M FOR SALE Real Estate
-t '.I . 7.. ;: Hudson Avtnus Phone 3..?
aDHB Ouncr id forced to sell at : rriflce
tjgajH I (a strlctl modern flVf ruinn lirlrk and
HHgH stucco home, well located in sotth part
RHH of city, hardwood floors, ccmmt hao-
jHRlggg mcnt. Iiol air furnace. nl built
IpSjIBSgl in featurag. This modal homg can
KFBLV hurt for $1200 cssh, and the h-ilanco prs-
'vq tlca.lly the snmo rent. H'.o
1 'JJjk, the i.i' ii'.i n t mmict.. Coi ' ' 1
. 1 -nt Twentj fourth Phopi
T;; 13(00 Nee four room modern, sleeping
,.Vf porch, Kim':'' Imtimunl. kitoh n
SEtnM .f.hin.l. dnnd location Terms
fS-VmW MMO -Five, room modem, newly painted
XnigSBj nnd papered, linoleum, ffus heater.
KRiH Kan ransc. chad. s. fnnij. ocnt.d
jStfCgtH on Jcffcn-on v nu. boiwern Twetp
wLrgS i. iixth nd Tw anty venth . "il
'KM"!! pwaina pa d In full, Term
SiH Sevan room modern brick, full
hiiP.USM li.ivmrnl, hot Wiitei In nt piiraKc
BjHJH n I'U'd Street, paving all Pnl'l V
rggg9 real bargain, Term
kBgjB which we cjin aell on easy tcrma: oi
gUBS trade for oily proper!)
Hggggsl I
i:i:s i . "
CnfBgl orchard, 4 room h..u.-i und Kirn. w gharei
irMB oi nter anil el.-ctrh pump nnd ' ICT
MW '. i.i.'
i 'l.i.i 1 1 . ' I
i i ! i n or bei - 1 '
i ud for o.-i upani j Ro) Griffin. Mi.
M J v. Phone 111
i iff). ,i i Z on i- n hi uT5 '"'
TOjK'gJ iMiiltlittare . might trndn on ranch. 2TW
ji ; flrant Ave. Ml
4J i i;. .( ' P '
IffTn street on liewh; built in cabinet. lnrs
rf" laaa erreen porch, KArmo and lgrge lot Price
- W IfiSno; term, otlirr bargains Mrs. 3. i
i f It J7I : M idiaon lltoni
I i I . 1 '
&rM a invi.stmlnt '"
IfSIi 2i7..-:37; Hudson A Phomi
$-'750 nuya good five mom homo on Bcj
, t ;V . nteonth at rod. laige lol S ''' cMh,
' mm halanre 10 monthiv. inilioiinp intereat.
'tLsm $'500 Five room modern
north of the river. $700 ish.
XMmu ai.ee like rent.
BffiflH 17.."--i'ivi room mod. tn brick on '. ni
H avenue. Bli) terms.
Il SS3Q Buya one of th her-t modern
mi room homes in Oitdcr i
H worth iCKixi $l" K
I ' SOI - Buys von i i n o n bi
I ' he hi ' ; ' ' " i
1 '.Mt; built-in features inotner soo-n
Tht 'mi'..
11 they are oil barsalna that are well worUi
A he price asked and v ill ncvci b w ugni
91 for any leas. '" US tip ..nrl .tc Ihenr
f 1 ii v v i: Rou "i 1 1 "", '"' ,'"
1 .. Some i ' "
HI1 aid rredn farms I trade what ou hv
t 1 1 . phl ' , j
iM. of the K ' B il ' rT n o i rr
icht room brfoh hom.c In Osden. Ju
nMahrd ..t a .o,t ... l2...ni i'!'
I .-.. -M moderi ioi
4tr, st. Phone I47iS
six room modem Ko i 1
IPOUR room Fri beal iocotion!
w L'
-,,K kai.i' f.r.M. ESTATE
Vorred to veil ,12-acic farm. ',e
from Oftdcn on main "nd. AlltI'""' '
land and all und.-r cultivation Has an
tKceptlODlltty l-"1 at.r rlirht and P""1
Improvements. Including nuany new r-
room brick house. All machinery W w n.
place Tlit farm Is I. clue offered at a
sacrifice. Price ISldO. !20"" cash, l.alanc-,
.an lx handled with -mall yearly pay
monta, with low rata of Intcrrst
Wo also have a bu1 r.-roi m m.l.-rn
eottasv with Heeplr.k- p-.rch and cemani
hasemen! close In. for JuOO; J'iOO cash
and $35 per m..nili ..... . !
228ls Wash. Ave. roone I
l V Mi letlv il." lern : en Inn;.-. .
Special 11-day offer. Price TBO0. 3e00
iown. Pussesslon at once. Phone Ifftw.
mi IDERN n. buns ilov yj
rooms nnd bo ement Cloac In $4000 In
uulre 805 F.. I Uu Phont $J '
IF ou wMni it biu or sell acanl
rre W J Blackburn. Hudson building
Phone 690. . ill!
1 BY OWNER- Foui room modern frame
F$m all newlv flnl.motl throurhotit. new plumb
A Ir.R lot '60x530 and 3.' sharer. Of watOT In
Ogdcn bench canal Loc.itod at 95$ Twen
fjaLi ty-flrat str.-ei In.(ulre
Store. 1801. W or 7'il !'
1X1TP on North Waahlnfton't iiewlj
paved street. No Daymen! for rive
If you build. W, H 1 iV Phone
apahtmpnt iiouM Sifhl aiirtmmu
onh $5$0 Brlnci h v a month h i
lermf. "no for room houiw only $2100.
One four room fram. mod. rn ' '
j p terms. Inquire 302 Thirty fifth "tr--tt7705
KOI'R room partly mod-rn hour.
Twant) second street. Api-b 1929 Waah-
li.Ktoti. 1
N COl'U iicren lard dnd four room house
Phono 'Jtl
Koik-winK properties must be soldy and
f we want bids on ono or all. Terms can
,1 to had on part oi purchase price
Light acres excellapt land at Thirty
riKhth and Grant Mi room house si
lHW al chicken houses, finite p. nice orchard.
mWW '' Rood new Karate and . o.-l oou.-o. Also,
.f twertil Improved nnd unimproved farms.
stock in aevcral pood money making com
r.ri& ponies, several secured notes drawing I
'; per cent The above properl must b
; '' e0ld Call at 623 Bcclea building for any
1 tm part or all. Will sell any piece of prop
Erty t a very cheap prlco. Come ut
; i. : ,
'hjt Several I i bulldlni iotl south S3
sM rwentj -fifth street nnd cast of Madison.
