Latest Items of Interest From Utah and Gem Sut
UTAH G. 0. P.
I Reorganization of Several De-
1 partments Mow Under
1 Consideration
rH SAIr LAKE, Doc. 30. Reorganise
V i k.ip ..f era I
'JM t i
era, working as n committee with the
jjB aim of putting; Into effect sonic if the
llrl proml-c.H made by the party during
1 the campaign. A slate board of equn
1 laatlon in conslel of three members
y I instead of four, 1 i present, It
part of 1 he plane fhi i eorgani i
ft m ol the board would carrj with
JWvJH it the termination of the terms of the
MkoH present members of the board.
tKfl Another ehange which has been
II 1 somewhat commonl i ported is in
f M rial commission Ai cord-
KSH inej to report, it U planned to make,
mRB the commission consist of one mi nti"
SftB lrr Instead of three, chanced with the
uIsssbbb! idmlhlstratlon of the law, and o
fcljffcH divorce from the control of the com
mission the statt Insurance fund.
HH whiten would become a separate state
i 1 orttil Th presi Industrial com-
iJM miss'lonera are P A. Thatcher end
cfHH Yfi Mi Knerr. Democrat-1, and Walter
mH r. Moiison Republican Charles A.j
KxH Ca'fne is manager of (he state fund, I
H subject to direction of the lomniis-;
fr ( nwt.i, IN I M BOA11D. ,
Another change which has been
rH .uiRprcstcd is a state board of land
tJHH commissioners, to consist of one
tRH member. Tvho shall liavc power to,
u ifl engage such " may re-
" HH quire to perform the work now done
C w by the '
I Vjt'fl president, Democrat; Artiiur Kuhn,
w7w secretary. Republican, md x i Ip-
son, I . ii
nH ndtng in l i 1
3 Democrat, and Di 1 R
A 1
affc l of agrii ilture, often heard of in past
bj th i femoi rata as ; i i omblnt three
W& or four former offices under a state
mT .'A livestock board, is again under li-
.i Suasion it is und
Republicans expect to complete the
ift work baudoned by the Demoi i its
LBv after t he beginning has been m ide
SftM Similarly i Ith
"rl suggested. Th stati dalr; and food
IjQrcH department would undoubtedly come
within this department, though i" r-
-xliLB baps a few of its multiplicity of duties
hJTM might go to the proposed department
jHflH of agriculture The state board of
EmH health would undoubtedly take over
jiSH all offices that have to do vvlth public
; t M welfare, including the state board
,30 of examiners of barbers, the state
ilB board of nurse examiners. ;md the
many other boards to examine per-
i sons applying to practlci r lie varl-
3:3B ous professions In Utah, Dr T. H 1
i y Beatty was appointed In I9J9 for a
; W seven-year term as state health com- i
. misjloncr. Walter M, len had
- , 1 expected to retire early next year as :
$k tc dairy and f i i i rnml: slon r
The state (Imi and gami depart-
UH ment would, under such a ruling, be i
WhJ placed on an equality with other de-
KH partments. instead of being more or
KmHJ less a law unto itself. In regard to!
HQH milled to exceed the revenue from t
fish and game licenses and vurlous j
IH other depaitmental souncs.
fli ill I VIN i HEMIST.
JH The state chemist's office has com-
RHJ monly been associated with the pro- ,
H posed consolidation "f health offices
kHJ in the past. However, inasmuch as a'
KjMJ great proportion of the state chemist's!.
BHJ work has to do with criminal prosc
cutions, it is believed that It will he
-H found difficult to amalgamate It with
filHJ an other department Thin Is par-
SHJ tlcularly held to be an argument
gH against permitting the state chemist's
med by the Unli It
of Utah
Hl The state road commission is ani
EfJHJ organization in which many Demo-!
crats themselves were prone to ad-1
vocate changes. It is composed of
XIH four elective state officers, governor,
i attorney general, secretary of state
and auditor, and one appointive, the:
EmfSJ etate engineer, rtepublicans are said
flpfJH not to see the matter In the same,
light as the lemoc ; it i quite
,nF' possible that the personnel of the j
SIV ctmmlsslon will be left severely alone.!
