success; And 1 an patient he with men whose worth all people know The while they readily admit each flat tering speech fs so. I But oh. defend me from the man who let:- his boosting run I When some one else has tried an1 failed. I to tell what heel havo done. BUY YOUR XM AS GIFTS At the Little Hardware Store J "ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING" Cut Glass Silverware Manicure Sets, Toys, Wagons, Sleigha and Skates PRICES THAT GO WITH YOUR POCKET BOOK. BOYLE HARDWARE GO. H Twenty-fourth Street and Hudson Ave. RVCAN-MAID hreao II ORDER FROM YOUR OROCER i 4 I ' Sister Mary Coarse salt is one of the most effective wars of cleaning off ley steps and side- ( walks Have on hand a few pounds of com mon ordinary barrel salt, ready for rnme morning when the weather has changed for the worse in the night. A thin sprin kling of the salt will save time and hard work Scraping off dangerous Icy places.; The salt melts the Ice. inalflnK it possi- j hie to sweep or ehovel without breaking the frozen coatlnif with a separate tool. MENU FOR TOMORROW ) .: ' r.tst Halves of grapefruit, soft-I boiled cgtrs. toast, coffee. Uuneheon Pimento puff, brown bread ; and butter sandwiches, little pickled cu-l cumbers, ejrslesg cake. tea. inncr (ream -f tomato soup, broiled' herring, scalloped polatoe". beets In or ange sauif. iruit salad, crackers and cheese, coffee. MY OWN RSC I PES. Herring Is one of the nicest kinds of fish to aervo as It can be boned easily . and is not too f.it Half a fish Is usually I counted as a "portion." In broiling fish i U.c fn:-h side Is cooked first and the' skin side Just enough to crisp the skin. PIMENTO PUFF. G pimentoes 2 eups canned corn 1 teaspoon catsup ., cup stale bread crumbs Salt and pepper ?, CgKS r'.jl. pirie-nii.es through fiev--. Add crn catsup, aalt and pepper. Add yolks of 'eggs beaten till thick and lemon colored 1 Uo.-u whites of eggs till stiff and dry and fold Into first mixture Turn Into but tered tlmbale or custard cups and bake r-.ii minutes in a pan half filled with hot irater. Serve ;it or.ee. This may be b.il -ed In a baking disb. EGOLESS CAKE, cups dark brown sugar l 'j cup nutter 1 cup sour milk ; n cups flour i teaspoon soda I , 4 teaspoon cinnamon , yk teaspoon nutmeg ! cup raisins ' teaspoon salt i ream butler and sugar Sift flour he ' fore measuring. Seed and chop raisins irnl sift 1 cup of flour over thorn Add flour and seasoning to first mixture AdJ milk with soda dissolved in 11 Add rais ins la.si. Bake in a loaf In a moderate : oven for r.ii minutes. It s always darkest just before dawn. , but it's amazing how dark it can get before it's reached the darkest. - Uncle Sam. ML D. 1 DRYING CLOTHES IN THE HOUSE Q. It has often come to my mind a-', to whether It gives n liealtn'ul atmosphere' to dry clothes In the house where there I is stove heat or whether such a proceed - ing produces a condition that makes one . take cold more easily. Can vou advise me? , A. I do not think drying one or two ! articles by the stove would have any i i-ad effect on the atmosphere of the I room However. If so many articles ore I drying that the air Is saturated with ' moisture and the room seems steaming I most of the time. 1 do not think this Is i good for cither you or the baby. BLEPHARITIS Q. Mv eve lids arc Inflamed, or "Ide pharifls'"? as physicians call It. I'leas--give advice as mv eyes are In a lwd eon 1 dltlon A The blepharitis you describe should he rarefulh treated until the IIOs nn quite well. The condition inav Indicate i some serious