'.i. location and lowest cash price Kox
can tand I BUS
. it i . -M.t Iii. nd t..p ! ' , . i I !
o. hi elv i ilii -.i 1 1 Hudson
w.wn :: i i i flBtel) r-T-n uTTTTi
lH out horses. Call P C Brwlli, 2TS2 Un-
Oln Pi. ne 687 MS i
3 CFE and anh r.-(rlter W McKenu.c
! .i )',-. f.'.i. :,l 1,-ik. 'H $3Sfl
n I ; IT l 111 i i .- n i..om I... .
onlt Phone 978 170
i Ft i i.' p 7- ons of in... r o I
rw'n oi three water aha res m s.iith r.
jflH den canal. Addivss K. L, 739 Hevt-nth
. i Phpnt Uit "I 1
Highest p-i. e .id ii, i. . . m
I-lothes. 250 Twenty fifth street. Phone
i.;7 Q7j
1 :i ptv u.t n. i .m i i. .ut. i i m .
Hl'JHKST prices paid for second nand
gOOdl, Stowe. 1800 Washington. Cm, 6
i..M-.i;r: . i-di. rt.K" num. J t the Stand
rd Kxnmlner off!. . 2'i
i ' 1 1 or Uu.-. room furnlahed anartmcnl
HH ji' houHL-kecplng rooms or small house
UH Must ir on Bench. Atfdrepa nox t'., care
- ti.i-. i ii i io mini M76
ri K. isni:i. .' . 2 ii i-, neai
PpH . i.ooi. i in family. Poaaeaalon by 2?th
laB of lli'i'i'inlirr or yor .lit. AddreHH No
I '. ' A ' e S.i i' I . . II' . ' tah
PURNISHfft oi..d in apactmenl i house
ilout i i $0 Phone Mi. or Mrp. J.
M. t uu;. i h-i,'1
mi ii iKltN iinue.- furnished 01 Ul
JtzK nlnhed. No children Mr. Seybc-rp t;'"'
I Mills M8J
WANTED Miscellaneous
I &RGE I l.-er. r;.i,-M WODtOd al riiandnrfi
F.ri.mlr -r ajflca 4379
Business Opportunities
' PIT A I m.i-l.'il I ' iniMii. ji plnilniiiii 1
PNttM and gold propo.Hlilon. Wm. R, Mllln. $27
Twent sacond Bt
- ka I j o Qga aa nrat pa.vinenl
on any new raiiKe. or will buy your old
rn".. outllchL Homa Vurnltura Co. 1671
f-UH REN l Miscellaneous
: ;i: ii k n-Ki.-hiiimi! n i offlci on ti el
I choice location; rmt re-iaonable I'hone
110 vr.i
OHIO acuum cleaners, tl a day
ItM f int
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
BOSTON i rrlei male puSi ( months oio. I
pedigreed. A perfect Bntlaman. Ideal
Christmas preaont for aome one. Canyon
1 Rnnd KennolH, SsS Canyon Road. Phone I
need H3 T pnt '' d l 1 $179
I i 'i : .- M I ' i m:p ei -. .i-to' o
i-ii.'i. i::. 117$
DRI ISSl i;s. i. .i -. i ... . blrdseyo maple
dresser and rhlf fonicre. mahoc:in droK.-- 1
or and uhlffonlere. golden oak and walnut
dressers. Axmlnster and laDMtry lirussell
rugs, round dlninK' table ehrtlrn. penttlne :
lealhei daveneti kitchen cabinota. all I
kinds of roek-n-. llhrar) tables. larK
Vletrolu with 2d records, linoleum lit half
price, wicker doll bugKies. The :ibov.- fm
nltiin- .llj,-htl used :nd will be sold for.
half thi regular cost Must be sold this
week Phone 2161. The Furniture F.x
change, 2.M Twenty fifth St. Where con
fdi n. counl s J2
1 6o- new saamlaas racki i&c. I'noni ....
GOOD coal range, buffet, cupboard, bio
. I cle. steel couch, small dresser, ruga, book
I case, small heater, boya looks. sell
; cheap Inquire 870 Twenty fifth street 01
call 2683 iJiunt. Apt aftei C p m.
1 MS!
SM M.I. I -.. - ' T ent .-.
j ami 1 - iQ
. ;i 1. H . 1 . , . ,. .
; Phont ISIfi $66 Twentyeecond street,
' MM
l.ARGI libra 1 ibie, $25 1 1 '1
n I
, TWi 1
up Phon it-V v "
CHOICE v. ite a ' per owl
delivered Packs extra. P M. PlejCe.
; I . . ..-al ' I ' ' ' 1 "
BI tr3 r "ca ei I 1
I wide Phone J . W SI ID
guaratitned alngcrx 9921 Lincoln. alii
pi:i n. purl 1 1 whii
I.if..-n . I ::m ..'n s
.11 young Engll h bull do 1
cheap, Phone 2SS1 V or 7..7 Washing
ii RTER oah n ng A 1 ondltlon
' 26 Adai i
1 : . 1 . nd ipring cl
CANAR1 bird - 1 ".k-. ,. .
remalOS. $2 262$ .Morro: 1. v.'i.ne. ML'..
VP 1 . . 1 I'); 27 I tTi":
' Wl rnlv'i 'A itn- !.. ' ' ' la." I ''a i
1 attachment, three dotan racorda arvil one
I blcvclc. Add. Ill 27th Phone 2611-W.
1 ga$
. a . . , 1. 1 1 . 1 ioi '
on. 4 Inch tire. A Ivirgnln. J. 11. Jones.
i oopei PI ' 1 ; H
ri;i 11 1 . 1 s ii.- 1 . Hsi 11 ftp
Ph .n. 36 a I j '
. 1 -mi . ' .n
I . 1 S 1 ' ." - I I 0 1 1 R 1
der records, cheap, inquire Cf.o Twent)
1. . i ... 1 " l
1 -i . v v 1 PI 0 hi ' :
roll". Cheap If lakon a' on. e Phone
- 1 4 '-""'
. I ' T'l'l .KIM ' 1 !
tei .. 1 1 1 '''-' ' Hi
1. VTEST modi l Ringer sown
f'sed four months. Ifuat sell. 31 I Gl nl
1 . ,i 1 r.i; 1 t v, 1 1 l"wl and Jons
than apples, will deliver. Phona M-3-V
L VBLV " " lei 11 i e n room brli . fur
uish.Hi. on bench, carllne, furnace. 90 feet,
screened porch, large lot. Phono Owner,
s 1 ' ;
777- 1 . , .-. pi : I 'h m I.
