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rjjpfilS IN SUMMER Ufa READY FOR OPENING Al nt Centers Near Ogden Can Be Reached I Jrl mmobile or Trolley; Improvements fA and New Devices Add to Tl Attractiveness 1 ll I of winter and 'VI m : : V. of th" OUtdOOl T nrnilnf tor v.,- a 11 I i"'". . dav- of brlghi 01 Sal l"...t --P1' 'l lv fin. out- INC ' . ,.f TlUI l I B ,,',len and vicinity I I Pfchm.- or 11 I ?,'h tdeal spot for th- I p4 , u certain that th" ' -Jrl Tills Joyfest ,. portion 1 '.ijrinK the earlj ew ml Hi-- more, I Mh5 of the year. It Swill all d. ihe various r. C,rds are y ' ' ' JS. n'hir !i MT(k; occasion L- tn" ,,!ac': E JTvis time of year ;' , ' L - - I rljj, yfore anl " 'I rranged for. . . peeii bu art remodi ling, Kur r hln for tli ."witaton Mi vVhit- Jn,R3f to si - V: View Jusl w 1 .. louui r. "t r" fll U C 1 --' I J, i: U C Uht'i h - L (. Hr-rml: I ' irk ind n -1 1 1 'I '" I te:!. ''"-'- pfcnli g pic.! l.i ii' Ins I''" L 1. wM! I).. : . H t rthj wr vi c 1 1 m 1 t" 1" in. I it 1 an;, on and ,vit hln nun. n j jii Or- mi mi r.i I .in 'I - ip 1 H Ha Fan- r I fcrffg. n river mder tin r. .... - 1 h public h 1 . len will furnish! I ISriht' terp.Mchor. ,m i'l' 1 t.-- .- . furnish amusement for the kiddles, while the older ones will enjoy the' I'l'-n'i- l.o. nil iviroshm'-nt stand's and various otber attractions of the park The place la In lip-top condition and . .. i effort will be made by the man agement to furnish amusement of inoi . rarest .si.rt . SPRINGS PREP VRBD ,i the Utah Hot Springs the man '.ji'iiK'iit lias mad- 1'iliorate 11 nir:i - I tlons to itlco earo of the crowds that I alwnya attend tln festivities of that! popular resort, ai the springs will hf fouml splendid mineral water bathing' facilities In the open air pools as -o;, 1- in '"""'" piuiiv . miu iwai'iies uttrui't I hp pleasure seeker, -onfft -Hon stanii-- are filled wltii palatable ro fresnmenta and the dancing pavilion lends enchantment to the surrouml ilngp. Electric cars will run to the i.iiiius it freriuent intervals durin? Hi.- day and lb- open road for motor travel offers a charm to the auto fan-I cler. lagoon is open for the season, of-1 feting oven better facilities for the pleasure seekers than In former years 1 New features have been added to the resort and It is very certain that a day I of recreation may bo well spent there. 00 British Ready for Wireless Sets in Homes B) SEA Si TV ll 1 LONDON, -May 7. Government I sanction is all that Is needed to make radio a national public utllltv in Eng- I land. i News of this development follow ,' reports from America that a nj .'tional aystem of hrnitdcnsting with rental of radiophone receiving sets in j homes, was being planned there That j j England is actually preparing for such radio service in the near future is ' gleaned from a Statement issued by Godfrey Isaacs, managing director of Marconi's Wireless Telegraph i om pany In this statement. Isaacs looks tor ward to the time when radio will be ; as popular a.s the telephone and out lines a program for unorganized pub-! 11c service which the Marconi com-1 pany la ready to Install us soon as the I necessary authority Is obtained IN Ml HOMES "My hope la that in time every home will have a wireless set." says Ioaacs. "Our program, is more, par- ticularly to supply the instruments to the householder on hire. in joeu is 10 navo i wo or three broadcasting stations In different pai is of the country and to have a program for different hours of the , day. We shall transmit by partiou- ( lar wave lengths if we get assist ance as I have no doubt we shall, , from the a uthorities which will b- ao er.nflned as to reach only these particular receivers Nobody else Wll be disturbed and the telephonic recover.' will not l disturbed either 1 h i;rr I-.