SALT LAKE, Deo. 3d A Hindu
Is white although he Is black.
This is the finding of District
Judge j, D. Call Of Brigham. As
ft consequence, l'uma Singh, 4G,
is now an Ami-rlcan cltlzenj The
judge ruled that a H mdu. belongs
to the white race and comes with
in tb' meaning of the .naturaliza
tion .ltut;. which limits appli
cants for citizenship to all free
persons of t)i white race or per
j Boris of African birth or descent.
SALT LAKE, Dec. 30. A biennla
ireport. submitted to oernor Hum
berger yesterday b State Trcasurei
Daniel O. Arson, --hows revenue re
ceipts of the State of Utah durlnj
'the lns'v two veins as 119,41 I,S66.08
Itl addition to this, non-revenu.
Iceipts of the stale were $11,527,'
! S 33. J 1 . making 8 grand total of
By far the greatest amount of llw
revenue received came from general
property taxes, there being 86, 336V
980 86 receK'ed from state and stati
school taxes, and 51.70H.055.23 re
ceived from state road taxes and ap
propriations. Tbls makes a total ol
S. 046.031). -If The specinl lax-5
amount to f 3.347.072.61. Feature ol
this am the Inheritance tax, which li
the largest contributor but one, bring
ing In a total of 8854,470 52 during
the two years; the occupation tax 011
mines, which vas the largest contrib
utor but Which is no more, whb Ii
brought in a total of 8967,731.95 nl
the motor vehicle license tax. which
pocs to state roads and which amount
id during the two years to $6,13,
26.r..43. l: turiu',1 investments rr-n state
land funds and from state land and
Water Bales do not come In us revenue,
but they ' amounted to J2.6Sr,7ii6. and
Interest on such Investments and ren
tals do come in as revenue, and tnesp
amounted during .the two vears to
The report shows that Salt lake
county Contributed nearly half of the
state and state school taxes, contrlb.
Qtlng $1,24,4.698.08 of Sk total of $2,
899,744.21 The sharerbf Salt Lake
county is not so prominent In state
county taxes or In road taxes and ap
propriations, hut is exceedingly larg'
In proportion in fines, forfeitures, re
porters fees. etc.. where It "uriiishos
$R30fi.23 of a total of $1 1,880.05 The
proportion of the total received from
Salt Dakn county to that received
from the state In $1,323, 362. S2, as
against f 3,63 1 .002. 1 8.
TWIN PALLS, Ida.. Dec. 30. Suf
fering from acute dementia, caused by
ihell shock suffered during service in
Efrance, Alar-, in Monroe, 24, son of
Or; James Monroe t ituhi, , and a scholarship man. was taken
ty his father to the State Mental hos
pital at Blackfoot for treatment yes
terday. It is not expected that the young
man will ever recover bis full men
ial faculties. Irresponsibility, which
CTadunlly developed during the past
fear, has been manifested recently In
violent form, according to evidence
idduced at a hearing before commis-donei-s
Impaneled in probate court
Here Monday.
On one occasion it in said the for
mer soldier halted a chauffeur and
itruck him violently in tie- face, and
n .-mother occasion he similarly
ltniCk a man who was walking past
Monroe was a scholarship man from
he University of Iduho. from which
ie was graduated in 1017 His n
Istment followed soon after.
IDAHO PALLS, Ida.. Dec. 20. R.
E. Roberts, manager of the Idaho
Palls branch of the Boise-Payette
Lumber company for the past "four
years, has been transferred to the
main offices of the concern at Boise.
W. H. Roysa has been appointed as
local manager of the Idaho Palls
I ra The New Victor
1 mm ale tieew ar Bright
HLb BsiirI Januan s list of Victor Records is a eitiablo
HIII9 in: 1 . . ry mood and fancy.
1 Sga9 Let lDenj ue'l brighten and shorten these long win
,t Lib I ' " ' MaUi iiiih.
v JkjM I vj Got the Blues for Mj oi-l Kentucky 18708
mtiffW Singing' the Blues
i SCui 1 'eathr Your Nert Jii-lnch
f lljR fl Old Pnl, Why Don't Vou Answ.-r Me?
