j fl FOR SALE Real Estate
H 35nOO One of the most attractive huna-a-
H Iowa on Harrison avenue. Hardwood
H floor, built-in feat urea, fireplace.
best quality of fixture, largo rooms.
H sleeping porch, basement, i-emcnt
H driveway. frara-e Kasy terms.
HB 15750 Five room tapealry brick bunga-
Hl low. There aro plate glaae windows.
H hardwood borders, built -In features.
HB brick nnd tile fireplace, kitchen and
m bathroom completely enameled.
MMMm bullt-ln bath. Pull basement with
W fruit room and coal bin, furnarr
H he-at. cement porch. renv-nt drlvr-
W way Well Incnted on Twenty-
H sixth street. Terma.
H ll"5f Small farm close In. orrhurd and
ae rat south of city, about one block
mm i7i room bungalow, nice
also rooms, cement hasiment.
WM aerMnajd In porch, con be handled
for four hundred dollars cash, twen-
Wm iy-flv dollari month This loca-
H n. n i especially suitable for mill
WM jo romlorliible cottage, close in on
1 T int -001 r.th street, large rooms,
fjOod futurea btlilt-lll featurea. en-
closed alee-plns porch. lawn and
B shrubbery- Special assessments paid.
Knay terms.
$4900 I-'lve- room pressed brick bunga-
hs ood I "i i all hard-
I wood border in living room and dln-
1 1 Inc room, bullt-ln features, rood
I I qualitv ,,i iMuh throughout, large
1 1 sleeping porch, screened, equipped
1 with canvn.s curtains, cement base-I
1 incnt turnace hcaC large lot. lawn,
L shrubberv, berries. De.ilrahly locat-
1 ed on upper Twenty-fifth street.
3 i- i: d .'M UftTMEN I
'"jMm I1S.OO0 Takei flral olaai form
acres of the bast land for beets, to
rTl matoes potatoes, oi iny thing else
-- to seres good pasture Good water
" lgM 5ood house, lnrgp barn, some
Implements and machinery. There
HH Is a $5000 mortgage on this place at
Jl .. pei c.-nt Interest, with seven years
time. Ilalanee on easy terma
&mmm Real Kstate Loans Insurance
WM.-hir.gton aVvenue Phonei 280-381
atH I Q I 1TV in two lots. Three room house
Iss than cost of hour' $350 308 Ninth
etreot. Call 207 Seventh otreet. 3833
LfH $6500 buys Ideal farm of six acres, well
U Improved, large house, tli n-- acres In or-
M chord full water right, good soil. Close
In. Term"
$4500 takes a dandy good six room
laH frame, strictly modern, lure-" lot. located
H near Dec hospital Close to car line.
Mmm $500 buys n complete I furnished lour
rooms ond Bleeping pOTdtl brick bungalow,
strictly modern, full basement, al! the lat
est bullt-ln features, well located, near
car line Must he seen to be appreciated
$3a0(i takes a splendid four room frame,
just completed, modern, located on ea.t
M bench. $7uaduvvn. balance $30 a mon'li
Wo have several other good buys In
4fl city homes. Come In and let us tell you
m; about them.
Uw $3130 Do you wnnt a good brv k home
with garden, fruit trees, strawber
K ries. raspberries currants nnd irri-
r'., pivi rooms partly
modern, brick (can be made com-
H pletely modern for small expense).
J' front nnd back porch screened, fruit
f and coal rooms In basement large
I n kitthr-n cabinet, oil rooms papered,
J If woodwork olU"l nnd Mtalned In nt-
I tm ural colon Lol 100x150 l - i to ;ii
J W ley, gaum i and chicken coops Terms
a oaay
3 r vi vnrrt.v; x- i-'i.ivhi:i;s i fi
If V. n !
v romfortabli brick, cottage, 3 rooms,
v partly modern, pantry, clothes ciostt
MTi '-ni porch, chicken coop and p hs
' outbuildings rlose to paved slret-t. Terms
6-room brick bungalow modern oxcopt
heot. buiit-ln features, half cement base
ment. This house can be bought with or
without furniture at a very reasonable
, price. In good location south part of
city Must ! soen to be appreciated
A good home close In on pavrd Street,
5 rooms, modern except heat, built-in fea
i turca: plum and cherry trees, large
i chicken coop, parage, coal nnd wool-
house-. n, . iisji ?f.'u-nts pnbl to "lute
tJA About h-ilf each H i ' n asy term?
l f What better Investment than to buy a
good lot Do It now. have lots of
lots all the time
Wt Two-acre tract of land "-lose lo station.
fA good sandy loam soli well adapted for
H fruit and chickens. 4-room house, hose- J
IH snent, garage, lawn and roses $2200.
One of tli t- bent '0-acre (urms In the
country Sub-irrlgat'-d exr.-llent soil for
early potatoes, tomatoes, beets, etc Small
brick house Close to church and school.
jH Will exehange for city property. If you
wnnt a good farm see this one, $8600
IjV Complete Ileal Estnt- and li.-ur.inee
Sorvlce 3316
mm SIX-ROOM house, and barn suitable for
Mm chickens. $2250. Terms. Phone 2-R-5
W 3926
! BY ONVNER Five room modern. Phone
9 2622-W 3913
J Ten U0) lots in block (1) Orchard
JB Grove annex on Washington Ave
9 Six (6) lots In block (2). Orchard
J Grove annex, between Third cm and
L Four) h i 4 p r. .
fcaW i line lt Joining Crant Ave , forty feet j
I (40) b; one hundred forty-foui inn
ZMl feet. Price Sixty-eight Hundred (16100)
mM I dollars.
I WILLIAM Nottni.'.H
ill 2929 Lawrence St Denver,
IB AT 277S Jefferson avenue a six room
Sfl , ii i - i r ii i i' Household furnl-
B "iro Po inded .mi special taxes paid,
fl , Four houses near Sperry Mills. Bonia
r.f them 1100.00 down, res lib renl
- See n. Van Br&ak for bargains, '"2
5th street. Phone 2514-W ::872
5-ROOM modern brick bungalow, small
uLwm payment. Rest like rent. Phone 3I0.T-W.
LWk C-ROOM modern brick on bench, fur-
r fT nlshe I ..r unf iriiihed Phone 2.79-J.
iT1 3S52
Modern homo of four large rooms on
Twenty-eighth street. Pavement paid
jlH This is a snap $2150 Part down, bal
H ancc 30 per month Owner leaving city
MM Rhone 913 or 2265 -W 3834
JH Fivo room modern prtissl brick, new
3 garage, best buy In city. $3200. A real
home. This Is a $4000 plnee. Sickness
nWg reason for selling Phono P13 or 2255-W.
