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ri .. - - ------ :"" :"""r" " kr$tsj .M ' 1 BBBBb! MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1922. THE OGDEN STANDARD EXAMINER 7 fe. MOVIE ACTRESS NAMED SLAYER Sheriff to Probe Rumor f That Woman Killed i 9 William D. Taylor H LOS AlfOBLM, r& . Feb 20. R?- H mark attributed to Henry Peavey, Bl negro hou'fman for William lr?ruond H Taylor in which Peavey named a mo BH !on liiriurr .-ctrcss as the slayor of ' Taylor. caused the sheriff" office t, end out ajraln with the Intention of interrogating him further regarding 'he cane. The motion picture director H wa? hn iier.- nearly tlrraa ago H and minute questioning of all those H known to have knowledge of the case j ed o noihlne deflt Pearey haa been questioned repeat dlv hv pollre sheriffs deputies, the '1 dlatrlcl sttornej prirats Inraatlgai Ot and oihers. He has not at any I time in these official statement elrb I er named or Implicated the actress i I a,d i.i bavfl been mentioned bj bin ! I In recent conversations The sheriff S ' iald he placed little credence In the new report hut w?.s jrninsr tfi look Into l it because he wanted to leave nothln - undone in the effort! to folve the rays ory ol 1 '' ' :"r ' fl , -j oo DYE MONOPOLY I PROBE OPENED flWm WASHINGTON. Feb. CO. Kcqucst. ".in for mor' mmm than 30 otflcers and representatives of! dye and chemical manufacturing con-1 B eerna was made by Senator King. I TVmorr.4! Utah tl penlng fH of senate Investigation into the al- RHJ leged dye monopoly and its actlvtlles pBJ In connection with lgclHutlon I $22,000 STOLEN BY AUTO BANDIT I N"Ew rORK Fob William .a ft RubmII. messenger for the Greenwich j I hank, was robbed of $22,000 in cur-; I rnc- today ly an automobile bandit, ! j who boarded the (ruck in which he i waa transporting the money to a j downtown bank. The robbery occur- L red on Nineteenth street, near Sev- J Tth evenut It PLAINTIFF RESTS IN DAMAGE ACTION I if After adjournment Saturday noon. the case of Leslie Tavlor against the Bamberger Elect ri Railroad company opened aaln thla morning in Judge 1 George S. Bar! er1 rialon of the dis 'rlct court Taylor l: suing the rail -oad company (or $60,000 as damages for Injuries alleged to have resulted m through his being shaken from the a steps of a ear while coming from l.a F goon in the lummei ol 1916 Counsel for Taylor announced this I ' morning, shortly after court convened, y. that and J. A. D( L Vine counsel" for the railroad com pan called F H Payni i W ' of the train on bleb ra i de, to K t he u ER Payne fled thai the train was Koine b I ii 10 and 12 mill - an bi u Hl at the point where the accident oc- BH curred and as soon as he received n signal ha stopped the train and backed up. He did not see the accident Payne was on the stand when the i noon recess was taken. It is eetiraat EH ed that the case will go to the jury KH late tomorrow. f WINSOME BANDIT SOUGHT BY COPS Efl CHIC AGO. Feb. 20 The girl leader Efl of a bandit gang, described us a beau aw.1 tiful blonde, dressed In Imported trW gowns, carrying an autoni.. and wearing a fetching smile, is be Rfl i lng sought by the police. I In the paat five months this eirl and Fifl tier accomplices have robbed homes and sbops of mote tlnui $200,001) worth Pfl of loot, according to Michael Hughes, E3fl ! . i hiof of detectives. J ThN fl.inf. Va now presents a real menace. Chief Hughes said tonigh' "Wi . got PgH catch this woman and catch her ErB quick " aa oo i j DEFAULTING BANKER i PLEADS GUILTY iH OMAHA, Nb., Feb. 20. W 11 lard V. (H Xlathews. DreaJdent of the now de- ruoct Pioneer state Bank of Omaha, indicted by a special grand Jury some ll viino ago on a chargo of erabezzllns 1200. 