Ill 'I. II ' iV T. ri.i 1 1... 11 ippli -- 5S3
, , ,. ,., .1.!. .1 I'M,
cabinet boae. sanitary col 2520 Taylor
eyenuc Phom J'1'" ' jggj
MAMMA 1 ' can for Chrl
Guaranteed alngera. Hear them alng '
Q I 1 790$
FOR the beat n I phono
KTaphs see J. M. Pantone ft 8on, Twenty
ninth and Hudson. Terms without Inter
KIM BALL playei piano l: . bargain 1 ' 11
;i' l i'li. 1 ii. th
UNCAU.t U lor oUH UUIOi nmoe 1114
rductl-;n r.ordon j. 'Jll-.j l'in'-'H n
I St Phone 419 lT
FOR RENT Furnished
POl R i " 1 fui
!l j ; 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 .' , 1 . 1
i-1 v k room furnl hed liousi w Itb ; 1
I 3283 fKden avenue
TV. 1 i" nl 1 1. 1 e 1 - l 1 '..
rooms. ImiiiedlHte , posaeaalon. Over
Washlni ' 1
X v 1 ' pai tl ft irnlahexl ' n 1 bl
I I . ..1 I..-, p. in- - j j Quint
M 1 . 1 . r 1 : : ; inn hed rooi foi 1 1 , ' . 1 -1
t s rn rtJh ti 1 1 I 1
) 1 1 . . I s 11. 1 T . . 1 ' Phi
i7.r. W M2
PARTLY furnlahed 1 Phom
m 2620 W Mb '
P 1 RN1SHED hou okecplng apartment
j rn w. pi 01 . zi it 1 gl6
NIOl 1 , 5 fiirnUhod I room apai tmi nt prl
'vale hath; for adults. 27S.'j Clrant Ave
1 1 11 i I i ii sleeping room
f,,, 1, .pi foi iw.i C'-ntbin 11 With or
without board. Phone 33(19 ::ill Wash
I I I . .-1 . 1 1 1
: , 1 1 1 1 j lied room In
pP aultable for two. Hoard if denln d
IQj i .- i .l I - ' : '
i'l 1 1(1.1 : 1 i.rnlMi. .1 I
$20 month 2010 Monro v 1 1
ROOM fa scntli
1 1 j uu.
FURNISHE1' 1 1 -.in in foi guntlemei
I'.ef. r. " .-i rill , d :;.',i ' r -r. 1 " '
; M iDKRN 1 I ' in 'i two gentlemen
! '
. . in 11 ii 1 rn lionn furnl Kell
Herri. 1 M02
. 1 . 1 . n jonu 1 . 1 ; 1 8889
N'ICEL.1 Furnl m I i ping room ' 1 '
and Lai h 1189 v.'ahl- 1 ttui
ii ii . (team I"-1. led sleeping roomi
T tlitrd lii.n,. 1 - i
rilllER il "i- ... .1.
H u si ,k ICE PI N' I "i"i ecpini 1 ... n.
Washington apartments. 217 1 WnxhinKton
N b 'I. in rge furnlahed f om win. hea 1 .
bath and olothea cloaat Gontlenutn pre-'
ferre'l 22LM Adam Ac. Plione i7dd-J
) I ' 1 -I K I I .li.S' 1 mi. 111.. "Mil
KCRN'ISHBO -team hc-nti d ipartint'lll
. 1 1 Idi n 8106 1 in Wj
I 1 . 1 .. I . r.nit ' ."'in I" .'. 1 p.. in i.-. 1 in. I
: ...I il...." n.:;. m jj . 1
II ilNISHKl 1 and nnfui til I
sb eplng end housekeeping. 2-li".S Wafh-
. i . 1, . .1 1 $096
rii'Sisni 1 ' ... in - ,..,'., 1 u n
bjgtlta. Corner Adums and Twenty-third
-ire"' ''''
ROO ' 1 -' ' 1 I I'.t'i 1 a - n t "HI
st,rei 1 e". '
, ..,1,1 1 .
w .v Hrnj m
wiiAi1 nation ' 1 inks So foi big tm.-i
nois. wi 00 for iiiu mtin or woman wha
works on a salary. Bill lix. 227 Hudson
buHdlng 7020
OR. EDWARD LESLIE, Kradunto of
three universities. i:i n"c I... i.d iiiirma
ncntly In ii:.len Phone ::27n lor appoint
mgnl Oonaultatlqn frci 6.p.
WANTED Salesmen
SAPKHMKN- To eli hlKh class ndvertl
Iiik calendars and fniit In Ogjden ami gill
rounding ten llor Hlgltaal COtlltnlMlon
paid promf.tly. Helllnf? spnson commences
January flit. Go. il. Jung Co. Clncln
nail. O. il.
,M..,e , linn LOUI ii .
Chalmers touring.
Maxwell touring.
ash touring
1 ' Kland Inuring.
( ilds . -Ion 'tru. k.
Ch. lol. ' I ton truck.
Nash 2-ton tru. k.
n m ii:..t claaa mechanical condition. 1
22fi'i Washington Avenue ogii. n
OODOK louring car, Pord touring ! 11
Oaklond touring car. Uargaln. Must he
sod nl once. Ogdon Auto Service Co. 21fi4 j
. ir:. 1 1 - Phoni 1 1 1 j 11 1
i MSB Chevroli sedan m flni
condition, cheap for cash A. W Hndley. j
liinn iM ,
ST M ' MM k. .r ,.1 in pii- ' -
Hudson. Bulck Iteo. Chevrolet. P"ic
Dv. ilnnd ome of these cars an- but
slightly used. All are tn fine condition.
Pick up 11 bargain from the best stork of J
renewed cara In Ptah. Ogdep Motor ir
' .it 1 ' 1 i 1 $417
RE"o ton ' in p. rfi ' ihnpi m r'i
coni tin-'. A snap, i72 Twenty first St.
Mf j
1.1 r 5 im tsoK it out
'.. need room t 1 storage. W have sonie
i;o."l . hiince curs at troin u to au per
' cent less than joii can buy In the spring.1
Oompare these remarkable prices wlthi
OUll i s . ' I
Maxwell touring i:M7
Oakland Six $!
Maxwell louring W-'1!
Maxwell ioadster 23t
dadillac hug ... ft;
Chalmers rt-30 $
1 ; And still cheaper tars lor the mechanic.
Studebaker 82 1
Iteo 'J,
1 . Wl .UPP T V Vl.OP M 'TDK
' 2333 Hudson Ave. PhOtlS l
l'. j
1 vi s i 'i .. . 1 loiirinE n flral 1 1 ta ii- ipj
lOood rubher. m top. cheap for caar j
.- e M ' I '. II, I .IL .1 .''Il
1 ,. 1 cylindei 5 1 t erigei i-. eriand 1
I touring car. K
Qne 1 cylindei C passelipor MgaWall
touring ear.
I One C cylinder seven passenger Stude
i.V.n touring cur-
One 8 cylinder eovari paaaenger Huoo-
boki r tOUl ng ai
or., r, cylinder Mitchell sedan tourim:
' ca r.
! One f cylinder near!) new BludeoaKei
louring ear
phone 94S9 Hudaon Ave
1 . n ! p 1 1 in
spot light, motoiniett r curtains, weed
chains, toots, three extra Urea, insured
for IIOp. Sow 7n0. B16 Capital. Pln
K' I
T: ; RM AN'fi rtWNKWEiJ
191 s podge B-pgeeengor
1'iv Do-lga roadster 1
191$ Pii'. i: 7-paaaenger
1 .0 BuloK D-pu.e enger
ins Rnlok Pour roadster
I P-17 lliil k D-45 tourlni;
D18 Clievrolat B-j asjer.ger
r is S ti lobaki r
1011 Mm mr bile 32
1911 ''halmers
1918 Overland B'PMien)gejr
191$ c .le Khrht Ci.ummy roadster
i 1 91 C S.ixor. Six
1919 Poi'l touring
IBM r-'.r.i delivery
l!i 20 P..rd Coupe
Theai are all late models. They hiva
been renewed mechanically a well as In
I appearance, and the terma will suit you.
