OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 19, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-19/ed-1/seq-11/

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(1 I Approaching darkness forced T. O
Paine. I'nited States air pilot, to land
I west of CiRdrn last night.
I Paine wan en route from Rock
Springs to Ball Lakl bul lost his bear
ings flying over the Wasatch moun
tains. Ho first landed about a mile east
and south of the Southern Pacific
station i4t Wst Weber, According to
B. F. June of West Weber the plane
rose from West Wcbci and headed
I north.
Paine Is believed to have then swung,
around and atrated south. 'At 5.35
p. m. he brought his machine down
on the farm of Albert Green at Tay
lor. No M kIL URU D
No mail was earned on In trip I
The pilot. however, bad a sul' a.-e ,iim
small bur. .'I- .lialnerl the radiator,
(ft the machine and left It In charge,
oT Mr. Green. Coming Int i I gden
with his luggage, ib, pilot -vent on
to Salt Lake bj Interurbun to report.
The plane was undamaged.
The plane iras heard over, Ogden
Mhprtiy before dual:. The pllo'. cir
cled over the city several times, ap
parently endeavoring to locate t land
ing place. Fear was expressed fr nwl
safety, as it was feared fha: the pilot
miKht come to grit attempting to
land In strange territory. '
Ogden Men Enjoy Life
H Among Alaska Reindeer
!V. . Palmer, former grazing - ex- j
.miner at the local office of the for
. st service, who with Herbert John
ston, is now connected with the bio
logical Surrey In Alaska Investigating
range conditions with the view)
of Increasing the reindeer herds of
Alaska. Is having the time of his life
In the "frozen north."
Woid has been received at the local
forest offices Ibat Palmer and John
ston have been on thp jump cyei since
they arrived in Ala I kfl
tr The weather Is around znu and is
steadily going down. Palmer says In
a letter received here. Travel Is ac
complished b ioi.' sleighs and the;
main difficulty Ln thta means ot trans
portation Is learning the dog's nanus.
Johnston, form' i st;.i player on
the Ogden Athletic association football
team, has a team of dogs whose vari
ous names are MukChouk, .Meluk,.
lnnouk, Tagktuk and Ohoukowskl.
Look for Salt Lake
Eloping Couple Here
Margaret Hunt and George Rogers
of Salt lakc are being SOtlghl by the
police. Margaret is IT. f.xi i - fa
years her senior.
The couple Is supposed to have;
eloped to Pocatello
Salt !ake polic nn In,: ibe
couple and have notified Ogden of-,
fleers and other officers In cities Ue
tween Sail Lake and Pocatello.
rCook Charged With
Possession of Rum
Henry Eklns. 140 Twent; -fifth stroet,
a cook, was arrested yesterday af ter-i
noon, charged with having lbiuor in
bis possession. The police saj a quan-'
tltv of moonshine" was seized when
Kkins" place was raided Fits ball was
fixed at SS0 J
j During this lime the oi!o' was look
' ing f"i a lan lux tield In tlx- !
proachlng darkness.
He made a choppy landing gear
West Weber. according to Mr. Jones,
and hopped off. missing trees near
the river by a few Inches.
His was the third tantllng ever ac
complished In L'tah after darkness.
The flrsi pilot to land sufelv In Utah
after durk was one of the transcoo
I tincnta flyers more than a year ago.
the landing being made at Sail Lake,
i Less than mx weeks, ago a Denver
fiver made a sim'lnr landing at Salt
Pilot Paine, according to Mr. Green,
departed for Sa!t Lake front Kock
Springs late yesterday afternoon anil
in soaring over the Wasatch range
lost his way. For more than an hour
he attempted to get his bearings but
failed and as he soaret over the utiige
and Into OgJen. darkness had over
taken him and he was ton e.j in ;-ind
as best he could
Paine, according to Mr. Creen. Is
a veteran of the world war and has
been In the mail service for many
The plane will he taken to Salt Lake
todaj and placed In operation between
Cheyenne and salt Lake again Monday.