eye trouble which you should I havo treated at once. I should advise 1 you to go to an oculist or to the eye , clink of the best hospital In your city . NITRATE OF SILVER FOR WOUNDS. Q. Please advise me whether or not n1tr.Hi- of silver will do any harm to a wound.' What Is the best thing to do to keep a wound open so thnt It ma drain, a.s when it heals It gives consid erable Kjln and when open not mar so much? This is an old tore, the result of an injury. A Nitrate of silver Is usually applied to a wound to destroy excessive granula tion of tissue; that Is, proud flesn."lflood .judgment is required In the use of this caustic. A common method of keeping .i uound open B0 that it may drain la bj Inserting a wick of gauze, or. perhaps, ,-imnll piece of rubber tubing. I would urge ou to seek ijualif ieil medical at tention ut once. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS BY ALLMAN MRS rvFP I HEARD VOU WERE I WJI ( AVE VuU EVEE VJ0RKE 0 " " ) P Zl V, I Q ZIZ VieiL.tVd VJlUm-a TO PAN j iCWKiMG FOR AMA.O- IHEAR0OF '..- I A p BEFOR " ,J I NEVE 12 COMPMlil A OOf ClBL C-OOD WAtSES J U OHEm I'M SiMDWG HER OVER. yJ H " J SIX PFFEREJT - CMUOPesJ! WE MAV6 WEveb COmPla ij UY 'M ? -TOSEEV00-PWYW.0WMWM L MlSS ( ptACES IN THE OW L IT XL H 1 Wl AFTERNOONS OUT ' DE AUTMOeiLE?' ABOUT WEH P-JjTVW CAN TALfe f ' , PgJ MORE THAN LLJ7 HEP.-, y 1 1 , 7 I M 'NT H-S j -Tj K.05WTHEFAMUV j l-y, Hay Grain Wheat, cwt $3.50 I Bran, cwt $2.35 J Corn, cwt $2.20 Cracked Corn, cwt . $2.35 1 Frost Free Potatoes $1.70 Onions $1.70 IH Alfalfa or Timothy j Hay, 100 lbs.. . $1.25 Beef Scraps $5.90 1 Why feed oreen meat with 30 per I cent water" I 1 Christmas Trees For Sale CORN IN LOTS AT SPECIAL I PRICES GROUTS GRAIN STORE M 152 Twenty-fourth St. Phcne 1220 " ti J I Sal! Lake Theatre I SALT LAKE WEEK DECEMBER 20 fr ORDER SEATS BY MAIL I and Mori I' Gest Pre "ni V.oKI.US MOST BBAUTI- 'iSBSBSBl CHU CHIN CHOW A Musical Bxtravagansa of the Orion: COMPLETE COMPANY OF 300 I Never tvefore in the history of the world has such a gorgeous and won- dertui pro-tin Hon been seen. JH ru e -Night . 1 2, J. (3.50 WM and Saturaa) matinees Si, Jj. H sfl and H WORLD'S PAIN AND ' I ACHE LINIMENT jfl Just one trial convinces you Sloan's Liniment helps drive away 1 rheumatic twinges. J WHY endure pain wlion vou know i Sloan's Liniment will relievo it TH I promptly? It couldn't remain the Worlri'i i Inlmt ai for 39 j gra If it n i in. hi-, beneficial in relieving H tiioumatir achrs s' iff joints, sore mus Cles, lumbago, lame back, neuralgia. I IH I strains, bruises and the results of - j IH posure to bad weather. t Pcnetratt-s without rubbing, leaving i'; IH !no stained skin, closged pores, mUflgl 1 IH nesfl A pain and ache liniment tha: l .stands alone in doing what it is meant j to do Get a bottle today and keep l! 7' handy. All druggists. Three sizes I 33c 70c. $1 The large! I most ! onomli i H Liniment(j) Ml Umi iown I i low Feels Fine i '1 Eatanic Ended His Troubles "Eatonic is the only thing I hsvs found to atop my heartburn and 1 tliinlf it has been a great help in r.ervouB spelle," wntesG.C. Johnson, 1 An upeft stooiach may cause lota of 6i)Qrinej bU over the Liody. Kst-jniii J. helps in such caiea by removing tlie eanso of tbs misery, because it takes up and came out tho excess acid ,j and gaseg and keeps the digestive j erpans in natural working order. A tablet after meals is all you ntu'd. Hig box cost only a trine with 'rugpiHt'f Tuursntee. Cuticura Soap fl Complexions Are Healthy SK0iDttDn rTrrywhr' l'orn;p'M I'i S