17 ACRE farm. A-l soil. 35 shares North
fiH gden water, four blocks from street ear
line, good Improvements, chickens. ova.
jH horses with farm. Second street, lnvestl
Jl gate for further particulars. Owner,
il Phone 2046-NR. 3777
IH GOOD CO acre farm, with good Improve
mWM nv-rits Terni. .iU buyer J I'
'!mK rson. Marriott. 377 1
B FOR 8ALE Very choice brick bunga.ow,
9Bb basement, heat, all Improvements slrlct
'H ly high class $9000 00 part terms If dc
j aired Also s-room brick duelling close
ApH In, well built, modern except heat
I $5500 00, $2$00 00 cash, easy terras on
J balance. Also 6-room modern bungalow
Si on car line. $4000 00, terms. It. P. Jiun
H ter. 431 24lh Ht Phono 666. 3757
HM For Sale
, : 10-room rooming house. $450 cash,
HM terms on balanca
5-rooin rooming house, $200 caxh. terms
i on balsmcu.
J I For Rent Furnished
J i 8-room strictly modern, close In.
i ' 7-room unfurnished on Madison civenuo.
, j Phone 431-M. 2779 Washington Ave
) THHK1 1 i A Hi I W.W
Four rcoiu modirn brick lottacv. $1900.
I J J Four room brlclt cottage. $1800
' j I Five acres choice land. c 1 1 improved
' j! $1000.
;"" Ei horly acres good beet lund with water
i $5500 Easy terms,
i Company Phone 378
BUILDING lots. Good locution. $10 down
$10 month. lilackbum, KUucl JJLlg .
V I ! Phone- 690- 33 5 j
WANTED Real Estat
WANT large lot with young assorted
fruit trees. Must be south of Twenty -
fourth streel Hox N. Uiis paper
FOR SAL B -Auto i
1119 Dodge touring
111 Dodge touring
151- iHxlg- truck.
191 iK-dge roadster
1)29 Bubk Six
m Bulek Six
I9IC bulek 4 roadster
lils Ford .ourlng
1914 Auburn Six tr.uCng
11 1 Ford Ugh' delivery
1918 Ford bug
1 TIM E for sale Apply Ogden Whole -sale
Drue; Co. 1
FOtlSON trietor ler f-ale or trade Al
moat new 2211 Washington avenue. H
Tlbert 1421
One Ford sedan.
One Ford touring.
I 1920 Maxwell (ourlng.
1'odge touring.
One Hup bug.
$640 Washington. Phone 143
WANTED Male Help
FIREMAN, brakemen, beginners I15D,
:utr $:;o monthly Write Railway .arc
.Minn-laM-Kxaminer 364S
CANDY maker, first class retail man. See
Mr Pajourn. W H. Wright A Sons Co.
P M R Mrjt eass house-to-house cjinvass
ers Apply aftrr 7:S0 p. m C. N Hutto.
3137 Washington Ave. 3306
POprLAlc music Jaxe. syncopation, har
mony. Waterman Plnno School I'hone
334. 3473
WANTED Female Help
itTltL nr woman t eare for elderly lady
full at 22f Ogbn Ave 392,1
liIRL for genral housework. Apply 2505
T 1. 1 Ave Telephone ;.T7fi 3922
PHOTOPLAYS Snoo 1. b-as needed Work
ing girl paid $10,000 for ideas ..b.- thought
worthless. Details free Write Producers
League. 314 St. Louis. 3451
WANTED Women who understand
co-. king Apply w Mealy 'afe
HOI 'SEKEFPER wanbd by widower
with young children liox K-C2. Stand
a rd - Examiner. 3782
CXi'KHIKN'TI 1 seamstress If not IX
rlenced do not apply. Madame Capaiu
4S7 2h. l5-'u
WANTED Male and Female
ANY Intelligent person, either sex. may
earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding
for newspapers: $."1 to $15 per column:
nil or spore time, experience unnecessary;
nn canvassing. S nd for particulars Na
tlonal Press Lureau Buffalo. N Y 348S
Vol N1 men rn n over 17. dealrlnt;
govern m nt poaltlone, $1M monthly write
for freH list of positions now open. J.
Leonard ifrmer Civil Service Examin
er), 9S Kiultable Bldg.. Washington
D C T 720
RXPKRIENCED woman wants wirk by
1 . cleaning laundry work. Phone 1141-
W MO!'
WANTED work by day. Call 2630-M.
QCILTS made to order or from your ma
terial. Lux 1"'0. rare Standard-Examiner
'11 !ti V Ironi oivn i Ile 01 mx room
modern house Flr.it payment $1000.
Give full description, location price. Box
49, Standard-Examiner. 3792
J! j! RAPOSO, buyer of chickens and
ci.-k'k Pbr.no 291 4 -W 2e:.i. .la. ''.son 't73;i
riOUSLS .aritc.i Will buy old and use
less hcrscs. Phone 6b" or C F. Irwin.
Union Stock Yards Ocden. 1321
FURNISHED house on bench, about five
room? by three adults Must be modern
References. Box 27, Standard. SIM
$2000 on it y residence properly. Pri
vate party preferred. Address M, care
Standard-Lxamlnor. 3374
WANTED TO BORROW $2SO0 for six or
nine months Good securities; will pay 10
per cent Interest Phone 2N73. 3923
FOR RENT F urnished
HOUSEKEEPING rooms 2220 Lincoln
avenue. 391')
STEAM heated furnished apartments.
2106 Washington avenue. 3904
FRONT apartments. '-impir- housekeep
ing $3. Modern and clean 2310V W ash
ington avenu- 390."
TWO furnished tiouaekci ping rooms.
$16.60, Also ground floor 3027 Adorns.
Phone 3350-W. MM
ONE housekeeping' room With bath .'1 Ifi
Lincoln. 3800
THREE large rooms, pantry, bath, sleep
ing porch sleeping tent, cellar chicken
house and runn. large garage, on bench
No children, lnnulro 86H Hall s Court
Phone 1389. 3M2
TWO. three and four room Apia. Apply
317 26th. 2nd floor. 3364
4-ROOM modern house. Call 202 18th
or phone 2232. No children M76
TVi nicely furn housekeeping rooms
modern. ground floor 201 26th St
Phone 1183. 3S35
ONE two-room, private bath. ground
floor $26 00. 2054 Washington. 3823
8TILWELL apartments for rent Phone
1654. 3856
2-ROOM furnished apartment. 2629 Mon
roe. 384.