- telephonic or telegraphic communication." This. Bays Isaacs, will be the start of a system which will spread through the continent of Europe Uni eventually will reach over the entire world. GREA1 POSSIBILITIES "I do not think that anybodv realizes how big a thing this is go ing to be," he adds. A message sent out by the government or the police would be in eery home in the coun try In a second. "We have been perfecting this system for a long time Wo have been working tn olgse touch and co operation with the big American German and Trench firms " iDisplaying the Flag ; stales u Given by the American Legion Weekly I ik special rule lor flying the flat; ..n Memorial d;o and I 1 Wl rules which should always be observed as a matter IN BRIEF : i Htnorlal Reraciuber Up- Star- br I U-3U( thf- , nnrl 'SI ripe;, ,, I a , 11 1 111 I i toon. i claims the place ol i, ,, I l too ,0 Honor the forefront, 1,1 , ""' .,'"n I Iflr from he right, or the highest zonta position, i elevation. The colors the Starry field J '?f m should mer touch the should be ai tip iq arr rj)P ;,-iound or u,,. ,p ,K : , . , flf nia a boat. 1 1 1 11 DON'T L1 handk.-r.-hi.: nr sr'w "no flap onto a k j fantastic shape! Vertically, the jRSSS the flag In .,,Jver field bould he n ' nCVg Ublng upper right H C'i'v"11.' .'""' s'r,P'- al bal it.-- HwHii, "' hon,'. 'he ! left Hhoul ; 'v tier 3 - " . e VACUUM TUBE SET BEST FOR GENERAL USE I This Equipment Used for All-around Efficiency by Amateur . n R i bu Director, andio pttltnte or America I in erecting or assembling an ama teur wireless transmitting nation, it Is KURgested that the vaeuum tube bo used for all-around . ffl, p.. v All the records made by amateurs in the recent trans-Atlantic teat were rrom stations using the tube A tube transmitter will .over three times the distance of the old type parli set of the same pov. . f l or sending out all lengths of un- dampened waves the arc method the Aiexanderson alt. tnator and the ..sell-! ia im. vacuum i ub. rui the only practical form of undampened wave generator for the short amateur ! length Is the oscillating vacuum tube I This method of transmission also permits the use- of a combined radio ; telephone and telegraph set. By sim ply throwing a few switches, tho op- erator may change from speech to telegraph coie. WAVE TVPl.s There lire three general types of wave which may be sent out by tho tube transmitter: Continuous wave (C. V ). interrupted continuous wave 1(1. C. W.. and telephonic C W. can only be received by nta ! tlons using a vacuum tube receiving j aparratua. Since there are a large, number of amateur using crystal receiving sets, the antenna oscillations of a tub-' transmitter arc modulated by a "grid chopper" which la a rotary interrupter di Igned to interrupt the grid circuit of an oscillating tube approximately' MOTORISTS MAY TAKE RADIO WITH THEM ON LONG TRIPS -TT TOl IUN'0 K EOl PPED Wi l IT RADIO RE4 I l l. M7T. Motorists who go on summer tour- ing trips may take the pleasures ..' j the city with them by radio, j Radio, with its power to travel ev j erywhere, will make It possible for concerts broadcast from the larger cities to be heard In the open coun try. While the motorist Is driving aloug the highway he tan "tunc In" ! and listen to the program sent out : from the city. Fishing tnov .ill not bo without their radio parties, and camping j grounds for motor tourists will bej I popular centers for such entertain I ments. All that Is needed is an aerial ! along the top of the automoMlc and ; a receiving .