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fl "! 'NDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2, '.321. ,MgggggKU.EXAf.llWfcR M I jjBrigham Society I J CITT, rIa)i. Jan B I Mr. and Mrs. JRoy Vounp H "pent Chrlstms to Ogden 1 Ing at the home of Dr. e.nd Mm. D. HI Hrn1'Ton. TM Mr. and Mrs. i . C. Clayton nnd' I .ibI l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.I L A i 1 trr Corinne apenl Christina day B eflsa Oi Burton of OgtTer is jBijSjHB i -1 1 1 n tr with fiiendn ZBBBBS Ml Mr- I fs I drcn spent Christmas ii In Ogden. W tfm " - Vf Ifissj Llsaie Preston of Garland is VJ vialtlng here with her parents; Mr. V and .Mrs. William Preston. BK SB ftVa Kllton St-art of Trovo Is vlsit- m', me at the hom ol Judge and Urt k BBt Miss Muriel Horsley came down MS V wit li ' W V. A. C. Bryan and children of "M NephL arevlslting relatives here. "jVmY Mls.i Lily Horsley of Provo Is visit- f inn relatives here. ... "' ' I Mr. and Mrs. O. Stewart Horaley i --;B of s i . i 1 ' H Miss Freda Nelson same up from1 Salt Lake to visit with her sister, BH Mrs. V'arlan Kellei itf I Mr. and Mrs. Clifton I'elree and I H I ghtcr, Yvonne, an spending the BYt I raiting in ei H' VJ i vitlffAW from Preston ... apei i IH . Bb? water and rack Wo of v - l I PREFERS PRISON I I l'n s HOME 1 TO III SIM Sei , (By International Newi r-c 20. Of WESTFIELD. Mass.. D two years in fered the choir. betu.ei, h pherd and Uio House of thi Oood S ind. J i mlc returning to her husbi Told, chose Rogalakt 'seventeen yean the cell. ... , , 1 00 years In I would rather spend iepherd than the House of the Go d SI she told the one day with thai man.- . before had COUrt u l.i. '. t ( in;, tried her for torgi ry, i to She said ihe had been H nfa I ... murrj Cosmo Blan. hi. ... . Con i . and Hill I da; oo 1 1 I I place Christmas day at 'he hotno ol the bride's parent. Mr. and Mm. Junie Bywater. The ceremony wa? perform".! by Bishop ft, W. Valentine In the presence of, the imm .Mate fam ilies and a few cldse friends. Fol lowing the cer mony a Christmas din ner wa ervel. A lance wedding cake formed the centerpiece" for the dlnnc-r table which wan decorated In Christmas colors'. Mr. und Mrs. W'ol tn lft In the evening for Logan where they will spend a few days. A quiet home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Jenson on Christmas day when their daughter RamOna, wa" married to ; Blackburn performed the ceremony In : '. presence f the Immediate fam lllee ar U o'clock. Immediately after ! the ceremony ohristmas dinner was i served in the dining room Which was I decorated in Christmas .olors and cut I rows. A "large Wedding Cuke and I holly formed the centerpiece for ihn dinner table and a crystal basket .f j cut roses at each end In the living (room Christmst eolora and POlnset tas were uscd. Tlie couple left the .following day for Salt Lake. The marriage of Miss Martha West and Carl Gillls of d ri look place I Christmas day at tli- home of the bride'.- parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph A. West. Bishop H. V. Valentine per formed the ceremony at 12 o'clock i" the preaence ol the Immediate fam- Ml. s Mis Alice Was bride"-J inald and Kills Donc-lson best man ; Following the ceremony a Christmas dinner was served. The HviiiK rO'.nw were attractively deep rated in Cnrist maa colors and poinsettas. in the. lining room C'lt rn...j were used. A, lai-ge decorated wedding cake formed the eentepiece for the dinner table. I The out of town j.'u -t were Mr-. M. CIMIs. Miss Myrtle Glllis. Mr. and Mrs. Curtain, .lr. and Mrs Cbarlos Worth of Ogden ..lid Mr. and Mrs. Chaunev1 IVi si of Sail Lake. The couple Jeft ! early In the