(iti Vvgah. Ave. Phono 323.
FOR RENT Unfurnished
TWO unfurnl hed 1 sekeeplng room a
foi voting couple 17.1 Thli l third str.-. t.
- 1
THRI7K "i fo'ii 1 1 1 11 mi hed modern 1
cept heat ho usi keeping rooms. 2717
WBShtngton mm
PIVE room moilrrn house with garage.
Apply I'hone 2991. x".'' " i
I'l" I'.M.-III'J. nninini.he.l . .. .,
, . 1,1 L'-dx l .l .-lllln.l.'ll 4 :t I j
'W ;-r. " ei aparM ' 1 no
dren: furniture for sale 2'ii'i Adams
Phone . in -r. 10
PTVE room modern house for rent. Phone
2M ; K twe. 11 111 rind J p in
SIX room modern brick house, sleeping 1
l-onii .irid uiir:ii;i- Phone 2t'ii.l 01 Ml
i It
TWO n 1 aire ro m-. foi Fenl Api 1 i -'im'
W 5288
1 . town unfurnished 1 1 partly
furnPl.ed 2-roi m apt. Very reasonable, j
Also 1 thei places : Mrant. S2H9
WANTED Situations
CURTAINS laundered hquaeclaaiunr;,
I Ironliu:. un.ndln". 2123 Qunic avenue.
rn'. km I -I v.. in
Qulnoy iivi-miti. S197
1 1 .i Pl-.TPNT. depeiubitile woman wants
work DJ the hour. :if'2S Orant Ave. M67 :
1 M 'Ki'.V I N'S I ni, I. 1 .-.I . ul: 0 i'. 1 1 i ' - i E
. p.. 1 ..in r $47 .
V ' il v.N u ,rn - ... I. da . I'hone I
1311-H $289
1 SCI 1 1 11 1 1 , I 1 i v. 1 n '. :, . ..-Ii I. in - 16 24th
1 . 'i 129$
voi .,.. igi ii j.iiiM.i boy wlahei situ I
alion. I'hone 1995, $89 Twenty fourth
CLEANING dying and renovating of
th I g j'
I. d I'l 5 ' n Monroe
and Twenty-flrel atreel and Wright's
0tO Plagga ' M11 11 to Wright's exchange
di 1 85M
BLACK Ii Ihi hand 1 ,: 1 between
Wright's and Slit Twenty second St. Re
turn to Slaiiduril'Iixamliici'. Reward.
PUHS1 th thi 1 mi llurton l mplement
Co.. contftlnliifi 121 I'ht 1147 W. Re
, Mil
ABSTRACTS. Return to ennatenaon'a
Cllt ICllte Shoe Stole .'l6C
h'OLDINO 1 itl il Con I ni; 511 nnd
1 W. O. W receipt. Return to Standard
I ': . ' .f.7
i 1 1 1 ' 1 : s 1 ' iCagb's' . lui'. w f.n. i . on
1 . 1 n .e , he, u Return to W. II, 'an
.. 1 .1. - . ini. ftcwgnj Wi
AUTO lloenae plata No. $4499 attached to
tall light Return to standard I-'xamlner.
I'ew LTd 5
WANTED Male Help
rANITOR i il Moltityn Drug Co
! ,
M : I M T A Auto M. hool. P.- TT
... tti ,' Btarl rieiH TOM
WAN I ED Female Help
GIRL, foi genorti hi ! . ori 1 ': 11 2757 1
m $5
. UTREBS ai Dal: 1 .ml.. 129 Twen I j
f.llll r- 1 1 . ' s I'l 1
1 1 for himself and
2-year-jild bo Woman wtlh one child
. paldered ' 90 VVesl 21th S $2$T
I- l'l .1: 1 1 .'! 'I :i 1 ..e..MiiK CPU v.Hntid at
Cnplnn's tiown Shop; good wages.
WANTED Male and Female"
OOI 1 ' 1 loading v Ti i.,
magaslpe, dealrei to employ a lady or
gentleman in Ogdan or vicinity to Ftporl
tho Humes of people of reflnamont who
Ian- not ii.iil.rt. of Vogue Kor particu
lars write to Miss Ora Uimur. care
Vogue. It We: 1 Si New York cit.
I CLERKS (men, tvonaan) over 17. for P".i
I lal mull service ilTo month. P.xamln:i
tlona fanuarv. ISicperlance upneceaaary.
r.n rret particular write J. Leonard (for
mer civil aarvIcQ examiner) sue Equitable.
1 . j Waahhig 1 1 0 9
MOIlUHN steam In ited Moi age Webi r
T . l..r Mol . .. ::: . m i. on 7lM
.1. knlie pi. .ii 11.., tin. 11. .Ml'
I i'Mii.i 'Ki;.N"s sewing. Work guaranteedi
; is u':i ihlngton 7k:,7
TTT. I . . i l....,hn. . ml.r.il.l. ring.
remodeling Work guaranteed Phone
i.:'.:. .1. 7Kr,n
Kciiiaiiicmng picot vigv, ouimnte,
I iiir and ph , mi, r UecOnd floor W H
Wright Sf.1.5. ilra H I m vmuQ 1111
KiK S.M.1-: or tr-.-le- 1HT Sludotix k.
ro.-dsler. Commerce pneumatic llieil
truck. Ford hug. Parlow Pros., 21iiS
,r:int. M.'.i
gPRRT ;in.J light double hnrc . C n
N.M K2J'i
1 .. 1 1 : 1 1 , mi r.i.'-n with Bath foi gi ' iii
men J3C per month. D69 Twenly-thlrd.
TV ' . gentlemen willing to ioum together
may iceiirt board r'd rotim In private
nieKlcm home on the bench. Plione 31&0
R 8223
Information Bureau
ANYTHING A TO Z bought, sold or!
traded Phone 399 83Tf
Pram well Rook and Statlonriy. 23SI
W -InriKton i 1 niic Prone 260 20J1
Ptah National bank, southeast corner
Tv . nty fourth find W-ishlogtou, I'hone Bl
Carrot cleaning nnd . ono restoring.
Sotlsfactlon guaranteed Phone 2435 1
Cgdi 11 'aiperit Cleaning Co. for first)
cinaa work t 'pholftering and mattress .
making I "hop 2 J K. Van Kampen
ESzpert carpet bleaning, upholataring, I
niattreaaea inmle over, feathers renovated ;
Cab pi. J, Hampton g Co . 269SAV $(
Ogdcii . ) 1 1 r. . n .sweep. Phone 361
Phone 12$. :'2r.S 0 Washington Ave.
Th- Nht Method rnllls are special
Ists In all hrnncheH ot Dentistry. JMfiP
Wnhlnglon avenue 22u3
Ogden Bifgrgvi'M Service. Co. afgkera
of fine .nil Iii one or more colors. 416
, -fourth nr. et Phona 463.