-t behind the front seat I While the Is moving the name radio program can be heard without tho necessity ot -changing the lnstru- J menu as the automobile- advances. Radio also Is going to help motor- ists along the right roads to their j destinations. An instrument has al ready been Invented by which no drl" ' er using It could lose his way. The instrument, placed on the rad i lator cap. with wires leading to the 1 d;-hboard. is designed to catch sig nals transmitted through telegraph wires along the road. Bach road would have its own cod- signal. Ref erence to a code book would tell the driver where he Is. Kven detours are provided for in this system. Motorists are warned of such turns before they reach those points. Adoption ot this system depends on action of the various localities. The instrument has already been tried out and found practicable. Hut it needs the co-operation of state authorities who may line the roads with the wires needed to carry the Signals. RADIO IS HOUSE TOY FOR BOTH MOTHER AND BABE MRS JAMES M. OVRXET AND HER SOX ENJOYING A RADIO CONCERT. Radio has brought about one less worry for mother. She needn't rack her brains to find something new to interest tht baby. Instead, radio concerts caught by the receiving set at home aupp) a di verslfted program for the family The grown-ups find the set as much a toy I as baby docp. In the home of James M. CurleyJ mayor of Hoston. is one of these sets Since 11 has been Installed, Mayor Curley finds ho has bad no more re-; quests for new toys from his little, son. Iladlo is the reason. I ESven Mrs. (-nrly llkos to operate ,1000 times a second This converts the output oscillations Into a current with .the same receptive efficiency ns a quenched spark set. termed I.J C. Wii and may be received on either a vacuum tube or crystal receiver. Voice signals aro received on either ( URREMT STTFPLt In s vacuum tube transmittinR set' a low voltage source is us.-.l to heat the filament. When possible this volt I age should be of alternating currant, i for that tends to prolong the life of the filament. A high voltage is Used to energlzo the plate circuit. The current Tor the J plat'- may be obtained In throe ways. 1 From a high-voltage dlrect-cui -rent generator. 2 From a rectified alternating cur rent: 3. From an alternating current source applied directly t0 the plate ' and l.nowri - 'h. -, I: ro,-t ! r.'e.uion cjurcuitt COUNTERPOISE ALLOWS SHARPER TUNING OF SET This Arrangement Used m Place of Ground for Wireless . By II L DUN( w. Director, Radio institute or imerlca. Tho counterpoise or artificial s-i..un.l is a useful addition to a radio receiving station and is simple In lu construction. Won't try' to use it with a crystal receiver unless near the transmitting station. But with d vacuum tube detector and amplifying set. the counterpoise lends harpn.s- inning and greatly eliminates Interference, although it cuts down the strength of the Incom ing signals a little. I In using a counterpoise, no ground I connection is made to the receiving I set the counterpoise antenna taklnn 1 Its place. On aircraft and in places where the ground nas poor conductivity, .thu counterpoise antenna must be used Thl.s is merely another antenna sup ported above the earth and lnsulatd from it. The station apparatus Is connected to the regular antenna m l earth. I M )N IKi I Wi s On an airplane the counterpoise Is furnished by the metal wires of the framework the engine, and metalizcd wings. The antenna may consist of a long wire which trails behind tho plane when In flight often below the counterpoise Rut the action Is not different from the ordinary antenna and counterpoise systems. Where an outdoor antenna is used in the country- the counterpoise should best bC located directly unde-r the aerial. It should be strung on small w oo.i.-n posts arranged so that I the wire does noi touch the ground. The wire should be or the same , kind as that used In the aerial. BACH CASE IMi mi i To determine the amount of wire and length of the counterpoise, each i ' operator will have to experiment with ; his ow n problem, inasmuch as it all depends upon the size, length and number of aires n the aerial. Bo csure to keep the lead-in v.. from the .aerial and the counterpoise well apart to do away with lot t caused by induction In the city where the aerial Is j placed on top of an apartment house. ( ! It will probably be impossible