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Hi H I THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1922. -II IMILUON DOLLAR ! INCOMES NOTED -Five Citizens Pay Federal Tax on Total of $65,090,572 WASHINGTON, Feb 20 Five citi zens of the United stufs reported an 165,090,672 according to an omciai report issued by the treasury depart "ment Deductions of J 14.465.6 . 3 were 'allowed, bringing the Income to J&u 6i4 899 on whit H tl'- government collected $33.801.08o. or 65 77 per cent. Taxable Incomes of individuals re turned to Hi government tor the cal endar year 1919 showed an Increase of nearlv 14 000.000.000 as compared S will) 191!, accordlnc to statistics Issued j by the internal revenue bureau, W I.U QK NKT 3 7M j For the vear 1919 there were 5.382 - Tti.j Individual returns filed for u totnl Income of 819.859 ooo. ooo as affunst '4,426,114 returns for a total of S15 I , 2 1 yno.000 for the previous year. The i - lax' collected on the 1919 returns? amounted o $1,270,000,000 which was 'an Increase of $1 11,909,000 over the year 1918. ... Personal returns of incomes or 51. I 000,000 and over totaled 65 for 1919 .compared with C7 in 1918. while for I jyig there wore five returns filed for I Incomes of $6,000,000 and over. For 1919 there were six personal re 1 turns of income from $3 000.000 to i $4 000.000: seven of Income from $2:- i 000 000 to $3,000,000; 13 from $1 600.- 000 to $2.to0.00o: 34 from $1,000 -000 t SI. 500. 000; i'0 from $7:.0.000 to $1,000,000 and 140 from $400,000 to Sr,f)0 000. I The average net Income reported for 1919 was $3 724 05. the average amount of tax $238.08 and the average tax 8.89 per cent The proportion ol the population of the country filing returns for the year was 5 03 per cent, reporting a per capita net in come of $1X7 32 and a per capita in come tax of $11.98. M.VAPA PAYS LEAST The number of corporation income tax returns other than personal ser . -vice corporations for 1J19 was 320. 198, of which 209.634 reported net in. ome amounting to S9.411. 000,000 ; with a total tax of $2,175,000,000 com pared with the 1918 figures of 317.57'i corporations filing returns of whch I : 202.061 reported a total net income I of $8,361,000,000 and a tax aggregat ing $3. 1M. 000. 000. Personal income returns of more hnn SI Oft.oOo.ooO re r ported from aacb of nvc states. Now York with M - $3,436,000,000. Pennsylvania, 31.S3S, 000.000; Illlni is $1,662,000,000, Mas sachusetts $1090,000 000, and ml. $1,075,000,000 Nevada with a total vpt $20,887,000 reported the smallest total of the states. I AIRPLANES TO WAR ON RUM RUNNERS WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 Cse of airplanes along the Florida ci asi in a war on rum smugglers was understood " today to be under consideration by prohibition heaiouart ers. I Plans for the use of airplanes against rum runners were understood to lie J' pari of a s'lpiintic program being Irr worked out by prohibition authorities ; Involving activities In the air, on the water and on land to stem the tide of illicit liquor flowing into the country irom West Indlur, :md other islands, fflelal8 would not diet USfl the re ported plan to form an anti-alcohol navy mobilized with former sub chas H 'jers. I RAIL TRAFFIC OF YEAR SHOWS DROP WASHINGTON. Feb 20. A decline was registered in railroad traffic dur ing 1921 of 23 3 per cent undei that of 1920. the greatest aver recorded in -American tranportathm history, ac ""cordlnc to the Association of Railway "executives. Compiling the estimates from reports to the Interstate com '.merce commission, the association In' a statement said thai In 1921 the num-l her of tons of freight carried one mile In the United States were 344.ltJ7.000. 000 or 104.390.000.000 less than the ton-miles of 1 920 The decrease In "the eastern district was 24 1-2 per cent. In the western 22 1-2 per cent wpd In the southern 20.6 per cent. I . 