Comes to Ogden for
Body of His Cousin
W J. Armstrong of Canasota. South
Dakota, cousjng of J. F. Armstrong,
who Committed suicide by hanging
himself to a cell door in the county Jail
'Tuesday afternoon, arrived in i-.-dcn
yesterday and niaJf arrangements to
have the body Benl to Armstrong's
former heme. Canton. Minnesota Mr.
Armstrong said thai no members f
his cousins immediate family were
alive and that the man had never
After completing arrangements for
t!ie shlpplna of the bod. Mr. Arm
strong i rt t.i prepare for the funeral
In Canton.
Armstrong was taken from a truin
last week by police oflicei . and was
being held for Investigation as to his
sanity He was found dead at his
cell door hanging by .1 crude rope
Which had Oeen made from l d olan-kets.
Thank Ogden Folks
for 'Having a Heart'
ln appreciation of coopctation of
iigden citizens In their support of the
Little Ued Heart tag sale, Elisabeth
Bhaii Bess, secretary of the Children's
Aid Society has written a letter of
I hd n !..
She a s:
"The Chlldrens" Aid Society wishes
to thank u thousands pf friends who
sr. goner Quel) contributed io the Little
Ited Heart cause. We wish that space
permitted us to thank all in a more
, red ial way but WC do wish those
who gave to know that we shall strive
tc show bur appreciation, by a wise
and economic I spending Of their
mono; 'JFheir generosity has given
lew imp-t'is to the work mid will
make possible a larger field of acti
vities for us. To the press ami work
ers we fed we owe "honorable men
tion' bul to all we give a loving
"Thank You."
ELIZA BETH 11 HE -Secretary
of the Chlldrens' Aid
McLaughlin-Storey Company
Offers Space Rent Free
for Event
Sentiment for an automobile show
in Ogden began crystall.ing yesterday
following the offer of the MeLaughlln-
Storey company. ITU. Washington
avenue, and the Hudson Auto Top
I Company. 1 7 1 7 Washington avenue.
I that the building occupied jointly by
,'the two firms would be donated rent
tree for an automobile show
The offer was made known bj Jos
eph Store representing the two firms.
m the open forum Kriduy night.
The I-lidding is a new structure has(
a fine maple floor and spare for fully i
fifty automobiles. It Is steam heated
and accessible
I The firm propose that If the offer.
Is accepted that admittance to the
automobile show be Tree to the inter-
'rated public.
Most of the automobile men who
are in tavor of an annual show believe
thai it will bo to the advantage of the
ijrdn dealers to hold the local show
bi tore the Salt Luke automobile show
ii i ebruary.
Fraternal Congress
Holds Session Here
Resolutions that the t tah Prater
nal congress seek no further leglsla
,iion on matters pertaining to Insur-
i because of the fact that I'tah
las- are adequate, were adopted at
ih meeting of the Utah chapter oi
th- National I-raternal congress held
Friday evening at the- W O. W. hall
The revolutions were passed follow
ing the receipt of a report from a
committee on legislation'. The report
indicated that there w- nothing in
the L'lah laws which were not satls-
i factory to fraternal organisations.
John James, formei Insurance com
missioner was recommended for re
appointment. The proposal was unan-
: (mously carried.
Dr. J. C. llanchctt president of the
Fraternal congress of Sail Lake; T. L.
Larson ot Salt i-ai- secretary; ii M.
VVolf of Salt Lake. J. E. Fitzgerald
ot Salt l-ak. and W. II. Alines of
Uurra) were out-of-town members of
1 the congress attending.
A musical program and refreshments
were Included in the evening' cnter-
1 tainment
Police Looking for
Reported Runaway
I'ollcc are searching for Ida Brown,
I.-:- e.u-oid daughter of Mrs. It
Lliown J 9 1: 1 Flngree avenue, who Is
' reported to have run away from her
home. The girl Is large for her age.
according to t lie report. When she
left her home she was wearing a black
I plush coat and a brown and blue scarf.
Deaths and Funerals
HUDSON Funeral services for Mrs.
Susana M. Hodson, wife of George A.
Hodspn, will be held in the Marriott
ward meeting house this afternoon at
I o'cloi k. The body may be viewed
at the home in Marriott- until 12:30
p. hi. Intement will be In the city
, cemetery.
