Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20. 1922. THE OGDEN "TAN Da RD-EX Aiv'i INER 3 W STATE ANDJDAHO NEWS Latest Items of Interest From Utah an-1 Gem Stats I DHL SAYS HE SHOT FADS Suspect Held in California Declares Shooting Accidental SAN BERNARDINO. Calif.. Feb. 20.' -That he fired the hot aecldentlly that killed Charles A I'aus was the i onfesslon made veaterdny by Roy E Donnell to Sheriff C Frank Emery at San Bernanlino. Calif Donnell said that when he stood In the dinlna room at the merchant's home on the night of gab. I. his thumb slipped from the hummer of the single-action .38-calibre tVOlVar. He sal0.that he was but 17 ars of .in" .'Imi'l ih;it thi? obbery wa planned hv AnKHim- W . aster. th maid at the Paus reside n e i nd cl i-. Brighton, i "l naver intended to kill Faus or to 1 shoot him.' declared Donnell. My hand wa wet with the persplra' ion a ..nd my thumb slipped from the ham- -i When Sherll 1 m mm agM RH tiir. sheriff told Donnfll that he and BH Mrlghtem had first gone to the rear door of the Faus home and there had 9 i.een told by tho Wacaater girl to go to the front door. Donnell said he had g-Vfl hard enough, and he immediately ac ILH For three davs Doniit I bad ilmlyl faced questioners In the count Jail El here. Tonight he admitted that the H tlrst time he began to feaj that oi- H fleers had the evlden c :h. i uld on- S P 1 1 i htm was wnei nigh ILkH on declared Donnell fired the shot. "When the Bh riff told me how we VB. had first cone to the rear door and BH then to it front door I knew It was J all off. " said Donnell. I" I think It wa.H February 1. or maybe; the day before, that tha robbarj was planned." said Donne'l. "Brighton bad tried to get mt to do some hold -up Jobs before, but I had refused. I had never robbed anyone and didn't wint to start, But this night I was out of money and down and out. Brighton said that he bad things all framed toj rob the Eaus house and that w e would i get some money and rings. He didn't' r tell nie the maid woii " everything and let us in That conversation oc-i curred as we stood on the sidewalk on First South between State and Main streets- On Friday evening we left downtown about fi o'clock and around I 7 o'clock we went to the back door at the Faus house and the maid tild us he would let us in : h- front wa P "When 1 entered the dining room ; , I'.r'.ghton dldnjt com.; in. The maid E B stood In the doom Brighton bad I m told me to cock the gun. He had giver N me a .3S-callbre and had kept a L'.r- u r allbre automatic He us handed me tho one he tfld mo to carry. .Mrs. 1 Fans got ud from the table and beggedl Bjf me not to go u pet aire, she told me I P". her mother. I think i1 sai V Then Eaus got un 1 wai n itchi v hLs face and dldn l Bet hln h into his porket, as th" paper said he did-! Well, the gun went off. Mr. Eaus grab-1 led his side and 1 fled. Mis little boy and girl were there with him. "Brighton and I wont to his room a f 1 few blocks away, and J gave him thoi j5 gun, and we went out and separated. I Jfj caught o ar Out in Warm Springs." 1 Ai "I did not know FVtus was d jdSfcA until 1 read a naoer three or four' W' "What do k 'Th i. v thinking i i Bh I h ill PBJ not Intention of shooting that man. l BBJ think of Mrs Faus and of those chil BB BH Still, however. Donnell showed no BBj signs of emotion. Bfl "Where Is your mother?" he was! RBJ asked. EH "Sl.o is at Sheridan, Wyo.. he said.! BBB ' She is oiout BO years old now. I Bl haven't let her y now where I am or BB what I have done, but I will a soon BH as I get back to Salt Lake." Then' he burled his head in his arms. Bfli oo I IDAHO MAN DIES AT LONG BEACH fl ALBION. Ida.. Feb. 20. News of saw the elcath of James K. Bower, Cassia 1 county pioneer, has been received ; ft from Long Beach, Cal, Mr Bower BS died there February f He and lira. BB Mover had gone t- California for 1 1 1 - - P -1 winter E9 , Mr B EJ 1 1 i i 1 BB7l catad at Artesian City in lsTS, and i illowed ranching fc- Bju 1 1 and bis i BBB of winters in Albion to pi v. his ebJl- BBB dren the benefit of schooling BBB At the time of hs death he had EBB been making his home In Hurley He BBB Is survived by his widow, daughter 250,000 HOLD JOBS IN UTAH 24,000 of 127,000 Males Engaged in Farming Report Shows i '- WASHINGTON, Feb. SO. A state ment has been Isaut I the de partment of commerce thraugh the bureau of census, presenting the re sults of a further analysis of the oc cupation statistics for Fiuh. The to tal population of Utah In LM0 was J4I.J9t; and Included K'7.417 males and m.7M females 10 yean of age I and over, who are reported as work ing for salaries, wages or profit-- Of the males gainfully occupied. 24,244, or 10 per cent, wore farmers i in -hiding stock raisers. gardeners. I i florists, fruitgrowers and nursery mrn) and 1G.77E or 13.2 per cent. ; were farm laborers (either including ' stock herders, drovers and feeders i The number ( farmers i presents an increase of 24.1 per cent as against 16.&41 In 1910. and the farm labor I ers show an Increase of 6.4 per cent as .compared with 75 In lslO The I number of females gainfully occupied I included 679 farmers, ns against 514 I in 1910. and 11 farm laborers, as i comptired with 166 In 19 10. The- remaining occupational classes for each ol which at least z.soo pec- I sons of both sexes were reported in 192f. stated In the order eif their nu merical importance, are as follow: Salesmen : i -J wemien, 3S8G males j and 2059 females; retail dealers, 4423 'males and 221 females; schobj teach ' ers, 1042 males and 2894 females; servants and waiters, 1403 males and Jljii females; clerks, except in stores, 2953 males and 865 f males; coal mine operatives, 37 25 males and sis females; carpenters. 2519 males and one female; general laborers, labor el's entployeel on buildings and labor ers for whom the line of work was not Specified, 3260 males and 40 f. -male.j, hnok K t p r-, lashb-rs inil ac countanta, 1935 mules and 1119 fe males; gold and silver nunc opera tives. J920 males and one female; li borers on steum railroads, J4S0 males and 48 females. The numbers engaged in certain iniporlaii' pi u'.essions vv : as fol lows: Lawyers, Judges and Justices, 626 men and one woman; physicians anel surgeons, 481 men and 22 wo men; clergymen, 205 men and two women; trained nurses, 12 men and 544 women Pronounced Increases for females are shown for the following occupa tional classes: Stenographers and typewriters, from 1059 in 1910 to J1S3 in 1'l'0, saleswomen, from 93,1 to 2059; school teac'iers. front 2050 to 2894; bookkeepers, cashiers and accountants, from 5 SI to 1119. Tho most marked decrease in any Import ant occupational class for women ap pears for dr ' nakcrs and seam stresses, not inc., ding those employ ed in factories, whose numbers de creased from 1587 in 1910 to 759 in 1920. JOKER ALLEGED IN FRENCH'S MEASURE BOISE. Idaho, Feb. 20. Miles Can non, state commissioner of agricul lure, e oiumcnling upon house bill No. 77. which was introduced by Represen tative Burton L. French of the First Idaho congressional district and Whi )i passed buth houses r.nd is before I President Harding for signature, de-1 dares there is a joker in the resold lion tor it would permit removal uoni homestead settlement, rich logged off lands in northern Idaho and give under a lieu selection provision 260.0fio acres i ol grazing land in southern Idaho to sheepmen. Commissioner Cannon issued a statement as follows: "My attention i.i attracted U) H R. No. 77, which, we understand, has passed both houses of congress, and is now before the president for his signa ture. "What docs this measure mean? If we understand it correcth. it means a strip tit land six miles wide along the western boundary of the Selway, Glearwater and St. Joe forest reserve extending from Salmon river to tie' city of Wallace, and which embraces a troct as large as Gooding count-, which will bo forever removed from ! the honieseeker and transferred to the! forest reserve. "This land is composed largery of' what is termed logged oft land, much of which is very valuable for farming purposes. I means, moreover. Ihal ; the owners, which, generally speaking, are the timber syndicates, can ex- I Change this laud for a like nunibc of acres of i lie public domain (grazing laud) in southern Idaho, v-hich will in I turn go into the hands of other power fttl syndicates and the- public be de prived of its use forever. "Already, as we are informed, a syn-1 'M ORPHEUM TUESDAY, FEB. 21 .' Theatre ne Night Only & B HIS FIRST AND LAST FAREWELL TOUR V E-RLJOEre PRESENTS; jmmmmhmm Trie IlSTlK6UirKtDROMAmcACT(nJp?2 r Sf I I jtoGssp BMi mm I A STICAX, IRS1 COMEDY- DRAnA4rr?IB H 1 RIVALLWS N CKARA AWO PEFEOM "MaBRJH B Tnt innorrALPfcTe-R pan." mSt g 9 9 NCW YORK CAST-AU6HtrTt:D 0RCME5TRA UH9H i KLMMkftrnk i atpct Kit? wssWaWBWl I : I Prices, 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 'jfiQm Mail Order Now. Box Office Salt Friday, February 17. f Fnelsy, February 17. .... , ' - lx --: SHAME Vibrating jl with : tense ! situations Today 1:45 p. m. Rapidly changing to j thrilling Gripping action. j i SB The !: film I 1000 Dynamic "kicks" per reel. sB "GET THE OGDEN-GOING HABIT" dic.itc of she-ep men, opt-ratlnx in Lin coin county, lias taken an option on 260.000 acres of this loged off lund, which, if the president signs tho bill, will be deeded to the government In exchange tor Erasing land situated in Lincoln and Gooding counties It Is not unreasonable to presume that these enterprising gentlemen will se lect every alternate section of this grazing laud, which will, for all practi cal purposes, give them two sections for every one section of iogged-off land wbirh they deed back to the government." oo CHRONIC NOSE BLEED FATAL TO STUDENT POCATBLLO, Idaho. Feb. 20. WU lard Lolt Green of McCammon. died yesterday a i ter suffering irom nose bleed, lie w:s the 19 vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs Jared Green. Young Green was attending the Uni versity of Utah at Sah Lake, where he was studying electrical engineering and had been troubled with bleeding of the nose belore he came home for the holidays While at home during vacation the tremble returned and he was brought to Pocatello. Numerous blood transfusions were made to save his life. His condition becamo so much better that he was removed to his borne. Jared Green. Sr.. died nearly a year ago. and a brother, Cumer Green, died in 1917. Brothers surviving are Jared. Eve-ret. Erban, Brlgg W.. and Grant. The sisters are Mrs William Neeser, Mrs. Moses Orbray, Mrs Joseph Ray and Mrs. William Treasure DISMISS PETITION IN WATER ACTION SALT LAKE. Feb. 20. Dismissal of the petitidn of W. L Daugh of Cache Junction for a writ of prohibition, di rected to the directors of the Cache county water conservation district No. l. in the vicinity of Cache Junctlou. Pelersboro and Mendon. which was designed to prevent the directors from selling 375,000 worth of bonds ol the district, has been made by the su preme court. The court decided that the petition did not state a cause of action, and that the proceedings were brought pre maturely The district directors had not yet obtained Irom the state certification commission authority to sell the bnudr. H was i-iat'-d Au amendment to the irrigation district law passed at the last Utah legislature provided that "the board (of directors) shall make no sale of bonds either at public or private sale, or use said bonds for payment of construction work: for less than the amount authorized by the state board of certification." The district directors now have an J application before the state boaj d, I which Is made up of the attorney gen eral, the state engineer and the state i bank) commissioner, for the sale of $310,000 of the $375,000 bonds voted., 'at a price of 85, to Bradford. Weeden j ft Co. of San Francisco The district, according to the application, covers! 7600 acres, and to this a water allot-' ment of 17.878 acre-feet has been I made- and appro-, ed. The project for! I providing the water by pumping from; I Bear river Is 80 per cent complete. and the value of the water rights and! I works completed is placed at $350,000. , The lands are valued at $675 000 The application sets out that 60 per j cent of the value of the lands and j works covered by the bonds is. there ! fore, $615,000, or ample to cover the propose-d bond issue The irrigation works are at present owned by J. D. Skeen. I) A Skeen aud the Intel-mountain Sugar company I Agreement is proposed to purchase these lor the district at $275,000, with the proviso that the works shall be. completed according to the plans ol Uhe engineer, T. H. Humphreys. 