Ugclen Man Takes Count in
Second o Six-round Go;
I Johnson-O'Brien Draw
with . card featured witli heavy-
hitting anAeplete with the slam-bang
stuff, the Wabash Athletic club again
furnished fight followers of Ogden an
H . xclting evening lat night' Seven bat-
ties weir on the program, the seventh
1 being called in by Promoter Jim
Downing when " iv round Uk go
mK too heavy ni sought o s..it Hpot
on the mat. The other scraps were
fl whirlwinds for action.
'Mysterious" .Ilmmj Brown ol
MM ilen went down to defeat at the hands
..i" Claire Bromeo In the second round
ol t heir scheduled six-round affair,
when Broineo fouSid ilu- pit f i:rwn"s
mld-sectlon with o steaming left
IJroWn crumpled to the m;it and ;ii
though he tried to regain his frit
if forts were useless. AJter the craBh
ing blow Which found the exacl spol
H Mimed at, Brown's liuerlor was
Vacuum and it was several minutes
before he completely gained his,
breath. While the battle lasted II vus
fast, although Itnnin o outg(-n. -r.ih i
iho local lad :it every angle.
VI I.I li DK W
In the seml-wlndup afrair between
Billy Johnson and Danny O'Brien, the
bovs started milling tamely and ellni h
lug so that Promoter Downing had to
caution tin- millers to breah cl in
and produce action. At the end ol
mu the third round Downing told the men
If th.-y dul not mix it faster in the
final period, he would declare the bout
no contest. Tills warning Immediate
ly brought action. The boul was called
In the curtain raiser. Y-umg Sli.--mw
ard of Ogden added another knockoul
to his list. His opponenl Denver
HI of Denvei took 1 1 e counl in
the second round nf tholi loin -round j
Lloyd Wyott of Brighanv City si i t,
left hook to the stomach of Joe
Young In the first round of their four
mw round conlrst. Young faking the count, i
Kid Hardy of San Francisco took!
tlu count in the first round of his,
H; match with Red Brlggs ( Sail Lake
HJ Hardy fouml the going loo hard ami
HJ .Manager Downing substitute I another
H for
HJ One of the features of the card i
the conlcst between Red Thomas rffj
mm Ogdefl and George Mlllner of Brigham!
mm City. The two youths, fljrwcrghts put'
mw up a classy exhibition, the contest be-
mw ing called a diaw. They .-in- amateurs.
mm At the conclusion of the coptesl tin-
mw fans showered money on tli" two
mm youthful stars more than twenty dol-
lars being collected bj the comlflg
mu tampions.
l 1 1 1 K DRAW,
r ii the other event of the evening;)
'till Bailey of Ogden and Voting
Ketchel of Sail Lake foughl a four-1
round draw
Ogden Team Wins Sensational
Contest in Final Minute
of Flay, 23-21
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 18. The
Weber Normal college hoopsters won
a hard fought contest from the I- D. S
live on the Dcserot gymnasium floor
here yesterday afternoon, the count
being 23 to 21. The score at the bull
stood lj to 10 in favor of the visitors
Budge of the Weber aggregation and
Cowley of the Saints were responsible
for 32 of t In? 44 points made These
two men played the floor in speedy
fashion and were the bright stars "
1 he contest. Lindsat at guard for tin-
mm winners' also played a flashy game. :
The llnuji and summary;
1M.O. Pr T PI G T.P
I'erry, If 0 0 4 1
Hudge, rf ij 3 15 1
Hill, c 2 0 0 l
l.lndscy. rg ,...u 0 u
Hickman, Ig ....0 u u u!
Totals K) 6 3 28
1 1. 8. U.
Fd.Q. Fr.T. Pl.Q, T.I
I Cowley, rf 0 3 if 1
i Irvine. If 0 o'
1 Margetts. c 1 2
Evans, rg i "
H Barnes, lg n 0
J Aveson. If 0 oj
Hi Totals 9 9 3
j Referee, Warner; unipiic, Jiichanl
I son
CHICAGO. Dec. 18. A score ofj
newspaper reporters tonight put Jack
Dempaey through a series of tests
many patterned after those used in the
war in examining applicants for the
air service, in an effort to confirm the
heavyweight champion's claim that!
neither of his ears had been scrlouslj I
injured by the blows of Bill Brcnnan,
In their fight and Dempsey came,
through all of them successfully.