to erect ! I a counterpoise. If at all possible, however, every .'transmitting station should use thlsj I counterpoise, for it increases radla-. I tion and transmitting distance. SHORT CUTS IN RADIO CALLS PRESENTED Signals Flashed Frm Station to Station Made Clear. Even ihoueji you know the wireless code, you may be puzzled by some of the sKnaIs helng flashed from one sta tu Ol I .. i in i her These signals, ot letter combina tions, form a ssparats call code and should be learned as thoroughly as the dot and dash system. They help to shorten messages between station Each signal, it will be noticed, be rms with a Q. That is the introduc tory or warning letter for the actual fruessnke In tho rest of tho combina tion. A question mark after each com bination changes Its declaratory" mean- Ing to the corresponding auestion. The abbreviations, or "calls" that ar. used frequently among II ' censed amateurs and professional op erators, follow; QRA This is station . QHR My wave length is . . . iRK I am receiving well . . . QRL 1 am receiving badly Pleas send 20 . . for adjustment yKJI 1 am bi Ing interferred with QRN- Atmospherics are V ry strong QRO Increa-e power. QRP Decrease power. e,RQ Send faster. QRS Send slower. 1 QRT Stop sending. QRL' I have nothing for you. QRV I am ready QRW I am busy. Please do not I Interfere QRX Stand by. QRT Your turn will be No . . . QRZ. Your signals are weak. QSA Your signals are strong. y.SB Tone is bad. Spark Is bad. QSC Your spacing is bad. Q8D My time Is . . . (jSI, Please acknowledge QSP Inform . . that I am call ing him. QSQ You ar- beinK calbd by . . QSK I will forward the raellogram. j QST General call to all stations. QSU Will call when I have fin ished. QTA Repeat. the set and enjoy It with her son. whereas before' she had trouble kcep j ing him Interested in his playthings so he would not bother her. Chief of Radio Makers Predicts Briffht Future B Ml A INDER EIS1 M nv President, National Radio Chamber if Coinmi rcc. NEW YORK. May SI. There- are approximately I.500.U0U radio ,iis now In umc In the United States and the number Is increasing daily. Last September there were less j than 200,000. In New York alone ;. small group I of radio equipment manufacturers re-- port unfilled orders totaling nearly "UOO.OOO. The newest Infant industry is prov ing rapidly. I Eventually It should exceed the j automobile and phonograph tn popu larity. P.ut it still hns" a long way j to go There are In m. 0.000 automo biles In the country and 6. 000. oil.) ' phonographs. Every home is u potential radio station. RISE COMING Statesmen, preachers, lecturers and other leaders are beginning t. realise that personality can be extended by j radio with far greater effectiveness ( " Broadcast This! PAUL F GODLEY America's Foremost Radio Authority and Crowned King of American Radio Amateurs BECOMES RADIO EDITOR Godley wLll write for read era of Standard-Examiner daily articles telling in sim ple language all about radio, helping the amateurs got more fun out of their equip ment, interpreting the rapid scieotJflc developments, mak ing this marvelous, myster ious Ihlng uude-rsiandable to everyone READ GODLEY'S ARTICLE BEGINNING MONDAY . t 1 Hear Prof. Terman H In his series of lectures at the 1922 U. A. C. Summer I School I Processor Lewis M Terhian of Stanford Univcr aity. on.? of the greatesl authorities on education in the world today, will deliver a series of fifteen, lee lures at the 1922 Summer School of the-Hah Asri cultural College. l'rofessor German is known to every teacher in I'tuli throtiKh his hook, "Tin- Hygiene of the School child. " His presence ai the Utah Agricultural t'o! lege will make the coming summer Beesion the g-reat- st ever h-ld at tin- Instil ntion Subjects Of Lectures Mental Tests and How They Work 4 lectures); The Gifted Child (4 lectures, The School Laggard il Lecture School (ir.uliiif; l.y Mental Tests 1 lecture). Practical Suggestions For a Testing Program (1 The Social Significance of Intellectual Differences lecture). The Use and Alms.; .f Edticational Tests (4 lee tu res). ' H Vocational Guidance ( 1 lecture) Professor Termau is only one of many splendid features at the 1022 D. A. C Summer School. First Term Opens Monday, June Closes Friday, Second Term Opens Monday, July 17. Closes Fri day, Au crust 25 tw I Spend Your Summer In Beautiful I Logan Aitcisd The U. A. C I Summer School I Tli i .nlvei-1 is.