00J from the bank, pleaded guilty oH before District Judgo Leslie todav. MONTANA AGED NUN 0 j! LOSES LIFE IN FIRE o MJSSOl'LA. Mont.. Feb. 20. Slater John, aged 79. said to be the oldest1 Catholic nun In the vicinity, is be-' tiered to have lost her life in the fire1 iiif'n 'lexroyed aevei p t)io L'rsullne convent and sr Jo.elr- ''athollc school at St. Ignatluo. Mont QB early today. Western Pacific To Buy Lines of i Sacramento R. R. i WILMINGTON. Dela.. Feb. 20 At I -rc!il meeting of the sfeokholders of the Western Pacific Railroad cor poratlon here today a proposal was unanimously approved, it was an nounced. for the issuing or first mort a lionds of the Western Pacific rail fl for the purchase of additional j lines of the Sacramento Northern 'Railway company, consisting of the electric lines connecting with the main line of the Western Pacific. oo 1 GREAT WESTERN RAISES PRICE I DENVER. Colo., Feb. 20.- The (ireat Western Sugar company today 'advnnr.-ed 'lie whole price of susar 10 cents a hundred pounds. Today s ad vance maker a total advance In price Ol B0 ents a hundred pounds since the first of this year. Illness Causes Postponement of Obenchain Trial IOS A NQ ttUBBk Calif , Feb 20. Ill ness of witnesses and physical condi tion of the Jury and attorneys caused postponement of the trial of Mrs Mad alynne C. IbODOhain here until Thurs day, on the Charge of murdering J. Helton Fvenned.-. broker, here last Aug-unt. oo SUMMER DAMPS TO DRAW MANY WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. More than a quarter of g million men ate expect ed by nr department officials to be utider canvas or In barracks this sum mer for Intensive military training lot the flrxt time since confrress welded the regular army, the national guard und the reserves Into a body constitut ine the national army of the fulled Btatea Plana for the distribution of Iho 227,000 men. representing the three comioiieiits of the united land forces, wero announced today by the department. The important western camps at Which much of the training in thuse areas will he done are Fun sneiiing Mum 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'miston. 'arnp Logan. Colo., md Camp Lewie, Waeh , Presid io of yan Francisco and the Presidio Of Monterey. Calif. Vindications for citizens' training oampa will be accepted after April l, at corje headquartere, including Fort Crook, Neb;, and (ho I'reaidlo of San Francisco. APPROVE EXCHANGE OF LANDS IN IDAHO WASHINGTON, 1. C. Feb. 20. Privately owned timber lands In the Clcurwater. St. Joe and 8elway na-1 tlonal foreeta of northern Idaho are to be exchanged for other public lnndg of like value In Idaho by the terms ot a Lull enacted In congress The land., alt lie north of the Sal mon l iver in I Ustrl. t 1 of the forest II ii Ice, aggregate between 250. 000 and 100.000 acres of cut-over timber land and are suitable only for the growing of tlmler. The exchange, bill la similar to for est exchange bills frequently passed by congre.H, save that the Idaho meas ure permits the exchange of lands within the limits of forcat reservations for public lahde not in reservations, In tin option of the present private hold ers. The secretary of agriculture and the ecrecajT i interior both have strong-1 lv recommended the tnuetment of this bill, as it will permit the con- solldatlon of the three national for ests by eliminating private holdings t now heckerboarded In with public lands, and Will tend to better admin-i iatratlon of the forests. The private holders, at the same lime, will be per mitted to acquire lands to which ac-' cess may be had at all times without trespass