Western Hide & Junk Co . 2323 Vaah
Inv'lon avenue. Phom HI,
J. P. Coiry Plione 2431. 420 I... Ins Pldg.
Geo, I. Bennett, corporation nnd group
inauranc a ., u Phone 134-W isi
Pruil shad' trees and shrubs. Order
now for spring delivery. Phone 36.-.4-W.
First claaa tuning, Phone 7?G. 80$0
All kind". C H. Zerbe. Phono 040 J
illard Kay. real estate and lonno
:ct .1 ihlngton ve. fhono 40J i$74
Steamah p 4genoy. 28T0 Washington
avenue Phone nr,c $ m 8SJ C036
QarbajNJ and rubbish hauled, eosspolls
and toilets clnaned. John Chlpp & Co ,
Phom $1 $949 Hudaon Avenue. 7$3
We, lire experts on rellnlng and repair
ing lad' s' nnd men's clothes Sulla madn
to ordei 824 rwantj fifth street. 8244
Trunk and hag repairing, around cor
ner from Standard, Gallachcr's. 2373 Hud
son. 2118
iOxpert window nnd Wall paper clean
ing An.erie.i 1, w indow Cleaning Ph, D63
Notice I herehy given that Weber
county. Ptah, proposes to make the fol
lowing public Improvement, to-wlt; con
struct pavement on thai certain htrlp of
roadway 1 Ighleen ( 1 1 ) feel wide In Oo
center of that 6treet running from th.-
notith city limit.- of -tgden Clfj, Ptah, at
the south end of "K" avenue Weal Qg
den. (Jtah, to the property line of the
Ml..!.- MiIIiiir I'onip.irii m dir'.iii.. of 17
feet, together with work Inrld-ntal there
to, according to plans, specifications und
profile 011 f Ho In the office of the county
And s.-aled bids are Invitee! for said
work and will be received at the office
of tho county clerk. In the county court
houne. Weber county, I'lah, until ten
".lock u. 111. on the 21th day of January
Instructions to bidders, plans and sped
flcallons for said Improvements can Pg
seen at the offlr-- ol th county clerk.
The right lh reserved to reject uny or
all UdB and to waive any defects
H order of the board of County Com
mixtion 1- "f Webei county, I'tah, this,
the lmh .I..: 01 1.. . ,.,i,. 1, l'.jn.
(Slgn.-d) WAPTIOK N. PAR It,
$946 count'. Clerk.
Annual Shareholders' Meetlnq of The Na-
tlonal Bank of Commerce. Ogden Utah.
Pursuant to the articles of association,
notice g hereby given that th'- annual
hhs reholdei s nicotinic of the Nation. I
Hank of Commerce, will be held al tag
banking room of said hank. 8419 Washing
ton avenue, In the Olfy of Ogden, County
Ol Webi r, state of Ptah. on Tuesday, tho
1 1 tli day of January. 1021 ut the hour of
in o'clock a, in . at whkh euld montlng 3
board of fifteen directors will bo elected
for, the ensuing y.-ar.
B) authority of the articles of associa
tion, of the Nntloiuil bank of Coiiiin-rce,
ol Ogden. Ptah
Dated December 11. 1010.
J H Ul 1,10V, Cashier.
Pale of first public allun, Pc ember II,
Uato of last publication. January 10.
1921. S2I4
State Knglne. r'a Office. Salt 1-aku City
Utah, November 18, 1020
Not he is hereby Riven that Joseph
Byron Singleton of Plain 1 It.. 1 lab, has
made application In accordance with the
requirement of tho Compiled uws of
Utah 191T a amended by the Hesslon
Paws of Plah, 1919 to opproprlale Three
1 Sec. I'l. of water from First Hull creok
in Welii r COUPty, ald water will be ill
I varied by means oi pump gt b point
N. 47 den. If Kiln. W 21S0 it, from tho
I HOiltlu ant corner of Section 31, Township
7 North Hange 2' Wi st. Salt jke llaae
I and M-rlillan nnd conveyed piou 11 In a
ditch and th. ro used aa a supplunicntal
I hiipplv from June 15 tn September 15,
InOlUflVI ol '-.oh iii Lo Irrigate 30 acres
of land In the NW. 4 SE. ot Sac. 31,
I eiu iii tnwnbhip and range. This sppiu u
tlon I designated In the fcitalc lUnglneur's
oflb c as No M89.
All prolosls against the granting of fald
application, stating the reaaona therefor,
inut.1 bg made p gffldgVll in duplicate.
accompanied with a fee of $2 50, and filed I
11, thin olflc within thirty (SO) days after
tin completion of the publication of this
not ice.
fj r McC.ONAUI.l-
Stuto Pnglt r.
I Pale of I li st publication, November 22,
1920. Data of completion of publication,
Decembor 20. 1020.
1'ursuant to th. articles of incoriaua
Mm. und to h resolution of the Uoarc of 1
Idi.. tors ot the "ig.J.-n Savings Hank
pasaed il 1 regular meeting of said Hoard '
Ii. I.i on the tlrst day of December 1920. '
and nl. r.-d In the minute hook of -1. 1.1 '
corporailon aa a purt of the proceedings '
"f :-uikl meeting.
Notice Ii hereby given that it meeting 1
of the stockholders of said corporation 1st .
hereby eallod and win be held at tho
I bgnklng rooms of said corporation, at the
pmgr Washington avenue and Twgn; i
I ty-fourth atroet, In the City of Ogden,
County ol Weber and State of Ptah on
Tueadaj tho inh day of January, 1021,
at Uu- hour of 10 o'clock a. 111.. for tho 1
purpose of electing a Hoard of eleven DI-
rectoi'g apd 01 gctlngi upon tho propoi-1 ,
1 1.1 amend Article Seven of the Aril1 t
clea of liKoriKiretlon, fco as to ne'regge 1
the number of Vice Presidents from two ,
to three, e,nd to transact any other bm.i j
neaa which may properly conn before the
stockholders. (
Amlsl.ilit Cashier. 1
Dati of firat publication December 20,
Pate of lu.st publication January 10, 1921 f
8473 t
Tl.ir. are delinquent upon the follow
ing dagcrlhed s'lu k on account ..f ivaai
ment levied OR Bentemher 1st. 1920. the
scvral amounts set opposite the names
of the raapectVg bto. kholdera, as follows:
Ortlf No.