BIS mWM Alice Blue Gown Walts 10-inch
fed "A Tripoli Medli Waltz
I B$ fa ,iar!V Itose Medley Fox Trot
Bl Bg m Since Tou AVent Away Uohn McCor- lo'ln'eh
ji' Sir! & ntack, Tenor)
?sBl lil ! Turkish Mardl (From Ruins of Athens) 10-lnotl
wBH llil Elijah if With All Your HearU t:d li-lnch
Boxelder Man Elected Presi-1
dent of U. E. A.: Ses
r sions Continue
SALT LAKE. Dec 30. Hy a decid j
led majority of vote?. Charles H Skid 1
j more. Superintendent of the Roxelder
I county schools, was yesterday elected
president of the Utah Educational u
sociatlon. Professor Skidmorc received
I 183 votes, his only opponent. Profes
sor B. Roland Lewis, head of ihe Eng
lish depaitnient of Ihe University of
. Tiah pollincr i'.nv otes.
D. W Parratt, suporintendenl of
j 1 ho Granite district schools of Sal 1 1
! Iake county, was elected vice presi-i
ileni of tlie association, wlnnins over
James L Parker of the Dniveralt of 1
Utah) by only six votes
j There were but. Iwn randidates for
'the two vacancies in the imsleeships- I
1 ; hence there was no contest in this re-
1 card, ti, P. Giles of Jordon district.
S:iH Lake r.iuim. received 6S9 votew, I
i while G33 ballots were cast for A. J.
. Ashman, superintendent of the Sevier j
' county schools,
j There was more (hn the evcelien! 1
j address on vital educational Ibplcs to'
make tlu session nf yestcrdBy morn-!
I inc worthy of special attention. Music'
of ihe better son v:'. made D distini
ijtlve feature nf the program, nOI ;i)on
I in the numbers preliminsr to the;
' '-chcduled prosratn 01 speeches, l"'i
I also in ihe artistic orpan reriial fci
!jon by Professor J J HcClellan chief
.i tabernacle orpanisi, in the hall hour j
. I following the addiesses While many.
;jof the Salt Lake teachers have lont;i
1 made a practice of hcarinc the ereat
j organ at infrequent Intervals, there
I were hundreds from outside the City
I to whom the organist and instrument
Jaro v,rtually unknown
I After the community singins of the
I morning session, under the direction
I of Mark Robinson Ol tKien, had well j
serv ed to induce a receptive attitude
and put everybodj in eood liumor Pro
fessor McClellan and Willard Wiehe.
violinist, e three special numbers:
that brought general and enthusiastic
applause The finale, leniawski's
"Schero Tarantelle." proved the ar-'
tistry of both foinist and accompa
nj ; at (he piano in a manner that
carried the audience off its feet.
President A M Merrill, in his an
nual address, discussed "Fundamen
tals in Education and Citizenship."
While conKt iitulatin-t the state of
Utah and iie teacher. on the progress
made In tin last few years, Dr. Merrill
believed thai if the duty due the chll !
dren were to be done, there were stv-1
oral pressing problems that domandtd
Immediate attention.
Ono of the most important of these '
questions, in the opinion of the presi j
dent, Is that of proprr rood and nour
1 ishnient for ihe children In spite of i
I all the attention that has been given!
to dietetics and home cooklnc. I
through the media of the schools. Dr.
Merriil held that it was true today
that hundreds of thousands of school
children all over the country were si
'tending school underfed and uhdei
nourished. He said' that science had 1
i-hovn sixteen elements absolutely en
j sential to the building of the body In
its completeness, and that moderi '
I conditions In manufacture of foods I
I had virtually eliminated eight of these
elements and reduced lour of the oth ;
er eight by 75 per cent. He instanced'
a survey made of the lunches in one,
of the large cities, where It had been!
shown that 10 per cent of ihetu con-
sisted mainly of confections and
Sweetmeats, not fit or proper as stable
articles of diet for growing children..