APARTMENTS for rent, furnished and
unfurnished Rent cheap VA Cist Si
FINE large sleeping room. Board if do- 1
elred. 2223 Adams. Phone 27C5-J.
NICE light housekeeping rooms. Modern,
with gas. 764 Twenty-first stret. Phone
102. 3533
FIRST floor, front, newly decorated
apartments. 1411 and 2011 Washington
Fl'RNISHED room with heat. Suitable
for one or two gentlemen Board if de
sired. 371 Twenty -second street. 3S1S
TWO furnished rooms for light house-I
keeping Inquire 2'.'.6 Adams avenue
c n anu ivo roornM LuruiBJlBU upuri
ments Opposite park. 26S3 Grant.
TWO furnished rooms for rent at 27D8
Lincoln.' rear. Inquire same house.
MOIDERN furnished apartments. Heat,
gaa. 2842 Monroe. 8803
Fl'RNISHED room for light housekeep
ing. 613 Twenty-second street 3805
APARTMENT and sleeping room. st-am
heat "130 Twenty -third street Lincoln
hotel. 3781
ROOM, furnace heat, close In, at S46S
Adams. References. Phone 1637 "77o
THREE room furnished apartment 365
Twenty-elgnln street 8779
POUR rot m modern brick house newlv
papered, cleaned. 601 22nd Phono S87-J
Clean, warm, well I rnLshed apart
ment Cheap to light party 3200
Wash. 3760
8ELECT four room steam heated apart
ments with new furniture at reduced
rates. 2363 Porter avenue. 8788
EXCELLENT board, very nice modern
rooms. Reasonable 263 Jefferson Ave
STEAM heated modern roTtin. plentv of
hot ABt'T. 26f; Adams. Phono 1943
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single
room. 13-5 and 2011 Washington avenue.
PLEASANT room, close in. for one or two
gentlemen 46U Twenty-fourth St. 661-M.
MODERN house for rent Can be fur
nished if desired. 2614 Madison 3037
FRONT room modern for two gentlemen,
slso silling rw r.i and bed ro. in. 472 21st
St 19S3
APARTMENT and room. 630 23rd St
HOUSEKEEPING rooms." 2J63 Monroe.
SLEEPING room and clojei. Heat and
bath. $11 per month. 2S22 Washington
I i
FOR RENT Furnished I
N't' E heated sleeping roomi. 83.50 and
$3 0o rr wek 160 Twenty-third St
. 3919
I FURNISHED apartments, close in. Phone I
1133-R. 2671 Lincoln Ave. M20
BASEMENT rooms and othrs Reason
...:. it ...rd if deslr -I Phone 1327
FOR RENT Unfumisnerl
t'N'l. large unf urnlahed room and one
sleeping room. Cheap. 3227 Washington j
FOl'R unfurnished rooms, modern, newly
j kaloomlncd. 739 Madison. 390j
r. rim ims and i.a'h. $29 per month. 209
26th street. 3S79
TWO rooms and closets, rear 2719 Mad
I Ison Ave. $10.00 per month. Inquire
8M 7th. 3R66
SIX r - n: houpe, 4".j ;it St Inquire tn
rear from 6 p m. until X p. m. Rent
$.10 per mo Phone 2304-R
FOl'R r-im Apt., modern except heat,
gas range and hot water 2626 Liberty
Ave. 3762
4-ROOM modern, basement. 3219 Wall '
avenue. Inquire 3281 Lincoln. 2766
4-ROOM apartment. '.Tj 22nd Phone
2935-W. 3973
I NEW modern Apt., 3 rooms, private
I bath. heat, garage. I.a Frantz. $31 00
I 2-room. private bath, gas range. $22.50.
1 .t-ronm. private bath. heat. Argyle Apt.
I Phone 1217-R. 3SJ7
I .'.-room mod i...ue S3S Patterson Ave
Phone 460-J. 3840 I
NEWLY papered apartment for small,
responsible family. 2620 Jefferson Ave I
FIVE room modern house, partly fur
nished or unfurnished 011 vV. 30th St
Apply 137 26th St. 3849
''FIVE room house, modern except heat,
on Pimrree avenue between Twenty -first
and Twenty- "mil streets. Phone 31m.'
W Inquire 221 Twenty-eighth street.
THREE room store building, basement,
partly modern. Phone 26t'2-R. 3797 j
APARTMENT Four rooms, Bleeping
P.,n h bath. cabinet. x range, et.
Phone 3507-J. 8789 1
FOl'R room modern apartment on ground
floor. Use of garage. 2620 Monroe $30
per month. Phono 16S7 or call at Prln-
cess Millinery. 3525
FIVE room modern. 2600 Adams. 3679
FIVE rooms. Jo:iri war.ningion avenue 1
Phone 2830. 3153
2 LARGE unfurnished housekeeping
rooms Poplar Heights. 437 Twcnty-
fourth St 1921
HOT'SEKEEPINO rooms. also single 1
room 1 135 and 2011 Washington avenue-
3-ROOM house for rent. Rear 152 23vd
street Inquire 1128 Oak St. 4393
4 -room brick house at corner Van Ru
n n and Sullivan, newly papered and
painted, $12 50 per month
4-room frame house at 1103 Sullivan
with klteben garden, berries, etc. Also
shed and chicken house, $12 60 per
II O A P MS Phone OS or 751 37''.l
TWO Irfrgo rooms unfurnished for rent at
275 Thirty-third street. 3930
KOI R-ROOM modern house 1933 Wash
ington Ave. 3927
TEN room house Call i'- or 340 or 49-R-2.
for information. 3914
FOR REj'T Miscellaneous
" A 1 'RES of land, plenty of water. In
qulre 1820 Ogden. Phone 1026-J, 3765
GARAGE for renT. "Phone 2763-M.
LARGE brick building. 40x100 foet: ce
ment floor oonvenii ntly located Can bo
used for storage or garage. Will lease for
threo years If desired. Also one storn
room, 15x46, steam heated. Call Royal
hotel. 3901
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
rargaT n prices"
Our numerous patrons Is nn indication
of our low prices and complete stock in
housefurnlshlngs at a tremendous saving
We have sold thousands of dollars worth
of merchandise in the ehort time wc have)
been open, one month. Try' us.
50-pound new mattress only.... . $12 00
35-pound cotton mattreas only .. $7 75
2-Inch post V. M bed like new $12 00
'..U axmlnater rug, clean ond In good
condition $1300
i r e.,-rii. all kinds and prl e.