afternoon for Salt Lake' whore they will spend a few days. I Mr. and Mrs. GIIM.v will make their; home In igti i i I TheyVe Moving Plymouth Rock ( uidlH - ) 1 - T I If 1 1 ., bd i icln'1 rU i'.ji-. Jasl lifted M T, w m from ... the rock is William s Brewster. , wivnuis in PERIL. KILO, Island of Hawaii, Dec C. ( of the Associated PrcsS.) Three naval aviation officers' nartowly escaped death recently when i after landing their plane on tho ocean BUrfacs near a rocky portion of the Hawaiian coast, they were forced to J cling to a narrow ledge until rescued j by Chilians ashore who had seen their plight T1k officers, Lieutenant Don-' aid G, Duke, i; H. Hale and Ivan Q. Moorman. were hauled up the 10"! foot cliff with ropes after endeavoring! for BOme time i tai.- Ihelr machine.' The plane was forced lo descend be-j cause of lack of gasoline. Attempts' to save the plane intact failed. I OO- There are more than 22,000,000 wld- I ows In India, one-third of whom arc under lt years of age. B, 1 J fl H1'' Prrdacd by 1' J I B Ruth Roland Srial &kf.JV I ""'H HP""'-'' Production!. Jnc. ffik1 u rroundecl in the eagle's N We left J BM her life. SBSBBSBB M ffljf) l rst ePsocle start with i W Bve through these thril- I I Btathe serial m m B I L-b I Lam Mr. and Mrs. Joseph CrltehlcV?"" .tioune.- the niarrlago of their ' ter, Lettle Crpchlow. to Pranl ,ook 1 kle of Salt Like. The marHag0" place at Lcsan ThursJay aftcr .Toll.) Mrs N. J. Cummings of I71 1 'v Cal.. is spending the hoHdavHr,'n.,s den. and 1" the guest of her ,"1 Mr. and LMra .1 M. Browning, ter, Mr.K L col, at- Mr nm Ml R llph E ISalt by the i r. jHotcEh Ti. 1 MBMj,v Adams .-f .Mol '": w .v, Tw . ompllmenti d g - Mrs.Ksborne, 2eTl Wall avenu1r' lAdaJP1 flatting her jrrandnfa'n I Mrw. C V. Adams, and was ante " cd at several prettv affairs durin v "s Btaf'lo 'gden. The Osborne hpm0'1 rto(rted prettily, rule-tide ,w,r' j prlonilnaling. Games and rTfu'ic'11 a .. ' ed until 5:10 o'clock. vl-Mrs' dgnty luncheon was served by-ine OStorne, a-.iste,i by Mltsnn Ml8" Jones. Blanche Woiberg and Iiutb11'" borne. TfS guests aoned were l'. "; Irwin. U.ith" 'iTr-.u-r-'riC. C.-Unid.- .r,,' i iron Mabel Pender, DorOtBJI J4 Mia I v Holkf.nson, Marguerite eill, r W alker Lowe. Raymond Blair. Wd'H-. !!rwln. Glen WnMerg. and the com J niented guest, M;i A Jams fed Mrs. Bimer Woolsey entertkyl Thiiradaj aXtarnoon in honor of 'h" Mary Adams, .-t Montpellcr, Id 1 who la a ai.rt c.f her r Mr. and Mi. Charles Adams, du" the holidays. Deooratlons in the Woll sey home were suggestive of the hV ' day season. Games and music j heartily enjoyed by tho little gueth- A dainty luncheon was served to Wen following: Misses Mary Adams. J'. n Irwin, Gertrude Morrlion. Math I oing. 1 der, Lorraim Martin. Uuth BrowMeri Florence Hrownlng. Masters, wrwln.j Lowe. Ua.vmop.d Pair. Walter H and i Dick Thompson, Karl Osborne Bobuy Campbell. MALAD SOCIETY tier) ; 1 (Special to Tho Standard-Ixami Ed- j MALAX), Jan. 1 Mr .md Mrake. j ward Owens are visiting In Salt L . ; left I J Mr. and Mi - W A Mi Clurj wll! ' BSBBS MrTW1! J-N.rrtrV,-Vv.rT v,f ciad-j djiri . Phunister. ' v ; Mr. and Mrs. L. Lew la left last woeki to spend the holidays visiting relative:.; at Provo. Miss G wen f read Jones who is atteml-j ing school at Berkeley, Cal., is here! I for the holidays, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E). Jonoa a Mr. and Mr?. J. II Giles went to I Pocatello, where they spent Christmas j week w ith Mrs Gi!e' arents. :; j Miss Evelyn Kerns, who Is attend- ing school in Pocatello, is visiting her' parents during the holidays. .... .. Misn Constance 'lit istenscn, who i.s I attending school in Logan, is spending) her school vacation with her parents, here. I Mrs. Cecil Haskell of Fielding. Utah, lis a guest at the home of her mother. I Mrs. Annie Goddnrd. - - Mis f. i Parquette returned last ! Friday from ' Igden, where she was .; guest of her sister, Mrs. Grace HaUlj; j The Mutual Improvement associa- tlon ol the Second warii ga.