Wmmamm' mammmmmmma wOsV vBhE ! g THE UGPEN STANDARD-EXAMINER MUINDAY iWLNliNG, DECEMBER 27, 1920- Q I TESTIMONIAL TD I BE HELD TONIGHT j Number of Ocjdenites to Attend 1 Sports Event in Memory of Walter D. Bratz Many ogden ring and mat followers, will journey to Salt Lake tonight Eo H: witness the testimonial to be kivcii to the memory of Walter l. Bratz, for mer Ogden newspaperman, and for many years one of Stilt Uk's bast H; known spoil writers, wim died two weeks ago. The athletic program will be held in (in- Orpheurn theatre and will begin at 8:30 o'clock. Hi The program win consist of two i ir- Linct parts. The first pari will be de v oted to pugilistic contests and i he last finish wrestling match The bill will open with a four-round preltinlnsr) boxing bout between Kid W illiams oi I'rnuj ;in.l In. I; Merger of Salt Lake This will be followed bj another four-rounder between Walter Heart ami Johnny Williams, both Of J silt Lake. Following thi- two preliminaries, All Voung of Ogden and Able Mishklnd of Salt Ixikc will engage In a twelVO-j iMirni match. Both of ihese box. rs ;ire well and favorably known to Salt Lake tans, and no dotlbl will give ,n mcrl lorlous exhibition, as they alwa.vs have! done In the past. I A notable fecture oi the main nox -!ng boul will bo the preyem of Jack lf-nipse world's i b.i in oion who will serve as referee. will be the first appearance. In public In Stilt lake of I empse m a long time and undoubt- rii hundreds of friends and admirers will be on hand to give him a greet "g. Tom Painler of ISvanston, a veteran referee in these parts, will be thf Judge in the preliminary contests Following a brief Intermission, the finish wrestling bout will begin. The contestants in this number will be Ira Uern of Salt Lake and Gustav Hanson of Wisconsin. Dbm Is a. popular idol among the- local mat fans and will, no doubt, come in for an ovation. Han son has never before wrestled In Ball Lake, but his record of bouts, both in the middle west and in Europe. lndi-i ates that he s a grappler Of unusual ability This w restling match Is to In to the death Hanson came to Salt; Lake especially to meet Dern, and when the testimonial plan developed he was offered, anil eagerl.v selred, the opportunity. . Will Thornton, a wrestling expert of I wide knowledge of the game, will Del 'he referee In the mat bout. Reports from the Orpheurn theater box offli . last night wi r.- tint the' house hnd been about 76 pel cent sold: out. There arc still some choice seat on the elevated stage stands rein lin ing, and those who hustle along this! morning vtlll have a chance to procure) for themselves points of vantage, The affair promises to be an un- qualified success from everj viewpoint I NEBRASKA U MAY PLAY ANOTHER EASTERN TEAM LINCOLN. Neb., Dei 27. Director of Athletics L u eh ring, of the Universi ty of Nebraska loft Sunday for Chi-! rago to attend the annual meeting' i of the National Collegiate Athletic j -issociation While there he hop. to conclude negotiations for a football game next fall with a strong eastern team Nebraska has already signed a eon-! tact to pla: Pitt at Pittsburg, Pa . Novembei :., but .still has two open j dates to complete its schedule of j eight games. Director Luehrlng has,' been in correspondence with the au thorities of another eastern school.' : the ldentit of which he doen not disclose, and believes ihev have pro-1 grossed to a point where the iixn of a date w id be possible. ull I NEVADA FOOTBALL TEAM DEFEATS HAWAII 14 TO 0 HONOLULL. T 11.. l.e. . 21.- L'nl versity of Nevada defeated the Uni versity of Hawaii. i to o, here todaj In ihe first football g;nrie ever played between the Honolulu team and an lev-en from ihe mainland. Nvada's forward passing was a feature of I h. game and enabled ihe isitors to keep the ball in the home team's territory during almost the entire content "Rabbit" Bradshaw, i he Sag. brush. i i ua rt e oa. I, mamd in the passing and in the plai,) agaln-i the Hauaiians. I ARKANSAS MOB LYNCHES il NEGRO WHO SHOT COP JONJB0BORO, Atk . bee, .'7. tVad Thomas, a negro, who shot and killed Policeman Ifilmer Ragland during Hi 'aid oti a dii e gum.