Weber Floral furnishes the flowers
J For an Electrical Christmas
Happy indeed is the woman who receives electrical gifts on VyJIJJjlik
I f Chriatrnas morn An electrical toaster, a vacuum cleaner, an dAmk
I electrical washing- machine oi iron, an elec tric grill or perco- 3Nm&f$& 'Mi R
lator every article named v ill be most pleasingly received wB&BsBMp 2b9
J Profuse thanks will accompany such gifts for their beauty, iBBBsBl. HP
serviceability and labor saving. j
l( Dcnjld Chjsc 7995 Barbara Pel I1.4O0 aflBBHSJrSsnB
) 2 Bert CUrk t435 2 Genevieve Valsh 11,000 JPBWBcISrMg
G.irnei Stoney Erma 1105 la yQVJH&mf&BKfM
) D.ilc Wangujfcl 4196 -I lunette McDonald 3010 SBflk Il.iJlSmi 77
fl C f Patrick Healy 4110 5 Beatrice Smith ...... 2850 B'1 , ?5Tjf
1") ) )
( T William Jones 4020 7 Elma Swan son . .. 190? RE'-' .1
) 8 Charles Letts 3370 6 Iris Gill . ... ib70 KBf CHiHEHPvyl
( L 9 Jamet McTarland 3305 9 Elv.i McKlnney 1385 WBBnSCfWttjB
J Rowland Hansen 10 Nellie Vanderschult b80 IMflWsjT f T It itMBBTSS
I 11 Happy Payne . . 21i5 11 Harriet Lang
( 12 Emerion Hough 9b0 12 Ehrabeth Averetf 59
13 Virgil Drowbay 1950 13 Vada Lamb 590 BMB(fi5Yw'
1 ', M 'Ttlur Halei '040 i Eva Varne ?26 MOmMVWjU -B M
w ( Letter Farr 1910 15 Pearl Lobello 510 BBktr JBBVhS
J. M. Browning Back I
In Ogden Following
I Tests of New Weapon
John Ifi Browning, i jjden lncntor.
rlurned yesterday from Washington,
where he has been conferring; with
officials of the ordnance department
rogardlni; a nw machine gun he has
developed Thi gun. which fires a .50
rullbrf cartrldffr. 3 ?ald to be ipable
of handling the !srs C&rttid(CS with
the speed and facility of the- heavy
Browning machine gun. which waa
adopted for use hy the American
forces during the world war.
The gun is said lo be similar In
construction to the h4Lvy type of the
Browning nia hine gun.
The artrldge ot this rapid firer Is
nearly five Inches lonjr :nd the bul
let Is between an inch and a half and
two Inches long Several hundred of
the large cartridge I :ui bs handled
each minute by the gun and the bul
lets have sufficient eloclty to pene
trate an Inch and a half of Rtoel.
During the latter part of the world
war the gun wa perfected as an anti
tank gun the penetrating power of
the weapon being sjffirlent to pene
trate the. armor of a tank and dis
able li
This lethal machine ha a myriad of
use?. It Is said, and if ih possibili
ties of the new weapon iye realised
Business and Circulation Dcpt 56
Classified Ads 56
Advertising Dept. 42!
Editorial and News Dept . 870
;irl Your last chance Leap JfeW
dunc. First ward Monday night. 25c
! each. 8 I 6 -'
Going East Mr ami Mrv.l C Htr
ton contemplate leaving Tuesday for
St Louis to spend the holidays.
Chiropractor Dr Edward Leslie
graduate of three universities. Is now'
located permanently In ogden. Phone- f
3;'7o for appointment. Consultation
1 free. 8375
From Coast Mrs. Millie Tl.e-yaard.
2215 Lincoln, has returned from
Oakland where she spent ,-everal
Let the TRAFFIC TRUCK solve
your hauling problems. 376
lU-tums I" Kflen 1 I ;
croft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lleber
Scowcroft. relurnel yesterday after
noon from Los Angeles, where she
has been attending the Girls' Collegi
ate seminary. She will Spend the
! holidays with her parents.
Ogden Typewriter House for type
writers and repairs. 2422 Hudson
avenue, l'hone -36.