- a christ ! mas festival Thursday evening. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Darwin Thomas of I'.yton. ira vpf tiding a few d.t s b.t. , j visiting relatives -oo TREMONTOlf SOCIETY V; (Siwclal to rii Standard -J-xamlner) TREMONTON, Jan 1. Mr. and Mr-. ' E Hadloy hud as their guest during Christmas week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cropley of Golconda, Xev " Mr and Mrs. George Brad aha W nave II returned from a visit with relatives In I I Salt Lake. . . Mlsa Zeldan Xesaen of Howell, v.-ho la attending the Nn; I. rsoy academy. at Logan, is spending thi holldaj va cation with her parents. . . Mrs. F.liza Madsen. of Deweyvllle, visited in Trcmonton Saturday. Mrs G- A. Garfield has returned i from a two-day trip to P.rlgham. . Mr and Mrs. William Keelo have their guest, their daughter. Mr3. Will lam Thompson of Ogden. Mr. J. R Downing has returned af ter a pleasant visit in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs- A. I McGulre, spent the latter port of the week in Salt' Lake. . . Vflaa June Person who is attending achool In Salt Lake, Is spending thi vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mra. X. B, Iverson. Mrs. Levon Green entertained ai a dinner Sunday. The occasion was h r birthday anniversary. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank FUhburn of I Brlgham, visited relatives In Tremon-I ion during the latter part of Chi mas v, cek. . . Mr-J .1 li. Laub and Mrs. Claud Srover Of Fielding, were Tremoniou ;uesL during the early part of Christ mas week. EL res Mrs. J. E. Johnson entertained aC lumber .of her friends Thursday af-I ;ernoon. laR oo in GARLAND SOCIETY a- , (-'pedal to lie Standanl-Esajnlncr) GARLAND, Jan. l. Mrs. Battle (less spent Christmas i- the guest of lier sister. Mrs. A. T. Grover, of Salt ake. see MlSa Sarah Buxton lias returned 'rom a visit to Salt Lake, where Bhi ipent ChrlStmaa With friends Mrs. Agnes Campbell and daughter, -ucjnda. left Saturday evening for Salt ake.. They will visit there during the :oming week. Mrs. P. C. Petterson was hostess to he members of the Ladles' Slf Cul ure clul Friday of last week. Mrs. ft. T. Hymer luoslded. Twenty mem tiers were, present. Those attending; i mvlted guests were Mrs. J. L. Xi aart of Home Pale, Idaho. Mrs. Roy i Lowe, Mr Leland Hansen. Mrs Ulamd Nelaph, .Misses Erina, Annie ALH AMBR I -i- Jam. Utah's Finest Theatre X L BIG NEW BILL BEGINS TONIGHT H And NicCarterWells on S I pi I Thomas H. 1 A I bice presents Ct JLJ lJmkj I in f Jl paramount picture I There was dirty work afoot! Gosh! even jealous, accusin' eyes on a sweet and beautiful folks that wasn't detectives knew that. actress lady who never, never done wrong? For why them tracks to the lonelv lake vT. 1 t ry And a rich man, vanished? And funny goinV , Nicholas Carter Wells had a clue, and on in that smart doctor's Home for Nervous sh-h'h! Come see Sherlock Holmes s ghost Women? And a fortune in jools stolen? And turn 8reen Wlth env'! the mystery house in the woods? And all them Five rousing reels of laughs and excitement! By Agnes Christine Johnston; Directed by Jerome Storm; Photographed by Chet Lyons; A Thomas H. Ince Production Added Feature FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY I t ; 1 H seats 1 10c 1 20c 30c F I Children Matinees Main Floor ?:00 All Seats Balcony Evenings Evenings 9:00 COMING--WEDNESDAy7tHURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY B WALLA CE REID I In His Greatest Success 'ALWAYS AUDACIOUS' I .. . . . 