Reports that one ear virtually was
torn off and that he had stopped In i
Nlles, Mich., to consult a specialist'
over deafness which was reported to j
have set In after the fight, at first
amused the champion but when he
learned the reports were taken seri
ously, he volunteered to go througlf
.my tests desln d.
irory(ln hour the reporters held
, matches to his ear, whispered from a
distance of 200 feet and applied other
tesls, but In no case was there ailj
indication that the fighter had sus
tained serious tRjury. The only mark
he 'bore- was a slight scratch on the
lobe of one ear.
Dempsey said he got off the train at
Nlles to go to Benton Harbor lo see
Floyd PitssiramonSi fight promoter.
J3 VV-'V. Ak tour llrurll I , A
-1 "CEn ln Rrf "? i'4 JDr'J"' r
Ml 9 vl Tk no itbpr Bnj of your '
.. SS 11 - nr Drntl'- kforCiri.ClnSiVT,5Jt'8
- ;w IC Di.iuiiM) miAM) m i., i i -i&
y9 V B ftut liwa t tttt, $lmt, Al RaJiaMl
Greater Breadth of Ability Represented On 1920
All-America Eleven, He Says
lX Ml N SX1 HI K.
P(ih.is no p;realer imnor can come,
to a fottb.-tii player thin to be named
as a member of VValfer Camp'a am-,
America team.
'.imp has hem picking his mythical
elevens since hack in the 80'8, 6ut
his selection for this year In Colliers
represents, In his opinion, a far greater
breadth of ability of every member of,
it Elian any selection he ims yet made
He says that the development of the
-nine ims put additional requirements
on each hnliviilu.il position. m that
players have acquired an undreamed
of amount of foOtbau ability and
As an illustration he takes Stanley
Keck, Prlnceton'8 .star tackle. and
shows w'l.it he actually accomplished
in the Tigers) two hardest games ofl
the year-
'Keck,' ho says, 'met the charges;
of the Harvard men, shifted to meet
formation plays, broke throughvand
hurried the pas-ser and kicker and fin-1
ally brought about a touchdown by
bloi king a punt. In Che Vale c.ime
he did" all these things with the ex
ception of blocking a punt, hut ln ad
dition ho scoiyd a field goal bj i
placement kick. He als ted as
Lourle's Interferer when the brlljiian;
quartet ran for a louchdowii."
('amp gives the other tackle posli d
to Scott of Wlsconsba. ills reason tor
selecting the Wisconsin star. 1 that
Scott lM.JVr.jl-S gre;.l fnotll'll (.OVV.-r
I Which is duo to his weight, strength,
and speed -for a heaV) mail
ce guard is allotted to Tim Calla
han of Vale and the Othei to WoO(j
Of Harvard. "They are both huge. ' he
s-is, "and possess nblliiy to illagnose
plays quickly and as linesman they are
Carney, of Illinois and Fincher of
1 ' i-r la Teeh a re given the i a n I Ol
' ing the best ends of the year. "Car
ney has played practically an errorless
game ami Plncher," he saysi "is need
ed for a mythical eleven on account
of his power In attack, his long reach
and his general build."
Camp picks as jJk center, Captain
Stem Of Pittsburg. In his opinion
there isn't much difference In his rlrsi
choice and his tieoond, riii Cupnlng
ham of Dartmouth. stem came
through the 'Qson witk a little less
grief, says"TTamp.
U Kl H.l l CHOIf l.
Lourle of Prlncjetou is hi: 1920 Art
America quarter, due to hi.-- uncanns
c,, in ralship shown all year and espec
ially in the battle with Vale. .Mc.Mii
1 in and Soynton ,vo oh a part with
the Tlg i, star in all other points-
George Qlpp of Notre Dame draws
the full back position on Camp's first
stringers on account of his versatility
and power, his ability to punt. to
drop-kick, forward-pass, run and tac
kle Hp did everything that o back
field man is required to do In super
lative form.
The other two backs are Stlhchcoro.b
of Ohio State and Way of Penn State.
Camp particularly likes Way. since he
feould be depended upon to go into the
game after being held on the side line
and make the necessary gain re-
1 1 1 i - I, besides being speedy, elusive
: nd quick to si. - up n n opportunity.