Name. Sfo. Shares Amount I
Adam. Ifvrurp . .. 2940 9M 47 50
Adam?., IP-rum . .4139 40.00 1
Adams. D rum 4148 'i J.60I
Adams Hyrum . 4SJ3 Jfi.00 1
Adams, lillaa 3687 4 20 00
Bone, Prancl 4024 -' ion. 00 1
Hone. Pranol 402'. Ib'-i 99 $4)1
Bone Krancls 434fi '1 2 .10 1
Brown. H. L C4S 2:;3 117.501
Bingham, i.lwln M. 409 '- 10.00 1
Child, leo W 4074 2 10 00 j
Corbrldge, w h. jio.s .'1 j;.oo
Corbrldge, P G. .4179 $ 1 i on (
Clark. W. C 2'. 13.50
Clark. W. C 3924 $0 00
X'orbrldge. Calvin . 34f. 3 '-. On
Nibble. IJSO. E. . . .3711 If M
Dibble, 1I00 p. .4$l 1559
Nibble, Ceo. fe. . . 4420 2 10 00
Navls I'ounty J124 t -OOO
Navla County . S172 2 10 ap
Navls County S202 7 .'5.00
Navls County . ..2I7 6 30 00
Navls County . . .aiM-", I A'fl
Fisher, Horton P. . 4X74 4', 2i SO
PUIfr. ;.ni-va K .:t27:-. ! .r,P0
Kleminr. Victoria. .999J 1 ; ""
Fleinliib', Victoria.. 4041
Cregg, William 4391
llov.es. Kdwln . .4394 2 10 W
Hardy, Nephl . 29S2 11 00
Har.lv. Arnold ....J103 2 0 00
ll.-.rdv Arnold 402S 2 I0.M
rlammon, Amass ..99TI 4 $0 01
Hodion, it. - - 4u:. m 12 $0
II .linns CreiW Irri
cation Co 4030 le .;0 " '
powc. jus s m I 0 00
Lowe Jas. 1 4341 , 00
Marrlnu. M S. . 1 ;
Marriott, M St 4229 2', 12 60
Marriott M. 8 1140 10 c.0-00
Page. Joseph 11 .39 2s-i00 it o0
l':m, los-eph H 3492 2-10 1 00
Koherta. Mary B. . 1293 10 M 0
Roberts, Mary E... 1704 4 2o0
Roberts. Mary K . $398 I ? 00
IPbertS. Mary K 403G , ...
Roberts. Mary E . 40UO I 10-00
Robert, Mary K 4 1 7"
PtUMSU, Jams A .411 S 40 00
Summerf. W . . 4096 2 10 00
Stoker JoafM- . .. 1913 I 0 00
Thurgood. Wm I $WI W
Thurgixnl. Wm. " -667 4a. 00
Watt, John U . 430H jj 10.00
Watt. John . .. 4373 :ii 17 5o
Ward. Maud Clif
ford 3363 2 10.00
Ward. Maud Clif
ford 4099 2' j 12 CO
And In acoordant a with law and ..rder
of the Hoard "f Director, mado on the
1st day of Hoptemtr 180. so many
shares Of each parcel of such stock as
may im neoeasary, will be sold at the
south dcr "f tho Weber county court
house, in iiBd'-n, Ptah on the eighteenth
day of December, 1020, at 12 o'clock aioon
of paid die i" pa) delinquent assessment
iiirrron together with the cost of adver
tising and expense of sale.
Hi mi jjtT ' Y P-eretarv
Stale of I till, i.'uunli of Weber, In the;
Huntevlllc precinct of said county.
I hav.i In my possession the following
described cstray animals which if not
claimed nnd liiken nw.r, will he sold to
tho highest rash bidder at Huntsv'lle In
Huntsvlllc prt-clnct on tin- 29th day of
b nber, 1920, at the hour of 2 p. m.
Description of nnlmuls ( nc hay 5-year
old horsg with star in forehead, branded
)Y on b-ft shoulder; one brown 3euro!d
mnre branded AN on right thigh.
Sa,ld estrays were t aken up by Karl
Thompson on ths 16th dgj ol December
Poundkec-per for HuntSVlU Pre, in. t
Consult County Clerk or the fleepec
tive Signers for Further
In the District Court of the Second Judl
del Dlatrlcl oi Utah within and
for Weber lounty.
In the Matter of the Kstale of Caroline
it- e ton ' 'ec eased
Creditor! will present claims wiih
sourheia lo tip nnd. r: U.TI.--I. admliilsliu
Irlx of the estate of Caroline Beeston
deceased, al the off I. e of KOVSj J- Pong
las. 629 Navld Ecclcs building. Ogdon
City, Ptah, on or before the 1st day of
rabruary, 1020
Pate of first publication November 29.
Data of lost publication December 27
1020. '842
Royal J Douglas, Attorney for Administratrix
Demand for Oils, Rails and
Steels Reverses Down
ward Tendency
NEW ViiltK, Dec 20 Traders evi
dently found little cause for encourage
ment in news gdvlOfS over the week-end
and continued to sell stocks at the active
opening of today's Session ll and sugar
Shares Were weakest, excepting Mcm an
Petroleum whioh scored an initial gam
..f I' points Equipments motor spe
cialties, tobaccos and utilities, notably
Pullman. Ii.-' 1, Magnet" American
Woolen and People's (las. Increased last
week's losses ''nil Hdc Lackawanna un-1
United Stales rileolo were frud ll inll II J
better but rails reacted. New York Cen
tral being the only prominent Issue to
dlaplay a degree of mrcngth.
There were occasional rallic- during tlie
morning, but the trend In the main was
again downward Minor "r ol.cuie in
dustrials and specialties registered -trema
losses of 2 to almost f. points I ' 1
motors, oils and utilities lout about as
much International Paper. American
Car Beet Sugar and Famous Players re-
f i liquidating sale- and shippings
and steels received little support, losing
to polnta. Pnlted States Hteel an
praxlmated its recent low prce, but rails
were .lull at slight changes excepting
Chicago ft Northwestern which fell 1V
points. The supply of call money at 7
per cent was in tm-cw "f demanil.
The market nuddf-nP revergsg B
course at midday gt u result pf PUyinii
order for oils, steep, and rail Meni- 1
can Petroleum cwi1""" 3t lo'nlH' n"
public iron Ih and Pittsburg and Wggt
Vlrglnbi- Chesapeake A ihlo. Heading
Bt. Paul preferred and Missouri Pacific
preferred rose l'i to 2 points
i'(i',l',i i N.-c l'i. -Trad, i-.- pi .- . ed
the selling side of the wheat market to- .
day owing to a bunk failure in London. .
The fai t that the British mad.s no wheat 1
purchase over the week-end counted (.lao I
as a bearish factor. Qn the other nan 1
bulla put empha-sla on reports 'hat rurul
holders In (he southwest continued $0 j
minimize sales tipenlng ipi nntlons. '
Which varied from o decline to nd- I
vnncc. with March $1 01 to 1 audi
May II GU to P&0. were followed g,
material s tba- k all around.
Seabrar.l demand made th corn rnpr- I
kcl relatively firm. After opening fit c
..ff to Wc advance. Including ."Sia
to 7Ci the market hardened all aroutfd,
and then reacted somewhat.
oats reflected the strength .it ' . rn,
starting unchanged to Vi higher. May
4 to l'i',. and continuing close to the
Initlul i.inge.
Wsakneas In the lur market tended to
v . I -1. .Iown pm Islonl
K ANH AH CITY, M. . N.-. 2n -t Pnlted !