-, was taken from the jail 8unda: by a mob of I H about 40ii citizens, and after being ' H! paraded through the busiest street?. was hanged to a Uiegraph pole near the scene of bis crime. The body was then riddled with bullets, I. IJLDJ N GOLD1E ST. PAUL Jack Hendricks thinks, that Goldie Rapp is the sweetest ball )dacr that evei came up from the minors. And Hendricks says Ooldit is Just the ticket to tak- Iirr- Doyle's tlac on i Le liLaut mtield. j RICHARDS WILL DEFEND J JUNIOR TENNIS TITLE H: NKW rOBK, Dec. 27 An unusu- H ally large number of players were. iitercd in the annual national Injlooi I H junior and hoys' tennis tournament.' 1 optmlhg her' today. Matches will con tinue throughimt thr Week. Vincent Klchfrdn will defend his tub- ! OE 0R0 INVITES HOPPE TO j PLAY 3:CUSHI0N MATCH NEW YuRK, Dec. 27. Alfredo de t ' ro, former hamplon at three-cush- ! ion and pocket billiards, has issued a I public4 challenge to Willie Hoppe. tin- 1 balk line title bolder, to meet him 1 in a three-cushion match. The Cuban , player announced that lloppe can have the privilege of naming the num- bar of points to the played and the date for the match. BOB is BUSY, jj PL'EBLU, Oolo Bon McGraw X New York Yankee pitcher, doesn'i pend the winter resting He's just organized the first professional )... ketball team In Pueblo and is plan . ning a campaign among Colorado col S leges, fl on ! joins I M BOARD. AKRON, O. By Joining the new -H ; 1;. organized chlo boxing board. Ak- j ron cxpecia to get into the ring gamr with both feet. Toledo, Cincinnati, ''olumbus and other Buekeve cities have cast their lorn with ihe state 1 SCRAPPERS Wasatch Club Owner Sees Salt Lake Fighters for Bouts Here i Another lively card of scraps will i be offered to the boxing fans of-' Og-1 i den Prida) night, Ni w year's . according to an announcement made I today by Jim Downing, owner of the Waeafach Atliletlc Club. Six fast bal 'tles with se.iril features offered In, I the main event and a semi-wind u p will be arranged. Mr. Downing bh d and will equal the whirlwind show staged lasl Fridaj night. Fans who ; attended the Christmas e're show de i dared it the best ever seen in Ogden ' frnni th' standpoint of fast boxing, ! intense action and hotly contested I bouts. 1 Promoter Downing is In Salt Lake today making arrangements with Salt I Lake boxers who will line up against some good Ogden lads in the -ix bat-; I ties of the program. He said before jkyivJng this morning that the fans ; can be assured of a card which will ; please even the mosl critical Kfforts are also being made bj Promoter Downing to give the fans an ' I added attraction Friday night The' ! complete program will be announced .Tuesday morning. ' oo EM TO WRESTLE LONDDS Athletic Event of Stock Show Due at Alhambra on January 7 The matter of wrestling supremacy between Jim Londo m! .la k Har bert3on. which has be n a much de bated subject In i gden since the re cent match win u Londoa failed to throw Horbertson in one hour and one-half, will be definitely settled in the Aihainbra theatre January 7, when the, two men will meet in a finish match. The affair Will be Staged un der the auspices of the stock show committee and is expected to draw a huge audience. Ezra Peterson, Ogdi n promoter, has arranged the curd for lh- show committee and aunojinced that th men will grapple to a finish. There will be no time limit to the event and the man who gains two-out of time falls will win. An added attraction has been ar ranged between Sam Clupham and Nick Davlscort of Los Angelca. These men will wrestle In a match with a limit Of one and one-half hours with victory going to the man who gains one fall. Other fast preliminaries have been arranged foi the stock show program) It was announced oo TILDEN AND JOHNSTON PICKED FOR DAVIS PLAY AUCKLAND, N. Z . Dec. 27.