Small round oak dining table, like
new, onlv $14 00
Fumed oak china cloet. $18.50
Another genuine leather davenettc.
only UC 00
Chiffonier, good mirror $12 'JO
A few silver Gillette razors In a leath
er case left at SI. 00 each with 12 blades.
New and Second Hand
Seventeenth and Washington Phone f19
ONE flat top desk, one typewriter desk
with disappearing shelf. Phone 73S
GOOD delivery team, blacks, Ludlow
wagon and harne.sc, good condition Also
4 vear old farm horse. Phono 2602-R
EGG coal $8.50 per ton delivered. Buy
coal now. Best Utah coal, good In range
or heater Raw son Coal Co Office and
yard, 2270 Wall uvenue. Phone 484.
t 3621
BUGGY shafts $3.60 to $6.00 per pair
Sidney Stevens Implement Co. 35!-6
HIOHEST price paid for second hand
furniture, tools and hardware. A to Z
Store. Phone 333. 3575
CANARIES. Guaranteed singers. 2220
Lincoln Ave. From $6 to $10. 3514
LAltV s 1m 'J mattress. Good condition
$12 ..'j. T. no.- 23 '.4 Irani 3JS3
. l.arige, temporal v location 'it 22S Floral
avenue with Rllc Urothcrs. Salt Lake.
Used National Cash Registers at unh. ard
of prices, fn 1 $65 up to the latest four
and six drawer electrically operated reg
I 1 1 ra Highest c.'.bIi prlre pnlil for used
cash registers. Established 35 years
L.Ml"! 1 ilour paclcn large lzc. $1 20 doz
en. Ogden Dak'.ng Co 6464
co SLPill TLY used overcoats. Your choice
$S.0U 266 2tth St 717
KINDLING for sale. 8alvatlon arm)
Iielp Ocden men. Call 2960 3093
WE buy houcllold furniture Highest
nrlces paid in Ogden Tr us. I'hone 619.
v . stern Purnlture Co., Seventeenin and
Washington. 1480
SJAXWr.LL : arts for .a!- Phone ;.t4ft - M
FOR 2nd and 3rd crop hay phone 291 4 -P.
er call at 2002 Tackson Ave 3742
Hl'V vour sbois at Chrlstenson's Cut
Rate Shoe Store where cash buyers get
moat for their money. All rubbers .it
1 y i 9 Twin Harley motorcycle, with or
without sldecor Cash or terms. Phon
M H randon. 68. 6430
NOAI-LEl) lor suits, tailor madu; bU
reducUon. Gordon's, 2-11-25 Twenty-fifth
r.lre-.-t Phono 419 2157
Big. modern 8hup Hudson Ac? Top
Co. 8863
K. O. AGEK Phone 89. gT
RESTA PR ANT or hotel men I ha-o
some good buys. Write box 383. Black
foot. Idaho. 3763
$1000.00 If taken before March 1st, candy
store, soda fountain, fancy xewlng ban
kets, etc P. L. White, 20'j 26Ui St
375 -i
ROOM for two Board If desired. 2747
Washington avenue 3900
TABLE boarders wanted. Call 2622-M.
Do It right, It costs less. Call Larsen
t .Sous, oarpenters and contractors. Shop
1810 Washington. Phono 686-R. 8154
DANCING lessons. Moore's Studio. W.
0 W. Hall. 2;20 Washington, MOU..
Tues.. Wed.. Sat. 346
1 CINO LESSONS We.1. and Sat ,
Woodward Studio. Berthana Had STJ
24 Hi St. 1330
Purchaso. of 40 acres of proven oil
land, the lease having a well capable
of producing 100 barrels of oil a day
without shoe. ting, hae been announced
by the Fi.r. 'H company. In which
a number of gdcti peoplo are stock
holders. The Caaptr, Wyo.. Tribune
says of the deal:
The land comprises the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of
Section 6-39-78. adjoining a lease
which sold at the government auction
I i t .lun. for $226,000.
"Transfer of the property involved
a deal that ran into thousands of dol
lars, it is said.
This proven acreage and produc
tion, together with the tremendous
commercial gas and oil deposits which
h:ive been developed by the company
In the Poison Spider and South Cas
per Creek fields, make the Kargo com
pany one of the large Independent pro
ducing concerns In the state und adds
materially to the possibilities of the
"Under the tems of the transfer the
Fargo company assumes control of 89
per cent Interest in the 40 acre tract.
The lease automatically makes effec
tive an operating agreement, with the
Western States Oil and Land company,
a Standard subsidiary, lor tho devel
opment of the property on a &0-50
working agreement.
"The 50-50 agreement is exclusive of
the first well already developed, a
producer acquired w ithout c oat to the
Fargo company. The Fargo company
under tho terms of the purchase gets
advantage Immediately of tho pro
duction of the well and of the oil stor
ftfje which has resulted from this pro
duction "The venture on the 40 acre tract la
the firm st taken by the Fargo coru
pany to obtain proven acreage In the
Salt Creek field."
CHILDREN'S clothe.-, nnd men s shirts.
2233 Madbon. Phone 1112 J 37S3
VLL kinds r sewing done. Includlnx
coats anil suits 5fl Cross St. Phone
3339-J. 3764
MADAM OAPIAU gown shop. 437 Twen
ty lo irlh stre et Phone 2608 W. 1fil3
tlemsiitcnuiK. picoi de. uution-i iiiiik
fr.B nni ;,le.t t .ny Second floo- w H.
v.'richi v Son Mrs H Layman. iui
i'DR SALE Household Goods
SUPERIOR Oak heater. 2110 Monroe"
Phone 2273-J; 3937
NEW .1 m nn.l .tl'ilnr; r.....m
rugs, etc 2021 Orchard Ave. 38C9
MONARCH r.Ltu;i - nltary cojich and
mattress. Phono 28S8-J. 3062
W E wish lo announcee to the public that
our hotel In strictly clean, no bootlegging,
gambling nor bad characters allowed. A
hotel where you can bring your mother,
wife or daughter. As near homelike as
can be inacl". Special rates. Arlington
hoti:l. 8496
LARGE r.-d do Will .inswer tn name of
Red Phone 49-R-2. 8912
BASKl'T vs. ... i , i . r ' -5 house dresses. Phon -2222-W
MERCHANTS Dlsnatch. Phono ou- vn
MONL'MENT.VL work. H Hansen. 2001
Jeff., op. city cemetery Ph. 1224. 886S
i LOWEST pnc'son pianos, players, phon
I ographs, a few used pianos at bargain
, prices Lyric Music Co , 2524 Wash. Ave,
Phone 173. 1788
$2600 and $1000 local money on real es
tate. Kelly fc Hcrrlck. 360
ON Irrigated farms. 8 per cent. No com
mission charge- Yearly payments al
lowed. Robert C. Nye, 602 Eccles Bldg.