Clean large rags wanted at The
ttandard-Bxamlner office 81
j Hold smoker Supt W Karl Hop
'klns of the Ogden school system was
the principal spe aker at the smoker
given by the University club last night.
The Rev. J Ii Carver also addressed
'the club member. Both talked on
i educational subjects.
A buffet luncheon srrwd. Arch
Moyes was chairman of the entertain
ing committee. The net smoker will
be held some- time In January.
Call phone 331 for a demonatration
of the Traffic Truck. S37G
Do you know that the TRAFFIC
TRUCK i- the lowest priced tour thou-
1 sand-pound capacity Truck made, fall
'. on the R. T. Mitchell company for
full informal Ion. sOTO
Sunnyslde Coke Nice size. John
Parr 'oai company, rhone 17.
To le Lancc Mutuals of the
Fourth ward aro arranging for a 'leap
year dance on Wednesday. Dec. 29 ln
the ward hall. In connection with the
dance will be a candy bale Refresh
Oil nt3 will be served Girls will be re
quired to 'date'" the boys for the
j dunce.
Bell Bros will have another nice
bushy Xmas tree for you this year.
Come early ami-get your pick. S343
Let Mitchell show von the merits
of the l R IFFK 1 RUCK 8376
High Priests to Give
Musicale December 29
High priest quorum of the Ogden
stake is arranging a musicale to bo
given in the tabernacle, Wednesday,
Dec. 29. Included on the program
will be Prof. Alfred Bent of Salt Lake,
tenor: .Vylander trio. Miss Mary Fish
er, violinist; Mist Marian Sharp, 13-year-old
singer of Salt Lake Minnie
Moore Brown, reader and the taber
nacle choir.
Proceeds from the musieale will be
nddetl to the eiuorum fund from which
$50 Is paid families oi deceased mem
bers. oo
ALBANY. N" V., Dec. 18. Pilois of
the two army airplanes whn h ar
ried today to search for the naval
balloon A-ooS'i missing since- Monday,
expect to resume operations tomor
row Both machines met with mis
haps wlu-n landing here because or
the soft condition of the field.
Itwas decided untight to change the
base of operations trom Albany to
Glens Falls.
The aviators have been furnished
with maps of the region and If an
trace should be found of ihe balloon
Its location will be marked on a m.tp
which, attached to a red streamer
thro feot lonif. will be diepped i
the first sign of habitation.
PARIS. Dee. 18. The 'French for
eign office announced this evening
that the French minister in Athens
would leave the i.reek capital Sundai
and that It was probable the British j
minister also would depart from
LONDON, Dec. 18 -r-The govern
ment has decided to Instruct the Brit-'
Ish minister In Athens to have ni offi
cial relations with Constantlne, II wai
announred today. I
l H probably will he a connecting link
I of ordnance between the rifles of the
I Infantry and the Browning llrht au
tomatic rifles and the mounted (funs)
j of the field artillery.
The gun will shoot rapidly enough
to lay down a machine- jrun barrage I
.is effectively as the lighter type of
hthe Browning automatic rifle and at j
the same lime It will have sufficient!
' penetrating power and velocity to I
' prove destructive to materiel, an nc-
romblishmont which the machine gnu
; flrlnir .30 calibre cartrldgr'-s does not
H has possibilities .m an anil-air-i
craft gun, It is said, and If proven I
' successful, may prove a useful arma
I mcnt for navy small craft.
Tests were made with the new Run I
during .Mr Browning' I ttaj In the
I east.
Government reports suy that the
; test demonstrated "unusual possibili
ties." and It was stated that the new)
weapon had a maximum rapidity Of
fire of 700 shots per minute and an
j effii lent minimum of 40" shots a min-
I utc.
Mr. Browning said last nlghl that J
I he intends to remain In Ogden during j I
the winter.
