OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 19, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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I Little Tots Write for
Shoes, Stockings and
Xmas Gift If Any Left
Poor children of Ogden ave appeal- mother very deserving They live At
e i . ihr.m' .l.i m .mi.. Vmi lake them
i.,iVi- 1 iir.il li til., iiuml l-'il-
jBH Sows, who are making preparatlp
HS unswor them in a Hubatantial way as
HM assistants o( Santa Claus. Coses ofdes-
perate illness of parents, others where
H tho father is crippled or out 01 work,
HK somt Instances ot where widows and
fWfi thcli famillis ;irc in dire need are
I being disclosed l these li-tters.
To answer them the Good Fellows
must provide n substantial fund
' "hriatntti. Some contributions are
being received .mo Uie Standard-Ex-.
i miner is hojR'ful lliui these will ue
largely increased today anti tomorrow .
so thai some of the uoou Fallow
shopijlng can be done. There will be
shoes and stockings to I ir , warm un
derclothing, rlolls. games, toys and
many other articles besides food sup
plies. Contributions of either money
or articles auite.i fur distribution will
be received by the Good Fellows at ih,.
Among the batters received yester
day was one froinjhe "official" Santa
Clans of Ogden, in which he says:
".Mr. Cood Fellow: Letter iO f
s.inta says that a Camtlj Of four or-!
Ihan8 lives at venue.'
Their names are Mary. Florence, a sis
ter, a brother, .".;: from .". to 13 years. I
Send them anything you have to spare. J
1 will take them some candy and nuts.'
"Also a family of si-; children, arcs
2 to 13 ear-. throe boys and thre
girls, father in bed Ovei a year ami
I Assault Case Ses for
f Hearing Next Tuesday
I H c. 1 Runj on, ch trged " -; h : ivlng
dH committed assault with a deadly won-,
MH pen upon the person of II- C. Saun-
dent,, by attempting to strike Saun-,
' , - fv
before Judge D. K. Roberts in the
1 city coon yeslerda) morning for ar-
, i. lalgnment lie was represented
. a tome I
V Pi eliiiii:; r hearing in the case was
k M pel for Tuesday, teal was fixed -il
9 Reports Theft of
H Money and Wearables
3SH Theft of two Bilk shirts, a pair of
Ifll shoe-., and a wallet containing fit was
III reported at the police station last
ijH nisrht by William Helm, a passengt i
NH oh A west bom. .1 train. wh told the
jH police Lhsjl his apparel and money had
jH bi ii stolen by a fellow passenger-
A search is being made In gilen to
IH determine whether ihc articles were
fjvjll disposed of here.
ti iym oo
SH ROME, Dec. is. (Dispatches from
Vl z.u.i Dalmatia, report that 200 troops
jflH by order of Rear Admiral Millo, coni-
flH mander of the Italian naval forces In
Dalmatia. marched to the barracks ol
the Dalmatian volunteer corps for the
purpose of disarming the volunteers.
The Dalmatians resisted Rifle shots
were exchanged and several Oil both
side! wore wounded, The commamloi
"f t he caribineers Intervened and t)..
troops Mere withdrawn.
The regular annual meeting of the
Bit iroholders of the Commercial Nu
tional bank of Ogden, Utah, will be
: M held al their banking rooms, T ic .i
Bfl January 11, 1921 at 3:30 p. m for the
purpose of electing officers to servo
H9 for the ensuing year arid the trans-
Hjjfl action of such other business as may
H properly ooms before the meeting
HK y I'lah. I'c 13.
something to at ahd l some candy,
nuts and BO me boohs,"
i.i 1 1 lu Giiti n lun s
Another little- gin living in the west
part of the city has written
I "Deai Santa Claus: I Sure hojie you
'have plenty of Christmas present--, lefl
ror my little broth-r and . Eapa Is
out ol work and maybe he will not
ct nny until spring, so you tf" if you
I don't have anything left wc will be
very sad. .My brother Is s'x years obi
ahd would like a pair of shoes, size V
and I would like a pair of stockings!
size i" and spme handkerchiefs; "
I'ri'iii one family came two IfttWrsi
from boys, one six years Old in which
;he says "I would like a few clothes!
and nuts and candy. My mother told'
!nie to write to you because my daddy
I is dead and my brother is writing for
Bte." The chirr brother says, "Bring!
ai'.vthing. I prefer clothing and other j
things." The mother appended a let
ter stating that the statements of hcrj
Children ar. true.