Stales Bureau of Markets ) Cattle - I
colptl U.t market lalrlv gotlve, v. r-' 1
uneven; mdsl killing cattle and calves
around nteadv, medium priced selling i
b.sl: bulk fat fteers 7.25'(iS2o: bulk
COWS $4 004.50; gooil nd choice veals
S n 'j 50; i lockers and feeders strong;
Hogs Receipts S500; market closing nc
tivc 10015c higher; hulk of sales IS.QOQ
h sO. Nhlnper tup JS.'.'j, fcood and choice
pigs Sb.b01rS.7S.
Sluieii Receipt 3S00; fat lambs around
with Thursday's average; Colorado pen
f. .1 'nmbs $10.00; sheep mostly lower,
bulk ewes $3.00i&'3 7.r.
The Ogden Auto Directory
Oily spark plugs prevented by our guaranteed system. Franklin
Garage. Barlow Bros , 2466 Grant. 8044
Master Electric Primers start your car instantly. Guaranteed by
Bartow Bros , 246C Grant avenue. 8044 I
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2320 Hudson Avenue 3740
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. " 3773 j
i i
Opening Session Indicates
Fair Demand With Satis
factory Prices
Tight sale marked this morning's:
trading In mining s'o. ks ..n th Halt !
like S'.-l: .i Mlr.lriM -x. hange
Tintlc standard was itsady, trading 500
"liur.-.- al :.7t, Sllvrr King Coal, sold
as low ni 31 ".S and $l.r.7j, imdlng rtf.O
shares. Keystone mov gotive, selling coo .
shares at Sac.
Albion changed hands at l!r, C.olnm-
hui Ileull brought 32'3c. with Mlehi-
pan-l'tah fn-lllri; ft mo share' at -.
l.ehl Tintlc and Cast Tln'lc C.n rr.
steadv. iradlng at $o, while Iron King
traded at 17c
(Quotations furnished over private wire
of J. A. Hogle A Co , Ecclei Bldn.l
Hid Ak
Alia Con $01 S 01 '4 1
Albion 12 12i :
Am.-rlcan Con Ul 02 I
Alta Tunnel 06 06'-i
BeaVSr Copper 00
Big Hill Wt "'
Itlg Cottonwo-.1 Cral 034 I
Hnlllon .01 .05 I
r.lne MeiaU 00'H .o:
oiiimbus Rcxall 32 .33
Crown Point . . . ,01V4 .01
Colorado t?on. 0J 0SV
( ' -Tr .i Kur. ka 01 V .03
'ardlff 1.02'.. 1.15
1 iragon Con 10 I
PSJy West 3.2a 4 . r0
Ilast Crown Point 01 'i 0':
Past Tin t'oal 01 i
Kasl Tin. Con . . OH ,M
eureka lnes .07 .OS
Kureka I.llv 06V4 M
I Kurcku Bullion OS .094'
I Pmmft sliver 024 I
Kmpire Mines 0T .0j4 ,
c.old Chnln . .0
'".rand Central SO
Howell 07 4 0S -
Iron Tllossom 1 .19 !
Iron King 154 .174
Judge Mining 3 0:4 3.75 j
Kennebec 00 .10
Keystone 60 .70 i
beonora 0:4 .02
l.ehl Tintlc 074 U
vv T:iv . .. 014 .0'-' I
Mammoth .... 35 1.00 j
Mhc'iw ... .02 10 !
$dlchUran-Utah on .01
North Standard 04i .05 ,
Vew Qulncy '44 041
flwhoncn , .004 '' I
Nalldrlver .20 40
Phitus .. .. ' 27 29 I
Prince Con 27 4 . 29 1
Provo 05 U .00
I Pstnmn 01
Rico Argentine .0'J .03
Ulco Wellington 05 .10
1 pos . 02 024 1
! Sll King C al 1 .24 1 70 I
SH King Con 96 1.00 I
I Rloux Con. . . 024 .03
South Hecla 0 .70 j
South Standard ...... 15 20
Silver Shield . . . i!9 .3.3 !
Tar Babv ol .014
Tintlc central 02
Tlntic Standard 3.35 3 40
I'tah Cons. 004
T'ncle. Sam 004
Viator Con n3 4
I'nlon Chief 024 04
West Toledo 02 .034
Walker 2.10 3 on
Wood lawn 0$4 .10
Biima 07 .oh
Kmpire Copper 30
Daly 1 co ; 40
Ooininp Sales.
Alta Con 1000 at 1.
East Tintlc Cn $000 nt id
j Last Crown Point 6000 at 14c.
Keystone COO at C6c.
Leonora jnoo at 2'v
Kmma Sllv.-r 3000 at
Eureka Bullion ion at fq
Mler King Coal 60 at 11.07
Ciosmn Sales.
Alta Con. 1000 ai lc.
Albion 500 at C-
Alta Tunn.-l :0O() at 54c; :o0l at 54c.
Columbus U"xall 500 at 3;!.
iron King 600 at 17c
L.-hl Tlntl. 1000 at $0.
Mav Hay 26O0 at lc, 22J al 1 4...
Mlchlgan-Ltah lo.OOO al c.
Prove 1000 at 54c
Silver King Coal. 300 a' $1 '.'
Tintlc Standard 500 al 13 t$
Hid Ask
I Amal Sugar $ 9 50 $ lo 25
Ainal. Sugar pfd w so 00
Utah-Idaho Sugar i $0
Cement Securities 124.00
Con. Wagon 103 f0
Lion Coal Bonds 85 00
Wst Cache 8ugar 100 CO 101 "0
Wyoming Sugar 10.00
Ogden-Portland Csmsnt U6 00
1 nr.len l'a. klng ?S 00
People's Sugar t 75
Hoetgrowers Sugar 5.00
l-'iriit National Hank 320.00
Security State Bank 14C 00
CHICAGO. Iec. 20.
ipen Hltfli Low Close
March $1 C3 $1 f.44 $1 f.24 $1,044
M111 I 5S I i2 101
May .734- 744 -7.'4 .73
July .73 .75V 73 744
Mav .49 .49 .4S- .494
July .48 .4Sit vs
Jan. 22.00 22. CO 22.00 22. CO
Jan 12.75 15.95 12.75 12.92
! May 13.00 13 27 13.00 18 27
1 Jan. 11.00 11.12 10 95 11.12
J May 11.70 11.80 11.05 it. SO
NEW YORK, lec. 20 Copper nomi
nal: electrolytic spot und nearby IS' ri
14c. first qugrtfT )'i Hi
Iron unxettlod; No. 1 northern 35 00:
No. .' northern 532. 0U. N'u. 2 southern
$33 OOirT 36.0"
Tin easier: fipnt and nearby $3.: 7.,
futures $34 2534.60.
I Lead steady; spot 4 (OAS 00,
I Zinc steady East St. Louis delivery
spot 5. uO''! 6.76c
Antlmpny 5 6fl 3.76c
tLOelt I $gBBSl
Allla-chAlmers .. . 2114
American Beet Sugar 3S j
American Can 22.