--Wil-I ihi T. Tilden, II, of Philadelphia, worlds singles tennis champion, and William H Johnson, of California, former champion af the Uhlted States, will represent the American team, and 'braid L. Patcrson, of Australia, for mer world's champion, and .Norman K. Brooks, also of Australia, and for mer British champion, will cepre enl Australia in ilir challengi round of pia for the L'avi cup. December zs. All players ure lu fine fettle Crit ics express themselves as much im- presaed With the superb driving of th- Americana The relative strength of (he two teams indicates ., aloSS struggle. Seating accommodations for th.j match have been exhausted. oo- U. S. S. OLYMPIA IS HOST 10 VLNICb UHiLDHbN VKNlCK, Hoc. 20. Officers of the U, S. S. Olymipbi were hosts to 1,000 children from charitable Institutions al B Christmas entertainment liere to aay, Among the children who enjoyed the treat were 100 war orphans. Rear Admiral Phillip Andrews, commander of the American naval units in ti. tadriatic, and municipal authortles of Venice were present. Bach child re ceived candy, iocs and a good dinner. rist night the Olympic was lllum lt atejj wiih colored lectrii lights OO PERUVIAN CONCESSION FOR RAILROAD GRANTED LIMA, Peru. Dec. 26 A special concession has been grafted for tin construction of a railroad from lluan cayo to Negro Bueno, in the d.-nart-nient of Jnnln. HERE'S Hit (.ii JOB. I N N ARBnR. Mich. Michigan will have a tough job filling I irl Johnsons place when th- traik sea son opens. Coach Farrell la already SOOUt)hg for material " amonc las years freshmen ranks to find" ath letes good jumpers and sprinters. w 1 RUGB1 FOR TIM. BOSTON Tim Callahan Vale foot hall captain, who Is going across the pond to attend .for.i university, nit take up the English game of rugby, lie sav hell ir 1 1 if he has time. Tim will leturn nei September. F S RST U NDER THEWIRE 'SgBBMJPlPBjssaaleeBwswww r 'I "V Bj 'iMfytfW&X I i i - "?V- :3 1 'i gfffS BSBBBBBBBBV "Jltn" !x..c s'lows tin- Cuban-American Jockej club track at Maiianao, ! wliore the winter racliig season is at its height. Enseri is jimmy BntwcII, v.'i j wlnuing iiK.t oi hb- r.ins the ii ami flrml.v esiablishlng himself as the premier rider of the 102 season. He Is superstitions aboul having lo picture taken wlillc In riding habit. The i-m a pnbl igraphcr can do Is t 1 I ii : ing-dlstan -hot al him as he ixjnios up t the judge's box. Premier American jockey for: 1930!" Look- like James Butwell, "natural born rider." consistent winner, and i clean eui sportsman, has t;ot a stran-l gle hold on that title. 1 1 MARINES IN SAN DOMINGO WILL STAY MUCH LONGER WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. It will I.e several months at least before ! the actual withdrawal of American ; marines from the Dominican republic Will begin under th- provisions of th" proi l unation leaned at San Domlngb Christmas ev t. direction of Bresi d.'tit Wilson, Secretary Daniels said tod i Mr. Daniels conferred today Jviith s,at. department of f iters with regiard to the membership of the com mission to he appointed to revise the! Is w s and frame such new statutes as maj be necessary to enable the Do- I roinicans successfully to govern their I Country. Rear Admiral Thomas Snow-' den. the naval governor of San Do-; mlngo. will appoint the commission1 upon recommendations from Wash-' Ington. After the Dominican congress has approved the new statutes and places! them in efeci. the withdrawal of Imerli ui forces will be started, Mr.! Daniels said. on PRESIDENT' DE VALERA IS STILL IN NEW YORK i ! WORCHKSTER. Mass, Dec. 7. JBamonn de Valors president of the1 Irish republic" Is not far from Now) York, according to. his secretary Hsrrj . J. Boland, who leaves Worcester for New Vork at l o'clock todaj "I hope and expect to see the presl- den tonight." declared Mr. Boland With the year nearing its close. Little Jimmy, as th- turlm.