1 and Belle Burton. Musical numbers und readings were given. Mr and Mrs. D. Shumway of Logan I have returned to their home aftcr i spending .i week a the house guesU of Mr ;ind Mrs. John Sbumway. Mr- and Mrs. Charlie Edwards and children have gone lo Brlgham make th-ir home, Leon and Mnijorie Bush, who are attending school in ogden. are pacing the holidaya with their parents, Mr. hi. I Mrs. Jt L. Lush. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. H, K. Hart hao re i turned from a trip to ogden. Mrs. 1. V. Schneider was a ialt Lake guest during tho early part of the week. a Mrs. Wallace Edwards and children, of Spanish Fork, lire guests at hc home of Mrs IM wards' mother. Mrs Lnima Coonihs. f Mlsa Bern lee Grover and Master, . Wendell Grover of Suit Lake, are spending the holidays as Uio guests of j relatives and friends in Garland. BLUEBEARD'S WIT VEX'S JUDGE IN PARIS COURT !".rus. Dec. 9. (Correspond' nee Contrary to general expectation, it 'seems that Henri Landru, whom the police call the Gambala Bluebeard, is i alter all to be tri d on the charge that ho murdered his it fiancees and will not be 1 t off With the five y.-irs sen tence and subsequent deportation to l Devil's Island which he has already re ceived lor swindling. The indictment, which forms a vol lumo of 475 pagea has been sent to the assizes court and the Investigating ! Judge Gonln. heaving a great sigh of I relief, announced that the ease wa-s now out of his hands. Maitre ro Bdorol ailafferii who was one of the defeuso )for Catllaux, will be counsel frr the nCOUSed Bambala man. Landru has appealed to the court of cassation against the sentence for (Swindling. Jmlgo Bonin tofd him the ippcul would delay his trial for mur- (der and thus deprive him of a chance to provo his innocence beforo next March. "I am In no hurry." responded Lsmdru, whoso dry wit has made him a hard customer for Die judge. 'Lv (the way. just to set matters right. I ihuve not the sllghst desire lo prove imy innocence: 1 Mnler-tand It is up I lo vou to provo my guilt." "All right." replied the Judge. ' post poned until the March aaalxes.'1 "1 should worry," Landru retorted, as a parting shot. "My alleged victims, myself or you will have died Of old ago before the aS-iloa have BSeq ttnjf one of us." RIO DE JAKBIBO. Brasll, De" a. (Correspondence) Three thousand Germana, some unaccomponiedi otheri with their families, ure waiting in Germany to embark for Brazil, where; they wish to settle, according to ad-, lccs received by the ltrazlllan minis-; try of agriculture from the German, emigration department. Governors of all Brazilian state' i have bean asked by the head of the i BraxlUavn immigration service whether Wish to accept German colonlsta und bear expense of transportation. H K.-.plrlto t-'auto slnte has replied that prepared to accept 1.000. Other ffsJH istateji hao not yet responded. -oo rRAXSl 1 111)1 I "' vi EU 9 inki COURT ROOMS H (Ity Inlcmallonal N'eBGa Service.) POPLuVR; Mont. EtJm theapiana H 'are giving way here to the more pro- ties and a poolroom aro being re- fJ modelled to meet the m ods of an en- ffl larged judiciary which will meet here every other Tuesday for law and mo tlon day. Tho Walker Opera house is fajH being changed Into a courtroom and , j I quarter a lor the jurors, while the Strand theatre la being made into an office for Uio clerk of the court. The fJJH Culbertson pool hall will be the judge'a chambra when the work U well started, is completed. The First I?e to hold court hue la C(