upon the national forests, and In this way more speedy development wll lbo pQSaibl.e The government reserves any oil or I other minerals In the lands acquirde by exchange. The Idaho delegation unaidmousis supported the bin uiui se cured its passage after it h.d been strongly recommended b the two cab inet officers who will have jurisdic tion ocr the c-xchunges to follow. BRITISH EXPLORER CLIMBS LOFTY PEAK TOklO I"eb. 20 Major Ordc a British b llponlst and polar explor er, Jusl completed a trip to the Isummit -i I ujl Vama, the celebrated mountain n southeastern Japan and. it Is deserted, he la the first Euro pean to have reached the top of the mountain in winter. The mountain is 12,36f. feet above .sea-level oo NOTED HUMORIST IS SERIOUSLY ILL BOSTON', Feb. 'JO. lrvin S. Cobb, author and humorist, was seriously 111 at a hotel Sunday, after a relapse from. Influenza, which forced the cancella tion of 'i lecture lost Wednesday Dr. J, H. Ste. a;, Kaid Mr. Cobb'a condition was "serious, but not dangoroua." 1 The Ogden CostumeCo fj j Corner Washingrton and venty-fifth, Upstairs fj i Entrance 414 Twenty-fifth Street II ' COSTUMES TO RENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS II' ALL NEW NO OLD JUNK ALL NEW j SPECIAL NOTICE We are NOT connected with any other Costume House. We aro ( an Ogden institution and Ogden boosters , .' See Us for Colonial Costumes. Anything You Want. We Have It WATCH US GROW f - FANNIE HAMMOND STANLEY. Sole Owner 1 v 1 1 1 11 1 i TELEPHONES Outtnesa and Circulation Dept... 6 Classified Ade 5 advertising Dept. 42S Editorial and New Dept. 873 RANDOM REFERENCES rUiatl Officers Here 1, C Kohleff. chief accountant, and H. W. Greiyorx. efftre engineer of the bureau of hlnh- waja, with general headquartera at B f. Idaho, are spending a few days :n 'Mcn hecklnjf specif l.-utlons and oucher for work done on Idaho roada in ia;o by the V. S. bureau of public roads. foal Only the best kMnJs. Deliv ered by trucks or team?. Phone 27, John Farr Coal Conpan. 104s j lenion 1'ronioted The new office that has been established by the! I WSjJ .Mail Service at Pocatello. Idah-..1 will open on March 1 with Aubrey D. Lawrence, an Idaho man and formerly in the office of Superintendent W. C. VanDercoort at s-iul.-. ah. .n charge as chief clerk, orantre Lemon! an ogden man. and fornierlv Id the local Railway Mai' Service offices, ha been appointed assistant chief clerk- Coin. Bonn Insurance Fire and Auto 111 BcCleS building. I'hone 1D60. 367a j Ogden Typewriter House for type writer and repairs. 24?2 Hudson ave nue. I'hone 236. frtCBllSJB l1icd A marriage llcei was Itisued in the county clerk's of fice this afternoon to Hvrum Peter i Bolander. ipden und Iflllle Pirtfa Of 8outh Weber. ' WANTED: Young bulldog, male I Plione 2417. Forest Men Return Ernest Winkler Inspector of grazing, accompanied by I W. W Blakeslee. supervisor of this Uinta natlomil forest, returned toia, from Albuquerque. New Mexico, where I they went to attend the conference of! forest puoenlsors of DiirW a James Williamson PluniL-jng and and heating. Phone 2196-W. 378oj Colonial supper Tuesday night 76 cents, children 3j cents. C to 7:3m.1 Washington entertainment 7 to 8 15 Piesbyterlan church. 3935 Meet Tonlcht Residents of paving! llstri.-t Xo 131. which Includes th up-i per Twenty-fifth street vlclnitv. are Invited to meet with tho city board I of commissioners this evening at 7 O'clock in the city hall, when repre-1 srnt.itives of the Ftah Rapid Transit! company will outline their proposal, for their fhare of tho paving work.! The meeting Is for the purpose of ar-, ranging some paving planH that will' bo acceptable both to the in the district and the traction company. Big dance at Fourth ward tonight I Good music. 