2000 AUTO PLATES ISSUED IN WEEK SALT IVKE Feb. 20 .More than 20u0 new automobile lirrnsns were is- ! sued lnsl week from the office of H ' 1 K Crockett, secretary of state. ' There are onlv seven more days In whl h the licenses can be procured be fore March 1. when the grace period will be over. A car cnrrylnc a 1921 license, plate and operated on the highways orl streets In Utah will be Just as liable "The Miracle Man" A Return Engagement of Paramcunt's Big Special COZY TOMORROW ONLY Coming WEDNESDAY BILL HART in "O'MALLEY OF THE MOUNTED" and the Great Animal Picture "MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE" . 1 I ALHAMBR1 III J L 1L UTAH'S FINEST THEATRE I H I Till Wednesday Inclusive E H j m Valentino j I j Doroiky Dalton I I 1SH Lady Letty" J 31 I tUDOLPH VALENTINO I I SCHEDULE r " g !i I STARTING I 30C I l I lEFLS j CHILDREN Including TAX Including TAX K I 3:50 I THE GUMPS -TRAVELS IN I I I 5:40 I PR1ZMA PATHE REVIEW 1 I KIDDIES 1 Washington's Birthday Special - Frederic Moss Pre- E I I sents His Youngest Pupilin Character Songs -Guess 1 Who? The first 40 Correct Answers Admitted hree I Hand Answers in at Box Of f ice Not Later Than Tuesday j THESE LETTERS CORREJrirEGED SPELL E LITTLE B I I S O F E J F N J E w R 1 T E N A M E. H ERE I I I Brown's Delicious I I Eskimo ries i I 1 FOR THE KIDDIES WEDNESDAY AT 12:45, SHOW I I STARTS AT 1 P. M WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY I sjjsssssssjsj wnn sis S to interference from the peace officers ,s if it carried no licence plats at all. .'ftc-r March 1. under the law. There ,r- Still many thousands ot cars to be Itoensed, although. f course, not all ,,, : ln 'operation during the wmte-r While compliance with the not very intricate- details of the -tatc motor ve- blS! iaws is noted m the vast major- ,tv of the ,ui.licatlon.s sent In by mall, , is noted by h..rles Heln.-r. elepul Vcretary ol sUte, that a g..od propor tion of tho applications am not in com pliance with tho requirements.; and therefore result in more or leaf cor raapondence and conaequent delaya The, office of secretary of stats i is in Blstlne on certified checks in lieu of monev or express erdcrs. or currency, when application! are sent in by mail, eeccompanicd lv the fee- oo FORMER OGDEN MAN CAUGHT IN RAID GUI? EN RIVER Wyo.. Feb. 20. Man aourcet of illicit liquor have been i wealed through a series of raids con ducted by prohibition enforcement agents anel county officers during the t thrM dav ' at the end of a lone underground tunnel on the Bonoml ranch 12 miles from here n lBO-gallon still aj found ,,, operation at full blast. It was con riscated with the mash and liquor, lohn Bonoml and Nl' liourbengier have been arrested and warrant has been served on Uouls Pryedel. V still has also been found and oonHscated at th home of Nick Cavaa, who Is all-.-o-d lo be, the leader e.f u ring of bootleggers Operating In this Election John Cavaa and Tom Uorsh) ar: under bond on charges ol violating the dry laws. Another plant was found at the horns of Kd. Darrlll, together with five gallons of liquor and i'o0 icuUoru) e,; mash Others V 1 ed with liquor violations here durlne tho last three days are Julius Pehiort, formerly of Opdon; F. P Koss and Lon Norman. The- last named men are held in Jail, i Credit for the wholesale raid and the . ation of the Illicit plants has been given to t.ou;s xones, prohi bition ajrent: Sheriff Al Mortem and Deputy Sheriff Chris Jensen. -of, BANKER'S FATHER DIES Hi FAST POCATELIiO, Idaho. Feb. 20. It 1 1 Curtis, federal receiver of tho Ban nock National bank of this place, left l Saturday for his home ln Franklin, N. H Y.. wheri he was called by tho death H 1 of his aged father. H The elder'Curtls was a well known H New York attorney and was in the. H best of health, seemingly, when tho 'younger Curtis visited at home during I tho Christmas holidays Death was caused by an infection In tho hand. SI oo ssj i No species of snakes arc simy. J id- " ij Again Today 1:45 to 11 p. m. g ir William Duncan iHwi in a Production of Action K'RO DEFENSE" I Also Extra Good Two-reel y ':'rV Comedy 1 Utah Theatre W.lham Duncan "The Family Theatre" Best Seats, 10c and 20c