Stlnchcomb's great speed and smart
ness has earned Ine olt.ci- place on
Camp's eleven. The Ohlonn's speed
coupled witii Workman's passing hril
liancy pulled the Wllce eleven out In
front ''urlng the last minute of play
in several gam s and Camp believes
'he needs just such a man as the fast
ohio hack on his r.o All-America
In summing up hit? reasons for se
lecting these men Camp says:
"i n the whole, li Is urn of the
moat versatile teams o.i attack and
Coach .Malcolm Watson of Weber
Normal college Is confineil to his bed
at his home with a severe case of in-
simis i he team of basketball plaj -
era went t,, Bait Lake yesterday un
der the direction of the manager of,
the team Watson Will, in all prob-l
ability, he back on deck next week.:
The Everett high school grldderv
won from the Long Beach grldders at
Long Ili a -h, yesterday, the score be
ing 28 in o. In winning this contest
Wasiyngtaou grldders won the wesi
in grid title Efforis are now being
a !'i' to bring an t istern team to
Washington t,, plaj fn- the national
The West high school hoopsters
shored new. life at Cedar City last
night, playing a much improved game
and losing to the B. A. c. five 3S u
3u iii a hotly-contested game.
Coach Andy Mohr'x Park City hoop
sters went down to defeat at the
hands of the Jordan fiv yesti rdfl SI
Jordan, 28 to 18.
At Tooele last night the B V U.
high school team defeated Tooele 44
to 12. The v. bpopatera displayed
. !.-- galore ilurlng the entire game.
t h.-r hoop results last night were
i 'i s follow
Grantavllle high 29, Garland A, C.
3o. Pleasant Grove high IN. B. V U
college 23. Lehl high school 3. Spring-
vllle 18, Davis high 19, H. Y c 23.;
American Forfa high is. University
of Utah Freshmen 11 Lehl American
Legion 80 Utah Athletic association
The commercial basketball league
lo be composed if eight aggrega
tions, will he formed Sunday after
noon, at the office nf the Standard -
Examiner Play will start dining the
early part of January.
Twenty grldders of the University of
Utah win- awarded grid sweaters at
ap a, m l.ly held at (Tie school yes
terday afernoon. flenrj Richardson j
made .the presentations.
: The University of Utah will be rep
resented by a first class hockey team
luring the coming season. Jack Can-
I non h.i started the movement aft he I
ciiiiiM.n lair and will, n0 t,,,il,i aid
' in putting the new sport on the map.
I ' nn .
sax riiANCisco. -Dec. is. Jim
.Londos, Greek wrestling champion, j
has f 7,000 posted here tmlay for P
'two hours match with K,l. i Strah-;
Igler") Lewis, Joe Stecher, Wladekj
jZbyssko, or E-.ul Caddock. Londos
Isaid he was particularly anxlousj to
I meet Caddock. who defeated hlni here
IdM Momlav
silliest on d tense tha' has ever been
put together.
"outside of the development of tho
'open play and forward pass, the most
striking feature of the season was the
I great interest shown In coaches and
enthusiasts in the cast as to what the ,
BOUth and west were doing, and In the
south ahd west as to what the east
was teaching.. This has been brought
about by intersect ioiia 1 games.
I "But perhaps the greatest factor of
all, however, was tho very definite
Increase In the knowledge of the game
'by the football public. Tin spectator In I
'the stands now Is an educated spccta-
End Carney, Illinois.
Tackle Keck Princeton .
Guard Callahan, Yale
Center Stein. PJttsbtirg.
Guard Woods, llarv ard.
Tackl, cott, Wisconsin.
End Fincher. Georgia Tech.
Quarter Louric, Princeton.
I Half hack Silnebcomb, ohio State,
i Malfdiack Way, Penn State.
Pull back Gipp. Notre Hume.
SE (An i i M.
End Urban, Uoston.
j Tackh Goet, Michigan
i Guard Wilkie. Annapolis.
Center Cunningham, Dartsmouth,
Guard 1 vk-xandcr, Syracuse.
Tacki McMillan, California,
End i'p Gendre, Princeton.
jo trter McMUlln, Centre.
Half back Garrlty, Princeton.
Half had Davles, Pittsburg.
Full bac k Frent h, West Point.
ihid Bwen, Anna-polls.
Tackle Voss. Iietrolt.
Guard Broidstefi West J'oint.
Center Havemeyt r, Harvard.
Guard Tn.tl, Ohio Slate.
Tackle Dickens. VaU.
End Muller, California.
Quarter Boynton. Williams
Half hack Haines, Penn 8tate.