3D3ij ' oo 4 f ! FUNERALS 1 1 , , Funeral services for Ths Rm-kwav were held nt 2 o'clock In the PI ward meeting houwe Sunda with! Bishop D. H Ensign officiating. Thomas Prlmlln and William IieMllc sang "Sorrow Will Be Turned to Laughter," "Sometime Somewhere," and 'Oh. My Father" The speakers were Herman Van Braak. Herman Van Damm. Martin Dalebout, Coun selor Horace Garner and Bishop En sign Interment was in the Ogden City cemetery John Xybush dedloat-l ed the grave. -oo Weber Floral furnishes tho flowers. 7766 oo . BURGLARS ENTER W. T. PICKETT STORE , Burajlarsj stole groceries and fruits si late Saturday night or oarly Bunday morning from the William T. Picket! store 2303 Washington ave nue, according to a report mado to police headquarters. Entrance was gained by breaking! down the door leading to a storeroom) at the roar. Iflecilves that were assigned to the oase found no clues that would lead to the arrest of the burglars. Mr Pickett said thin morning that ho vir unable to stato the amount of the loot I taken or its value. 1, i j WINE HELD SECRET OF HIS LONG LIFE NEW YORK, Feb. 20. Proper food Including wine, la the secret of longevity, according to Dr. Stephen Smith, founder of the Now York state and national board of health and one of the east's best known physic ians, who Sunday celebrated his ninety-ninth blrthdu. Wine, in particu lar, he said was responsible for his excellent health today, declaring that it corrected digestive troubles of his jouth. "It was during a visit o Paria," he I explained, "thut I learned to drink! wine, with the result that 1 have been I well ever since. At a banquet I sat next to a famous French physician' whom i told about my unfortunate handicap He advised me to drink' wine between courses saying it would' digest the food I had eton. I fol-1 lowed his advice and did not oxper-' ience any further discomfort." oo 'AUTOMOBILE HOTEL' PLANNED IN CHICAGO CHICAtio, Feb. 20. Plans for an automobile hotel." 25 stories In height and designed especially to he'p relieve the congostlon caused by the lncreaelng number of motor cars." were made public here Sunday. A similar hotel." It was said, would bo built in New York and another in Cleve land. Th plana for the Chicago building have been aOUpleted and it was pro posed to begin work within the next1 few weeks The capacity of the building will be l.loo cars and It has been designed to I provide a regular hotel lobbv with Its conveniences for car owners. POWERS OFFERING TO ASSIST RUSSIA BERLIN. Feb. 20. (By The A.vso-I elated Press). Carl Radek and Ix-onld Krassln. representatives of tho Rus sian soviet, are on the way to Mos cow with proposals from France. Gfeat Britain and Germany looking toward Fi'iShlHn economic reconstruc tion 1 The Vosslsche Zeltung describe i Radek as one of the greatest 1 1 v I n tr propagandists and comments on his' ability "ro twlat all sort of political i discussions to the advantage of the! soviet." i Bfl BBBMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM fresh Bakery, Frui,,R I lKi7fSKa3F I il W II m free gB$BnxmgS$! PHONE i m Delivery i j70() I SPECIAL TUESDAY SAVINGS I K An honest consistent, stralghtforvard business policy Constantly m striving to improve our service and reduce costs, a policy that is H fl winning new customers every day g Here's Your COFFEE B5npj3 Folger's Golden Gate sssanL aRH t s real Coffee, folks. For breakfast, for Kjfc$-J2i2H unch, for dinner, Folger's Golden Gate never 9 ERivr'SSM a"8' alwaye tnc same uniform high quality. H ySajUmy Contracting for immense quantities and the M vAtuun cc