Services Held for
Mrs. Ashment in
First Ward Chapel j
i I
f uneral services for Mrs. Jean j
Heiinic Ashment were held De-1
cumber 1J at the First ward meeting!
house with Bishop n. H. ESnsigh and
Horace f. Garner, first counselor, of-j
filiating There was a large attend
ance of friends at the services and j
many floral offerings were In evi
dence. The services were opened with the
,ingln; of Oh My Father" by a tiuar
let made up of Messrs. Stevens. Bal-
i lantyne. Fernellus and Kiomp. Joseph
Wright offered prayer and then Walt
er Stevens sang ah Through the
Peter J Johnson, the first speaker.
paid a tribute to the character' of Mrs.
Ashment. The esteem In which the
departed woman was held in the eom
munlty was evidenced by the large
attendance at the services, be Balfl.
Bishop W. Arthur Budgi laid h
1 first met Mrs. Ashment in Scotland
' ten years ago. He praised her staunch
faith in the church, her cheerful na-
I lure, und friendliness. He prayed that j
' the husband and children be com- .
, fortcd.
James e. Johnson told of the sac-1
1 riflce made by Mm. Ashment's par
ents for their belief In the church. '
how they left their old home In Seol
I land to come to Utah at the call of
' the gospel and how they faithfully
fulfilled 5,11 duties. He also praised
the character of Mrs. Ashment
First Counselor Garner w;is I in
closing speaker Benediction was of
fered h Elder Weston.
Besides the opening musical num
'. ber by the eiuartet. Mrs. Mary Farley
sang ' Some Day We'll Understand,"
and at the conclusion of the services
the quartet gave "Savior Comfort
Me '
38,000 Acres Added
To Caribou Foresi
An executive order signed by Presi
dent Wilson, addintt approximately
) acre of land to the soutnea.it-
ern corner of the Caribou forest Ln
Idaho has been received at the loci I
district forest offices.
! This addition was es ;ib:,xhed
through an act of congress which pro
VldSd that the lands Included Within
I the bill WSre found lo be or chief
! vr.lue for niMonal fores' service and.
' should bo added to the fore-t by proc- ;
lamatlon of the president.
Red Heart Drive in
Ogden Brings $3,000
More than $3000 was realized In
I Ogden through the Little Bed Heart
tag sale staged yesterday under the
auspices of the Children's Aid sqclety,
according to Elizabeth Shaw Hes- the-'
secretary. Ogden's epiota for this
1 drive was $3000. Mrs Hess stated last
1 nlKbl
"Seventy-five women ami Kirlv of
Ogden aided ln the drive and made
posulble the success of the undcrtak-
ing," said Mrs. Hess "While we
(reached the quota necessary for thl,
work, those who failed to make con
trlbutlons and those who wish le tend
la hand by helping, may leave their i
contributions with A. B Mcintosh at
the L'tah National Bank."
LU BLIN. Dec. IS. A large bomb
'was picked up In Merrlon Square yes
! lorday.
Revolvers, ammunition, gunpowder
and elghty-olght sticks of gelignite
wcer captured In a police and military
raid on a rebel ammunition store at
' Teinplemore today.
g5c 65c
special sunday chicken
Chicken Mulligatawney
Boiled Young Chicken
Celery Sauce
Chicken Pot Pie, Family
Roast Young Chicken
Celery Dressing
Mashed Potatoes
B.iked Hubbard Squash
Peach Cobbler
Vanilla Cream Sauce
Tea, Coffee or Milk
20C Twenty-fifth St
Watch Thl Space for Chri$trrai Menu
, I
!j Monday Morning!! I
?i At 9 O'Clock M IH
39 "Her Majei'ty' high grade petticoats, in a profusion of
IB fascinating color combinations. All new KB l
" 1 stock at a surprisingly low price We offer $ "7 , 5 I
our entire line of values to $15 at a clean- M - L-
II UP Price of
Another Lot Another Lot
) This lot consists of a big of S jersey, flowered vft
,a assortment of .11 silk jer- mescalines We predict Ifi
ft! sev ond fancy taffet.t , ,. tf;.
m flounces with an all sum thf t this enlu une of Pet" II
II jersey top. oho some ticoats will be sold before
' changeable messahnes noon Monday as thc?e are "
I A Values worth to $3. Christ- values worth to $10.50. hA I
ra mas cleanup Cleanup F
$4.49 $4.98 J
N Our store is just chuck full of nifty M U
novelties for Christmas gifts
Where the Women Trade
Albert Johns Unable to Control
Loaded Schooner on 27th
Street Hill
Albert Johns. IS years old. 70'.'
i nrenty-sevnth street, suffered a
compound fracture of the right Lag at
Hio'J o"clock Inst night whilo coasting
on Twenty-seventh street hill.