Jio 00 AND UP cheerfully loan-id to hott
est men and women permanently etn
ployed No security. Confidential Pay
us back In easy Installments Stand.ud
Credit company, No. 21S Fvrd J. Klcsel
Bldg- 8341
$100 000 Life- Insurance m r.e y to loan on
new homes and apartments Long lime
ami desirable "i tions.
HAULING rubbish and moving to any
place at any lime with truck Price rea
sonable. 275 33rd St. Phone- 1358-J
Snfes nnd safety deposit boxes opened.
Mall our keys to be duplicated to Jack
Flower. 69 W. Broadvvav. Salt Lake.
tlng eggs Phone S53-J. 3868
B BY chicks. Order now from a reliable-
line. W B Aetlll. Walker Peed.
W ANTED Poultry of all kinds. Western
Ornln t Ec-ed Co . 2!: Tvv rit -fourth SL
Phono 1343.
WILL care for one or two children under
6 years, good home. Phone LC00-M
W B WEDELL. 1016-J. 461 27th. 3726
MRS. M. D. LACY, spiritual readings, 1
p m to 8 p. m Arlington Hotel. Ro.m
19 1365
PROP. K El. LEY. cli racier and card
r.-fdlriKS 4 4-.I Twenty-rlxtb St B0
REPAIRING und cootln our specialty.
Ogden Roo'lnc Co Phon.. 01:,-.; 9394
tor Co.. 27.29 Hudson. Plionu 201 bf
STEAMSHIP agency. Ph. 1166 anj 2347-1-
rIOR'. 1. 1, 1 AN Mc-amalilp ..o Phons
247-W 1
sr:rOND-HAND goods bought and said.
) '00 Wash Ave Phone ca-J 8744
WW will take your old refrigerator as
part payment on a heator or range or any
ether plect t furniture or will ouy thecal
iutrlght I uuh. Hoiuj Fwnltlim Coxi
any. MfJ
Information Bureau
$2.00 Pl.K LINE PI K .MON TH
ROY GRIFFIN sells anything any place
any time Phone 1VS6 R. 3713
Bramweli Bock and Stationery, tvi
WashinKtoD aTanue. Pnope aQ. tot)
L' tab National f-" 'k. Moatheajrt corner
Twenty fourth s.-hinK-toa. rbone i
llorr.e Carpet Cleanlna r?o. ror first
elana v.orK. Dpbolsterlna and mattresj
making. Phon? I1W E. Van Kampen.
The New Method D"ntUts nr. epoojc
lata lo all t ranch o it Dntletry, net
Waehmglon avenue ijijj
W 11 lard Kay. real itsUCe tend ion
?474 Washlngtoa Ave. Phone 4ot. iS7i
McCarty A Co.. naultnx rubblab oM
ahos. Phon i-nm W. ijjj
Oarbayo and rubbish hsulel. cesspol)
and tolleta :lrane). John Chip? tt Co..
Pbona Mb, ilia Uudson Aveoua, 91U
Rails, Industrials and
Specials in Strong
v r.W YriRK. Fc'. 20 The Khort in
teraat In the stock market Fustalned an
other setback texlay on confident buy
ing of rail and tho popular loduMrlal 1
and specialties Sales opproxlmated
Foreign oils were the outtandltiK fea
ture at thf active and firm opening.
Aeijuntmrnt of export taxe.-s bi-tween the
Maxlcan government and American oil
companies resulted In an opening ad
vance of 14 points for Mexican Petro
leum, till helnjr, doubled In the next
fe-w tranieae-tlon!. The ulrenirth of for-e-lun
i-M-hangca. with Rrltlscb and French
remittances at new high levt-la, prompt
ed covering of short contract In rails,
equipments and other speculative favo
rites. IClawnni Pa-lflc preferred rose
1 'n points St. Ixuls & San Francisco
e-iirnmon one- riolnt and the coalers, es
pecially Reading anil Lehigh Valley,
gained large- fractions. Sucars and hem
Icals represented the firmer specialties.
Last week's accumulation of low
priced or speculative rails was resumed
on a broader scale during the morning
St. Louis Southwestern common and pre
ferred St Louis & San Franc Isrj cxm
111 n and preferred. Chicago Great West-
1 ii Kansas City Southern. Texas
Pacific. Western Pacific and Now Or
leans. Texas & Mexico rose 1 to 2 points
Royal Dutch and Pan-American followed
tin- further rise of Mexican Petroleum
Shippings were active and strong. os
pecfauly Pacific Mall and American Ship
an1 ('omititrcc. Motors and accessories.
Including electrical equipments, rose 1 14
to 3 points. Conspicuous weakness was
shown bjr Beneca 'opper Columbia Gas
and National Enameling the latter los-
i Ing five points. Call money opened at
1 4 per cent.
The stock market showed greater
Strength as the session progressed with
the professional element ellre. ting Its .f-
forts against ihe short Interest in nu
merous shares. Material gains were
- ;ed in a large number of Inactive Is
:.. as well as Ihe recognlreel leaders
l'nlleel Fruit advanced Cl- and Inter
national Harvester, Wilson Packing pre-fe-rre-il
Iron Products. Davison Chem
ical. Keih -Springfield American Tobac
Amerlcan Sumatra preferred and
I'nlte.l Drug first preferred 2 to a points
Ignoring the six per cent money rate
In the final half hour Investment rails
and high class industrials marie further
gains. Elsewhere selling for profits was
Indicated, The closing was easy.