American brings down the price. P ' pound i'ti in lly tin $2.09 If.:..., $1.09 1'" 44c m Clover Mack's Mack's Royal Blossom pppmatvf GRAHAM APRICOT I h BUTTER CtERMADE flqur jam , l ' 07 fi lb bag oi) 9 lb Large No. 2 tin I special Oil only . . JjC j only . OoC Jjjj60 g I I MACK'S BEST I IpaitFLOURW I En Here is a flour of fine uniform quality that r I HH HH is demanded by hundreds of our most par- I 5 sK tlcular patrons. No guess work about your ESf23C7 mm bread and rolls when using Mack's Best. f W Take advantage of thl6 opportunity and lay "v t&M in a supply now. Free delivery, of course. e.." H I ;rnd. $1.431 SL,.. $13.98 Utmn I I MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS ED You are always assured of Top Quality meats at the American. Sfl Fresh s Ssge n Breakfast I Mountain I Hauburger SAUSAGE BACON HAMS Ha for . 25c I for 9 25c! pound . 23c pound . 35c I Washington's Birthday Wednesday I Iejgaiol. ID A Y CUBA TO LIMIT HAVANA, Feb. 20 Cuba will not reduce artificially this year's sugar crop, but will agree to limitation of exports to the United States, It was announced today by Joso M. Cortina, socretarv of tho presidency, and chief of the cabinet, speaking for the government. JAPAN HIDING OIL SUPPLY, IS CHARGE NEW YORK. Fob. 20. Charges the propagandists huve concealed tho ox tent of Japan's oil possessions arc made In a statement issued today by the American Institute of mining and metallurgical engineers at the opening Of its annual meetings. ' Japan possesses much more than her propugandlers havo trlod to make tho world bollevo she has," tho state ment says- At tho present rato of consumption, according to tho statement. Japan hns three centuries of supply, while tho United States has only 20 years of probable oil reserves. 2 for 1 SALE, LIGHTING FIXTURES For the first time In our his tory we are putting forth these amazing reduction;,: Two gsnu Ine Alta Lighting Fixtures for the price of one, or one fixture at half price This is your opportunity to chanae the whole appearance of your home at prices never be fore given In Ogden. Stocks are limited and sale lasts only this week. A small deposit will hold your selection. Adams Sales Co. Electric Department Store First Door South of Geo. A. Lowe. Phone 726 Ogden's Largest Lighting Fixture House SEEK TO BLOCK r " ' r Pi L Ull U J U 1 1 o' I U llllsj WASHINGTON. Feb 20. Accep tance by the United States government of the offer by Henry Ford for pur ' chase and lease of tho Muscle Should, Ala., nitrate and water power project I "would constitute a violation of the : solemn and binding agreement enter ed into with our company, under date of Juno J. 1918," J. C Hammltt, vlco president of tho Air Nitrates Corpora tion, notified the house military com mittee today. Tho witness asserted that, despite the opinion of Colonel Hull, acting I Judge advocate of the army, the agreo- mont was "null and void" ho believed lt would "hold in tho courts" where It would bo tested If the governmont Insisted upon violating its pledge. Mr- Hammltt explained that the Air Nitrates Corporation, was a sub-sid-ary of tho American Oanamld com pany of Malno and was created to pro tect the stockholders of the latter in case the corporation fell down on Its wur contracts." amounting to seven tlmps its capital Without the assistance of the two concerns, ho declared, the nltrato planus could not have been erected by the covernment. . "We could havo asked." He said, j "that tho plantn be destroyed after the war. Hut ull wo requested was that the corporation bo given a right to purchase tho plants on as favorable terms as given others after their op 'r.vion was stopped by the govern ment." nn PAN-AMERICAN MEET OF WOMEN ASSURED WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 Seven I governments of Central and South .m- rrl'.i :i!:. ;i.y hav.