00 ENGLISH LABORITES DISLIKE COMMUNISTS LOXDOX. Feb. 20. Publication oon of details concerning support be ing given to Russia by Communist ex Jrcmlsts In England was promised by H. Thomus, labor leader. In un ad .Vf .1. Sheffield Sunday nighl " He also declared that, if the work t of the Communists could be counter f ected. he believed the Labor part: i sooner or later would be called upon I to govern the country j YoaCan Have a Soft, Clear M, Skin, Free from Pimple and Unsigh tly Blotches, by Using Zcmo, the Antiseptic Liquid UW, It heals burning Eczema, makes WW rashes and Tetter disappear, WW. removes pimples, blackheads and other skin irritations. Excellent for Dandruff. All Druggists'. lil zcmo H FDR SKIN IRRITATIONS For Raw Sore Throat L At the first sign of a raw, core throat rub on a little Mustexole with your fingers. It goes right to the spot with a gentle tingle, loosens congestion, draws out HB soreness and pain. Mustexole is a clean, white ointment HB; made with oil of mustard. It has all j the strength of the old-fashioned mus- Lw, tard plaster without the blister. Nothing like Musterole for croupy children. Keep it handy for instant U9e. 35 and 65 cents in jars and tubes; hospital size, $3. H BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER YEGG' CAPTURED WHILE AT WORK Man Drilling Church Safe Had Diploma From Burglary School PROVIDENCES, R. I . Feb. 20. Discovered at work drilling holes In a safe In th. veatry of st. Paul's Roman ' Catholic church here early Sunday I morning. Charles Benson, 39 years of age. who po-soses What purports to lie a diploma from a Sal! Fran. ISCO school for burg I hts was surrounded by a 1 ordon of police and arrested. The Rev. Martin F Reddy. pastor of the church, awakened by the sound of a window being opened In the I church veatry, watched the intruder at work with a full set of burglars tools at the door of a safe which con tained a portion of the parish funds. I tie telephoned the police. Among possessions c laimed by the I man, and taken from a checking room I in a railroad station here are several correspondent 0 course lessons in how to be a burglar, a diploma signifying that Hens.m is a graduate There also was a full line of burglar's tools, flash lights and Other unusual equipment. PHOTOGR M'll POt M An lnvetigation of the papers and pamphlcus found by the police Indica ted that Benson had taken a mull course In the Wayne Strong School of Safe Work in Los Angeles, al This data Included a diploma made out In the name of Fred Read, on which was a statement announcing that every graduating student receives a similar certificate. A prospectus of I Hi.. school contained a picture the promoter of the scheme, which the po lice say is strikingly like Benson. He denied helng the man and the Ias An geles authorities will be appealed to, the police announced, to ascertain the varlus identities Involved Benson told officer he was in California in January. He had in his possession a letter enclosing a f4nal payment of $10 for his course of instruction In safe en tering, which he had not mailed. INQUIRY U.N COAST SAN FRAN ISC' 1 Feb. 20 There may be a correspondence school for burglars in San Francisco, but If there Is the police don't know Its address. Anyway, according to C iptaln of De tectives Duncan Mutheson. the Institu tion could not have been highly suc cessful In teaching the profession. Captain Matneson said the failure of the school." if a school there Is, was proved by the arrest of Charles Ben son., a burglar and safe cracker, and alleged graduate, w hile al tempting to rob a Providence. R. I . church. But there have been schools for crime In Sun Francisco. Police recalled that some years ago arrests v. ere made nere of educators in the art business 01 profession of shoplifting and still another time of persons who conduct ed a school for pickpockets. Students in these two institutions of underworld learning were made to fol low an exact curricula of theory' and practice, ureordlng to the police 00 - - Mrs. Sanger May i Enter Japan if She Won't Talk ToKlO. Feb 20. The instructions of the Japanese foreign office to the Japanese consulate In San Francisco ihftt It refuse to vise the passport of Mrs Margaret Sanger; head of the birth control league, were on tho ground that propaganda along the lines she understood ?ho propose d wus Illegal In Japan and an Improper sub ject for public discussion. The foreign office objection, how ever, it was slated bv an official