-n and other pockeys know Butwell, has an apparent aafe lead on all opponents for riding honors of :'m American turf. r. YSl i R ; . i GET! ll.OM. SOHI Hi ) The baseball war in Big Ban's loague, Somehow seems to survive ( Of course, he says he has eight friends But really there's but five. Ban broke a rule to pick his gang And slighted the "Big Three" So now they arc saving of Big Ban He's like Simon Legree " The national leaguers may be a happj iMiuily. Out there's still such a thing as a "Loyal Five" and the ' Big , Three" in the American house of ; baseball. . - j Outwardly peace and harmony ! reigned in the meetings in New Vork: but Inside thov knocked over a few i Chairs and d! I ., few Other disorderly i things. They wound up their business toot-' sw.ei so aS to go out and do their! Christmas shopping but their parting i words were probably something like I this: "Wait till we meet again." i it is customary to have the board' of directors rotate year by year. Dan slighted the "Big Tin.-. " by naming members of his "Loyal Five" out of turns. No wonder ("omlskey. Frazee and Ruppert got hors de combat. Ban put Philadelphia on the board! when it was New York's turn. Hop perl showed how he felt about the matter by resigning at once. . . . Ban Johnson is a great fellow for having his say also his way. He1 isn't taking any chances of giving his enemies a chance to take a wallop: at his ideas ComiskeV, ffrazee and Ruppertl claim they are always willing to go' just a little more than half way to I play ball with Dunn. Griffith, Shibe. ! Navin and Ball They are all supposed to have hurled the well known hatchet long enough, to help Judge Landis clean up the game and put the house , of baseball In order. AMERICAN SHIP LOSES PROPELLOR IN ATLANTIC LONDON, Dec. 87. A message was received b Lloyd's wireless s -tlon at Valencia on Saturday from Un American steamer Hutchinson say ing: "Have lost propellor. latitude 40.1 north 10.30 west. and need immediate tow." This position would locate the ves sel about 37a miles southwest of Brest. The steamer Dochel sent a Wireless dispatch to the Lizard station on Son day saying: "Have been searching for Hutchin son all night and position is unknown " The Hutchinson is a steamer of J17& tons and plying between N'.-w Irleahs and Antwerp. She was on her west ern voyage when she encountered her mishap oo YOUTH ROBS DESK OF JEXAS GOVERNOR ELECT WACO, Tex.. Dec. 27. A hoy lo vi a ls old. was arrested for robbing th, law office of Governor-elect Pat M Neff. Sunday. He brokr- open Mr Neff's desk and filled his pockets with gold p'-ns and other valuables. Tin' boy had been released on probation two days before Christmas. Probably the only exclusive!) worn en's theatre in the world Is located In Paris ' ( The big time races In Canada. Mary land and Kentucky saw him out In front of the other riders. Then, in Havana he has kept up his sensational runs down the home stretch. From January 1. 1920. to Decem ber 12. Butwell had picked off 14 4 wins in 6NS mounts. In addition ho chalked up 124 second placo polnLs arid 132 third-money murks. Since De-ember 12. Butwell has had five mounts on Cuban tra 1(8. t)no of them went under the wire first .and another third That gives Jimmy 102 "within the money" rides so far i t his season. LI w RIDER. I. Turfmen and Jimmy has saddbd for such owners as James R Keene. E R. Bradley. Lieutenant Commander i Samuel Ross, the Wldener Brothers. Marry Payne Whitney and August Belmont look upon his record aa ; nothlnK short of remarkable, for a I veteran. Do you remember tho famous steeds, Omar Khayyam, Hourless, Jack