These arc bul some of the many
letters that are being received. The I
good charitable jieople of L'gden Will
probably stfpply all of the absolute
heeds, opening thel:- pocketbopks llb-
erally a; Chi stmr.s Day draws near '
The Sis hdard -Examiner, sponsoring
the work or the nood Fellows, Invites
itnyojae and everyone to joii in thci
Jood Fellow movement, through tht
signing of the coupon printed In the
paper, sending any contribution de-1
Fired to the the "Good Fellows, car
Standard -Kxumlr.cr."
i'he undersigned be glad I1 provide Christmas happiness I
J for children as a irfeniber of ill- Grood Follous of
'Ogdcn Erielosed find $ .. for Good Fellows' Fuuitl
Mail this coupon to Good FeUows. care Ogden Sttmdard-Examiner
Set Dates kx Holiday
Closing of Schools
Cdcn City, schools will cioe De-j
cember for the holidays accdrd-1
injt to :m annotpicement yesterday by
Pupt AV. Karl Hopkins. The city I
schools will reopen January 3.
Weber Normal college will
lieeembei- z'l :.nd will reopen Janu
ary 3.
County schools will close December j
and open January 3.
'Sil ' tbdaj ordei a dozt n pho
tographs, and free yourself of
the worry 6f thinking of ni I
leasl i elv i !Iiri H mas gjf 3
A' 1 itic Photography
2438 Washington Ave.
Phone Yl')i
y.i Belio, proprietor "f iho Ok"
den Boot hall. IM Twenty -fifth
Btceet, pleaded guilty to a charge
1 -.f having Ihinor in his possession
when he appeared before Judpe
D I:. UobertH of the city court
yesterday morning.
!! wax SChtehced to pay a fine
of f 250 or serve s ja i 1 sentence of
1 s i days.
BCllO, the police "ay. had
"moonshine" liquor In near beer
bottle.- and the liquor was labeled 1
as near beer.
Salvation Army Xmas
Fund Now Over S200
The SWIvailtjTi army Chrtslhies fund)
Is growing ac' . i g !" Envoj Robert
Henderson, and up to "Thursday. I
$ci,4.44 had bet i dropped In the iron i
l.i-ri!.-; ;,i rtrret corners in the city-1
This sum. ausmentd by checks mailed!
ti. the headquarters, amuuininc to
j $56..rU, makes ;- ?rand total of $1'80.94
'thus far collected.
Married men with families ha.- !-
'ready made application for work on!
thi wobdpic Which the Army haaes-i
jtablished. and their efforts will be re-!
paid In foodstuff.
I The work on the woodpile wi'I Start
.Ioi,i '. . ftcr the work on the wood-
j pile starts Ihe Salvation Army will en- j
I deavor bo make tals ennrprlse aelf-1
I supporting by selling the kindling. J
. oo
Sugar Ssi&ig in
Ogden at S9 Bag
Sugar toojt another drop In Ogden
i yesterday. Some of the retail f orf",
'were tielll"? sugar a t-9 per hundred
pounds, while other., naked frora 19.15
;tn 9;3a.per hundred pounds. No ad-j
ditlonaf di ips ho o oefn recorded inl
other par's of the country according
OgderiBoy to Debate
Against Princeton !
flriicr Wllkenson, son of Mr. and
Mrc Tt. 1-8. W llkenson. 1 70: i;:bson ,
aveimc. former orator and debater al
Hie Weber Normal college, and presi
dent "i theatudent body of thai school (
p'rlor to his graduation hD3 been sc
Jeetcil o.s one of the three students of I
-the nricham Younfc university at
Provo who will represent Utah in il I
debate with the Princeton university
The debate will be held at Provp j
Interest m the detvatc Is ai htKh
pitch at the Provo Institution and i
coache- and Ihstructors of the debar-j
lug trim feel that ih' Mormon'" boya
ntand hm excellent chance of equalling,
If not defeating the all star eastern,
The subject for debate will be ''Re
solved: That Congress should pj;.
:w prohibiting strike in esOntlsl in
dustries, constitutionality waived."
Wllkenson has established a repu
tation as a debater and extemporane-(
ous speaker. While a student S
Weber Normal college he won the
slate debating championship in IH6.
He as a mrmher of the debasing'
lum al the It. T. I". last year which
defeated the Nevada university and
also won the ex,?mporaneou8 speak
ing contest at the P. Y. I'.. as he dbl
at the Wr her Normal college.
in ernor-elect Charles Mahey has
been invited to act as chairman of the
u'ebute and jtdgss will bo selected
from the best lcsal talent of the state-
His teammates will be George S
Bhlllf and E, H. Harter, both of
whom re .aiil to he xood debaters,
The Princeton team is making a
tour of western slates but win appear
In the fist content with the Hrlgham '
Vn -n p I ' 'H'erMtt y .
t i i Cficlals of the Amalgamated Sugar
This is the fourth decrease In sugar
here In the past two weeks. .S-igar is
now selling at the lowet: figure In
Qgden since before tiie United States
entered the v. ar In 1?17.
Anita Stewart in "The
Fighting Shepherdess"; a
Harold Lloyd comedy and a
good western at the Rex to
day and tomorrow.
Candy ' Stationery
Ivory Pyralin Combs
Shaving Sets Brushes
Perfume Fountain Pens
Toilet Requisites Flashlights
Vacuum Bottles Evcrsharp Pencils
Co!. Hudson Building
The KIDDIES, foo, will enjoy
this Christmas Gift
Surprise and delight the whole family this Christmas
Give the gift that gives what everyone loves the gift of
pure music the
Starr i
Throughout the year and the years to come, Starr-mado
melody will brighten the home. It is all artists all in
struments. Toe StaiT Singing Throat of Silver Oram
Spruce makes sll records sweeter, purer. Hearing is be
lieving You can't know the wonderful charm of music
reproduced until you hear the Starr. Plays all record
better, but is best playing Gennetts. You arc invited to a
concert at any time.
A Reasonable Payment Down
2381 Hudson Avenuo
-"Wright's Meris Shop lH
j Another Great Shipment Of I
j Suits and Overcoats ; I
! ixpress shipments are here today, ready for selling i
! tomorrow. Wonderful all-wool clothes that come 5
! from some of the best makers in America; clothes f Sjl
- that we bought for 50c on the dollar, selling at like
reductions, Here are some of the makers: PI
j Fashion Park Hickey Freeman j I
j (Of New York) (Of Rochester)
Courtley Clothes L System fl
j (Of New York) (Of Chicago) jH
i Men who know these lines will tell you that there are none i
better in America. All wool, man tailored, handsomely fin-
ished. Every fabric from blue serge to fancy flannels. j)
tj (fo BSSf Student clothes. For the young men up to 19 years.
:ON 'j-f" y ' ' .! ' ' first long panl Smarl tyles j
Jjggjl youthful; handsome. Suits and overcoats.
fj Ml Clothes suits and overcoats for men and young men.
I Cfe H "Swagger" styles or conservative models. Splendid
jf all-wool labncs Suits made to sell to $60.
Jmt US overcoats or men- handsomest clothes
f g" B made anywhere in America this year. Many garments
Jt made to sell at $90 Don't miss seeing this lot.
Hay Grain
Wheat, cwt $3.50
Bran, cwt $2.35
Corn, cwt $2.20
Cracked Corn, cwt . $2.35
Frost Free Potatoes $1.70
Onions $1.70
Alfalfa or Timothy
Hay, 100 lbs. . $1.25
Beef Scraps $5.90
Why feed oreen '"eat with 80 per
com water?
Christmas Trees For Sale
132 Twenty fourth St. Phone 1229
Though ' oiorado wont Republican
Mlas IneB I.. Johnson. ;t Democrat,
was elected county school euperintefr
dcnl ol El Paso COUAty
At the Little Hardware Store
Cut Glass Silverware Manicure Sets. Toys, Wagons, I
Sleighs and Skates
Twenty-fourth Street and Hudson Ave.
Standaid-Examiner Classified Ads. Always Bring Results. ' M
nf I

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