today did not mean that Mrs. Hunger would be denied admission to Japan Yusuke Akamatsu chief of the lm migrati'm section of the foreign office said today the action taken was In tended OS a warning to Mrs. hunger that she would not bo permitted to lecture and to forestall any complaint she did not know th- Japan at titude in advance. Statements that she would not be permitted to land in Japan ure in correct, he declared. On the contrary she would undoubtedl receive per mission to enter tho country upon th condition that she would not attempt propaKanda, CONVICT BETRAYS RUM CONSPIRATORS SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 20 Harry Brolaskl, convicted of an illicit liquor conspiracy and under sentence of two yeaxs at McNeill Island federul pris on, announced that he had tclexruph ed to Commissioner Of Internal Reve nue David Blair at Washington, brief ly setting forth a purported history of Whisky and gin withdrawals from bonded warehouses here between June and December ls'j" Brolaskl h as been callej) the master mind"' of B large Il licit liquor ring. Brolaskl also dispatched copies of the telegram to Commissioner of Pro hibition Haynes. Attorney General Dautfhcrty and Senators Hiram lohn son and Samuel Shortrldge of Call I fornla. The Information, Brolaskl's tele 1 gram said, was transmitted without the expectation of any reward Bro luski during the past few weeks has been conferring wivh prohibition en forcement officers here and in his telegram to Mr. Blair charged that I while numerous conspiracies were in progress to get liquor Illegally from the bonded warehouses he was being I prosecuted while other persons were allowed to go free 00 BOY HELD IN PLOT ON LIFE OF PRINCE SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20 A Tokio dispatch to the Japanese American, 'i Japanese language newspaper here, nald a Tokio schoolbov hud been ar iested In connection with an alleged plan to assassinate Prince Iseyato Tokugawu, one of the Japanese dele gates to the Washington limitation of armament conference. The boy was arrested, the dispatch said, at the Tokio railway station last Saturday when Prince Tokugawa ar rived home. WOMAN CONVICTED OF SLAYING MATE LOS ANGELES. Calif., Fob. 20. A verdict of manslaughter, with a rec ommendation for clemency, was re turned late Sunday by tho ton women and two men Jurors In the ease, of Mrs. Julia Leo Johnstone, tried for tho murder of hor husband, Thomas IJ. Johnstone, at Long Beach, last July The Jury had deliberated approximate ly 54 hours. Sentence will bo passed Tuesday. Mrs. Johnstone declared she shot her husband without realizing what he was doing following a day of do mestic difficulties over his alleged dealing In illicit liquor. FARMER LOANS ! BOM REPAID Improved Agricultural Con ditions Reflected By Liquidation WASHINGTON. Feb 20. Improve ment In agricultural conditions is be ginning to manifest Itself In an order ly liquidation reflected In recent re payments to the war finance corpor ation in connection with its lonns for export igricultural and livestock pur poses. Managing Director Eugene Meyer Jr. declared Sunday In a for mal statement From January 1 to February l ft. in clusive, he said, a total of $ I G. 233.00" has been repaid to the corporation, of which $3.H2u,'K'0 r- presented re paymfnts Of loans made under the war powers of th' organization. Ol that sum. he added, 1168,000 was re paid on cattle loans and $3.7r;7.0O0 on railroad and public utilities loans. Repayments of export advances. Mr Mover said, totaled $7,641,000. ol which $520,000 was from exporters, $735 OOii from co-operative association-; and $2,04,000 by banking Insti tutions, while $3,695,000 representee liquidation of export loans financed through Edge law hank acceptances Repay ments on account of aTloultur al and livestock loans, he continued, aggregated 8,671.OO0 of which $2 - 877.000 was repaid by banking insti tutions. $347,000 by livestock loan 'companies and $447,000 by co-opera-'tlve associations. ' All repayments have been volun tary" Mr Meyer said and u consld lerable part of the total represents re I payment due dates. " Bind Watchman of U. S. Warehouse and Haul Liquor Away DEROXT