Half hack Leech. Va. Mil. Inst. I
Full back Horween. Harvard
LOS ANGELES. Cal . Dec. 17 Earl
Caddock of lown. former hoavywelght
ChamPion wrestler, defeated 'Wii-t-
Hng Sheriff ' Peters ol maha, Neb , in
straight falls.
Cslng a head scissors hold. Caddock
threw Peters in 4 1 minutes .". v-ei -onds.
'Die second fall came after five
minutes 25 seconds. Caddock used 8
Wrlstloi k and headlock in this fall
IOWA CITT. Ta , Dec. 17. It was
announced today that track coach and
trainer. Jack Watson, r-fused to sign
a contract to return next year at Iowa
Watson has been at lowu for eight
years and has boon a material ;,1i to
Iowa's success on the atjlletlc field It
la uild thai W atson will accept a posi
tion ai Dartmouth.
NEW YORK. Dec is. Andy Coak
ley, coach of the Columbia university
baseball team from 1915 to 1U17 todaj
signed a contract to Coach the football
team for the next three years Coak
lej formerly waWa Philadelphia Amer
ican league 1 i t h- 1
i 00
OTTAWA. Ont., Dec. IS Incorpora
tion of the Canadian Amateur Ski as
soi lation, to promote amateur skiing
throughout Canada and ti foster th
formation of local clubs. was an
nounced today. I
Twenty-three Players Listed:
Fifty Students Accompany
Team nn Long Trip
COIiUMBUS, Olfilo, Dee. TWen
t -three members of the oiiio Slate
university football aquad, undefeataed
champions of the western conference,
i'-ft this morning for Pasadena, Cal.,
where they will meet the University
nf California eleven New Year's day.
In addition lo the team and its corps
ol 1 oai hes, tralriors and camp follow
1 rs, halt a hundred rooters wer
aboard the special train, which i
scheduled to larid the Buckeyes on
tho scene of combat nexl I-'rivlay.
Two practice sessions are sched
uled en route at Denver, Cold., Dc-
ember 20 and P:llo Alto. Cal., Deqem
ber S3 and govern 1 shorter stopovers
will be made at points where alumni
have arranged receptions for the par.
The Buckoes finished their daily
practice schedule yesterday with a
light workout on a snbw-coverecl field,
Soach Wilce announced that recover)
nf several men from slight injuries
' would probably mean that all regu
lars would be in action at Pasadena,
Including "Pete" Stlnchcomb, all"
American h-ilfbtack. "HogO" W'orU
man, quarterback, and other stars.
jack Dempsey, world's heavyweight
boxing champion will arrive In Ogden
today from Now York City. Be is
scheuuled to step from the L'nlon Pa
cific train at 12:05 p. m. in company
with his manager Jack Keavns.
Following a visit with relatives in
Salt Lake. Dempsey will depart for
the coust, where he will stay until
It is time to hike cast for his scrap
with Jess Willard. Mnoh 17.
Joe Mooney, Xew York lightweight,
is aching for a qcrap with Pal Mu-
ran. .Mooney has boxed Champion
Benny Leonard, Dundee and other
noted stars.
R, li. Welch. English promoter, lo
cated in London, Is said to he negotiat
ing with Jack Kearna for a match to
be staged in London between Dempsey
and .in-- Beckett.
If the attitude of Nat h.i n I Miller,
governor-elect of New Vork can be
1 kk u as final the world a champion
ship match between Jack Dempsey and
ieorOb I'arpetitier will be baTred
from New Vork state. He is said to
1 p posed to the huge purses otfereu
the two principals
All England Is awaiting the visits
of Liatthng Levinaky, Jack Urltton.
Jack Sharkey and Pete Herman. These
four men arc scheduled to meet ih
lust they have lo oiler over there
In 1B&.
Jack Sharkey is scheduled to meet
Joo Lurnian at Philadelphia, Decem
ber 'i. i in December 2 J, Pete Herman
will vie with Joe Lynch ai New York.
Prcddie Welch and Tommy Phillips
will tangle at MoKeesport; PaM De
cember 85.
Jack DempSey Will referee the main
event at the testimonial to be given
in honor of Walter D. Bratz at the
1 trpheum theatre, Salt Lake, Decern,
ber 27', according to information re-
-i ( 1. 1 1... in J -empsey's manager,
jack Kearna
NEW VoRK. Dec. IS. Tv.o Lon
don policemen, the vanguard of a del
egation of British bobbies thai will
match pugilistic skill with Now York's
finest In January, will arrive here to
morrow on the steamship Imporator.
in addition to the bouts between thu
police, the International Sporting club
has arranged for matches between
champiojis of the American and Brit
irmrea 1 nd na li .