Hare. Jr.. Roamer, Masquet,' ": hares n nd Lxterniinator 7 Well Bui well has ildden them all Thero are no turf scandals con neoted with Jimmy Butwell He's a , regular, clean-cut rider the king 'Jockey of 'em all! llsTW FipiTS French Party Congress Is Split by Faction Which Urges Radicalism TOURS. France. Dec. 87. Marcel' Cachin, Socialist leader, who with 1 Frossard. secretary of the party, re- j turned from Russia a few months ago1 completely oenverted to Bolshevism,! took the floor this morning in thet i rench Socialist congress to reply to Deputy Marcel Semhatt, whose severe j cltlClsm of the Lcnine communist pro- j gram yesterday made "quite an Im pression on the delegates." M Cachin compared the revolution-j arv measures MOSCOW has imposed' upon the French Socialists to the raid of John Brown. he American aJbOll-1 tionist, on Harper s Ferry, 'a.. in 1S59. , "Some great revolutions haTVe been brought about that way," he declared ' John t'.rnwn frav e i m nn hiu i r th. movement against slavery. He did the same thing we want to do in France I to capitalism and to the bourgeoisie." , If we enter upon a purely revolu- tlonary campaign In France" we will only be following French revolution-! ary tradition." i The anti-Bolshevik delegates cried' to Cachin. "you are an opportunist"! when he declared that if it was found expedient not to socialize the land In: , Russia, but to divide it among the i peasants, the same thing could be done in France Paul Fauer. of the Centre party, ; presented a middle ground platform of adhesion to the Bolshevik regime in! I principle, without acceptance of the 21 points imposed by Lenlne . . u ADHERENCE TO RUSS REDS SPLITS FRENCH SOCIALISTS I TOURS, France. Dec. 27. All dele gations have completed reports to the I congress Qf the French Socialist party: have, adding to the approximate or-: Italnty that the party will split with the ileff section supporting the Moscow! communism and the right wing re-j Jmafnlng a.s the Socialist part. but iwlth a small minority Man) federal itlons from the agricultural regions an-' nounced today they-would support rh.- motion to adhero to the Moscow Inter national. I Premier Leygues' electoral district ' supported the "maximum communist program, and Its delegates were in-' structed to vote for adherents to the! Moscow program. There are not only wide differences over the Issues, but many reerimlna- tlons of the party's practices. BETTER SAILING AHEAD, BANK SAYS Business Ship Has Successful ly Weathered Storms, De clares Statement CLEVELAND, O.. Dec. 2 7. -The j , fourth federal re-serve hank in Its I monthly s immary of business condi : tions Issued Saturday, says business, ha weathered the storm of 1 920 and' that an era of stabilized business con ditions Is in sight "We are still sailing the sea of re-I adjustments." (he statement Bays, , ' some squalls have blown up but tho i I business ship has sueccssf ully wcath-: lered Ihe storm thus far." "The fact remains, howev er." it j continues In concluding its general ! survey of the business situation, "that wc are still on the sea and cannot leave the ship until we reach port.". "We believe the land is in sight and I that within a reasonable time vv e shall; -afelv reach refuge In the harbor of I j stabilised business.". While the. year "has been one of! surprising developments to many." J says the statement, "there Is nothing but whal students of business condi tions had expected, "A substantial liquidation has taken j plao and the 'damage done as com-j pard with the good accomplished. has bi-i-n surprisingly small " it says. oo FIREBUG STARTS ANOTHER BLAZE Quaker State Villagers Threat en Hard Penalty for Arsonisis i l.'MONTOWX, I'a.. Dec. 27 Vic ions that the t av.-ti,, county ring had Invaded fjnlontbwri came to residents and the authorities early today when fire broke out In a business building here and destroyed it with a loss of I approximately $150,000. W illiam iPantelos, owner of a store In the bund ling, was arrested by a deputy fire 'marshal soon after the fire started, but was released for a hearing later In the day. Albert mth, the youth arrested by I the state police in connection with the ' fires In the vicinity of Fayette ( ty. was under observation as to his sanity In the county jail hthe today. Residents of Jefferson, Washington and Perry townships, the scene of many fires, at a meeting last night, urged the state and county autlTorltb'S to "ferret out the fire rat." adding that "our own measures will be applied un less something is done." PITTSBURG Pa., Dec 27. The wave of Incendiarism which for sev eral months has been sweeping por tions of Fayette. Westmoreland and Washington counties, made its appear once in Allegheny COUhty Sunday when the Johnston school building at Wil kinsburg was destroyed with a loss of $ 1 50.000 BANDIT ROBS CREW OF STALLED FREIGHT TRAIN KANSAS CITY. Mo. Dec 27 . Dif ficulty piled on difficulty last night for the crew of an outbound Kansas City Southern freight I rain hen-. Not only did their train break down in a SUbufh but while the men were await ing help a bandit, a tWO-gUIl one, held them up The brakeman first occupied the bandit's attention, while he Was being relieved of his watch and a small sum of money, the engineer and fireman fled The bandit fired haif a dozen shots without effect. The iMiglio-i r and fin iiiaii stopped i running al the first telephone and sent a call to the police. Officers were I rushed to the scene. The bandit had escaped. BOY ELECTRICAL WIZARD VICTIM OF HIGH VOLTAGE KTmCKTON. "nlif.. . :-7 Bo Austin Mr Keel. u was electrocuted at his home In Lodi. near here. Sunday, v, hile conducting an experiment with an electric Welding outfit which he had recently perfected and sold to an elec tric house. McKeel was taking a correspond ence course in electrlcitv . While at work his arm dropped across a wire carrying a high voltage and standing on a steel plate laid on wei ground, he closed the circuit, receiving a ehoi k from which he died In 0 fi-w minutes, according to Oscar C Pope, county coroner. BURLEY TOBACCO COSTS $309 PER ACRE TO GROW L&XINGTON. Ky., Dec. 27 - The 1920 crop of Burley tobacco in Ken tucky cot approximately $309 per acre togrow. according to an estimate made publle last night by the Uni versity ,jf Kentucky. J. L FLYIHJ APPOINTED TO COAST FEDERAL JOB WASHINGTON. Dec. 1 7. Appoint-j mem of John L. Flvnn as collector Of internal revi aut- at San Francisco, was announced today by the bureau of internal revenue. Mr. Flynn suc ceeds Justice S. Wardeiie, who re signed effective December 31. IBETTER MARKET I CONTROLURGED 1 Licensing System Advocated in Report of Federal Trade Commission Washington, Dec. 27. Estab- yj lishm.ni of c-ntrol markets for per- -fSH ishable products in all large cities ssbssj ; and the setting un of a federal icens- lng system applicable to all dealers bsbbs in such foods at those markets Is proposed by the federal trade com- mission annual report todav to ISBSSJ congress i Th mmission'a conclusions are bbsbsj based on an Investigation covering inuiiv months and it declares that fed- PH . r il action necessary to obtain ef- Jsis f active regulation and to avoid unfali and wasteful practices with the con- JBSB sequent ffect on prices. In the pros ffH ent system the commission sees a hin- , B producei H dealings , ffl which II believes should be eliminated and II suggests that the handling o ( these products be surrounded by nu rqsrous regulations and restrictions 1 su -h as the recording of available sup plies, the dating of cold storage peri- HHJ Ods and provisions for auction mar- . HELP FROM DEALER, Facilities should be made adequate. the commission says, to enable the Hl produce r to ship freely into the cen- HJ j tra markets and "with proper pro : tectlon of his interests." The mark I e'tlng system should be so covered ; that objectionable hoarding would be" eliminated and proper co-ordination of transportation facilities should be accomplished to make deliveries ccr I tain when reQulred, The commission says that "the J needed reforms can hardly be ex , pected to be accomplished by the In Itiatlve of the deah-rs," and asserts 1 iii i and n.ui.i- ip.r, iui horitiea lack adequate power to effectlvelj 4V regulate the handling of the food gB supplies Although co-operation of HJ nd local authorities and rail- HH I roads might accomplish the ends BBj sought, th commission believes thH Va plan does not hold out much hope BBa Bolutlon of the prob- ... Wi 7 I .ki vr MILLING PROFITS. Turning to wheat products, the I commission says it has found that J concentration of the milling industry BMJ 1 has progressed far enough so that Bafl P Wj ten of the largi t mining concerns could supply the demand of the countrj for flour." The com- gflfl mission mentions Incidentally that its figures from 37 milling corporations showed ihai th. lr salts had increased from $160,000,000 to $3f. 1.U0O.00O be- HVj tween 1914 and 11)18 while their an- "1J ! profits had grown from $5,500- Bsl "00 to $20,000,000 in tho same period. Bfl j Reporting on tho operation of the I Webb-Pomerene act permitting for , matlons of aKsoClations for export the commission informs con- Lwfl gress that this ucl has served as 'a decided factor" in promoting the pro of American manufacturers in i -r. iKn markets. The commission BBJ says that during the year 4:; associa- tions comrrlslng approximately 732 Lfll concerns who.- offices and plants are BH distributed over -13 states of the union reported to it as operating under the export act. I t 1 PROMOTES E&PORTS J "Records of the commission seera ii ' the report . ontlnues, JM thal 'i Ism so often 1 hatged V aKainst L nited States exporters o.' -' ; iilli b 1 ultlvate and maintain p manent trade relations abroad and too ofU n n ithdrav lng from 1 p ,"r,'il;" 81 ftS soon as tractive opportunities present them- selves at home or elsewhere vvil1 ,i..r applv I., associations operating undi'r issss! the export trade act. "in replj to questionnaires sent out sbH by the commission requesting .n 4x sssssl , pression of opinion as to the actual V"1'1 -e export tra( t the replies received for the most' pari expressed satisfaction over results oh bbbbI tamed under the law 1 1 was report. SBBBsl ed thai the system of collective 9d- H 1,, ellmiaation of much useless seusoj of effort. s. , associations reported that their sys- .1, VI i ' nearly approval yf SBBJ the foreign customers" The commission says also that the aH law instead . thp Mn , H rial .sVm' t'r,'a' An"'Tlean Indus- M ,.lal establishments, has enaiil.,1 U. WU .sm..iier concerns to band together in Wmt ia fashion to push fully organised i bbbbI port trade In a keen roinm-Taive nv ,V lh,- -"ire no, ahh- . Xl "t !-m ." ..T thls oxtent- com ,1,.. ,slon believe-,, the law ha, vvoi k , CEMTRAL AMERICAS DECIDE TO ORGANIZENW UNION I ..nhmtnS "a San Jose. Costa Rica, will "K thn - 1 .xr,?::; --:';" 111 WILLING ro 1 LL BLOOD ' fnto' " Hon il News s,.r, BOSTON There in r) 'persons in Boston wi'iim,, ,1 t""1' of their od fr $!!, 10 eM Pnt H That many mo answered t . 1 - ' ijH tlsement calling f,- vol, nil adver- bi I ... save ,h . lirJ r to Kh" a Beth" rsrael hospfir a Pat'm The blOOd of the four SBBBs! v - teiled and one of he '"' i"os 1 pint oi th- IIfe5Sfni,llr wm Pass from bi- l(; tn ,VnA"ld to III 1 T , nol lr. o. I l op f(. ,. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Danny Is Quite a Diplomat. Dv fl 1 BY ALLMam ( OF TVlE WAV THERE. ' PAMWV DOFF.' Q0Y KiCMU M (VIHAT ARE. VOl WL t Sowwa Do A&ouV 1 xujy IT? I KIM )s -TC 1 Kthi too A x 7T-n if - J I VOO AWD M GO (?VeR AMD IWK