Mich. Feb 20. Six arm-! ed men bound and gagged the watch man at a government warehouse In Beaublen avenue here shortly before midnight Sunday and escaped with 20 barrels of bonded whisky, which they loaded on a motor trucyk The rob bery was discovered when an investi gation was made of the watchman's failure to punch his time clock Police estimate the whiskey to be worth $50,000. Samuel Alberts, tho watchman, told police s man wearing a policeman h uniform asked admittance to the build ing, saying he had been Informed un attempt was to be made to rob the place. Accompanied by another who represented himself as a detective, the supposed officers entered and thrust a revolver Into Albert's face Four other bandits, without haste wheeled the liquor out of the building. A focyrnl Investigation will be start ed. It was announced by government authorities The police also stated an Investigation would b undertaken to larn Whether the men who first gained entrance to the building wero members of the police department or merely im postors. 00 HEIRESS WINS FATHER OVER ON MARRIAGE 1 (Continued from r&go One) land, where she rlden. tramps knits. I plays the piano and roadn. Miss McCortnlck Is an unlike the typical American society girl as she Is unlike the typical continental socle ty girl. Speaking with a half-German. half-French occent. she entertained reporters with an account of her pro- I gress In acquiring American slang. "I can say. open up your mouth and let I the moonshine In " she boasted and In response to the general laugh which followed, udded. "1 guess that's the j dope." 00 ROYAL HONEYMOON TO BE IN FLORENCE LONDON. Feb. 20. Princess Mary's honeymoon will be .spent at Villa Medl cae. Florence, after a comparatively short stay at Weston park, Shlfnal. the home of the earl and countess of Brandford. according to the London Times. The bridal couple will !slt Paris for a few days on their way to Florence. JAMAICAN SOLDIERS CLASH WITH POLICE KINGSTON. Jamaica, Feb. 20 A serious clash occurred Sunday between the polio and West Indian negro sol di ers Five of the soldiers were wounded. Representations have been made to the British authorities for the dls bandment of the regiment, on the charge of periodic misbehavior. YOUNG WOMAN GIVES ESTATE TO COLLEGE COLUMBIA, Mo.. Feb. 20 The $26, 000 estate of Ml?9 Hazel Kirk, 20-year-old daughter of Albert T Kirk of Kan-s-is City. Mo., who died last Decem ber in Denver of ptcfn'alne trouble war bequeathed to Christian coll. ere here It was announced at a memorial Ser vice Snnduv for Miss Kirk She form 1 srly was a student at the college Uric Acid Solvent 85 cent Bottle FREE (32 Doe) Just because you start the day worried I and tired, stiff lg nod nn. nnd mus cles, an aching head, burning and hearing down pains m the hack worn out before tho day begins do not think you have to stay In that condition. dot well! Be froo from stiff lolnte. sore miuiclos, rheumatic pulns. acntng buck 'kldnoy or bladder trouble Start NOW If you suffer from bladder weakness with burning, scalding pains, or If you tir- In and out of bed half h dozen times at night, you will Kppre-late thn reet. comfort and strength this treatment gtvs. We will give you for your own use one IB-cent bottle (32 Doses) FRF.E to convince you The Williams Treatment conquers kidney nnd bladder troubles. Kheumatlam arid all other ailments, no matter how chronic or atuhboni. when caused by exceive uric lit Send this notice with your letter to Tho Dr. D. A. Williams Co, Dept Y-Smi P. O. Block. Daat Hampton Conn Pleaan &en4 ten cents to help puy part cost of poatAgc. packing, etc. Yft will mall to you by Parcel Post, delivery- paid, a regu lar so-rent bottle of Th- Wiiiinm Treat ment (32 DOSBB) without obligation or eKpcnae Only 0110 boltlo to the aamc nddreaa or family. KatablUhcd 1S92. advertisement. " " ft) ALL OF THE j COLOMBIA RECORDS 1 FOR MARCH ARE HERE iHH - I Glen Bros.