I A DdU Ik T.vri!T.n 1 10
The boxing commission hen- today an
t nounced that ii had completed ar-1
rangemcnts for a boxing match lo bo
held December 23. between Sam
Langford and Clem Johnso;i. negro
! hcavvwelghts. j
CLEVELAND, Ohio. Dee. IS. Carl
I Tremaln of Cleveland, shaded Joe
Putman of Chicago in a ten-round
bout here last night by a whirlwind
finish in the final round. Up to that
time each had takuq three rounds,
They an bantamweights.
FORT WAYNE. Ind.. Dec. IS.
Prahkle Mason, Fort Wayne flyweight,
earned the newspaper decision over
Johnnv Ritchie, of Chicago In a Un
round bout here last night.
Chuck Wiggins of Indianapolis, out
pointed and outi'ought id Jamcison
of Milwaukee, in a ton-round heavy
weight fight here last nisht.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. IS. "Simon-pure,"
amateur boxing has as
surcd San Francisco followers of the
ring tonight. The Pacific Association
Of the Amateur Athletic L'nlon dOCid
ed to inaugurate a program of four
round cards for which no monetary
prises will be given.
.MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. IS. Pint-key!
Mitchell, Milwaukee lightweight out
point i Clonic Talc, of Minneapolis,
1 111 a ten-round no-dceislon boxing boul'
I lu re last night, according to newspa-j
PARIS) Lief. IS. Erode de Balzac,
I last night knocked out Tom Qummei 1
I of England In the ninth round of a I
j boxing bout w hich wa.s advertised as j
' being for the middleweight champion- ;
j ship of Europe.
I Balzac, who was middleweight
Coveleskie Finished in Second
Place During 1920 Season:
Shocker Is Third
! The leading pitcher of the year was
! Robert Sbawkey of New York who
worked in :iS games. jr.T innings, and
allowed but 'i3 runs for an average of
.lt( for each full game of nine ln
nings. Stanley Coveleskie, premier j
hurler of the champion Cleveland
team Was Becond with an earned mn
'average of 2.48, Coveleskie appeared!
I in 41 battles, worked ?, 1 ." Innings and,
allowed R7 riinsi' frb.in Shocker, Si :
Louts, followed the Indian star with aj
2.7 averaH sained in 3S games. 24
InninEs in which opponents counted 74,
1 1 incs
Edwin Rommel ud David E. Kccf,-,
two young stars of the Athletics Were
fourth and sixth with averages of 2.S4
and ' 'J7 respectively. James p, Bsg-
; v . ihe Cleveland veteran w ho led the
'league in number of games won 31.!
holds fifth position. His opponents
gleaned 2,89 runs per game from his
deceptive delivery in 3to rounds i:ag
jiiy pitched In more games 4X than
any other hurler and also in more
Carl Mays of New Vim, appeared in
1 43 contests, winning 26 and losing li,
I finishing second to liagby on tin basis
of games won and loit. Mays pitched
312 Innings and gave 8.06 earned runs
er game. Coveleskie was also soCOpd
in games won and lost being victor 24
rimes and losing II. Urban l-'aber of
Im ago whs forth in the won and lost
column, winning 23 and losing 13,
standing seventh in the earned run ta
ble with an average of 2 99 in 40
games. Faber was second in Uagby
in Innings pitched, 31H. Kerr of
Chicago was third to Bagby and Mays
in the won i nd lost record winning 'l
land losing 9.
i Hesids Rommel and Keefe, Walter-
, Malls of Cleveland. W illiam Burwell
and William Payne of St. Louis, War-
ren 'olllns Of N'ew York, Jose Acosta,
Washington iiari Courtney, Wash
ington and Bryan Harris of Philadel
phia were other newcomers who per
formed brilliantly, EHmer Myers,
'transferred from Cleveland to P.oston
in mId-8CaSOIl, closed the year with a
run of nine straight victories.
E8TKRZUL sold)
SACPAMEXTO, Cal.. Dec. IS. Tex
Westerzlll, third baseman of the j
Portland club of the Pacific Coast
league, was turned over to the Seattle
i club today by Judge W. W McCreadli
owner (,f the Portland club for a cash
consideration and a Seattle Infleider, 1 1
was announced here last night. Tho
name of the Seattle infleider to be ;
: traded wok not announced.
William Keppler of the Seattle
team announced that he was to re
celve two Infleider.-; fmni the Clnoln-j
xia.il Xatlonal league club if waivers j
I can be obtained for them.
kl DOLPfl si PKv CHANGE.
1 BOSTON, Dec. fx luck Rudolps
the "little master" who was one of the
trie that pitched the Praves out of t ho ;
' ruck to a lead and world's champion- !
ship in 19 I S. will probably leave the I
team. It is understood that he seekoj
to Join the Detroit Tigers because of
a desire In the closln years of his
i pitching career lo take a fling at
! American league batSCien.
' ROCKFiiRD, Ills. Dec. L7. Penato I
Qardlnl, Italian champion, won a
handicap wrestling match from Stan-
' islaus Zbys:-.ke here tonight, when the
latter failed to throw Qardlnl in sev-
entv minutes. Zhys;:ko had undertak
en to pin the Italian twice within tho
i time limit or forfeit u victory.
champion of Prance, was knocked out
.May 8 last, by Jeff Smith of liayomio,
N". J., who was awarded the title.
TI'LSA. nkla., Dec. 18. Jack Law
i lor of Omaha, and Oeno Delmont of
, Memphis, last night boxed a sensation
al tweho-round draw, according to a
referee's decision. Lawlcr excelled
Jat open fijrhtwig, while Delmont was
I clearly superior ln In-fighting. The
men are lightweights.
Coast League Meeting at Sac
ramento Replete With Ex
citing Features
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. 18- Be
, tuse of what " termed ;i movement ,
o -oust" htm from the presidency of
the Pacific Coast league. W- H. Mc
Carthy of Siin Prancisco estcrday
twice refused re-election to that of
fjC( - he t . 1 1 . 1 tender was made alt
er the salary of the post had been In- M
creased i" double fts former
McCarthy Bald an effort was befng
made "to make him pay the penalt
foi his stand In the Kumler ease." Mc
, , Ptn i lB summi r demandi d and ol jM
talned th release "i Wm, Rumlei m
i, sail Lake City club on charges 1
alleged Irregularities in the
coiust league pennant race. In COniioC
tion with which Kumler now Is un
der indictment in l.'s Angeles. Mc
Carthy consented to serve until hi-
successor could be chosen, however.
Which probably will be at a meeting
next month at some city not jet
I. League members who had op
posed McCarthy's retention of th
presidency at en increased salary, nft
er they liad voted to offer him 10,
U0Q a year for three years, joined In
the attempt to persuade him to take
There are some club owners In
I, ague iv h" ranlc above cer-
tain major league magnates an there
lire others who have no place here and
should not he here, .McCarthy said.
"Tho matter of my salary does not
enter into my desire lo sever cotnn-i -non
with the league, but it is evident
that tin- Indisposition on the part of
certain owners to Increase the salary
that goes with the office of president
was Intended as a measure to -force my BLl
McCarthy indicated the principal
opposition to him as president was Bi9
centered in Salt Ixko and that Oak- H&H
land, Sreattle and Portland owners had RhH
stood with the Ltah owners AM
'While a genera housecleanlng In Ka
baseball Is imperative, and whjle the LKw
conduct of the players must be care- BVA
iullv investigated when occasions de-
mand. there must, be a clean up among H
the club owners themselves if the HjHJ
game is to remain one of our national HaWS
institutions," said McCarthv . HHV
When It was said that jack Cook, V
retarj ol tho Salt Like clui-. head-
ed the opposition to McCarthy, Cook swO
Issued u statement unying the report. HHH
Cook clt.-d the fact that William LVH
lane, president of the Salt Lake club. HHJ
had voted to re-elect McCarthy presl- HHl
dent. The owners favored McCarthy's y3MHc
continuance as president unanimously, iKfiKjr'
Cook said, but there existed this aft- lalBK
ernoon ' a difference of opinion as to hLD
whether or not his salary should bo IBVI
Increased." HHC
Crude stated that the Salt Lake own- HAH
era frankly disagreed with McCarthv flKP
regarding the Kumler case, but that nSfp
thls feeling had not entered into the HrlBgr
meeting and ihat the Utah magnates Rffll
had no intention of bringing the case flMPR
up for discussion ln the league con- flK
The matter of next season's sched- H
lile was carried over until the n.el-
ing in January. Eh view of McCarthy's '
determination to refuse the presiden- H
cy, the election of officers will also afl
be completed at that meeting H
why? H
WiMr 'ears of age is
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