American Car A Foundry 1174 gH
Amurhuu 1 1 trie A- Leather if. If 30
American International t.'orp 3X4 H
American Locomotive y f
American Smelting & Itefg-
Amerleiin Sugar S3
American Sumatra Tobacco flH
American T A T ex dlv 954 fBlBgjBgjBgjBgjBJ
Atnerlceji 1 B
M.I.I... 11 $JfaaaaagH
All.. u
Baldwin VH
Baltimore m 1 'hi" sH
Bethlehem St. -el fg
Central Leather S3 !
Chandl.-r Motor- (V4j I H
Cnesgpsak Ohio !l ga
Chicago. Mil K St. Paul ... I H
' '' -''. R I X I 'a.- 24 II H
Chino I H
Colorado 1 u Iron I BajagggH
corn Produeta ct t ligggggggl
i.'uba Cane Sugar 1 II' ffgafgafafj
Ceneral Electric .. lIH 'I gggggggggl
tier..! Motors . .. ji fgj$fVjj$
Ooodrloh $04 It
N'orthem nfd
tireot Northern f)re l.'lfs PafafafafaH
Illinois Central US', ;l I
Inspiration OoppeT iggggggg
Int. filer, Marine pfdf 47 1 v rij H
Internationa1 Taper
Kennerott Copper VM
Loulsvlllo & NashMlle I fg
Maxwell Motors :
MexKan Petroleum ir.74
Miami p
Middle States Oil 114 ggfgH
Mldvale Steel 30 H
Missouri Pacific 104 I ksfsaggggga!
New Y' rk Central (K PB$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$J
N V.N M A Hartford lt.4 I gggggggggl
N'orfolk .'. IVeatern I
Northern Pacifl :c, r '
Oklahoma Provl. k Ref , 1 fJ
I'an American Petroleum 74r, gVH
Pennsylvania "4 wM
People' '.ax
I'lttHl'Urg Xz WeHt V;i
Ha Consolidated Copper 114 gggaH
Beading 0S p tM
Rep Iron Si. .el . . ( fH
S'-.-l' Trans f- 'I'rad 30', I , ''H
Sinclair Con. Oil 22 4 tjg-SffffJ
Southern Pacific 954 b1!
Southern Uailwa'- ... , 194 $a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$J
Stardard .'II 1 pfd. J0-V, I
Studebaker Corporation 2y" j
Tenneasse dmper !; F ggH
Texa Co 414 I JM
To. as & Pacific 164 LiaTgH
Tr.i.acc.-. pp., lu.-i 504
Transcontinental m C7 PgajTgV
fnlon Pacific 1134 ! gfH
U. s T-'nod produ'etg ll II ggggggV
IT. S. Retail Stores 514 I 1
P S. in I Mono! C04 M gggggggV
United States Rubber . 004 H JJBJ
T'nlted State Ri 781 j i $$$
rtath Copper 474 H
Westlnirhouge Electrkj 404 ill a
Willy Overland LgggH
American lnc. Tcad and 3m ffH
Butte ft Superl-.r . . 4
Cola. Potroleum 24-t IbH
Montana Power 484R l gH
Shattw k Arizona r.4 $
T'ttri. rU 32 N 'gajfgV
Invincible Oil 214-B j tM
Ca'll. 109$ 1 inrl-et good tM
rh Ice hoav y'eers $7,500$ 25; good I
st.-crR 0097 80; f.ilr :-t.-r $5 O0(?5.7".. H
choice fet-rier gteers $1 00'-7.00; cholc
COW nnd helfct-H $5 50 f8.28; fair lo good
COWg and helf.-rs $4 0045,00: cullers $S.on $$$$J
; Mi 00; oanners $2.oofi 3.00. choice Mi.r .vjpjpjpjl
w $4 004 .'('. fat bulla J ' I aaB
bologna hulls J;i .00-5 1.00; veal calve $3.00 M
Hogs Receipts 614: market good; H
CholcS fat I". L'i 17". to 250 lbs . $1.00; hu Ik .
e' 'ales $S 609 00, feeder hog $7 00$' LavgV
Sheep Rucoipts 1050; market good. $3Si$3Sia
choice lambs $9.001.00; wethers Q OOg $J
00; fat ewes Ji 00495 00; feeder lambs .
IS.. 00-&9. 00.
John C Murray. Oakley, Ida.. 1 car H
Michael Bailey, Blackfoot. Ida.. 1 car piJggJOH
a .1 bodson Montpeller, Ida.. J
I A. Young. Montpeller Ida.. G cars -W
llvnim Creen p.n-atello. Ida., 1 car off
1 mm
I J. A Thaekerell, Carter, WyO., 1 car gggggJ
James McDonald, Carter. Wyo.. 1 car SL4$gJBSB
L D Keller. Kvanston. Wyo., 3 car- ; pgJBggJ
Ogden Packing company. South Omaha, V Bsfsj
4 ca.rs of h. cw. i f
Hunsaker Commission Co., South Oma- I ggj
Robert M. 1 'on a Id Carwern. yo.. 1 cat 1 jpgjggj
O. Whitloi-k. South Omaha. 3 cars gpajggjgj
W A. Allred, Preston. Ida., 4 car or H
B. C Barnes. Idaho l'alls. Ida.. 1 car ggH
Three-X Cattle Co., Orace. Ida . 1 car f. rymm
..f cattle and mixed car of cattle and gggggl
1 . t rda.. 1 cat gegj
of cattle .
Wr C Hall. Murlaugh Ida.. 1 car of gtsjggj
Jensen Bros., lloxbutg, Ida., 1 tar ot $SJH
. ni 1 1 . H
Roy I'.ilmrn. Bt Anthony. Ida . I car- $SJL4fl
of cattle. ... L M
11 1 Cli
B. Gaaklll, Burley Idi. 1 car of IH
cattle. U
NKW YORK, J)ec. 20. Liberty bond'" IH
e-lrsl 4M,s 86 0 H
Second 44 HI'' mmmmm
Third 44 -2 BaaaaH
Fourth 4 4s .W H
Victory $ It'll
Victory 4s MM
LONDON. DsTC- 2o - Bar silver 40c per tM
I ounce. ; I
Money i per cent H
i.i-i.ounl ratej Short bills C-t per
cent, thrvc month bills C per cent. jiiiH
MINN KA !'. LIS. Minn . Dec. g0. FJOU Mm
unchanged. IH
Rrau $26 OQ1T28 00 MW
- I
LivestocK Owners
ftesife in BnnounM that thou Ft-ed Var.U ai Weill Ogden
,'C' i..iw ppen for public patronage and tli ir Balanced '
Peed Mills are in niuTatioi).
We can supply any amount of feed Capacity of yards
20,000 head. I
If yon livestock owners and feeders arc slnut of niuiiev
for feeding purposes) loans can be arranged through us fl Mm
ih reasbnably short notice. Wm
We have the finest feed yards and equipment m the ;
intermountain country you can reserve what space you
want now. Call or write. 2514 Washington Avenue. Og
den, Utah, or at yards in West Ogden.
i 1