Johns Is said to have lost control
of the schooner upon wnlch ho and a
party of younSjStori were riding, and
th( heavy aiad crashed Into the gutter
in front of 565 Twenv -seonth strr't.
John 8 right eg was broken at the
ankle :md t - thigh.
According to witnesses of the acci
dent. Johns had taken the schooner
without iht consent of its owner, Al
well Parr'.
I'arry and the crowd that accom
panied htm had just finished u trip
down ihe hill and two of the Parry
party had lakon the schooner to the
top of the hill.
Johns Is Said to have gotten aboard
the schborier. n- chose to guide. Law
runce Holms. 14 years old. Frank
Frost, 11 years old, Edna YVIddle. H
years old, Ida Rice, 14 .' ears old. and
Melba L'nander, 15 years old, ware
pa-ssengera on the schooner.
At a point midway on the hill Johns
experienced difficulty In managing the
sled. Due to a fteering apparatus thul
worked contrary to the usual arrange
ment on such comeyances, ho coulo
not keep the sled under control, and
the crash resulted.
He was removed to the Dee hospital
In 'ho Klrkendall ambulance
Ida Rice suffered a sliKht injury to
her rlngt ankle when the schooner
tipped over following the crash. 'til
er occupants of the schoncr were un
hurt. Dr. E. R. Dunike attended Johns.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 18. Arguments
of attorneys representing stockhold
ers of the Denver & Dlo Grande rail
road who are opposing Its sale for
S5.00U.00O as authorized by the fod
eral court In Denver, were hoard by
Judges Sanborn and Lewis ln the
L'nltcd States circuit court of appeals
today. The case was taken und'"
advisement Evidence was submitted
to show that the stockholders would
suffer a heavy loss If the sale ot the
railroad should be confirmed
Amalgamated Sugar Company
to Have Payday in
January :M
The Ogden plant of the Amalgamate il
ed Sugar company Is busy clearing
up the balance of 125.000 tons of mi- IH
gar allotted to the local factor - rLsaLsl
I largest amount ever contracted for at if H
the Ogden plant. The factory Is ban-
riling more than 900 tons daily and .
uhder present conditions the factory IT H
will be working until the latter part l
i 1 I:
ling ;53 tons ot beets In one day. H
The final order of beets was de- L? flHH
livered to (he plant Wist week. Other I
i factories of the Amalgamated com- I H
i pany In L'tah and Idaho are also rt-- 1 ssBSBH
ported 1 1 1 be doing record work. ii
Although the officials of the Amal- JH
nounced that tlie final beet pay day I
j wouhl be made December 15. they an-
rd iy that ets dollvi iM
between December 1 and 16 would be
paid for at the pay day January 15. H
iThe total will surpass 51.0u0.000. It
was said.
Geologist to Look tl
Over Magpie Dam Site !
William Peterson, geologist at the
, I -1 I , Agricultural college, will make H
an Inspection of the M igple dam site M l
!m South Fork canyon Wednesday, ac- h
Cordin to an .inn.'imeement made last
night by D. D. McKay, a director of f
the Weber Irrigation district. ft
The board ot directors and A. F. f)
Parker, engineer, will accompany the
There will be n meeting In Hunts- fl V
ville tomorrow evening, Mr. McKay i
I announced, for the purposo of clearing jl
I up some misunderstandings with re- jl
jgard to the project and tentative plans 1 fJSIjS
call for meetings In Eden and Liberty j
Mr. McKay said progress would bo M pjssjsg
j Batteries E J
Recognizing the attitude of the buying public, we feel tliat fl
Q a reduction of battery prices will meet a popular demand. j 1
To meet this demand, we have reduced our prices to a pre- L
war basis.
2452-4-6 Grant Avenue Phone 916 fl
C Willaia 3 J II

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