- acf..t.-d invitations I to send delegates to the Pan-Am conference of women to be held In I Boxhado April 20 to 29. it was announ ced today by tho National Leaguo of V. omen Voters, on whose l,half the 1 Invitations were extended to tho Latin governments by the American state do- partmonL I Acceptances have been recel od from 1 Peru, rhlle. Ecuador. Costa Hlca, Nic aragua. Haiti and tho Dominion ro publlc. and word has been received at l tho hriKuo headquarters h-ro that vir tually all tho republics of Hispanic (America, as well a the Dominion of I Canada, havo oldenccd favorable con sideration of the invitation CARUSO MEMORIAL FUND EEING RAISED 1 NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Metropoli tan Opera singers, former fellow art ists of Enrico Caruso, and thousands of his admirers from every class of New York society. Sunday assisted In concert at the Metropolitan Opera house to launch a camiuilgn for a (1,000.000 Caruso Memorial founda- n is :m aid to Students of music. Mrn. Caruso and the tonor's little daughter, Gloria, occupied a box ami heard tho cheers of tribute from the audience. . 1 BANDIT TAKES GEMS AT SOCIAL GATHERING DEAL. N. J., Feb. 20. A dinner party at the home of Mrs. Sarah H. Hobertson was Interrupted Saturday niicht by a masked bandit, who won adn ittod by tho hostess, and at tho point of a revover robbed her of a handbag which she told tho polfco contained Jowelry valued nt 10.000. stripped her four guests of their val uables and escaped. -1I9 El MARCH Brunswick Records H ON SALE TODAY OPERATIC t 9IM I Trl bjfrll&bil IU 11 Tl.oi,?) rrom "Th M.J Ball, f i-av Act III, 3cn 1 (Verdi . Baritone. In Italian C'ui.ppo Dtnit INSTRUMENTAL 'UO0 MeIodJ 111 T OPU . No. I) (Rubinstein) PlaMfcrte MS fOQn ) Leopold Godoxriky 1.60 1 Air for O Strtar (Bch) Violin Polo Bront!aw Hubormsn I tOtiOO f Std',1 Orertnre I Flotow) Concert nan1 I 1 ..'S Walter B Itoitr? tnd Hl Band j I. Mrrrj Wlvee of Wladnor OTeriro (SflMlSll ronr,rl Band t -- Walter B. Ilorera and Ilia Band ! r Italian Alra Medley (Son Coloaal Mamma Mia Murlnarlello f :i7 solo Mlo Cumpana dl SAn Oulato; Arr. by Perry. Ac- 5 S r-.fHr.d,0?vP?.lo';r, .Mario Perry mW Gloria Waits (Perry) Accordion Duet WM MltIo Ptrry and Joteph Pepplno j CONCERT I tn ( UtUe Town la the Oold Connty Down (PaJCO-Cr.&-8a- ISSSBJ I dere. Tenor Tboo. Karl. 1 ( laalo O' Mine ( Bowlea-Walt) Tenor Tbeo. Karla J mm f (''eweU o Theo) (Lllltiokalanl) Soprano ! j J Irene William and Male Trio Colondrlna (Tbo Swallow) (Serradell) F,prano and Contralto t L Irene Williams and Elisabeth Lennox ' POPULAR 117S Rr01d foutlilaad (Creamr-T.ayton) Baritone Krnent Hara it 19 ) 7 Ilauallan Meloly ( P.lnglo-Coots) Soprano and Contralto i ( Irene Audrey and Emily Earl f f K-I.-A (Caldwell-Kern) From "Crood Morning. Dearie." I I1M J Toner Wm. Roes and Mule Trio F 5c Say It with lclc (trrlnr Berlin) Fr. im "Unsia Cot P.evu " ; L Baritone Elliott Shaw end Maio Trld i BSBBsl I In Bluebird Land (Wllllami Short ) Soprano and Tenor. I tl$3 J Irene Audrey and Charles Hart 73o 1 Tht' How I Bellere In Too (Dubln Cunningham-Rule) Tenor i I James Craven and Male Trio T FOR DANCING f 1180 Ty-Te Fox Trot (Blho) Carl Fenton'a Orcheetriv ;GC I Stealing Fox Trof (Sulllvani Cjrl Fenton'e Orchestra r I'tc Got My Habits On Fox Trot (Durant) i 2181 J Bennle Krueger's Orchestra ! 1 School nonse Btaes Fox Trot (Trvlnc Berlin! from the I "Music Box Revue" Bennle Krueger's Orchestra I Smllln' Fox Trot (Rose Wolohan-ICrauegrlll-Burtnett-Cooper- I Stivsnaon) Introducing "Havo Tou Forgotten? ! J Bslvln Orchestra I GooU-Bye, PTetty Bntterttles Fox Trot (Coke-Olman) Selvln'a Orchestra r By the Pyramids Fox Trot (Ftorito) J18S J Osne Rodemlch'o Orchestra "8c Right or Wrong Fox Trot (Sliemore-Blese) j I Uene Rodemlch's Orchestra BROWNING BROS. CO H Brunswick Headquarters 2450 HUDSON AVENUE PHONE 45 sweet ENTERS RACE FOR KENTON'S SEAT 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 Burton E. Sweet. Republican member of thd house from the third Iown district, an nounced todav ho would enter tho Re publican primaries in June as a mn didato for the senator. The office at stake Is tho unexulrod term of Senator Kcnvon. HARMLC3J 'C3 :Ji: -'p-ser stomachs " feel Hne RELIEVES-Gas acid heartburn, sour sto'T'Och bolchin owellm, rd a'l 0fr eat.-a disfross LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. In the District Court of tho Second ?u- dlcial District. In and for tho Cnumy f Wc'.ier, state of Utah. In tlio matter of tho application lor rharific .'f surname of Roher' Davey. a minor, by Kdith O. Davey his guardian ad litem, and Mrs. Kulth O. Davey. Tho petition of .Tams rtohcrt Davfy. a minor, by Kdltli t Piv. hll Kaarrll.-in ad litem July appointed and err, -red b Din abovo ntlMfO r fiir t iml ihe i etltlon f Mrs Edith O Pavry, praying for an order of tho above named court, cnanrr InK the name of James Hobert Davoy to lames Robert O'ConnsUi anl also pray In: for an order of tne above named OOUXt, chanKlntc the name of Mrs. Edith O- Davey to Mrs. Edith O'ConnelU in the I above entRlod matter, has iec n ci f. r heorinr; before the Tlnoiablo ''c-ti-o S Barker, judto. on Monday, the 13th day; of ICsrofa, 19C2. at 10 o'clock a ra.. at tho county court house In tho four; i oum i of said ruurt in Offden City. 'Aubor coun ty, rtah. AVltness, the cleric of said court with the seal thereof affixed, this 21st day of January. 1922. (S'iAL) CRATHE T MOTES. Oerk By W. Fv FISHER. Deputy Clerk. CH3Z & rOUGRAS. AttorneyB for Petitioner. 2075 NOTICE In the Dlsitrlct Court of the Second Ju dicial District of the Stato of Utah. In and for tho County of Wel' r. John F. Barton, plaintiff, Qoddard Paoklng Company, a corporation, dc- fsndant. In the matter of the receivership of the doddard Packing company, a corpo ration The petition of W. I- Rudlger. receiver Of I lie Ooddnrd Pack Ins: company, for .n order approving hl final account as sii'-h receiver, approving the stale of the remainder of the accounts receivable, for authority to settle attorney's fees of plaintiff In said action, for Instructions as to disposition of remaining funds In hands of rccolver, and for the discharge of rocelver and release of his surety, has botn eel for hearing on Monday Mi,. 2Tlh day Of February. 19J2, at ten o'clock a. in., at the county court UOUas, j In the court room of -uld rourl. In us du City, Weber Bounty, Utah, and uu order has been made directing all cred itors of said company and all others In- ( tereated In said receivership to show ram e on said day. if any there be. why' said petition should not be gTanted WlUiesa tho clrk of ald court, with the seal thereof affixed, thib 16tn dav of Februar, 1922. (SICAL) CLAUDE T MOYES. Clerk By W. D. CDEr.O Deputv Clerk DE VINE. HOWSLL, STINE &. GWXLXjIAJf, Attoneys for the Receiver, 626 Ecclea Building- Ogden. Utah 3HC.7 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF' STOCKHOLDERS of dcWIt Brothers Company to Amend Articles of Incorporation. Public notl'-e Is hereby given thar annual meeting of the stockholders of Si 'A ,. Brothers company will ho held LEGAL NOTICES at Ogden City. Utah, at the office of H deWic Brothers company