- Roberts I Piano Crapes Pi 2470 HUDSON AVENUE PHONE 181 "The House of Hospitality" B mm HORSES BURNED IN FAIR BLAZE I Three Attendants Injured While Attempting to Rescue Animals INDIAN APOLTP Feb. 20 Thei large brick horse barn at the Indiana slate fair grounds hero and about 100 valuable horses wero burned earl Sunday, . ausing a loss estimated at S20(i,000 Three horsemen also were burned, to of them seriously, In at tempting to rescue tho animals. A ordlng to Assistant Fire Chief Hoj I th fire started from an oil in the loft and tho flames spread rapldlv. trapping tho animals and Ble ping hostlers in the burning struc ture. The dead horsc9 are said to include 80 of tho 77 sent here from Camp Kn..x for use of Batteries A and C, several polo ponies, Governor War ren T. M Cray's riding horse; "The Creut Hose." a $16,000 mare recently ,,,ir. h isod by Thomas D. Taggart son of former United States Senator Thos iriggtirt. and several show horses owned bj Lon McDonald, Grand Cir cuit race driver. oo Margot Gives Her Views on Yanks and U. S. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Mrs. Margot Asqulth, wife of England's former premier here to lecture tomorrow night, made the following ozona tions of America and Americans: "American railroads are an abomi nation. , Flappers are only a result of the war. , ... All the participants in the war should cancel their war debts. Hughes is your great-.-st nation il figure. Americans are polite. There is no such thing as freed6m In America. W ine and beer must return "America has not treated her wounded generously " .Main Street" is well written but somewhat tiresome and futile I llko American men better than American women. "Of course I know of Jane Ad dams. I mean I did not know hor personally" Upon her arrival In America Mrs. AsQUlth was q.UOted BS having said did not know the Chicago Bel li, mi nt worker. Two Locked in Struggle Fall 4 Stories; Die CHICAGO. Feb. 20. An lnque-t Into the deaths of Joseph Hotan. 85, and Joseph Hussey, -12. who lock-d in a struggle for the posse slon ol a pistol Crashed through n window unci plunged four stories lat night, will be held today. Such was the Impact when the bodies struck that a first floor plate gkip window was broken, although neither bod; touched it The fight began In the apartment of a woman friend of Hussey. Hor in. a roomer, was said to have taxed Hussey with responsibility for an ejection order O D BISHOP BELIEVES DRY LAW A MISTAKE CHICAGO. Feb 20 Bishop Thom as Gallon president of the national council of the Episcopal church hero. In an address here Sunday night said thai he believed the "eighteenth amendment was a mistake. He also Bald that he believed In the modifi cation of the Volstead law. I am In favor of morality he salO "und I personally observe the VOl Bti d law, but I am opposed to put ting sumptuary laws of so drastic a character In the constitution. It par takes of the old philosophy that mat i. r Ik inherently evil. 1 am not speak ing; In the Interests of tho underworld but In the interests of intelligent, up standing men." LEGITIMATE GIVES WAY TO FILM SHOWS CHICAGO Feb. 20 Consolidation of Chicago theatre Interests with the closing of one or two house and turning of others over to th movcv, Is being Considered according to A. L. BrlanfSC and Loe Fhubert. who are here for a conference with other theatrical men. Similar consolidations of Interests mav follow In all prln-clp- cities outside of New ork. ac ing to Mr Shubert. What wo want to do." Mr. Shubert said, "is to establish fixed policies for the various houses, so that one will be tho home of drama, another Of musical oomedy, and so on- A-s it is now, the freanent shifts are coiifiwlnn to th public." 7 THEATRES v i d I 'Tol' able David' a Picture; Evxeryone Should See; Now at Oiimeum From Chinaman to Mexican to New Englander and finally to -tho role of Virginian mountaineer is the devious path that has led Richard Barthel mess to his first starring part, and each succeeding transition has added another feather in the cap of the I ll ented screen actor. It Is in the last n uned part that Uartholmess pre Bented his first star production. "Moi feble David," the First National Pic tures produced by Inspiration Pic tures, Inc., which opened at the Or phoum theatre yesterday. "Tol'able David" surpasses any thing Bartholin! BS has done previous ly, even the oily chinaman of ' Bro icsn Blossoms." Tho story carries a two-fistod punoh, and