mK v . i . i
3tecl Magnate Says People
Want to Buy Freely at
Reasonable Prices
NEW YORK, Deo. 30. Tin present,
economic dcprcHBlon in the United
tt.ilos in the result of "natural AltQ
necessary readjustments" and until
these arc completed, "we maV hoi ei
poet .ill we miplit hope for." plberi
fi iary, chairman of the board of
directors of the United Btatef 8tw
corporation, declared here Wednes
day. While there are - many things
In the general atmosphere which arc
disquieting," he paid, he is as '"hope
ful and confident Of the future," as
fee has been at any time.
Attributing conditions throughout
the world criminal outbreak.-, rcvo
'ctlons, quarrels and "the disposition
6 pet somethlnp for nothing even l
favor- it need be. " to the war, he de
rcd, "the oapltaltsl has been using
bis wealth to unreasonably, if not un
fairly, increase his fortune-"
Mr. Gary asserted "the golden rule
in business has been temporarily su
spended, "but the majorttj of people
have some excuse he explained, "for
they have been Influenced by the 1
;mides of tlieir national mlmlnlhtt u
tions." "Public ;iutliorltlcs. or some of
chem," he ftddei, "have been guilty of
tome ni the offenses to which I liavc
alluded. Future generations, looking
hack to the present, will be amazed
in contemplating hou near Insane a
iflrrre number of the publi DfJlclalS
and prhuh) individuals seem lo have
R H l SP1 M.
The United States, he declared, "has
demonstrated that, with t lii.- exercise
u the nroper spirit and the utlllza
pCn of its natural forces, ;ni master
nn economie situation far WOW Md
ipii , ,hfll ult than 1 pi --- nt slt
li.ition." The reason then- iml been
more lailures In Imiskm-s-. l ' Gai
Pointed out, "is because 6 the ydel
uoaJth of thin rounirv. its vttl ''
.sources and the best spirit in H' fln
ust people in perhaps the greatest
Cpuntry in the world."
There Is abundant proof," he add
ed, "thai moneV in the United States
- uleiitjful and those who have the
money arc willing to spend il JUSl as
boo n as selling prices an- i onslclered
fair, reasonable and Stabll
The rerular annual meeting of the
shareholders of the Commercial Na
tional bank of Ogden, Utah. w:ii be
iield a.1 their luiiiking rooms, Tuesda
January 11. 1921 at 3.30 p. m, for Lh
purpose of electing officers i" scrv
for the ensuing year and the trans
action of such other business as may
properly come before (In meel ng
Daied, Ogden. Utah. December 13
J 920
R. a MOYE8,
I Sure
, ,
1-tha-t r2,.Ro r r-:-
I most re: I s ' -' i c"
; AMP (a. CPGCT TO , s 7
One Thousand Notables Eat
ir Fnocl at Hoover's
N. Y. Dinner
NEW ymkk. Deb. 30. One thou
sand of New York's men and women!
of wealth paid one thousand dollars
or more each IhiU night to sit at a
plain board table and eat boiled rice
The "banquet" was ;i testimonial ar
ranged by Herbert Hoover, chairman
of the European relief council, of Am-
rrl::'-. efforts to siui'or the 3.500,000
itarving hlldren of Europe.
The rice accompanied by white
br id and a cup of cocoa,, was the
Uune as serVed to starving children at
relief stations throughout Europe at
,i poi ( of leH than a cent and h.m
General i J. Pershing, -' Hoover,
'John V. Rockefolii-r. Jr. Mrs August
Belmont and other notables carried
1 bpwls and were Oral ! a line that
' passed by army field kitchens to be
sarved The servitors were younK so-
cloty women.
! rit K'relsler entertained the diners
with violin solos.
A vacant chair, placed for the "in-
flSlble" Kuost of honor, rbr the rhll
i dren for whom Hoover's campaign
il -
I CLYDE CQOKfoiitccTioK. William fox-
I STARTING TODAY 1 :45, 3:30, 5, 6:30, 8 and 9:30 p.m.
I Big Double Feature
I The Man With the Rubber Legs in His Greatest Comedy
And George Walsh in
I Ogden Theatre
I Saturday (New Year's) Free Children's Show 10 a. m.