1 A' reported hv j a tjos-i & o
1 Bid ' AsKef
Alta Con ', If .07 18 .08
Albion .10 .11
American Con . I . 02 VI 04
Alta Tunnel . I .144 .16
Alta-Mlrhlgan . I .08 I 07V4
uca.uj c,cj,c-i . .vvijl J'J 'ft
Rig Hill 02 03
nig Cottonwood 03 .06"-
nulllon 03V4 f
nia.-k Metals 08 .12
t'.lumbns Rexnll 28,j .SO
frown Point 02H .01
Colorado Con . 034 -04
Central Eureka . .. .004 .01
Cardiff . . . 99 1 02V4
Dragon Con 05 .10
I-aly West 2 00 3 00
East Oown Point 08V4 n2H
Kast Tin Hr Goal .. 004 .004
BfMt TlntW. e'on .08
Eureka Mines 04V4I 06
Eureka Lily 07 '-j, 0SV4
Eureka Bullion ,, 0441 .05
Emma Silver ,.. .01 . 01 i
Empire Mines .08 .04
Gold Chain 06 06
Grand Central 42 .414
Howell 0G! 0U
Iron Woom . ...... 20 ' .20
Iron King . 05-V 08U
Judge Mining 2.50 I 3.10
Kennebec 06V4I 03
Keystone 10 ( 1.00
Leonora 004' .01
Lehl Tlntlc 01H .02
Mav Day 01 I 02
Miller Hill , .02
Mammoth 25 ) .60
Ifiohlgan-UtAh 30ty .31
North Standard .04 04
New Qulncy OS! 05
Qpohongii 00'4 00'4
Nalldrlver 05 .36
Prince Con 07Vi .08
Provo 02 .02
Rico Wellington 00
Pills 024 .OS
Silver King Goaln 2 20 2.274
Silver King Con 48 .61
Sioux Con 02
S. uth Standard 12 .14
Silver Shield 03V4I 03-4
Tar Baby 0141 -024
Tlntlc Central . 01 tii"l
Tlntlc Standard 2 10 2 124
I'tah Cn 01
l'ne-lc Sam ut
Pnlon Chief 05
West Toledo 014 -02'i
Walker 2.60 2.80
Wondlawn 064 .10
Yankee 014
7.uma 084 .09
Antelope Star 00V4 004
1 Bay State 01 03
I Bingham Galena 004 (,i '
Daly .. 1 00 3 00
Monznnlte .02
Ploche Bristol 00 4 01
Eagle & Blue Bell 2 36
Openinn Sales.
T:lg Hill 1000 at 24c
Bay State 1U00 at 24c.
Iron Blossom 1000 at 2c
Mlchlgan-1 tub iouo at 80d; 1:00 at
30 4 e
Prince Con. 0000 at 74c
South Standard 100O at 12c.
Tar Bah 1000 at 2c
Tlntlc Standard 300 at 82.124.
Closing Sales.
Alta Con. 5000 at 7c.
Columbus Rexall S00 at 30c.
Emma Silver 4000 at 14
Empire Mines 500 at 34c.
Bingham Galena 2000 at lc.
Iron King 1000 at CVtc, 1000 6c.
Leonora 1500 at lc.
North Standard 1000 at 44c.
Prince Con. 400 at 7 4c.
Silver Shield 2100 at 34c.
Tar Baby 2500 at 2c
Tlntlc Standard 450 at $2 10.
NEW Yi"iRK, Feb 20 Suspension of
Kopler Bremer and company, stock bro
IcerS vv.is announced from Ihe re-strum
of the Consolidated Stock exchange to
day. An Invpluntarj petition In bankrupt
cy alleging that the company had lia
bilities of f.'OO.OOO and only 1160.000 as
lets was filed In federal court an hour
later. Judge Learned Hand named Ar
thur F. Gotthold receiver In 825.000 bond
''HICAGO Feb. 20. Potatoes steady:
I r.-. elnts 83 cars; total U S shipments
765: Wisconsin sacked round whites 81.76
fil.90; cwt.; few fancy 82.00 cwL; Mlch
lg aoked round whites 81.8018.00
t . t Minnesota sacked round whites
$1 70O1.I5 cwt.; Idaho sacked rural
- . me sllghtlv frozen, J2.00W2 10 cwt.,
Idaho sacked" russets 82 202 35 cwt.
NEW YORK, Fob 20 Liberty bonds
I B7 first 4s 9C.80. second is
first 44s 97 00 second 4H 96 74;
third Cs f7 44 fourth 44s 97 .16; VI.
tory 34s 100.00; Victory 4s 100. Zs
LONDONi Feb. 20 Bar sliver SSd
per ounce
Mono 24 rr cent
Discount rates; Short and three month
bllla 3t4 per cent-
KANSAS CITY. Mo. Feb. 2 Butter
unchanged; creamery 25c; packing 15c.
Eggs 4 cents lower, firsts 23c
Poultry unchanged, hens 20c. sprlnvcs
NEW YORK. Feb 10. Foreign bar
illvi r -,ic
Mexican dollars 494c
CHICAGO Feb 20 Poultry alive
higher; fowls 24c. springs ?6c; roosters
tLaat Sal
Allied Chemical A Dye . . ii
A Ills-Chalmers 444
American Bee Bugar 86
American Can ir
American Car & Foundry 148
American BJde A I saltier pfd 07
American International Corp . 414
American Locomotive 10
American .Smelting Refg 4(
American Sugar ..... . 74
American Sumatra Tobacco . ... 264
American T S T H64
Amorlcan Woolen HJtJ
Anaconda Copper 47vfc
Atchison 97
All ciulf A W Indies 2$V '
Baldwin Locomotive J64 I
Baltimore Ohio - '
Bethlehem Steel B ....... . U
Canadian I'ae-lflc . 1304
Central L-eaLher 384
Chandler Motors m
Oiosapcako & Ohio BS4
Chicago. Mil St Paul r04
Chlengo R I Pac 38U
Chin.. Copper 56r
Colorado Fuel & Iron . . 27
Corn Products 103
Crucible Steel 60
Krle ioPk
Famous Players-lAsky 814
General Asphalt . .. . 2
General Electric 1524
. leneral Motors 84
Goodrich Co. ns
Grtvit Northern pfd 764
Illinois Central 984
Inspiration Copper SF1
International Harvester . . 174
Int Mer Marine, pfd 7tH
International Paper 484
Invincible Oil 144
Kellv-Spgfld Tire 384
Kennecott Copper 274
'Louisville v Nashville . iff
Mexican Petroleum 122
Miami Copper 26
Middle States OH . 1 314
Mldvale Steel .10
Missouri I'aclflc 19
New York Central 774
N V N H A- Hartford ...... 17
N. rfolk c Western 100!4
Northern Pacific 7 9u
Oklahoma Prod d- Ref 24
Pacific Oil 47
Pan American petroleum 65
Pennsylvania 34
People's Gaa 7614
Pure OH 33
Ray Consolidated Copper 14
Reading 74
Ref. Iron oi Steel 53
Roval Dutch NY 51
Sears Roebuck . ... 644
Sinclair Con Oil 194
Southern Pacific MS
Southern Railway 19'4
Standard Oil of N J pfd 17 6B
L. , ..... f,-wr.nn t t r.r, nft'
T-nnesiee Copper . 10' 4
Texas Co 45 8
Texas & Pacific 30
T.'.aceo Products ... 634
Transcontinental Oil 94
t.'nlon Pacific 181 4
t" s Retail Stores :.4;
T S Ind Alcohol 45
t'nltnd States Rubber 554
United States Steel 914
I'tah Copper fA'-y
Weatlnghouae Electric 65
Willys Overland 4H
American Zinc. Ieaxl and 8m ISV
Butte and Superior . .. 26 V4
Aln Petroleum . 484
Montana Power 67
Shattuck Arizona 7SB
Great Northern Ore 354
I v
CHICAGO. Feb 2j0 New high price
records for the season were reached tu
day In wheat market Crop damage re
ports from the southwest, together with
fresh upturns In Liverpool riuotatlons.
appeared to be chiefly responsible. Ac
cording to field advices, each day with
out rain or snow In Kansas has been
adding to lossos and It was Indicated
that conditions In Oklahoma wr- SfOrse
than heretofore generally believed.
Opening prices, which ranged from 1U
to 24c higher, with May $1.42 to 1 4J:-t
and July 51.25 to 1 25. were followed
Dj decided further gains and mcrtlc-rato
Corn and oats ascended with wheat,
corn starting to lc higher, Slay GVifr
884c, ami making a slight further ad
vance In oats the opening waji '4 to uc
higher. May 414 to 41c, and later there
w 1 ra, some additional gains.
Provlhlons followed tne upward course
of hogs and cereals.
Later. In wiicat. the advance was re
sumed and closing figures wro the
highest of the day. Reports that Ger
mnn'j was purchasing huge Quantities
of Argentine and Canadian wheat and
that Japan also was In the market as a
buyer did a gooel elcal to accelerate the
upward swing of values espoclall lor
May delivery The finish was strong
4 to 64c net higher with Mav $1,464
to 1 464 and July $1.27.
Corn, as well as wheat, touched a new
high price, re. or1 f..r the season An-nounc.-TOftnt
of n decided Increase r.f the
visible supply "f com failed to check the
upturn of the market Corn closed firm
to 14c not higher with May 634 to
I C34ltr63Hc
CHICAGO. Feb 20 Wheat No 2 red
$1 40. No. 2 hard $1 374 1 39-
Corn No 2 mixed 6T4tf58 4c; No. 2
jrellow B7068Ho
Oatn No. 2 white "S;'?47c; No. 8 white
live No. 2 81.04 4
Barley 38g67c.
Timothy seed $5.00a7.-0
Clover seed $12 00322 00
Pi rk nominal
Lard $11 57
Ribs $11. 00-512. 00.
MINNKAPOLIS Minn.. Feb. 20.
Wheat receipts 4.15 cars compared with
35S cars tk year ago Cash No. 1 north
ern $1.5:.ffl 60; Mav $1 17. July
$1 384-
"...rn No. 3 yellow 31 U 32c
Oatl No 3 white 35Ta'eT36-aC.
Barlev 43'5'57c
Rve No. 2 $1 020 1 024
Flax No. 1 $2.67(32.64.
OMAHA Neb . Feb. 20 Wheat No. 2
hard $1 8701.86; No. 3 hard $1 23lj 1 27
I Corn No. 2 white 51c; No. 2 mixed
SO'ij GOc.
Oatl No. 2 white 35535'c; No. 3 white
MINNEAPOLIS Minn.. Feb 20 Flour
inchanged to 10c higher; In carload lots
family patents quoted at $S 30?'S 30 a
barrel In 98-pound cotton jacks
Bran $26.00.
ST LOUIS, Mo Feb. 20 Wheat Mav
1 1 4i.. July n 244
Corn Mav 61 4 o 61 Sc. Julv CJT0e
Oats Mav i2-57;43Sic.
KANSAS CITY Mo. Feb. 20 Wheat
Maj n 334 July $1 214
Corn May 474c; July 694c
NEW YOP.K. Feb 20 Copper easier,
electrolytic spot and nearby 12'3'134c;
later ISHfl
Tin easy: spot and nearby 829 62, fu
tures $29.37.
Iron steady. No. 1 northern $1? on?
19 50: No 2 northern Six r.0-rm no . No
2 southern $15.5016.00.
Lead quiet, spot 4.704.800.
Zinc quiet, East St. Louis delivery
pot 4 504.55c.
Antimony spot 4.40c
NEW YORK. Feb 20 Call money
strong high 6 per cent; low 4 per cent;
ruling rat..- 4 per cent; closing bid 54
par cent; offered at 6 per cene, last loan
6 per cent.
Call loans against acceptances 34 per
Time loans firm' 60 days 4 V'. ' per
cent 00 days 4 45 per cent it months
4 4 OS Per cent.
Mercantile poper 4 4 "a" 5 per cent. ,
4 l Fy I
Cattle Raoeipta 116. oholoe hfw I
steera $6.!6 16 food steers $1 0T L .
85, fair steers $4 (O0S 60; cholee feder K '
atora $5 5046 06, choice cows, and half- F'
rs $5 26S6.80; fair to good oows and &L
heifers $4 0016.00. cutters 88.OSOS.80. W,
annors $1 002 00: choice faeder oows &
$4 0094.38; fat bulls $3.0003 40; belogna m'-
bulls $2,0078.00; veal calves $7.8608 in ,"
Hoga Receipts 1201: choic-e fat tiej, J
. to 25i lbs . $ SS, bulk of sates 81-85 ft
8 IS; feeder hogs $8.(091 80 .:
Snc-ep Receipts 4528; oholoe lambs
$9 009 in 00. wethers $7.009S.80i fat
ewes $4 009 5 00; feeder Umbs $T.8S I.
Arrivals. f
Acton Llnd Opal. Wyo., I oars cattle.
MoEleheres A Oallagber, Denver. Oolo ,
2 .ars cattle
O. O. Whltlock. -South Omaha. S oar
hogs. t
Ogden Packing Provlalon Co., South t-
Omaha, 3 cars hogs. f
Andrew Blnsrham, Reno. NaT., 1 ear
hnrsea It;
J. H PraVa. Mallott. Ore.. 8 cjars of L
sheep t
J F. Vandeworle. Kingman, Ore., 8
cara sheep. f
Henllna t Son. Loup City, Neb-. 1 ogr ,f
he a
Henllne Son. Ixxran. Neb., 1 oar t
hojrs. f
Henllne JL- Son. Oconto, Neb., 2 cars ?
hogs. t
Henllne t- Son. Sumner. Neb., 2 ests F
hogs. f
Henllne A- Ron. MllWale, Nab . 8 oars
h.-q-s. t
Henllne Jt 8on. Pleasanton. Neb.. 1 car
Honllno i Son. Pannebraugh. Neb.. 1
car hogs. I
Sullivan Bros., Dillon. Mont., 1 car I
horses p
W. A Anderson. Dillon, Mont , 1 ear L
horses I
Qeorge Montgomary. Ama ga Ida, ? j
cars shep ?