on Monday. th 27th day of March. A. D. 1922. at tho Lrl houi of el o'clock p m . that in addl- - I tlon to the regular transaction of bus,- H ness of tho annual meeting there will bo presented for consideration and voting H a proposition to amend Article 3 of the H Articles of Incorporation of deWR H tlrothcra company, as follows: H To amend Article 3 of said articles o! H Incorporation by striking out from said H article the following words: "The capital stock shall consist of $70,000.00. divided into 70i0 harea of .he H par valuo of J10.00 each." 1 And substituting in lieu thereof the bH following words: ,'The capital stock shall consist of H $100,000 00, divided Into 10.000 shares of H the par value of $10 00 each." The Intent and purpose of raid amend- H merit is to Increase the capital stock of H said corporation from $70,000.00 to $100.- 000.00, and to Increase the number ot H shares In said corporation from 7000 to alsBBBsl 10.000 shares. H This meeting Is called by authority of srBBBBs tho board directors. HaH DJ3WIT BROTHERS CQMPAjVT, i aassssl By A H. DEWIT. IBsssssssl First Vice President. I ' SBBBBsl By L. S. TAYLOR. aSBBBBsl Second Vice President. aSsBBBBBl By WALLACE MOORE, yLssssssssi Bscrctary-Treasuror. saBBBBBfl Dated at Ogden. Utah, this Oth day ot aBBBBBBl February. bbbbbbb1 (UK. pru'OLAS. Attorneys. 3842 H STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. Notice IS hereby given that there will H bo a meeting of the stockholders of the Strong's Canyon Water company, on H Saturday, February IS, 1922, at 7 o'clock P-H p. m. at the office of tbo secretary. 417 Ecclos Building, Ogden. Utah, for H the purpcee of electing a board of tlve H directors and for the transaction of such H other business as may properly como H before said meeting H E. V. DRATZ. Secretarv. H Dated Ogden, Utah, February 10, 1923. H m mmm UNITED STATES POSTOFFICE H Ogden. Utah. January 24. 1922 H Office of Custodian. January 24. 1922. H Scaled proposals will be received at this office until I p. in.. Febniory 24. 1922, and BtBBBBBH then publicly opened for repairs and ex- BBBBBbI tcrtor painting, it this building In ac cordance with the specification, copies of which may bo obtained from the cus- fH todian only. H RUFUS A. GARNER. "24 1 Custodian BSssssssssi ALIAS SUMMONS. 'in tho District Court of Weber Count). State Utah. H (Qmras Oballman, Plaintiff, vs. Ruben T. f-B Chnllman, Defendant. H Th- .state of Utah to Said Defendant. H You are hereby summoned to appear H within twenty days after service of this ummona upon you If served within th 'H cuunty In which this action Is brought: "-H Otherwise within thirty days after service H and defend tho above entitled action: and 1 i m of your fnllure so to do. Judg- B ment will be rendered against you ac- cording to tho demand of the complaint. H which had been filed with the clerk of H This action Is brought to dlasolve tJM lWW bonds of matrimony now and hitherto H existing between you and the plaintiff. tMmUm HALVER80N PRATT H Plaintiffs Attorneys. H P. O. Address. 605 David Ecclea Build- H lng. Ogden. Utah. 30 H PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES OonSnll County Clerk or tho Itespoc tivo SR-nern for FTirther Informa-tlo". NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of John Qulnn. Deceased. 1 Creditors will present claims, with H vouchers, to tho undersigned at 107 1 Kearna building. Salt Lake City. Utah. IgVB on or before the lGth day of April. A. D , H P.REN STRATTON. H Administrator with Die will annexed of the estate of John Qulnn. deceased. H Martlneuu it Ph-ans. Attorneys for Ad- 1 mitilstatur H Date of first publication, Februar . LSH