gots across on tho '1'ilet simplicity with which tho I characters ar pla; ed I Da id Klnemon (Richard Barthel 1 mesa In the picture) onnes of a stork which Is short on college education bul long on family ties. When David's i elder brother Is crippled by the Hat j burns, a father and two sons who have Invited tho neighborhood, and David's father le seized by a fntnl stroke the honor of tho family de volves upon young David The oung ster, .ilthough regarded as jiiHt 'tol -able ' by his mother, suddenly finds himself come into a man s estate. Yielding to his mother's fears for ar. ff V,.. frT-tmna t K r. ruenntr.. rrt , the Hatburns and Is branded as a award by the village gossips Davids imhilloii is to suiieed hD brother as driver and guardian of tho government mfltll; but ho Is held too Immature for the Job. Chance. In ihc? form of an Intoxicated driver, plat cs tho opportunity at his foot. On the first day he Is a victim of the llutburns. one of whom steals the Back Of mall from tho road. Unrelenting, the boy follows his j trust and finds himself face to faco j with the three blackest outlaws who oyer tied from B pursuing sheriff. David keeps his trust and whon tho long afternoon Is oer he has avenged Ills family and wiped out forever the brand that the vlllagu hud put upon him. Gladys Hulette. who will be re membered as the Juvenile lead of many motion pictures plays the part of David's sweetheart with quiet ap- ' peal. Seldom has a more hang-dog j set of villains been seen on the screen than the three Huthurns, played by Walter P Lewis, Ernest Torrnce and Ralph Ycarslev. The cast Is further Interesting for Its Inclusion of Lau rence Eudlnger, father of Wallace .'.'idlngor, the well-known stage star. "PoTable David" wa.s adapted from the story by Joseph Hcrgesheliner. and wa.s fllrnd In the heart of tho Virginia niounlalis thcre tho Inci dents of tho story are actually sup pOSi I to have taken plaof. Not the least Interesting on the program was Buster Keaton's comedy, "The Playhouse." This comedian, who never smiles, has Involved a sot of Incidents and stunts that draws . hui l.les from even Jho mpst dour. Tne Hume bill plays tonight and Wed nesday skipping Tuesday for the Ol cott bIiow. 'Moran of the Lady Letty' Delightful Picture Now at Alhambra A picture of unusual dramatic Strength is George Melford's produc tion. "Moran of the Iady Letty. ' Paramount's latest offering, featuring Dorothy Dalton. which scored a big success fit the Alhambra last night This Is a dramatic story of the sea , with scenes along the coast of Norway, J in Magdalena Bay Mexico, and along i tho waterfront of San Francisco The principal action takes place aboard 2: sailing vessels, one a trader and the, other a smuggling ship, commanded j by Captain Kltchell. a murderous, tyr- i annlcal seaman. Ramon Laredo, played by Rudolph Valentino, Is a ao- j clcty man, who has been shanghaied, and forced to Join Kltchell's crew. On the other vessel, u hi. h be a der elict. Is Moran, a girl of the sturdy, rough, seafaring type. Kltchell finds the derelict. Moran is carried aboard by Ramon, and from then on ensus a COUGHS AND COLDS often tenacious, are a drain upon the vital forces. SCOTT'S EMULSION strengthens the whole system and helps drive out the pre disposing cause. Jjf Scott A. Bourn, Bloomficld, N. J. ALSO MAKER8 0F Ki-MOIDS (Tablets or Granules) I zog-IN DIGESTION I ;riftk Complete March List 1 H NOW ON SALE 1 I Columbia I Records A Dance Records I Ty-Tee (Tahiti). Fox-Trot Eddxp Elkin8' Orchestra I A-3528 ji When Buddha Smiles. Fox-Trot f 75c ( Eddie Efflbfltt1 Orchestra p Marie. Fox-Trot Ttd Lewis and His Bandy H Down the Old Church Aisle. From Greenwich A" 38 illcgc Follies of i0i. Incidental talking 75c W by Mr. Lev. is Ted Lexris and His Band J r A Granny. Fox-Trot The Columbians k 'M She Loves Mc. She Loves Me NoL Intro: lA;3532 "A Doll House," from The Perfect h'ool. f 75c Medley Fox-Trot The Columbians J Dapper Dan. Fox-Trot Knidbsroodbfr Oressfra I Wont You Morning, Noon and Night. (A"333 Intro: "Little Partner of Mine." Medley I 75c Fox-Trot Knickerbocker Orchestra j Stealing. Intro: "I Hold ner Hand and SheA-3531 ''ji Holds Mine." Medley Fox-Trot