Shipment and Sales- I
Hauser Packing Co., Los Angales, 2 1
cars cattle 1
Western Me.it Co.. Los Angeles,' Cel.. f
9 cars hoprs. I
le A. Sullivan, ls3 Angeles. 1 ear
horses. F
Ogden Packing ft Provision Co., Og- f
don, 2 cars cattle. jV
Iko Adams. Iiyton, 2 cars cattle. I
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 20 (I'nlte.l
States Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Rs-
clpts 16.000. beef steers and fat sne- i
stock mostly steady to strong, spots
higher; top steers $10 20; other early 1
hales $6.4097 85, better grades cows
$5.00rfi5 50; gooel Texas heifers held st
$.'. 75; calves steady to strong-, practical
top J10 00. stockers and feeders steady f
to higher, choice 742 pound Tesas feed-
ers $7.60, heavier native feeders large!
$G 73'ri)7.25, stoekers early $6.7607 26
other classes steady, bulk cannars $3 76
93 00. cutters mostly $3 5094 00; bulk f
bulls $S S094 50; many slock calves v
$0 5097 00.
Hogs Receipts 12.000- open to ship- T
per on lighter weights 10916c higher f
than Saturday's average., bulk 166 to i
190 pounders $9 83 -3 9 95; top $10.00.
packers, opening bid Bteady to strong.
closed active 5 to 10c higher; packer
top $9 90 bulk 200 to 275 pound weights f
$9 6099 SO; bulk of sales $9 0098.80.
bulk throwout sows $7.5097.75; stock 11
pics up to 18.90-'
Sheep Re.-elpts 9000- sheep steady to
Strong; ews $7 50; wethers $8 GO; lambs j
gsnerally 23c ldgher; ton loads. $15 .00.
CHICAGO Feb. 20 (United States
Bureau of Markets) Cattle Recelptc
21.000. beef steers and fat she-stock
mostly steadj, spots weak; earlv top II
75. bulk beef steers $7,00 9 00: bulls
Bteady to strong: bulk bolognas $3 SS'ri
4 10. fnt bulls largely $4.3:..7K. cjlv.-s '
i slow; ualltv j.luln: early sales about
teady; sfr.k.rn an1 feeders firm I
Hogs Receipts 5S.O0O; fairly active. I
mosth 10c hlrher than Saturday's av-
lerog-e, most big packers holding back: f
top $10 60 for sorted 180 pound averages. f
bulk lf 00O10 50i Pig" ISO higher; bull j
, .leslrable 100 to 120 pound pigs 9 50
i in on somi! strong weights up to $10. 7r. 1
Sheep Receipts 22,000: opening slow: j
nellerH generally aaklng higher' few early
saleti about steady, fat Iambs early j
I $15 ooris 60; hest hold higher; shear
Ing lambs early $13.26914 00 I
OMAHA Noh F-b 20 (Cnltevd States
Bugeau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 9.-
10; slow mostly stead to 10c lower
bulk ISO to 250 pound butchers $9 TBfl I
I $6 bulk butohsri 210 to 300 pounds I
J9 40O9.70; packing grades mostly $8 00
;-' uwm
Cm t tie Receipts 9000; beef steers.
Mockers and feeders steadv to 15c lower:
top beeves $8 oo. other classes of Bloc
generally sten.i-.
Sheep Receipts 7000' lamtxs 25'a50c
higher bulk $14 40(3l4.e5 early top
$14 90: some held higher; sheep strong:
ewe ton $8.00; feeders strong; shearing
lambs $14 26.
NEW YORK Feb. 20. Foreign ex
changa Irregular.
Or eat Britain. Demand $4 39: cables
$4 394 slTty day bills on banks $4 38.
France Demand 9 134c, cables 9 16c
Itnlv Demand 5 044c: cabuM 6 05c.
Belgium: Demand 8 704c: cables 8 71-.
Cermany Demand 444c; cables 444c
Holland Demand 37 93c; cables 37.99c
rav Demand 17.00c.
Sweden Demand 26 60c
Denmark Demand 20 7Sc aaaaal
Swlrzerland Demand 19.50c.
Spain: Demand 13 88c.
Greece: Dsnuuid 4 5Tc.
Poland Demand OlftC
Csecho-SIorakla; Demand 1.88c.
, r ; . n 1 1 n u. Teman.l S6 87c.
Brazil: Demand 13 76c.
Montreal 964c.
. e;1 High , Low Close
Wheat IbbbH
Mav $1 424 81 464 81 42 $1 464
i S3 I. nft i M 1.J74 r
May1- 6-'?,t -65' aaaaal
Jul- 85H 654 -65 . 63 4 ffH
Oats KbbbI
Mav tl-4 -42 .414 414 :M
.434 -43'i 24 -3 1
Mav 21 OS
Lard mmm
Sffa 11.66 11 0 11.66 11.77
Jul. 11 87 12.00 11-86 11.87 t-M
May S 11 43 11 50 11.22 11.47 SSbbbbbI
July 11.25 11 26 11.16 11.23 -MM
NK.W Yf'RK. Feb. 20. The early ras
sugar market was unchanged at 24'.
for Cucas cost and freight, equal tc
- I6c for centrifugal, with sales of 15,000
bags at that level. Porto Rlcoe were
nominal. r6H
Raw sugar futures were very activ
and prices rnsed off under realizing and
pelilrtr by trade Interests and at midday
Htrt 1 to 7 points net lower.
The mru-ki t f..r refined was unchanged
nt 6 10c for fine granulated with a fslr ;
Inquire- rSPOTted, I
Refined futures were without tninsac-
CHICAGO Feb I0.-0ttsr gf9f
cre.-vm.rv extr.ia 88 4c. firsts 31935c
aMond 80 standard '344c.
Ertrs lower receipts ls.698 ctwes; firsts
W0S ordinary firsts 26927c, miscella
neous 28 9 284c H
Price Current n
Issues- Maturity Psb 18 Yield P C. Yield P. C.
lat 34s June 16 1042 ns r2
2nd 44s Nov. 15, 1947 '.'6 ' J J
3rd 44 Kept It, 1928 S7 4u i.li 'i -WM
4th 44s Oct. 10. 1938 S6.90
'lctor' 4Hs May 20, 1923 100.26 4.74 piH
We will buy or sell any Issue at the market at net prices for cash based on ,
our current New York Stock Exchange quotation
We specialize in $50 and $100 bond and In all invejtment bond and stocks
In imall lot.