-ni.-iit is l. tin- Liiumii Chamber ill t HILsssssi 'ommerce. 1 GIRLS DROP THEIR TOYS I TO PUT UP WIRELESS SETS ' 4SHa2r ELEANOR GOULD OF SDN VI IPOIS IXD BOER Kil SETT Glfja are laying aside their jacks and Jumping ropes fur i ieil . They are vying with boyn tof bpnoi as radio fans. Tlie-y are making tlulr ow n self. And they're learning all ulimit the t 1 1 -w se-lenee. too. School authorities in all partn of the eountrv re-port Intorsft In wira lo.xs ijot onlj by the boy pupils, but by the girl as well Y. M . C. A. radio bhoolH report .several girl stu dents In their classes. Eleanor Gould ol MInneapoUs, 1 than by tho uso oC the written . ur i printed word. When the fall comes, radio snthu- I , slasnt will i Iso to a new high pitch Political candidates will elsctcd. I hy the progmms they broadcast. ! Kadio win become a public utility. I In the mud rUSh to nrftt Into llv new business, many gUlU-less invee-j j torh h.iv.- i.i - 11 taken in by person -who posed as raJlo experts All they h waa u -mattering m (vlrSlSSS. But Be. urlng capital they launched Into ; the production of e-eiulpmeiit without I ! proper preparation or experience. As a result there has been a mushroom growth of radio set manu facturers almost over night Some of their products are satis- I I lactorv. most of them ilto not. T!l' TO BUYERS. When making a purchase, ask the ' dealer to show you thi Inside of the set If all connections are not soldered the wires will become loose and re ception will be Impossible If paste ur mid is spread careless ly over the wiring or If dirt has ac- j cumulated Inside the receiving box, i trouble will result It filings have been a!lovrd to get Into the telephones, the attraction of the magnets will gradually causo I them to -work their way through the ' Insulation and render tho ph- n. worthless Watch eut for these difficulties j and avoid the disu ppenntnient thv I cornea whim .1 radio enthusiast gets ml to listen In, buS run t. .Minn ,( is the only one of the many glrlfl of the country who have takvn urn - H pleted Her crystal set. Now, she '' -he's going fo make a vacuum - Bleanor wound tho colls, mounted tho parts in an oak cabinet and even strung the from the roof of he: 'H h jflj It's one example of what girl fans iH hi. been doing throughout the conn- IbJ J2 n jr. i tarry bit -OllutUy I WL:odi uf llirat at 004 tun IrrltAtlnx tho I) folaJnMttw;oi,lnflurQc,robblD It ot blocJ jj r.rKl rit, cutting doaru It J3 rendrlo M It J c,y prcr tod .! No wonder lomy chick Q it -lover d woi for thmclTr-i ur ihnr onicr. H ... r. r..r. kcoi rrjtl and (kk at IUU, U i . : Go After Lice Quickly tiilh I or .- Llco Powder. It com-i In luxruiy H pciyu r. .11 ttnIUr Uiii iDkoiii 11 ruf to dnat iba ihoroughlrinto tb featl t Body H lioa doo'l Itko li tuilu to keep t-ooj flt k f rra by M ooca!unal dustln. Conkay'a Llaa Liquid holpa lo rM roor fowla B end boarii of initot. For painting rw-wta. fl(. nnr. iMt bom aod wbcreTer mitcaooefracala. H We fruaronUa It (otatlafy yoo. Conkey'a Llo fix 1 an lnrmnt-a rtw axd H fry erf ectue woy of Cgbttog body Conkay'a Hel Llo Ointment SIbV belp to orercorr in l.ea tJa i A that "eat up ' baby cDlcu TxMCLb InafitooCookar'a. If year daif rairaot W itll supply too. writ ui Sad f-In fCmmpa t f jPJ I r I onker' Dig 1-oaltrr rky fSkiJBSk The G. E. Conkoy Co. PTw 0557 Broadway Cleveland, oh I. JAM For Sale by THOMAS FARR & CO. 2270 Washington Ave.