ThsHapJtySix 1 Why Don't You Smile. Fox-Trot TheHappySix) Remember the Rose. Fox-Trot. Piano Duet 1 Frank Danta and Cliff Hess .3535 Roll On, Silvery Moon. Intro: "Glow Little ) -jc Lantern of Love." Medley Fox-Trot. Piano Duet Frank Banla and Cliff HSU J Song Hits Give Me My Mammy. From Bombo AlJolson My Mammy Knows (Hot' to Cheer and Com- ( A-3540 fort Mej. Tenor and Haritone Duet ( 75c Clvarla liar! Elliott Shaw) Wabash Blues. Comedienne Dolly K .ay I A 3g34 Got to Have My Daddy Blues. Comedienne ( -jc Dolly Kay ' Delia. Tenor Solo F rank CrutttU j A. -530 In Mv Heart, On My Mind, All Day Long. Tenor Solo Frank Crumit) 1 oc j When Shall We Meet Again. Tenor and Bari- a-3529 1 tone Duet Charles Hart and Elliott SYtaw 'm JustaLittleLoveSong.TenorSoloHotPurdMarah I lj While Miami Dream3. Tenor Solo Billy Jones j 3539 A M There's a Down in Dixie Fcelin' (Hangin' L- 'Round Me). Baritone Solo Arthur Fields oc , Which Hazel. Comedian A I Herman ) A-3536 You're Out O Luck. Comedian AlHerman 75c The West Texas Blues. Comedienne EdilhWdson and Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds 3537 I Don't Want Nobody Blues. Comedienne ygc Edith Wilson and Johnny Dunn'e Offfiwd ! Opera and Concert H Scenes That Are Brightest. From Marilana 49982 Soprano Solo Rosa Ponsdlc $ 1 .50 Ship 0' Dreams. Mezxo-Soprano Solo l Barbara Maurel I . 3524 One Fleeting Hour. Mezzo-Soprnno Solo ($1.00 fk Barbara Maurel I 49971 Ideale. Baritone Solo Riceardo Straeciari La Traviata "L'n di felico eterea" (Ahf ne'er I 49622 forgotten day). Soprano and Tenor Duet $2 00 .liana Barrientos and Charles Hacketl H That's How the Shannon Hows. From 1 'wL Macimhla. Tenor Solo Chauncey Olcolt A.3525 I I'll Mica You, Old Ireland. Gcxj :l 'i on, -j$c Goodbye. From Macushla. Tenor Solo Chauncey Olcolt J 'M Somebody Knows. Baritone Solo Gypsy Smith A-6204 Who Could It Be? Baritone Solo Gypsy Smith f $ 1 .25 Instrumental Music .1 kW Polonaise in E Major. Part L Piano Solo Percy Grainger ( A- 6205 Polonaise in E Major. Part EL Piano Solo (' $1.50 Percy Grainger s (A) Limber Up Reel. (B) Oaken Bucket 1 (C) Speed the Plough. Fiddle Solo Don Richardson A- 3527 EbI (A) Hull's Victory. (B) The Quil tin' Party. 75c J (C) College Hornpipe. Fiddle Solo Don Richardson J Wedding of the Winds. Accordion Duet I . Marconi Brothers 75 Skaters Waltz. Accordion Duet Marconi Brothers I C Willow Grove March U.S.Xaval Academy Band) A-3523 Lights Out March U. S. Naval Academy Band j 75c . I I iKi bMU not Inc IW" " ' J Nj Colombia rrcorcrj I ( bar 3 vcri " ' ' " " III on SaU at cllColambia l lu ' "" I'M Dmalert fA 10th and if flrZZJri "tijtfyiL' " ' ujT ifl j 20th of t(ry month J- -Zgai COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New York I ' 'itVir'iT ' - - f Lf im series of highly dramatic complica ' tlons which makes the uverage sPSOta I tor grrlp his seat unci lose blmsslf In I the realism of the picture. Dorothy Dalton wus -.cellent in fhe Irole of Morun. while Mr. .ilentlno Kuvo ;i powerful portr.-tl of Ramon ;Thc- support generally, was of the I best ' CONVICTS' TUNNEL PLOT FRUSTRATED SAN' Qt'ENTIN. Calif., Feb. 20. An ottpmpt at a larpe scale delivery of convicts from San Quentln peni tentiary was frustrated Sunday when authorities dlscoverod a nearly com plete tunnel from tho machine shop In the jute mill to beyond the prison walls. William Clark, a convict, was found in the tunnel and guards stated that with the removal of two more feet of soft earth It would have- bcn com pleted Prison officials said they su spected at least 12 other convicts In connection with the digging of the tunnel. Existence of the tunnel hud been known to prison authorities for sev eral day. At one poirrt ll had bsefl driven through four feet of concrete CARDINAL VISITS FAMOUS MONASTERY ItoME. I'M. 20. Cardinal Dough- H erty. the Vry Rev. Joseph A. Whit- oker. chancellor of the Archdiocese of Am Philadelphia, uid Miss Mary MoCoT- H mack, niece of Cardinal Dougherty. H Sunday visited Monte Casslno, where H they received an enthusiastic welcome gfH by tho abbot of the famous monaa- mm tery founded by St. Benedict In the L year 529 on tho site of the ancient biLbbH Temple 1 JLwL mm BAUME I BENGUE I