Education lor Politics" was the;
'theme of rr E 6. Slsson. president of
the University of .Montana. In thc
iew of Or. Slsson, "politics" had noih
Ing to do with partisanship, but signi-j
fied inst'-ml the broad r r concept ol du
lies and obligations as a citizen, a
member oi the body politic.
The agricultural section met in
room 33 of the Joseph F. Smith me
mortal building with President
j George D. Slelner of the University of i
! Utah and Secretary Sam Morgan of
j Sandy on hand to consult with a large
I number of delegates. The program
1 was a round table discussion of nn
j merouB subjects pertaining to agricul
tural phaHes of education.
The business section, which met at 1
room 23 of the Joseph I". Smith build
ing, with President W. L Peterson of
ht Ogden high school and seerHnr
Ij W, McMurrln of Ogden. heard a
discussion by Will G. Farrell of Bsll
l ake on "Some Things Vou Do Not
I Teach,."
The classics and modern language
( ' lions met Jointly at the west parlor'
ol the Hotel Etah. Andrew R Andei
son aud Raymond r Harrimsn, both
j of tbo University of Utah, are presi
dent and secretary, respectively, of
the classes section AN'. T. Sunder Ol
the Utah inversity is prefldcnt of the
modern languages section, and oli.:
w anderly of the Weber formal
school, Ogden, Is oecretary. There was
Ian extended program, featured by an
address by lr Slsson on 'The New!
( Humanism."
Today, as was the case yesterday
several departmental meetings will
1 take up the problems incident lo (hell
particular lines of work.
The program for the session in
I eludes an address by Superintendent:
; N Child of the Salt Lake City I
I schools, on "Making the Class Period
j Effective in the Teaching ol Civics,"!
a talk on "Teaching Citizenship to
Counteract Delinquency," by E 8
Hlpckley. superintendent of the state
industrial school, and an address by I
Dr. Coffman on Progress in Claaslfj
,1 Ion of School Children ' Some of
ihe pupils of the Weber county school
I will give "The American Creed." and
j also a chorus under Ihe direction of'
' Alberl J. Powell, the Weber county
I music supervisor.
BOISE. Ida., Dec. 30. Raymond :
j GlvMis of Boise was appointed judge
I of the Third Judicial district yesterda;
1 to succeed Judge Charles P McCarthy, 1
who was elected lo the supreme court
bench for a four-year term.
Jiidg McCarthy presented his res-I
Ignatlon lo Governor Davis some time
ago, to become effective January 3. 1
fuiige Given will succeed Judge Mc-
Carihy ai this time, '
I 1
State Farm Bureau
Session Begins Jan. fi
SALT LAKE. Dec 30. Co-opera-;
tlon" and "A Square Deal" h.i bi 1 n
announced aS the two (reneral topics
which will be discussed at the three;
days' convention of the l"tnh farm'
bureau, to be held In Salt liike on;
January C 7 and 8.
Invitations have been sent to over'
men and women of western states
to speak at the convention. The main 1
convention will be held at the Hotel1
1'tah. u'hile Its eleven sections will be
held In the Hotel Utah and ihe Joseph I
P. Smith memorial building.
Among those who ha- accepted In
vitations to give addresses are Dr.
John A. Widtsoe. president of the'
University of Utah; l u B. G. Peter
son, president of the Utah Agricul
tural college, W W. Armstrong, presi-'
ilcnt of the National Conner bank;
c XV. Kirk ham. state director of vo
cational education. Charles Tyng of
the T ng Warehouse company; C. C 1
Richards, attorney; J. Alex Melville,
attorney; B. L Slack, grain expert.1
of Ogden; R. E. Caldwell, drainage
engineer; Dr. F M. MarshSjl, secre-l
tars of the National Woolsrowers' as-1
sociatlon' fir. F. S. Harris, dlrectoi1'
Of the t'tah experiment station ;it
Logan, S. L. Strivings, r' ;iret-entlnB
the American Farm Bureau Federa
tion, and a number of farmera..of this
s-mte. j. Edward Ta lor, coimnercial
agent for the bureau, stated last cVe-l
:iing that the program will be an
nounced within three or four dnys.