A Special Picture
I of $3o,uo0.0C0 was launched, stood at
; the head of tiif speaker's table.'
i Mr. Hoove:- Bald, In part-
"hu Ions an any person In thi na-
i tion can entertain an automobile, he
can eivlertnin invisible' kucs;.
Th i f me 8,000,000 automobileH and
only 3 'tto.0no guests- Since this na
tion is spending a billion dollars on
inually supporting automobiles, anothe--I
billion on Ice cream. cosmetics an 1
chewing gum ; a few billion more on
; drinks, tobaccos and other luxuries--(
it has not reaehced a point of desti
tution that warrants refusal to buy
happiness nnd cheerfulness for this
i mass of children.''
i .Mr. Hoover anuotinct'd after the
dinner that the 100Q guests paid $?.
011,221, or more than 12000 a plate
Crime Wave News
L,EAVE.VVORTII. Kan.. Dec. 30.
Alfred Anderson. 35. world war vet
eran. w:is n jail In Platte Oity. Mo
i today, charged with the fatal shoot
ing last Sunday at Tracey, Mo., of
Edward Buford, 5u years of age.
' fanner. Buford divorced his trite, wb
t also Is 50 years of age, Septem
I ber. after a separation, prlth whleh,
it was alleged, Anderson was connect
: ed.
A reconciliation hail neon effected
and .ind his former wrlfo wen!
to Tracey, Intending to t,e remarrle.l
the next da'. At Traerx Itufnrd nvt
Anderson ami the lattn- it is charged,
, shot hlni five times with a Qernia i
I pistol picked up on a battlefield in
i France.
LOS AM I I'.I.KS. Dec. 30. Arthur
1 Boyd, 3". threw his wife. Ma-rgaret. 2-1.
out of a st'cond story wihdow of thel.
home hre Wednesda ae.-ording to ft
charge filed ugainpt him at the cltv
lail where he was prisoner tonight"
Mrs Boyd fell upon a passing pedes
trian and sustained a broken rlrrht leg
and minor Injuries. The pedestrian
1 was unhurt.
The police' said Boyd told them he
I did not know why he committed the
act, and that Mrs. Boyd also declared
she had no idea what his motive wa
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 30 Houghton
N. Kenyon, general manager and
treasurer of the Bankers' Fire Insut -an
s company, was arrested here late
Wednesday on two complaints signed
i by Attorney General Uavls charging
, Kehyon Wtll embezzlement of about
. $1 16.000.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 29. Charles
QoJd ' leadep Of a band of robber -today
was hentenced to prison foi- il
years for robbory of a drug storr
Where forty cents was stolen. Wlb
llani Thompson and Harry Beard f i
1 the came offense were given twen". i
. years. Harry Cruye, for another rob
bcry, was sentenced to twenty years
SAN l'KANCISCO. Dc- 30. Tw.
prisoners, Halph Martin, vecentl;
, brought here from Atlantic City
face a charge of murder, and Albei
Stewart, charged with burglary. Pscap
ed from the c.hv tall here todav. Po
lice reposed 'they broke a "cage" loci'
with a scantling and walked througi
the police department Identifleatloi
j bureau to liberty.
ZALK. Ala., Dec. 30. Three mem
1 bcra of an armed negro band whld
wounded a deputy tinnrlff and fou
other members of a searching part.1
ealy today, luive been captured by
' posse headed by Sheiff Kagland. nea
rittsview. The sheriff is bringing tin
prisoners to this place.
Weber Lodge No. 6
Free & Accepted Mason
gpeclul meeting Thursday. Deoetti
ber 3nth, X p. m., for work in C. A
I Degr-.-
- fin .
OIL'S ill i OSES RAI i
LONDON; Deo, 30. The Oxford
Cambridge team won the cross-coun
'ry raie at itoehampton today fron
thf Cornell hllUan4dalc runners. Th
LngllMh team scored 26 points to Cor
i ttell'S -5.
Ruth Roland in "Ruth of the
Rockies" and the last episode
of -The Lost City" at the
COZY today, last times.
Two Others Accused of At
tacks on Girls Will Face
Trial Quickly
s.N l'KANCISCO. Dec. 30. Jnmes
Carey, third of Q group of five alleged
gangsters convicted of criminal ns-
siiilis on .'""ing plrls here, found
trnlltv today :i hnlf hour before Kd
mond Murphy, th.- nrt of (h'-m, to
face jury, was started for the state
penitentiary at San Quentin to serve
a sentence of from one to fifty years.
Carey's sentence XV; for Monday.
January 3.
Thomas Brady, the fourth accused
gangster, will go t, iiiiii on Mondaj
He will be followed bv Allen M Don-
II M ll i I IX l Q It M.'N
The Jury took but six minutes to
convict Carey. Sixteen minutes were
taken by the Murphy Jury and eleven
nilnUtei by the Jury whn-h convicted
Edward (K, -- Kruvosky. the sec
ond of (he gangsters to bo tried. Kru
vosky will come up for sentence on
Friday, when efforts will be made to
obtain a new trial tor him.
Carey admitted driving Miss j'-'.sp-Montgomery
of Ueno. the oomplafplng
wltneSs, and her lompanlon. Miss .lean
Stanley, tofmerly of Portland, In an
automobile from a cafe in the Mission,
district tp a houH.. nearby In which'
the attacH look place. He denied par-,
th iputloi In the attiuk, although pos
itively IdentLTifd by both girls and b
received the verdict without :i visible I
sipn of emotion,
i ( i i . 1 1 . UiIBi
Announeeinont that th- -.inl jur
itlgatlbn Into attempts to astabfl
lish a pnst-iral alibi for Murphy.)
"will be continued until indictments
arc returned or sumo decision is;
re. i-hed," was ma'b here l, A.ssist;i nl
District Attorney Stanislaus Riley, who
Right Winn Grabs Cash and
Publishing Plant After
Stormy Meeting
NEW YORK, I .-. 30. The United j
states is the "only strong snot in the
demoralized capitalist world.'' Morris
Hlllqult. Socialist h-adcr. told dele-!
gates in b iii.:lti- before the twelfth
annual convention of the Intercol
legiate conference on labor and radi
cal movements at their convention I
dinner here Wednesday night.
Taking tho affirmative on the suh
.lorr, ,-is Capitalism Collapsing ""'
Mr, Hlllqult said the direction of the i
k'l-eat affairs of the world "has slip- i
tied .nt of the hands of the capital-1
1st rulers."
SM I imhm
"The pitiable oroc eedlng ;i t Yer-
allies," he added! 'srave the first hint
that International -a plfallsni hid loMt
the power to rulo bv its Inability to
a t in concert." The league' pf tia
lions, which he termed "the dull and
ineffeethe tlolintlnK club," he tiei hired,
further emphasised the "growing po-
lltlcal irnpot nev of international capi-1
tallsnV' a
Despite tlio strength of the I nped;
Suites. Mi. Hlllqult asserted, condiJ
tions hero "are oininouftl unstahlet"!
Citing the changes In Russia and other!
Sucppean countries, be deolaricd
"capitalistic i-urope is fat becoming
With Mr. 1 1 i 1 1 i ii it on I he affirma
Uve side was Scot' Neqpring
M l. 1 1 1 Ml n I
The negative argued bv ''r
Talcott Williams, formerly of. the Co-1
aided in the proseeul lop of Murph'
The investigation n ai begun Tuesday!
fpllQWtng a sl.-iteinent from the trial
court that the attempted alibi would:
bear a review the county jury. I
at the
Salt Lake Tabernacle, New Year's Day,
I 4:30 P. M
S Symphony Orchestra Squire Coop, Conductor
Tickets for sale at Culley Drug Co.
lumbla University College of Journal
ism, and Julius Henry Cohen uf Nem
Di W illiams declared '"capitalbim I
is peoomlng ths new damocfacs of
small owners " When ;i reference t"
Russia brought applause, he advlgto
those interested i gp to Russia
Supporting Professor WilliamS) Mr.
Cohen sld Socialists arc "looking fur
1 1 new system pf ecpnomle power
wielding political power."
"The reason that 1 think eapltalism
will not collapse." hS tuldeit. "Is l.e
cause In an American atmosphere the
principles of bolaheVlsm can not en
dure,"' , 0p
Under 111" prosisions f the new
Swedish mgprlago . the wife is
compelled to help .support the family.
Tho r gul LP 11 11 1 ,,'";inff of the
shareholders of the First National
bank of Ogden Ctah. will be held at
their banklpg rooms at 2384 Washing
:.-n avenue "n Tuesday. January 11,
Hi f'T Hie I". I H
pose of sleeting directors to serve for
the ensuing year and the transaction
oi such other business as may prop
crly come before tho snid meeting
Dated "gden. Utah. December U.
oo ' H
pul pjo Indians of pre-historic Am
eflcs knew the use of splulnts in the
treatment of fracturei 1 1
p , . , s p
Out tomorrow I
j Newlctor Records 1 I
I for January S 1
Everybody who received a Victrola for Christmas will be particu- 1
Kj larly interested in this list of new Victor music. But whether it is for
H that new Victrola or for the Victrola which has been the friend of your A
H heart for years, you will find selections you will want to hear and add ffl
to your record collection. Any Victor dealer will gladly play any nunv
5 bcrs for you.
m Number Siz Ftict ,
Mefistofele L'altra notte (They Threw My Child Into th-Sea) France Alda 74651 12 $1"5
Turlcih March (From ' Ruins of Athens") Violin Mlacha Elman 64915 10 1 25
Quartet in D Minor Allegretto ma non troppo (Moiartl Flonzal-y Quartet 74652 12 1.7S
jj Mignon Polonaie, "Io ion Titania" (I'm Fair Titania) Amelita Galli-Curci 74653 12 1.75 B
Life Oiville Harrold 64916 10 1.25
Banjo Song Mmc. Homer and Miu Louiie Homer 87572 10 1.50
Elijah If With All Your HcarU Edward Johnaon 74651 12 1 75 H
Since You Went Away John McCormack and Fritz Kreicler 87573 10 1.50
lrj Lo Coucou (The Cuckoo) Tian., Sergei Rachmaninoff 64919 10 125 H
Andrea Cbenier Ncmico della patrie? (The Lnemy ul His Country?) Titta Ruffo 6S62'5 12 1.75
pi Stein Song Reinald Werrenrath L4914 10 1.25
That Naughty Waltz Ohre Kline-EIaio Baker )
Alabama Moon Olive Kline-Elaie Baker )'45:03 10 1 00
wl Alice Blue Gown Waltz Joaeph C. Smith' Orchestra
J Tripoli Medley Waltz Joaeph C. Smith's Orchestra ) 18700 10 85
m 1 Love You Sunday Medley'Foz Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago I
J Oh Gee! Oh Gosh !-One Step Tho Benson Orchestra of Chicago 18701 10 "85 uM
3 My Sahara Rose Medley Fox Trot Accordion Pietro) Mfl
Stop It !-One Step Accordion Pietro fly702 10 85
I've Got the Blues for My Kentucky Home Aileen Stanley)
Singin the Blues Aileen Stanley ( 18703 10 85
Sally Green (The Village Vamp) Billy Murray I EB
I've Got the A-B-C-D Blues Billy Murray-Ed. Smalle )" 18704 10 85 I
Forgive Me Lord Homer Rodeheaver
Old Rugged Cross Mrs. William Asher-Homer Rodeheaver f 1870(i 10 85
Avalon ( Foz Trot Song Charles Harrison I
Rock-a-Bye Lullaby Mammy Peerless Quartet ) 18707 10 y5
Feather Your Nest Albert Campbell-Henry Burr 1 H
Old Pal, Why Don't You Answer Me? Henry Burr 18708 10 S5 fcj
I Grieving for You Feather Your Nest Fox Trot , D
I Paul Whiteman and His Ambassador Orchestra ji '
My Wonder Girl Coral Sea-Foz Trot f 35703 1; J 35
Paul Whiteman and His Ambassador Orchestra
JHear these new Victor Records tomorrow at any VicXor dealer's.
He will give you an illustrated booklet describing their New Victor
Records on sale at all dealers on the 1st of each month. Victrolas
in great variety from $L;5 to $1500.
; j VlC tXOaiO
Thi trademark and th; trademarked
word "Victrola"identify all our products.
Look under the lid I Look on the label i I
I Victor Talking Machine Co. M
! Camden, New Jersey H j