I The Ogden Standard-Examiner
An Independent Newspaper
Publlhed every evening nnd Sunday
morning without .i muzzle or I club.
Entered as Second cUi Matter ..t the
Pontofflce. Opden. Utah. Established '.370
Member of the Audit Uureau of evculi
tlon and The Attoclated Prer.s
Delivered by Carrier Dally nnd Sun
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BnMnes and Circulation Dept 66
Ailvertlslnir Dopt 418
Editorial and News Dei I . . .tTO
.'III- I
Before the legislatures of the differ
ent states complete their work this
winter, it Is quite Important that the
federal povernmenf definitely an
nounce its program of aid in road con
struction. If this is not done, the
building of highways in many states
may be seriously interrupted.
This is a matter of concern to Og-
Iden not only from the standpoint of
belter roads, but the bureau of pub
lic roads covering this district has
headquarters hero and mxi men are
connected with its activities.
A message from Washington state?
that the Mcrthur bill, authorizing an
appropriation of $lu0.O00,000 during
the next four years, has been favor
ably acted on by the BUD-COmmlttee of
the house committee on roadsc It is
stated that the committee has adopt
ed an amendment changing the basis
on which the public land states shall
co operate in raising funds. I'nder
the new basis a western state will re
rpivp tartar I lol turn t s than it has
II been getting under the old law. the
committee having taken Into consider
ation the fact that a great percentage
L 1 of the area of these states is now tied
I up in government reservation", and.
I therefore, not taxable Under the old
plan the state contributed 50 per cent
and the federal povernuieni rn pe;
enf. and that basis will be continued
in the east and middle west In the
public land states, however, a larger
roportion will hereafter be contrib
uted by the federal government, be
cause of its large ownership of land
within those states and because the
states, on account of these reserva
tions, arc handicapped in the matter
L I of taxes. The new plan means that
Utah will contribute 19.7 per cent and
the federal government 80.3 per cent
of the total amount to be expended on
Utah Toads, and the percentage in oth
er states will be worked out in this
i same way, being governed largely by
ihe amount of federal owned and non
taxable land in the srate
At no time has there been greater
need for road work as a means of giv
ing emplo ment to surplus workers
than now. With thousands of men out
of work and stagnation appearing, the
time has arrived when the federal gov
t eminent should create as much of this
useful employment as its finances will
allow, and, if necessary, bonds should
be issued for that purpose.
There never was fought on sea
more than one battle of Jutland. When
the British and German fleets met off
the coast of Denmark on June 18,
1916, the greatest warships of the
world opened fire. The action com
menced at a late hour of day, about
7:15 p. m., and soon twilight and then
darkness Interfered to break off the
mightiest sea engagement of all his
At the time both the British and
German commanders claimed victory
and up to the present an impartial ac
count of the clash has not been given
to the public, but on Friday Admiral
Jelllcoe's story of the battle and com
ments thereon appeared in an admi
ralty report of 600 pages.
Admiral Jellicoe freely acknowl
edges points of superiority on the
part of the Germans. In searchlights,
armor protection and method of fire
the ships of Admiral von Sheer were
superior. At the opening of the battle
the Germane possessed an advantage
and showed dash until they began to
suffer severely. Then they lost their
cleverness and seemed to give way to
In the treat and during the night
lighting, the Germans had a system of
recognition, while the British were un
certain as to whether they were pur
suing one of their own ships or a ves
sel of the enemy It seems Inex
cusable that a trained and thoroughly
quipped navy should have had no per
fected system of night signals by
which to avoid confusion.
jj More than once the house of lords
I has blocked progress In home rule for
J Ireland. Gladstone found the lords to
3 bo his greatest obstacle Had the up-
3 per house of parliament been pos-
1 scssed of the spirit of Justice, Ireland
;f today would be tree from the horrors
"J of civil warfare and England would be
jj less disturbed with the problem of how
jj to deal with the Irish question,
a The present home rule bill was ex-
'1m peeled to meet with strenuous opposl-
Hon in the house of lords, but word
1 W i onics that the possibility of a conflict
between the two houses has been
averted and today the proposed
ehantce in the Kovrrnmenl of Ireland
will become law
It would be a pleasing transforma
tion. If Ireland were to be quieted by
elf-goverhnienl and the conditions
which have prevailed so lone were to
give way to peace and happiness.
All people! of marked racial eharae
terlstlca and strength Insist on self
determination, just as all men seek the
Itullest measure of independence com
patible with community weirare. All
men resent a brand of slavery or anj
l form of dependence bordering on
forced servitude
uu -;
A wave of crime is sweeping over
the country San Francisco has had its
orgy. Now New York nnd Chicago are
excited over holdups, burglaries and
murders The excitement Is so in
tense in New York that Mayor Hlan
has called on the citizens to aid the
police in checking the lawless.
From the time this country went
Into the war until now, there has
been a physical and mental disturb
ance which has produced hysteria and
moral upset Men and women no long
er are thinking in terms of quiet and
leontentment. Everybody has been dis
placed and all are floundering around
in a new atmosphere. Those who were
loosely tied to orderly government
have gone off on a tangent of crime,
and even those who have maintains)
their equilibrium and have remained
sane hare manifcs'ed discontent
The outcast has become an outlaw,
and no one seems to be able to fore
fast what a day will bring forth
While the larger cities arc going
through a trying period. Ogden has
reason for self-conpratulation on its
comparathe freedom from the worst
of crime
When the Civil war broke out. thS
population of the United States was
When the Central Pacific and Union '
Pacific were united at Promontory
POlnt, completing the firsl transcon
tinental railroad, tin re were ."T.Oim,
1 000 people in this country
As late as 1880 Ihe populaton was .
Today the flag of ihe United States!
,1'lort over 117.8r7.509. Continental
j United Slates has 10r,70S,771, to which
must be added 10,35o.0fio in the Phil ,
'ippiner., 255,912 in Hawaii. 1,299 80V
I in Porto Rico, 13,275 in Guam, S056 in
Samoa and 22,858 on the canal zone
Utah is officially given H9.396, 1
while Idaho is credited with 431.866
Many of the earlier BCttlers of Utah
came from Vermont, one of the first
subdivisions of this country to claim
immigration. But today. Utah has
nrarly 100,000 more Inhabitants than
Yermont This In part, t ell the story
of ihe development of the west
Three children were burned to death
near Glendale. Arizona It Is an old
story repeated. Mother and father
w. nt shopping and left a 12-year-old
girl in charge of the little onep, There
was a fire place and fire. Returning
home, the parents saw the home In
flames. They found the charred re
mains of three of thr children.
This tragedy of fire should bo a
warning to the homes of Ogden. This
Is the Christmas period when burn
ing candles and flimsy dresses are associated-
One careless move and a
child's life is snapped out, or a little
one is crlpped for life
Better take one step of precaution
at this time than be filled with the
horror of a home in flames during the
festivities of the holidays.
Keep matches and lighted candles
out of the reach of children, In fact
do not use candles. Warn the young
sters of the danger of playing with
Paper of Tokio criticise President
Wilson because of his failure to make
reference to the league of nations in
ids annual message.
"Why should he fail in his Meeeage,"
they ask, "to advocate the necessity
of joining the league?"
After having referred the whole is
sue to a solemn referndum and having
suffered a defeat, which was over
whelming, the president would be of
a peculiar make up to insist on his
sido of the issue.
What could he accomplish by urging
the Importance of entering the league?
The Tokio papers must have an Idea
that, by being extremely persistent,
the president has the power to force
his views on the nation.
For two years or more Ogden stores
ha carried pineapple and other ex
tracts which were purchased by those
who had uncontrollable appetites for
alcohol. While the officers of the law.
Including the police force, were kept
busy running down bootlcggors, the
traffic In these extracts went on, tend
ng to reduce the prohibition act to a
farce Lately the federal authorities
in Salt Lake have Issued an order pro
hibiting the sale of these extracts In
grocery stores.
This action should do much to limit
the bad effects of the illicit business
which has grown to large proportions
within a short time.
: -Ta I vl
g - iWfei , t H
Gifts of Furniture at Prices tint will I
bring good cheer to many I
Christmas days are days of good cheer, when families fully complete stock of furniture at new low prices, H
gather 'round the blazing hearth and make merry as giving you the benefit of every reduction in whole- i
at no other time during the entire year! Nothing can sale costs which have already been made and even B"3
make your home more cosy and cheerful for this great those which may not be expected for some time to nfc?
occasion than new furniture which can be selected come! Come in now and buy Christmas gifts of furni- !H
and made as gifts to the whole family. And here at ture at rock bottom prices and help make Christmas " Vl
this store you can choose from our entire and wonder- in your house the merriest one in years! BE
One Gift that Reaches Everyone in the Family r YE I
StcW-tf$rmckc T that you aaVe chosen wisoly adds half the plea- ffijj&fffo S
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10 per cent discount on payments.
nl ffifSI e bookcase: cod may be chosen at i -'ji
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sections, including and . M
' Special sale price $36.20
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All l'iIUIvl J'CtaUl7! ii3 merchandise being fairly priced. The Royals at the prices we
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jBjjrfL. I i $67.50 Royal Morris, fully upholstered in buckskin imitation
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llUll iii j HI spring seat. This beautiful chair reduced from $67.50 to $54 00
LUg IT1 ' 1 l M M iVttJI N'tR"4, hd1 MrriS Chair' illanered ak frame, full spring
Aleasy chai " .
Ha grade of leather, roll arm
NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Iji WCf!f( f fS style back, full spring WF
The kroehlei- Daven-0 fold and unfolds. A beautiful davenport by day and harchvoo" CO 6 rocker0116
a comfortable bed by night. Sagless, metal, folding bed frame and spring. :7 , ,, iifiiuk j duced to $45 00
Saves space, saves rent. We are showing many handsome models in period wRH "- M5E27 C-lOO?1. Leather
and modern designs. Two types; a long Daven-O for large rooms; a short Yjfy JJ ' '' ""' j ivell madery design,
Daven-O for short rooms. Special reduced prices now prevail on all patterns Tfi.ii'4.i"tf(jMffjn JJJ g'SS
including new stock. i grade reduced to 6$41.25
No. 702'i Davenport, fumed Xo. 936 Mission slyl davt?- No. C786 Genuine leather K
f,!ll HnHn P,ir7,M,r?M'.Iiri0-n ak linish' rtl8Blon s,v' uPho1 Por. li.avy frame of quartered rockor. Spanish brown color: p"aitiful Karpon make uver- mIeSL
fine qual.tv velvet Special re- KSmTITB S oak. finished in fumed color. u, full Sprin seat. A ery honu- buffed reck,,,, upholstered la H
,iuce,i I100 reduced u ........ vit)U hollered in best Quality mole some design, as well at ver) finest quaiUj leather a( bargain I
lrir. . . JpljZ 180 grade reduced Wn. Sale d n comfortable. $66 AQ 7C Drlcea
to J0' prli . 4OU u-rade, reduced to .. O40. IJ
Liberal Credit Terms May Be Arranged