The first session of the convention
"ill be held ai 0 o'clock Itl the morn
ing. January 6. when Ihe bureau dl-1
rectors and project chairmen will meet I
at the Ifotcl Utah. At 10 o'clock there
jWill be i general fttfalon, at which
"Co-operation" will i- the topic. Thisl
vill be followed by a noonday lunche-j
on .'t the hotel, and in ihe afternoon!
there will be another general .--esslon. 1
Eleven pro.jeet or divisional meetings
will be h"ld in the evening at the L.
D. s. U.
Home problems win ic tli- general I
subject at the morning session of I
January T. after which another lunc h
eon win be held at the hotel. "Co
operation" and -The ITuturc of Ag
riculture" will be tonic's of the .xfter-J
noon session. The sections will hold
sessions again In the evening pre
paring final reports and recommenda
tions to be submitted on the closing
Stay on the Farm" will be the,
subject of the third day's sessions, !
civic and educational problems being'
discussed. The third noonday lunch
eon will be held and the afternoon de
voted to consideration of reports re
ceived from the sections Officers fori
the bureau will be elected at tho eve
ning session of the illretors, this
concluding the convention.
COUS n BO i::i mi i 1 s
Lot, AN, lie.' L'.' -The lounty com
missloners met today to pass on
elulm.- This was the last meeting
01 the present board, as the newly
elected board will cbmmence work:
next Monday. Ephralm Bergeeon of
Cornish and Mov Thatc he-- of Logan
will retire. Mr Bergeson has served
on the board since 1912
SALT LAKBi Dec 30. George F. j
HeGonegle, sUle engineer, urges In,
ills biennial report to Governor
berger, that a topographical map of(
Ftah be made He recommends
$20,000 be appropriated by the legls-1
lature for this worl: McGonagle de
blares that the federal government.,
through the United Stales geological;
survey, started to make such a map'
of the United States in 1SS2 To date.
about four-tenths of the country has I
been mapped out and It Is tho prac-
tlce of the go.ernmcnt to spend dol-;
lar for dollar wherever a state ap
propriates moncv for this purpose. :
Topographic maps, according to Mr
McGonagle, nrc of an inestimable
alue to a state and aid in stimulat-
ing mining, irrigation, drainage, agrl- 1
culture, road construction and other
development. If the state expects to
keep space with the other stales in i
the development of its natural resour
ces s;;s the recommendation, the
topographic map must be completed..
Under the new Irrigation and water
righu liw providing for the distribu
tion of the public waters of the state,
the state engineer has taken over iltir-!
ir.g the last blenntum the distribution
of wier from Ihe following strcoms
Antelope creek. Hig spring branch,
Blue Mountain streams. COS ' reeL.
Grass! Trail creek, Knn.irra creek.!
Little Pru5h errek. Price river. Quail'
creek, Red creek(8S,irto Clara river, Se
vier river system and the Weber river
system, Some of these were taken
OVer on iWitiCi:i of the Water users and I
some on the requests of the courts. 1
. The report devotes a hnpter to the
progress being made in the adjudica-;
tlon of water rights, and takes up the
Sevier and the Weber at some length
Concerning' the Weber 11 says: "It
is estimated tha there are between,
ISOft and 20nt water claimants on this
river system and that it will lake from 1
two to three years before a deterntl-'
nation of all rights will be completed
and submitted to the district COUti
The work of the engineer's office'
In connection With water distribution
Is taken up at considerable length.
This also Included the s,..i,r river
lOd In 1919 the Weber. On the Se
vier It was found that the "HigginS
decree Classifies the primary rights
into fo:ir classes and, to give each
eanat Its rights, the dally discharge of
the r:c-r must be determined and the)
various canal headgales changed ac-.
cordlngly. .
$8,000,000 ANNUALLY
SALT LAKE, Dec. 30. Utah's dairy
cows are bringing to the state a revc-j
mie of approximately JS, 000. 000 an
nually, according to figures shown in
the biennial report of Walter M. Boy-
ilen, state dairy and food commls
sloner The report was filed yester
dav in Governor Bamberger's office.
Mr Hoyden has set forth estimates,
based upon offjeial figures as to the
production of creamery. condensary
and cheese products as follows
Putter made at the creameries of
the state, disregarding the ranch but-
"111" I
Qne-Eleven I
IYi f f h A v e c N c w York j li
Qciarettesl j
: m
ter or any home made product. 4.
143. 3SJ pounds. Figuring the aver
age richness of milk at 3-6 per cent
butter fat, this butter was made from
'ifi.""77,3::.j pounds of milk. At an av
erage price paid by the creameries of
.", cents S pound for butter fat, and
the average pound of butter as con
taining 80 per cent butter fat, the far
mer received 92,015,890.
The cheese factories of tho state
made I .Sy'J'ir, pounds. A pound of
cheese would come from about ten
pounds of a,er.iu-. nulls, which wcrdd
mean a total of 1988S060 pounds of
milk sent to the factories. Receiving
for this at the sanie rate ns the cream
eries, or oil cents per pound of butter
fat, Ihe producer has a revenue of
The total revenue from the milk H
'products of the dairy' cow actually sold J
lor eonsumed on the farm table, there- iiH
iiore. would run 97,921,684 ,PH
j This average revenue is '0.22 cent- iH
per cow on Mr. Hoyden's estimate of
100,000 dairy cattle. iH
Mr Hoyden comments on the fai
'that the Utah condensed milk Indus-
try Is eon fined to Cache valley. He JH
1 points out that the price paid for but- ''Vl
ter fat by the condenseries runs from
110 to 3o cents higher than that paid
the creameries.
Experts have estimated that 20,00'L- iH
1000 tons of paper pulp can be pro
Iduced each year from India's bamboos
and grasses. H
At the annual meeting of the Utah State Farm Bureau to be in Salt Lake City, January 6, 7, 8, the subject of a square
deal for agriculture will be discussed by recognized experts A pr'ogTam for the coming year will be adopted The next
year is going to be one of trial for the farmers and we must be prepared to meet any emergency.
The big problem today before the farmers of the country is this: To get prices for our products that will pay the cost
of production and give us fair profit We raise our wheat, our beets, our hay put all our effort into gTOwing just as much
as we can grow and then sit back and take the price that others choose to give us.
It's the same thing season after season. Big crops have not meant Big Profits. Yet for years we have only done just
what any other class of men would first do under the same circumstances talked That's all
The time has come ! Action not talk is what we must have now. Utah farmers have shown that they intend to get
this action by joining
The Utah State Farm Bureau j
We are entitled to cost of production, plus a fair profit on our investments in addition to fair wages,
Wc can not work out these problems as individuals It must be done through organization
Don t complain unless you are willing to make an effort to help clear up things.
The farm bureau is our medium for action.
It is an organization of farmers and for farmers' interests, formed, financed and officered by farmers. It is your organi
zation. I
Join the Farm Bureau and get your neighbor to join and give the organization wholehearted support.
The Utah State Farm Bureau 1
Suite 620, McCornick Building Salt Lake City, Utah
Huntsville, Utah Ephralm, Utah D. D. McKAY, Huntsville, Utah
J F BURTON. National Representa- H E BECK, Treasurer DAVID N BEAL, Ephraim. Utah
tive, Garland, Utah Delta. Utah -EE R TAYLOR, Payson, Utah
LEE R TAYLOR, Secretary H E. BECK, Delta, Utah
Payson, Utah EPHRAIM BERGESEN, Cornish, Utah
The State Farm Bureau annual meeting will be held In Salt and Housekeepers' Conference will be held January 10 to 15 at
Lake City, January 6, 7 and 8. First meeting will be at Hotel Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah.
Utah, 10 a. m. Luncheon at 12:30 noon and another general These will be discussed in full Preparation of Farm Prod
meeting at 2 p. m. In the evening at the Joseph F Smith Me- ucts for Market, Supply and Demand; Methods of Marketing;
monal building eleven meetings will be held for those interested Finance; Nutrition and Health In the Home. National lecturers
in Dairying, Canning Crops. Cereals Sugar Beeta, Dralnago and and experts will be there. A real course for Farm Bureau proj , H
Irrigation, Livestock, Sheep and Wool, Swine and Women's work. ect leader: